Home Hygiene It is correct to take tablets before meals. The art of being healthy

It is correct to take tablets before meals. The art of being healthy


You can speed up the action of the pill or enhance its effect, minimizing the risk adverse reactions or, on the contrary, get poisoned by taking the usual dose of the drug... The regimen and method of use radically affects the work of many medications: from ordinary vitamins to potent drugs.

After the tablet enters the body, it must dissolve in the digestive tract and penetrate through the walls of blood vessels into the blood. Then the active substance is distributed throughout the body and exerts its effect, after which it enters the liver, where it is destroyed and excreted with unnecessary metabolic products through the kidneys or intestines. This is the most common route taken by oral medications in the body.

What we eat and drink during treatment can slow down or speed up the absorption of the drug, interfere with its inactivation in the liver, or even remove the drug from the body in transit, without any effect. Therefore, it is important to know how to take pills correctly.

What should I take with my medications?

The universal liquid for washing down tablets is clean, non-carbonated, warm or room temperature water. Cold water slows down absorption in the stomach and may, during illness, provoke nausea and vomiting. The amount of water should be at least half a glass (100 ml).

Only some medications can be taken with milk and are even beneficial. These are drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that we most often use for pain and fever: aspirin, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, indomethacin, voltaren and others, as well as steroid hormones: prednisolone, dexamethasone. Milk renders protective effect on the gastric mucosa and reduces the likelihood of the damaging effects of these drugs on it. The exception is drugs from these groups in the form of tablets or capsules coated with an enteric coating (such information can be found on the packaging) - their contents are released only in the intestines.

Generally not recommended for use with tablets mineral water, since they contain ions of calcium, iron and other elements that can enter into chemical reaction with the components of the drug and interfere with their absorption.

The most complex interactions are observed when tablets are taken together with vegetable and fruit juices: they can both weaken and enhance the effect of the drugs. On the “black list”: apple, cherry, pear, grape, lemon, orange, pineapple, beetroot, tomato, viburnum and many other juices. The most dangerous is grapefruit. About 70% are incompatible with it existing drugs, including blood pressure lowering medications, heart medications and oral contraceptives. Drugs to lower blood cholesterol (atorvastatin, simvastatin, etc.) together with grapefruit juice cause massive destruction muscle tissue And renal failure. Moreover, for the development of an adverse effect, 1 glass of juice is enough, it all depends on individual characteristics body. Therefore, it is recommended to stop drinking grapefruit juice three days before starting treatment with any medications (including injections).

It is not harmless to take some medications with tea and coffee. Tannins, catechins and caffeine contained in these drinks can play a cruel joke, for example, reducing the effectiveness oral contraceptives. On the other hand, oral contraceptives increase side effects caffeine, which can lead to insomnia. Tea and coffee reduce the absorption of many others medicines: antispasmodics, cough remedies, glaucoma, etc. But paracetamol washed down with tea will relieve symptoms faster headache, since caffeine increases the penetration of the drug into the brain.

The most explosive mixture can result from the combined use of drugs and alcohol of any strength. Ethanol and its metabolic products enhance the effects (including side effects) of psychotropic, antiallergic drugs, drugs for pain and fever, reduce the effect of antibiotics, diabetes drugs, drugs that affect blood clotting and anti-tuberculosis tablets. And the most dangerous thing is that in some cases alcohol, together with completely harmless drugs, causes poisoning, even fatal outcome as a result of liver failure. This most often happens when taking antibacterial, antifungal medications and paracetamol with alcohol.

When to take the tablets: on an empty stomach or after meals?

Considering the fact that active ingredients drugs can enter into unwanted interactions with food, and the consequences of these connections are poorly understood; most drugs are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach.

If the instructions say “on an empty stomach,” this means that the medicine should be taken an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after. This regimen of administration, firstly, minimizes contact of the tablet with food. Secondly, it is believed that in the intervals between meals the secretion of hydrochloric acid gastric juice is minimal, which also affects the work of many medications. Thirdly, the medicine taken on an empty stomach works faster.

The exception is those medications that irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.). For the same reason, it is recommended to take iron supplements after meals to treat anemia, although they are better absorbed on an empty stomach.

The connection with food intake is especially important for drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, because each of them affects individual stages of digestion, and therefore must enter the body at a certain time. So, medications that reduce acidity and relieve heartburn are taken 40 minutes before meals or an hour after. Enzymes (mezim, pancreatin, festal) are drunk during meals, as they must be mixed with food. Pre- and probiotic preparations are usually taken during or after meals.

Antacids (almagel, maalox, de-nol and others), as well as sorbents (smecta, Activated carbon, polyphepan) interfere with the absorption of most drugs, so the interval between their use and the use of other drugs should be at least 1-2 hours.

Time of day and interval for taking medications

The daily amount of medication is usually divided into several doses to ensure a more or less constant concentration active substance in the body, and also reduce single dose and the likelihood of side effects. Therefore, the instructions for the drugs and the note from the doctor usually say: 2-3 times a day. However, for some medications, the dose should be divided not throughout the daylight hours, but throughout the day. That is, a three-time dose means taking the medicine every 8 hours, a 4-time dose means taking the medicine every 6 hours, and so on.

Such a strict regime must be maintained, for example, when treating with antibiotics, which is often overlooked. If you take antibiotics irregularly, for example, by taking a long break for night sleep, the concentration of the active substance in the blood will fluctuate greatly. This is unlikely to cause overdose symptoms during the day, but at night it is highly likely to lead to the development of treatment resistance. That is, while you sleep, microbes adapt their metabolism to the antibiotic residues in the blood. Further treatment this drug will not be effective.

For convenience, many medications come in the form of long-acting tablets or capsules that can be taken only once a day. Diuretics are taken in the morning, hormonal drugs, medications, caffeine content and adaptogens (ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, etc.).

Forgotten pill rule

If you forgot to take a pill, estimate how much time has passed since “X”. Depending on the period of delay, three options are possible. First: if it is very close to the next dose, skip the forgotten pill completely, but keep in mind that the effect of the treatment may be reduced. The second option is that you take the medicine as soon as you remember it, but take the next dose according to the old schedule. This can be done if you take the medicine 1-2 times a day and up to next appointment at least half of the time period remains. You cannot double the dose of medication at one time. The third option to fix everything: you take a single dose of the medicine and start a new countdown, that is, shift the dosage schedule by the number of hours missed. This is the most rational method for short-term treatment, for example, if you have been prescribed antibiotics for 5-7 days.

Can I split tablets and open capsules?

If the tablet does not have a groove (scores, notches) to separate it into parts, most likely it is not intended for consumption in pieces. As a rule, these are all drugs that are coated with a protective coating. If they are broken, dissolved, chewed or crushed, they reduce their effectiveness. However, this can be neglected when emergency assistance is required.

When taken orally, the tablet begins to act after an average of 40 minutes. If you need a quick effect, you can put the medicine under your tongue or chew it thoroughly and keep it in your mouth with warm water. Then the absorption of the medicine will begin directly in oral cavity and the effect will occur within 5-10 minutes.

Gelatin capsules consisting of two halves are also not recommended to be opened. The shell protects the contents from contact with air, accidental entry into Airways(can cause irritation) or is destroyed only in the intestines, ensuring the medicine is delivered exactly to the target without loss.

However, exceptions are sometimes made to this rule. Tablets and capsules are divided into parts if a person cannot swallow a large capsule or titration of the medicine is required (individual dose selection). These cases should be discussed with your doctor.

Is it possible to avoid side effects of medications?

Compliance with the doses, regimen and rules for taking medications allows you to minimize the risk of side effects, but you cannot completely protect yourself from troubles during treatment. You need to be alert. Most complications become noticeable in the first days of therapy. This different kinds allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, stool disturbances, headaches, swelling and other manifestations that usually disappear when the drug is replaced with a similar one or after treatment is stopped.

Delayed and most severe complication treatment is liver failure, kidney function is less likely to suffer. These organs are involved in the neutralization and removal from the body of almost all medications, including those that many of us take lightly: oral contraceptives, drugs for blood pressure and arrhythmia, lowering blood cholesterol, drugs for joint pain. By the way, it is these drugs that most often cause drug-induced hepatitis when taken for a long time.

The insidiousness of drug-induced damage to the liver and kidneys is that initial stages diseases, when they can still be easily corrected, are asymptomatic. Therefore, everyone who takes medications for a long time needs to do it once every six months. biochemical analysis blood and general analysis urine. These basic tests allow you to monitor liver and kidney function. In case of significant deviations from the norm, it is necessary to interrupt treatment and consult a doctor.

All site materials have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow us to take into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. The articles have been prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature. If symptoms appear, please consult a doctor.

Many of us are familiar with the situation when older people and others simply accept great amount various medications certain drugs. But we practically don’t think about the fact that such an attitude towards our health can have catastrophic consequences. When your doctor prescribes new medications for your treatment, you must tell him about the ones you are already taking. Combining various medications, even when treating a large bouquet of diseases, can be absolutely contraindicated. In any case, the course of drug treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

When taking a new medicine, you need to be aware of its side effects. But sometimes we don’t even pay attention to what is written in the instructions for use of drugs. Most often, the body can react to taking a pill with dizziness, vomiting, and weakness. Diarrhea occurs less frequently. You should not hope that the symptoms will go away and the body will get used to this drug. The best option is to consult a doctor to select another alternative remedy. Fortunately, modern pharmacology offers a wide choice in this matter.

Individual intolerance also occurs when taking medical supplies. Therefore, you should not immediately attack the attending physician and complain about incompetence medical personnel. After all, it is almost impossible to predict such a situation, especially if the patient himself does not know what medications he cannot tolerate. If you ignore the sudden bad feeling After taking the medicine and taking it again, the consequences can be very sad. The choice of drugs for treatment is the responsibility of a qualified specialist, and not a neighbor or relatives. Moreover, you cannot completely rely on advertising; first you should ask your doctor about possible consequences just for you.

The next rule when choosing a medicine is to always pay attention to expiration dates and storage conditions. A pharmacy with a dubious reputation and the location of drugs in it should undoubtedly raise doubts in you about the quality of the drugs offered in it. In your home medicine cabinet, you also need to regularly check the expiration dates of the medications stored there. The conditions for taking some medications are also different. For example, some need to be taken with food, others before or after. After all, the effectiveness of treatment and various side effects also depend on this factor.

Taking medications with only plain water will give a positive result. Approximately about 100 milliliters. Sometimes, of course, the doctor recommends drinking some of them with milk, but this should only be done as prescribed by a specialist.

After taking the medicine, you need to sit for 15-20 minutes. You can’t go to bed right away, because in this case irritation of the gastric mucosa occurs, especially with antibiotics. Thus, medications must be taken in accordance with certain conditions. After all, the effectiveness and quality of treatment for a disease of any complexity will depend on them.

When is it better to drink it - in the evening or should it be done in the morning? How to combine it with food: take it on an empty stomach, during meals or after?

How does it combine with the juice you drank half an hour ago, and how will it combine with the aspirin you took earlier?

Surprisingly, clear answers to these fatal questions are often not given either by long instructions for medications or by the doctors who prescribed them. Moreover, this often remains a secret for drug manufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies are not required to conduct such tests. They study safety and effectiveness, but not these nuances. Therefore, we draw most of our knowledge from the results of various emergency situations that occurred with people who had previously taken the same pill. For example, a patient taking statins to lower cholesterol suffered liver failure. Upon investigation, it turned out that he always washed them down with grapefruit juice. Then it was found that this juice causes an overdose of statins and, by the way, many other drugs. And now all new products in some countries require testing for compatibility with this juice. But we should learn: if you take medicine, it’s better to forget about grapefruit juice. By the way, the liver can be destroyed in the same way when paracetamol is combined with alcohol.

The question of whether to take it in the morning or in the evening is important primarily for heart patients. As scientists from the influential Cochrane Collaboration Institute recently proved, drugs for hypertension lower blood pressure better if they are swallowed at night before bed. In the same way, it is better for heart patients to take aspirin - the likelihood of blood clots occurring at night is higher. But for most other drugs this is not so important. When you have to be treated with several drugs at once (some were prescribed by a therapist, others by a neurologist, etc.), the risk of side effects increases sharply. Therefore, it is imperative to check all prescribed medications for compatibility. Among them there should not be any products not only with the same active ingredients (taking them together, you double the dose), but also with the same mechanism of action. To determine this, look in the instructions to see which group the drug belongs to - there should not be two drugs from the same group. Typical example: The cardiologist prescribed aspirin, and the rheumatologist prescribed ibuprofen for joints. Both drugs belong to the same group, the so-called. NSAIDs and ibuprofen will counteract the protective effect of aspirin. And be sure to study the section usually called “drug interactions.” They usually indicate how certain drugs affect each other. It is possible that such “warring” drugs different doctors registered together due to an oversight.

What you need to know before taking medications

If the package insert does not contain clear information about the rules for taking medications, then it is better to follow the following rules:

The most unpredictable drugs

Antibiotics, many antiallergic and antifungal drugs, sleeping pills (especially oxazepam and diazepam), antidepressants (especially tricyclics and from the group of MAO inhibitors), paracetamol, statins (lower cholesterol), cimetidine (used for ulcers), omeprazole and other so-called. proton pump inhibitors (reduce acidity in ulcers), cyclosporine (used for transplantation, rheumatoid arthritis and others systemic diseases), cisapride (stomach weakness, reflux esophagitis), warfarin (prevents the formation of blood clots).


You can speed up the action of the pill or enhance its effect, minimize the risk of adverse reactions, or, on the contrary, get poisoned by taking the usual dose of the drug... The regimen and method of use radically affects the work of many medications: from ordinary vitamins to potent drugs.

After the tablet enters the body, it must dissolve in the digestive tract and penetrate through the walls of blood vessels into the blood. Then the active substance is distributed throughout the body and exerts its effect, after which it enters the liver, where it is destroyed and excreted with unnecessary metabolic products through the kidneys or intestines. This is the most common route taken by oral medications in the body.

What we eat and drink during treatment can slow down or speed up the absorption of the drug, interfere with its inactivation in the liver, or even remove the drug from the body in transit, without any effect. Therefore, it is important to know how to take pills correctly.

What should I take with my medications?

The universal liquid for washing down tablets is clean, non-carbonated, warm or room temperature water. Cold water slows absorption in the stomach and can, during illness, provoke nausea and vomiting. The amount of water should be at least half a glass (100 ml).

Only some medications can be taken with milk and are even beneficial. These are drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that we most often use for pain and fever: aspirin, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, indomethacin, voltaren and others, as well as steroid hormones: prednisolone, dexamethasone. Milk has a protective effect on the gastric mucosa and reduces the likelihood of the damaging effects of these medications on it. The exception is drugs from these groups in the form of tablets or capsules coated with an enteric coating (such information can be found on the packaging) - their contents are released only in the intestines.

It is usually not recommended to use mineral waters to wash down tablets, as they contain ions of calcium, iron and other elements that can react chemically with the components of the medicine and interfere with their absorption.

The most complex interactions are observed when tablets are taken together with vegetable and fruit juices: they can both weaken and enhance the effect of the drugs. On the “black list”: apple, cherry, pear, grape, lemon, orange, pineapple, beetroot, tomato, viburnum and many other juices. The most dangerous is grapefruit. About 70% of existing medications are incompatible with it, including blood pressure medications, heart medications and oral contraceptives. Drugs to lower blood cholesterol (atorvastatin, simvastatin, etc.) together with grapefruit juice cause massive destruction of muscle tissue and kidney failure. Moreover, for the development of an unfavorable effect, 1 glass of juice is enough, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to stop drinking grapefruit juice three days before starting treatment with any medications (including injections).

It is not harmless to take some medications with tea and coffee. Tannins, catechins and caffeine contained in these drinks can play a cruel joke, for example, reducing the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. On the other hand, oral contraceptives increase the side effects of caffeine, which can lead to insomnia. Tea and coffee reduce the absorption of many other medications: antispasmodics, cough suppressants, glaucoma, etc. But paracetamol washed down with tea will relieve headaches faster, since caffeine increases the penetration of the drug into the brain.

The most explosive mixture can result from the combined use of drugs and alcohol of any strength. Ethyl alcohol and its metabolic products enhance the effects (including side effects) of psychotropic, antiallergic drugs, drugs for pain and fever, reduce the effect of antibiotics, diabetes drugs, drugs that affect blood clotting and anti-tuberculosis tablets. And the most dangerous thing is that in some cases, alcohol together with completely harmless drugs causes poisoning, even death as a result of liver failure. This most often happens when taking antibacterial, antifungal medications and paracetamol with alcohol.

When to take the tablets: on an empty stomach or after meals?

Given the fact that the active components of drugs can enter into unwanted connections with food, and the consequences of these connections are poorly understood, most drugs are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach.

If the instructions say “on an empty stomach,” this means that the medicine should be taken an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after. This regimen of administration, firstly, minimizes contact of the tablet with food. Secondly, it is believed that in the intervals between meals, the secretion of hydrochloric acid from gastric juice is minimal, which also affects the work of many medications. Thirdly, the medicine taken on an empty stomach works faster.

An exception are those medications that have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.). For the same reason, it is recommended to take iron supplements after meals to treat anemia, although they are better absorbed on an empty stomach.

The connection with food intake is especially important for drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, because each of them affects individual stages of digestion, and therefore must enter the body at a certain time. So, medications that reduce acidity and relieve heartburn are taken 40 minutes before meals or an hour after. Enzymes (mezim, pancreatin, festal) are drunk during meals, as they must be mixed with food. Pre- and probiotic preparations are usually taken during or after meals.

Antacids (Almagel, Maalox, de-Nol and others), as well as sorbents (Smecta, activated carbon, polyphepan) interfere with the absorption of most drugs, so the interval between their use and the use of other drugs should be at least 1-2 hours.

Time of day and interval for taking medications

The daily amount of medication is usually divided into several doses to ensure a more or less constant concentration of the active substance in the body, as well as to reduce the single dose and the likelihood of side effects. Therefore, the instructions for the drugs and the note from the doctor usually say: 2-3 times a day. However, for some medications, the dose should be divided not throughout the daylight hours, but throughout the day. That is, a three-time dose means taking the medicine every 8 hours, a 4-time dose means taking the medicine every 6 hours, and so on.

Such a strict regime must be maintained, for example, when treating with antibiotics, which is often overlooked. If you take antibiotics irregularly, for example, taking a long break to sleep at night, the concentration of the active substance in the blood will fluctuate greatly. This is unlikely to cause overdose symptoms during the day, but at night it is highly likely to lead to the development of treatment resistance. That is, while you sleep, microbes adapt their metabolism to the antibiotic residues in the blood. Further treatment with this drug will be ineffective.

For convenience, many medications come in the form of long-acting tablets or capsules that can be taken only once a day. In the morning, they take diuretics, hormonal drugs, medications containing caffeine and adaptogens (ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, etc.).

Forgotten pill rule

If you forgot to take a pill, estimate how much time has passed since “X”. Depending on the period of delay, three options are possible. First: if it is very close to the next dose, skip the forgotten pill completely, but keep in mind that the effect of the treatment may be reduced. The second option is that you take the medicine as soon as you remember it, but take the next dose according to the old schedule. This can be done if you take the medicine 1-2 times a day and at least half the time period remains before the next dose. You cannot double the dose of medication at one time. The third option to fix everything: you take a single dose of the medicine and start a new countdown, that is, shift the dosage schedule by the number of hours missed. This is the most rational method for short-term treatment, for example, if you have been prescribed antibiotics for 5-7 days.

Can I split tablets and open capsules?

If the tablet does not have a groove (scores, notches) to separate it into parts, most likely it is not intended for consumption in pieces. As a rule, these are all drugs that are coated with a protective coating. If they are broken, dissolved, chewed or crushed, they reduce their effectiveness. However, this can be neglected when emergency assistance is required.

When taken orally, the tablet begins to act after an average of 40 minutes. If you need a quick effect, you can put the medicine under your tongue or chew it thoroughly and keep it in your mouth with warm water. Then the absorption of the medicine will begin directly in the oral cavity and the effect will occur within 5-10 minutes.

Gelatin capsules consisting of two halves are also not recommended to be opened. The shell protects the contents from contact with air, accidental entry into the respiratory tract (which can cause irritation) or is destroyed only in the intestines, ensuring the drug is delivered precisely to the target without loss.

However, exceptions are sometimes made to this rule. Tablets and capsules are divided into parts if a person cannot swallow a large capsule or titration of the medicine is required (individual dose selection). These cases should be discussed with your doctor.

Is it possible to avoid side effects of medications?

Compliance with the doses, regimen and rules for taking medications allows you to minimize the risk of side effects, but you cannot completely protect yourself from troubles during treatment. You need to be alert. Most complications become noticeable in the first days of therapy. These are various types of allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pain, stool disturbances, headaches, swelling and other manifestations that usually disappear when the drug is replaced with a similar one or after treatment is stopped.

The delayed and most severe complication of treatment is liver failure; renal function is less commonly affected. These organs are involved in the neutralization and removal from the body of almost all medications, including those that many of us take lightly: oral contraceptives, drugs for blood pressure and arrhythmia, lowering blood cholesterol, drugs for joint pain. By the way, it is these drugs that most often cause drug-induced hepatitis when taken for a long time.

The insidiousness of drug-induced liver and kidney damage is that the initial stages of the disease, when everything can still be easily corrected, are asymptomatic. Therefore, everyone who takes medications for a long time needs to do a biochemical blood test and a general urine test every six months. These basic tests allow you to monitor liver and kidney function. In case of significant deviations from the norm, it is necessary to interrupt treatment and consult a doctor.

All site materials have been checked by doctors. However, even the most reliable article does not allow us to take into account all the features of the disease in a particular person. Therefore, the information posted on our website cannot replace a visit to the doctor, but only complements it. The articles have been prepared for informational purposes and are advisory in nature. If symptoms appear, please consult a doctor.

Many sick people are not given of great importance rules for taking medications, do not follow instructions. Meanwhile, this is a big misconception. After all, an incorrectly taken medicine, at a minimum, will not bring the desired effect and, at a maximum, will lead to sad results. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for taking medications.

Rules for taking medications

1. You must strictly follow the instructions. This is especially true when it comes to the relationship between medication and food. If it is recommended to take medications 30 minutes before, or 30 minutes after, immediately before, during or after a meal, then this must be done carefully. Not only the effectiveness of treatment, but also the state of the digestive and excretory systems. After all, there are practically no medications that need to be taken on an empty stomach.

2. Self-medication is not allowed. Most patients consider themselves to be the most the best doctor. And of course, they treat themselves, taking medications on the recommendation of friends. This kind of medication is not allowed, because the interaction is not taken into account medicines: some drugs mutually enhance the effect, causing significant side effects, others, on the contrary, completely inactivate.

3. Take medications at regular intervals. It is known that the concentration of drugs in the blood is highest after taking the drug, then, with each passing hour, it gradually decreases. If you leave long intervals between medications, a period will come when the concentration of the drug in the blood will be very low. This should not be allowed when taking antibiotics, since microorganisms adapt and then a much larger dose is needed to destroy them. And this is no longer indifferent to the body. Therefore, medications should be taken 2, 4, 6 times a day, and the intervals between doses should be even. Even at night it is necessary to take medications.

4. What time of day is best to take medications?
The pain is worst at night, so it is very important to take painkillers in the evening. However, at approximately 15:00, the dose of these drugs can be reduced without reducing the effect, since painkillers are most effective during this period of the day.
But oncological drugs act most effectively on cancer cells at approximately 6 o'clock in the morning, so it is most advisable to take them at this time of day.

It is advisable to take vasodilator drugs in the morning. Indeed, during this period the danger of myocardial infarction reaches its peak. But in the evening, the doses of these medications can be reduced without any health consequences.
It is recommended to take anti-asthmatic drugs in the evening to prevent nocturnal asthma attacks, because they occur mainly at night or in the early morning.

Antirheumatic drugs should also be taken in the evening. This will reduce joint pain and improve joint mobility after sleep.
Also in the evening, but late, you need to take antiallergic medications, since it is at night that the body produces the least amount of the hormone that inhibits allergic reactions.
Considering that gastric juices are very aggressive at night, medications against peptic ulcer stomach and 12-collapsed intestines, it is most advisable to take in large doses shortly before bedtime.

5. Treatment must be completed. Especially it concerns . In no case should you stop taking antibiotics, even if the symptoms of the disease have decreased or disappeared. After all, when treating with these drugs, the weakest microorganisms die first, then the more resistant ones, and at the very end - all the rest. If the full course of treatment is not carried out, then the most resistant microorganisms will survive, adapt to these drugs, and in subsequent diseases they will no longer be sensitive to this antibiotic, or sensitive, but to a higher dose that is not harmless to the body.

6. If several are assigned medicinal drugs, they must be taken separately. Even the most harmless medications for the body when taken in one gulp, i.e., taking several drugs at the same time, will put a lot of stress on the stomach and liver. In addition, no one will ever say how several medications taken at the same time will behave under the influence of the individual environment of each person’s stomach. Will they cause the formation of toxic substances in the stomach? Therefore, taking medications should be spaced out so that the interval between doses is at least 30 minutes.

7. When using tablets, you must chew them. An exception to this rule is tablet and powder medications that are in gelatin capsules, shells, wafers, the purpose of which is to protect the digestive tract from irritation. It is recommended to chew the remaining tablets, even if they are very bitter, then they will begin to be absorbed in the mouth and will continue to be rapidly absorbed in the stomach without losing their medicinal properties, which will allow the therapeutic effect to be achieved more quickly.

8. Medicines must be taken with water. Even miniature tablets need to be washed down, since a high concentration of the active substance can harm the stomach. It is best to take your medications warm boiled water. It is not allowed to drink it with juices, carbonated water, milk (unless provided for in the instructions), kefir, etc. After all, milk and kefir, even low-fat ones, contain fat that envelops the tablets, preventing them from being absorbed completely and without delay.

9. While taking medications, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. A very large number of medications, primarily antibiotics, when taken simultaneously with alcohol not only lose half their medicinal properties, but can also form, and not only in the stomach, compounds harmful to the body.

10. It is not allowed to take medications that have expired. The least that will happen from this is the ineffectiveness of treatment, and the biggest is irreparable harm to health. After all, when the expiration dates expire, the reaction of the drugs when they enter the human body may differ for the worse from what is provided for in the instructions. The same applies equally to drugs that were stored incorrectly (temperature, humidity, and light warnings were not observed). We have already written about this on the site; we will not repeat it.

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