Home Prevention For which character set is the statement true? Material for preparation for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in computer science and ICT (grade 9) on topic: A2

For which character set is the statement true? Material for preparation for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in computer science and ICT (grade 9) on topic: A2

IN modern world Absolutely every person has at least once suffered from any infectious disease caused by a certain pathogenic microorganism. One of the most common localizations of bacteria in human body is the urinary system. When these organs are damaged, such unpleasant symptoms, How:

If one or more of the following occurs listed signs You must immediately contact a urologist who will prescribe the appropriate tests and provide the necessary treatment.

For example, Urotropin is often used in such cases. What kind of drug this is, what its formula is, and what is included in Urotropin will be discussed in detail below.


The drug, which is produced by the Russian plant OJSC Metafrax, located in the Perm region, the city of Gubakha, has a substance called methenamine as its main active ingredient.

Externally, it is a powder consisting of rhombic crystals white, and also has a slight specific smell and sweet taste.

A characteristic feature of the drug is its rich history of use in medicine. It dates back about a hundred years, that is, for about a century the drug has been helping to effectively cope with some ailments.


"Urotropin" by its chemical nature belongs to the class of polycyclic amines. This organic matter, which contain several benzene rings, as well as nitrogen atoms.

Full name chemical formula"Hurotropine" is 1,3,5,7-tetraazotricyclodecane.

If we talk about how the nitrogen atoms included in the drug molecule are located, their arrangement is as follows.

It is called structural formula"Hurotropine", looking at which you can clearly see how nitrogen atoms are connected to each other by carbon bonds.

However, it often happens that such spellings of a substance are not always convenient. Therefore it is often used short formula"Hurotropine" - C 6 H 12 N 4.

Thus, methenamine consists of carbon and hydrogen atoms. In addition, the formula of "Urotropin" includes four more nitrogen atoms.

Components of the drug

Most often in medical and veterinary practice, an injection solution is used. Next, we will analyze in more detail the composition of "Urotropin".

Instructions for use indicate what it contains:

Release forms

On the pharmaceutical market the drug is presented in several forms:

  1. Injection solution For intravenous administration, having a concentration of 40%.
  2. Powder, which is packaged in bags.
  3. Tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g.

Indications for use

"Urotropin" is a universal drug. In addition, it has a fairly diverse list of conditions for which its use is relevant. These include:

  • Infectious diseases urinary system (cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis).
  • Hyperhidrosis. The drug is effectively used to eliminate sweating armpits, palms and feet.
  • "Urotropin" is widely used in veterinary medicine. Possessing an anti-inflammatory effect, it is able to quickly eliminate kidney diseases, Bladder, as well as mammary glands in cattle.

Contraindications for use

Like any other drug, Urotropin has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • Childhood up to 6 years old.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Kidney or liver failure.
  • Dehydrated state of the body.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no scientifically proven data on the safety of use by women during this period, so it is better for this group of people to refrain from treatment with Urotropin.

Side effects

In some cases, "Urotropin" is able to provide Negative influence on the body, especially on kidney and bladder function.

Major unwanted adverse reactions are as follows:

  • Allergic reaction in the form of an itchy rash on skin. This symptom disappears quickly and without a trace after stopping the drug.
  • Hematuria is the appearance of blood in the urine.
  • Proteinuria is the appearance of protein in the urine.
  • Frequent urination.

If such negative reactions occur, you must immediately consult a doctor in order to decide whether to stop treatment with Urotropin or adjust its dosage.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, away from sunlight and out of reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

"Urotropin" is prescription drug, so it cannot be found in the public domain. When selling it, the pharmacist (or pharmacist) will definitely ask for availability. prescription form, which must be prescribed by the attending physician.

Cost of medicine

"Urotropin" (formula C 6 H 12 N 4) is a cheap drug. Its cost does not exceed 100 rubles per package.


"Urotropin" is a unique medicine that has wide range actions.

The main advantages of the drug are its low cost, as well as its high efficiency, time-tested.

Disadvantage - the presence of a whole list side effects, due to the occurrence of which some patients have to stop the course of treatment with Urotropin and contact the doctor again so that he can change the medication.

It should be remembered that the product can negatively affect the body, so it is unacceptable to use it independently without a doctor’s prescription.

It is a fine crystalline powder of white color, sweet and then bitter taste, odorless. Easily soluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, methanol and acetone. Insoluble in diethyl and petroleum ether. When heated, it evaporates without melting. Burns with a pale flame. Aqueous solutions have an alkaline reaction. In an acidic environment it breaks down, releasing formaldehyde.
Density: 1.27 g/cm³. Melting point 263° C, decomposition temperature 280° C.

Chemical formula: C 6 H 12 N 4.

It is obtained by the method of contact transformation of methanol into formaldehyde, which reacts with ammonia in the liquid phase to form hexamine crystals, followed by its isolation by methods of precipitation and centrifugation, drying and stabilization with silicon dioxide.

Technical methenamine is used in the production of plastics, synthetic rubber, varnish films; V analytical chemistry for the preparation of buffer solutions, for microcrystalloscopic discovery of a number of ions; in the production of explosives (raw materials for the production of hexogen) and hexamethylene triperoxide diamine; as a corrosion inhibitor.
Used in medicine as medicine(antiseptic) for the treatment of urinary tract and anti-influenza agent.
In the food industry, hexamethylenetetramine is used as a preservative additive E239. Often used in cheese making, as well as for preserving red caviar.
In everyday life it is used as a dry fuel (“dry alcohol”) for cooking (warming) food, for lighting and calcining stoves, warming cellars, garages, etc.

Depending on the purpose, technical urotropine is produced in the following brands:
K - coarse-crystalline;
C - with different crystal contents (polydisperse);
M - fine-crystalline.

Physico-chemical indicators of urotropine technical GOST 1381-73.:
Indicator name Standard for brand and variety
Higher First
Appearance White coarse-crystalline non-caking powder White crystalline caking powder White fine-crystalline caking powder
Mass fraction of amines, %, not less 99,5 99,5 98,0 99,5
Mass fraction of water, %, no more 0,5 0,5 2,0 0,5
Residue after calcination, %, no more 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,03
Permanganate number, min, not less 120 20 20 -
Residue after sifting on a sieve with mesh:
No. 2.5K, % absence - - -
No. 0355K, %, not less 80 - - -
No. 014K, %, not less 90 - - -
No. 008K, %, no more - - - 0,5

Safety requirements for technical hexamine.
Technical methenamine is a flammable substance, and according to the degree of impact on the body, it belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class. If it comes into contact with the skin, methenamine has a highly irritating effect, sometimes causing eczema with severe itching, quickly passing after stopping work with it.
When working with methenamine, special clothing, safety shoes, gloves, individual means respiratory protection. The skin must be protected with protective ointments.
The maximum permissible concentration of dust in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 9 mg/m³.
A flammable substance, settled dust is a fire hazard. Aerosol is explosive. The self-ignition temperature of the airgel is 343° C. Extinguish - with sprayed water or foam.
Work with technical hexamine should be carried out in rooms equipped with supply and exhaust and local ventilation.

Packaging, transportation and storage.
Technical grade K hexamine is packaged in polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride bags, enclosed in four- or six-layer unimpregnated paper bags, or in open five-layer paper glued bags with two layers laminated with polyethylene. Net weight - 50 kg.
Technical grade C hexamine is packaged in five- and six-layer paper bitumen bags, in which inner layer must not be bitumenized; two four-layer unimpregnated paper bags, nested one inside the other; laminated bags; film liner bags or polyethylene bags placed in three-layer paper bags. Net weight - 50 kg.
Technical grade M methenamine is packaged in polyethylene bags placed in plywood drums or vinyl leatherette bags. Net weight - 20 kg.
Technical methenamine is transported by any type of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods in force for this type of transport.
Technical methenamine is stored in dry warehouses.

Hexamethylenetetramine (Urotropin)

Preparation of hexamethylenetetramine

Hexamethylenetetramine is a product of the reaction of a solution of formaldehyde with ammonia. It was first obtained by A. M. Butlerov (1860), but only 35 years after its discovery it began to be used in medicine.

The raw materials for the production of hexamethylenetetramine are a 40% solution of formaldehyde in water and ammonia water. 25% ammonia water is added to the formaldehyde solution, the mixture is stirred and the temperature is maintained within 40-50 °C.

After the reaction is complete, the reaction mixture should be alkaline and smell of ammonia. Add to the mixture Activated carbon, filter it, the filtrate is evaporated in vacuum to a paste-like mass. When cooled, crystals of hexamethylenetetramine crystallize. They are sucked off, washed and dried at a temperature of 30-35 °C. The resulting hexamethylenetetramine is recrystallized from alcohol.

Hexamethylenetetramine is a white crystalline powder, very hygroscopic. Has no smell. The taste is pungent, sweet at first, then bitter. The drug is highly soluble in water and alcohol, soluble in chloroform, and almost insoluble in ether. Aqueous solutions of hexamethylenetetramine have a slightly alkaline reaction. When heated, they evaporate without melting.

Pharmacological properties of hexamethylenetetramine


Urotropine, Aminoform, Cystamine, Cystogen, Formamin, Hexamethylentetramin, Hexamina, Methenamine, Metramine, Urisol, Urotropinum, etc.

Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder with a pungent and sweet, and then bitter taste, odorless. Easily soluble in water (1:1.5) and alcohol (1:10). When heated, it evaporates without melting. Burns with a pale flame. Aqueous solutions have an alkaline reaction (pH of 40% solution 7.8 - 8.2).

For intravenous administration, the solution is prepared aseptically.

Pharmacological properties:

The preparation of hexamethylenetetramine was the first experiment (1899) in the creation medicinal substance, which is now called a prodrug (Phenyl salicylate). When hexamethylenetetramine breaks down in the body (in an acidic environment), formaldehyde is released, which has an antiseptic property when excreted in the urine.

Hexamethylenetetramine is used as antiseptic at infectious processes V urinary tract(cystitis, pyelitis). When urine is alkaline, formaldehyde is not eliminated and therapeutic effect not noted. In these cases, substances are prescribed that shift the urine reaction to the acidic side (Ammonium chloride). To prevent the breakdown of hexamethylenetetramine in the stomach, it is prescribed on an empty stomach. If necessary, a solution of hexamethylenetetramine is administered intravenously.

Indications for the use of hexamethylenetetramine are also cholecystitis and cholangitis, allergic skin diseases(urticaria, erythema multiforme, etc.), eye diseases (iridocyclitis, keratitis, etc.). The drug is also used for meningitis, encephalitis, and arachnoiditis.

Currently, due to the availability of more effective means, hexamethylenetetramine wide application does not have.


Prescribed orally in tablets and solutions for adults at 0.5 - 1.0 g per dose, for children - 0.1 - 0.5 g; taken several times a day. 5-10 ml of a 40% solution is injected into a vein.

Side effects: Hexamethylenetetramine can cause irritation of the renal parenchyma and in some cases contribute to the spread of the disease process in pyelitis. If signs of kidney irritation are detected, stop taking the drug.

Release forms: powder; tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g; 40% solution in ampoules of 5 and 10 ml.

Storage: in a well-closed container; solutions - at a temperature not higher than +20 C.

Hexamethylenetetramine is integral part combination tablets"Calceks" and "Urobesal". The previously produced Urosal tablets, which contained 0.3 g each of hexamethylenetetramine and phenyl salicylate, were excluded from the range of medicines.

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