Home Removal When the Mantoux test is undesirable: contraindications and alternative remedies. What are the limitations of the mantoux test? Indications and contraindications for the mantoux test

When the Mantoux test is undesirable: contraindications and alternative remedies. What are the limitations of the mantoux test? Indications and contraindications for the mantoux test

Mantoux reaction - a technique for analyzing the severity of immunity to a pathogen serious illness– tuberculosis. Hence other names: tuberculin diagnostics, tuberculin test. Diagnostic test held annually in kindergartens, clinics and schools.

For many parents, the study raises many questions. Passions are fueled by stories about the optionality of diagnosis and the fashion for refusing vaccination. The material will help parents understand why it is important to conduct a tuberculin test and whether there are contraindications. Find out more about what is normal and pathological in the Mantoux reaction.

general information

A special test confirms or denies the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body. Tuberculin administered intradermally indicates the presence of a pathogen of a serious disease. Analysis of the reaction to the drug gives the answer: whether Koch’s bacillus is in the body or not.

The essence of the method:

  • an extract based on Mycobacterium tuberculosis containing auxiliary components is injected intradermally;
  • after the diagnostic test At the site of the injection, a papule appears - a thickened area of ​​skin, redness appears;
  • in some children the reaction is weak, the papule is practically absent or barely noticeable. In some cases, the red, swollen spot grows to 15–17 mm or more;
  • 72 hours after the tuberculin test is performed, the doctor monitors the body’s reaction. The doctor examines the injection site, checks the thickness of the epidermis at the injection site, and uses a transparent ruler to measure the size of the papule. In the absence of compaction, the diameter of the reddened area matters;
  • Based on the results of the diagnostic test, the doctor writes down the size of the papule and the nature of the reaction in the young patient’s card. If the norms are violated, the doctor writes a referral for examination to an anti-tuberculosis dispensary.

Why is a sample needed?

In countries where tuberculosis is a national problem, a tuberculin test is carried out in mandatory. The technique allows you to effectively control a dangerous infection and monitor the dynamics of the spread of the disease.

The Pirquet reaction is needed to solve certain problems:

  • active identification of primary infected patients;
  • diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients who have Koch's bacillus, but there are no visible signs of severe disease;
  • confirmation of diagnosis for suspected tuberculosis;
  • identification of patients who were infected a year ago or more. An enlarged papule and active redness were noted;
  • selection of children aged 6–7, adolescents aged 14–15 years for mandatory revaccination against dangerous disease– tuberculosis.

Mantoux reaction: vaccination or not

Many parents call the tuberculin test a vaccination, but in fact it is not:

  • Vaccination produces immunity against a specific pathogen. After vaccination, the child receives protection for a certain period of time. Revaccination is often required to maintain specific immunity for a longer period of time;
  • The Mantoux test is a diagnostic test with the help of which the body’s reaction to the lysate from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is visible. The more active the redness is, the larger size papules, the higher the likelihood of having a tuberculosis bacillus in the body.

Norm and deviations

The nature of the reaction during a diagnostic test:

  • negative. There is no infiltration, the injection site is marked with a dot up to 1 mm;
  • doubtful. With this form, the papule grows from 2 to 4 mm. The second option is that with redness of any size there is no seal;
  • positive Mantoux. The injection site turns into a papule with a diameter of 5 mm or more. Manifestations can be weakly positive - the papule reaches 9 mm, medium intensity - 14 mm, well-defined - diameter from 15 to 16 mm;
  • strongly expressed– in this case, the infiltrate reaches 17 mm or more;
  • dangerous, vesicular-necrotic. Dead areas appear at the injection site, daughter dropouts and pustules appear nearby, and nearby lymph nodes become enlarged.

When a child is sent for examination to a tuberculosis clinic

You should not panic if you have a questionable or mild (moderate) reaction to tuberculin. When assessing the results, doctors take into account the time elapsed after last vaccination BCG.


  • one year after BCG vaccination. Acceptable values ​​are from 5 to 15 mm. Induration, redness are manifestations of post-vaccination immunity;
  • two years after vaccination. The infiltrate during the Mantoux reaction should be smaller or remain at the same level. If the papular formation increases by more than 5 mm, severe redness requires additional examination to exclude infection with Koch's bacillus;
  • three to five years after the introduction of the BCG vaccine. After this period, the maximum permissible papule size is no more than 8 mm, optimally up to 5 mm. At good immunity many children experience negative reaction: after a couple of days, only a dot is visible at the injection site. Swelling and redness are practically absent. If the infiltration increases, the doctor will write a referral for examination to an anti-tuberculosis dispensary.

What factors influence the final result?

The following factors often distort the response to tuberculin administration:

  • hemodialysis;
  • real immunodeficiency;
  • chemotherapy for various tumors;
  • errors when performing a diagnostic test;
  • use of low-quality tools;
  • violation of tuberculin transportation/storage parameters.

You should not panic if there is a positive Mantoux reaction. Doctors never diagnose tuberculosis based solely on a tuberculin test. Wanted additional research: sputum collection, radiography chest, finding out the timing of BCG vaccination.


The Mantoux test is required for all children aged 1 to 17 years. It is important to consider absolute and relative contraindications.

Doctors recommend doing a tuberculin test for all children who have no restrictions for the test. The Pirquet reaction is the most reliable method for identifying the body’s reaction to the presence of the tuberculosis bacillus. For this reason, over a hundred years the drug (tuberculin) has not undergone fundamental changes.


Tuberculin is safe for children: no living microorganisms, minimal dosage, no effect on immunity. Despite this fact, there are limitations to the study.

Important point! The child recently suffered from an acute respiratory viral infection, a cold, etc. infection? Has a group or class been quarantined due to a contagious disease? A diagnostic test for identifying tuberculosis pathogens is permitted one month after the quarantine is lifted/the disappearance of all clinical signs pathology.

Please note the contraindications:

  • allergic reactions in children, especially 4–6 years old, with a weak immune system;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious, somatic diseases (acute plus chronic form) with pronounced clinical symptoms;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • age under 1 year (distorted reactions, inaccurate/unreliable answer).

This is a list that all parents should know: performing the Pirquet test at the wrong time, in the presence of restrictions, often gives an incorrect result. Parents and their child are forced to visit the tuberculosis clinic at certain intervals, conduct repeated examinations, and the reaction, in fact, is false positive. For example, not everyone knows that allergies + weak immunity In children, the size of papules on the arm often increases.

There is a page written about massage for dacryocystitis in newborns.

At the address, read about the rules of use and dosage of Orvirem for children.

Vaccinations and Mantoux: how to combine

Parents should know certain rules and monitor whether doctors observe the interval between vaccination and tuberculin test. A certain period is needed to restore immunity sufficient to combat microdoses of inactivated and live vaccines. Intervals are needed to eliminate the mutual influence of two stimuli.

Basic Rules:

  • It is prohibited to perform the Pirquet test and vaccinate. When the immune system is under high stress, false-positive reactions are often observed;
  • after assessing the results of the Mantoux reaction (in the absence of indications for referral to a tuberculosis clinic), vaccination is allowed the next day;
  • Is it time for scheduled vaccination? After vaccination against tetanus, influenza, diphtheria using killed vaccines, the interval until the next Pirquet test is 4 weeks or more;
  • after vaccination with live vaccines (rubella, mumps, measles, OPV), wait until tuberculin test 6 weeks or more.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Carrying out a test for tuberculosis takes little time and does not require special preparation from children and parents:

  • tuberculin is injected with a special syringe into a certain area - the middle third of the forearm, from the inside;
  • the needle is inserted intradermally to a minimum depth;
  • dose volume for intradermal administration is 0.1 ml, which is 2 TU (tuberculosis units);
  • after the injection, a lump appears under the skin - a papule. The test site turns slightly red, the compacted area rises slightly above the skin.

What you can do after the test and what you can’t do

The child and parents must follow certain rules:

  • Before testing, you should not wet the area where the sample was placed. Did the child forget about the warning and accidentally wet his hand? Be sure to tell your doctor about this, especially if the spot has increased sharply after the incident;
  • it is forbidden to rub, comb, scratch the infiltrate;
  • Do not heat or smear brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide on the papule and the hyperemic (reddened) area;
  • It is forbidden to cover the injection area with an adhesive plaster or bandage it;
  • It is important to wear clothes made from natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin of the forearm. Be sure to wear a flannel, knitted or cotton blouse under a woolen sweater;
  • Do not press or frequently touch the papule and the hyperemic area.

Do not be afraid of performing the Pirquet test on a child: the drug is safe for a growing organism. Annual tests show a complete picture of the presence of the tuberculosis bacillus, reflect the dynamics, and indicate the strength of the immune system. In case of deviations from the norm, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, and be sure to conduct an additional examination in a specialized institution.

Timely visit to the TB dispensary for diagnosis dangerous disease will prevent serious consequences. Remember: It is easier to identify and prevent the development of pathology than to treat the complications that patients face with advanced tuberculosis.

More interesting information about Mantoux in a child in the following video:

The Mantoux reaction is important preventive measure, which detects the presence of tuberculosis bacillus in the body. A tuberculin test is mandatory for a child regularly, starting from the first year. This is a kind of allergy test that is administered subcutaneously. Do not confuse it with anti-tuberculosis vaccinations, such as BCG and BCG M. The substance - tuberculin, which contains Mantoux, is an allergen, not an antigen.

The test has its own indications and contraindications. There are quite a few prohibitions for all ages and they must be taken into account, since neglect can lead to serious consequences.

Contraindications in children younger age are quite difficult to detect. That is why parents must clearly know when the test will be carried out and warn in time medical staff about the presence of prohibitions or complaints from the child.

The administered tuberculin consists of complex components that can be quite difficult to tolerate by the human body. Therefore, even if no restrictions were identified before the primary Mantoux, the patient’s condition must be carefully monitored in order to provide immediate medical assistance if necessary.

The drug consists of the following components:

  • phosphate solution salts;
  • sodium chloride;
  • phenol;
  • preservative Twin-80.

Intolerance by the patient's body to any of the listed components can lead to serious complications.


There are the following number of prohibitions on conducting the annual Mantoux test:

Coughing attacks and runny nose

If you have a cough or runny nose of any nature (allergic reaction, injury respiratory organs or spicy respiratory infections) this analysis is contraindicated. We have to wait full recovery sick. Otherwise, the Mantoux reaction may not show accurate results.


Such a preventive measure is contraindicated even with a minimal rise in body temperature. This is due to the fact that a slight increase in it indicates the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process in organism. The immune system begins to fight emerging diseases, and an additional load in the form of Mantoux can only worsen the situation.

The test can be performed no earlier than fifteen days after complete recovery. This is also necessary to eliminate the risk of relapse.


Diarrhea is evidence of intoxication. You must wait before administering full recovery for at least a week after the cessation of loose stools.

Neurological pathologies

At neurological disorders, For example, epileptic seizures, it is necessary to conduct a number of mandatory studies. Only after the results of the examination and confirmation that the sample will not harm the patient’s condition can a reaction be carried out. The procedure is performed under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Skin diseases

For any skin pathologies the reaction will not give accurate results; moreover, carried out during the height of the disease, it can further aggravate the patient’s condition.

Allergic reaction

An allergy that made itself known several days before the test is a complete contraindication to carry it out. The Mantoux reaction in this case will not only not show the necessary results, but will also cause significant harm to the patient’s health.

Temporary contraindications

Mantoux cannot be carried out on the same day as vaccination and revaccination. Vaccinations activate the immune system to fight the tuberculosis bacillus. If a vaccine and a test are given at the same time, it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction, and the Mantoux result may be false.

Manta must be done before vaccination or revaccination, and it will not affect the vaccinations themselves. Injections can be given immediately after receiving information about the test. If vaccinations are scheduled according to the medical calendar before the test, then you must wait at least thirty days between vaccination and revaccination. If the vaccine contains live tuberculosis microbacteria, this diagnostic method can be carried out no earlier than after a month and a half.

Temporary contraindications also include quarantine in a school or preschool institution. This is due to the fact that the body may be weakened due to the constant fight against an infectious disease, as a result of which quarantine was declared. Mantu can be placed only a month after its completion. Otherwise, incorrect results may appear.

Temporary contraindications can be violated only with the permission of the attending physician, as well as if infection with a stick is suspected.

Side effects

If the tuberculin test was done without taking into account contraindications, or the body does not accept any components of tuberculin, the following side effects may occur:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Severe chills.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Acute allergic reaction.

If you adhere to all contraindications and recommendations, the tuberculin test is painless and without any severe consequences. If the reaction causes negative complications, then it is necessary to notify a medical professional about this before the next test.

Mantoux test without contraindications

After the reaction, a small compaction will appear on the skin. The spot should be slightly swollen. On the third day, the specialist measures the sample, but does not take into account the size of the redness that has appeared around the lump. A negative result is detected in cases where the size of the swelling is less than one millimeter. This indicates that the patient’s body did not react to the injected substance tuberculin, which means that the presence of microbes that cause tuberculosis is absent.

Children with weakened immune systems also have a negative reaction. This indicates that the child suffered an infection with the tuberculosis bacillus, and less than three months have passed since that moment. In order for all sample indicators to be reliable, it must be performed in compliance with all rules and recommendations.

If the size of the injection in children is less than four millimeters, this indicator is considered doubtful. A positive result occurs in cases where the compaction measures from five to sixteen millimeters. This reaction suggests that the immune system can fight pathogenic bacteria. If the result is very strong, it is called hyperergic. In this case, the Mantoux test can have a size of about seventeen millimeters. This sign indicates that the patient is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus. If a small purulent formation appears at the injection site, this may indicate a viral infection.

Immunity to Koch's bacillus is developed in the event of a positive tuberculin test result. The swelling will be pinkish in color without distinct lines. The Mantoux test passes quickly, and no spots form at the injection site.

There is such a thing as a Mantoux turn. It means that the swelling from the injection has increased compared to the previous result. This is a sign of pathogenic microbes in the body.

If you test frequently (more than once a year), sensitivity to Mantoux increases. In this case, the injection site increases, and this is considered a false result. This phenomenon is called the “booster effect.” If a medical professional has doubts about the accuracy of the indicators, he refers the patient to a phthisiatrician who will conduct a full diagnosis.

The number of people falling ill with tuberculosis does not tend to decrease, causing serious concern among doctors. Every year the disease claims many human lives, therefore, to control susceptibility to tuberculosis and prevent it, in the first week of a baby’s life they are given BCG vaccination, as a mandatory planned procedure for all newborns. Then children under 14 years of age are given an annual mantoux test - a test for the presence of tuberculosis infection in the body.

Important: if parents refuse the BCG vaccine, which is mandatory in the first days of the child’s life, or there are significant contraindications, the tuberculosis vaccination can be rescheduled.

Tuberculosis test

In fact, the mantoux reaction, which is called a tuberculin test, is not a vaccination, but a preventive examination of children for tuberculosis. This is a kind of allergic test that confirms the presence in the human body. dangerous infection. An annual test for tuberculosis microorganisms helps to detect the disease in its early stages.

For immunological test tuberculin, which is a solution of purified tuberculosis allergen, is injected subcutaneously. The drug was discovered by the German scientist Robert Koch in 1890, and the bacteria that causes tuberculosis and discovered by him earlier are called Koch's bacillus. Diagnosis through intradermal application of tuberculin was proposed by Charles Mantoux in 1908 and has become a generally accepted method for examining children to confirm tuberculosis infection.

Important: a tuberculin test is given after the BCG vaccine. If the child does not receive a BCG vaccination in a timely manner, then an immune tuberculosis test is performed twice a year. In addition, an anti-tuberculosis test should be performed a month after the next scheduled vaccination.

A tuberculin injection is given subcutaneously on the inner part of the forearm. The result appears on the third day - the injection site swells, an infiltrate called a button appears in the center of the hyperemic area. The resulting papule should be protected from moisture and scratching, and excluded from the diet allergenic products so that the response to tuberculosis is not distorted.

Why do you need a mantoux sample?

  • to identify facts of primary infection or early stage diseases;
  • to diagnose infected children under one year of age or confirm the diagnosis;
  • to detect patients who fell ill a year ago, depending on the results of the enlargement of the papule;
  • to capture the signs hidden form tuberculosis diseases.

The assessment of the result (papule size) given by the mantoux test is performed visually by a doctor based on the condition skin at the injection site in accordance with WHO requirements. A negative tuberculin test reaction with a button up to one millimeter in size without the development of redness around is considered normal.

General diagnostic evaluation criteria

Range of results Button dimensions in millimeters What does the injection result indicate?
Negative Up to 1 mm Normal, no tuberculosis microbacteria
Doubtful Up to 5 mm Points to positive reaction, but does not give a complete picture of the presence of Koch’s wand, a conditionally acceptable, but dubious norm
Positive of varying intensity Ranges from 5 mm to 15 Warns about the presence of tuberculosis bacteria in the body, but taking into account individual and age characteristics
Intensely expressed Exceeds 17 mm Determines predisposition to the disease or the possibility of infection

When is tuberculin vaccination contraindicated?

The mantoux test is considered an absolutely harmless procedure for healthy people, both adults and children. Diagnosed somatic diseases are also not contraindications for anti-tuberculosis measures.

Advice: it should be remembered that preventive vaccination, recent infectious diseases, as well as chronic illnesses can distort the result of mantoux, therefore intradermal tuberculin vaccination should be given after complete recovery and restoration of immunity.

Both for the administration of any drug and for conducting a tuberculin test, it is necessary to check the list of known contraindications so that the reaction to the test is reliable without possible negative consequences and complications after subcutaneous administration complex mixture of tuberculin antigens.

Contraindications to planned implementation tuberculin diagnostics in children, leading to medical withdrawal of the procedure:

  1. Elevated body temperature is a good reason when vaccination is contraindicated until the child’s condition is completely normalized. The cause of fever should be sought in infectious or viral pathologies, due to which the injection is delayed for 3-4 weeks.
  2. If a child coughs, this is a reason to reschedule a tuberculin test, since a cough is not always a consequence of a cold. Cough symptoms accompany bronchial asthma or it may be an allergic reaction to the drug itself or its components. In this case, the test is postponed until the cause of the pathology is determined.
  3. A runny nose in children is also a good reason for postponing the tuberculin test for at least a month, regardless of the cause of the pathology. Moreover, a runny nose can be not only a cold, but also chronic or allergic.
  4. Exacerbations of chronic ailments or diseases of various etiologies in the stage acute course. These are also contraindications that require postponing the diagnosis to a period when the child is completely healthy, but after mandatory bacteriological examination.
  5. For any symptoms skin diseases the mantoux reaction should be delayed until the skin is completely restored.
  6. Other vaccinations given to the baby before the test date are an absolute reason to refuse tuberculosis diagnosis for at least a month and a half. A false reaction is possible due to a shift in immunity. In the case of using drugs containing live viruses and bacteria, the medical withdrawal will last two months.
  7. For digestive disorders and others stomach problems vaccination is postponed until the condition normalizes and the diarrhea stops.
  8. For some neurological diseases (for example, epilepsy), testing for tuberculosis is postponed or strictly prohibited for the rest of your life.

Advice: if your child suffers from allergies, your pediatrician should be notified. The chemical components of the tuberculin test can provoke allergic manifestations or a rash, and the reaction to tuberculin will give a result that falls within the framework of a positive or questionable form. The sample is allowed at complete absence allergies after taking antihistamines.

What complications can result from vaccination?

If you do not take into account known contraindications and some nuances of the procedure, anti-tuberculosis immunization can lead to the following consequences:

  • development of headache symptoms accompanied by dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • loss of appetite, constipation, vomiting, general weakness;
  • development of disorders of the lymphatic system;
  • emergence allergic rashes on the skin, increasing its sensitivity.

Anti-tuberculosis care is considered a voluntary activity. If parents are confident that the child has no unconditional contact with a tuberculosis patient, a written refusal to test for the presence of Koch bacillus in the child’s body is allowed. However, such a step could have consequences for children increased risk become fatally ill dangerous illness due to lack of regular monitoring.

Alternative Study Option

Among modern means For tuberculosis testing, there is more than just the Mantoux test; Diaskintest is a more advanced diagnostic method. If the reaction of the tuberculin test with the BCG vaccine and tuberculosis infection may be distorted due to some nuances, then Diaskintest only records the fact of tuberculosis infection, excluding other causes.

Diaskintest is an intradermal test containing an artificial allergen in the form of proteins grown in a culture medium coli. The study is reliable in more than 90% of cases, gives positive result only when infected with one type of Koch bacillus, which is dangerous exclusively for humans, regardless of BCG vaccination.

In adults, unlike children who are harmed by strong radiation, monitoring of the condition of the lungs and predisposition to tuberculosis is carried out by analyzing annual fluorographic images.

Important: any diagnosis is carried out only when the child is completely healthy, and the doctor has given permission for the procedure after a personal examination and evaluation of the results of urine and blood tests.

The frequency of tuberculosis diagnosis is increasing every year. Since the disease is characterized by high mortality, all newborns are given the BCG vaccine. Vaccination is necessary to determine the body's susceptibility to tuberculosis. A planned control measure before the age of 14 is the Mantoux test, which also has contraindications.

Mantoux - pros and cons

The Mantoux test is a test that determines the presence of tuberculosis infection in a child’s body. A tuberculin test is not a vaccination; it is an examination of a child for the presence of tuberculosis. The Mantoux test indicates the presence of infection. The preventive test allows you to:

  • identify the disease at an early stage;
  • detect infected children or confirm the presence of the disease;
  • establish the symptoms of latent tuberculosis.

Interesting fact! R. Koch invented the substance in 1890, and C. Mantoux proposed diagnosing children using this vaccine in 1908.

To conduct an immunological study, children are injected with tuberculin, a solution of tuberculosis allergens. The procedure can only be performed after BCG vaccination. If the child has not been vaccinated, then tuberculosis testing is carried out 2 times a year.

Normal reaction to the Mantoux test

A tuberculin injection is administered under the skin of the inner forearms. The test result can be assessed 3 days after the injection. A swollen papule with infiltrate forms at the puncture site. The doctor visually assesses the condition of the skin, guided by the requirements of the World Health Organization.

A negative tuberculin test reaction without enlargement of the papule is normal. The size of the button should not exceed 1 mm, redness of the skin is not allowed. In order not to distort the reaction, it is forbidden to wash or scratch the button. During this period, it is necessary to exclude allergenic products from the diet.

A negative reaction also indicates the absence of an immune response against tuberculosis. In this case, parents are offered a second vaccination. With a scar whose size does not exceed 2 mm, immunity lasts 3 years, up to next vaccination at 7 years of age, protection remains with a scar of 8 mm.

Tuberculosis infection is diagnosed when a hyperergic reaction occurs, when the papule grows to 16 mm or more. A questionable or positive tuberculin test is detected in most children under 7 years of age. In a 6-year-old child, a weakly positive reaction is considered a good result when the BCG scar reaches a large size.

The cause for concern is sharp increase papules throughout the year. Even if last year the result was negative, then a swelling of 7 mm becomes a reason for examining a small patient at a TB clinic. Such indicators may indicate infection.

Temporary and absolute contraindications to vaccination

The tuberculin test is a completely safe procedure for healthy children. The presence of somatic pathology is not a contraindication to the Mantoux test.

Note! The results of a preventive test may be distorted by a recent history of infectious disease, another vaccination, chronic disease.

The Mantoux reaction is characterized by the presence of 2 categories of contraindications.

Absolute, at which it is prohibited to conduct a test. If the prohibition is ignored, Mantoux leads to irreversible consequences. The doctor’s responsibility is to study the child’s chart before the procedure.

Temporary, the presence of which prohibits the administration of the vaccine at the time of their relevance. After a certain time period, the test can be carried out. The specialist must assess the child’s health status before performing the manipulation.

This group includes the following prohibitions:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • the presence of serious consequences as a result of BCG vaccination in childhood;
  • neurological diseases.

In such cases, they refuse to carry out a tuberculin test so as not to harm the child’s body.

Temporary contraindications

The presence of contraindications of this kind can distort the results and cause complications. The Mantoux reaction is not recommended for the following pathological conditions:

  • Elevated temperature. This condition may indicate inflammatory phenomena, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Cough. The reflex indicates allergies, bronchitis, colds, asthma. The test is performed after the causes of the cough have been established and it has been eliminated.
  • Runny nose. Rhinitis can be a symptom of sinusitis. You should get tested and treat the painful symptom.
  • Such pathologies require examination by a dermatologist. The Mantoux test should be postponed for a month.
  • It is necessary to identify the exact cause of the malaise, as it may indicate the presence of intestinal infection.
  • Tuberculin weakens the child’s body’s defense response. The test is performed 3 weeks after recovery.
  • Should be eliminated acute manifestations pathology.
  • Recently received another vaccination. Mantoux cannot be combined with other vaccines. Therefore, after vaccination, the test is not carried out for a month.

Only a doctor should decide whether to perform the Mantoux test. The choice is made based on the collected medical history and the test results obtained.

Side effects and complications in children

If the doctor does not take into account the established restrictions or violates the technique of conducting the tuberculin test, this leads to the development of complications. Children may develop such side effects:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • formation of suppuration and ulcers in the papule;
  • necrosis of tissue structures.

To avoid such reactions, you should consider individual characteristics child's body. This will reduce the risk of complications after the Mantoux test in children.

Tuberculosis is terrible disease, and what’s even worse is that it can be completely asymptomatic. How to identify it? In adults, this pathology is detected using fluorographic examination, but what about children? In order to prevent the spread of tuberculosis, already in the first week of a child’s life he is vaccinated with BCG. After this, the child undergoes the Mantoux test every year.

Briefly about what mantu is like in children. This is a research method that makes it possible to determine whether tuberculosis antigens have entered the body. This type of vaccination is also called a tuberculin test, since its composition includes the presence of an extract from mycobacteria, which are the causative agent of the disease.

It is believed that this is a safe vaccination. In principle, this is so, but it cannot be said that there are no contraindications to it. This is exactly what those who are not very experienced say medical workers. However, not everything is so simple, and the mantoux test still has contraindications.

Obviously, all parents should know this and not believe those doctors who claim that this vaccination does not carry anything dangerous. Yes, it is generally safe, but not all children and not all children can be vaccinated. That is why parents of small children should carefully study all the information before deciding to take such a step. This does not mean that they will now be dissuaded from giving mantu to their child, but is simply warning information.

So, from abstract words we move on to concrete actions and discuss mantu and its contraindications. The number one reason to delay vaccination is elevated temperature. First of all, no one can immediately say for sure why the temperature increased. Perhaps the child has a viral or infectious disease, and vaccination will only make it worse. The reasons for the temperature may be other, but in any case, there is no way to make mantu in this state. At least 2-3 weeks after complete recovery, you can already get vaccinated, but before that, be sure to take blood and urine tests.

Contraindications number two and number three

Number two is cough. A cough is not always a cold or viral. And, as in the case of temperature, it is not always possible to immediately determine its cause. So, they postpone mantoux reactions with any cough, even if there is a suspicion of an allergy. You can return to the tests after complete recovery, however, unlike the temperature, in this case you do not need to wait another couple of weeks, one will be enough.

And number three on the list of contraindications is a runny nose. Many parents (and doctors too) treat a runny nose with a fair degree of disdain, because it in itself does not look scary. But still, if you have a runny nose, you should also treat the mantu test with caution. It can be evidence of a cold, allergies, or even be chronic. But, whatever its nature, vaccination in this case should be postponed, and for at least a month. Here's a frivolous reason for you!

And then, that's not all. Because a test can be carried out after a runny nose only when it has finally passed, and then blood tests, urine tests and bacterial cultures from the nose have been taken.

And, by the way, these are not all the reasons. So let's continue.

So, contraindications number four and beyond

Number four is skin diseases. They are also a reason to delay vaccination. In this case, we are talking not so much about the fact that vaccination will harm the child, but about the fact that the presence of such a disease can lead to false results research.

Moreover, parents must ensure that the doctor carefully assesses the child’s condition. The doctor may not see that he has some skin problems under his clothes, so it is necessary to tell him about it. The test in this case is carried out when the symptoms completely disappear.

Contraindications for Mantoux test (vaccination) number five are previous vaccinations done recently. In this case, it is better to postpone the manta for at least a month and a half. And if vaccinations based on live viruses and bacteria were used, then it is better to extend the period by two months. In addition, after this test it is also necessary to refrain from other vaccinations for at least a month.

Number six on our list is allergic reactions. It can distort the results of the study when chemical compounds included in the vaccine will provoke a new allergic reaction. To avoid this, it is necessary, as in all previous cases, to wait for a complete recovery. And don't forget about antihistamines, if the child is prone to allergies in general and not just at this particular moment.

And there is another reason seven and eight

The following contraindications- This is a digestive disorder. If the baby ate something wrong, what kind of vaccination can we talk about? Moreover, the disorder can be an indicator of much more complex problems, for example, an intestinal infection. The algorithm of action here is the same as in other options: we treat, we wait, we carry out a test later.

And finally, another important reason to postpone vaccination is neurological diseases. Here, by the way, everything is very serious, and vaccination may not only be postponed, but even banned altogether. And in general, there are diseases for which mantu should not be taken throughout life.

So, vaccination (test) with mantoux is contraindicated. We have identified the main ones, but there is something else that needs to be noted - side effects. These may include: fever, general lethargy and drowsiness, skin rashes or redness, loss of appetite. Typically, these symptoms go away within one to three days. If they do not go away within this period or if they are much more serious, this is already a reason to consult a doctor.

It is very important to know what a papule looks like after vaccination (when you finally got it). Don’t be too lazy to check this with your doctor once again, and then carefully monitor the papule.

And what conclusion do we come to?

First of all, before such a study, the child must be examined by a doctor, not formally, but in detail. And, if parents have doubts about whether to this moment If you do such tests, it is better to postpone them. Because the doctor is a doctor, and parents still know better the state of their child’s health at the moment, because they communicate with him constantly, and not like a doctor, for five minutes.

In accordance with the order that regulates this type of examination, there are actually fewer contraindications than were indicated in this review. But every parent (or rather, every caring mother) must understand one thing: orders are written in general for the masses, and your child is your individual case. The minister who signed the order will not come to examine your baby, and dozens of patients pass before the doctor every day, and he simply has no time to carefully examine all the features. This means that the mother herself must be most vigilant in this matter.

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