Home Dental treatment Infant formula baby 3. Infant formula baby

Infant formula baby 3. Infant formula baby

For feeding children early age preferable breast-feeding. Products of the MALYUTKA ® brand are food for children from birth to three years. Before using the mixture or introducing complementary foods, you should consult a specialist.

One of the popular and sought-after formulas is the infant milk formula “Malyutka” from Nutricia LLC. For the little ones, the company provides two types of products: infant formula and baby milk. The development and updating of the product composition is carried out in accordance with the latest research from the medical community. Due to the presence of GOS/FOS prebiotics, the formulas are as close in composition as possible to breast milk.

Baby formula and milk “Malyutka” are a guarantee of quality, European ingredients, no preservatives, no added sugar, no dyes, no artificial additives, no GMOs.

Infant formula "Malyutka" for newborns

The company produces milk formulas for babies in two versions:

  • “Baby” No. 1 (Dry milk formula adapted with prebiotics) – intended for use from birth.
  • “Baby” No. 2 – produced for babies from six months.

Composition of mixture No. 1 in addition to demineralized whey, vegetable oils(palm oil (Palm oil is necessary to bring the fat component of the mixture closer to the fat composition breast milk.), rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, Mortierella alpina), skim milk and maltodextrin contain lactose, vitamin complex, fish fat. Inositol, nucleotides, choline, taurine, soy lecithin, L-tryptophan and trace elements.

“Baby” No. 1 contains the necessary for proper development nervous system Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid, as well as prebiotics GOS/FOS (galacto-oligosugars, fructo-oligosugars), which help ease digestion, natural dietary fibers are close in composition to the prebiotics of breast milk (i.e. they help proper development own healthy intestinal microflora. This prebiotic complex provides regular a soft chair in children).

Composition of the mixture “Malyutki” No. 2 differs from formula from birth in the presence of L-carnitine, as well as a different combination of vitamins and microelements, developed in accordance with the age of the child. Baby No. 2 contains a larger amount of casein proteins, which take longer to digest and saturate the child better. This mixture is higher in calories. Contains smart iron - iron in optimal combination with zinc and vitamin C for better absorption of iron, which is important for the prevention of iron deficiency.

The mixtures differ from products from other manufacturers in the absence of preservatives, dyes, sugar and artificial additives. May contain traces of gluten.

It is important to remember that the formula must be prepared immediately before feeding the baby and do not store the remaining product.

Baby milk "Malyutka"

Baby milk from Nutricia LLC is also produced for two age categories:

  • Baby milk “Malyutka” No. 3 for children from 12 months.
  • Baby milk “Malyutka” No. 4 for children from 18 months.

The list of ingredients is almost identical to that used in mixtures #1 and #2. However, “Malyutka” No. 3 contains L-cysteine ​​and L-isoleucine. Otherwise, only the proportions of the elements change, which is a necessary condition to ensure complete and balanced nutrition for the child. For example, a special combination of zinc, iron and vitamin C helps the baby’s body absorb all elements with maximum benefit. May contain traces of gluten.

In addition to L-tryptophan, additional vitamins and minerals have been added to the main components of “Malyutka” No. 4. May contain traces of gluten.

Watch the video: what is gluten

Price for Malyutka mixture

The price for boxes of 350 g varies from 190 to 230 rubles, and for 700 g from 340 to 450 rubles, respectively. Cost depends on pricing policy specific store, so it is worth checking the availability of mixtures in several retail outlets or online stores. Some of them offer goods in sets. For purchasing two boxes of 700 grams each, the buyer receives a discount.

Important points when purchasing and using mixtures

It is better to purchase infant formula from trusted sellers. The higher the sales agent's rating, the greater the chance of proper storage of goods in the warehouse. Also, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the production date. Choosing directly in the store is preferable to ordering goods online.

You should not switch to the next sequential number of the Baby formula before the child reaches the appropriate age.

Pros and cons of the “Malyutka” mixture

The advantages include the price (the mixtures are not expensive), excellent solubility, due to which the nipple does not become clogged. Often this product helps mothers whose children suffer allergic reactions on mixtures from other manufacturers. Some call it too much sugar negative quality product, but the composition of all Malyutka mixtures meets the highest European requirements.

Cooking method

On the box you will find a method for preparing the mixture and a feeding table.

Baby formula feeding chart Malyutka 1 (up to 6 months)

To prepare the mixture, follow the table and consult your pediatrician. 100 ml of prepared mixture = 90 ml of water + 3 scoops of dry mixture.

Baby formula feeding chart Baby No. 1

Baby formula feeding chart Malyutka 2 (from 6 months) Baby milk feeding table Baby No. 4

In general, the combination of price and quality, numerous positive reviews and availability make “Malyutka” formulas and baby milk an excellent choice of food for a child from the first days of his life.

  • Official website of Malyutka mixtures– http://www.2heartsbeatas1.ru/
  • Contact Information: 8 800 100 33 88
  • Address: 143500, Russia, Moscow region, Istra, st. Moskovskaya, 48.

The child is clearly supported by WHO during the first six months of life due to its unique nutritional and immunomodulatory characteristics. However, breast milk alone becomes insufficient after the first 6 months. During this period, complementary foods begin to be introduced. But the need for special composition consumption of dairy products does not decrease even after the first year of life. What then should mothers who have already finished breastfeeding do? In this case, a baby food manufacturer comes to the rescue. "Nutricia" offering mothers baby milk “Malyutka-3”, intended for children from 12 months.

Composition and manufacturer

Baby food manufacturing company "Nutricia" which began its journey in a provincial Dutch city, today is one of the most developed international companies and has been awarded the special title “Royal”. This indicates the high quality of the product, which is very similar to mother's milk and was developed for children with special needs.

In its composition, the infant formula “Malyutka-3” is as similar as possible to breast milk, while it is enriched with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. It is made from skim milk and lactose. It also contains a number of vegetable oils. Of particular value are the carbohydrates contained in the composition, maltodextrin and specially developed prebiotics: fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides. Many minerals (11 of them) will prevent a deficiency of the elements required for full growth. Among them are iodine, iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and some others.

The vitamin complex of 16 vitamins includes vitamins such as: B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and others), vitamin K, vitamin C in the form ascorbic acid, vitamin E (tocopherol), vitamin D, vitamin A (retinol), niacin (vitamin PP), as well as biotin, nucleotides, inositol, choline, L-carnitine, etc.

As we can see, this composition of baby milk is quite capable of meeting the increased needs of a growing body. During a period of active growth, ordinary everyday food is not able to fully replenish the energy expenditure of a little person. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, the daily intake of a children's milk drink should be from 0.5 to 1 liter. Therefore, infant formula must be included in the baby’s daily diet in at least 200 g.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that breast milk is the key to a child’s health. It is unique in its composition, prevents allergies in the future and increases the baby’s immunity. Moreover, antibodies produced by the mother’s body are transmitted through breast milk if she has suffered from any serious infections. In the first six months of their lives, infants are reliably protected by a natural maternal “vaccination” from what their mother was ill with.

Age category

Before giving your child Malyutka-3 milk formula, you need to find out at what age it can be introduced and why.

The needs of the toddler change as they grow, and accordingly, the nutrition must also change. Usually, by the end of the first year of life, mothers have already weaned their children from breastfeeding. However, dairy and fermented milk products should remain in the child’s basic diet until the age of 3. Such a long period This is due to the fact that the baby’s body is adapted to dairy foods, and it takes time for him to adjust and get used to food from the common table. In addition, the lactic acid bacteria contained in this diet normalize the intestinal microflora, promote easier digestion and good absorption of nutrients from foods. Therefore, third-level mixtures intended for use after 1 year play the role of a kind of “safety cushion”, allowing digestive system the child to gently and smoothly adapt to “adult” food.

“Malyutka” formula, intended for feeding children from 12 months, made from high-quality European ingredients, produced on innovative equipment and takes into account the latest research in the field of nutritional needs of children. Therefore, when giving your baby “Malyutka”, you can be quite sure that he gets the necessary daily norm all microelements.

Method of preparing baby food

Any infant formula should be prepared immediately before feeding! It is unacceptable to store the finished product even in the refrigerator.

When buying Malyutka-3, mothers often wonder: how to dilute this milk so that it does not lose even part of its nutritional qualities?

By adhering to the following cooking rules, you can rest assured about the quality of the food offered to your child:

  1. Before cooking, it is recommended to boil all utensils used: measuring spoon from product packaging, bottle, pacifier.
  2. The mixture should be prepared only from water that has been previously boiled and cooled to 40 °C.
  3. The recommended amount of water per feeding is 210 ml. Pour the required amount of water into the bottle.
  4. This amount of water requires 7 scoops of dry mixture. Scoop out the powder using the measuring spoon provided in the box, being sure to remove any heap from the spoon back side knife
  5. Screw the bottle cap on tightly and shake well to form a homogeneous liquid mass.
  6. At this point, the mixture has cooled to approximately 37 °C. This temperature is ideal for feeding a baby. To verify this, put a drop from the bottle on your wrist. If the temperature is right, you won't feel the drop on your skin. If a drop of liquid feels hotter than your skin, the baby milk should be cooled.
The instructions that come with the Malyutka-3 mixture also recommend never using the remaining mixture. You cannot heat the finished product in the microwave - it loses its structure there. You should also not add excess amounts of dry mixture to the bottle. If the child does not eat the recommended amount for one feeding, it is better to make another serving, but do not add more powder. The addition of other ingredients and additives is also not recommended due to the destruction of the quality composition of the mixture.

Feeding a child from 1 year

The child grows up, and after 1 year he needs a wider diet than before. If previously the baby ate mainly mother's milk, cereals and vegetables, now it is time to introduce meat and fish, eggs and some other dairy products as the basis of nutrition.

The consistency of the food also changes. If previously the baby ate food only in the form of a homogeneous creamy puree, now, after the appearance of his first teeth, his food should contain small lumps and pieces. Vegetables and fruits can simply be mashed with a fork without worrying about absolute uniformity. But meat and fish, of course, should only be cooked in the form of meatballs, cutlets and meatballs.

Important! The baby's food should be prepared in a way that is gentle on his gastrointestinal tract: only steamed, boiled and baked.

Dairy products must remain in daily diet. It is advisable to accustom the toddler to a diet. Main meals should be 5 times a day. But between them there is always additional food: milk, fruits, compotes, cookies.

Baby milk "Malyutka-3" can be consumed once or twice a day, for example, as an afternoon snack or for calming before bed. If you give it to your child in between meals, it will be an excellent vitamin supplement to the daily diet.

Did you know? Oddly enough, mother’s milk for a daughter and for a son differs in its composition. Women who have given birth to a boy have more protein and carbohydrates in their milk than those who have given birth to a girl.

Is it possible to store the finished mixture?

This is a question many parents ask. Preparing the mixture for future use saves time and effort. However, it is better not to take risks with infant formula. “Malyutka-3” cannot be stored in finished form, and this is stated in the instructions for the product. Baby food experts note that as a last resort - just as a last resort - you can store the finished product for 3 hours at room temperature. This may be necessary if you and your child go for a long walk, out of town, or on a visit. But you shouldn't abuse it.

Important! Storing ready-made formula that the child has already eaten is strictly prohibited!

Through the hole in the nipple, the baby's saliva enters the liquid when sucking. And very soon bacteria begin to multiply inside the bottle at a crazy pace. Therefore, the remains of uneaten food must be destroyed.

Are there possible negative consequences?

Products from the company "Nutricia" - High Quality, tested by time and millions of mothers and their babies for more than one generation. The manufacturer guarantees the safety of its products and their maximum adaptability to needs child's body during active growth. However, it is worth considering some options when infant formula may be dangerous for your baby:

  1. As mentioned above, storing ready-made milk, especially half-eaten milk, threatens the baby with poisoning and general nutritional futility, because the product loses its quality elements.
  2. For children with lactose intolerance, absolutely all dairy products are strictly contraindicated, even those containing even a small amount of milk. The child simply will not be able to digest the food received, since his body, due to the lack of the lactase enzyme, is not able to break down lactose - the sugar contained in all dairy products.
  3. Due to the wide variety of products produced on the same equipment, the mixture may contain traces of gluten. Even trace amounts of this substance can be dangerous for children with celiac disease or those diagnosed with gluten.

Otherwise baby food"Malyutka-3" is safe and useful. The mixture can only be dangerous for children with special needs or if it is stored or prepared incorrectly, if operating rules are violated, if the container is damaged and bacteria enter the product. But this is the scourge of absolutely all food products that are improperly stored and used.

Did you know? Advice for housewives: if powdered milk formula has been stored longer than expected and can no longer be offered to the baby, it can be used in cooking. Bread, rolls, cookies and pies made with baby formula are especially tender and fluffy.

Pros and cons of the mixture

Advantages of baby milk “Malyutka-3”:

  • Lactobacilli, which improve the child’s digestion, help the still immature gastrointestinal tract successfully break down, digest and assimilate food from the “adult” table, adapting small organism to a variety of foods.
  • Mineral substances replenish the growing body's need for salts and iron, which prevents the appearance of many such as anemia.
  • A rich vitamin complex ensures the comprehensive development of the child’s body during active growth.
  • The presence of vitamin D, which is involved in the prevention of rickets.
  • Easy to prepare.
The disadvantages of this baby milk include:
  • No manufacturer recommended storage time. Food must be used immediately after preparation. You cannot prepare the mixture for future use.
  • There may be small traces of gluten in the products, which is dangerous for children with gluten allergies and celiac disease.

Baby food "Malyutka-3" is required condition harmonious and comprehensive development and growth of your child from 1 year to 3 years. The mixture contains all the substances necessary for a little man and helps strengthen him.

Baby milk MALYUTKA ® 3 is made from natural ingredients, without added sugar, artificial colors, preservatives and GMOs.

MALYUTKA ® 3 is a baby milk that provides balanced diet children from 1 year. Kids have become older and more active, so they need special nutrition. According to pediatricians, regular cow's milk cannot fully satisfy a baby's needs for vitamins and minerals. That is why it is so important to continue feeding with baby milk, which is created taking into account the characteristics of the growing body.

The new formula of Malyutka ® baby milk, developed taking into account the latest data on the nutritional needs of the baby, is produced from European ingredients using modern equipment. Now the Malyutka ® formula contains prebiotics GOS/FOS - natural dietary fiber, similar in composition to prebiotics in breast milk, to improve the baby’s digestion.

According to Russian data*, up to 60% of young children experience iron deficiency - one of the most important components responsible for mental and physical development baby. Smart Iron ® in Malyutka ® is iron in an optimal combination with zinc and vitamin C for better absorption of iron, which is important for preventing iron deficiency, which is very common in young children.

*National program for optimizing feeding of children in the first year of life in Russian Federation. Moscow, 2011


Name of indicator, units. change Per 100 ml of prepared mixture
Energy value, kcal (kJ) 70(295)
Protein, g 2,0
Taurine, mg 5,4
L-cysteine, mg 17
L-isoleucine, mg 91
L-tryptophan, mg 32,0
Whey proteins/Casein, % 20/80
Fat, incl., g 3,1
Vegetable fats, g 3,1
Linoleic acid, g 0,418
α-Linolenic acid, g 0,077
Carbohydrates, incl., g 8,5
Lactose, g 5,4
Meltodextrin, g 2,9
Prebiotics: GOS/FOS, g 0,8
Minerals, g 0,35
Calcium, mg 97
Phosphorus, mg 55
Sa/P 1,8
Sodium, mg 25
Magnesium, mg 6,6
Copper, µg 42
Manganese, mcg 7,2
Iron, mg 1,1
Chlorides, mg 74
Zinc, mg 0,65
Iodine, mcg 16
Selenium, mcg 1,9
Retinol A, mcg-eq 69
Tocopherol E, mEq 1,2
Vitamin D, mcg 1,5
Vitamin K, mcg 5,3
Thiamine B1, mcg 63
Riboflavin B2, mcg 115
Niacin PP, mg 0,48
Pantothenic acid, mg 0,425
Pyridoxine B6, mcg 49
Folic acid (Fc), mcg 13
Cyanocobalamin B12, mcg 0,18
Biotin, mcg 1,9
Ascorbic acid(C), mg 9,7
Inositol, mg 4,5
Choline, mg 12,3
L-Carnitine, mg 1,3
Nucleotides, including, mg 3,0
Adenosine 5-monophosphate (AMP), mg 0,62
Cytidine-5-monophosphate (CMP), mg 1,0
Guanosine-5-monophosphate (GMP), mg 0,21
Inosine-5-monophosphate (IMP), mg 0,42
Uridine-5-monophosphate (UMP), mg 0,72


Dry milk drink with prebiotics “Baby milk 3” Malyutka ® for older children
For feeding children from 12 months

Cooking method

Prepare food immediately before consumption!

  1. Wash your hands and utensils.
  2. Rinse the supplied measuring spoon with boiling water and dry it.
  3. Boil water and cool to 40°C.
  4. According to the feeding chart, measure the exact amount of boiled water and pour it into the bottle.
  5. Using a measuring spoon, add the recommended amount of dry mix. Remove the mound of mixture with the back of a knife.
  6. Close the bottle and shake until the mixture is completely dissolved.
  7. Check the temperature of the prepared mixture by placing a drop on the inside of your wrist (37°C).

Do not use leftover prepared formula for subsequent feeding!

Do not heat the mixture in a microwave oven to avoid the formation of hot lumps of the mixture.

Never add extra powder or anything else to the prepared mixture.

Feeding table

100 ml milk drink = 90 ml water + 3 scoops of dry mix (1 scoop = 5.13 g of dry mix).

Dry milk drink with prebiotics “Baby milk 3” Malyutka. For feeding children from 12 months.

No sugar used Quality assurance European ingredients No preservatives No dyes No artificial additives No GMOs Recommendation of the National Children's Nutrition Program* 200 ml per day Complex of vitamins and minerals When a baby turns one year old, he continues to actively grow and develop, and, compared to an adult, he has increased needs for vitamins and minerals. From regular food the baby does not get enough of them. Supplement your child’s diet with the things he needs. nutrients Malyutka baby milk will help. According to the National Program for Optimizing the Nutrition of Children from 1 year to 3 years old*, a child’s daily dairy diet should consist of 400-450 ml of dairy products, including 200 ml of children’s milk drinks of 3 or 4 levels. From 200 ml of children's milk drink, the child will receive (compared to cow's milk):

5 times more iron

2 times more vitamin A

More Vitamin D*

National program for optimizing the nutrition of children aged 1 to 3 years in the Russian Federation.


  • Breastfeeding is preferable for feeding young children.
  • Before using the product, consult a specialist.
  • Failure to follow the instructions for preparing and storing the drink may harm the child's health.
  • Do not administer to children who are allergic to any component of the product.
  • Never leave your baby alone while feeding.
  • For baby food.


  • Prepare food immediately before consumption!
  • Do not use leftover food for later feeding!
  • Do not heat the drink in a microwave oven to avoid the formation of hot lumps in the product.

Never add extra powder or anything to the prepared drink. Information about the manufacturer: JSC DP Istra-Nutrizia. Russia, 143500, Moscow region, Istra, st. Moskovskaya, 48. Packaging BIB cardboard (A) Manufactured and packaged: (day, month, year, hour, minute) - see at the bottom of the package. (B) Best before - see bottom of package. Packaging BIB cardboard format 1200 g (A) Manufactured and packaged: (day, month, year, hour, minute) - see on the side of the package. (B) Best before - see side of package. Storage conditions The product is stored at a temperature from 0 ° C to 25 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening the package, store the product in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, tightly closed, for no more than 3 weeks. Measuring spoon inside the box.


1. Wash your hands and sterilize the bottle and nipple.

2. Boil the water. Cool it to 40°C.

3. According to the feeding chart, measure the exact amount of water and pour into a sterilized bottle. Do not reuse boiled water.

4. Be sure to use the included measuring spoon. Rinse the supplied measuring spoon with boiling water and dry it. Remove the mound of dry drink with the back of a knife

5. Add the exact number of scoops of the drink to the water. Adding more or less amount of drink than indicated in the instructions may harm your child's health.

6. Close the bottle and shake well until the powder is completely dissolved. Remove the cap and place the nipple on the bottle.

7. Check the temperature of the finished drink at inside wrists (37 °C).

Children from 12 months

Baby milk Malyutka 3 from 12 months 600 gr.

Dry milk drink with prebiotics “Baby Milk 3” Baby for nutrition of children from 12 months. When a baby turns one year old, he continues to actively grow and develop, and, compared to an adult, he has increased needs for vitamins and minerals. The baby does not get enough of them from regular food. Malyutka baby milk will help supplement your baby's diet with the nutrients he needs. According to the National Program for Optimizing the Nutrition of Children from 1 to 3 Years of Age, a child’s daily dairy diet should consist of 400-450 ml of dairy products, including 200 ml of children’s milk drinks of 3 or 4 levels. From 200 ml of children's milk drink, the child will receive (compared to cow's milk): 5 times more iron, 2 times more vitamin A, more vitamin D.

Cooking method:

Wash your hands and sterilize the bottle and nipple. Boil the water. Cool it to 40°C. According to the feeding chart, measure the exact amount of water and pour into a sterilized bottle. Do not reuse boiled water. Be sure to use the included measuring spoon. Rinse the supplied measuring spoon with boiling water and dry it. Remove the mound of dry mixture with the back of a knife. Add the exact number of scoops of the mixture to the water. Adding more or less than the amount of formula indicated in the instructions may harm your child's health. Close the bottle and shake well until the powder is completely dissolved. Remove the cap and place the nipple on the bottle. Check the temperature of the finished mixture on the inside of your wrist (37°C).

Storage conditions:

The product is stored at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening the package, store the product in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, tightly closed, for no more than 3 weeks.


Skimmed milk, mixture of vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower), maltodextrin, lactose, prebiotics (galacto-oligosugars, fructo-oligosugars), minerals, vitamin complex, choline, taurine, emulsifier soy lecithin, trace elements, L-tryptophan, inositol, L -isoleucine, nucleotides, L-cysteine, L-carnitine. May contain traces of fish oil.

Nutritional value (per 100 ml of prepared mixture): proteins 1.84 g, carbohydrates 8.9 g, fats 3.84 g, energy value 79 kcal / 332 kJ
Nutritional value (per 100 g of dry product): proteins 11.54 g, carbohydrates 55.7 g, fats 24 g, energy value 496 kcal / 2079 kJ

Shelf life: 18 months.

There are 10 pieces in a box.

Attention: breastfeeding is preferable for the nutrition of young children.

It is necessary to consult a specialist.

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