Home Stomatitis Fright spells for children and adults. Effective conspiracies against fear and rules for their implementation How to treat fear in adults yourself

Fright spells for children and adults. Effective conspiracies against fear and rules for their implementation How to treat fear in adults yourself

Children are very vulnerable and sensitive creatures, so they are susceptible to fears and stress. Despite the fact that fear is not a disease, it is simply necessary to provide timely assistance to the baby. What are its symptoms? How to treat a child? In order to choose the right technique, you need to understand in detail the essence of this problem.

Fright is quite often confused with fear, so to understand the issue, it is necessary to clarify some terminological nuances.

Fright is a reflexive response to an unexpected action. This reaction is accompanied by a number of signs:

  • dilated pupils;
  • acceleration of heart rate;
  • increased breathing;
  • destabilization of the general state of physical and psychological health.
  • Unlike fear, which is an emotion that occurs along with other similar ones (panic, aggression, etc.), fear has a wider range of defining components:

  • temperament;
  • degree of self-control;
  • wealth of life experience.
  • Precisely because children have little of this experience (toddlers under 2 years of age are more susceptible to fright!), there can be quite a few factors that provoke a reflexive reaction:

  • natural phenomena (thunderstorm and others);
  • sharp, loud and unexpected sounds (parents talking in a raised voice, car horn, etc.);
  • animals (eg big dog, unexpectedly jumping out from around a corner, sudden movements of a cat, etc.);
  • stressful situations(first visit kindergarten without prior parental preparation for this event, moving, etc.);
  • parenting style (the child is afraid to do something that might displease mom/dad, withdraws into himself and ends up in a vicious circle).
  • Stuttering, enuresis and other symptoms that indicate that the child is very frightened

    If the child is already talking, then he can name the reason for his condition, but with younger children the situation is more complicated. Parents need to actually understand that this is fear, not fear, and only after that look for the cause and way to solve the problem. But in any case, it is important to pay attention in time to the manifestation of reflexive behavior, namely to the only spontaneous reaction available to the toddler - crying. The following signs will confirm the fact that the baby is scared of something:

  • severe nervous excitability;
  • frequent shuddering;
  • stuttering;
  • pulling the head into the shoulders;
  • sleep disorders (frequent awakenings for no reason);
  • enuresis (especially at night);
  • too strong attachment to family;
  • fear of being alone;
  • fear of the dark;
  • increased tearfulness.
  • Risk group, or how the behavior of mother and father affects a small child

    Those children who, according to the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, are more susceptible to fear:

  • highly controlled and cared for by parents;
  • indifferent to their relatives.
  • Both factors inhibit the baby’s development of activity and independence. So, when loved ones constantly try to protect the baby from the neighbor’s dog, saying that it will bite painfully, it is not surprising if the child avoids any animal. And even a lapdog suddenly jumping out from around the corner will cause fear.

    In the same way, Komarovsky believes, the little one will be afraid of any life circumstances, if mom and dad protect him from the slightest emotional experiences: the child simply will not gain the skill to cope with different manifestations of reality.

    When and how will the consequences of fear manifest themselves?

    Sometimes a child, as they say, outgrows his fear (for example, until he was 7 years old he was terrified of dogs, and by his eighth birthday he ordered a dachshund). But it also happens that over time, fear provokes attacks of panic and hysteria. This entails a number of consequences:

  • The toddler may begin to stutter or develop a nervous tic;
  • some children stop talking, and in school age find themselves unable to learn;
  • nightmares lead to manifestations of aggression;
  • A growing child develops a lot of phobias - persistent fears regarding some phenomenon or object.
  • All this provokes disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, as well as psychical deviations.

    Means that can be used to treat a baby one month, one year and older

    They get rid of fear through different methods, which are divided into two main groups:

  • traditional;
  • non-traditional (folk).
  • The most important stage of treatment falls on the shoulders of the parents, because they must behave in such a way as to instill in their child the simple truth: “We love you very much, we will always be there, so you are protected, which means there is nothing to be afraid of.” The message is realized by ensuring emotional security, when the little one is not afraid to be different - cheerful, sad, mischievous, etc.

    Traditional approach

    Traditional treatment methods have a medical basis. These include:

  • hypnosis;
  • homeopathy;
  • therapy through games and stories;
  • help from a psychologist.
  • Hypnosis to relieve fear and its consequences

    This method is usually used for children who are not very willing to make contact. Using suggestion, the doctor corrects the child’s condition. So, with enuresis, the toddler is instructed that if he wants to urinate at night, he needs to wake up and go to the potty (toilet).

    Homeopathy to cure fright

    Typically, if a patient is suffering from fear, they will be prescribed medications such as:

  • Belladonna;
  • Aconitum;
  • Causticum;
  • Baryta;
  • Carbonica and others.
  • Please note that the purpose medicines should be done by a specialist, taking into account general state baby's health and possible consequences from taking these medications.

    Play therapy, fairy tales and creativity

    When reading fairy tales in which good clearly triumphs over evil, children change their perception of the world around them and gain ideas about moral values. After discussing the plot, the kids participate in performances based on the stories they listened to, and create drawings based on the plot of the work. This is how they learn to cope with fears and difficulties, that is, they get rid of fear.

    Play therapy differs from fairy tale therapy in that toddlers participate in scenes with a separate, rather than integral, plot. The child learns to cope with difficulties, fears, and also interact with the world around him, which also helps to correctly and adequately evaluate himself and his partners.

    Sand and clay are natural materials that perfectly calm the nervous system. Therefore, do modeling as often as possible, make Easter cakes with your baby. And in the process of work, do not forget to talk to him about what worries him and find words of support.

    Communication with a child psychologist

    The specialist conducts corrective conversations, having previously studied the patient’s drawings, answers to questionnaires, tests, and also based on personal experience communication. This method is justified, as practice shows, in relation toschool age children. But for one-year-old babies and preschoolers who find it difficult to make contact, it is better to choose something else.

    Non-traditional (folk) approach

    Many supporters traditional methods solving the problem, including Dr. Komarovsky, believe that folk methods entail only one result - peace of mind and confidence of parents: “We did everything right, and this will definitely help.” Perhaps this opinion is not very far from the truth. However for child (and this is the most important condition getting rid of fear!) the confidence and poise of mom and dad are equivalent to a whole course of professional treatment.

    Although unconventional methods cause mistrust, many mothers claim in reviews that they are very effective.

    My daughter was very scared by a dog at 4 months old. Stopped sleeping. I slept for 15 minutes. at night, she suddenly stopped walking. Neurologists did not help with their treatment; they fought for up to a year with the help of traditional medicine, massage, etc. Only the grandmother helped, so those who do not believe in this themselves have not encountered this.


    Washing with holy water at home

    Holy water is an ordinary-looking liquid, which, after the rite of consecration, is granted healing properties. With its help, a child can be saved from fear.

    There are several ways to relieve fear through holy water: they wash the baby with it, give it to drink, and talk to it. Morning and evening, rinse your little one’s face while reciting “Our Father.” Give him the sacred liquid to drink three times during the day.

    A mother herself can whisper a spell over a bowl of water at home, give her child something to drink and wash him.

    John the Baptist, our Savior, stood over the holy water and sanctified this water with the spirit. (Name) I will wash and wipe with holy water, take away the fear, take it away. Amen.

    Dear God, sanctify my water, put baby (name) to sleep. Take away the fear and grief, return peaceful sleep and joy to him again. Amen.

    How to remove fear by pouring it on wax at home

    Wax, according to psychics, absorbs the negative energy of fear well. Church candles are used for the ceremony. They need to be melted and slowly poured into a bowl with 10 additions. cold water, which is located at the head of the baby. The whole procedure is accompanied by prayers for the child’s health and conspiracies.

    Passions and misfortunes pour out of God’s servant (name), don’t sit inside, don’t stay. Don’t sit in your wild head and in your thoughts, get away as quickly as possible. It’s not I who pour out the fear, but the guardian angels who control me. Amen.

    Each cast piece of wax is removed from the water and examined from the reverse side. If the surface is uneven or has a pattern, then fears still remain, the ritual must be repeated.

    Parents or any close relative can cast wax at home.

    Plot against fright with a thread

    To perform this ritual you will need a new spool of thread and a piece of wax.

  • Unwind the thread and measure the baby’s height, as well as the thickness of the arms and legs, tearing it off after each measurement.
  • Seal the cut pieces in wax and form a cake.
  • Place it on the left or right corner of the bottom of the door.
  • Read the prayers “Our Father” and “The Most Holy Theotokos”.
  • How can a mother speak water on her own?

    This ritual should only be performed by the baby’s mother. In front of a bowl of water, the woman reads a prayer three times, and then sprinkles the child’s crib and all the corners in his room with the charmed liquid.

    In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will speak to the servant of God (name). I gave him a name, I gave birth to him, I fed him with my breast, I baptized him in the church. I will speak to him: nerves from the bones, nerves from all the relics, from the ruddy body, so that not a single nerve vein gets sick. I will rise, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself. I will go through green meadows and steep banks. There a willow tree grows on the sand, and under it there is a golden hut. There, the Most Holy Mother reads the Bible, heals the nerves of God’s servant (name), takes away everything bad and throws it into holy water. Jesus Christ reigns, Jesus Christ commands, Jesus Christ saves, Jesus Christ heals. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

    Ritual of rolling out fear and the evil eye with an egg

    The egg is a common attribute of cleansing from damage, treating diseases and getting rid of fear. The rolling out is accompanied by the reading of incantations and prayers to the holy protector of the child, as well as St. Paraskeva, St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer and others.

    After the ritual, the egg is broken into a glass container and its condition is examined. The appearance of any spots indicates the success of rolling out the scare.

    Orthodox prayer for fear, to stop being afraid

    In addition to the traditional “Our Father,” another Orthodox prayer helps with fear. You need to read it in the morning, afternoon and evening three times. It is advisable to hold the child in your arms.

    Come out, enemy, Satan, fear from the servant of God/servant of God (name). From the body and head! You will no longer walk on bones, no longer wander on joints, no longer sit in your head, no longer be in your body! Go, frightened child, to the swamps, to the lowlands, where the sun does not rise, everything is dark and people do not walk. It is not I who am expelling you, but the Lord our God! He commands you to go away and not ruin your life. Amen!

    How to correctly read the prayer to Matrona of Moscow

    First, place 3 candles to the image of the saint and read the prayer.

    Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, help my child cope with fear and cleanse his soul from demonic weakness. Amen.

    Then buy 12 more candles and collect holy water. In the evenings, when lighting them, read a prayer for fear.

    Help my child, Blessed Elder, find peace in his soul. Drive away random fear and bring peace of faith. Protect your child from destructive fear and give him strength for a speedy recovery. Ask the Lord God for mercy and righteous fear about his punishment. Thy will be done. Amen.

    The baby should be given holy water to drink regularly.

    Muslim conspiracy against fear

    Read 7 times over the child's head.

    I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they will protect you from any devil, and insect, and from every evil eye.

    Magic to help, or how to relieve fear in a child - video

    Herbal treatment

    Since ancient times, herbs have been attributed magical properties. IN modern medicine They receive a lot of attention, because the healing effect of many plants has been proven. They help calm the nervous system, relieve tension, and eliminate the consequences of fear.

    Herbal treatment is used in both traditional and alternative medicine.

    Despite all the benefits of herbs, they should be used only after consulting a doctor. His responsibilities include checking the child’s health status and determining how safe a particular plant is for the baby.

    The best herbs that will help relieve a child from fear or its consequences - table

    Black herb to get rid of fear

    Black grass is a plant that is also called true slipper. In Russia, it grows in the European part, Crimea, Sakhalin, southern Siberia and the Far East.

    The shoe is an excellent remedy for headaches, insomnia and epilepsy. Its effect on the nervous system makes the use of the plant advisable in case of fear. For children, the infusion is prepared as follows:

  • brew 1/2 teaspoon of dry herb with 1 glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 8 hours;
  • filter;
  • Give 1/3 glass 20 minutes before meals.
  • Black grass is poisonous and affects the nervous system, which can cause various hallucinations and difficult dreams. Therefore, its use should be discussed with your pediatrician.

    Prevention, or where to start to prevent the problem from occurring

    The influence of relatives on the psyche of a toddler cannot be overestimated. So, competent behavior of adults will be the most strong conspiracy against fears and other disorders in children.

  • If your baby is capricious or nervous, add a decoction of chamomile or valerian to the bath to calm him down.
  • Place a sachet of herbs with calming properties in your baby's bed.
  • Do not impose false fears on your child, for example, fear of street dogs and cats.
  • If there are places that potentially cause fear in your offspring, then take your favorite toy there with you - a kind of amulet.
  • Don't quarrel in front of your baby. He should grow up in an atmosphere of friendliness.
  • The subtle psyche of a child needs protection no less than his physical health. Moreover, these spheres are closely connected. Parents need to pay maximum attention to the little one, monitor the slightest changes in his behavior and try to talk as much as possible about what worries the little man. In this case, you do not have to resort to professional help and study an extensive list traditional methods combating childhood fear.

    What is fear and how is it different from fear? Fear is a reflex reaction to a sudden stimulus, on the basis of which neurosis is formed. The baby may be frightened by a loud noise, a dog, or a nightmare. The mother needs to detect the symptoms of fear in time and understand what is happening to the child. From right actions parents depend on the consequences of a neurotic reaction.

    How can a mother recognize fear in her child?

    The nervous system of a newborn is at the stage of formation. In the first months of life, millions of neural connections are formed. During this period, the baby’s mental activity is unstable and subject to stress. Fear is a neurosis in young children that develops after severe stress.

    Do not confuse neurotic fear in a baby with fear. Fear is a normal emotional reaction to the unknown. The baby may be afraid strangers, animals and if this emotion does not prevail over the others, it is absolutely normal.

    How can you tell if your baby is scared? The main signs of fear are:

    • restless night sleep, nightmares;
    • bed-wetting;
    • stuttering if the baby already knows how to speak;
    • anxiety, restlessness, capricious behavior;
    • causeless crying;
    • loss of appetite.

    The baby is afraid to be left alone, he grabs his mother and refuses to let her go, screams when she leaves. If the fright occurs at a time when the baby is just learning to speak, he may remain silent for a long time.

    Main causes of fear

    Infants in the first month of life are at risk. They adapt to their environment and are not used to loud sounds or bright lights. The peak development of neurosis occurs at the age of 2–3 years - during this period, the active development of higher nervous activity occurs, and the child’s psyche is most vulnerable.

    Anything can scare a small child. The provoking factor must be eliminated immediately. However, if an older baby can explain what scared him, the parents will have to closely monitor the baby to find out the reason.

    Common causes of fear:

    • natural phenomena: thunderstorm, thunder, lightning;
    • sudden sounds or flashes of light;
    • animal attack;
    • screaming, quarrel with an adult;
    • conflicts in the family.

    Children under one year of age are most often frightened by loud noises or animals. Children aged 3–4 years are more sensitive to social situations. They experience a lot of stress when an adult yells at them. Constant conflicts and quarrels between parents, even if the baby is just an observer and not a participant, have a negative impact on his psyche.

    How to treat fear?

    Neuroses and their consequences are treated comprehensively. The child undergoes psychotherapy, and a stable condition is maintained with the help of medications. Some parents prefer to treat their baby at home with soothing herbs, walks on fresh air. Which method of therapy is best to choose depends on the degree of neurosis and its manifestations. It is necessary to select treatment after consultation with a neurologist and child psychologist.

    Drug treatment

    Drug therapy is prescribed only in extreme cases. Indications for such treatment may be:

    Medicines are prescribed by a neurologist or child psychiatrist. They mainly contain herbal components, but for neurosis bordering on psychosis, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers and anticonvulsants.

    Game therapy and fairy tale therapy

    Most effective method The treatment for fright is psychotherapy. For children under 6 years of age, the leader mental activity is a game. In the game they live out their emotions, fears, expectations. A child, writing an object game or telling a fairy tale, models a problem and finds a solution himself.

    Conversational methods of psychotherapy are practically not used in working with children. This format is not possible when working with infants. Child psychologists use the methods of art therapy, play therapy, and fairy tale therapy.

    During a consultation with a psychologist, the child is in a safe space. He feels comfortable, which means he is not afraid to look inside himself and face his fears. Under the guidance of a specialist, the child will be able to draw what scared him, and then tear the sheet to destroy the danger.

    Another psychotherapy technique is object play. As a rule, in a psychologist’s office there are figures of people and animals. The child models a frightening situation and finds a way out of it in a playful way.

    Fairytale therapy can be active or passive. Passive is used with those children who do not yet know how to speak. An adult tells a story in which the main character finds himself in the same situation as a child and copes with it successfully. Children from 3 years old can compose such fairy tales themselves.

    Breathing exercises

    In order to cope with emotional state, reduce anxiety, get rid of fear, psychologists recommend doing breathing exercises. They are especially necessary if, as a result of fright, the baby develops a stutter.

    Breathing practices allow you to remove throat constrictions and relax the diaphragm. They are an element of meditation, so they will help not only get rid of stuttering, but also calm the nervous system.

    Some breathing exercises:

    Herbal treatment

    Some herbs have a good sedative effect. It is not recommended to give herbal decoctions to infants - it is difficult for them to choose the dosage, and the plants can provoke an allergic reaction. Starting from three years old, you can safely feed herbal infusions.

    How can a mother cure fear herself without turning to doctors? Decoction recipes:

    • St. John's wort, angelica root, chamomile, hops, nettle leaves, heather, and lemon balm are mixed in equal proportions. A teaspoon of dried plants is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Twice a day you need to drink half a glass of broth.
    • To prepare the infusion, take 1 part valerian, 3 parts each of motherwort and cudweed, and 4 parts heather. Pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink five teaspoons every hour throughout the day.
    • You can give decoctions of chamomile or valerian. Dried plants are sold in every pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions.

    Babies can have baths with medicinal herbs. Add pine needles, chamomile, and lemon balm to warm bathing water. It is enough to add a few tablespoons to the bath or a couple of drops essential oil mint and lemon balm.

    Folk remedies and conspiracies

    Since ancient times, fear in a child was treated with prayers and spells. To this day, mothers turn to knowledgeable older women to take the fear away from their children. Common folk methods, the effectiveness of which is rather questionable:

    What could be the consequences of fright?

    It is rare, but it happens that the consequences of fright go away on their own. Then they say that the child has outgrown his fear. However, it should be remembered that fear is a neurosis, and if it is not treated, the disease will progress. Gradually, it will resemble less and less the original cause of fear, but may manifest itself in different areas child's life. Childhood neuroses carry over into adulthood, and an adult will have to deal with mental problems in a psychotherapist’s office.

    If you do nothing about fear, the following consequences may occur:

    • nocturnal enuresis;
    • stuttering;
    • retardation in mental and physical development;
    • sociopathy.

    The child will begin to avoid peers, and it will be more difficult for him to study. Moved to early age fear can cause depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence.

    Childhood problems are imprinted on the brain and make themselves felt after several decades; the symptoms of neuroses are very stable. It is much easier to find the cause and eliminate it immediately after the fear occurs than 10 to 20 years later.

    Is it possible to prevent fear? A few recommendations:

    • Talk to your newborn in a calm, gentle voice, and never scream in his presence. Make sure that during infancy he is not frightened by strangers.
    • Maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family, do not quarrel in the presence of the child. Young children are very sensitive to conflicts between parents. They tend to attribute blame for what is happening to themselves.
    • Tell us about the world around you. Explain what sounds cars make, natural phenomena, say that they should not be afraid of this.
    • Instill a love for animals. Show that there is no need to be afraid of animals, but you should not touch them, because they do not like it. Get a little one pet, which will teach the child how to handle animals.

    Parents' fears are passed on to children. Do not cultivate your own anxieties and fears in your child; there is no need to discuss in his presence how afraid you are of something.

    Some parents use fear as a method of education and a way to achieve what they want. You can often hear the phrase from mothers: “If you don’t obey, your uncle will take you away, the dog will bite you.” Such words will not force the baby to be obedient, but to form irrational fear they can.

    Komarovsky's opinion on childhood fear

    Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that children who are surrounded by excessive attention or, conversely, left to their own devices, are most susceptible to fear. Overcontrol is just as harmful as neglecting a child.

    Overly caring mothers and grandmothers instill in the baby their own anxieties and fears. The child grows up “in a vacuum”, separately from the world around him. When faced with natural manifestations environment he doesn't know how to react to them. This causes severe stress and, as a result, neurosis.

    If neglected, the opposite situation occurs. For full development, a child needs an adult who will ensure his psychological and physical safety. Under conditions of deprivation, children lag behind in development and are diagnosed with mental disorders. The child grows up anxious; any stressful situation can provoke neurosis, because he does not feel protected.

    How to treat fear in a child at home? What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this, and how did our ancestors treat this disease?

    Every child has had a fright at least once in their life. It can be mild and not cause any particular harm to health, or it can be so strong that the consequences then have to be eliminated for more than one day. In the article we'll talk about how a mother can independently identify fear, as well as cope with a child’s fear at home. We will also tell you which specialist you can contact if you cannot cure your fear yourself.

    Signs of fear in a child

    Anything can frighten a child, especially a small one. For example, he may show strong fear in relation to:

    • loud rumbles during a thunderstorm;
    • sharp screams and loud sounds;
    • an accidental fight;
    • unusual stressful situation;
    • explosions and shootings (terrorist attacks that began to happen frequently);
    • too strict upbringing by parents;
    • forced loneliness (when parents leave the child alone at home);
    • ferocious animals.

    An older child can independently tell his mother why he was afraid. He will tell you in detail what scared him, if there is close contact and trust between the child and mother. In infants, fear can only be recognized by observing the baby's behavior.

    If you suspect fear in a child, you have probably noticed that he has the following changes in behavior:

    • he began to breathe intermittently and hastily;
    • increased heart rate;
    • the pupils became large;
    • movement coordination is impaired;
    • the child peed or pissed his pants.

    Symptoms of fear in a child

    If a child got scared some time ago and is still in a state of fear, then he may experience the following symptoms:

    • eats poorly;
    • on the contrary, it is unusual for him to eat a lot;
    • sleeps restlessly;
    • suddenly begins to cry in the middle of sleep;
    • constantly having nightmares;
    • does not want to stay alone in the room;
    • afraid of the dark;
    • behaves restlessly day and night;
    • overly active.

    Consequences of fright

    If a child is very frightened by something and now he carries it inside himself, then this fear can seriously affect the baby’s health. If fear is not treated and the state of fear is not eliminated, then the child’s life can be ruined forever. He will constantly expect a trick from everywhere, will become withdrawn and unsure of himself.

    Among the consequences of fear, the following problems in a child can be noted:

    • enuresis (that is, urinary incontinence, especially at night);
    • severe stuttering;
    • a state of anxiety that does not leave the child;
    • nervous tic;
    • chronic nightmares or insomnia;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    Child after a fright

    As soon as a child is very frightened of something, his behavior becomes different, and his well-being also worsens. Immediately after experiencing fear, the baby’s pupils become enlarged and his heart beats too quickly and loudly. In addition, after suffering stress, a child may immediately begin to stutter during a fright, and even if he is very frightened, the baby may pee in his pants. There are rare cases when children faint immediately after fright.

    If a child has experienced severe fright younger age, then he will probably become more anxious and will want to spend more time with his mother. He will literally stick to his mother and follow her around everywhere. The child will be very scared to be left alone. A frightened baby will see his mother as his most reliable protector.

    Fright in a baby

    If you feel completely frightened Small child, who is still, so to speak, lying in diapers, then this may manifest itself in him with sudden loud crying. This happens, for example, after the baby hears a sharp loud sound. Also, fear in an infant may result in fecal incontinence. If he gets very scared, he may suddenly have a bowel movement.

    How to remove fear

    You can eliminate the consequences of fear through conversations with your child. Talk to him as often as possible and discuss what scared him. Try to explain to your baby that he is now safe, and you will protect him from all kinds of fears.

    In some cases, a conversation with parents alone is not enough, and in this situation an experienced psychologist comes. IN extreme situations A hypnologist also helps, because it can be very difficult to convince a child that there is now nothing to be afraid of.

    Should Special attention Pay attention to the child’s daily routine. Try to feed your baby at the same time, and also put him to bed at a strictly defined time. It's also good to read good stories before bed. This will also have a good effect on the child’s psyche. This helps not only frightened children, but also hyperactive ones.

    The following also help well as a treatment for fright:

    • frequent walks in the fresh air;
    • communication with nature and learning together with parents;
    • tales of brave heroes;
    • music lessons;
    • drawing and modeling (you can send your child to some creative club);
    • taking soothing teas or medications prescribed by the doctor;
    • soothing baths with flavored sea salt (the aroma of lavender helps);
    • calm atmosphere in the family;
    • outdoor games;
    • playing sports;
    • Mind games;
    • lullabies before bed.

    How to cure a child's fear at home

    In addition to the above methods of getting rid of fear, the following methods help eliminate the condition of the rhinestone:

    • herbal treatment;
    • conspiracies;
    • special magical rituals;
    • prayers;
    • rituals.

    Ebb of fear, how to ebb of fear

    Our ancestors often treated fear in children with wax casting. This method was considered very effective and was used as a life-saving remedy for fear in almost every family.

    To relieve fear using wax, you will need this:

    • Bowl;
    • clean water from a well;
    • wax candles - 3 pieces;
    • container for melting candles.

    You will also need the help of someone from your family, because performing this ritual alone is extremely inconvenient and dangerous. You risk burning yourself with hot wax, and you can also accidentally burn your baby with it.

    So, first you need to melt the candles. To do this, place them in some kind of enamel dish and place them in a water bath.

    Then we place a bowl of water over the baby’s head and pour melted wax into it with the words: “Flow, pour, you candle. Just as you melted and are now flowing, so let evil fear flow from my child (name) and go away from our house. May my word be strong, may the powers of the Almighty help me.”

    Then you need to bury the wax that has flowed into the water under the nearest tree. The procedure should be repeated twice a day. This is done in the morning, as soon as the sun wakes up, and in the evening, when sunset occurs. A similar ritual must be performed for at least 9 days in a row.

    In this case, you need to look at the reverse side of the figure, which is formed when the wax is cast. Usually there are some inclusions and spots in it over a frightened child. When the fear goes away, this figure gradually becomes clean.

    We read the plot to frighten

    To drive away fear in a child, you can read a special spell. You can read it with holy water, and then wash the baby with it 3 times.

    So, you need to pour holy water into some deep bowl with wide edges. You need to read the following spell for this water: “How powerful you are, holy water, to cure all troubles and sorrows. Wash away the great fear from my child, water, and do not allow the damned fear to overcome him again. My word is strong, hell is accurate. Let it be as I command."

    Then wash your frightened child with this water 3 times, and water the flowers with the remaining water. You need to repeat this ritual 3 times a day. In total, treatment with such enchanted water takes at least 9 days.

    If one course of treatment with holy water does not help, then the procedure can be repeated more than once. Usually even in the most difficult cases Repeating the 9-day course three times helps.

    Orthodox prayer for a child's fear

    If you are with a believing woman, you can turn to Matrona of Moscow with a request to help your frightened child.

    An icon with the image of Matronushka can be purchased in any church. You need to place it near the baby’s crib and read the following prayer every morning: “Gracious Matronushka, help us in our trouble. Deliver my child from the fear of the terrible. He is tormented by severe fear and does not give him peace either day or night. There is only one hope for you, dear. Do not leave her in trouble and come to the aid of a desperate mother. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen!"

    How to relieve mother's fear in a child

    The mother herself is able to relieve the child’s fear. To do this, first of all, you need to keep yourself calm. It should be remembered that you cannot raise your voice at a frightened child, much less punish him strictly and beat him with a belt. Perhaps his fear is caused by the fact that his mother’s upbringing is very harsh.

    We need to spend more time with the baby. Joint hikes in the forest or trips somewhere outside the city help very well. There the child opens up and independently tells his mother about his fears. In sincere conversations, you can overcome all these fears together with your child.

    If the mother feels that she cannot cope on her own, then she can always enlist the support of the father or other relatives of the baby with whom he has contact. You can also contact a competent family psychologist.

    If mom believes in the power of prayers and conspiracies, then she can turn to them. If you know a grandmother who treats fears, then you can take your child to her. In this case, the granny helps with enchanted water or treats the baby with medicinal herbs.

    Words from fear

    If you notice that a child is terribly afraid of something, then wipe his face with your palms and at the same time say the following words: “Get away from us, fierce fear. Let the pussy be afraid, let the dog be afraid, but our little blood (name) is never afraid of anything. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    Every time, wipe your face with your hand and shake it off as if it were dirt from your palms. Read these words 3 times at a time. If it does not help, then the procedure for expelling fear can be repeated 3 more times.

    Symptoms of fright in infants

    If an infant is frightened and cannot yet say anything about his fears, then the following symptoms can be observed:

    • crying that is not associated with hunger or health conditions;
    • sudden bowel movement Bladder or intestines;
    • dilated pupils;
    • rapid pulse;
    • loud heartbeat;
    • rapid breathing;
    • sudden movements of arms and legs.

    How to get rid of a fright with eggs

    A mother can free her baby from fear on her own by removing the fear. chicken eggs. In this case, you need to buy homemade eggs from three different chickens.

    The mother needs to take the frightened baby in her arms and gently roll him with the egg from head to toe. If you are afraid of dropping and breaking an egg, you can pre-boil it.

    For the ritual you will need more church candle. When you take the baby in your arms and roll the egg over his body, the candle should burn. After the ceremony, the unburned candle along with the egg must be buried somewhere away from the house.

    While rolling the egg over the child’s body, you need to say the following words: “Take the egg with you, all the fear from my child’s body. Let his little head know no more suffering and torment. I roll it on the head, I roll it on the face, on the arms and tummy, on the back and legs. I drive away the furious fear from my handsome child. Let no one dare to frighten him anymore. Let it be so. Amen!"

    This ritual will be repeated every day for three days. Each time you need to take a new egg for the ritual.

    Ebb of fright with wax

    We have already described how to cast fear with wax a little higher. This method is very effective and can be used to treat both mild fear and prolonged forms of fear. If the child is very small, then in this way you can drive away fear while the baby is sleeping.

    To obtain wax slurry, it is better to take candles other than those sold in regular stores, but make sure that they come from the church. Go to your local church or temple in advance and buy candles from the parish store.

    To rid your child of fear, you can pray to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. He helps with many problems, including his ability to drive away fear from a child. Make sure that an icon depicting St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is in the frightened child’s bedroom. You can buy it at the temple. You can read the prayer both in the morning and in the evening until the fear completely goes away.

    You can also read the prayer in church in front of the same icon. You can pray either in your own words or using the text of an Orthodox prayer. Your text could be like this: “Nikolai the Pleasant, I turn to you for great help. You can work miracles and drive away terrible diseases from the people. Help me in my painful misfortune. My child is suffering from fear, I want to help him, but I don’t know how. Deliver him from suffering and make sure that from now on he is no longer afraid of anything. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    Fright in a child Komarovsky

    Dr. Komarovsky says that fear in a child is very common. In most cases, it manifests itself as crying and involuntary emptying of the bladder and bowels. There is nothing wrong with fear if it is recognized and treated immediately.

    If you delay treatment, you can ruin the child’s life. In addition to the fact that he may develop a stutter, which is difficult to treat, he will also become an extremely unconfident person. These factors can trigger alcoholism and even lead to suicide in extreme cases. Teenagers who are ridiculed by their peers react especially sharply to their stuttering.

    A qualified psychologist can help you get rid of fear. This is for extreme cases, but in case of mild fright, the mother can handle it herself. Komarovsky does not see anything wrong with turning to old herbalists for help in such cases. They won’t make it worse anyway, but try to heal with all kinds of folk techniques It's still possible.

    Signs of fear in a child Komarovsky

    Among the symptoms that are present in a frightened child, the following can be noted, according to Komarovsky:

    • the child clings to his mother and does not want to let her go:
    • peed or pooped in your pants;
    • began to sob intermittently and would not calm down;
    • cannot sit quietly at the table and eat;
    • constantly looks around and turns around, as if he is looking for someone and is afraid;
    • suddenly became withdrawn;
    • screams at night from terrible dreams.

    Grass for fear

    The most powerful herb for treating fear is Lady's slipper. This grass is also called black. This plant is very strong, but at the same time also poisonous. Therefore, when treating a child with fear, you must first consult a pediatrician.

    Brewing a potion on Venus's slipper is very simple. Take half a teaspoon of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water. This whole thing is infused for 8 hours. After this, the medicine for the treatment of fright on Venus's slipper is taken 0.3 glasses half an hour before eating. In total, you need to take this medicine 3 times a day. The duration of treatment for fright is no more than 3 days.

    How grandma treats fright

    Our grandmothers often treated fear with various herbs. A calming bath with lavender helped relieve the child’s fear. To prepare it, you need to take 200 grams of fresh lavender and add 2 liters of water. Then this composition must be boiled for several minutes. The product should infuse for about 45 minutes, and then it can be poured into water for bathing the child.

    Peony root also helped a lot. It was crushed and filled with 0.25 grams of vodka. This remedy was infused for 3 weeks, and then 0.5 teaspoon was added to the child’s drink. We did this once a day. Treatment lasted from 3 days to 2 weeks.

    There was also a special demand for a special collection against fright. To prepare it, they used lemon balm, heather and thyme. They took them in equal proportions and mixed them. Then they took 1 tablespoon of this mixture and poured 2 glasses of boiling water over it. The product was infused in a thermos for 6 hours. Then this medicine was given to the frightened child, 1 tablespoon for 3 weeks.

    If you like at least one of these recipes for treating fear with herbs, be sure to consult with your pediatrician before using it. Otherwise, you will harm the baby’s health, and you will never get rid of the fear.

    Strong prayer for fear

    The most powerful prayer for fear is considered to be the prayer to the Mother of God of Vladimir. She saves from a huge number of human troubles. Buy an icon with the image of this shrine and pray every day for the health of your child.

    The text of the prayer could be like this: “Oh, Mother of God of Vladimir, only to you will I dare to turn for help. Deliver my child from debilitating fears. He himself suffers from them, and I have a hard time too. No matter how you know everything about a mother’s troubles associated with her baby. You yourself are a great mother. You are the mother of all the human people, so do not leave us, your children, in trouble. Amen!"

    Intrauterine fear, how it manifests itself in a child

    Not only an already born baby can experience serious fear and get severe fright. This can also happen to a baby who is still in the mother’s womb. The fact is that through the wall of the uterus and the abdominal cavity the baby is also able to hear sounds. If he hears a sudden loud sound or the mother falls sharply, the baby will experience fear.

    Usually, after a fright, the baby inside the womb begins to hiccup. Over a long period of time, this is already well felt by the mother. Also, if the fear was very great, then this can seriously affect the functioning of the baby’s heart. Congenital defects hearts are often associated with a child suffering a severe fright while he was still inside the womb.

    What kind of doctor treats fear?

    If your baby has suffered a fright, then first of all, you can contact your local pediatrician. He will give recommendations for treating fear.

    Conversations with a child or family psychologist are also helpful. Parents can go to the appointment with their child. Conversations between the psychologist and the child in private are also practiced.

    In extreme cases, a hypnologist also comes to the rescue if the situation cannot be resolved by either a pediatrician or a psychologist. This specialist comes to the rescue in cases where other specialists fail to convince the child that there is nothing to be afraid of.

    Now you know everything about how to treat a baby for fear. Let your child not get sick and please you with new achievements every day!

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