Home Children's dentistry What is laser biorevitalization of the face? Laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid as a way to restore aging skin

What is laser biorevitalization of the face? Laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid as a way to restore aging skin

Laser biorevitalization is a course of rejuvenation by introducing hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous tissues using laser radiation (laser phoresis), bioimplantation nutrients into epidermal cells.

Types of biorevitalization

There are many types of biorevitalization effects. Depending on the method of carrying out the procedures, a distinction is made between injection and hardware revitalization. In both cases, the main task is to introduce hyaluronic acid, enriched with essential microelements and nutrients, into the epidermal cells.

Injection biorevitalization involves the subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid by injection. Hardware rejuvenation is based on the transport of hyaluronate deep into the subcutaneous layers using ultrasonic waves, laser radiation or microcurrent effects. A common method is laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid stabilizes the amino acid composition of the skin. Entering the epidermis, it accumulates there, then gradually enters the lower layer - the dermis, accelerates metabolism, due to which natural restoration of epidermal cells occurs. IN human body hyaluronic acid is found in many tissues and organs, skin cells, and intra-articular fluid.

The main task of the acid is to distribute fluid throughout cells and tissues, maintaining collagen fibers in skin cells at a level sufficient to ensure smoothness and elasticity of the skin. This is a kind of elixir of youth.

The healing properties of hyaluronic acid:

  1. Accumulation of water, which helps to hydrate the epidermis. Lack of water causes dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Neutralize free radicals, prevent cancer development, strengthen the immune system.
  3. Neutralization of viral infections.
  4. Acceleration of the healing process of wounds, burns, postoperative scars.

Effect of laser biorevitalization

Not everyone knows what laser biorevitalization is, how many times it needs to be done, and whether the procedure is worth it. Its essence lies in the fact that using the laser phoresis method, low-molecular substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin along with a laser beam, which are applied to the surface of the skin before the session.

The procedure is also based on medicinal properties laser, when blood circulation in the epidermis improves, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. The skin has a double effect - hyaluronic acid molecules and laser beams.

Laser biorevitalization promotes the accumulation of fluid in cells, providing hydration to the epidermis and smoothing out fine wrinkles, combats sagging, increasing firmness and elasticity by increasing the concentration of elastin.

Laser ray penetrates the tissue by 4 mm, transporting up to 4 ml of hyaluronic acid into the skin cells, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the hardware revitalization procedure compared to injections. With ultrasonic revitalization, hyaluronic acid penetrates into the subcutaneous layers even deeper - 1-1.5 cm.

The effect of laser on tissue stimulates the following processes:

  • active synthesis of natural moisturizing substances by fibroblasts;
  • production of own hyaluronic acid;
  • increasing the protective forces of the skin;
  • acceleration of blood microcirculation in skin capillaries;
  • relief of skin inflammatory processes;
  • helps get rid of some cosmetic skin imperfections.

No matter how long the procedure takes, laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid helps to “throw off” 10-15 years in a fairly short period of time.

The session is carried out using a special laser that practically does not heat the body. In rare cases, the temperature may rise by 1°, which is not noticeable at all. Laser treatment is called cold laser biorevitalization.

Listing the advantages and disadvantages of various anti-aging techniques will allow you to figure out what is better for clients: hardware biorevitalization or injection revitalization. Initially, a course of facial rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid was carried out by introducing injections into those areas where it was necessary to implant beneficial microelements and nutrients into the tissue. This procedure is quite painful and requires the use of anesthetics, and after the injections, bruises and swelling on the face remain for several days.

Simply applying hyaluronate to the skin in creams or ointments affects only the upper layers of the skin, improving appearance and elasticity, but does not produce a rejuvenating effect. Laser hyaluroplasty is absolutely painless, nourishes and enriches the deep layers of the epidermis and leaves no marks on the face, and protects well from the destructive effects of free radicals.

Indications for laser biorevitalization

What is laser biovitalization of the skin and when is it required, you need to find out from a specialist. Indications for the procedure:

  • dryness, when the skin is tight, overly sensitive to exposure, “paper skin” effect;
  • signs of aging of the skin layer on the face, neck, hands;
  • and giving them volume;
  • regeneration of “tired” skin after prolonged exposure to the sun and frost;
  • stimulation of healing processes after cosmetic procedures and operations;
  • correction of sagging upper eyelids and swelling and blueness under the eyes;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes (acne, pimples, blackheads, etc.).

Do laser biorevitalization to help your skin activate its internal reserves to preserve youth and beauty. According to some cosmetologists, to increase the effectiveness of laser phoresis, a course of laser rejuvenation should begin at the age of 30, the procedure should last at least half an hour. Laser biorevitalization can be used to regenerate the skin tissues of the face, décolleté, arms, neck, etc. The exception is the eyelids, for which it is used

Carrying out the procedure

Many patients undergoing the procedure for the first time are interested in how laser biorevitalization works, what it is, how long each session lasts, and how many procedures each course contains. Laser biorevitalization of the face and other skin is carried out using a diode laser and gel with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

The order is as follows:

  • the procedure begins with cleansing the skin of dead cells by peeling;
  • medicinal gel is applied;
  • laser radiation is applied.

There is an impact on both the upper and deep cells and tissues of the epidermis.

Hyaluronic acid, once in the body, begins to disintegrate. In order to increase the exposure time, it is necessary to periodically change the wave frequency of the laser radiation. This leads to strengthening of bonds between molecules, increasing the resistance of hyaluronate to the effects of enzymes that destroy the structure.

After completing the procedure, the skin must be moisturized with a soft cream. No other aftercare measures for the face or body are required. The only requirement is to increase fluid intake to 2.5-3 liters per day. This helps to hydrate cells.

Typically sessions last from 40 minutes to 1 hour. A course of rejuvenation with a laser beam, depending on the area of ​​treatment, skin condition, and the patient’s age, can include from 3 to 10 sessions, the interval between each procedure is 7 days. In the future, for the purpose of prevention, laser biorevitalization of the skin of the face and other parts of the body can be carried out once a month. How many procedures are necessary in each case is determined by the specialist conducting the treatment.

Watch the video of the laser biorevitalization procedure:

Advantages of laser rejuvenation

Skin cell regeneration method laser exposure has the following advantages:

  • laser phoresis is a painless and safe procedure that does not require recovery period;
  • skin injury and damage to its integrity are excluded;
  • no bruising, swelling, inflammatory processes;
  • has a rejuvenating and healing effect on the skin, stimulating the body's production of natural collagen - elastin;
  • can be used if there are inflammatory rashes on the skin, since the laser has antiseptic and immunostimulating properties.

Possible contraindications

Along with many advantages, laser skin biorevitalization, like all procedures, has its contraindications:

  • a large number of moles and papillomas;
  • infectious, viral or fungal diseases skin (herpes) during an exacerbation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • cuts, wounds, scratches, etc.;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • elevated blood pressure, severe form diabetes mellitus, diseases of cardio-vascular system, cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy and mental illness;
  • malignant tumors.

Results of laser biorevitalization

The rejuvenation course has the following effect:

  • the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • active hydration of skin cells to the deepest layers;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen elements;
  • smoothing of deep wrinkles, disappearance of small ones;
  • the skin becomes young, smooth and healthy;
  • healing burns from sun rays and chemicals;
  • resorption of various scars and scars.

After completing the procedure, you should refrain from massage and intense friction of the laser treatment areas.

Here are just a few photos before and after laser biorevitalization:

Alternative methods of hardware biorevitalization

Skin treatment with a hardware method normalizes collagen levels, slowing down the aging process of cells and preventing the formation of wrinkles. The lifting effect of this effect is to tighten and restore facial contours.

Alternative hardware methods for introducing hyaluronate under the skin include ultrasound biorevitalization, electrophoresis and the use of microcurrent waves. Laser biorevitalization - great way bring back youth. But any procedures have a temporary effect and require constant prevention.

Today, among the incredible variety of non-surgical cosmetic methods to combat premature aging skin practiced in modern centers and beauty salons, the laser biorevitalization procedure is becoming increasingly relevant. The very significant role of hyaluronic acid in the structural composition of skin cells has determined active use this organic element in the field of non-surgical cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, which led to the birth of such modern cosmetology procedures as contour plastic surgery and injection biorevitalization.

Laser biorevitalization is powerful weapon against aging, which effectively fights age-related changes in the skin and restores its lost properties and functions. In this innovative method active component hyaluronic acid appears. The essence of the procedure is to increase the level of its concentration in the skin. A special gel with hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin. Under the influence of a laser, low molecular weight fractions of the substance penetrate into the dermis, filling the intercellular space and damaged cells. As a result, the skin is saturated with moisture, its original structure is restored, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

It should be noted that with this method, more than 80% of the hyaluronic acid contained in the gel enters the skin. It is distributed more evenly than with injection. And the effect is characterized by increasing dynamics.

Laser skin biorevitalization is absolutely safe and painless. It does not cause allergies or inflammation (as sometimes happens with the injection method), has virtually no contraindications and does not involve rehabilitation. In addition to the main effect - rejuvenation - laser biorevitalization allows you to solve a number of other problems:

  • restores the skin's water balance;
  • reduces external manifestations rosacea;
  • evens out skin tone and restores its elasticity.

The difference between laser and injection biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization itself is a branch of injection rejuvenation and, according to the method of drug administration, is related to mesotherapy. At the same time, modern mesotherapy syringes are used for injections of hyaluronic acid, allowing the drug to be quickly and effectively injected into the desired area under the skin.

Until a certain time, it was possible to restore the balance of hyaluronic acid exclusively with the help of injections, since high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, due to a number of its physical characteristics, could not overcome the epidermal barrier. However, many patients were deterred from undergoing this procedure by the very presence of injections.

Disadvantages of biorevitalization:

  • Relative pain during and after the procedure;
  • Invasiveness (even when using mesotherapy syringes with ultra-thin needles there is a slight risk of infection);
  • The need for rehabilitation.

Unlike injection, laser biorevitalization belongs to the category of non-invasive methods for restoring the concentration of hyaluronic acid in cells. The hyaluronic acid preparation in the form of a gel is injected under the skin using laser phoresis. Having appeared relatively recently, this method, based on the unique features of laser radiation, allows for a qualitative impact on cell membranes, increasing their permeability, has gained enormous popularity in the field of non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body. Thus, laser biorevitalization is a procedure for introducing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the skin by laser phoresis using multi-diode laser radiation.

Laser biorevitalization at the State Research Center of Laser Medicine.

In the State scientific center In laser medicine, the laser biorevitalization procedure has found wide specialized application along with other non-surgical and injection methods of skin rejuvenation and figure correction. This is largely due to the significant advantages that this method of combating premature aging has.

Indications for laser biorevitalization:

  • The presence of facial wrinkles on the face and body;
  • Obvious photoaging of the skin;
  • Significant sagging and dry skin;
  • Loss of skin elasticity.

If any of these indications are present, a specialist from the State Research Center for Laser Medicine may advise the patient to undergo laser biorevitalization in order to correct any deficiencies that have arisen and eliminate the first signs of aging.

Modern laser biorevitalization can be used on almost all areas of the face (including under the eyes on the lips) and décolleté. Moreover, increasingly this procedure also carried out on the hands.

Effectiveness of procedures.

Today, laser biorevitalization provides lasting, guaranteed results by renewing the skin at the cellular level. The increasing effect of the course of procedures can be observed over several months.

Laser biorevitalization of the face: visible and hidden effect

After a course of laser therapy using this technique, patients experience:

  • smoothing out fine wrinkles and wrinkled networks;
  • smoothing skin texture;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • effect of moisturized glowing skin;
  • rapid skin healing after thermal burns and other damage;
  • disappearance of scars, acne, eczema;
  • increasing lip volume (with targeted actions).


Any laser rejuvenation procedure is carried out only after consultation with a specialist. If the patient has no contraindications to use, the doctor determines the treatment plan and its duration. A laser biorevitalization session consists of several successive stages:

  • skin cleansing;
  • soft peeling;
  • opening pores for better penetration of the active substance;
  • applying a base gel to the skin;
  • laser treatment of the correction zone;
  • applying an alginate mask.

The first skin changes become noticeable after the first laser biorevitalization procedure. To maximize and consolidate the effect, it is recommended to undergo a rejuvenation course of several sessions. The duration of therapy depends on the patient’s age, the type and condition of his skin, the severity and depth of wrinkles, desired result. Already at the first consultation, our specialist will determine the number of necessary sessions and their frequency.

Our goal is not just to achieve temporary effect lifting, but to improve and restore the functioning of skin cells, in particular, the ability to synthesize hyaluronic acid and produce natural anti-aging substances.

Laser biorevitalization is an athermic laser lifting using hyaluronic acid. The non-injection procedure allows you to repeatedly increase the content of hyaluronic acid deep in the skin. It has the ability to retain moisture, which maintains skin elasticity.

Laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid allows you to rejuvenate the skin in a natural way. This occurs due to enhanced cell regeneration and activation of their reserve. Hyaluronic acid carries important function maintaining the elasticity and youth of the skin. Its level decreases over the years; by the age of forty, acid production drops to 50%, and by sixty - 10%. More early methods acid administration was carried out using injections. But their effectiveness is limited to a certain level. Stimulation natural synthesis acids in your own body are much more effective.

The role of hyaluronic acid in preserving youthful skin can hardly be overestimated. The basis connective tissue composed of collagen and elastin fibers, complex protein, amino acid compounds with amino sugars. One of these substances is hyaluronic acid. Its synthesis is carried out using fibroblasts; in an adult, its amount ranges from 15 to 17 grams. It is present between collagen and elastin fibers, as well as in the cells of the stratum corneum.

Hyaluronic acid stimulates the synthesis of fibroblasts, which makes the skin elastic. Just one molecule binds approximately 500 water molecules. The enzyme hyaluronidase is responsible for the destruction of hyaluronic molecules. The body undergoes continuous processes of breakdown and restoration of hyaluronic acid. One of these processes becomes predominant depending on various factors, in particular, age-related changes. Decreased hyaluronate synthesis reduces the amount of bound water in tissues, which produces an aging effect.

Features of the procedure

Hyaluronic acid is a polymer in structure, a chain of several thousand units. Due to its structure, it is not able to penetrate skin cells when used externally. The procedure is carried out using special gel"Pure Hyaluron", "Aesthetic dermal", "Hyamatrix" and others. The low molecular weight hyaluronic acid contained in the gel has a shorter chain length, consisting of 5 or 10 units. After the gel penetrates the epidermis, due to the action of the laser beam, the segments of links are connected into long chains. Due to the resulting lifting effect, age-related changes are eliminated.

The procedure uses a low-intensity infrared laser. It is called "cold". Its energy allows the structured composition of the acid to penetrate to the deep layers of the skin. Hyaluronic acid passes through microchannels to the basement membrane, the border between the dermis and epidermis. It accumulates deep in the skin. The uniform flow of acid into the dermis produces the following effects:

  • increased metabolism;
  • cell renewal;
  • activation of fibroblast production;
  • water retention.

The process does not affect the epidermis in any way, does not heat it, and does not cause peeling. Thanks to this, the procedure can be done at any time of the year. The main feature of the biorevitalization process using laser is the effect not only from the action of hyaluronic acid, but also from the energy of the laser itself. The activating effect of the laser manifests itself through the following processes:

  1. strengthening local skin immunity;
  2. elimination of inflammatory processes;
  3. increased blood circulation due to the formation of new capillaries;
  4. activation of the production of hyaluronic acid and fibroblasts.


Preliminary preparation of the facial skin consists of cleansing it. Peeling or heating with a hot compress can be used. There is a way to warm the skin with an infrared laser. Such methods help soften the surface of the epidermis and improve its permeability. After this, a hyaluronic acid preparation consisting of molecules with a low molecular weight, from 250 to 750 kDa, is applied to the skin.

Now comes the stage of laser exposure. Devices used: RevitaLight, Polilaster bionic, hialurox, Redline, Vitalaser 500 and others. Some of the devices are designed to operate in two modes: pulsed and constant. Pulsed radiation produces an improvement in calcium-dependent transport through cellular ion channels. The penetration of the substance deep into the skin through hair follicles, greasy and sweat glands. To connect lengths of hyaluronic acid chains into long chains laser machine works in continuous mode. At the last stage, the remaining gel is wiped off; a mask can be applied to enhance the effect. After the procedure, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams and drink plenty of water at the rate of at least 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

The number of procedures is determined by a specialist, based on the characteristics of the skin and the age category of the person. At strong manifestations aging, the number of required sessions will be from 6 to 10. An interval of 4-7 days is required between them. One laser treatment gives an effect that lasts from 6 weeks to 6 months. The duration of one session is from 40 to 50 minutes, it depends on the type of laser used and the speed at which the acid penetrates deep into the skin.

The face after laser biorevitalization does not have any traces of impact. It can be scheduled for any day, so you can calmly get on with your business. Sometimes mild swelling may be present. There is no rehabilitation period side effects also missing. It is recommended to complete a full course of laser biorevitalization, as it has a cumulative effect.

Indications and contraindications

Laser biorevitalization is used on almost the entire body. Most often, the procedure is required for the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. The method is suitable for preventive purposes at the age of 25 to 30 years, in medicinal purposes- for ages from 35 years. The main reasons for the need to undergo a course of sessions are:

  • all types of wrinkles;
  • dehydrated, loose skin;
  • photoaging;
  • rosacea;
  • recovery after more aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • scars, stretch marks;
  • rehabilitation after plastic surgery.

Laser biorevitalization, like any hardware procedure, has some contraindications:

Efficiency and benefits

The non-injection method of biorevitalization, carried out using a laser, is combined with the following cosmetic procedures:

  1. injection biorevitalization, injection of fillers;
  2. ultrasonic, chemical facial peeling;
  3. myostimulation, microcurrent therapy;
  4. facial treatments.

The effectiveness of the laser biorevitalization procedure is manifested in deep hydration of the skin, smoothing of its relief and color, and the disappearance of the cobwebs of fine wrinkles. Metabolic and trophic processes are activated, which significantly slows down skin aging. Skin saturated with hyaluronic acid begins to actively produce fibroblasts. Eczema goes away atopic dermatitis. Growth is picking up hairline for alopecia. If the body has chronic inflammatory processes, this is not an obstacle to the procedure. The laser wave has three lengths, which allow you to see the effectiveness of the procedure after the first session. Special lenses allow you to direct the beam to the required depth. The process is painless and has a relaxing effect.

Among the wide variety of new technologies, non-injection techniques are the most gentle. Laser biorevitalization is without complications and side effects, no rehabilitation period. Excellent results and longevity are guaranteed for any skin type.

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin - a method of rejuvenation without intervention plastic surgeon. The procedure allows you to prevent early skin aging and eliminate changes that have already occurred. Laser and hyaluronic acid are the basis of this method.

Biorevitalization - the essence of the procedure

If we literally translate the term “biorevitalization”, it means a return to life or restoration of the life of the body. Laser biorevitalization of facial skin is a cosmetological method of rejuvenating the epidermis, based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into its deep layer using a laser.

Hyaluronic acid, penetrating into the border zone between the epidermis and dermis, accumulates there and activates metabolic processes. Thanks to this method, positive changes occur in the skin:

  • water balance is restored;
  • the production of elastin and collagen increases;
  • the process of skin cell division accelerates;
  • inflammatory processes, if any, go away.

The procedure is performed only with a cold laser. This allows you to avoid damaging the upper layers of the epidermis. Under the influence of the laser, the pores expand and the active substance penetrates deep into the tissue. Microcirculation improves, the structure of the skin framework is restored, and the surface of the face becomes smooth, toned and elastic.

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Pros and cons of laser

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid has its own characteristics. It is very different from injection and other rejuvenation methods. To the main pros This method includes:

  • the procedure is absolutely painless;
  • “cold” laser does not leave burns;
  • the skin is not injured by punctures, its integrity is maintained;
  • after the session there are no visible signs of impact on the facial skin (bruises, redness, roughness);
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • the procedure can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • the result is noticeable after the first session.

There is no recovery period after the procedure. Skin looks fresh and renewed. At the end of the session, there is no fear in going outside in sunny weather and you can use decorative cosmetics on the same day.

The effect after the first manipulations by a cosmetologist becomes clearly noticeable after 1-2 days. It lasts 2-3 weeks. One procedure is usually not enough for a long-term effect. To maintain good results for 4-6 months, you need to complete a full course.

Like any cosmetological method of rejuvenation, laser biorevitalization has some negative sides . Among them:

  • short-term effect when compared with other methods of rejuvenation;
  • the procedure cannot be performed more than once a year;
  • slight swelling of the face is possible when using a low-quality gel;
  • in rare cases there is a risk of hematomas.

To increase the duration of the drug, you can additionally carry out other cosmetic procedures. It all depends on the type and condition of the skin.

A course of laser biorevitalization is prescribed by a cosmetologist! You can combine several methods of rejuvenation only with his permission!

The peculiarity of laser therapy is that the skin is affected not only by the hyaluronic substance, but also by the beam. It provokes the activity of fibroblasts - cells responsible for the production of acid, elastin and collagen. Thanks to this, the effect after a full course can last for 8 months.

A lot depends on the quality of the instrument and the gel. Before agreeing to the procedure, it is worth asking what kind of apparatus will be used and what gel will be used. The molecular weight of the product should be small. This allows it to penetrate deeply through tissue.

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Hematomas can form only in those areas where capillaries and vessels are very close to the dermis. Under the influence of a laser beam, their rupture is possible, which inevitably leads to subcutaneous hemorrhage. A good cosmetologist can determine this individual feature in advance and warn the patient or not to touch “risky” areas of the face.

Indications and contraindications

Laser biorevitalization in the facial skin area is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended for the following indications:

  • early signs of aging;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • dry skin with many facial wrinkles;
  • slight sagging of the oval of the face;
  • acne (as additional procedure treatment);
  • bruising and swelling in the area around the eyes;
  • ultraviolet burns;
  • tissue injuries after cosmetic procedures (chemical peeling, resurfacing);
  • scars and scars after plastic surgery;
  • violation of the water balance of the skin, exhaustion.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin using a laser is an excellent prevention of age-related changes. The laser beam and active substance provoke the natural production of components that prolong youth and beauty. For people between 20 and 30 years of age, the procedures are indicated as anti-aging treatments. After 30 years, they are necessary to correct changes that have already appeared.

The water balance is restored due to the fact that low molecular weight acid, penetrating deep into the tissues, is formed into polymer chains and helps fibroblasts retain moisture in the skin layers.

Eliminate severe facial sagging after sudden weight loss or mature age laser biorevitalization is impossible. But, using this method, you can quite well adjust your face shape with minor changes. The light lifting effect after a course of procedures lasts from 5 to 8 months.

“Cold” laser is unique in that it has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates tissue healing. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of acne or to eliminate acne scars and boils.

A laser therapy session combined with peeling helps to get rid of not only scars, but also shallow scars.

Under the influence of the energy of the drug and acid, blood circulation in the vessels improves, which helps eliminate bruises and swelling. Especially often, such skin defects appear around the eyes. Laser treatment helps to get rid of them quickly and painlessly.

Redness and inflammation of the skin after, or rough, spoil the appearance and create discomfort. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid helps speed up the process of tissue restoration.

Despite the safety and effectiveness this method rejuvenation, it is not suitable for everyone. Among those to whom he contraindicated, includes:

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It is not advisable to use this method for those whose bodies are exhausted. At body temperature above 38 degrees, laser correction is also prohibited. IN mandatory, before the start of the session, the cosmetologist must check the sensitivity of the body and conduct an allergy test to the hyaluronic acid used.

At the slightest suspicion of a reaction, he is obliged to refuse the client the procedure and explain that it can lead to serious side effects, even anaphylactic shock and death.

Carrying out the procedure

You can come to the session at any time of the year, since this method has no weather contraindications. The procedure is carried out exclusively in beauty salons.

Using a laser biorevitalization drug on your own at home is dangerous to your health!

It is better to inquire in advance about the salon and cosmetologist to whom the person will be entrusted. At the reception, do not be shy to ask questions. It is advisable to know in advance which drug and asset will be used. The best manufacturers hyaluronic acid and laser equipment are considered Japanese, European and Korean companies. .png" alt="Laser biorevitalization" width="450" height="422" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/img-2017-05-20-21-40-58-450x422..png 521w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

The procedure takes place in 4 main stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin and applying a special gel to it.
  2. Pulsed laser exposure.
  3. Processing by the device in continuous mode.
  4. Removing gel residues and applying toning cream.

Before the laser irradiation process, the skin is cleansed with light peeling. This is necessary to remove dead cells and sebaceous plugs in the pores. The effectiveness of the further process depends on the quality of skin preparation. After cleansing, a gel based on hyaluronic acid is applied to the surface of the face. The amount of substance applied is determined by the condition of the skin and other indicators.

Laser devices operate in two modes – pulsed and continuous. The first stage of introducing the gel is carried out in pulse mode. At these minutes, the acid begins to penetrate deep into the epidermis through the pores. Next, the cosmetologist turns the laser into constant mode, increasing the area of ​​the injected substance and activating internal processes in the skin.

After the main procedure, the remaining gel is removed and the treated areas of the face are carefully smoothed. Finally, the skin is nourished with a moisturizing cream, which soothes it after exposure to the diode beam.

The duration of one session is from 15 to 40 minutes. Exact time determined by a cosmetologist based on the condition of the skin and the extent of the problems being eliminated. For good and long result a course of 3 to 10 procedures may be required. Between each session there is a break of 7-10 days.

You can visually familiarize yourself with the procedure for laser biorevitalization of the face by watching the video:

What can biorevitalization be combined with?

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is compatible with some similar ones. It can be carried out in addition to such rejuvenation methods as:

  • filler injections;
  • radiofrequency face lifting;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • microcurrent therapy.

Injection of hyaluronic fillers or is especially effective in combination with laser facial treatment. There are even special devices additionally equipped with a needle, which, together with a laser, injects fillers under the skin. It is worth noting that the hyaluronic acid administered by injection is different from that used in the laser procedure.

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Based on the influence of radio wave radiation, it is also an activator metabolic processes in tissues. In combination with laser biorevitalization, it significantly enhances the natural production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.

Ultrasonic cleaning promotes deeper penetration of acid into the skin. It is carried out before laser therapy. The time interval between procedures is determined by the cosmetologist.

Microdermabrasion is also carried out before biorevitalization. There are several varieties of this procedure, differing in the means of grinding. Diamond microdermabrasion is considered one of the most gentle and effective. In combination with laser treatment, it increases the retention time of the result.

Photorejuvenation and microcurrent therapy also enhance the effectiveness of the laser method of tightening and rejuvenation.

Skin care before and after the procedure

Before laser biorevitalization, you must first of all consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo tests. If medical examination will not reveal contraindications, you can prepare for the procedure. Despite the fact that it is considered painless and safe, your body should be prepared for external intervention.

Before the session undesirable:

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7-10 days before rejuvenation should be canceled medications, affecting blood clotting. These include medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, diclofenac sodium and others. Substances that affect the process of hematopoiesis may cause minor side effects after exposure of the skin to laser and acid.

Alcohol negatively affects the condition of the skin and worsens all metabolic processes occurring in it. In addition, it also affects blood vessels. Therefore, it is better to give up alcoholic beverages a few days before the procedure.

Despite the fact that laser biorevitalization helps eliminate the consequences of ultraviolet burns, its main purpose is to restore youth to the skin. To achieve the best effect, you should protect your face from being under the scorching sun for a long time and not use a solarium a few days before the session.

As such, there is no rehabilitation after a rejuvenation course using this method. The skin does not need to be restored, since there are no injured areas on it. The risks that the acid will be distributed unevenly and swelling will occur are almost zero. Therefore, after the procedure you can safely visit Gym, do not be afraid of the sun, use cosmetics, go to the pool and solarium.

The only thing worth taking care of after the course laser biorevitalization – maintaining water balance in the body. This is necessary for the activity of metabolic processes and intensive production of substances that maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. You should drink at least 2 liters of pure still water a day, and nourish your skin with moisturizer from the outside. .png" alt="Moisturizing facial skin" width="450" height="242" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/img-2017-05-20-21-50-50-450x242..png 520w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}


Laser biorevitalization is a very effective, painless and safe method of facial skin rejuvenation in the salon. Following the recommendations will help prolong the effect of the procedure and postpone the date of a new trip to the cosmetologist.

Laser biorevitalization is the latest procedure for skin rejuvenation, allowing the use of hyaluronic acid in a non-injection manner using laser energy. Thanks to the effects of laser energy and acid, hydration occurs at the cellular level and metabolism improves upper layers epidermis, increasing skin immunity, protecting it from free radicals.

Have you heard about it, but are you afraid of injections? Then non-injection laser biorevitalization is what you need!

Laser biorevitalization represents the process of saturating the epidermis with hyaluronic acid by exposure to the energy of a diode laser, which promotes the opening of transport channels and penetration into cellular tissues. The beam enters the dermis 4 mm, delivering 4 ml of hyaluronic acid, which is superior injection form impact.

Laser biorevitalization causes an instantly noticeable rejuvenation effect. The skin looks 10–15 years younger, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Indications for the procedure

Laser biorevitalization is useful for the following skin problems:

  • flabbiness;
  • the first signs of aging;
  • age spots;
  • stretch marks;
  • decreased tone;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • dark spots under the eyes;
  • peeling;
  • thinness and dryness;
  • “sagging” eyelids;
  • acne and acne marks;
  • chemical and sunburns;
  • scars and cicatrices resulting from injury or surgery.

The procedure is aimed at activating the internal reserves of the skin, therefore it is recommended to conduct laser biorevitalization sessions from the age of 27–30 years. The skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands and other areas may be exposed.

How do laser biorevitalization procedures work?

To perform biorevitalization you need special meansdiode laser and gel based on hyaluronic acid. To prepare for laser exposure, remove makeup from the skin and remove impurities, do light massage warming effect or use superficial peeling to remove the stratum corneum.

After the cleansing stage, a gel with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is applied to the face and laser radiation begins to affect the dermis to achieve maximum effect. The process is completed by applying a moisturizing cream or mask to the treated shell to enhance the effect of the acid. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes in total.

Immediately after the session you can return to your normal active life. An important condition to achieve a high rejuvenation effect is to consume a large amount of drinking non-carbonated water (2.5–3 liters or at least 30 ml per kilogram of weight) during all laser biorevitalization sessions and in Everyday life. Due to this, natural hydration of the dermis is achieved.

Contraindications for carrying out

There are few contraindications to biorevitalization, but it is not recommended to conduct sessions in some cases. So, you should refrain from visiting the salon during pregnancy and breastfeeding, if you have oncological diseases, psychological disorders, epilepsy, skin infections at the moment of exacerbation. Age under 18 years is also a contraindication for sessions.

Pros of the procedure

The advantages of biorevitalization over other cosmetological rejuvenation treatments include:

  • absence of a long and difficult recovery period after sessions;
  • painless manipulation;
  • the epidermis is not damaged or burned, but is heated to open the pores;
  • absence of bruises, bruises and papules on the face, unlike injection procedures, causing damage shell ;
  • simplicity of the process and absence of risks during laser biorevitalization;
  • absence of addiction to hyaluronic acid and the effects of laser and the occurrence of drug withdrawal syndrome;
  • the procedure is suitable for hypersensitive and delicate skin;
  • providing a rejuvenating and healing effect due to the effects of hyaluronic acid and laser, stimulating the production of natural elastin and collagen;
  • the absence of a huge list of contraindications for implementation, since laser energy has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, excluding the occurrence of inflammation and allergic reactions.

Results and durability of the effect

After completing a course of cosmetic biorevitalization procedures, you can notice the following positive effect:

  • moisturized skin;
  • elastic and elastic skin;
  • smoothing of deep wrinkles and disappearance of fine expression wrinkles;
  • cell tissue is saturated with oxygen;
  • increased lip volume with local influence;
  • the texture of the epidermis is noticeably improved;
  • skin looks fresher and younger;
  • the effect lasts for a long time.

The effect of biorevitalization is noticeable from the first session. For lasting results, it is recommended to undergo 3-5 procedures with a break of a week. In some cases, more sessions are required. It depends on the initial state of the dermis, age and the problem that needs to be solved. The result also depends on skin individually – from 4 to 9 months.

After hyaluroplasty

In rare cases, slight redness may appear after laser exposure, which will disappear within 1-2 days. Using a laser, it is recommended to protect the skin from the thermal effects of sunlight.

It is better to limit or eliminate facial massage to reduce the risk of premature gel withdrawal. For the same reason, it is not recommended to rub your face.

Immediately after the procedure, you can use decorative cosmetics, including foundation, visit the bathhouse, sauna, gym.

Laser biorevitalization can be combined with laser resurfacing of scars during contouring, and can be used as an additional and effect-enhancing manipulation for Botox and Dysport injections. Good effect provides a combination of non-injection facial biorevitalization procedures.

The key to success of laser rejuvenation is right choice clinics with highly qualified specialists, and it must be approached with special care.

Laser biorevitalization allows you to preserve or restore youthful skin. Modern procedure using laser and hyaluronic acid is a safe and painless method that every woman can afford to look beautiful at any age.

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