Home Wisdom teeth What do they feed us in the hospital? Hospital diet

What do they feed us in the hospital? Hospital diet

Food for clinics is justifiably balanced and partly dietary food for people suffering from a variety of ailments that may be accompanied by certain eating habits.

What kind of nutrition do patients need?

The question of nutritional regulations, taking into account healing process fully resolved by doctors. Although to unify this process, diet numbers of 15 are used. That is why companies, including ours, which provide services for the preparation and delivery of food for clinics, must adhere to developed programs taking into account the profile of the healthcare institution.

Since the absence of certain groups of patients is the basis for excluding the provision of food according to a certain dietary table. All this is required from the chef and his team when executing an order. medical institutions cook food:

  • taking into account the sanitary preparation regime;
  • using fresh and natural ingredients;
  • ensuring diversity
  • delicious food.

The last aspect is important for compliance with treatment instructions, as well as for the patient to receive the full complex useful vitamins and essential amino acids - substances that promote rapid restoration of strength. It is very important to consider individual characteristics patient.

Those suffering from overweight people, even with a prescribed diet, say, for the kidneys or liver, should eat in such a way that the food contributes to both recovery and the absence of progression of diseases associated with obesity. Therefore, food delivery for hospitals and other institutions where there is day hospital, should occur with monitoring of the category of patients housed in them.

How to organize meals?

Typically, the issue of nutrition for patients and staff is carried out by the deputy chief physician for logistics. If the health care department for veterans is on the balance of any military unit or enterprise, then meals for the hospital are ordered through the main organization, even if the preparation or delivery point is located at the address of the health care institution itself. At the same time, in the contract with the company that will organize meals for patients, it is important to stipulate:

  • daily number of servings taking into account people hospitalized;
  • following certain diets;
  • Delivery time;
  • prices.

This prerequisites agreements allowing the contract to be considered valid. Separately, you can take care of the nutrition of the clinic staff. We have been providing services in a similar vein for 7 years. High quality and healthly food at the place of work will increase the efficiency of the team and eliminate lateness to work.

We will not stand for the price of health

We will be able to order food for hospitals in Moscow, which is seasoned with the professionalism of our chefs and laudatory reviews from patients, but the real advantages of our work are:

  • fair prices;
  • discounts for large orders;
  • reducing order costs while helping to find new customers.

We are open for cooperation!

If we look back into the centuries, we will see that therapeutic nutrition arose simultaneously with the first knowledge in the field of medicine. The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates said: we are what we eat.

Let me remind readers of how the concept of modern therapeutic, dietary nutrition arose. At dawn Soviet power when it ended Civil War, the question arose of how to restore the health of the revolutionaries. By government decree, the Institute of Balneology was created, one of the leaders of which was a physiologist and gastroenterologist Manuil Pevzner. It is he who owns the simple, but brilliant idea– sort all nosological forms of diseases known at that time into groups. For each group, he and his colleagues developed effective system therapeutic nutrition, which existed almost until the beginning of the 21st century. These are those famous tables. There were 15 of them in total with subgroups. Each table was characterized by a certain calorie content, energy balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, composition of minerals and vitamins.

What is therapeutic dietary nutrition?

This is a food that allows you to replenish energy expenditure during various diseases, eat well and maintain strength. When a person enters the hospital, he sometimes does not realize that from the first minute he begins to receive medical purposes (in addition to medications, procedures, laboratory research ), namely: the doctor of the emergency department, taking into account the medical history, prescribes nutritional therapy. Previously, these were number tables. Currently, in accordance with the resolutions of the Ministry of Health on the organization of therapeutic nutrition dietary food

has a letter designation.“B” – basic nutrition.
Prescribed to patients who do not require any restrictions. The diet is characterized by complete

caloric content, moderate content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.“P” – nutrition for patients with pathologies of the digestive system.

The calorie content and biochemical composition correspond to the basic nutrition, but differ in the mode of cooking - steamed.“M” is a diet with a slight increase in the protein component and moderate salt restriction.

This food is intended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.“N” is the most stringent dietary option.

Sharp restriction of protein intake (up to complete exclusion) and salt. This diet is used for pathologies of the renal excretory system. “T” – food for tuberculosis patients. Feature

– increase in daily calorie intake. After the patient is prescribed food, the information is transmitted to the catering unit three times a day and adjusted. And the workers’ task is to prepare dishes according to nutritional requirements. You often read in the comments complaints about food in hospitals: they say it’s not salty, and appearance does not evoke pleasant emotions, and there are no fruits, and not enough vegetables. But it is worth noting that food standards in the hospital are calculated based on

physiological needs patient. There are approved “natural nutrition standards”, where the amount of a particular product and methods of preparing dishes are indicated in grams. Thus, the norms establish a mandatory list - these are meat, fish, sausages, cereals, vegetables, dairy and dairy products, bread, pasta.

Dieticians are developing a promising seven-day menu separately for the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, where every calorie is calculated. Monitors the correct placement of products rejection commission, which includes doctors and administration representatives. The output of finished products is controlled both in production and in departments. The Nutrition Council meets monthly to resolve issues related to the organization of therapeutic nutrition.

The quality of products supplied for the preparation of medical nutrition is strictly controlled. Meat, fish, and dairy products are delivered to the catering unit directly from the manufacturer almost the same day. So the receipt of low-quality products is excluded. Only the highest quality raw materials are used in production.

Sample diet in hospital:

I don’t think that many people can afford such a diet at home. This is what distinguishes therapeutic nutrition from everyday nutrition. Precisely richness and variety, although patients are not always satisfied. However, porridges contain carbohydrates and fiber that are easily digestible and do not cause harmful influence on the digestive system.

Hospital catering units are equipped with modern equipment(ovens, combi ovens, steam boilers), which allows you to prepare dishes with the lowest percentage of losses energy value, vitamins and minerals. Yes, the appearance of a steamed meatball cooked in a combi oven and a steak baked on the grill are radically different. But the benefits of a meatball are much higher than those of a steak or kebab.

The main method of preparing portioned dishes is steaming. Meatballs, dumplings, meatballs are cooked in combi ovens, fish is boiled or baked. For a basic diet, fried culinary products are allowed, but not more than two to three times a week. Meat dishes are prepared mainly from beef, or minced cutlet for making meatballs and meatballs, or from the shoulder or hip part for beef stroganoff, goulash, quenelles. Patients should receive poultry either boiled or in the form of meatballs two to three times a week.

For children and patients with food allergies Turkey dishes are often prepared. Cottage cheese is used to make casseroles and puddings. Omelette, which is prepared in a combi oven, is very popular. Breakfast porridges (rolled oats, semolina, millet) are prepared with a mixture of milk and water. Buckwheat and pearl barley are used to prepare side dishes. Most patients like pearl barley porridge cooked in a steam boiler; they say it tastes like it came from a stove.

About dishes in canteens

Many patients are disappointed that they have to eat from stainless steel utensils. This makes practical sense. Stainless steel cookware is easy to handle and does not break - this is a plus. The downside is the aesthetic component. Earthenware is available in every pantry in the departments. But such dishes often break and do not withstand thermal disinfection for a long time, because they are processed in dry-heat ovens at high temperature. Perhaps a decision will be made to use disposable tableware, but many questions may arise here too. The main one is recycling. We already use a lot of plastic in our lives, which does not decompose for thousands of years. So, maybe, in order to save nature from toxic waste, it’s worth sacrificing aesthetics while being treated in a hospital?

After patients are discharged from the hospital, attending physicians recommend following certain dietary therapy standards (depending on the disease). Use only fresh and high-quality products. If possible, exclude fried, smoked, pickled foods. Limit the amount of salt and sugar. And don’t forget: we are what we eat.

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Providing food to hospitals, in-patient clinics, rehabilitation centers and other medical institutions, including specialized and children's, is one of the busiest and longest-standing areas of activity of the Tasty Choice company. Behind long work In this area, we have built a flawlessly functioning algorithm for interaction with management and relevant hospital services, and have mastered all the nuances of preparing, designing and delivering meals for medical nutrition.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for catering in medical institutions

Food in medical and health institutions– one of the most difficult segments of social nutrition. Russian legislation presents the most serious requirements for organizations ensuring this process, regardless of whether the hospital department is engaged in this or the administration of the medical institution engages a professional contractor. First of all this the highest level of sanitary and hygienic standards. After all medical institutions These are places with large crowds of people, and ensuring sanitary and epidemiological control is the most important task.

In this regard, the production base factory-kitchen company " Delicious choice» brought into full compliance with legal requirements. Products are purchased from trusted suppliers ( There are certificates of conformity for all products) and are located in spacious and clean warehouses, where all necessary storage conditions, namely - maintaining optimal temperature and humidity, observing the rules of commercial neighborhood, etc.. The entire production cycle and operating regulations of the enterprise are designed in such a way that any factors are completely excluded negative impact for raw materials and finished products. The “Tasty Choice” kitchen factory regularly undergoes mandatory and voluntary certification and each time fully confirms the compliance of its production base with all sanitary standards.

Nutrition in medical institutions as the most important factor in recovery

Medical nutritionnecessary condition successful process of recovery and rehabilitation of patients. This is a mandatory favorable background for the impact of all medicinal drugs and procedures. And often the therapeutic nutrition itself is the treatment. That is why preparing food for patients in medical institutions is a serious professional challenge even for the most skilled chefs.

Regardless of the profile of the medical institution, whether children Hospital or hospital for adults, food must be nutritious. That is, any factors that can cause irritation or increase inflammation are excluded. We cannot use a wide range of spices, as well as sour, salty and spicy foods, as they can cause chemical irritation. A number of products and heat treatment methods that can cause mechanical irritation are excluded (for example, nuts, coarse grains, fruits and vegetables with large fibers, fried vegetables and meat, etc.). The temperature factor is also important, because too hot or too cold food can also have a negative effect.

In terms of processing methods, frying and deep-frying are prohibited. Boiling is used, extinguishing, steam or water bath cooking, in some cases baking is allowed. And at the same time, the food must certainly be delicious! After all, the pleasure of eating and positive emotions are also a powerful healing factor!

There is a collection of recipes for food in medical institutions, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Our specialists prepare lunches, breakfasts, dinners for patients of medical institutions in strict accordance with these regulations. In addition, depending on the disease, patients are prescribed specific diet and diet. There are 15 lists of foods and dishes that are allowed and recommended for certain diseases and conditions. These diets (or tables) were developed by nutritionists back in Soviet time, but also today nutritionists Medical institutions base their prescriptions on these standards. And in accordance with the prescribed diets, breakfasts, lunches and dinners are ordered for patients. New people are constantly being admitted to the hospital, others are being discharged, someone’s appointments are changing - all this requires a prompt and flexible response from the organization providing nutrition in the medical institution. A whole department of managers is responsible for working with this segment of clients at Tasty Choice.
Our specialists are constantly in interaction with customer representatives and instantly respond to all changing conditions.

Formats of catering in medical institutions

Depending on the objectives and needs of the medical institution, the company " Delicious choice» organizes meals in hospitals, hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers in any of three formats:

  1. Cooking food at the customer's premises, in a specially equipped catering unit. At the same time, equipment and products are provided by the Tasty Choice company.
  2. Delivery of prepared food to a medical institution in large thermoses for subsequent distribution at a buffet-dispensing point or in the customer’s canteen
  3. Food delivery in individual containers.

Also possible organizationdining room or buffetFull construction.

Delivery of food to medical institutions - just in time

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, meals for feeding patients in medical institutions must be consumed within 2 hours after preparation. They must not be heated, as this may cause the food to lose its beneficial features. That's why It is extremely important to deliver lunches, breakfasts and dinners on time, and dishes must be at a strictly defined temperature. Let's say, first courses and hot drinks - 70-75 degrees, hot second courses - 60-65, salads, cold appetizers and cold drinks - 14-16 degrees. The customer's verification of compliance of the delivered food with these parameters is ensured by a nutritionist, dietitian nurse or doctor on duty. A thermometer is placed into prepared dishes and its readings are recorded in the relevant documents. Our products always meet these strict requirements. Logistics managers create the optimal route taking into account weather conditions, traffic jams and other factors. Therefore, breakfasts, lunches and dinners from the Tasty Choice company arrive on time, and lunch (dinner, breakfast or afternoon snack) in the hospitals working with us is always tasty, hot and exactly on schedule!

Nutrition standards in medical institutions.

In medical institutions, meals are organized according to a seven-day menu according to the main options of standard diets, the use of which makes it possible to comply with the norms of therapeutic nutrition approved by Order No. 395n.

The main options for standard diets:

  • Standard diet(formerly the main version of the standard diet (STD));
  • Diet with mechanical and chemical sparing(gentle diet);
  • High Protein Diet(high protein diet);
  • Diet with reduced amount squirrel(low protein diet);
  • Reduced calorie diet(low calorie diet);
  • High calorie diet(high-calorie diet) (previously - a variant of the diet with an increased amount of protein (HFD(t)).


The Tasty Choice company provides catering services in many large medical organizations , including in hospitals. Among them -

  • MNCC Narcology - Moscow, st. Bolotnikovskaya, 16
  • MNPC Narcology, Clinical branch No. 2 - Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 170, building 1
  • GBUZ MNCP Narcology DZM Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 37/1

Ready-made hot meals are delivered to these hospitals in accordance with the approved seven-day menu. Each department of the hospital has canteens with convenient distribution lines, where barmaids distribute food to citizens undergoing treatment.

An example of a one-day variant of the standard OVD diet

(this menu supplies food to several hospitals).

Tech no. Cards

Name of dish








Peasant butter 72.5% w

Rice viscous milk porridge with the addition of dry protein composite mixture (SBKS) 18g with butter

Cheese (portion III option)

Tea with milk and sugar



9.2 Tutelyan 2008

Fresh apples



Canned cucumber

Borscht with fresh cabbage in meat broth with sour cream

Boiled meat baked in milk sauce

Boiled rice with vegetables and butter

Dried fruit compote with sugar


Afternoon snack

Tea with sugar



Boiled milk sausages

Stewed white cabbage with the addition of (SBKS) 9g*

Rose hip decoction


For the night

Kefir 3.2% fl.

Packed rations

Rye bread

Wheat bread


State Budgetary Institution ZGM "City Clinical Hospital named after F.I. Inozemtseva
Department of Health of Moscow No. 36"

In the city clinical hospital them. F.I. Inozemtseva (Hospital No. 36) on average, about 1000 people are treated and, accordingly, eat 3-4 times daily at the same time. There are 28 specialized departments, most of which are prepared according to the requirements of 8 different diets. Hot meals are delivered to the hospital ready-made. Each compartment has its own labeled thermal containers and tanks. Each department has a dining room where barmaids distribute food.

Example of one day menu containing eight diet options

(This menu supplies food to the hospital, where more than 1000 people are fed daily. The hospital has 28 specialized departments).


Name of dish







Kissel from apple juice №11,28

Grated cheese No. 5.16m

OVD, VBD, NKD, ShchD, OVD (r)

Cheese No. 5.16ma

0-x, OVD (person), ShchD1

Liquid semolina milk porridge with SBKS-18 g No. 6.2mv.


Viscous milk semolina porridge with SBKS-18 g. No. 6.11a

Semolina milk porridge liquid with SBKS-20 No. 6.9am

Cauliflower baked in sauce with SBKS-9 No. 7.15m

Tea with lemon No. 11.26m

Breakfast 2

OVD (person), OVD (R)

Boiled milk 3.2% No. 5.14


Fruits No. 10,16

Fruit juice No. 11.9

Tomato juice (portions) No. 11,16


0's, police department (persons)

Meat broth No. 1.0a


Fish soup with potatoes and millet No. 1.27

Fish and potato soup No. 1.88m

ShchD, ShchD(1), OVD(persons)

Puree fish and potato soup No. 1.88b (2c)

0's, police department (persons)

Boiled meat puree in broth No. 2.5

Steamed boiled meat soufflé No. 2.6m

Liver Stroganov style with SBCS - 9 g No. 2.32 ma

Liver stewed in sour cream sauce with SBCS - 9 g No. 2.81 mb

Liver stewed in sour cream sauce No. 2.81b

OVD, VBD, ShchD, ShchD1, OVD (R)

Boiled pasta No. 6.43

Crumbled buckwheat porridge No. 6.1

0's, police department (persons)

Liquid rice porridge with water, pureed No. 6,10

OVD, VBD, OVD (person), OVD (r)

Dried fruit compote No. 11.106a

0's, ShchD, ShchD 1

Jam jelly No. 11,125

Dried fruit compote without sugar No. 11,106(b)

Afternoon snack

Baked apple No. 10.18

Everyone (except ATS (R))

Rose hip decoction No. 11.82

Fruit juice No. 11.9

ShchD, VBD, OVD (R)

Cookies No. 12,19

Fruits No. 10.4m


Sauerkraut salad with sugar No. 8.22m

Sauerkraut salad No. 8.22ma

Green peas canned with vegetable oil№8.18m


Stewed potatoes with meat No. 2.38

ShchD, ShchD1, NKD

Steam meat roll No. 2.25m

Mashed potatoes with SBKS 9 g. No. 7.6m

Boiled beets with vegetable oil No. 7.33

Boiled beets with vegetable oil No. 7.16am

0's, police department (persons)

Liquid oatmeal milk porridge pureed with SBKS - 9 g. No. 6.23m

Milk jelly No. 11,12b

OVD, VBD, ShchD, OVD(h), OVD(r)

Kefir 3.2% No. 5.10m

Kefir 1% No. 5.9m

Boiled milk 3.2% No. 5.14

Buffet products


Name of dish






Rye bread

Wheat bread


Wheat bread


Rye bread


Rye bread

Wheat bread



Wheat bread


Wheat bread


Wheat bread

Rye bread

Do you know what they feed you in our hospitals? I didn’t know until I visited it myself. To be honest, I didn’t think it would be like this. When compared with other countries, the contrast of the hospital menu is strikingly different. Now, I understand why relatives bring food from home to their patients.

I looked at the patients’ Instagrams and was surprised.

We meet food from the Jakarta hospital, which is located in Indonesia. Standard noodles, boiled eggs, rice porridge and a piece of chicken.

Japanese cuisine greets patients at a Tokyo hospital with this menu: pickles, miso soup, rice and a piece of chicken.

In America, in the state of California, they serve this classic dish - a hamburger and fried potatoes.

The Malaysian menu is simple - vermicelli and a piece of chicken with sauce

Hospital menu from South Africa - here they will fry eggs and sausages, give you tomatoes, hash browns and toast.

Hospital cuisine in Germany - standard schnitzel, spaetzle (a type of pasta), salad and pie. There's not enough beer.

Also from the American menu - vegetable salad and chicken soup, crackers instead of bread.

In Australia everything is much more interesting. For lunch, pumpkin soup with fried chicken in apricot sauce, peas and a scoop of mashed potatoes.

Another Australian hospital, only in the city of Sydney, Australia. Stewed lamb in a pot, fruit, slice of bread, sandwiches

Pork is served in sweet and sour sauce along with rice. Menu for Richmond, Canada.

In England they serve minestrone with beef and onion pie. Banana dessert.

In Estonian hospitals you can dine on potatoes, salad, stewed cabbage with meat, and for dessert they give you a bun with milk.

Native Russia, Tomsk city. For breakfast you will be given porridge with milk, bread with butter and tea.

For lunch they will bring pasta with boiled pink salmon and vermicelli soup.

This is the international menu.

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