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What is a chocolate ovarian cyst? Endometrioid ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms, treatment

Menstruation after Escapelle may change beyond recognition or pass as usual. It all depends on what phase of the cycle the woman took the pill. And also from the characteristics of his own body. Emergency contraception should not be used several times a month. Serious violation menstrual cycle inevitably. What to expect from your period after taking Escapel?

Instant contraception - Escapelle, is produced in the form of tablets. Active substance levonorgestrel appears. Synthetic analogue female hormone progesterone. Each tablet contains a significant proportion of progesterone. For example, in a similar one, this dose is divided into 2 tablets. Escapelle inhibits conception by early stage fertilization. The tablet must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected contact. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the speed of taking the tablet. According to WHO research, the drug can work if you take the pill even 102 hours after sexual intercourse. This statement once again confirms the strong impact of Escapelle on the human body.

Indications for use of the drug are:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • failures with a barrier method of contraception;
  • rape.

Operating principle of Escapel

The drug has several mechanisms of action on a woman’s menstrual cycle. In this case, the contraceptive ability is 95%. Disruption of normal systems activity leads to failure monthly cycle.

Thus, changes in the menstrual cycle directly depend on the phase in which the hormonal drug was taken. Menstruation comes earlier or there is a significant delay, which makes women quite worried.

Failure of the menstrual cycle due to Escapelle

The onset of menstruation excludes pregnancy and allows the woman to breathe easy. The situation is even better if your period comes earlier. But if your period is supposed to start, but it doesn’t, thoughts of an unplanned pregnancy come to mind. When menstruation begins after taking Escapel depends on the processes that took place in the body under its influence. This may happen sooner or later.

Failure in the first phase of the monthly cycle

After taking the pill hormonal drug before ovulation, in half of the cases spotting begins the next day. Women mistake this phenomenon for menstruation and are very surprised when, after 2 weeks, bloody discharge starts again. The presence of discharge after taking Escapel means a hormonal surge, which has become an obstacle to further development eggs. Ovulation has not occurred, which means there will be no pregnancy, menstruation should begin. In most cases they arrive on time or earlier. The discharge is scanty. Because the failure of hormones did not allow the endometrial layer to develop. There is nothing to reject during your period. However, spotting in the middle of the cycle cannot be ruled out while taking a strong hormonal drug.

Failure in the second phase of the menstrual cycle

Discharge after taking Escapel in the second phase of the cycle also leads to hormonal imbalance. Increased level progesterone causes the body to prepare for pregnancy, even if fertilization has not occurred. During this time, an excess layer of endometrium grows. After taking Escapel, the discharge becomes thick, but menstruation does not begin. The delay after hormonal treatment is observed for several days, or even weeks. Some women experience a malfunction in the middle of the cycle in the form of spotting, followed by a 20-day delay after taking the pills. The discharge is profuse, bleeding appears, which seriously frightens the woman.

Delay after Escapelle with subsequent bleeding

There is nothing strange about this phenomenon. Heavy periods always appear against the background of hormonal imbalance, with a predominance of progesterone. Escapel tablets significantly increase hormone levels. The body doesn't care where it came from - naturally or artificial. As ovulation occurred, the endometrial layer began to form. To ensure this process, progesterone must be at high level. The artificial introduction of additional amounts of the hormone leads to excessive growth of the endometrial layer. For example, as happens with endometriosis. When the time comes for menstruation, it is very difficult for the uterus to reject a significant mass; it takes more effort. For this reason, pain increases.

The delay after Escapelle is accompanied by unusual pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature. What kind of discharge should come after taking Escapel - copious, similar to bleeding. Due to hormonal imbalance, bleeding can last up to 7 days. Then your periods should stop. If this does not happen, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

In addition, bleeding after a delay can occur due to pregnancy failure. Tablets do not promise 100% results. A small percentage of pregnancy still remains. Due to hormonal imbalance, pregnancy is not able to develop normally. Initially, there is a delay after emergency contraception. Then bleeding may begin.

When should your period start?

Against the background of the reception hormonal drugs The monthly cycle always goes wrong. There is nothing dangerous if your period starts a week or a few days early. Next month the body should fully recover. A delay after taking emergency contraception is also an understandable phenomenon. In this case, the absence of menstrual flow is allowed for about 20 days from the expected date of critical days.

It should be remembered that the drug is allowed to be taken only once per cycle. If a woman takes the pills twice, the consequences can be very different. Bleeding may begin immediately after readmission Escapella. Essential hormonal disbalance secured. Recovery female body it will take about 3 months.

Failure of the monthly cycle is always an undesirable phenomenon. Sometimes it takes several months to recover. Before using emergency contraception, you need to weigh everything carefully. The side effects from taking the drug are quite strong. They can last until the next menstruation begins. Nausea, general weakness, headache, disruption nervous system, insomnia, mood swings, decreased ability to work, apathy.

One more point should be taken into account: if pregnancy has already occurred, Escapelle is not able to disrupt it, but it is capable of causing harm. If you are absolutely sure that ovulation has passed, there is no point in taking pills.

Most pregnancy protection methods only work if you take care to use them BEFORE sexual intercourse. For example, it makes no sense to start taking birth control pills if sex has already happened. This is no smarter than putting on a condom after the man has ejaculated.

Emergency contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse has already occurred.

In what cases will emergency contraception help?

Emergency contraception will help prevent unwanted pregnancy in the following situations:

  • If you have had unprotected sex
  • If during sex and you didn't notice it in time
  • If you missed 2 or more

Emergency contraception rules

  • Almost any emergency contraceptive drug must be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. If more than 3 days have passed since sex, the drug will be ineffective.
  • If 3-5 days have passed since sex, then you can contact a gynecologist who will insert an intrauterine device. An intrauterine device is a device that is inserted into the uterine cavity and prevents pregnancy.
  • Before taking any emergency contraception, you should consult your gynecologist.
  • Some diseases digestive system(eg, Crohn's disease), as well as taking other medications, may reduce the effectiveness of emergency contraception. These medications are listed in the instructions for emergency contraception.

What pills will help you not get pregnant after sex?

There are several drugs that are classified as emergency contraception. We will look at each of them separately.


Postinor is the oldest and most famous means of emergency contraception among women. This medicine contains loading dose the hormone levongestrel, which prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

One Postinor tablet contains 750 mcg of levongestrel. In order for the effect of Postinor to be maximum, you need to take 2 tablets 12-16 hours apart.

It is necessary to take the first dose of Postinor in the first 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex. The sooner you take the first pill, the higher the likelihood that Postinor will help avoid pregnancy. So, on the first day after sex, the drug will work in 95% of cases; if the interval between sexual intercourse and taking Postinor was 24-48 hours, then in 85% of cases, and if more, only in 58% of cases. Taking Postinor later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse will not bring any effect.

12-16 hours after taking the first tablet, you must take the second Postinor tablet. If you vomit a few hours after taking the first or second tablet, you need to take another tablet.

Postinor can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle, early or late arrival of menstruation, chest pain, and spotting. The presence or absence of menstruation (or discharge) after taking Postinor does not indicate its effectiveness.

You can be sure that you are not pregnant only by doing it at least 3.5 weeks after intercourse. You can find out if you are pregnant earlier by taking a test. This can be done as early as 11 days after unprotected sex. Postinor does not distort the results of a pregnancy test or hCG blood test.

If menstruation does not come on time and lasts more than 5 days, take a pregnancy test and consult a gynecologist.

What if Postinor didn't help?

If you have taken Postinor, but pregnancy still occurs, contact your gynecologist. Taking this drug increases the risk, so you need to undergo a test that will show where the fetus is located.

Taking Postinor, as a rule, does not have an adverse effect on the development of the child, so there is no need to terminate the pregnancy (abortion). If you decide to have an abortion, tell your doctor.


ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.

Escapelle, like Postinor, contains a large dose of the hormone levongestrel, which prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. The only difference is that one Escapel tablet contains 150 mg of levongestrel, and you only need to take this drug once.

Escapelle should be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The greatest effectiveness is observed if the pill is taken on the first day after unprotected sex.

Escapelle may cause nausea or vomiting. If you vomit within 3 hours of taking the tablet, you will need to take a repeat dose of Escapelle.

As a result of taking Exapel, there may be a disruption of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of bloody discharge, chest pain. If your period is more than 5 days late, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test. Escapelle does not affect the result of a pregnancy test.

What if Escapelle didn't help?

If pregnancy does occur, contact your gynecologist. The doctor will perform an ultrasound and clarify where the fetus is located. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there is no need to interrupt it, since taking Escapel does not affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. If you do decide to have an abortion, tell your gynecologist.

How often can I take Postinor and Escapelle?

Postinor and Escapelle are intended for emergency situations and cannot be used for regular contraception. However, these drugs can be taken as many times as needed, even if the need arises a second time during the same menstrual cycle. There are no studies that would prove that repeated use of Postinor or Escapel is unsafe.

If you often need to take Postinor or Escapel, you need to seriously think about which one is right for you.

How many days does Postinor and Escapelle protect against pregnancy?

Postinor and Escapelle act only after sexual intercourse has taken place. Any subsequent unprotected sexual intercourse may cause pregnancy, even if you have recently taken Postinor or Escapelle.

What happens if you take Postinor or Escapelle during pregnancy?

These drugs are ineffective if pregnancy has already occurred. Taking Postinor or Escapel during pregnancy will not lead to its termination.

Gynepriston and Zhenale

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.

This modern means emergency contraception, which do not contain hormones, do not cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and others side effects, while being highly efficient.

Both of these drugs contain the same substance in the same dose. The only difference is in the manufacturing company. Ginepristone and Zhenale contain active substance Mifepristone 10 mg. Mifepristone, unlike Postinor and Escapel, is not a hormone, but it also prevents pregnancy by preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine cavity.

The Ginepristone or Zhenale tablet should be taken in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take the drug, the higher its effectiveness will be. If the pill is taken in the first 12 hours after sex, the effectiveness of the drug will be about 98%, if on the first day, then 95%, if later - 85-90%. These drugs are not effective if pregnancy has already occurred.

Important: in order for the drug to be as effective as possible, you should take a Ginepristone or Zhenale tablet 2 hours after meals and do not eat for 2 hours after taking the tablet. Within a week after taking the pill, it is not recommended to take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What if Ginepriston or Zhenale didn’t help?

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Emergency contraception Although it is harmful to the body, it still remains very, very popular. In some situations, the use of this kind of drugs is really the only way out of the situation, while in others it causes unjustified harm to the body. Let's look at the most popular emergency contraceptive drugs recommended by gynecologists, how to take them correctly, and what effects they have. side effects, what are the contraindications, etc.

When is emergency contraception needed?

The main reason for taking drugs for this purpose is unprotected sexual intercourse. Yes, despite widespread modern methods contraception and its convenience, some couples forget about it. It’s not at hand when you need it most condom or... it just breaks. Should you panic? in this case?

First, you should calm down and try to count what day menstrual cycle it's coming now. It's not so safe emergency contraception, pills taken can lead to unpleasant consequences. So, if you have unprotected sexual intercourse in the first or last 7-8 days of the menstrual cycle, and its (menstrual cycle) duration is the classic 28-30 days and it is regular, then most likely you should not take pills, since ovulation (the day when pregnancy may occur) falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Another common question is whether emergency contraception can be used in conjunction with planned contraception?

For example, in the first 14 days of the first cycle of taking oral contraceptives, you should use another method of contraception at the same time, since the first one has not yet fully “taken effect”. Or there was simultaneous use of OCs with antibiotics or other drugs that tend to reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. In this case, take additional medications “on top” emergency order" do not do it. In addition to OCs, non-hormonal contraception should be used. Another thing is the use of spermicides (if, for example, a suppository was inserted into the vagina not before sexual intercourse, but after or immediately before sexual intercourse, without waiting the recommended time interval of 5-10 minutes) or condoms (they tend to sometimes tear).

What to do if a woman is breastfeeding? Is emergency contraception necessary in this case?

Of course, it is better to avoid such situations, but if this does happen, you can use emergency medications. But in this case you will have to postpone breast-feeding for one day, until the drug is completely eliminated from the body.

Emergency contraceptives

Gynecologists offer several possible schemes taking medications.

The most famous and still popular is postinor. But it is considered an “old generation” drug that has a huge amount side effects. Reception is carried out as follows: within 48 hours (but no later than 72 hours) after sexual intercourse, a woman drinks one tablet, and after 12 hours - another one. Moreover, the earlier the first pill is taken, the higher the likelihood that emergency contraception will take effect, the drugs are taken for a reason, and pregnancy will not occur.

Escapelle is a more modern drug. His distinguishing feature- 1 tablet contains 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. In connection with this, there is no need to take a second pill (previous generation emergency contraceptive drugs contained 2 times less of this hormone, which is why a double dose was required). WHO advises giving preference to drugs that contain 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. Although both have side effects. Reactions different women taking pills is individual. Excapel should be taken no more than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

And finally, the third option is to drink regular combined oral contraceptives in a larger dosage according to a special scheme. Or take 3 tablets of Silest at a time (or its analogues - Regividon, Miniziston) and after 12 hours take 3 more tablets. Or take 4 tablets of Marvelon, and after 12 hours - the same amount.

The following rule applies to all the drugs described above - if vomiting or diarrhea occurs within 2-3 hours after taking them, it is likely that the tablets have not been fully absorbed and, accordingly, will not have a full effect, which means pregnancy is possible. You need to repeat the procedure.

What happens if pregnancy occurs?

Will this emergency contraception affect her and the health of her unborn child? Doctors agree that an abortion should not be done due to taking drugs; they will not have any effect on the child’s health. Another thing is if the drug is taken already during pregnancy (thus some people try to cause a miscarriage on their own), in which case problems may arise. However, on early The “all or nothing” principle applies, therefore, if a miscarriage did not occur in the early stages, most likely, everything turned out well, or rather, the screenings that the woman will undergo if she wants to continue the pregnancy will show.

Side effects

Emergency contraception should be used only in force majeure situations when there is no other option. It is advisable - no more than 2-3 times a year, and even better - if less often. The most common side effect from emergency contraceptive pills is uterine bleeding, which usually occurs a few days after taking them. But other women, on the contrary, experience delays in their periods and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Other common side effects are headaches, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting, and various allergic reactions.

There are other methods of postcoital contraception - effective, and not very effective. The first includes emergency installation of an intrauterine device (not always feasible in short time, since you need to pass a number of tests and undergo an ultrasound; In addition, there are many contraindications to installation). If this is done within 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, then even if the egg is fertilized, it most likely will not be able to implant into the wall of the uterus. This option suitable for women, who were planning to install a spiral anyway. A significant disadvantage is that the cervix may be injured, since only at the beginning of the menstrual cycle the cervix is ​​softened and more adapted to the safe insertion of an IUD.

Other methods are folk, with unproven effectiveness and even dangerous. With their help, women try to provoke the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule, but in fact, they want to cause a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. TO folk methods emergency contraception includes a “food” of sugar with iodine, ascorbic acid, parsley, hot baths, herbs like tansy and much, much more. But we do not recommend using these means.

Always remember that emergency contraception is quite dangerous, but less dangerous than abortion. Choose a reliable method of routine contraception.

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