Home Wisdom teeth Dense bumps on the head. Why does a lump appear on the back of the head?

Dense bumps on the head. Why does a lump appear on the back of the head?

Lumps and lumps under the hair on the head are not uncommon in both adults and children. And the cause of their occurrence may be a bruise. Regardless of the size of the lump, it requires monitoring, especially in cases where the lump on the head begins to grow. However, not everyone takes this seriously and often neglects to see a doctor. In addition to mechanical damage, there are a large number of reasons that could lead to the appearance of bumps on the head, you will learn about this in this article, as well as what to do in these situations.

General information

At least once in their life, every person has felt the appearance of a small lump on their head, back of the head or forehead. In some cases, these types of bumps do not bother you and may go away over time, but if they cause itching, discomfort, pain, or cause a fever, then you should not put off visiting the doctor for long. This does not apply to mechanical damage, namely blows or bruises. In this situation, you should not neglect the consultation of a specialist, since a bruise can lead to serious and in some cases irreparable consequences.
In this article we will look at the 7 main causes of bumps on the head, which differ significantly from each other, have different consequences, as well as methods of treatment.
This is one of the most common types of seals on the head, which occurs during external damage (impact). As a result of the bruise, a compaction occurs, which may externally resemble a subcutaneous growth. A bump resulting from an impact can cause discomfort and painful sensations. In most cases, it goes away on its own and does not require specific treatment. According to experts, if you apply a cold compress to the injury site immediately after the blow, the swelling will go away faster.

If, in addition to the occurrence of subcutaneous compaction, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • loss of consciousness

This may indicate the presence of a concussion or traumatic brain injury. If, after some time, the head periodically feels dizzy, the patient should seek advice from a specialist and also undergo an X-ray examination, which will determine the extent of the damage.
An insect bite can also cause small lumps on the head. In this situation, the compaction in size can range from several mm to several cm and cause itching and discomfort. The formation of compactions is allergic reaction bite and you can get rid of it only by taking antihistamines, if after this the lump does not disappear, then you should consult a doctor, preferably an allergist.


This is a benign tumor on the head that occurs due to improper cell development vascular system. In most cases, hemangiomas go away on their own over time, but there are cases that require medical or surgical intervention.
In rare cases, a child is born with such a tumor on the back of the head, and this occurs as a result of intrauterine abnormal structure and development of brain vessels. The tumor can be observed anywhere on the head, as well as other parts of the body, and the child does not experience any discomfort. The lump that appears may be purple or bluish in color. Removal surgically hemangiomas in children are practiced no earlier than 6–12 months after birth.


It's a blockage sebaceous glands(deprivation of outflow), in simple terms it is a wen and it occurs quite often in people aged 20 to 45 years. A wen is a compaction that is painless (does not cause discomfort), smooth and mobile, that is, not fused to the skin and is located in most cases under hairline in any part of the body, but often it occurs in the area behind the ear.

People with problem skin, namely acne or seborrhea. But there are also other reasons for the development of atheroma:

  • Increased sweating;
  • Ingrown hairs in the skin, the cause of this is improper and frequent depilation, as well as shaving;
  • Increased hormonal levels, in particular testosterone or androgens;
  • Use of low-quality decorative cosmetics (deodorants, talcum powder, powder or cream);
  • Wen very often occurs in overweight people.

Treatment of wen today has several ways to get rid of the disease: surgery, laser correction, radio wave therapy, as well as combination treatment using several methods for removing wen. A surgeon will help you decide on a treatment method, and only after conducting tests to determine the cause that led to the formation of atheroma.

This is a benign tumor that occurs on the head due to the formation of connective or fibrous tissue cellular structures. Initially, the formation is of a benign origin, but if it is not diagnosed in time and, as a result, not treated, it can transform into malignant. The treatment will be completely different and does not always end with a positive effect.
Fibroma in its structure can be either soft or hard, single or multiple formations, found not only on the head, but also in other parts of the body. Doctors identify several main reasons for the occurrence of these formations:

  • Hereditary factors;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Damage and injury;
  • Hormonal disorders in the body;
  • Damage to the body by Trichomonas and similar protozoa; due to their existence, they form certain colonies, thereby provoking the occurrence of fibrous tumors;
  • Taking medications such as beta blockers, which during their action can change the structure of fibrous tissue;
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period, since at this time the woman is experiencing hormonal changes in her body.

Treatment will primarily depend on the cause and stage at which the tumor lump is developing. Today, to remove fibroid lumps they use surgery, radio wave therapy, laser correction and cryotherapy. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the fibroid bump on the top of the head can be removed without any problems and leaves no consequences.
Patients with fibroids, in the photo


This is one of the types of benign tumors, which, like atheroma, occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands and can also be referred to as a wen. In most cases, the lipoma is located in the subcutaneous fat of the back, upper neck (on the back of the head), and also the limbs, but in rare cases, such benign formations are also diagnosed in the internal organs.
Lipoma forms in both women and men equally; it occurs mainly after 30 years. Doctors cannot give an exact answer as to what reason could have influenced the appearance of such a lump under the skin. But in medical practice There are several assumptions that, to one degree or another, influenced the formation of this type of wen:

  1. Hereditary predisposition;
  2. Changes or disturbances in hormonal and fat metabolism in humans;
  3. Mechanical damage (injury);
  4. Disorders of the pancreas;
  5. Diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 degrees;
  6. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  7. Level reduction immune system body;

Age, since it is often older people who are susceptible to lipomas. Lipomas, like atheromas, can be treated surgically, laser correction, as well as radio wave therapy. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and, as a result, remove the fatty lump, there are no consequences, except for a small scar during surgery.


These are benign formations on the skin, consisting of connective tissue, while covered with epithelium. Warts appear on any part of a person’s skin, including on the head.
Doctors distinguish several types of wart bumps in humans: regular, flat, plantar, senile and pointed.
The cause of warts in humans is infection with the papilloma virus, which can be transmitted through household contact, as well as through contact with an infected person. After infection and the first appearance of a wart bump on the skin, it may go away long time. If one wart appears on the skin, then in this case the patient should be very careful with it so as not to damage it, otherwise this virus can be spread throughout the body.
There are many different methods for treating warts with folk remedies, using compresses, ointments and various tinctures, however, before using them, you must first consult with a specialist, as this can significantly harm your body. Traditional medicine to remove a bump on the head, involves the use of the following methods: surgical intervention, radio wave therapy or laser removal. The doctor himself determines which method to choose.

When a bump appears on your head, you should not despair, especially since it is not painful. And the first thing you need to do is visit the doctor's office in order to rule out serious illnesses and, if necessary, receive appropriate treatment.

Bruises, blows from neoplasms - all these are the reasons for the appearance of a lump on the back of the head. In fact, there can be quite a lot of reasons for the formation of such tubercles in this part of the head.

The appearance is promoted by mechanical influence from the outside or a number of diseases, as well as inflammatory processes occurring inside the body.

  1. Mechanical damage leads to bruises and injuries with the appearance of a dense structure (hematoma), painful when pressed in the back of the head. An accumulation of blood occurs inside the tubercle, possibly together with suppuration. As a result of an insect bite, additional itching and burning may occur. The help of a surgeon is required to eliminate such symptoms.
  2. Neoplasms, as the cause of the appearance of a dense lump, in some cases, a painful lump on the head from the back of the head: with a lipoma, a tumor or painless lump is formed as a consequence of impaired metabolism, pathological process in fatty tissues, when the growth compresses adjacent tissue or nerve endings. As a rule, this is a wen ( benign education). Over time, the lump may resolve, but with complications it can develop into malignant tumor, requiring removal by carrying out surgery; with atheroma, a lump of elastic consistency with clear edges appears and is localized on the ears, face, and neck due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. This is a benign form of tumor. Formed due to injury to the glands, or heavy sweating. Requires surgery; with osteoma (benign tumor), due to bone damage, a spherical chancre, smooth to the touch, may appear. Sometimes it is asymptomatic, but can be quite painful. The cause of the tumor can be syphilis, gout, rheumatism, or heredity.
  3. In inflammatory processes, the formation of a lump on the back of the head is promoted by: a boil that appears against the background of a pathological process in the hair follicles due to injury, rare shampooing or the use of harmful shampoos. The area on the back of the head is very swollen, the lump hurts when pressed as a result of the accumulation of pus. In the absence of treatment, a harmless boil under the influence inflammatory process can lead to the development of phlegmon, purulent thrombosis, sinus and even brain abscess. Not treating or attempting to remove it at home can lead to complications, even fatal outcome. It is necessary to open the boil, that is, contact a surgeon; lymph nodes, when inflammation causes a lump to form on the back of the head against the background of infectious diseases: rubella, furunculosis. Enlarged lymph nodes are often promoted by infection. Usually a lump larger than 2 cm in size, painful to the touch, appears, the temperature rises, and the skin area becomes hyperemic. It is not the lymph nodes that need to be treated, but the underlying disease that led to inflammation in them. The patient requires diagnostics, then a therapeutic course (mainly antibiotics).

To avoid complications, of course, if a bump appears on your head, it is better to immediately contact a specialist and undergo diagnostics. A problem in the form of a lump on the back of the head can be far from harmless, so you should first contact a therapist, who will then refer you to a surgeon, oncologist or ENT doctor.

The appearance of a lump on the back of the head in children is often caused by trauma, and parents simply do not pay special attention to it. Although the risks are high negative consequences. Of course, first of all you need to apply cold, but often adults quickly try to treat the wound with brilliant green, iodine or hydrogen peroxide. This is sometimes not enough and adults need to be more vigilant. Do not ignore the facts if the child:

  • cries a lot and behaves strangely;
  • cannot calm down for a long time;
  • very excited;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • eyes filled with blood;
  • bloody or clear fluid flows from the nose or mouth;
  • there is nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and even convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Don't delay calling an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you need to wash the bruised area with an antiseptic, try to stop the bleeding, and apply a sterile bandage.

It is worth understanding that first aid is effective only in case of mechanical injury to the head from the back of the head. If an edematous hematoma appears due to internal disease or inflammation within the body, then any self-medication is unlikely to be effective.

  1. After a blow or injury, cold should be applied to the head. Compresses and physiotherapy are also effective.
  2. If pain, itching, burning, or fever occurs after an insect bite, the area should be treated laundry soap, ointments, gels, and antihistamines are also applicable.
  3. If you have a wen (lipoma) that is soft in structure, you need to consult a surgeon. For the purpose of resorption, ointments, gels, and other special substances will be prescribed. If removal is necessary, laser or surgery is performed.
  4. With a boil, the area becomes very swollen and painful, and the temperature is elevated. A surgical opening is required, removal of accumulations of pus and installation of drainage. Next, antibacterial therapy or laser treatment, cryotherapy is carried out in order to remove a fixed solid tumor, leaving healthy cells around the circumference.
  5. When increasing lymph nodes due to inflammation, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause that led to such symptoms.

You can only use it at home with your doctor’s permission. antihistamines to reduce and relieve swelling, antiallergic ointments and creams by applying to the affected area, fixing with a gauze bandage.

Even with severe itching After an insect bite, you should never scratch the lump on the back of your head. It is important to explain this to children. It is always better to contact specialists in a timely manner. The doctor will select the right medications to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

If a lump appears on the head after an injury, it does not hurt and at first glance is not dangerous, then parents need to be more attentive. If other unpleasant symptoms occur, it is better to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the localization of the tumor-like growth on the back of the head. It is important to exclude in time possible complications. Only timely consultation with a doctor will help relieve symptoms quickly, without side risks.

A bump on the head represents a painful or painless swelling. Most often, the lump is the result of a bruise, but sometimes the formation occurs seemingly for no reason. Let's try to figure out why a lump can form, and in which cases it does not pose a threat to health, and in which cases you should seek medical help.

Causes of a bump on the head

Most often, a bump on the head appears after a blow. It is almost impossible not to notice the traumatic effect (except in cases where loss of consciousness has occurred), so in this case the victim rarely doubts the cause of this manifestation. In addition, a lump from a bruise:

  • quickly increases in size (literally before our eyes);
  • differs in color from the surrounding skin (initially red, then bluish, in the final stage it acquires a yellowish-greenish tint);
  • quite painful.

A small bump on the head () may be the result of clogged skin pores when the secretion of the sebaceous glands collects under the epidermis. A lump that is relatively soft to the touch and redness around it signals the formation of an abscess. Most often, the purulent melt is deep, and the head comes to the surface. With severe inflammation, the lump hardens, and the person may experience quite painful sensations and a rise in temperature.

A lipoma or wen is a loose growth that occurs due to the proliferation of subcutaneous fatty tissue. Often such a bump appears on the back of the head, closer to the neck or ears. Lipoma is quite harmless, but is considered an unaesthetic cosmetic defect.

Fibroma is similar in appearance with a lipoma, except that it has a “leg” through which the tissues of the formation are fed.

A bright red lump (hemangioma) occurs due to fusion of blood vessels. Education is hazardous to health because further development and destruction of nearby tissues. Most often, hemangioma is localized behind the ears, in the eye area and on mucous surfaces.

Very dense bumps on the head, including the back of the head, can be a manifestation of skin cancer, such as melanoma.

Treatment of cones of various etiologies

For the first 10-15 minutes after a head injury, cold is applied to treat the bump. It is best to use packed (wrapped in a cloth) ice, but soaked ice will also work. cold water a towel or an item of clothing at hand. For greater effect, when wetting the towel, you can use a salt solution (1 liter cold water 3 tablespoons salt). Subsequently, absorbable and relieving ointments and gels are used:

  • Rescuer;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Bodyaga;
  • Bruise-off, etc.

If a lump on the head appears as a result of the development of atheroma, then you should visit a doctor who, after appropriate tests, will determine the type of infection and prescribe appropriate therapy, including taking antibiotics, treating the formation with special ointments. The melted abscess must be opened surgically, followed by treating the wound with antiseptics and applying sterile dressings.

To get rid of fibroids, you also need to seek help from a specialist who is under local anesthesia will remove the formation. IN Lately To get rid of benign tumors, the method of cryodestruction (destruction by low temperatures) and sclerotherapy (blocking blood circulation) are used. Unauthorized opening of the lump can lead to inflammation and even tissue degeneration into a malignant form.

Only a surgeon can remove a hemangioma. The tumor is removed by excision of tissue or using a laser. Using laser method removal, no anesthesia is required.

Malignant formations require long-term systemic treatment under the supervision of an oncologist.

There are many reasons why a lump appears on the back of the head. Most often this occurs due to mechanical impact, impact with heavy objects and certain diseases of the body. It is first necessary to identify the cause and take everything into account associated symptoms.

The lump on the back of the head itself (with the exception of the one resulting from injury) is a subcutaneous neoplasm and is one that can increase in size over time. The most common ones found on the human body are various lipomas, fibromas, warts, etc. Lipoma on in simple language called a wen because there are sebaceous masses inside. For apply folk remedies: a pulp of boiled onions and Fibroma is a fairly dense ball in structure, which is located on a small “leg”. Lotions made from the mixture and golden mustache effectively promote the resorption of the lotion, but experts recommend removing such tumors surgically. It is also advisable to remove warts under the supervision of a doctor. in modern ways(laser, electric current, liquid nitrogen, etc.).

A sharp lump may be located directly in or in the lower part of the occipital region. Very often, the presence of a lump in this area indicates magical abilities and that person's ability to exert pressure and influence over others.

If a bump on the back of the head appears due to a blow with a heavy and blunt object, then a bruise and swelling will form around it. You should immediately seek medical help to rule out the possibility of a skull fracture or other adverse consequences. Almost always, the appearance of such a lump is accompanied by painful sensations in the area of ​​damage.

If there was no blow, then a bump on the back of the head may be a sign of the formation of a pilar cyst, which appears when the sebaceous duct located on the head is blocked. The gradual accumulation of fluid causes the mass to harden and form a lump.

As a rule, an ordinary hard bump on the back of the head will be removed with a cold compress if applied immediately after the injury. This is due to the fact that the injured vessels begin to narrow under the influence of cold, so the swelling decreases. It is advisable to apply a wet towel or a piece of ice, after wrapping it in a cloth. For greater effect, it is recommended to make a salt solution in which a towel or rag is moistened (for 1 liter of cold water you will need 2-3 tablespoons of table salt).

Special attention should be given when a lump appears on the back of the neck or on the head of a child. Moreover, the younger he is, the more likely the risk of negative consequences from injury. Can't be left without medical examination baby, if he cries for a long time in pain, if the tumor increases significantly right before his eyes, if the baby loses consciousness and becomes very pale, if continuous vomiting and convulsions begin, bloody issues from the nasal or ear passages, etc.

Exist various methods dealing with a bump on the head or other part of the body. Can be used medications. High results can be achieved with special ointments that have a resolving effect. You can speed up the healing process with iodine and alcohol. Mix them in equal proportions and periodically lubricate the bruise (morning and evening). Wormwood juice, which is applied to the bump on the head, helps effectively.

You can apply a fresh cabbage leaf or a paste prepared from it to the cone. Scroll the cabbage lightly boiled in milk through a meat grinder, place it on and tie it to the damaged area for 40-60 minutes. After this, you need to wash the new growth with water at room temperature.

You can also prevent the appearance of a bump on your head. To do this, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool or gauze and soak it in any vegetable oil, then apply to the bruised area for an hour.

There are many reasons why a lump may form on the back of the head. This often happens due to mechanical damage, bruises, or impacts. Some neoplasms are the result of developing diseases. When a lump forms on the skin, you should consult a doctor to find out the source of its origin.

Why do bumps appear on my head?

Often people suffer soft tissue injuries or are exposed to a variety of diseases. This may cause a lump to form on the back of the head or another area of ​​the head. In most cases, a hard or soft ball under the skin is a consequence of a bruise, an insect bite, or benign tumor. To avoid health problems in the future, you should inquire in advance about the symptoms of bumps on the back of the head of various origins.

A bite of an insect

If a lump on the head hurts when pressed, itches, or itches, then this is the result of an insect bite. To get rid of the tumor, you can use special antihistamines medical supplies. An antiseptic, wound-healing agent will also cope well with this problem. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.


One of the most common reasons The appearance of a lump on the back of the head is a blow, bruise, or any other soft tissue injury. You can fall unsuccessfully and get injured on the left or right. In this situation, swelling and growth appear. Sometimes when pressed, painful sensations occur. As a rule, such skin damage goes away on its own, but you can speed up healing by using a regular cold compress.


A lump on the head under the skin is sometimes an atheroma - a hard formation that forms due to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Such a tumor does not cause pain, but can grow quickly and become inflamed due to infection. The result is a painful tumor. To eliminate a tumor on the head in the form of a lump, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe treatment (laser therapy or standard surgery).


When the lump on the back of the head is red and round in shape, it is probably a hemangioma - a benign vascular tumor (as in the photo). Often it is formed due to failures in the development of blood vessels. This growth is very painful when injured and can bleed. It is recommended to remove the hemangioma, otherwise there will be a risk of a number of complications. A tumor on the back of the head is eliminated using different methods: surgical intervention, laser surgery, cryodestruction.


Mobile, soft bump on the head of an adult without a bruise - a lipoma (wen). This tumor refers to benign connective tissue formations that form under the skin. In most cases, this bump does not threaten the health and life of the owner. The wen increases in size very slowly and does not cause discomfort. However, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.

Fibroma on the head

A hard or soft lump in the occipital region, which may have a stalk - fibroma. This neoplasm consists of fibrous and connective tissue. Sometimes such a noticeable growth under the skin causes pain if it is accidentally touched or injured. Fibroma is always eliminated, this happens through cryodestruction, laser therapy, electrocoagulation and other techniques.


A type of bump that can pop up under the hair, on the top of the head, at the back of the head - a small “pea” called a wart. This subcutaneous formation appears due to infection with HPV infection (papillomavirus). The dermatologist prescribes one of several treatment options, which depends on the type and size of the wart (from taking medications to surgical removal).

Which doctor should I contact?

Absolutely any new formation that can be detected at the back of the head is a safe superficial bump or the first sign dangerous disease. To avoid deterioration of health or more serious problems health problems, it is recommended to show the “ball” to the doctor. Examination and diagnosis of such pathologies is carried out by a therapist, ENT specialist, surgeon, allergist, dermatologist or oncologist.

What to do if a child has a lump on the back of his head

A bump on a child's head or an irregular shape of a newborn's skull may be the result of a birth injury or birth tumor. In progress labor activity a situation may arise that provokes displacement of movably connected bones, leading to asymmetry. The appearance of tumors on the head or neck of a baby sometimes indicates lymphadenitis (enlarged lymph node). If the tubercle begins to grow in the first months of life, protrudes too much, and causes discomfort to the baby, then this indicates tissue inflammation, which requires emergency treatment.

Often, a baby’s bump can grow due to a fall or blow. Children's skin covering very tender and sensitive, and coordination is not ideal, so even a minor injury causes the formation of hard lumps. In this case, it is recommended to apply something cold to the damaged area and treat special means from bruises. If the tumor begins to bleed and the child’s well-being worsens (nausea, vomiting, dizziness), then the child should be urgently shown to a doctor.

Video: a child hit the back of his head, what to do

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