Home Hygiene Which dentistry is better to put braces. Choosing the most effective bite correction systems

Which dentistry is better to put braces. Choosing the most effective bite correction systems


First of all, one that does not hurt the gums during use. At the same time, the quality of hygiene oral cavity depends more on whether the teeth are brushed correctly than on the shape or type of toothbrush. Concerning electric brushes, then for ignorant people they are a more preferable option; although you can brush your teeth with a simple (manual) brush. In addition, a toothbrush alone is often not enough - flosses (special dental floss) should be used to clean between the teeth.

Rinses are additional hygiene products that effectively clean the entire oral cavity from harmful bacteria. All these tools can be divided into two large groups– treatment-and-prophylactic and hygienic.

The latter include rinsing agents that eliminate bad smell and promote fresh breath.

As for therapeutic and prophylactic, these include rinses that have anti-plaque / anti-inflammatory / anti-carious effects and help reduce the sensitivity of hard dental tissues. This is achieved due to the presence in the composition of various kinds of biologically active components. Therefore, the rinse aid must be selected for each specific person on an individual basis, as well as toothpaste. And in view of the fact that the product is not washed off with water, it only consolidates the effect of the active components of the paste.

Such cleaning is completely safe for dental tissues and less traumatic. soft tissues oral cavity. The fact is that in dental clinics a special level of ultrasonic vibrations is selected, which affects the density of the stone, disrupts its structure and separates it from the enamel. In addition, in places where tissues are treated with an ultrasonic scaler (this is the name of the device for cleaning teeth), a special cavitation effect occurs (after all, oxygen molecules are released from water droplets, which enter the treatment zone and cool the tip of the instrument). Cell membranes pathogens are torn apart by these molecules, causing the microbes to die.

It turns out that ultrasonic cleaning has a complex effect (provided that really high-quality equipment is used) both on the stone and on the microflora as a whole, cleaning it. And you can't say the same about mechanical cleaning. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning more pleasant for the patient and takes less time.

According to dentists, dental treatment should be carried out regardless of your position. Moreover, a pregnant woman is recommended to visit a dentist every one or two months, because, as you know, when carrying a baby, the teeth are significantly weakened, they suffer from a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium, and therefore the risk of caries or even tooth loss increases significantly. For the treatment of pregnant women, it is necessary to use harmless means anesthesia. The most suitable course of treatment should be selected exclusively by a qualified dentist, who will also prescribe the required preparations that strengthen tooth enamel.

Treating wisdom teeth is quite difficult due to their anatomical structure. However, qualified specialists successfully treat them. Wisdom teeth prosthetics are recommended when one (or more) adjacent tooth missing or it needs to be removed (if you also remove a wisdom tooth, then there will simply be nothing to chew on). In addition, the removal of a wisdom tooth is undesirable if it is located on the jaw in right place, has its own antagonist tooth and takes part in the chewing process. Also, one should take into account the fact that poor quality treatment can lead to serious complications.

Here, of course, much depends on the taste of the person. So, there are absolutely invisible systems attached to the inside of the teeth (known as lingual), and there are also transparent ones. But the most popular are still metal braces with colored metal / elastic ligatures. It's really trendy!

Let's start with the fact that it's just unattractive. If this is not enough for you, we give the following argument - the stone and plaque on the teeth often provoke bad breath. And that's not enough for you? In this case, we move on: if the tartar "grows", this will inevitably lead to irritation and inflammation of the gums, that is, it will create favorable conditions for periodontitis (a disease in which periodontal pockets, pus constantly flows out of them, and the teeth themselves become mobile). And this is already a direct path to loss healthy teeth. Moreover, the number of harmful bacteria at the same time increases, due to which there is an increased cariousness of the teeth.

The service life of an accustomed implant will be tens of years. According to statistics, at least 90 percent of implants function perfectly 10 years after installation, while the service life is on average 40 years. Tellingly, this period will depend both on the design of the product and on how carefully the patient takes care of it. That is why when cleaning without fail you need to use an irrigator. In addition, it is necessary to visit the dentist at least once a year. All these measures will significantly reduce the risk of implant loss.

Removal of a tooth cyst can be performed therapeutically either surgical method. In the second case, we are talking about the extraction of a tooth with further cleaning of the gums. In addition, there are those modern methods to save the tooth. This is, first of all, cystectomy - a rather complicated operation, which consists in removing the cyst and the affected root tip. Another method is hemisection, in which the root and a fragment of the tooth above it are removed, after which it (part) is restored with a crown.

As for the therapeutic treatment, it consists in cleaning the cyst through the root canal. It is also a difficult option, especially not always effective. Which method to choose? This will be decided by the doctor together with the patient.

In the first case, professional systems based on carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide are used to change the color of teeth. Obviously, it is better to give preference to professional bleaching.

Orthodontic treatment with braces in Russia has been around for about thirty years. And in the USA, for example, bite correction with braces has been practiced for more than a hundred years. Russian orthodontists today work more often with adults who simply did not have the opportunity to undergo treatment in childhood similar level. As a rule, such patients turn to the dentist themselves, less often - in the direction of related specialists. As a rule, people come to orthodontists for beautiful smile and not because of some pain. Most of the applicants are women. Men are more relaxed about an imperfect smile, although in Lately doctors note an increase in the number of male patients.

Does it make sense to get braces as an adult?

Correcting a pathological bite or incorrect position of the teeth is, of course, not a matter of life and death. Rather, it is a matter of regaining self-confidence. The "curvature" of the teeth has little effect on communication, yet we perceive a person as a whole, and not only the state of his bite. But, you see, an open wide smile of any person will make him more attractive in our eyes. And only people who do not hesitate to show their teeth smile like that. Plus, when we talk about bite, it's not just about beauty, it's also about functionality. Nature intended that when chewing, the load on the teeth should be distributed evenly - this is possible only with even teeth and a healthy bite. If this is not the case, then over time a person has problems with the dentoalveolar system: pains appear, clicks when opening and closing the mouth, etc. Therefore, orthodontic treatment for adult patients is not only possible, but necessary.

At what age does it make sense to install braces for adults?

Either way, there are no age restrictions. There are surmountable obstacles: general state teeth, periodontal disease, gum disease, possible general accompanying illnesses. Absolute contraindications braces for adults coincide with many other types of treatment: missing teeth, tuberculosis, diabetes, a number of immune diseases, epilepsy, bone pathologies, blood diseases. If a person installs braces when he is over thirty, the treatment will be quite long, since tissue regeneration is slower due to age. Plus, skeletal growth has already been completed, and you can “correct” the position of the bones only when they are still growing - in children and adolescence. However, dentists achieve excellent results in patients middle age.

The specifics of treatment with braces in adults

Patients in adulthood should keep in mind that it is often necessary to extract teeth in order to achieve a high-quality result of orthodontic treatment. This does not mean that every patient needs it, removal is carried out only in cases where, for recovery normal position not enough room for teeth. Foreign orthodontists change the size of the jaw for adults with the help of surgical intervention. In Russia, orthognathic surgery is not yet very common due to the fact that our patients are extremely reluctant to agree to surgery. Again, this is just information about how it can be. In most cases, adult orthodontic treatment is limited to just fitting braces.

Braces for adults - BEFORE and AFTER photos

What braces are most often installed by adults?

It is most rational to dwell on metal braces: they are the most durable, and due to the fact that the treatment will be long, this is one of the most key indicators. When it comes to a small correction, you can install aesthetic systems made of ceramics or artificial sapphires. But let's say ceramic braces are quite fragile compared to metal braces. When chipped, the ceramic lock will need to be removed and a new one installed. And this is a waste of time: when the lock is re-glued, the treatment can be considered to begin anew. When choosing a bracket system, it is best to listen to the recommendations of the orthodontist - the doctor selects or combines the types of structures so that the treatment is as comfortable as possible.

Is it possible to correct an overbite in an adult without braces?

It can be done with aligners. These are orthodontic transparent caps made of solid polymer. Despite their rather simple appearance, aligners do an excellent job with small changes in the position of the teeth, and with quite serious pathologies of the dentition. When treating with orthodontic caps, patient motivation is extremely important. Aligners are more often chosen by men - they think that this type of treatment is less problematic. But often they do not have enough patience, and they remove the mouthguards as soon as they feel discomfort. And this is unacceptable if the patient expects a positive effect of treatment. Aligners need to be worn 22 hours a day - consider this before choosing this treatment option. If you comply with this requirement, then treatment with braces will not be needed - mouthguards no less effectively restore the anatomically correct position of the teeth and correct the bite.

Which "adult" braces are the best in reviews?

Most adult patients respond positively to lingual braces. They are fixed on the back surface of the teeth, absolutely not visible to others. This type of braces has the lowest profile: the locks of the systems are lower than all the others, and therefore do not disturb diction, do not irritate the mucous membrane, do not scratch the tongue. Also, adults often choose non-ligature braces made of ceramics - they are practically invisible, quite durable and cheaper than sapphire structures. When choosing a vestibular system that is fixed on the front surface of the teeth, it should be borne in mind that no matter what inconspicuous material its locks are made of, the orthodontic arch will always be noticeable. Therefore, you can safely choose classic metal braces. Ultimately, the preference for a particular design comes down to its price.

Retainers: why are they worn after braces are removed?

A retainer is a device that looks like an arc. It is placed on the back surface of the teeth when the braces are removed. Thus, the new position of the teeth is fixed. The ligamentous apparatus of the teeth has muscle memory, so no matter how we move the teeth, they will tend to return to their “original” position. Wearing a retainer is an essential part of orthodontic treatment. This is especially true for people over twenty-five. A retainer is installed for at least two periods of wearing braces: for example, the patient wore them for one year, then the retainer will need to be worn for two years. Foreign orthodontists generally argue that you need to wear retainers all the time - this is the only way to ensure that your teeth remain straight. In general, after some time, the retainer can be replaced with a night guard or plate. But some kind of construction supporting the new position of the teeth will definitely be needed - this is a classic. Unfortunately, patients often neglect this stage of treatment, face relapses and begin to talk about the ineffectiveness and futility of orthodontic treatment in adulthood.

How long do adults need to wear braces?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally: maybe one year, or maybe several years. Occlusion correction in adult patients is a long, laborious process that requires patience and discipline from a person. Therefore, orthodontists rarely persuade adults to align their teeth. If a person himself does not want this, then nothing will force him to conscientiously fulfill all the requirements of a doctor. In adult orthodontic treatment, it is important that the dentist finds a compromise between what he wants to achieve and what the patient wants to achieve. Orthodontists, of course, always strive to restore the ideally even position of the teeth, no matter how much time it takes - at least three years, at least five years. The patient can get tired of the treatment, abandon it. The main task of the dentist is to honestly tell how long the treatment will take and how it will go. And then to hear if the patient is ready to go this way.

The price of braces for adults in Moscow

In order not to mislead you, we will not indicate specific amounts. Because adult orthodontic treatment is time consuming, often requires additional or preparatory procedures, its total cost cannot be low. But the opportunity to smile widely without hesitation is priceless at any age! Therefore, it makes sense to make an appointment with an orthodontist, no matter how old you are. The doctor after examination and research will name the exact cost of treatment in your case.

Braces for adults are presented in a wide range, as a result of which the patient cannot always choose the system that is suitable for himself. To decide which braces are best for an adult, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose best braces, which will meet all the requirements of the patient regarding the cost, duration of treatment, aesthetic parameters.

Systems are classified into many types. The main criteria are the method of fixation (vestibular, lingual, ligature and non-ligature), as well as the material of manufacture (metal, plastic, ceramics, sapphire, etc.).

Types of braces for teeth, their advantages and disadvantages

Crooked teeth are a problem that affects not only children but also adults. Children can correct curvature with braces or trainers. If they were delivered to the baby out of time, then rapid tooth decay, chronic ENT diseases, and caries can be observed.

People of mature age often ignore this problem, despite the fact that an adult can also get braces. Their range is diverse, which is why it is very difficult to choose a system on your own. To do this, you need to consult with your dentist.

According to the method of fastening

Systems are classified into ligature and self-ligating (ligatureless), as well as vestibular and lingual. Which braces are better to put, the doctor decides on an individual basis, since each design has its pros and cons.

Type of braces Mounting method pros Minuses
Ligature The arch is fixed with the help of elastics or wires (we recommend reading: how are elastics used for braces?)
  • a budget option;
  • color variability.
  • meticulous care;
  • monthly correction;
  • unsatisfactory aesthetic appearance;
  • bulkiness and immobility of the structure.
Non-ligature The fastening of the arc is carried out thanks to a sliding latch in the form of a valve or clip.
  • 1 correction in 2 months;
  • good mobility of the system;
  • pleasant aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • high efficiency.
  • high price.
vestibular Fixation is made on the outer surface of the dentition
  • universality (suitable for all age categories);
  • relatively short treatment period;
  • favorable cost.
  • imperfect aesthetic appearance.
Lingual Mounting is carried out on the inner surface of the teeth
  • perfect aesthetic appearance;
  • invisibility of lingual constructions;
  • the possibility of regular monitoring of the result.
  • long-term treatment;
  • long adaptation period;
  • high price.

According to the material of manufacture

An important selection criterion is what bracket systems consist of. For a patient who cannot decide which braces will suit him, it is better to pay attention to the material of manufacture:

To decide which braces are best, the patient should study their pros and cons. For example, a person with an average income level may opt for metal braces, while sapphire designs are ideal for a public person.

Production material pros Minuses Top Producers
  • low price;
  • universality (suitable for different age categories);
  • reliability;
  • minimum adjustment period.
  • aesthetic imperfection;
  • sometimes cause an allergic reaction.
Damon, Alexander
  • strength;
  • stealth;
  • ease of care;
  • good aesthetics;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • wearing comfort.
  • long period of wearing;
  • enamel demineralization.
Reflections, Aspire, Clarity
  • convenience;
  • flawless appearance;
  • a short period of getting used to;
  • high degree of wearing comfort.
  • insufficient functionality;
  • high price;
  • duration of treatment.
Ormco, American Orthodontics, Ortho Technology
  • low price;
  • aesthetic appeal.
  • fragility;
  • staining with food pigments.
Spirit Alexander, Spirit MB

Features of choosing effective braces for adult patients

Criteria for choosing braces for patients in adulthood:

Which manufacturers of adult braces are the best?

Adult patients are usually very selective when choosing braces. To date, the most popular metal structures are braces from the American manufacturer Ormco, including:

Ceramic systems for maximum aesthetics:

Sapphire designs are an innovation in modern orthodontics. Among the most popular manufacturers of these braces are the American companies ORMKO and Ortho Technology.

Ormco is also the creator of the best plastic braces - Spirit MB, Spirit Alexander. Such systems have a reliable metal groove, thanks to which you can achieve better arc sliding. The quality of mechanical fixation of plastic braces from Ormco is comparable to that of metal models, and their aesthetic properties are in no way inferior to ceramic structures.

A snow-white smile and even beautiful teeth have not been the privilege of only Hollywood actors for a long time. Turning to an experienced orthodontist, you can correct the bite and other anomalies of the jaw with the help of modern braces. But the question immediately arises: “What types of bracket systems exist, and what is the fundamental difference between some models and others?”

The main factors influencing the choice of a particular bracket system.

  • type of malocclusion;
  • the need to remove any teeth;
  • the need for surgical intervention;
  • the severity of the deviation;
  • professionalism of the attending physician;
  • the financial capacity of the patient;
  • the term for obtaining the desired result;
  • doctor's wishes.

Classification of braces.

  • according to the material of manufacture;
  • according to the method of fastening;
  • according to the method of binding the arc with the braces themselves.

Types of bracket systems according to the material of manufacture.


The most common and most reliable devices. This is a type of braces for teeth at a price that will not hit the budget too much, but such systems look unattractive. However, a compromise solution has now been found in orthodontics - metal braces made of steel or alloys with a Teflon coating, which gives the braces a white tint, due to which they are not so conspicuous.


  • high strength;
  • color does not change during operation;
  • it will take less time to correct;
  • treatment with these devices is less painful.


  • immediately after installation, they cause inconvenience;
  • they irritate the gums more than other similar designs.

Average price: 15,000 rubles.


This bracket system is used in cases where the patient is allergic to certain alloys from which brackets are made.

Titanium is the only metal that is not an allergen as such. It does not react with any liquid in the human body. It is used not only in orthodontics, but also in surgery, when it is necessary to insert any plate or other foreign structure into the human body in order to keep the patient alive.

Such braces are lighter and more durable.


  • ease;
  • strength;
  • allergic reactions are excluded.


  • high price.

Average price: 120,000 rubles


These systems have a distinctive installation method. They are attached to the back of the teeth, thus becoming invisible to other people. Most often, such a bracket system is made of metal.

The patient adapts to them for 3-7 days. There may be a burning sensation, irritation and itching.


  • invisibility to others;
  • reliability.


  • increased term for correction of anomalies;
  • high price;
  • installation is carried out under the supervision of specially trained specialists;
  • at first there may be speech disorders, burning, tooth, irritation, discomfort;
  • prohibited with too short front teeth and severe malocclusion.

Average price: 180,000 rubles.


These are vestibular systems made of medical hypoallergenic plastic. Staples and locks are matched exactly to the color of the patient's teeth, so they are not very noticeable from the outside. In order to make plastic braces more reliable, some manufacturers are experimenting with the composition of the material, while others use a special substrate between the tooth and the bracket, which repeats the anatomical shape of the tooth surface. However, these measures do not always save from breakdowns.


  • the possibility of experimenting with the color of the crowns;
  • the possibility of using an anatomical substrate;
  • more aesthetically beautiful than metal braces.


  • frequent chips and splits;
  • due to breakdowns, treatment is less effective.

Average price: 25,000 rubles.


Polycrystalline ceramics based on sapphire and various metal oxides, which reinforce the bracket system, is a very aesthetic solution due to the possibility of selecting the degree of mattness of the material and its shades to match the color of the tooth enamel. Ceramic braces are almost invisible on the teeth, very durable and are not subject to staining with food coloring.


  • aesthetic beauty compared to metal and vestibular structures;
  • high strength;
  • convenient design.


  • do not cope with strong anomalies;
  • larger in size than metal and vestibular structures;
  • treatment lasts longer;
  • ligatures can be dyed with the strongest food colorings;
  • high price.

Average price: 45,000 rubles.


Another vestibular system with high aesthetic characteristics. For its manufacture, artificial sapphires are used. They are transparent, shimmer beautifully in certain lighting. Sapphire braces are ideal for those who are sensitive to their appearance, as they look like an exquisite accessory.


  • aesthetic beauty;
  • shimmer in the sun.


  • high price.

Average price: 60,000 rubles.


This vestibular apparatus from several materials. Ceramics or sapphires are used in the smile zone, and metal is used in the chewing zone. Braces on the side teeth are not visible to others, so they can even be made of dark metal. In addition, this option helps to significantly save on treatment.


  • relatively low cost;
  • aesthetics;
  • reliability.


  • difficult care of the bracket system;
  • with a wide smile, metal elements are noticeable.

Average price: 40,000 rubles.

Comparative characteristics of various types of bracket systems.

Special sensorsThere isIn-screen fingerprint sensor, Light sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Compass, Gyroscope
Fingerprint sensor.
operating systemYesAndroid v9.0 (Pie)
fast chargingThere is4500mAh
SIM card slots3 Dual SIM, GSM+GSM
Vivo Model V15 Pro
networks 3G, 4G, 2G, WiFi
multimedia Loudspeaker Yes
3.5mm audio jack

Specialists from clinics give advice on choosing braces:

Types of braces according to the method of attachment.

In many ways, the device of all orthodontic braces is identical, they consist of an arc that tightens the bracket, and the braces themselves are fixed on the teeth with a special glue or bond. However, the method of bonding the archwire to the brackets for different structures may differ.
There are three main attachment methods.

Passive mount Damon, United States of America.

The passive mount was developed by Dr. Damon and is by far the best solution in terms of value for money. In fact, it belongs to lock fasteners (vestibular self-ligating, or non-ligating, constructions), but it should be put in a separate category with constructions based on a wire arch with its retention using a sliding retainer.

The minimum mechanical effect on the teeth and the muscular apparatus of the jaw region has a gentle, but very effective and accelerated effect on the entire healing process when correcting an overbite. The Damon bracket system is made of neutral metal alloys, and its cost ranges from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles per jaw.

Smart Clip active mount, United States of America.

Also referred to as the Clarity SL or Smart Clip, the Active Attachment is a design that holds the archwire with nitinol retaining clips. When you press the arc, the clips first open and then snap into place, clamping the arc. Another name for these structures is active self-ligating bracket systems.

Castle mount.

Lock fastening, or a ligature-free bracket system, is based on the principle of the effect of ultra-low forces on the process of moving teeth due to minimal friction of the archwire on the grooves of the bracket. The implementation of this principle provides the possibility of obtaining better aesthetic results, as well as avoiding possible removal teeth. At the same time, the treatment time is reduced by about a quarter compared to traditional designs, the intervals for visiting a doctor for preventive purposes are increased to 2–2.5 months.

How to care for braces?

Caring for braces is not an easy task. It is necessary to clean your teeth according to a special technique, to follow certain rules of hygiene.

The following videos will cover this in more detail:

Key manufacturers of braces.

Historically, the main volume of braces for correcting teeth is provided by American and German brands for the production of these structures. American products are more diverse and give more freedom of choice. German brands are a little late, as they carry out more painstakingly clinical trials. Often, American manufacturers locate their laboratories in Germany, trusting German thoroughness in their work.

For Russians and residents of Europe, this is very beneficial, because they do not have to transport goods from overseas, which has a positive effect on the cost of braces.

This American company has been producing braces for 60 years and is one of the most innovative in the world, its products have won numerous prestigious awards. 3M produces titanium, steel, gold and ceramic braces.

This famous American concern since the mid-50s. of the last century produces several series of bracket systems. Currently, these are non-ligature metal and ceramic, as well as ligature titanium, steel and sapphire bracket systems.

The main feature of this company is that it supplies braces from the manufacturer Damon with American roots.

Damon ligatureless braces are modern systems for teeth alignment and bite correction, which are based on the principle of passive self-ligation. The archwire is held in the groove by a cover that does not put pressure on the archwire. This significantly reduces friction in the system. The movement of teeth occurs under the influence of weak forces and muscles of the face.

Ormco offers the following models of Damon braces:

  • Damon Q;
  • Damon Clear;
  • Damon 3MX;
  • Damon 3.

American Orthodontics.

One of the flagships of the global orthodontic industry. It has existed for over forty years. Almost all products of this company are manufactured in the USA. Braces are offered ligature and non-ligature metal, ceramic, plastic, sapphire.

What to choose anyway?

In terms of efficiency, all devices are the same. Therefore, when choosing a system, you must be guided by your own budget, aesthetic requirements and quality characteristics.

The least expensive and most proven option would be metal braces. Prices for plastic braces are also low, but in terms of strength, these structures are significantly inferior to metal ones. If aesthetics is a priority, then it is better to give preference to ceramic or sapphire vestibular systems, as well as lingual braces, which will cost more than others.

However, we should not forget that choosing a corrective system should be after a preliminary consultation with an orthodontist, who will talk about the types of braces and their cost, advise the patient on the most efficient apparatus in an individual case.

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