Home Children's dentistry Conspiracy ritual to make the grooms appear. Conspiracies to attract men

Conspiracy ritual to make the grooms appear. Conspiracies to attract men

Here are collected many diverse and effective and time-tested methods and spells for attracting love into your life, as well as maintaining love with your soul mate, love spells. Try using any of the spells.

These two powerful love spells to get married - for a quick and successful marriage with a loved one, which you need to read yourself, top the list of rituals of the Russian people for a quick marriage and help to meet the groom in a very short time. Do you want to get married but haven’t met someone with whom you would like to connect your life or there is such a person, but for some reason this guy or man doesn’t propose marriage and doesn’t invite you to become his wife - it doesn’t matter, a marriage plot will help you get married very fast.

To perform the love spell ritual yourself, buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday; do not take change when purchasing. On the way home, rejoice at your purchase and think about how great your new folding broom is, how great it will be for you to sweep the house and put it in order. Wait until the new moon comes and sweep the entire yard (or entrance if you live in apartment building), and all the dust must be collected in a dustpan.

In the meantime, while you are sweeping away the dirty laundry, cast this old and very powerful spell for a successful marriage that will come very quickly:

I'm driving the good guys into my house.

Not lazy people, not misers, not thieves.

Come to me, grooms.

From our own and other people's yards.

Stone. Scissors. Paper.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

To get married quickly and successfully, the marriage plot must be read seven times during cleaning. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the greater the choice of suitors fate will give you, just don’t choose for a long time, the years go by and beauty goes away. When you have collected all the garbage, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in the far corner and keep it there until the new moon. Be sure to read the “Our Father” nine times over it. Expect suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose your groom from among them. And as soon as you’ve been proposed for marriage, you can take the dirty linen away from the house and bury it in a hole so no one can see.

Conspiracy in golden autumn

Best time get married of course Golden autumn, but preparations for the wedding need to start in advance. If you want to get married successfully, don’t waste your time and quickly start a love spell that will help you get married and gain married status in a very short time - by autumn. To do this, you need to plant flower seedlings near your home. Planting should be done during the full moon, early in the morning, while everyone is still sleeping. While you are planting, say the words of the marriage plot:

I, the servant of God (name), will leave the house through the doors, and from the doors through the gates.
I'll look at the blue sky, I'll look at the red sun.
So, my fiancé, smile at me, quickly get ready for the crown with me.
As my flowers bloom, suitors will come to me.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After this, you need to ensure that the seedlings do not die for seven days. Water it in the evening, read Our Father nine times. As soon as the first flower blooms, you will meet your future husband, who will ask you to marry him. Pick the last flower and dry it and store it in a secret place. He will protect your family life from quarrels and disagreements.

Rituals for calling a husband

“Merciful Lord, who gave Abraham your servant a husband and an obedient son, and through an amazing sign indicated Rebekah as his wife! Show me, your servant, the person I should marry. Order the secret spirits to help me: Baalibet, Assaibi, Abumostit. Amen!"

This ritual is performed on Friday. And once is not enough. You should repeat it three times, this should be done exclusively on Fridays, so that you can count on a quick marriage.

In order to see your fiancé quickly, you can call him while standing on the threshold of your house. You practically need to leave the apartment. You should stand with your feet on the threshold, your arms should be outstretched in different directions and rest against the doorposts. The plot is repeated three times:

“I summon to my doorstep the servant of God, the husband of my future. Just as this threshold is under my feet, the doorposts are under my hands, so you, servant of God, betrothed, walk under my will. Come to me! Amen!"

While reading magic words, they stand facing the room.

The wind can also help in inviting the groom. To do this, you need to open the window in the room, or go outside. During the period of the waxing moon, the following conspiracy is cast in the open air:

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God, my betrothed, the mummer. Damn to the wind, damn against the wind and my challenge with it. My betrothed, destined by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, you will bring your soul to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

This conspiracy is used to get married and create strong family on long years.

To get a groom, you can use prayer at the well. The ritual at the well is carried out completely alone. No one needs to see your actions. This is one of mandatory conditions. You can choose any time. You should go to the well, bend over to the water to see your expression, look at the dark water, think about how you want to get married, what the groom should be like. And then say:

“I’m not alone, we’re together, we’ve spent our entire lives with each other, one after another.”

After these words, another reflection will appear. This will be a reflection of your future spouse. Then you should draw water from the well and drink it. You must drink with pleasure, without missing a single drop, so that the spell will certainly work.

The Key to Marriage

Using a key as a talisman has a very ancient history. The ritual given here is carried out on the days of the full moon or new moon, accompanied by a plot for marriage. The time chosen is pre-dawn or midnight. To carry out the ritual, prepare a cord of red, pink or blue color.

The choice of color variation depends on how you imagine your marriage. If you want passion to be the main thing in your relationship, take a red thread, if romance, then pink. To ensure fidelity, choose a blue thread. You can take all three and intertwine them to create a combination of all three qualities. You also need to prepare any key.

The selected thread is threaded through the hole on the key. When everything is ready, light the candle. It must definitely be pink. The candle is placed in the center. Before turning to words, you need to look closely at the candle flame and focus on your desire.

At this time, the key should be on the table, in the middle between the candle and the woman reading the spell words. Then they take the key, recite the spell text and blow on the candle flame through the hole in the key. You need to blow 3 times. The plot is as follows:

“The key to happiness, the key to the heart, a husband for happiness, a husband after my own heart. Me, (name)!”

Spell for flowing water

This conspiracy read to get married as soon as possible. It is pronounced over water in a river or stream. You should stand on the bridge. When conspiring, they light matches and say:

“Fire, burn, serve me!” This must be repeated three times. When the match burns out, they throw it into the water and say: “Three beautiful girls, swim on the water, find your sweetheart and send it to me!”

A powerful spell to help you get married quickly

At dawn the table is set with a brand new tablecloth. white. A candle and a cup are placed on the surface of the table, into which water is poured, mixed with honey. The plot should be read over this cup. It is repeated 12 times.

There shouldn’t be any glitches while reading, so it’s better not to rely on memory, but to read from a sheet of paper so as not to make a mistake. While pronouncing words, you only need to think about how you will get married. How beautifully you will be dressed, how there will be a ceremony. This visualization requires a conspiracy. Then they pronounce a marriage plot:

“I’ll light a church candle and burn incense. I will express my desire to God. I will tie two red threads with three knots. Of these, one knot will be for love, the second - for passion, and the third - for fidelity. I’m not tying threads, but connecting our souls with our future husband. They will be together, they will live together, conduct business, have children. Friendship, understanding and respect - these are our relationships! From the very beginning of the century to its end. No one will untie the knots, no one will destroy our relationship, no one will be able to cancel our family. Everything will be strong and tenacious.”

If during 12 readings the candle does not have time to burn out, you will have to wait until this happens. Next, the face and hands are washed with the charmed honey water, and the doors and entrance are sprinkled with it. This is necessary so that the groom is attracted to you, like bees are attracted to the aroma of honey. Such ancient conspiracies marriage always gives results.

Broom in attracting marriage

A plot for a quick marriage can be carried out using an ordinary broom. It is this attribute home order was and is used to attract the owner to the house. To carry out the ritual, a new broom is purchased.

It is better to buy it on the market. After all, you will have to pay more money than required, and not take change. When you return from the market, you need to pay attention to the broom: give compliments, stroke it, caress it. Then you should wait for the new moon; after its onset, you should use the broom for its intended purpose for 7 days.

They use it to sweep their house and the area around it. You can also sweep the entrance if you live in a city apartment. The rubbish that can be swept away is collected in a yellow dustpan. When there is none, you can paint it in yellow any scoop. While sweeping, they whisper a conspiracy:

“I’m driving the red fellows into my house. Good and nice. Not lazy people, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks. Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your own backyards, from strangers, from the unknown. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

This plot is needed to get the desired husband in a short time.

You can repeat the words of this marriage plot any number of times. Some believe that there will be as many suitors as these words are repeated. The garbage from the scoop is poured into a bag, it is removed away and stored away until next period new moon Then they take it out and read the text of the prayer “Our Father” over it; this should be done 9 times. When a girl gets married, she must bury this bag so that no one knows about it and so that no one will ever find it.

Someone else's wedding is one of the ways to find a groom

Everyone who made a conspiracy at someone else’s wedding claims that this is the most effective way obtaining the desired opportunity to get married. To do this, you need to defend three weddings. You should keep a white handkerchief under your clothes near your heart.

You should carefully monitor the ritual so as not to miss anything important. While the priest is calling out the names of those getting married, you should also slowly say the names with him, but not the names of those getting married, but your own and the name of the man you would like to marry.

A white handkerchief should be used to wipe the shoes of the loved one whose wife you want to become. Only he shouldn't see anything. Then this handkerchief is placed in a bag for donations to the temple (for commemoration). This bag also contains fruits, cookies, gingerbread and candies. When the job is done, you need to light a candle for the repose of girlhood. During this action, the conspiracy is read:

“Mother Theotokos, saints Nicholas and Ilya, remember my girlhood in the kingdom of God, and send me a wedding wreath, this hour, this moment, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In general, this conspiracy is used when there is already a young man, but it is not possible to marry him. A ritual performed at someone else’s wedding is valid for 30 days. If within 30 days the situation does not move towards the wedding, then all actions are repeated again.

You can return to this ritual 3 times. If during this period of time the consequences do not manifest themselves in any way, and you will not be able to get your loved one as a husband, then it is better to give up, since this is not your destiny.

Prayer to Paraskeva Friday

All prayers addressed to the Saints are sure to reach God. To find your husband faster, you can turn to a Christian saint. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a martyr who keeps happiness in the family, helps women cope with the responsibilities of mothers and household chores.

She also cares about women's health. They traditionally pray to her to receive good husband, harmonious family.

“Holy bride of Christ, long-suffering martyr Paraskeva! We know that from your youth you loved with all your soul and with all your heart the King of glory, Christ the Savior, and you were ignorant of Him alone, distributing your possessions to the poor and poor. You shone with the power of your piety, your chastity and righteousness, like the rays of the sun, living holy among the infidels and fearlessly preaching Christ God to them. You, from the days of your youth, taught by your parents, have always reverently honored the days of the redemptive passions of our Lord Jesus Christ, for whose sake you yourself voluntarily suffered. You, who by the right hand of the angel of God were wonderfully healed from incurable wounds and received indescribable lightness, amazed the unfaithful tormentors. You, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of your prayer in the pagan temple, having cast down all the idols, you have crushed them to dust. You, scorched by the lights, with your single prayer to the omnipotent Lord, you extinguished the natural fire, and with the same flame, miraculously kindled through the angel of God, having burned the frantic lawless people, you led many people to the knowledge of the true God. You, for the glory of the Lord, having accepted the sword beheading of your head from the tormentors, valiantly died your suffering feat, ascending with your soul into heaven, into the palace of your longed-for Bridegroom, Christ the King of Glory, joyfully walking away with this heavenly voice: “Rejoice, righteous ones, for the martyr Paraskeva was crowned!” In the same way, today we greet you, long-suffering one, and, looking at your holy icon, we cry out to you with tenderness: all-honorable Paraskeva! We know that we have great boldness towards the Lord: pray to His Lover of Mankind and for us who are present and praying, that He may grant us, like you, patience and complacency in troubles and sorrowful circumstances; May He, through your intercession and intercession, grant a joyful, prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and good haste in everything to our beloved Fatherland, may He bestow His holy blessing and peace, and may He grant all Orthodox Christians, through your holy prayers, confirmation in the faith , piety and holiness, and success in Christian love and all virtue: may He cleanse us sinners from all filth and vice, may He protect us with His holy angels, may He intercede, preserve and have mercy on everyone with His holy grace and make us heirs and partakers of His Heavenly Kingdom. And having thus improved salvation through your holy prayers, intercession and intercession, all-glorious bride of Christ Paraskeva, let us glorify all the most pure and magnificent name of the true God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in our saints, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Marriage plot using Tarot

As you know, a deck of Tarot cards is widely used in fortune telling. But few people know that it can also help with rituals for marriage. This is very effective ritual, great attention it focuses on visualization. It should be noted that this ritual does not help to find a lover, but only to marry the one you are dating.

You should perform this ritual before going to bed.

So, remove the cards from the Tarot deck: Ten of Cups, Page of Cups, as well as Lovers and Strength. Take two candles, burgundy and yellow. Place a burgundy candle in the center of the table, light it and say:

I glorify our love, which sweeps away all obstacles in its path.

I want us to be happy in marriage!

Then you need to lay out the cards in this order, starting from the top: Strength, Lovers, Ten of Cups, Page of Cups. During this, imagine how your wedding will happen, how he will propose to you. Feel the emotions that you will have at this moment. When you feel you have reached the peak, say:

Our love will overcome all adversity, we will soon get married.
Help me the four elements and the ancient power of the Tarot!
Let everything come true as I wish!

Prayer for marriage with a church candle

Make a white bed natural fabric. Then take a cup blessed water and stir a teaspoon of honey in it. Then place a candle blessed in the church in the center of the table and light it. Raise a cup of water to your lips and say the prayer 12 times:

Holy Mother of God, Mother, to me, the servant of God (name),
Help me find my betrothed. Give me, the servant of God (name), a wedding wreath, which was made from holy flowers by You, consecrated by Your Holy power,
filled with love, decorated with happiness, fidelity. I ask you
Most Holy Theotokos, Mother, help and bless the marriage of God's servant
(name) and my betrothed. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spray this water on your joint front door and take a sip of it yourself.

Marriage plot for Easter

Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays. On this day, white magic rituals that relate to family life are good. It would also be a good idea to perform rituals for recovery on this day.

First you need to prepare the Easter eggs. In the evening before the holiday, take 9 eggs. You also need to buy egg dye in green, blue and red colors. As you already understood, there are 3 eggs for each color. It is advisable to purchase stickers with designs that you associate with weddings, marriage, and love. So, you need to color the eggs and stick pictures on them. At this moment say:

How people love Holy Easter,
appreciate and remember maternal affection,
So would me men and boys
They loved the strong more than the strong, they valued them more than ever.
Herds behind me. God's servant (name), walked.
Christ has risen, and the grooms have come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Next, you need to put the eggs in a nice plate and let them sit on the table overnight. In the light of day, be sure to eat the most beautiful egg, and give the rest to friends and acquaintances. To make life better, you can use a conspiracy on a rich husband.

Plot for daughter's marriage

This waxing moon ritual is intended for mothers who want happiness for their daughters. To do this, you need to get up before dawn, leave the house and find a deserted place from where you can see the sunrise. It is important that you do not eat or drink before the ceremony. It is also prohibited to talk to anyone in the house and on the way there and back. So, after you have found a suitable place, wait until dawn and say the following lines:

Across the sea-ocean, in a copper city, in an iron mansion, sits a good fellow. He is chained with ten chains and shut with ten doors. Only my word will free the good young man from captivity and rush to his betrothed. I, dear mother (state your name), am speaking to the amorous young man for the love of the red maiden (state your daughter’s name). He can’t walk without her, he can’t have fun without her. Without her there is no life for him parents' house next to father and mother. Let her appear to him in a dream and in reality. And in the day, and at noon, and in the dark midnight. And without her, he would not have seen joy and found no joy. My word is the end, and the love of the red maiden (daughter’s name) is the beginning.

Then immediately turn around and return home without looking back. This ritual must be repeated for a whole week, without missing a single day.

For a mother to marry, a honey plot

This ritual should also be performed by a mother who wants to marry off her daughter. Like the previous one, it must be carried out on the new month. So, first you need to take a small pot of honey. Draw on the surface the symbols that you associate with the upcoming marriage, for example 2 rings or schematic figures of the bride and groom. After this, raise this pot to eye level and say:

How many bees flew and collected honey, How much did the servant of God (the name of his daughter) fly around the house
Yes, you don’t know fatigue.
Clean up, sweep.
Yes, keep the house in order.
How long have the bees worked?
The husband of God’s servant (daughter’s name) has to work this much.
So that there is plenty of money in the house.
May God's servant (daughter's name) love her deeply.
What sweet honey.
This is what married life is like.
The servant of God (daughter's name).
It would be sweet and smooth.
Drink honey.
Yes, be happy!
My word is strong.
Do not cut with a knife.
You can't cut it with an ax
As I said, so be it. Amen.

Then lower the pot onto the table and treat your daughter to honey. It is also advisable to use this product in cooking, bake something tasty. If your child already has a significant other, and you just need to speed up the development of the relationship, treat her boyfriend as well.

In general, marriage conspiracies are very effective if you want to start new life. However, remember that it takes time to fulfill a desire, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed right away. Also, in this case, you need to try another spell, which may be more suitable for you.

In this article:

Women of all ages and nationalities always want to be noticed by a man or men. The desire to be beautiful does not go away with age, it only intensifies, and every year a woman is ready to spend more and more money and effort in order to maintain her appearance.

A conspiracy aimed at attracting the attention of men - effective method, allowing you not only to attract attention, but also giving you the opportunity to find your love.

As you know, the more attractive a woman is, the more potential life partners there are for her.

Rich, successful men pay attention to bright, beautiful, confident women, and you can get all this with the help of special magical rituals.

Rituals for male attention

There are two main types of rituals aimed at attracting attention:

  • attracting the attention of all surrounding men;
  • attracting the attention of one man.

But do not forget that appearance is not the most important thing. Beauty is of course very important, if you look good men will really pay attention to you. However, for these people you may become just another picture from a magazine. Yes, these pictures are beautiful, they are pleasing to the eye, they are pleasant to look at, but they are empty. They have no soul and no woman herself. In addition to beauty and sexuality, you must also have good manners and high personal qualities. But this may not be enough to meet your betrothed. So what could be the problem?

Everything is very simple, apart from external, physical qualities A person also has an inner - spiritual side. Every woman can recall several stories from her life, when a beautiful, young, successful girl remained alone for many years and could not find a suitable life partner. This situation can be easily corrected with the help of accessible and fairly simple magic, rituals that can be performed independently and at home, without fear of serious negative consequences.

The effectiveness of ritual in attracting attention

Rituals aimed at attracting men have their own unique characteristics, which are always worth remembering. But these also include universal requirements that are relevant for every magical ritual. Firstly, before choosing a ritual, you should decide for yourself which ritual from which magical traditions you want to use. This is important, because if you are a believing Christian, then rituals tied to church power and symbolism are best suited for you. If you follow the Slavic tradition, you should pay attention to rituals that use the power of the elements. If you don’t have any specific preferences, you can take any magical spell that you like, that resonates in your soul.

If the description of a ritual makes you conflicted, do not perform it.

Secondly, when you decide on the ritual to be used, you need to accurately study all the steps necessary to carry it out and, of course, memorize the spell. Any magic will gain additional power if the words you pronounce are recited by heart, and come straight from your heart, and resonate with your desires. When you know the words you should say and feel that something needs to be changed in the plot, trust your instincts, they will never let you down in such a situation.

Strong spell for candles

After sunset, you need to cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, put a cleanser (or simple soap) on it, as well as a clean towel, face cream and any other cosmetics that you use daily. Three church candles need to be placed around these items so that they form a triangle. All prepared items must be sprinkled with holy water and the plot read three times:

“To the Creator of the human race, the one who gave us the highest, spiritual grace. Giver of eternal salvation to every person. To the Lord God Himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God help me, bless me, use your power on me, save my body, just as you will save my soul, servant of God (name). May your will be done, I ask and beg you, give me bodily beauty. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, you need to blow out all the installed candles and go to bed.

Spoken charged soap works great

Waking up in the morning, you need to wash your face with a charmed remedy or soap, wipe your face with a charmed towel, and also use other means used in the ritual. After you finish your morning toilet, read the prayer:

“I, servant of God (name), will wash my face with pink soap in the morning, with a white towel and a fresh one. Now I will attract all the people of the white light, I will be more beautiful to them than the sun, brighter than the stars, whiter than the snow, sweeter than honey. The moon will enlighten me, the sun will decorate me, I will decorate my eyes with stars from the sky, and I will girdle myself with the bright dawn. From now on and forever and ever, Amen."

To attract suitors

To attract the attention of men, you can use a strong and extremely effective ritual, for which you will need a ring with a real ruby.
At night, during the waxing moon, light three church candles, install them on the windowsill, pick up the ring and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Let good fellows gather for the bright holiday, for the holiday of Christ, let them reach out to my house from all sides. Just as on the Great Feast they look at the sacred crosses, and at the beautiful domes, and at the bright face of the Mother of God, so they will look at the servant of God (name of the performer), and they will look, but they will not be able to tear themselves away. I will seem to them more beautiful than the red sun, purer than white silver. May my words be strong, as my will is strong, and may they be indestructible forever and ever. I’ll throw the key into the water, no one will find it, the conspiracy won’t take it away. Let it be so. Amen".

Immediately after pronouncing last words The ruby ​​ring should be carefully wrapped in a bright red cloth and placed in your pocket or bag. Now the ring will be a strong talisman for you, which will not only attract the attention of men, but will also have a generally positive effect on your appearance and your life. The ring must not be shown to anyone and, moreover, no one should ever touch it, otherwise the ritual will forever lose its power.

Ruby is an excellent assistant, it has magnetic energy

A strong conspiracy to attract attention

This magical ritual is suitable for you if you want to attract the attention of one man. It should be done early in the morning, immediately after sunrise. The best place A field in which many flowers are blooming is considered to be the place for the ritual, but any other place in nature is also suitable, the main thing is. To keep it away from noisy streets modern civilization. Facing the east, you need to wet your hands in the dew and read the words:

“Just as dew from the rising sun evaporates and is destroyed, just as dew from the first rays of the sun begins to dry, so the servant of God (name of the man) for me, the servant of God (name) will begin to dry. Let him no longer know peace either at night or during the day, let there be no joy in his life, neither in work, nor in walking, nor in rest. Let the servant of God (name of the man) always think about me, let him remember me every minute. I conjure you (man’s name) by the Lord God and by all the Orthodox saints. I conjure you (man’s name) on the day of the creation of the world. On my birthday, I conjure you (man’s name). In the afternoon, when I finish my earthly journey, renounce the joys and sufferings of the earth, I conjure you (man’s name). With all the powers of heaven and earth I conjure you (the man’s name), with all the spirits of light and darkness. To be mine for you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pie plot

This is a very powerful magical ritual that must be performed using a cake that you have baked. Words of an effective conspiracy:

“Beyond the sea-ocean there is the island of Buyan, on that island a tree grows, its branches support the sky. Seventy birds sat on the tree, they plucked the branches, threw the branches to the ground, the animals and reptiles of the forest picked up those branches and gave them to Satan himself. Do me a service, strong demon, do me a service, do me friendship. Kindle the heart of (the man’s name), let all its joints burn for me, all the veins and pods, all the organs. To be mine only, from now on and forever and ever. Let it be so".

Afterwards, you must make sure that your loved one eats at least one piece of the prepared pie. The rest of it can be thrown away to be eaten by birds or animals.

It’s probably impossible to find a girl now who wouldn’t dream of a “prince.” From the outside it may seem that it is very easy to find one. But actually it is not. To find your soul mate, enormous efforts are expended and they are not always justified. Therefore, more and more often we resort to magic.

The ritual for marriage is not a relic of past years, it is a completely independent magical rite. It allows you to find your soulmate and get married successfully.


Such magical rituals are aimed at attracting suitors, but in no case at keeping an existing one. young man. They ensure attraction of the opposite sex and promote early marriage. You need to choose the ritual that suits your heart.

Ritual for meeting your betrothed

This ancient rite. Girls have used it since ancient times. It was intended primarily to attract mutual understanding, love and sensuality into your life.

The ritual is performed on the Waxing Moon, in the very first days of the New Moon. The best day for this is Friday, since its patron is the Goddess of Love - Venus.

Take any you like White flower(it could be a rose, orchid, chamomile, chrysanthemum and so on) and place it on the window under the moonlight. Then you need to address your wishes to the goddess of the night - the Moon. Ask her to help you find suitors or quickly marry your loved one.

Rituals to attract grooms

Your wish should be as pure and bright as your flower. Leave your flower under the moonlight all night.

Early in the morning, put it in any book that is dedicated to love or any other spiritual book. Leave it there until next time new moon and on the first night get him out of there. Crush the dry petals in your hand and then say the following spell:

“I give you, brilliant spirit, part of my dream. I will ask you, fulfilling spirit, for the triumph of love!”

Then you need to describe your appearance, tell the Moon what kind of man you would like to see next to you, what his character and habits are. In a month you will definitely notice changes in your personal life. And then blow everything out the window into the wind.

"Red roses"

This ritual is one hundred percent fail-safe. If you believe the words of folk fortunetellers, it will take you no more than six months to find your soulmate and marry him.

To perform this ritual, you do not need any special preparation. Even a beginner can do it. But it is quite difficult to complete it alone, so you will need the help of a friend or close relative. The main thing is that you can trust this person, and that his desire to help you is sincere and from the bottom of his heart.

You will need to purchase a white sheet, peignoir or nightgown, white scarf or stole. These items must not have any foreign patterns or decorations. They should be pure white. If you find it difficult to find such things, buy any one you like. Choose a thing so that you can appear to your chosen one in it.

You also need to buy a special wedding candle from the temple. Collect holy water there and prepare a vase or glass salad bowl for it. You can prepare these items ahead of time.

Buy the best and most beautiful flowers, do not spare money on them. The color of the roses should be scarlet, neither pink nor red. The number of roses is also clearly defined - there must be exactly seven of them.

Carry out the ritual until the sun sets below the horizon. Remove all rings from your hands. Your assistant should do the same. Lay a sheet near the window, put a white shirt on your naked body. Cover your head with a scarf without tying it in knots.

Kneel down and place a vase of holy water in front of you. Your assistant should be standing behind you at this moment. Girlfriend needs to light a candle and in a circular motion move it over your head. Next, she must transfer the candle from hand to hand and recite the magic spell:

“Pure blood and heavenly Save and preserve the servant of God (your name) from an evil hour, from any evil eye, from a woman’s eye, from a man’s, child’s, joyful and hateful one, from courts and gossip. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then, after reading the prayer, your assistant should pick petals from the roses to shower your head with them, chanting the prayer:

“Holy Mother of God, Nicholas the Pleasant, have mercy, protect and bless for a happy marriage, for mutual love, for children. It’s not I who bless, it’s the Mother of God herself who blesses.”

After she picks the last petal, you must collect them in a container of water. Extinguish the candle in the water. Next, wash your face with the charmed water three times, wipe your face with the tips of the scarf. The ceremony to attract suitors is completed.

Take off your negligee, fold the sheet, and put everything in the closet. Remove the scarf from your head and hang it on the icon of the Mother of God or another icon with a female face. There he should hang for three days. Divide the pink petals into three parts and place them in plastic bags.

Before going to bed, fill the bath with water and add rose petals from bag number one. Relax, lie in the bath for about fifteen minutes, and then put them back in the bag.

The next day the procedure must be repeated. Only the petals need to be taken from bag number two and collected in the first bag. On the third day, do a similar procedure and also collect the petals in the first bag.

The next day you need to go to the intersection and leave a bag of rose petals there. Never pour out the water, it’s better to pour it on houseplants or a tree in the garden.

This magical ritual is perfect for finding suitors, and also helps to get married faster. When you have found your betrothed, you need to consolidate the result. To do this, put on your peignoir, lay down a “ritual” sheet and spend the night with your betrothed.

"Love Magnet"

This magical ritual will help get rid of loneliness. With its help, you can find your soulmate and get married successfully. “Love Magnet” will help you attract the “right” person who will love you, appreciate you and give you sincere mutual feelings.

For the ceremony, buy a red envelope, eighteen sheets of red paper, and a ballpoint pen with black ink.

First, meditate, ask everyone for forgiveness and free your head from extraneous thoughts. Forgive all your offenders and former lovers for past grievances. You should not hold a grudge against them, forgive them for their misdeeds and free your heart for new love relationships.

You need to take the envelope you prepared, write “Love Magnet” on it, and back side sign.

Next, imagine what the future chosen one will look like, describe him in all details, do not forget to mention bad habits and character traits. Don't forget to clarify what he will do, where he will work and by whom.

Each subsequent day you need to take one of the eighteen red pieces of paper and write on each one the quality of your betrothed. Place each piece of paper in an envelope and mentally imagine it next to you, how it becomes closer and closer to you.

On the eighteenth day, when the envelope is completely filled with leaves, place it in the southwestern part of your bedroom. Imagine him as a “magnet” that will attract your soulmate to you.

If it happened that one day you forgot to write your wish on a piece of paper, you need to start all over again. To do this you will need a new envelope and new leaves.

How to get married quickly

This ritual is good for “old maids” who for a long time cannot find a life partner. It helps to quickly attract the opposite sex to you.

You need to buy two wedding rings (for yourself and your betrothed), a red ribbon, a box and a red marker.

Sit on a chair in the room, turn on a light musical melody and write on a piece of paper the advantages of your future life partner. Describe his character traits, external data, his habits and shortcomings. Do not write a piece of “no” in your desires. Then tie the rings with a ribbon and say the following:

“My soul mate, I’m waiting for you”!

Roll the resulting list into a scroll shape and tie it with a ribbon on which the rings are attached. Also put a photo of a swan or dove couple in it. Keep such a box in your bedroom so that no one can see it. After three months, your life will change dramatically. You will definitely find your betrothed and be happy with him.

Which of the above rituals you choose is up to you. Think carefully about your decision, imagine your future family life, future children. Believe in yourself, believe in success, and everything will definitely work out for you.

The daughter stayed too long in the bride new

On the day your daughter was born (on the date, not on her birthday), wash her with water and honey with a hex, and then wipe the bracket and door handle with the same water.

How sweet the red dawn is to people,
How sweet the clear star is to people,
How sweet honey is to a bee,
So all the love for the slave (name). Amen.

To get married after divorce new

If you have separated and have already decided for sure that there is no and cannot be a return, do so. Choose an even Thursday so that you have the whole day free. Strip naked and wash the floor naked. Then fill a basin with water and pour this water from head to toe. Then wash the floor again and rinse yourself off again with the spoken water. And so three times. Then, having rested and dried, get ready for church. There, light 12 candles for your health. When you go out, give alms to three people.

You will see, you will soon meet your new destiny.

There's a golden ship on the sea,
There is a young king on the ship,
He waves his paddle, hurries,
Doesn't eat or sleep
He's looking at me.
With him are Saint Moses and Saint Luke,
And with them gold flour.
And this is not flour, but flour,
I'm seriously bored.
Sadness and melancholy of a good fellow.
Pavushka, Romanea, run,
Darling, bring the young man to me,
Blow heat into his face
Point at my porch
To my table
On my bed
Put a ring on my finger.
May my word be strong
The white body is tenacious.
No one's word will interrupt
It won't break my destiny.
Keys in the river
Sand in the water
The holy cross is on me.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a woman can't get married new

If your friends got married a long time ago and have children, and you “stayed too long with girls,” then you need to fix someone’s Wedding Dress, but new. After this, you will certainly get married soon.

It’s also a good idea to have a pin from the bride after the wedding. This will not harm the bride, and will help you get married faster. It is very good to wash the bride’s shoes, this also means a quick marriage.

Damage to a lonely beast new

They talk about dog food (but not artificial food). Without approaching the stray dog, they feed it scraps from their table. This is done nine times. If it was done on a woman so that she would run away from home, then the food is given to a female dog, if on a man, then it is given to a male dog.

They say this:

Remember the dog's soul of the slave (name). Amen.

To marry a girl new

If a girl has passed the age when she gets married without receiving a single proposal, she should go on the last Friday to walk through the field where the burrs grow, saying:

Like a burdock clings to my hem,
So the suitors would cling to me,
People fell in love with me
And they didn’t lag behind, asking her to marry herself.

You have to go into the field alone, without friends.

After a walk at home, they collect thorns from the dress, tie them in a rag with menstrual blood and store them somewhere away so that no one can see until the girl gets married. After the wedding, about three days later, you need to wash the rag and take the burdock to the field where it grew before.

More for the same new

On Maundy Thursday before Easter or on Thursday before Christmas, you need to rise as high as possible from the ground and certainly before sunrise and shout three times at the top of your voice:

Guys, guys, look at me and love me!

If no one looks at the girl at all new

You need to decide to take a broom, go to the pub (where, unfortunately, men often go) and, without paying attention to anyone, sweep the entrance, saying three times:

How everyone goes and goes to this beer, gathers,
So it would be for me, God’s servant (name),
The matchmakers were traveling and getting ready.


Mischief for the groom new

If a guy has been following you for years, but still doesn’t dare to ask you to marry you, you need to draw a circle with a knife with a wooden handle, put a birch log in the circle and, standing behind the circle, say three times:

You are my mummer, you are my betrothed,
I've had enough, and you've had your fill.
Stop walking. It's time to marry me.

After this, the log is burned. Your wedding will take place soon.

From damage to loneliness new

The spoiled woman is taken to the bathhouse. They arrange it so that a man can wash himself in this bathhouse before and after it. They say water in three basins. The spoiled food is washed from each basin in turn. Wipe with a new towel.

The towel is hung on the branch of a tree with a masculine name: oak, poplar, maple. They leave without looking back. They don't tell anyone about it. Usually, once is enough for a girl to get married. Read on the water like this:

My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown.
God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
Let the grooms see this and want to marry themselves.
Key. Lock. Language.

How to remove the spell of loneliness new

Buy the “Seven Shots” icon. Light seven candles near her. Lock the door and do not open it to anyone until you have read the prayer and reprimanded the spell on loneliness forty times.

Prayers in honor miraculous icon“Semistrelnaya” a lot. They are read to soften evil hearts and pacify those at war.

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth,
By His purity and by the multitude of sufferings,
transferred to the earth by you,
Accept our painful sighs
And keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.
Other refuge and
Don’t you know warm intercession,
But, as one who has the boldness to be born of You,
Help and save us with Your prayers,
May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling,
Where with all the saints we will sing praises to the one God in the Trinity

And now a lecture on the spell on loneliness:

A bad, damned, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy,
I was struck by loneliness.
With God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos
I will cover myself with invincible hope.
I'll take it off with an honest prayer,
I will find Jesus' help.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Mischief on the betrothed new

If the time has come, and grooms are not in a hurry to come to your house, be sure to take advantage of this trick. They read the confusion with a new comb. Use a comb, not a comb. Because this comb will need to be left in your hair for seven days.

So, we read:

I will become a servant of God (name),
Put on a comb and invite suitors to come to you.
Like bees fly to honey, look at flowers,
So the grooms would rush to me too.

How can a girl get married sooner? new

On Easter, before sunrise, light the oven. Kneel in front of the stove door, open and close it three times, then shout loudly into the stove:

How many people go to church these days?
I will have so many suitors.

For the same new

On Easter, at sunrise, knock on the glass of your window and say:

Easter sun, roll across the sky,
And you, groom, show up at my doorstep.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen.

For the old lady's quick marriage new

On Maundy Thursday, wash your face with cat’s milk, saying:

How everyone pets cats and how cats cling to everyone,
So the suitors won’t let me pass.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How can a bride with any defect get married? new

Previously, if a girl had a child or was damaged in some way, the healer would make a special spell for her, and the girl would get married safely. They read the plot into the slightly open underground (cellar). You need to read the plot nine times:

My owner is a yard servant,
Be my dear matchmaker.
Match me, God's servant (name),
To be the husband of (so-and-so).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To attract suitors to the house new

During the Easter service, holding a handful of wheat on his chest. Returning from church, I sprinkle grain at my doorstep with the words:

How many lights there were from the candles in the church,
So many suitors for me.
How many grains are there in a handful?
There are so many suitors coming to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the Lord sends a good bride new

Caring that the son would be lucky with his wife, and the mother-in-law with her daughter-in-law, they collected eggs and butter as a gift for the healer and went to her with a request: to beg God for a daughter-in-law - quiet, not obstinate, hard-working and submissive. To work you will need an icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin. Place the icon on a clean towel and read 40 times:

Christ at the door, angels in the corners, Saints in the courtyard,
Tikhvinskaya mother of God with me,
Glorify the quiet meekness in my daughter-in-law.
For my son, God's servant (name).
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The sheep is silent, and the daughter-in-law is silent.
The fish is silent, and the daughter-in-law does not scream.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get married after divorce new

Read on the water on the new moon, on Women's Day, then wash with this water:

Lady Water.
God created you on the third day.
You have been washing people for centuries.
You washed, washed, freed from dirt and filth.
You washed saints and sinners,
Washed Jesus Christ and his mother Mary -
Most Pure Mother of God.
I call upon the Mother of God in the name of that water,
Praised intercessor by the world.
Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos,
For the sake of that water
Who washed the mother who gave birth to You, For the sake of that water,
In which you bathed baby Jesus.
For the sake of the water that God created,
Cover me with marriage
For God himself created a mate for everyone.
I pray you, Maria, send me a groom to be my husband
From now on and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On major holy holidays, do not read this plot.

Spell words for a fishing net new

This strong conspiracy they caught guys as grooms for even the ugliest girl. And how they then lived well and well, that everyone only envied them. They did it this way: early, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the river and found the nets set by the fishermen. Holding the net with your right hand, you read the love words three times:

God help me. God bless.
And you, net, catch fish for the fisherman,
And for me, the servant of God (name), the groom.
Rise, my fiancé, from summer and winter,
From autumn and spring, from north and south.
I am talking about this network to my dear friend.
How do fish get caught in a net?
How they never get out of it anymore,
Without water they fall asleep in it and don’t wake up,
So would my fiance (name)
He came to my house himself
And he never left me anywhere else.
I close all the roads for you (name),
I’m closing the return thresholds for you.
Until the network itself unties itself to all its nodes,
Until then, my fiance (name)
He won't give up on me.
May my words be sculpted and strong.
I close with an amenem,
I cover you with an amen.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To make the girl like the grooms new

On Maundy Thursday, buy a mirror without taking change. Then stand between two trees and, looking into the mirror you just bought, say:

How the whole world looks in the mirror,
He admires his reflection,
That's how guys would admire me,
They made love to me and kissed me
Yes, they were vying to woo me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy on man's love new

On Easter, kiss nine colored eggs, saying:

How people love Holy Easter,
They appreciate and remember mother's affection,
So men would love me more than the stronger,
They appreciated it even more than anything else
They followed me, God's servant (name), in herds.
Christ has risen, and the suitors come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then treat the men with these enchanted eggs.

Conspiracy for quick matchmaking new

If a girl has spent too much time as a bride and matchmakers are avoiding her house, then this should be done. Buy an egg from seven housewives, take flour and salt from three neighbors. At midnight, knead all this into a dough, saying:

Dough, dough, lie down in your place.
The bride, the servant of God (name), asks you
Send me the brave fellows,
Eligible grooms.
Come to my yard, suitors,
Just as quickly and quickly,
How quickly my dough will rise soon.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Bake a pie from the dough and treat it to the men. Women should not be treated to such a pie under any circumstances.

So that the grooms come quickly to get married new

Pick the grass from those yards (at least seven) where there are single guys. Then weave a braid from this grass, bring it to your home and put it under your pillow, saying:

Lie down, grass spit from other people's yards,
Not for motley cows
And for the dryness to me,
God's servant (name), grooms.
How this grass is woven, curled, wrapped,
So that suitors will hang around me,
For me, God’s servant (name), they were killed,
They were trying to get married on my doorstep.
I'll spit out the chicken,
I'll blow away the smoke.
My job is to stick together and not break.
As I said,
So be it.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Mischief on the grooms new

If you are no longer young, but still not married, break an aspen branch, cut it into five parts and, after waiting for night, turn on the stove. Place a cast iron pot on the fire, in which put five aspen sticks, and cook them until you read the following plot forty times in a row:

An open field, a wide expanse,
An old aspen grows there,
She was given birth to a violent storm.
Judas walked through that field
And I found that aspen tree.
Like that aspen tree
On that heavy slope
Judas took it and hanged himself,
So it would be for me, the servant of God (name),
The suitors hung themselves, clung,
They wrapped their arms around my neck,
Century after century they never parted.
Drive them away, aspen,
Disturb them, you evil wretch.
Like bulls being driven into a stall,
How stallions are harnessed and ridden,
So freely, but involuntarily
The grooms were walking, hurrying to my doorstep,
They got married and asked me to be my husband.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy that attracts men to a widow new

Before dark, find a place where hops grow along the fence, and pick them at midnight. Place the twigs on your chest and take them home. Remember that throughout the entire journey - there and back - you cannot talk to anyone. Having brought the hops home, leave it on your porch and, before you step over it and enter the house, read the following spell:

You, hops, climbed along the fence
Yes, he came to my house.
How this hop twisted and twisted,
He grabbed the fence tenaciously,
So that behind me, behind the bitter widow,
A good man would hang around
Yes, he married himself for the rest of his life.
The key to my words
Lock my lips.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Important: the ceremony is held on the full moon on Thursday!

Conspiracy against girlish loneliness new

On Pokrov (October 14) go out onto the balcony or onto the street, so that you are standing in the open air. There, raise both hands above your head and say:

Bride Bride, Queen of Heaven,
Take me out of the brides
Take away the heavy cross from me,
Bless me for my crown.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Usually, after this ceremony, the girl gets married the same year. Just remember that you must spend it completely alone and not tell anyone about it.

Prayer for happy marriage new

To be happy in marriage, from ancient times they prayed to the holy martyr Tryphon. The words of the prayer are:

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory in every place. You are a servant of Christ, you yourself promised before your departure from your mortal life to pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, may he be delivered from all pretext of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the Tsar in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the strange day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark eyes of wicked demons surround and frighten us will begin: then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand as saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he will grant us also to be partakers of the ever-present joy of joy, so that together with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

Begging the groom (for a girl) new

On men's day - Tuesday or Thursday - bake pancakes, read a special spell over them and treat the men with the spelled pancakes. The spell words are as follows:

I'll get up early in the morning,
I'll bake funeral pancakes,
I will remember my girlish loneliness.
Remember also, Lord, for your peace now,
Overnight, God's servant (name) becomes celibate.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy to attract suitors new

Read a special spell over the poppy, which then, with a good swing, throw it against the wind. The plot is like this:

I confuse the paths of the suitors.
How many poppy seeds are in my hand,
So that my house is full
Matchmakers and groomsmen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Important: the ceremony is not performed on odd days!

Conspiracy for an ugly girl new

Wash yourself at sunrise on the day of your Angel. At the same time say:

God bless my words, my deeds
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
How in severe famine people dream of food,
So that I, God’s servant (name),
She was desired by all men,
Beautiful and spiritual
It smelled like a scarlet rose and bloomed for them.
And so that Mother of God may give Beauty to my forehead.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For girls who want to get married.

You need to wait for the new moon, that is, the very first day of the new moon. A girl should let her hair down and wear shoes married woman who recently got married. In these shoes you need to go outside and, looking at the thin crescent of the moon, spin clockwise on your heels, while saying:

The month is young, be my matchmaker,
Send me a rich groom,
Young like you, not bearded.
Let him be touched by me,
Hovering around me
How I, God’s servant (name), curl and twist around you,
I'm surprised at your young body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If they don't marry you.

If you see an even number of geese in the river, walk into it knee-deep, splash water on yourself and say:

How these geese swim in pairs.
So they will ask me (name) to get married today.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Get married after divorce.

When bad weather occurs (wind, hurricane or rain), you need to open the window and say:

My betrothed.
Come to my home
Take shelter from bad weather,
wash off the dirt,
Drink, eat, dry off
And go to sleep on a downy bed.
Fall in love with me, God's servant (name),
Come, fall in love, and live.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To quickly attract the groom.

If the girl is not married, you need to do this: on October 13, speak water, wash your face with this water and dry yourself with a man’s shirt. Before the conspiracy, do not forget to read “Our Father”. CONSPIRACY:

The stars dance in the sky,
On earth, everything is found in pairs.

Bless for the wedding crown.
Put an end to my girlhood.
Girlish braids are disgusting to me,
Girls' get-togethers are no longer pleasant to me.
Lord, give me a woman's scarf,
And on right hand wedding ring.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever the loki of centuries.

A conspiracy to make men pay attention to you.

Pat yourself on the head and read this plot:

God! How people wait, wait for spring,
How red the sun is touched,
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
The men, young and old, rejoiced.
They looked, admired, followed me
Old old men, mature men,
Young fellows and beardless youths.
Received with honor, respected with honor,
Everyone stood up on their feet in front of me,
In conversations they gave their word,
Would you like to come and show me mercy?
The dream was held to kiss.
All words have keys.
All matters are locked.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Or so.

They cast a spell on a new hairpin, ring, brooch, etc. - any item that you can carry with you all the time. The spell words are:

Treasure, you are my treasure, love pledge,
I do not put you in a prison-ground,
I'm bewitching you to the girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel,
Pull the suitors to me, God's servant (name).
If I were like the blush of dawn,
Like the drunken grass of dukhmyan,
Desirable to any man's heart.
They would be sad for me, yearn for me,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in the feast, on land and water. Everywhere!
May I be like the sun, like the clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all my pav friends there is only one like this.
My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,
A strong word cannot be used to reprimand.
How people bow to the Mother Church,
So that the boys can me
Love and respect
Greet you with a smile
Follow with your eyes.
My first word
My business is strong.
What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say,
What I didn’t think about in my thoughts,
My plot will bring everything to fruition. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet a good person.

Most Holy Mother of God,
Cover my head with a crown,
A golden slap on the head.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Why are those words said?
From the Gospel of Christ, the Heavenly King,
Michael the Archangel, Saints Peter and Paul,
Supreme Apostles.
They give bad suitors far away,
And to my only red falcon,
The path of candles is illuminated to me, the servant of God (name),
They invite you and bless you for the wedding. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet your soulmate.

My faith is righteous.
Stand around me, stone mountain.
And I will dress myself in clear rays,
I will bless the Mother of God.
Pokrov father, send me the crown,
God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to meet your soulmate.

On the Feast of the Intercession of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (October 14), go outside and sweep the snow with a new broom towards your door, while reading the following conspiracy:

How the Holy Protection came
That's how the groom would find me.
I, God's servant (name), sweep, sweep,
I'm inviting my betrothed.
How much snow there is today,
So that I won’t be left without a groom.
Word is deed, swiftly and boldly.
So come to me quickly and boldly,
God's servant (name), the groom was walking.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another way.

God bless me
On the Holy Intercession.
Give the earth a snowball,
Let the groom come to me in a hurry.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A plot to make a widow marry again.

Wash yourself on Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter) from the door frame with the words:

How all people grab onto this bracket.
So the suitors would grab at me, the widow.
They never parted with me.
There was a widow, become a bride,
There is a place for a good man next to me, God’s servant (name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from the “vekovuha” (remove the crown of celibacy).

Buy a mirror with a wooden frame. Take this mirror to the crossroads during the full moon. Stand so that in this mirror you can see above your left shoulder full moon. Looking in the mirror at the moon, read the following plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a dark stormy river in the city of Amatael,
That stormy dark river has yellow banks.
All the waters, all the streams flow to this stormy river,
They grow together with rushing river, stick together.
So, just like at that river, men flocked to me,
They grew together with my house, with my yard and my body,
They clung to me, to God’s servant (name), forever and ever.
Not a single stream escapes from the stormy dark river.
So the men would never leave me, the servant of God (name),
And how my feet stand firmly and tightly on this earth,
So that the suitors would also come tightly and firmly to me, to God’s servant (name).
Mother Moon, how I look at you in the mirror,
So that the grooms would look and admire me.
We looked, but didn’t see enough, looked, but didn’t see enough.
They put her next to each other down the aisle and never left her alone.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To do this, read a special plot while looking out the window at the waning moon (the waning moon):

I repent to Kavel and Abel,
I bow to them and cross myself,
I cry and pray.
You are dear brothers, saints before the church,
Take the widow's scarf from me,
Free my threshold from coffins.
How this month melts and wanes,
So that the spell would go away from me.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet your love.

Buy twelve candles from the church. Place four candles near the icon of Hope, Faith and Love and their mother Sophia. Three candles - at the crucifixion of the Savior, light three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and bring two home. After sunset, light the candles and read the following plot over them twelve times in a row:

Have mercy, Lord,
Have mercy, Mother of God,
Tell God's servant (name) to marry.
How these two candles burn,
So that a man's heart
According to God's servant (name), it caught fire,
He would like to marry her.
He would go to her porch,
He would bring her to God's crown.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to quickly meet your soulmate and get married.

Paraskeva Friday, holy martyr,
Send a man's beard to my yard,
At least for a widower, just so as not to end up as a girl.
I bow to you, Mother Paraskeva,
Led to the male clan-tribe
Marry me
And I am a maiden (widow), a servant of God (name),
I will keep the post
Celebrate all Fridays.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet a person with whom you can build a long-term relationship full of trust and love.

God bless! God help me!
Dawn Maryana comes, the sun rises in the sky.
So I, the servant of God (name), would get married,
I found my betrothed.
God bless me for my marriage too.
Crown with a crown, give to the betrothed
To me, God's servant (name).
My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to get rid of loneliness.

Put on a new white shirt and let your hair down (remove all elastic bands, barrettes, combs, etc.). The plot is read for three days in a row at morning and evening dawns. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

My light is a scarlet dawn,
My request to you is not small:
Perform the rites and bring the young man to me for the crown.
Lead his soul, lead his heart, lead his eyes,
Put us under the image.
May he appreciate and love me so much
And he will never forget forever.
Be you, my words,
Strong, molded, heavy,
Like sea stones, dry sands,
The keys are earthen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Important: during these three days, do not eat meat in any form.

If you doubt your fiance's words.

On any Thursday, except holidays, when you are alone at home, stand in the middle of the room, cross yourself three times, bow three times and say:

Brownie, little head,
Take care of the house, the house beams,
Floor and subfloor
Domestic people, livestock and poultry,
Protector of deceived girls,
Help me, help me,
Call out, shout out,
Lure the servant of God (name) to be my married husband.
To draw him to my house, to my road,
To my threshold, to my door,
Help me, God’s servant (name),
Give the servant of God (name) the betrothed, dressed.
Send his matchmakers to my doorstep. Amen.

If you have a basement, after reading the plot, throw sugar or candy there.

A conspiracy thanks to which your loved one will propose to you:

Amen after amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
I tell you, listen to the words of him who sent me!
I put a crown on the servants of God (names),
I close these words with locks,
I throw the keys into the ocean-sea.
The mute fish has the keys - the fish in the sand.
Sleeps on my locks and keys.
Until the entire ocean-sea is dried up,
Until you drink all the water from the ocean,
The servant of God (name) will always love me.
He'll go down the aisle with me,
And he will not move one step away from me, the servant of God (name).
Amen to words, amen to deeds,
And three times after the amen - amen.

A girl's prayer for a prosperous marriage:

Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone - and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love and harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to remove damage done to single life (for men).

I (N. Stepanova) know of a case where one guy dated a girl for a long time, and as soon as their wedding was scheduled, he got ready and went to his relatives in the village. To put it simply, he ran away.
In revenge, the bride’s mother came to the house of the would-be groom and threw a button from her dead grandfather’s underpants against the wall with the words:

A dead man doesn't need a button
And you'll never need anyone again
(For obvious reasons, I don’t write the key. - Author).

Forty years have passed since then, and this man lives alone. This damage is removed this way: they take water from three wells, put sand into it from three streams or rivers, speak and wash the guy or man. They spell water like this:

Saving water, healing power,
You are coming from the holy land,
You don't let anyone die of thirst.
You wash away the dirt
You wash your clothes,
You save from fire and flames.
Save God’s servant (name) too.
Remove the evil, bachelor spell from her.
Water, water, who is older - you or me?
You! - You will have to take off the damage.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

You are beautiful and smart. An independent girl, not dependent on anyone. But I don’t want to return home. No one is waiting there. At that hour when your friends were getting married and having children, you were studying and working. To the question: “Isn’t it time...?” stubbornly answered: “Everything has its time.” Time passes, but you are still alone. I already want a family, I want love. But how to find a husband? Maybe some magic?

If a woman is alone for a long time, then you can try to charm love

What you need to know about love magic?

In magic, rituals to attract love are in demand. This is one of the popular types that offer practices of witchcraft and sorcery. Even a novice magician can help a lonely woman perform a ritual for her betrothed and acquire family happiness. A girl can do the ritual of attracting a groom on her own.

After all, it is known that there is a little witch inside every girl. The charms of the weaker sex (elegance, grace, pleasant taste of perfume) attract men like a magnet. But a person who has succumbed to temptation is not always satisfied with his appearance, character traits, or actions. Look for your man. Does not work? Talk to magical rituals. You need a force that will push you towards each other.

When performing a ritual to attract suitors, do not forget about the witchcraft requirements:

  1. Do not perform rituals on Orthodox holidays.
  2. Select the required attributes carefully. Follow the recommendations of magicians: for which rituals to buy new items, and for which to take used ones.
  3. Choose such a witchcraft spell that the words are easy to remember, so that the text actually reflects your desire and your goal of the love spell.
  4. If during the magical process something distracts you (a phone call, the arrival of unexpected guests, a candle accidentally goes out, an object falls) - this is a warning higher powers. It may mean that now is not the time for such actions, or a man will soon appear in your life without magic.
  5. Do not perform magical spells together: with a friend or sister. Rituals to attract love into your life are performed only by you. After all, this is your life!

If someone called during the ritual, this is a warning from higher powers

Focus on the image of your future companion, say out loud his qualities, draw in your mind his physique, his appearance - and boldly begin to carry out the spells.

If you are afraid or have a presentiment that you won’t be able to do everything right, contact a magician or sorcerer. For the sake of positive result To change your destiny, don’t be stingy with paying money.

A valid ritual on how to capture the attention of men

The ritual to attract a man into your life results in partial attention from the stronger sex. Magic makes adjustments to your aura, enhances your energy, which increases the likelihood of meeting the man of your dreams.

What will be needed for the ritual?

It should be done in the evening at sunset. Prepare for the ritual: clean the room, cover the table with a new white tablecloth. Place the following items on the table:

  • a jug of holy water;
  • three church candles;
  • a cosmetic product that you regularly use in the morning to wash your face (this can be regular soap); clean towel;
  • essentials from your cosmetic bag that you use for makeup every day.

How to perform the ritual?

Please note that this ritual involves attracting the attention of the male half. The next day you will already feel the gaze on you, you will find yourself in the center of their interest and concern. Whether this company will have the one you are looking for depends on you! Don’t rush to reciprocate, take a closer look. But from now on you are guaranteed attention.

For the ritual to be effective, follow the instructions:

  1. Arrange the attributes so that the candles form a triangle, with a towel and cosmetics in the center.
  2. Sprinkle the objects with sacred water, read the text of the plot over them three times:

    “To the Creator of the human race, the one who gave us the highest, spiritual grace. Giver of eternal salvation to every person. To the Lord God Himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God help me, bless me, use your power on me, save my body, just as you will save my soul, servant of God (name). May your will be done, I ask and beg you, give me bodily beauty. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. Put out the candles and go straight to bed. As you fall asleep, imagine being surrounded by men.
  4. In the morning, getting out of bed, wash your face with the remaining sacred water, use the enchanted things (soap, towel). Apply makeup using the products you took for the ritual.
  5. At the end of the morning toilet, read another text:

    “I, servant of God (name), will wash my face with pink soap in the morning, with a white towel and a fresh one. Now I will attract all the people of the white light, I will be more beautiful to them than the sun, brighter than the stars, whiter than the snow, sweeter than honey. The moon will enlighten me, the sun will decorate me, I will decorate my eyes with stars from the sky, and I will girdle myself with the bright dawn. From now on and forever and ever, Amen."

After the ritual, men’s attention may soon become boring

You may soon get tired of the attention of men from all sides. After all, among them there will be married people, and you don’t want to ruin someone’s marriage, there will be young and old, the age difference does not attract you, there will also be those who are not beautiful. In such company it is difficult to recognize a person prepared by fate. Therefore, it is better to use the ritual for one man.

How to get a husband?

The desire to love and be loved for one person is the urge for magical love rituals. You will learn how to attract a man into your life in the following ways.

Sorcerers call these techniques white magic, since the actions do not cause trouble. Likewise, you should not harm anyone with your own ideas. Don't covet your girlfriends' boyfriends, don't get involved with someone who didn't like you before. Remember that you are choosing a husband for life.

A conspiracy that has remained with us since ancient times will help us find our loved one. Girls resorted to him in the ancient Slavic period.

What will be needed for the ceremony?

This ritual is performed on the waxing moon. To implement it you need to take:

  • church candle (not the smallest size), preferably red.

Since the color red symbolizes passion and love, magicians advise looking for a candle of this color. If it is not possible to purchase this item, buy a regular white candle.

How to perform the ritual?

You should not call your betrothed indoors. If you live in a village, it is better to go out into the field, but if you live in a city, go to the park. But make sure that there are no strangers during the ritual.

To perform a magical action, you will need a little:

  1. At night, closer to the full moon, go out into the field. Carry out the ritual in the warm season so that there are flowers and greenery.
  2. Stop and light a candle.
  3. Look at the moon, imagine in your mind the image of your future husband and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “Just as the bright sun does not exist at night, so I do not know loneliness. Just as the moon walks and meets with the stars at night, So I will meet with my beloved, Days will be spent, nights will be spent, It’s time to get married soon. To walk with him through fate and through the century, With a man dear to my heart. My words are strong, but things are going well.”

  4. Wait for the candle to burn out completely. Bury the wax in the place where you stood.
  5. Come back without looking back. Don't talk to anyone until morning.

A ritual aimed at meeting your husband will definitely end in a wedding

Over the course of the week, you will meet a man who attracts your attention. Be prepared that a relationship will not start right away, but over time, true love will grow from friendship, which will end in a wedding.

A conspiracy to attract the attention of men during the new month

I would like to tell you about one more ritual to attract a groom into your life.

What will be needed for the ritual?

This ritual is special in that you do not need to look for magical attributes to perform it. The main thing is to have:

  • a strong desire to meet the groom.

How to perform the ritual?

This magical action is best performed when it is warm outside. On one of the nights when a new moon appears in the sky, do the following:

  1. Run barefoot into the street and turn to face the month.
  2. Stand on your heels and turn clockwise, say the words out loud:

    “Young month, hang around me with suitors, just as I hang around you. Amen".

    Repeat the action three times.

  3. Run into the house and go straight to bed.

How to cast a spell on love

When you are lonely, those around you are sure that you don’t even know how to love! But this feeling is not alien to you, you have been looking for her for a long time in the eyes of a million men. A ritual to attract love will ensure the fastest search results. To exist and not to love is karma, and one must fight it magically.

What will be needed for the ritual?

Love is born where there are two. This is the basis of this ritual, for which you will need:

  • any paired item: two boots, two mittens, etc.;
  • red ribbon or thread.

To carry out the ceremony, it is important to take any paired item (for example, mittens)

What items you take depends on your mood and pleasant associations. Magicians advise: if you like to travel around the world, take boots, if you like to cook, take a saucepan with a lid, and other cases.

How to perform the ritual?

The ritual is not difficult to implement, but it should be carried out over six days. What actions will be required of you?

  1. Place the prepared attributes in a place invisible to strangers.
  2. Determine for yourself who is the man and who is the woman in the paired subject.
  3. Tie the personified objects with red thread.
  4. Move them apart to such a distance that the thread is stretched.
  5. For six days, bring things closer to each other every evening after sunset.
  6. IN last night when two objects collide and become close, read the plot:

    “As these objects came together, so I, the servant of God (name), will come together with a man. Just as these objects suited each other, so we will suit each other. May what has been said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Having completed the ritual, all you have to do is wait. Very soon you will become just as close to your love.

A powerful spell to attract a man to your home

It also happens that you like a specific person. He is not married, has no children, and has the right personality. But long time doesn't show interest in you. How to attract the love of this person? With the help of magic, she will direct male energy in the right direction. Contribute to bringing a husband into your home.

What will be needed for the ritual?

First, make sure: “Yes, this person will find happiness with me!” Only then proceed to action. The conspiracy is very powerful; sorcerers do not recommend playing with it. Prepare the necessary magical accessories:

  • three church candles;
  • paper sheet and pen.

Remember that you attract not just attention, but also love and passion.

How to perform the ritual?

The time of the event is the new moon. This magical time promises a new life with your lover.

You will be required to follow these steps:

  1. Draw a male silhouette on a piece of album paper. Place the sheet in front of you.
  2. Place burning candles behind it.
  3. Thinking about a person, say the following spell:

    “I conjure the servant of God (name), so that the servant of God (name) unites with me. I conjure that we unite, just as Water, Air, Earth and Fire are united. I wish, the servant of God (name), that the thoughts of the servant of God (name) be directed towards me, so that the interest in his heart awakens, as every morning a ray of sun makes its way onto the dark earth. My spirit, the servant of God (name), will hover over the soul of the servant of God (name), as water floats over the earth. Let what is said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  4. Repeat the words three times.
  5. Put out the candles and place the drawn image under your pillow.

Soon the man will become attached to you. Therefore, create for him in your home Better conditions: genuinely love and care.

Attracting love with men's slippers

A ritual to attract a man is possible with the help of other objects. Magic offers simple conspiracies that seem funny, but their effectiveness has been tested in practice. If you are seriously thinking about your husband, then it’s time to prepare for a home rendezvous.

What will be needed for the ritual?

To perform the ceremony you need to take men's slippers

  • a pair of men's house slippers, they will be useful to you both for the ceremony and for welcoming the welcome guest.

How to perform the ritual?

A similar ritual is performed at midnight. Buy new men's slippers and let them “take root” in your house for three days: place them in a secluded place so that no one will wear them.

  1. Place men's slippers on the threshold near the slightly open entrance door so that the socks are directed into the room of the apartment (or house).
  2. Put the slippers on your hands and, standing on all fours, stamp them three times.
  3. After each time, say the words:

    “Betrothed, mummer, appear!”

  4. At the end, place the slippers next to yours and let them stand there until a worthy man appears in your life.
  5. But don't tell anyone about these enchanted slippers. And make sure that the cat or dog does not touch them. Otherwise, it's better to hide it.

Don't rush to attract a man using magical methods. Try to get acquainted, meet, and talk more often. And don’t lose your attractiveness and intelligence. Everyone will like you this way. This is how your future husband will love you.

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