Home Gums Wushu gymnastics class for beginners with video lessons. Chinese gymnastics exercises for beginners and weight loss

Wushu gymnastics class for beginners with video lessons. Chinese gymnastics exercises for beginners and weight loss

One famous ancient Chinese doctor in the 2nd century AD, who practiced treatment and exercises, stated: “When a doorknob is constantly in motion, it does not rust. When a person moves a lot, he does not rot.”

Humanity learned about the existence of wushu from the Chinese; it was they who gave this amazing gymnastics to people. It is designed not only to strengthen the body, but also the spirit and mind. “Through the perfection of the body - to the perfection of the spirit” is the principle of the Wushu masters. There are practically no contraindications for practicing it. Neither gender, nor age, nor weight, nor lack of initial physical training- no problem.

But the benefits from wushu are great: it develops flexibility, agility, endurance, correctly coordinates movements, making them strong, concentrating maximum attention and speed of reaction.

In the end, this is simply nothing more than a healthy lifestyle. By the way, the main indicators healthy person in the East are not similar to European standards. A powerful, tall athlete with defined muscles is not included here.

In Asia, this is a well-fed, short person, with a small belly due to abdominal breathing, and not gluttony; but he has smooth skin, a magnificent shine to his hair, he is calm, with a clear gaze and a smile. Flexible, light, agile, plastic, brilliantly controls his body and will. The slow pace of wushu exercises does not interfere with burning fat, because, nevertheless, a lot of energy is expended.

Features of Wushu

You should always start doing gymnastics at a slow pace, with a small number of repetitions, and only very gradually increase them. You need to exercise on an empty stomach, or, in extreme cases, 2-3 hours after lunch. Listen to your feelings, choosing what is comfortable for yourself.

First, you need to use the simplest dynamic exercises to develop flexibility, good stretching, and master the basic basic stances. Wushu was originally a martial art for adults, the word wushu consists of two characters: "u" - military, and "shu" - art.

It was the whole system and philosophy for developing abilities with extreme situations, she's at her maximum short time restored the body with the revelation of its possible reserves and capabilities, improving man.

Each family had its own secrets of this art, passed down in secret to generations. Today wushu is not martial training, it is wushu gymnastics, which anyone can do. It received its special new development especially after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

There are many styles and schools of this gymnastics, for different ages- more than 130 directions, and the Shaolin direction - more than 400 varieties, gymnastics complexes are also no less. Wushu gymnastics for health: for beginners and advanced there is always one basis for training - developing endurance and mastering breathing exercises.

The goal is to achieve good flexibility of the joints and body (in the East there is a saying - whoever maintains flexibility will delay old age), increasing muscle tone and joint health.

At the same time, the condition of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs improves, the body gets rid of fatigue and stress. The smoothness of movements eliminates stretching and damage to the muscles and skeleton. You should also know that not a single exercise is related to combat movements. Essentially wushu is the same as kung fu, but the latter direction, according to Europeans, is martial arts(remember Bruce Lee).

Wushu rules

It is advisable to conduct lessons in the morning, having cleansed the intestines. Clothes should not restrict movement and be made from natural fabrics. The face should face north; the room should be well ventilated and have enough space.

The duration of the complex is at least an hour. The minimum number of repetitions of the lessons of the complex is 2 times a week. Thus, gymnastics can be used as morning exercises.

First steps

Any system always has its own basic complex for developing flexibility in the lumbar region, hip joint and shoulder girdle. Then you need to be able to perform different basic stances.

Wushu stances are not standing in one position, not static, but a certain chain of movements and steps. At first, the hands are placed on the belt, elbows back, fists clenched. The beginning of classes is always marked by a warm-up.

Main racks

Bingbu– stand straight, legs connected. Weight is evenly applied to both limbs.

Mabu– feet parallel to each other, spaced apart. With your knees slightly apart, slowly squat down with your back straight so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Gunbu– bend one knee and take a deep lunge (step) forward. In this case, the toes and heels of the feet are located on the same line.

Xyubu– spread your legs wide, transfer your weight to one leg, slightly squatting on it. Freeze like this for several minutes, starting with 1-2 minutes and increasing to 10.

After mastering the basic stances with ease of performing them, a set of movements begins. They are also not static, but represent smooth transitions from one fixed pose to another. The exercises are repeated 10-20 times, the movements are sharp but comfortable.

Breathing is only through the nose. You will need to learn to breathe with the diaphragm (stomach), and not with the lungs; they do not take part in breathing and remain motionless.

For newbies

Wushu gymnastics for beginners consists of several simple exercises.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Then extend one arm forward and the other back. Begin to calmly rotate your arms, first forward, then back, using 2 arms at the same time. The number of repetitions is 20-30 times on each side.
  2. The stance is the same, arms bent at the elbows. Try to do pendulum movements, like when running. Do about 50 times.
  3. Stand straight, then raise your left leg, bend at the knee and toe. Raise one arm up, palm open. The other hand is laid back. Her fingers are up and gathered into a pinch. This is a static exercise - you need to hold the pose for about 2 minutes. Then repeat with the other arm and leg.
  4. Stand straight, spread your legs wider so that you are at least a meter wide. Then slowly squat down, keeping your buttocks level with your knees. Breathe with your belly. Also, you must first hold this motionless position for a minute, then gradually increase it to 7-10 minutes.
  5. Stand up straight, one leg straight and laid back. And the other is raised and bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands on the belt. Looking forward, abdominal breathing. Freeze in the pose for a few minutes. Increase the static time gradually.
  6. Stand in a basic stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the support with your hands and bend over, bending over. Gradually increase the amplitude and shoulder joints sag.
  7. Keep your legs straight, one leg on a support. Gradually increasing the range of bends, try to reach the toe on the support, while keeping your back straight. 10 repetitions for each leg.
  8. Stand with your right side to the support, raise your right leg onto the support. Do bends with a straight back. As a result, you should reach the lift of the leg with your head and the knee with your shoulder. 10 times with each leg.
  9. Straight leg on the support, stand with your back to the support. Bend back as far as possible. 10 times on each side.
  10. Place your hands on the support. Bend backwards and swing your legs backwards. 10 times.

If you practice systematically, without skipping, you will feel better with each session and will help you improve your health. The muscles will work with pleasure, and “muscle joy” will appear. Gymnastics can also be done to tone and relieve fatigue.

There are many sets of exercises and they can always be found on the Internet as your level of preparedness increases.

Some people who practice under various pretexts (too busy at work and don’t have time to finish all the repetitions) try to reduce the number of repetitions. This is just self-deception. If you didn’t sniff the crust after taking it on your breast, don’t expect results.

The result will be noticeably lower. Therefore, do not save time on your health. Do the exercises carefully. Upbeat music is not forbidden if desired, but without words so that the brain is not distracted.

Otherwise, mentally, instead of relaxing, you will analyze the next modern masterpieces. There are many complexes for children too. Their course is more simplified due to underdevelopment of motor skills and coordination of movements.

Breathing exercise

In addition to physical exercises, wushu gymnastics requires proper breathing. You need to learn to breathe correctly while performing the complex. According to pundits, it is believed that deep breathing reduces the frequency and lengthens life.

This position is confirmed in animals: rodents, colic, squirrels - they breathe very often and their life span is much shorter than, for example, a turtle. The indicator of healthy vital energy in Wushu is the duration of holding your breath. So learn a simple breathing exercise several times a day.

Strength will increase and normalize nervous processes. Rapid breathing- This is the combustion (oxidation) of the body in a mass of oxygen. Health-improving breathing can be done in any place and time. This is slow but controlled breathing.

The peculiarity is that you partially block the glottis to slow down the movement of air, creating resistance. Due to the tension of the muscles of the larynx, a whistling sound “sss” is heard when inhaling, and a hissing sound “xxx” is heard when exhaling. Inhale quickly with your stomach, and exhale as slowly and stretch as possible.

The time of the entire respiratory act (inhalation-exhalation) is gradually lengthened, and exclusively by exhalation. But without fatigue in the form of cephalalgia and heaviness in the head, tinnitus and redness of the face. At first, the exercise will take 1-2 minutes, but every week (very gradually) add a couple more minutes.

Chinese gymnastics. Lesson No. 1 Stanislav Rogachev. TV channel

Wushu for health. Charger. Gymnastics Mu Yuchun

Morning exercises from basic exercises wushu

Master Mu Yuchun exercises for health

K. M. BARSKY, orientalist,
V. V. SMEKALIN, master of sports

For Chinese gymnastics Wushu is characterized by a variety of schools and styles. The Shaolin school is the most popular in China. She took as a basis the movements with the help of which people since ancient times improved their health and kept fit.

Today we begin to introduce you to the “18 techniques of Buddhist monks” - a set of exercises that can be called an encyclopedia of the Shaolin school of wushu. The complex is taken from the book of the famous Chinese wushu master Tsa Longyun.

The complex consists of 28, not 18 movements: several elements are added in order to make the transitions from one movement to another smoother. Individual movements are repeated twice.

The arrows in the figures indicate subsequent movements of the arms and legs.


Legs together, arms extended along the body, fingers pressed to the hips, back straight, shoulders straight, eyes looking straight ahead. Breathing is smooth and deep (Figure 1).


Clench your hands into fists, raise them along the body to the belt, press the edge of the palm to the belt. Turn your head to the left, your eyes looking straight ahead (Figure 2).

Note: hand movements and head rotation are performed quickly and synchronously. At the same time, move the body forward slightly, transferring the center of gravity to the toes. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body. The body is ready to perform the next movement.


a) Turn your body half a turn to the left, legs half bent at the knees, right in place, take a wide step with your left.

Unclench your left fist and describe a counterclockwise circle with your left hand in front of you from the waist to the right shoulder, then simultaneously with the body turn, extend it forward from the shoulder; the arm is bent at the elbow, the palm is directed forward, the fingers are pointing up, thumb set aside, eyes looking at the left hand (Figure 3).

b) Without stopping the movement, with a grabbing gesture, clench your left hand into a fist, turn it with the edge of your palm towards you and sharply move it towards your belt. At the same time, turn the body to the left, and the toe of the right foot inward, straighten the right leg and half-bend the left one at the knee, transferring the center of gravity to it.

At the same time, unclench your right fist and straighten your right hand from the waist forward, the edge of the palm is directed forward, the fingers are upward. The eyes look at the right hand (Figure 3b).

Note: abduction of the left arm and straightening of the right are performed simultaneously. When straightening the right arm, the shoulders are lowered, the body is slightly tilted forward, the fingers are at eyebrow level.


Shift the center of gravity to the right leg and half-bend it at the knee, take the left leg a little back, the toe is pulled out and barely touches the ground (empty step position).

At the same time, lower your right hand down and move it back to your waist, palm facing forward, fingers pointing down.

Unclench the left fist and straighten the left hand with a push forward, the edge of the palm is directed forward, the fingers are upward.

Following the abduction of the right arm, move the body back and slightly turn to the right, eyes looking at left palm(Figure 4).

Note: transfer the center of gravity of the body to the right leg, the left leg is completely unloaded, the back is straight.

5. A MAN PLAYING A Knapsack Over His Shoulder

a) Take a step forward with your left foot. With your left hand, describe a circle counterclockwise through the bottom to the right shoulder, thumb out, arm bent at the elbow. Following the step, the hand from the shoulder continues to move forward in an arc.

At the same time, clench your left palm into a fist, straighten your left arm and move it down behind your back. The eyes look at the left hand (Figure 5a).

b) Without stopping the movement, with a grabbing gesture, clench your left palm into a fist, turn it with the edge of your palm towards you and sharply move it towards your belt. At the same time, take a step forward with your right foot, following the step, turn your body to the left, bend your legs at the knees (rider’s position).

Following the body, the right hand goes from behind the back through the bottom forward. Then half bend it at the elbow, place your fist in front of your face at eyebrow level, the edge of your palm is directed to the left. At the same time, turn your head to the right, your eyes looking straight ahead (Figure 5b, front and back).

Note: abduction of the fist to the belt, a wide step with the right leg and extension of the right arm are performed simultaneously. Taking the position of a rider, right shoulder move forward, and the left one back. Shoulders down, back straight.


Studying the traditional health systems of the countries of this region, scientists are looking for optimal ways to implement them in our country.

The general developmental preparatory exercises of wushu gymnastics that are offered to your attention strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, improve the mobility of the shoulder joints, improve coordination of movements, and train the vestibular apparatus.

The exercises include elements of static gymnastics that strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot, improve the mobility of large joints of the legs, and increase vascular tone.

Please note the following points. Before performing the exercises, prepare the muscles of your legs and arms in a special way. To do this, self-massage your joints while sitting.

Start rubbing with small joints fingers and toes with movements from the periphery of the body to its center, for example, from the toes to the ankle joint and further to the popliteal cavity. The muscles under the knee cannot be massaged!

Important Notes:

All the exercises from this article are done ten to twenty times, I will write how many times, but for starters, if it is difficult for you, you can do as many times as you can stand, and over time it is advisable to increase the number of times to the norm.
Movements should be sharp and fast enough to make you feel comfortable.


The entire course of breathing is carried out through the nose. You will need to learn to breathe with the diaphragm, and not with the lungs, since in Wushu gymnastics such breathing is considered correct. This is done this way: when you inhale air through your nose, your stomach should stick out, when you exhale it should retract, while the chest remains motionless.
You need to breathe evenly, just like breathing with your chest. Over time, you will get used to it, and you will not even notice that you are breathing from your diaphragm. In general, there are several types of breathing in Wushu, but more on that in another article.

1. I start the exercise by stretching the pectoral muscles. The arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are raised to shoulder level, the palms are open and facing down, the middle fingers are facing each other.
We begin moving the elbows back in a count of one or two. Returning to the original position after each movement
Then we straighten our arms and also in a count of one or two, we jerk back and return them to the same line with our shoulders.
We repeat these movements, alternating, ten times each.

2. The next exercise is also for stretching pectoral muscle and development of the shoulder joint.
Raise your right hand up, palm can be clenched into a fist, left along the seam down. We start moving our hands backwards in a count of one or two, then change their position, left hand goes up, right down, repeat the movement. The exercise is done ten times in each position.

3. Next, we begin to warm up the lumbar region of the back, arms are lowered down, approximately at an angle of forty-five degrees relative to the body, palms clenched into fists. We make turns from right to left, but first with force to the right, and then to the left ten times.

4. Next exercise
The arms are spread in different directions, forming one line at shoulder level. The palms are bent into a fist. We begin to develop the joints of our palms, rotating our fists back and forth twenty times.

5. Next we develop the joints of the forearm.
We bend our elbows ninety degrees and begin to rotate twenty times, first inward to the chest and then outward from the chest, while trying to keep the forearm in line at shoulder level.

6. In the sixth exercise, we warm up the shoulder muscles, while simultaneously developing the shoulder joints.
For this exercise, you need to lower your hands at your sides, your palms can be clenched into a fist, or you can leave them turned out, palms turned out a little more difficult. We make twenty rotations with outstretched arms forward and backward.

Wushu was given to humanity by the ancient Chinese. Initially, this art belonged exclusively to the category of martial arts and belonged only to the world of adults. The name itself testified to this. The word wushu consists of two characters: “u” meant military, and “shu” meant art. Today wushu is more used as gymnastics, which is based not only on physical but also spiritual health.

The Chinese say that you can start practicing this art at any age. Currently, there are many Wushu programs for beginners. Among them there is a set of exercises not only for adults, but also for children.

IN ancient China it was believed that wushu is a system for developing abilities that ensure survival in extreme situations, allowing quick solutions and stimulating rapid action. In addition, ancient art contributed to the rapid restoration of the body’s resources and helped to reveal its hidden abilities; it was aimed at self-improvement and human health.

It hid many secrets that long years passed down from generation to generation, without going beyond one family.

The basis of Wushu classes is physical endurance exercises and breathing exercises. The main goal is to gain body flexibility, maintain muscle tone and develop joints. In addition, practicing wushu increases the body's endurance and promotes its health. Despite the apparent complexity, lessons on studying ancient art can be mastered at home.

Compared to other eastern teachings, wushu has some features:

  • special physical exercise perfectly strengthen muscle mass, stretch the tendons and joints of adult athletes;
  • exercises improve the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs;
  • Wushu develops the human musculoskeletal system and stimulates the formation of correct posture;
  • the specificity of the movements that the athlete performs during exercise relieves him of stress and fatigue.

Unlike the original purpose of using wushu as military weapons, modern art is far from repeating the sharp techniques of a warrior during battle. The set of exercises is performed as smoothly as possible to eliminate the risk of accidental sprains.

In order to achieve greatest success from classes, you must follow some rules:

  • Lessons are best learned in the morning or evening time, be sure to cleanse the intestines before starting exercise;
  • You should not start exercising with a feeling of deep satiety or, conversely, feeling hungry;
  • It is recommended to use loose-fitting clothing, preferably made from simple natural fabrics;
  • when practicing wushu, you need to turn your face towards the north;
  • when mastering movements, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of gradualness and reasonable moderation, correctly calculating the load;
  • You need to repeat the lessons at least twice a week.

The first steps to mastery

Regardless of whether the lessons are aimed at children or adults, at beginners or those who have been studying the art for many years, the training should contain a set of basic techniques that promote stretching and increase flexibility. various parts bodies, including hip joints, lumbar region spine and shoulder muscles.

To do this, you need to simulate striking and perform different kinds racks Wushu stances are not static; they represent a special system of movements and steps. When performing the simplest stances, masters recommend that beginners at first keep their hands at waist level and clench their palms into fists.

Main racks:

  1. Bingbu.
    Place your legs together and straighten your back as much as possible.
  2. Mabu.
    Place your feet shoulder-width apart, making sure your feet are parallel. Squat down so that your thighs are on a line parallel to the surface. In this case, you should try to keep your back straight and your knees slightly apart to the sides.
  3. Gunbu.
    Lunge wide forward, bend your knee. In this case, the feet should be placed on the same line.
  4. Xyubu.
    Spread your legs wide apart. You should sit down on one leg and transfer your body weight to it.

After practicing static stances, you can begin to study a set of movements aimed at mastering transitions from one fixed position to another.

Art for children

Unlike adults, children have fairly flexible joints and do not particularly need extensions. muscle mass. For them, Wushu, first of all, means improving coordination and memory, increasing reaction speed and strengthening nervous system.

A set of exercises for children stimulates breathing and the ability to relieve tension to a greater extent.

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| Gymnastics of USHU. Let's start from scratch

A completely wise person makes no mistakes. No one in the world understands the meaning of his words; he keeps his thoughts in deep secret.
Guanzi (1st century BC)

Wushu gymnastics classes, in my opinion, are available not only to experienced athletes, but to everyone who seeks to improve their own health and get rid of a whole baggage of chronic diseases.
Since time immemorial, in Rus', and in many other civilized countries, a stereotype of a healthy person has been formed: of course, tall, with an athletic torso, impressive muscle definition. But the East is a “delicate matter,” or rather, thin and small. Therefore, in Asia, the ideal of a healthy person is a small man, quite well-fed, even with a small belly (due to abdominal breathing, and not the love of eating tasty and a lot). In addition, a healthy person, first of all, should have pink satin skin, shiny hair, a smile and a calm, radiant look...
The main signs of a healthy person in Eastern culture differ from European ones. This, of course, is flexibility, mobility of joints and tendons, plasticity of movements, correct breathing and the ability to control one's body and will. That is, there is, or rather, on the body, harmony of the spirit and the carnal principle! The founder of the famous Shaolin school of Wushu, Bodhidharma, fourteen centuries ago, educated his students according to the principle: “Through the perfection of the body to the perfection of the spirit.”
Wushu is not only a martial art and sport, it is, first of all, therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics, psychotraining and, oddly enough, a philosophical system. Before developing the physical abilities of one’s body, Chinese teachers called for the improvement of personality, for the search for harmony between a person and the world around him.
The literal translation of the term “wushu” is “martial art.” Originating several thousand years ago, wushu was a technique of hunting and self-defense from animals and enemies. But later the ancient Chinese came to the idea that, having such in their arsenal powerful weapon, like wushu, a person must be strong in spirit and master the skill of using it so as not to harm the weak and defenseless. This can only be achieved through training, not just of the body, but also of the spirit.
Now that fighting conducted with the help of completely different weapons than wushu, two new directions have emerged: self-defense without weapons and a system of preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.
The healing and health aspects of wushu form an integral part traditional medicine. From numerous Chinese sources it is known that “one who has mastered the Wushu systems increases the protective properties of the body...

Constant classes provide practical skills in achieving good health and prolong life... then a person will not need whole pots of medicines.” The art of wushu develops on the basis of psychophysical training, during which a person activates and mobilizes the hidden capabilities of the body.
Wushu became most widespread after the formation in 1949 of the Chinese People's Republic. From the first grade, Wushu was taught as compulsory physical training in primary and secondary schools.
Wushu is the most popular national species physical and sports training in China, and today not only in it. Wushu is not limited to physical education and sports. Wushu is a fusion of gymnastic complexes and breathing exercises, which include elements of acupressure and have health-improving, therapeutic and prophylactic significance, this is sport, and martial art, this is psychophysical training, and fine art, this is a philosophical system that determines the view of the world and even the way of life itself.
Conventionally, Wushu can be divided into three areas: health, sports and military applications, and each next direction includes the previous ones as an integral part.
In my book I will introduce readers to the first direction, which is only the small tip of a huge iceberg called wushu.
Wushu for health purposes includes sets of gymnastic exercises, basic body movements (hips, arms and legs), exercises for practicing plastic movement, breathing exercises and massage complexes.
I will not go into the philosophical foundations of Wushu, which are complex and related to the ancient and modern religious systems of China. The main purpose of my book is to introduce therapeutic exercises Wushu, which allows you to develop strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, improve health and, most importantly, is accessible to people with different levels of physical fitness.
Mastering these gymnastic complexes and basic movements will help you acquire the skills to use your strength when performing various heavy tasks, develop coordination and dexterity. These exercises can also be used as gymnastics to relieve fatigue and give vigor during intense mental and physical work, and most of them do not require additional space or special conditions.

Everyone should understand that Wushu is not an easy countryside stroll. fresh air, therefore, before starting complex exercises, you need to prepare your body, weakened by illness and idleness.
The proposed complex is a simplified system of exercises. By performing these simple exercises, you can not only stretch all joints, muscles, tendons, but also “work out” the circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs.
If you are a terribly busy person and you don’t have enough time to complete the entire complex, you can, of course, reduce the number of exercises, but this is the same as forgetting to “sniff the crust” after “taking it on your chest.” The effectiveness of classes will decrease significantly. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about your health and planning to bring your body to perfection, you should not save time on classes, especially the initial ones. Remember that even a trained gymnast who immediately has heavy loads during warm-up can get injured.
The more correctly and carefully you perform each exercise, the greater the positive effect you will achieve. And although Wushu was originally formed as a martial art, remember that the exercises I have given in this book are not imitation of martial movements. Therefore, perform the exercises smoothly and gently. Otherwise, injury to tendons and muscles is possible.
Some important advice, before you start performing the initial complex.
It is best to perform these exercises in the morning or evening after work (wash your face, brush your teeth, empty your intestines).
Clothing for classes should be loose. When exercising during breaks at work, loosen your belt and tie, unbutton your shirt collar, and take off your watch.
Don't exercise when you feel severe hunger; do not exercise earlier than 1.5–2 hours after eating.
Typically, according to Chinese tradition, exercises are performed while facing north.
Keep your load gradual, exercise regularly (preferably little by little, but regularly).
//-- Standing exercises --//
You can turn on upbeat music, preferably without words or with words foreign language so as not to be distracted by comprehending the text (it is especially difficult to study if the lyrics of the song are completely meaningless - its words can get stuck in your brain for a long time, and the poor brain, instead of relaxing, will be forced to work on analyzing the unanalyzable).
Each exercise must be performed at least 12 times.
//-- Exercise 1 --//
Starting position: legs apart, arms down.
For each count of 1–4, we tilt our heads forward, backward, right, left.
//-- Exercise 2 --//
We do it on every account circular movements with brushes.
//-- Exercise 3 --//
Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.
For each count, we make circular movements with our hands.
//-- Exercise 4 --//
Starting position: legs apart, holding a gymnastic stick or jump rope.
Raise your arms straight above your head and make a circle at the shoulder joints, and then return to the starting position.
//-- Exercise 5 --//
On the count of 1–3, we alternately make springy bends of the body to the left and to the right.
//-- Exercise 6 --//
Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.
On the count of 1–3, we alternately make springy bends of the body towards the right leg, left leg, forward, and on 4 we return to the starting position.
When bending, try to reach the floor with your fingertips or palms.
//-- Exercise 7 --//
Starting position: wide stance, legs apart with the torso tilted forward, arms to the sides.
At each count, we turn the body to the right and left.
//-- Exercise 8 --//
Starting position: legs apart, hands on the waist.
On the count of 1–4 we make circular movements with the body to the right, on the count of 5–8 – to the left.
//-- Exercise 9 --//
Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides.
On the count of 1, lean back, bending your knees slightly, touching your heels with your hands.
On the count of 2, return to the starting position.
//-- Exercise 10 --//
Starting position: legs apart.
We swing our right and left legs forward, arms in front of us, slightly spread to the sides.
//-- Lying exercises --//
“If you are in your apartment, lie down on the floor, three or four,” Vladimir Vysotsky once sang; but even if you are at home, you don’t need to lie down on the bare floor; lay a foam mat on it. And don't forget that you didn't lie down to take a nap or relax! You lay down to cheer yourself up and shake off the remnants of sleep.
Perform all exercises seven times. Finish with running, walking and breathing exercises.
//-- Exercise 1 --//
Starting position: lying on your back, arms to the sides, palms down.
1. Lower the raised straight leg first to the right, then to the left.
2. Do the same with both legs at the same time.
3. Finally, we make circles with both feet.
//-- Exercise 2 --//
Starting position: lying on your stomach, placing your palms on the floor.
Straightening your arms, bend over, raising your head and body.
Clasp your hands behind you in a “lock.” Bend over without lifting your feet off the floor.
The same thing, but hands behind your head.
//-- Exercise 3 --//
Bend your legs, straighten them at an angle of 45 degrees, lower them.
Raise your legs straight, bend them and return to the starting position.
Raising your legs straight, try to touch your feet to the floor behind your head.
//-- Exercise 4 --//
Starting position: lying on your side, your left hand creates support in front of your chest, your right hand behind your back.
Perform circular movements with your straight right leg.
Raise your legs straight.
Place your hands behind your head, lift your body.
//-- Exercise 5 --//
Pulling your feet towards you along the floor, lift your pelvis - “bridge” on your shoulder blades.
Place your palms on the floor. “Bridge” with support on the hands, feet and head.
Do the same with your arms straightened, relying only on your legs and arms.
//-- Exercise 6 --//
Starting position: lying on your stomach.
Raise your straight legs alternately.
Holding your ankles with your hands, bend over.
Place your arms along your body, palms down. Supporting yourself with your hands, lift your legs straight.
//-- Exercise 7 --//
Starting position: lying on your back.
Move into a sitting position without using your hands.
Spread your legs wider, your hands should rest on the back of your head.
Go to a sitting position, bend towards the floor.
The same, but straight arms behind the head.
Move to a sitting position with a tilt towards your leg.
//-- Exercise 8 --//
Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head.
Perform leg movements that simulate the rotation of pedals - “bicycle”.
Crossing movements with straight legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees - “scissors”.
Circles with straight legs in opposite directions.
//-- Breathing exercise --//
We live at the bottom of the atmospheric ocean, which is about 100 kilometers deep. Air pressure is approximately 1 kilogram per 1 square centimeter.
We know that you can live without food for more than 30 days and survive. But we can only live without air for a few minutes.
Many scientists state that the deeper a person breathes, the fewer breaths he takes per minute, and the longer his life. People who breathe frequently live shorter lives. This statement is confirmed in the animal world: rabbits, Guinea pigs and all other rodents are fast-breathing, producing a lot breathing movements in 1 minute. They live very short.
And the main indicator of the body’s health reserve, according to many Chinese wushu masters, is the duration of breath holding. Therefore, periodically throughout the day you need to perform a simple breathing exercise, which will not only improve your health, but also give you strength, make you balanced, and speed up nervous processes.
The more vital energy a person has, the longer he holds his breath, the more better conditions for concentration.
Ancient Chinese sages argued that the higher a person’s level of consciousness, the more spiritual energy he has, the less he needs to destroy anything for the sake of preserving himself and material things in general, including food, water, and most importantly, oxygen . It is clear that the opposite is also true: the more a person has vitality The more concentrated he is, the less he breathes, the less he gets sick, and the slower he ages.
Most of the processes in human body“tied” to breathing. Unfortunately, due to improper breathing, we burn (oxidize) in the fire of the oxygen we breathe. Oxygen, which keeps us alive, can cause harm to our body if the body's defense mechanism malfunctions. To adjust your breathing and strengthen your defense mechanism against harmful effects oxygen, it is necessary to perform breathing exercise.
This exercise can be performed at any time, sitting, standing, lying down and while moving. This is normal slow measured breathing. Controlling it is the essence of the exercise and lies in focusing on breathing.
Distinctive feature The breathing exercise is a partial blocking of the glottis for the purpose of some air inhibition. To do this, the muscles of the larynx are slightly tensed. Breathing is accompanied by a slight hiss. When you inhale, you hear a whistling sound “sss”, and when you exhale, a hissing sound – “xxx”. But remember: the sound is not formed by the vocal cords, not by the friction of air against the palate, as with snoring, but precisely due to the narrowing of the passage for air. The source of sound is not the bronchi or the nose, but top part larynx, located just above the Adam's apple.
Take a quick breath (a few seconds), mainly from your stomach.
You should try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, make it slow, even, and steady.
The duration of breathing (the time of inhalation and exhalation) should be gradually increased, but only at the expense of the exhalation time. There is no need for any violence against the body. Don't let yourself get tired. All attention is concentrated on the faint hissing sound.
Heaviness in the head, ringing in the ears, heat in the body, redness of the face, lethargy, weakness, depressed mood after exercise - all this is evidence of overwork. If they are, then you are a little overzealous.
At first, the duration of the breathing exercise should be several minutes, add 1-2 minutes weekly. The subtlety lies in creating resistance to passing through Airways air.

You should not start your Wushu training with complex complexes. To begin with, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the exercises of Shaolin youth gymnastics - a method of basic wushu training.
Don’t let the word “young man” scare you: initially only men practiced wushu, and this first set of exercises implies the beginning of training already at age childhood, hence the name.
But if you didn’t practice wushu as a child, then it’s never too late to start. Constant training and exercise will allow you to make your bones and muscles soft and elastic, like a child's.
//-- Preparatory exercises --//
These preparatory exercises consist of basic methods of training the whole body, and therefore, those starting to study wushu should start training with them, as well as an experienced wushu player, to warm up the body.
Preparatory exercises are not only necessary to warm up the body before performing more complex exercises, but are also of a general health nature. First of all, the exercises warm up the lower back muscles well, help increase the mobility of the lumbar spine, and have a preventive effect against lower back pain and headaches.
Performing these exercises is accompanied by a massaging effect on the active zones on the ankles and toes, associated with the activity of the central nervous system, organs of vision and hearing, and endocrine glands.
In this case, the maximum effect is achieved, which is associated with strengthening the abdominal press and a massaging effect on the internal organs thoracic, liver, and abdominal organs.
//-- Exercise 1. “Hands pointing to the sky” --//
Starting position: legs together, shoulders slightly back, arms hanging freely along the body, palms touching the hips.

Take a deep breath. You should breathe bottom belly. At the same time, the shoulders move forward; they should squeeze the top of the chest so that it does not expand. The buttocks are tense and tucked in with every movement.
Turn your palms outward, with the backs of your hands connecting them at the bottom of the body, in the groin area (Fig. 1a).
After this, slowly raise your arms up, your chest should expand to take a deep breath. Raise your head up, following your hands with your eyes. Remember that when moving your hands, you should try to feel the pleasant warmth following your hands. Try not to lift your heels off the floor (Fig. 1b).
Exhale slowly, relax a little and lower your arms down to your sides, bending your elbows, straightening your fingers.
Lower your shoulders so they squeeze chest, exhale slowly, fully, your knees can be slightly bent. Cross your arms, right under left, touching your forearms; palms up (Fig. 1c).
Slowly raise your arms while inhaling vigorously. Turn your palms outward at face level (Fig. 1d).
Raise your head up, following your hands, straighten your knees. Make sure your fingers are bent back Bottom part left palm presses on back side right hand in the area of ​​the wrist joint. The hands are tense in the palms and seem to rest against the sky (Fig. 1d).
We exhale sharply and in a circular motion, spreading to the sides, lower our arms down. The elbows can be slightly bent, but the palms face down and the fingers are bent. Synchronously with lowering your arms, set your left leg aside shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees.
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4. Finish the exercise with a brief stretch of your arms and whole body. Quickly relax and return to the starting position, bringing your left leg to your right.
5. Repeat the exercise at least 3 times.
when performing the exercise, you should feel that you are freeing your body from the weight that was “held” above your head;
the exercise should be performed continuously, the movements should transform one into another.
//-- Exercise 2. “Dancing Dragon” --//
Starting position: legs closed and bent at the knees, hands tightly clasping the knees, body slightly tilted forward, looking straight ahead (Fig. 2).
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The order of the exercise.
We begin to forcefully perform circular movements in the knees counterclockwise 7 times, the hands interfere with the movement, increasing the load.
Repeat rotations in the other direction.
you need to perform the exercise, trying to make the most sweeping movements.
//-- Exercise 3. “Tail of the snake” --//
Starting position: sitting on the floor, left leg extended forward, the right one bent at the knee and the foot resting on the left thigh (Fig. 3a).
The order of the exercise.
Grab the toes of your right foot from the sole side with your left hand.
Grasp right hand ankle of the right foot so that the big toe lies with inside, and four other fingers pressed the area of ​​the outer ankle from the outside.
Begin to forcefully rotate your foot ankle joint counterclockwise, holding your toes with your hand (Fig. 3b).
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6. As you rotate your foot, stretch your toes in a small circle.
7. Perform the exercise on the other side, repeating the exercise 7 times with each leg in two directions.
try to keep your body straight, breathing should be calm and natural.
//-- Exercise 4. “Snake ring” --//
Starting position: left leg extended forward, right leg bent at the knee, the instep of the right foot lies on the left thigh, the foot is turned upward as much as possible.
The order of the exercise.
Grasp the ankle of your right foot with your left hand.
Lean on with effort right palm about the right knee.
As you exhale slowly, press your right knee to the floor, your leg preventing movement, increasing the load (Fig. 4).
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8. Repeat the exercise 7 times with each leg.

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