Home Stomatitis Sudden death of a German Shepherd causes. Sudden death of dogs and cats

Sudden death of a German Shepherd causes. Sudden death of dogs and cats

When faced for the first time with the death of puppies that are absolutely healthy at first glance, any person experiences shock and begins to search for the truth, blaming himself, those around him, and even unknown attackers for what happened.

However, unfortunately, for veterinarians such phenomena do not seem unusual or rare. In this article we will try to understand the causes of sudden puppy death syndrome.

Causes of death of puppies

Some dog breeders have seen entire litters die. The culprit of such rapidly developing events may be a herpes virus infection, hepatitis or a bacterial infection that has penetrated into the fragile organism puppy with mother's milk.

A characteristic feature of the pathogenesis of infection by microorganisms is the transience of the disease, leading to the death of the entire litter in a matter of days. With a herpes virus infection, the pathogen enters the puppy’s body through saliva or discharge from the nasal passages. Infection can also occur through close contact or using the same items for care and feeding.

Even the owner himself can provoke an outbreak of the epidemic among his pets by bringing home the virus on his clothes, shoes and even hands. As practice shows, crowded keeping of animals in nurseries and homes leads to the fact that a herpes virus infection that occurs in one individual leads to 100% infection of all other pets. And there are no exceptions to this rule.

Curiously, adult dogs have quite good immunity to herpes virus infection. For this reason, the clinical picture of this pathology is quite blurry. But puppies, pregnant animals or individuals with weakened immune systems suffer severely from a herpes virus infection, which spreads like lightning throughout their entire body.

If we talk about puppies, they, as a rule, do not die immediately, but after 2 weeks. The virus travels a long and complex path before leading to the death of an animal. Having penetrated the mucous membrane of its host, the virus begins intensive reproduction in conditions of low temperature. Naturally, such activity destroys cells, which leads to erosion of the mucous membrane.

If for some reason the immune system is not able to resist the pathology at this stage, then the virus will unhindered continue its march through the body, affecting nerve ganglia, which will serve as a refuge for him for the entire period of latent development. Next, when stressful situation, for example, when the conditions for keeping puppies deteriorate, the genome is reactivated and the herpes virus re-infects the mucous membrane of the animal.

From this moment on, the dog becomes infectious, since the causative agent of herpes virus infection is actively released into the environment, although the carrier himself may still lack a clear clinical picture of the pathology. Miscarriages and stillbirths are quite common in infected young bitches. Even if puppies are born alive, they are completely unviable and die without even living for 2 days.

What to do to avoid puppy death?

After the puppies are born, the owner must carefully monitor their development. The first signal indicating an impending disaster will be the babies’ refusal of mother’s milk. After a short period of time, the puppies clearly show problems with the respiratory system. Then the puppies begin to rapidly die one after another. In less than a week, the entire litter dies.

You need to understand that when deployed clinical picture There is no point in treating puppies with pathologies. The only thing you can try to do is isolate healthy babies, transferring them to artificial feeding. In parallel with this, it is necessary to improve the living conditions of animals.

According to veterinary experts, the most effective method The fight against sudden death of puppies is to build the mother's immunity.

Although infectious hepatitis is much less common than herpesvirus infection, its consequences are no less terrible. The death of the litter occurs so quickly that the owner does not even have time to invite a veterinarian. Less than 1 hour passes from infection to death.

Clinical picture represented by vomiting, diarrhea, fever and heavy discharge from the eyes and nose, even confuse experienced breeders dogs because they diagnose their pets with poisoning. Even a recovered animal will be a carrier of the virus for a year.

The pathogen is released into the environment along with the dog's urine and excrement. Thus, the owner should prohibit his pet from walking on fresh air sniff dog marks, since in this case the risk of infectious hepatitis penetrating through the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth is extremely high.

The life cycle of the virus in a dog’s body begins with damage to the lymph nodes, where it multiplies intensively. Further, having left the affected cells of the lymph nodes, viral particles accumulate in the liver parenchyma, causing its destruction.

It happens that a seemingly healthy pet, without receiving any visible injury, dies in a matter of seconds, minutes or hours. A pathologist talks about common causes of sudden death in dogs and cats veterinary clinic“Biocontrol”, candidate of biological sciences Dmitry Evgenievich Mitrushkin.

Poisoning in dogs and cats

Dogs are more often poisoned by poisons intended to control rodents (rats and mice), and poisons distributed by “dog hunters” (persons who, on their own initiative, exterminate stray dogs).

Poisons against rodents are often anticoagulants (substances that reduce blood clotting, for example, zoocoumarin), leading to massive hemorrhages in the skin and internal organs(primarily into the cavity of the stomach and intestines). They manifest themselves as lethargy, diarrhea and/or vomiting with blood and the development of severe anemia. It must be added that death small dog(or cat) can occur from eating a poisoned mouse or rat (weakened and becoming easy prey because bleeding has already begun in its organs and tissues).

The poison used by “dog hunters” is often the drug isoniazid, intended for the treatment of human tuberculosis, but which is toxic to dogs. It is added in the form of tablets to sausages or sausages laid out on the ground in courtyards and parks. Sometimes domestic dogs also eat them. The effect of the drug begins after 1-1.5 hours and leads to depression of brain activity, resulting in confusion, incoordination of movements with further profuse salivation and foaming from the mouth. In case of severe poisoning, convulsions, coma, and paralysis of the respiratory muscles are possible.

To prevent the poisoning described above, it is necessary to educate the dog in the ability not to pick up food from the ground, walk it on a leash and constantly carefully watch what it is doing. If you are unable to keep an eye on your dog, you should put a fully closed muzzle on it, especially in places where you have already seen a pack of stray dogs or heard about it from other owners.

Cats are pickier eaters (compared to dogs) and are more likely to be poisoned by antifreeze (a sweet-tasting liquid that does not freeze at low temperatures, used to cool internal combustion engines) or lilies.

Antifreeze can leak under the car or be spilled by the car owner on the asphalt, garage floor, etc. When thirsty animals lick the resulting puddle (or simply lick their paws that pass through it), ethylene glycol, which is the basis of antifreeze, is absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. Within an hour, vomiting, weakness, and loss of coordination of movements begin with a further progressive reduction in the amount of urine (up to its absence) due to the development of acute renal failure. It should be added that the lethal dose of antifreeze for a cat may be about 1.5 ml/kg, for a dog - about 6.6 ml/kg. To prevent poisoning, it is necessary to prevent antifreeze from leaking or use antifreeze based on propylene glycol, which has lower toxicity.

Many types of lilies are toxic to cats. Eating them or pollen that ends up on the animal’s fur (with further licking and getting it into the stomach) can cause the death of the animal due to acute renal failure. Therefore, cat owners should avoid purchasing or growing this plant.

Heart disease in dogs and cats

Large breed dogs (usually middle-aged and older) can die suddenly from a heart condition such as (with or without heart disease) heart rate), characterized by expansion of the cavities of the heart and myocardial dysfunction. Clinically the pathology is early stages manifests itself asymptomatically or only with increased fatigue; When the disease develops, general weakness is usually noted, rapid breathing, cough and even fainting.

Cats of any age often suffer from cardiac pathology such as hypertrophic. Among the most predisposed breeds are: British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Maine Coon, Sphynx, etc. The genetically determined disease is characterized by hypertrophy (thickening) of the walls of the organ (usually the left ventricle), leading to periodic rapid breathing with the mouth slightly open. The disease is complicated either by thromboembolism (acute death occurs when blood clots form in the branches pulmonary artery, obstructing blood flow), or pulmonary edema.

The death of a beloved dog is a great grief for every owner. Whatever the reason, this event always leaves an indelible mark on the soul, but life does not end there and you need to learn to cope with the shock. The most difficult thing in this situation is to survive the first days, when, in addition to the difficult emotional state, you have to deal with other issues related to the death of your pet.

For many, a dog becomes a real member of the family, so its death becomes the same tragedy as the loss loved one. Psychologist Julie Axerold believes that after her death, a person loses not only a pet, but also a source of unconditional love, a constant companion who provides comfort and safety, as well as a ward for whom the owner is a kind of mentor, like for a child. How to survive this period? There are no rituals in our culture that would help us more easily cope with loss (obituaries, memorial days), so sometimes it’s easier to do this if you follow some recommendations from psychologists. Despite the fact that they are quite simple, it is not always possible to do what experts advise during periods of intense grief.

  • Do not look for someone to blame, especially if the pet died due to illness or injury. It is worth realizing that even ideal owners and experienced doctors Sometimes they make mistakes, so it is important not to blame yourself with possible phrases “I didn’t have time”, “I made a mistake in choosing a veterinarian”. Every owner does everything in his power, so the main thing is that the dog spends happy life in a caring atmosphere.
  • Take a break and wait until the pain subsides. You should not immediately rush to search for a replacement for a departed pet, as this will be fraught with comparisons of different animals, which often turn out to be not in favor of new pets. After a loss, it is better to limit communication with familiar dog lovers, visits to the usual pet store or veterinary clinic in order to avoid unnecessary questions and memories.
  • Fill the void. The dog owner develops a special rhythm and schedule of life, which may revolve around the needs of the pet (for example, daily walks, feeding schedule, etc.). Lifestyle changes are one of the biggest sources of stress, so it’s important to come up with a new hobby or activity that will occupy your free time. This could be English or programming courses, going to the gym or renovating your own apartment - any options that will shift your attention away from pain and sad thoughts.
  • Remember only the good things. Immediately after the death of a dog, the period when he was already sick or old most often pops up in the mind, but you need to try to get rid of such thoughts. After all, there were many other, more pleasant moments in the dog’s life: clumsy puppyhood, first training lessons, joint walks and trips, and other occasions that should be emphasized. To reinforce positive emotions, you can make an album or frames with photographs, and after a while, memories of your pet will only bring a smile, not tears.

  • Get rid of reminders. You need to hide all things that remind you of the loss (collar, leash, feeding bowl, toys). You can give them to friends or donate them to a dog shelter where they will definitely find useful use.
  • Help other animals. Psychologists believe that helping a dog shelter is good way overcome difficult things faster emotional condition. The realization that your help brings joy and benefit to someone will over time displace negative experiences.
  • Get a puppy. It is no coincidence that this advice comes last, since you should not think about a new animal until the pain of loss has subsided. If, when thinking about a new puppy, an involuntary comparison arises that he will never be as smart or loyal, then it is better to abandon such an idea for now. Otherwise, the new family member will not be able to receive the care and love of the owner to the fullest and give him new bright emotions.

What to do when a dog dies

Death from an accident or injuries, a long struggle with a dangerous or incurable disease - no matter how much you want to change the situation, the owner is faced with the fact: the dog has died and something needs to be done next. One of the painful questions is what to do with the body, because it needs to be buried.

Responsibility for the burial of a pet falls entirely on the shoulders of its owner, but in Russia this issue remains not fully resolved. According to the law, there are two options for the disposal of dead animals: burning in a crematorium or disinfection in Beccari pits, which are located in most large cities.

Sometimes animal owners prefer to bury the animal after death and even erect a monument, for which in some cities entire animal cemeteries are organized.

Important! Under no circumstances should you bury your pet in a park, country house or forest, especially if it died due to infectious disease. The pathogens will exist in the ground for decades and over time are transferred by groundwater into wells and wells, which is fraught with the outbreak of a dangerous epidemic.

Private veterinary clinics and centers with their own crematoriums also provide assistance in this matter. Their employees are ready to arrive at any time to pick up the body of the deceased dog and transport it for autopsy and subsequent cremation. Such centers offer two cremation options:

  • general - several corpses are burned in the chamber at the same time, the ashes of which are mixed, but the owner can take away part of it with the thought that there is a piece of his pet there too.
  • individual - includes burning one animal corpse in one chamber, so the owner will be sure that the urn contains only the ashes of his dog.

The memory of pets can also be immortalized in a virtual cemetery, which is organized in in social networks or on special websites. It provides the opportunity to register your own page, where you can not only post a photo of a deceased animal, but receive psychological support and advice on how to cope with grief from other animal owners.

How dogs sense death

There is no clear answer to the question “do dogs sense their death,” but often old and sick animals leave the house, and the owner later finds the body and realizes that the leaving was intentional.

There are several versions to explain the reasons for this behavior. Some people believe that the animal is trying to relieve a person’s pain and melancholy by leaving, but this version cannot be reliable. To do this, you need to have human consciousness, since it is only human nature to think about death and fear it. But animals do this unconsciously, because for them life and death are equally natural phenomena. American psychologists believe that their intelligence can be compared to the intelligence of a 2-3 year old child, who also does not realize that death is an irreversible phenomenon.

According to biologists, the departure of a pet from home before death can be explained by the same reasons as the departure of a sick or old wolf from the pack. The dog’s consciousness becomes clouded, so the habits acquired over the years of living with a person displace the more ancient instincts inherent in all representatives of the canine family:

  • a weak individual that cannot run fast and hunt successfully will be a burden for the pack;
  • a weak individual can be an easy prey and thus attract the attention of a pack of other predators;
  • if you don’t hide, there is a risk of meeting a large predator and dying painfully after being torn to pieces;
  • if you die in a flock, then the decomposition products negatively affect the health of the young.

It is assumed that these are the impulses that an animal is guided by when it leaves its owner. But pets that retain consciousness and affection do not always succumb to instincts, so they are left to die in the house where they spent their whole lives.

There is a legend according to which all dying dogs go to the Rainbow Bridge. This is a kind of dog paradise, where they get rid of all ailments and do not feel hunger or fear. They can spend time in endless games with other deceased animals, so one can only be glad that all the hardships for the dog are left behind. Moreover, on the Rainbow Bridge they have another pleasure that was not available during life due to their vision: they can see all its colors.

The main causes of sudden death in newborn puppies and within three weeks after birth. The main factors for the rapid death of puppies in the early or late neonatal period are associated with herpes virus infection, infectious canine hepatitis, less commonly bacterial infection obtained from mother's milk. Also, during the first weeks after birth, puppies can be infected with many pathogenic microorganisms, which cause a fulminant form of the disease and sudden death.

Herpes virus infection

The virus is released through saliva and nasal discharge; therefore, herpesvirus infection is transmitted through casual contact (eg, sharing feeding bowls). Can also be spread by people who come into contact with infected dogs and then interact with healthy dog. Sometimes the virus is transmitted sexually.


It is estimated that up to 80% of dogs kept in kennels and overcrowded apartments are infected with the virus. However, adult dogs rarely develop Clinical signs diseases, as they develop good resistance to the virus. Most often, the infection can cause disease in pregnant dogs that have never had contact with the herpes virus, as well as in puppies under 3 weeks of age born to dogs that have not been exposed to the virus.

Development of pathology

The virus invades the mucous membranes, where it multiplies when low temperature, causing destruction of mucosal cells and leading to erosions. When the immune system is weakened, the virus invades the nerve ganglia, where it remains latent and does not multiply. Later, when the animal experiences stress (illness, childbirth), the genome is reactivated, the virus travels up the nerve and causes reinfection of the mucous membranes. The virus is released in external environment; may be excreted without reappearance of clinical signs or lesions (eg, asymptomatic carriers).

Clinical picture

In most adult dogs, the infection is subtle or asymptomatic, and there may be signs of catarrh respiratory system. A more vivid picture is observed in young animals that have never previously been in contact with the source of the herpes virus, as well as in puppies born from such bitches.

In young bitches who do not have immunity, abortions or stillbirths may occur, and the death of puppies is also possible within 24-48 hours after birth. Typically, the mortality rate among puppies is 100%. In puppies younger than 3 weeks: high neonatal mortality. These puppies are susceptible to infection because they do not receive antibodies against the herpes virus in their colostrum. The first sign that appears in puppies when infected is a refusal to milk. They also develop respiratory signs and abdominal pain. Within 48 hours they die. The entire litter can be infected within 5-7 days with a 100% fatality rate. In puppies over 3 weeks of age, there may be minor signs of respiratory damage, danger fatal outcome decreases


They try to make a diagnosis, since there are other diseases that can manifest similar symptoms. During the pathological autopsy dead puppies hemorrhagic lesions caused by generalized necrotizing vasculitis (inclusions of herpesvirus particles in infected cells) can be detected. The diagnosis can also be made based on determination of the antibody titer: in sick animals, the test results are often negative (prepatent period of infection), but elevated titers indicate the presence of a herpesvirus infection. The ELISA method is used to identify animals that secrete the virus. However, this method cannot detect infection at an early stage.

Once puppies have shown clinical signs, it is too late to begin treatment. Provide supportive treatment: infusion therapy, keeping them warm, separating healthy puppies from their mother.

The best preventive measure- this is to create immunity in bitches. Allowing her to interact with other animals, most of whom have been exposed to the virus, will help her develop immunity. In the late stages of pregnancy (3 weeks before giving birth) until three weeks after giving birth, the bitch and her puppies are kept out of contact with other dogs that may be carriers of the herpes virus.

Infectious canine hepatitis

It is rare, but can affect the entire litter. Can cause lightning death of puppies. The puppies look healthy, but after some time the condition may deteriorate sharply. Puppies can die within an hour of the onset of infection, so in such cases poisoning is often assumed. Clinically, puppies experience diarrhea, sometimes with blood, vomiting, fever, discharge from the eyes and nasal cavity, and depression. After the initial fever, body temperature may drop to normal or even below normal. In case of defeat nervous system convulsions and coma are observed, and if the liver is damaged, jaundice occurs. After recovery, the dog may develop a condition called blue eye (anterior uveitis and corneal edema).

The virus is shed in feces and urine. Infected individuals shed the virus in their urine for up to a year. The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities.

Development of pathology

The virus, entering the oronasal cavity, multiplies in the tonsils and lymph nodes. Viral particles leave the affected cells, leading to viremia. They then infect liver parenchymal cells and endothelial cells, where they multiply and cause cellular damage. This cell damage leads to the development of vasculitis and hepatitis, which, in turn, contribute to the development of DIC and death.

The diagnosis is made by increased activity of liver enzymes (ALT) and the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, isolation of the virus from the secretion of the oropharyngeal region, feces and urine (in the early stages of the disease). Serological analysis reveals a 4-fold increase in antibody titer taken after 2-4 weeks.


Vaccination against viral hepatitis

Our pets live much shorter than us. Dying of old age, they leave their owners the pain of loss and a lot of wonderful memories of games and walks, pranks and pranks, happy and sad days spent together. Sometimes illness takes them, they are poisoned or end up in emergency situations, but in such cases, confident and competent actions can prolong the life of the pet and save it. Any owner should know how dogs behave before death in order to have time to seek help. veterinary care, make his passing away easier, or just be with your friend for the last hour.

How to recognize a dog's approaching old age?

Dogs show the same signs of aging as humans. Gray hair appears in their fur, their eyes become dull, they eat less and less eagerly, they move more slowly, during walks they show little interest in the world around them, preferring to return home soon, they hardly or do not play at all, and increasingly they like to lie in silence and at a distance from others. dogs and people. This condition can last from several months to a year if the dog is not suffering from the disease. He quietly fades away and becomes weaker until his time finally comes to leave his family.

In older animals, the hair sheds and is not restored, and bald patches may form on the elbows, the area around the tail and on the stomach. Teeth may fall out, at least they are no longer sharp, but very worn down and darkened.

Old or tired chronic disease the dog is breathing intermittently and whistling, its hair is falling out and its claws are peeling, its nose is mostly dry, its gait is unsteady due to falling glucose levels, its urine becomes dark in color, and its stool is often broken without visible reasons. The dog still reacts positively to affection, but does not actively ask for attention. More and more often he simply dozes in solitude. He may be irritated by loud noises, bright lights, and strangers. An aging animal, like an old person, needs peace, quiet, moderate temperature, dim lighting, a light diet and respect for personal space.

A sign of old age is a weakening of the sexual instinct. An elderly male does not care that a female dog is nearby; he does not perform a courtship ritual and does not enter into competition with other males, but the one who has entered the heat old dog drives them away and does not allow them to get on top of you.

Loss or confusion of consciousness. The dog either does not react to stimuli at all, or reacts weakly and indistinctly. He no longer sees, does not hear, and probably does not smell, but all owners note that even a pet on the verge senses their presence and even tries to wag its tail.

Amyotrophy. It is observed in very old or long-term and seriously ill animals. The dog can’t hold his head up, his paws are moving apart, his mouth is half-open, and under the skin, instead of muscle knots, it feels like dense jelly.

Dry skin and loss of elasticity. If you pinch the skin, the fold will not straighten out, and the color of the mucous membrane will not return to normal pink. It is caused by dehydration, loss of nerve supply, and loss of brain control over the body.

Why do dogs leave home?

It is difficult to say whether dogs sense their death, but it often happens that an old animal leaves home and disappears, it depends on its socialization. The owners find her dead and understand that the dog left on purpose - in anticipation of the end.

There are several versions as to why dogs leave home before they die. Some even believe that the animal feels the pain and bitterness of its owners and, by leaving, tries to alleviate their condition. But this is not true. To do this, you need to have human consciousness. It is the person who grieves for their deceased loved ones, who is afraid of death and thinks about it. The animal does not feel all this, since life and death are equally natural for him. Morality, ethics, aesthetics, religion, civilization - all this is alien to animals.

Biologists believe that a dog leaving home before death is caused by the same reasons as an old or sick wolf leaving its den. The dog’s consciousness becomes clouded and the skills acquired during life with humans are forgotten, ancient instincts come into play, to which all canines obey:

  • You cannot burden a flock with a creature that cannot run quickly and hunt successfully,
  • You cannot attract other predators to the flock with easy prey in the form of a weak individual,
  • If you don’t hide, there is a risk of being torn to pieces by a large predator and dying painfully,
  • If you die in a flock, the young animals will suffer from the products of decomposition.

Presumably, due to these motives, domestic dogs overcome weakness and leave home. However, dogs that have retained consciousness and attachment to humans step over instinct and are left to die in the house in the arms of their owners.

How to help a dying dog

To make it easier for your pet to pass away, you should observe how the dog behaves before death. A dog's behavior before death always changes, and an attentive, loving owner cannot fail to notice this. If a dog dies easily, then he does not need anything except peace and quiet, sometimes the presence of the owner. Many dogs lick their owners' hands and wag their tails even in their last moments of life.

If the dying is associated with the dog’s physical suffering, then the owner’s duty is to alleviate his condition and decide on euthanasia or consider all options for a worthy farewell to his final journey. This is not murder, as many people think, but the last help to someone who has been around for many years and who helped cope with everyday difficulties as best he could.

Euthanasia is necessary for animals dying from cancer, head injuries, multiple bleeding, or an incurable infectious disease. Only a veterinarian can perform this.

About the author: Anna Aleksandrovna Maksimenkova

Practicing veterinarian V private clinic. Directions: therapy, oncology, surgery. Read more about me in the "About Us" section.

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