Home Hygiene General Panteleev Pyotr Valentinovich. On the issue of organizing the interaction of troops (forces) in the preparation of modern operations

General Panteleev Pyotr Valentinovich. On the issue of organizing the interaction of troops (forces) in the preparation of modern operations

The faculty begins its history with classes of students, which were determined by the Charter of the Imperial Military Academy, created in 1832. Subsequently, with an increase in the number of students, both the staff of this unit and its name changed. The students began to be called listeners, and the classes received the name courses, and later became the main faculty of the academy. Their main purpose, fundamentally, has always remained almost unchanged - the training of highly qualified military personnel with higher military education for service in staff and command positions in the troops and military command and control agencies.

During its activity, the Military Academy of the General Staff has trained thousands of generals, admirals, officers, and most of them are graduates of the main faculty, who have always been distinguished by a high culture of behavior, selfless devotion to the Motherland, honor, dignity and personal courage.

The Faculty is rightfully proud of its famous graduates. 462 graduates of the faculty were awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 45 - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, 4 - Hero of Socialist Labor, 28 - Hero of the Russian Federation. Among them, three times Hero of the Soviet Union I.N. Kozhedub, A.I. Pokryshkin, Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor I.M. Tretyak.

On December 1, 2009, the main faculty was renamed the Faculty of National Security and State Defense of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Faculty of National Security and State Defense is one of the main structural educational units of the academy, worthily bearing the name of the outstanding military leader, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky - a graduate of the first intake of the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army recreated in 1936.

The faculty is intended to train specialists in the field of ensuring national security and state defense for military command and control bodies of the operational, operational-strategic and strategic levels of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, military formations, as well as state and municipal government bodies.

The main task of the faculty is to provide training to students in the field of “National Security and State Defense” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and qualification requirements for military professional training.

The focus of training students at the faculty is of an interservice operational-strategic nature, regardless of their affiliation with the branches, branches of the Armed Forces, National Guard troops, military formations and bodies. At the same time the main educational program training allows students coming from the Aerospace Forces and Navy, additionally study in the main specialty previously obtained in specialized military educational institutions. Training at the faculty of officers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus allows us to qualitatively solve issues of joint actions in solving the problems of national security of the union state.

Since September 1, 2013, training has been organized for students in master’s programs in the direction of “National Security and State Defense” with a duration of study of 2 years.

The successful development of the master's training program is facilitated by the targeted involvement of 100% of the faculty students in scientific activities during participation in meetings of military scientific sections. The activities of the military scientific society make it possible to successfully reveal the problems facing undergraduates when writing master's and candidate's dissertations, preparing scientific works for a competition held within the Ministry of Defense, the CSTO and the Advanced Research Foundation, when writing abstracts, articles, participating in the development of textbooks (teaching aids) and research work.

Students are trained according to a single program in courses, half-courses in mixed groups of 10-12 people. Groups are formed from representatives various types and branches of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Federal service troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

To conduct group exercises, seminars and other types of training sessions, each group is allocated classrooms equipped with personal computers, interactive whiteboards and other means of displaying information based on multimedia technologies.

Personal computers are combined into local network, which provides students with the opportunity to use the faculty’s information and reference system ( electronic textbooks, materials from lectures and group classes, various calculation problems, all kinds of background information) and exchange information. In addition, students have free access to a specialized Internet room and the opportunity to obtain the necessary information from the Internet resources of various funds, archives and libraries.

Implementation technical means made it possible to use various forms and methods of teaching students, and to make wider use of illustrative material during classes.

Currently, the head of the Faculty of National Security and State Defense is Candidate of Military Sciences, Lieutenant General Pyotr Valentinovich Panteleev.

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Organization of the room service of a modern hotel and ways to improve it (using the example of the Peter I Hotel)

Analysis of the organization of the room service at the Peter I Hotel 2.1.<...>General characteristics of the hotel "Peter I" Hotel "Peter I" (5-*), chosen by us as the object of study<...>Moscow, where the Peter I Hotel is now located, has a rich history.<...>At the Peter I Hotel there is a clear division into departments.<...>“Peter I” a survey of guests was conducted.

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No. 2 [Higher education in Russia, 1998]

The journal publishes research results current state higher education in Russia, issues of theory and practice of humanitarian, natural science and engineering higher education are discussed. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results of scientific research in the following areas: philosophy, sociology and cultural studies; pedagogy and psychology; story.

Kuzmichev A., Petrov R.<...>These are the opening lines of the novel "Peter the Great".<...>"(Peter and Alexey) (1905).<...>If you read in parallel “Peter the First” by A. Tolstoy and “Antichrist (Peter and Alexei)” by D. Merezhkovsky, the first<...>"Peter" by D. Merezhkovsky is the torment of homeless wanderings through the confusion of life, "Peter" by A. Tolstoy is joy

Preview: Higher education in Russia No. 2 1998.pdf (0.3 Mb)


Features of personnel management of a hotel enterprise (using the example of the Peter I Hotel)

Checked through the text borrowing search system

The object of the study is the activities of the Peter I hotel.<...>The subject of the study is the personnel management system at the Peter I Hotel.<...>Research in bachelor's work is the hotel "Peter I".<...>The Peter I Hotel has a social security program.<...>He will report directly to the general director of the Peter I Hotel.

Preview: Features of personnel management in a hotel enterprise (using the example of the Peter I Hotel).pdf (0.3 Mb)


The article is devoted to the story of the Russian fleet. About the Baltic Fleet and the gap in strategic space.

anti-submarine ship Chabanenko" is waiting for him in the Northern Fleet, the cruiser "Peter" is being completed in St. Petersburg


New technologies for stimulating and motivating staff using the example of the Peter I Hotel

Checked through the text borrowing search system

Organizational and economic characteristics of the Peter I Hotel ... 32 2.2.<...>The object of research activity is the Peter I hotel.<...>is the hotel "Peter I".<...>Technologies for stimulating and motivating staff at the Peter I Hotel Each employee of the Peter Hotel<...>These provisions must be reflected in the mission of the Peter I Hotel.

Preview: New technologies for stimulating and motivating staff using the example of the Peter I Hotel.pdf (0.7 Mb)


The article provides a literary-critical analysis of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's epic novel "The Red Wheel" - about Russia 1914-1917, about the First World War, the February and October revolutions 1917, one of the main literary works Solzhenitsyn.

This is what Leo Tolstoy wrote about the era of Peter the Great.<...>the general and the doorman stopped them - and only one room in the house was not damaged at all: Peter’s office<...>In parentheses it is given the name "Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin", and it tells about the heroic single combat of the


The article is dedicated to notes on the margins of "Eugene Onegin"

A tribe will be born that will not be sorry to die. Peter. * * * Sorry: I don’t know how to pronounce How guesses<...>a whole bunch of oddities Once, speaking to teachers, I offered them the following phrase for evaluation: “Peter


No. 25-26 [Rural Nov (Trans-Baikal Territory), 2012]

Public information newspaper of Akshinsky district

"PETER STOLYPIN. SHOT AT RUSSIA.<...>Vitya, Sveta, Nina, Peter, Valya and Vladimir. Dear Polina!

Preview: Selskaya Nov (public information newspaper of the Akshinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory) No. 25-26 2012.pdf (0.7 Mb)



This book presents the film scripts of Mikhail Papava: “Georgiy Skanderbeg”, “Academician Ivan Pavlov”, “Bykovtsy (Native Fields)”, which reveal the screenwriter’s talent: his ability to convey depth in a convincing artistic form inner life person, the art of sculpting a multifaceted image, precise and vivid language.

What’s happening,” said Kosoy, confused, “how do you understand, Pyotr Semenych?”<...>Shchepetov is already standing in the crowd, lighting a cigarette. 62 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency - Peter<...>Elective jumps up, embarrassed. s 65 Copyright JSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" - "Peter<...>And the ends... - Tyutkov adds, smiling. - What about his Peter?

Preview: Bykovtsy.pdf (1.3 Mb)


No. 8 [Professional library of a school librarian. Episode 2, 2017]

Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 5 “Peter the Great” 1929–1945 Portrait of Peter the Great<...>Petrov), “Peter’s Youth” and “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds” (1980. Directed by S.<...>I". ... I finished the second part of “Peter” in 1934. both published parts of “Peter” are just an introduction<...>Answer. about the era of Peter the Great a.n. Tolstoy wrote the stories “Obsession” (1917) and “The Day of Peter” (1918)<...>The comparison is no less contrasting: Peter - the Swedish king Charles XII and Peter - the Polish Elector Augustus.

Preview: Professional library of a school librarian. Series 2 No. 8 2017.pdf (0.5 Mb)


No. 93-94 [Rural Nov (public information newspaper of the Akshinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory), 2012]

Public information newspaper of Akshinsky district

Then she moved to the tugboat "Petr Shchetinkin" as a fireman.

Preview: Selskaya Nov (public information newspaper of the Akshinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory) No. 93-94 2012.pdf (1.0 Mb)


Final qualification work of a method specialist. instructions for completing theses

The guidelines contain recommendations for writing final qualifying works of specialists, requirements for their execution, issues of organizing research on a chosen topic, a description of the procedure for preliminary and final defense of final qualifying work, samples (forms) of documents used in its preparation.

From the moment of the guarantee system to 01/01/2002 2001 2002 1 AB "Eurasia" 5.1 3.2 1.9 2 MB "Peter"<...>

Preview: Graduate qualification work of a specialist.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Final qualifying work for bachelors method. instructions

The guidelines contain the main stages of completing the final qualifying work (GQR), requirements for its design and writing. IN methodological guidelines the procedure for preliminary and final defense of final works is described, samples (forms) of documents used in its preparation are given. Methodological instructions will help students complete their final bachelor's work in accordance with the requirements for this type of work.

bank From the moment of the guarantee system to 01/01/02 2001 2002 1 AB "Eurasia" 5.1 3.2 1.9 2 MB "Peter"<...>Petrov (16 pt) Note – Label dimensions 130×170 mm Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Agency

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The article is devoted to literary criticism of the work of A. S. Pushkin, namely the poem " Bronze Horseman" - one of the most mysterious works of Russian literature.

The poet is amazed by Peter’s behavior: “There is a legend: on the day of the prince’s death, the triumphant Menshikov took Peter away<...>At the same time, Peter feasted with the shipwrights."<...>At the same time, “Peter boasted of his cruelty.”<...>It is not for nothing that Peter is called “the ruler of fate.”<...>And it is no coincidence that the poet discards the initial options: “By the terrible will of Peter,” “Peter by the iron


No. 1 [Food and processing industry. Abstract Journal, 2007]

Petrov V.S., Guguchkina T.I., Aleynikova G.Yu., Chekmareva M.G. // Winemaking and viticulture.-2005.<...>Mamonova E.Yu., Petrov V.V., Davidenko L.I. // Food industry: integration of science, education and<...>1" (JTI "Petro"), "Ermak" (JSC "Donskoy Tabak").<...>B.C. 180 Petrov V.V. 266 Petukhova Z.E. 169 Pisklov V.P. 267, 269 Written V.V. 131, 136 Plotnikova<...>1" (JTI "Petro"), "Ermak" (JSC "Donskoy Tabak").


No. 5 [Posev, 1996]

The most dangerous “breakdown” began even under Peter the Great.<...>Yes, under Peter I, unfortunately, we began to diverge from the church.<...>Don't touch Peter I!<...>Let's not forget what a terrible inheritance Peter received.<...>What remained for Peter! Peter is also great in that he limited this church a little.

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Master's thesis method. instructions

These guidelines contain the rules for preparing, writing and defending a master's thesis. The guidelines address the issues of organizing a master's student's dissertation research on a chosen topic and provide forms of documents used in preparing master's theses.

bank From the moment of the guarantee system to 01/01/10 2009 2010 1 AB "Eurasia" 5.1 3.2 1.9 2 MB "Peter"

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Library life in Kuzbass. Vol. 4 (17): collection

In issue 4 collections "Library Life of Kuzbass" for 1997 examine issues of work and information environment, cultural and leisure activities of children's libraries in Kuzbass. Materials from competitions, festivals and other public events are provided.

Conversations and dialogues:  “Peter I and his time”;  "The Terrible Tsar Ivan." Book exhibition "Native Antiquity".<...>Petrov T. “Where the dolls are so similar to people.” //Tram. 1991. N 10. P. 7-9. 3.<...>Criticism of Peter I. III. You must be able to bring from the archive: 1. The first teacher. 2.


No. 1 [Posev, 1998]

Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

Under Peter Veli L P O S E V N "-" 1-2 1 9 9 8 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency<...>Ter-Petros on ("Kamo") and young I. Dzhugashvili-Stalin.<...>While the museum was a public organization, it was headed by Petr Gromov, and a group formed around him.<...>Pyotr Pustota is a symbolist poet who writes “Poems of Captain Lebyadkin”, “Songs of the Kingdom of I”, “some horses<...>Peter Pustota simultaneously resides in 1919 in Chapaev’s division and in the 17th psychiatric clinic of our

Preview: Seeding No. 1 1998.pdf (7.4 Mb)


No. 4 [Bulletin of Perm University. Series Mathematics. "Mechanics. Informatics", 2018]

The publication includes original research, review articles, scientific notes relating to all areas indicated in the title of the journal, and above all their current problems and open questions. The journal is of interest to scientists working in these areas, as it provides an opportunity to exchange experiences, as well as for graduate students and students of physics and mathematics at universities. The founder of the magazine is the Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Perm State National Research University" (formerly the State educational institution of higher professional education "Perm State University"), responsible for the publication is the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Perm – secretary of “Mathematics” Simonov Petr Mikhailovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. PGNIU.<...>Perm Trusov Petr Valentinovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. PNIPU. Perm ”Informatics.<...>paintings and illustrations in the text “Knowledge for All”, published by the famous Russian publisher Peter<...>awarded the Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Prize from the Russian Astronomical Society and Emperor Peter<...>Shareholder. island "Peter Barsky in Kyiv", 1913. , 112 pp., 1 volume: ill., drawing. 5. Pokrovsky K.D.

Preview: Bulletin of Perm University. Series Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics No. 4 2018.pdf (0.7 Mb)


No. 2 [Pedagogical sciences, 2018]

Pedagogical Sciences

Menshikov, who received it as a gift from Peter I after the end of the war, called his new possession Sarskaya<...>In 1710, the same Peter assigned the manor to his future wife Catherine, including these lands as part of the palace lands<...>He was also given the decrees of Catherine II and Peter I to read, which he signed in a special thick notebook<...>His service was his pen, his “Peter the Great,” his poems, his works...” Pushkin was bored at the board

Preview: Pedagogical Sciences No. 2 2018.pdf (1.6 Mb)


It was heavily smoky. Apparently they got into an argument and smoked one after another. Hammers and mallets of various sizes protruded from a thick oak pillar to the left of the entrance. Malnikov placed his chef's hat on the conceptual hanger and walked deeper into the room.

<...>From dear Pyotr Valentinovich. Catching his name, Malnikov straightened up in his chair and froze.<...>Malnikov almost cursed: she was everywhere... the light came together like a wedge... - Oh, Pyotr Valentinovich!<...>The robe opened even further. - Sleep, Pyotr Valentinovich?<...>Eh, Pyotr Valentinovich? At the crossing, as you remember, horses are not changed.


No. 8 [New literature on social and human sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree, 2011]

It is a continuation of the bibliographic indexes “New Soviet literature on literary criticism” and “New foreign literature on literary criticism”. Published monthly. Contains information about domestic and foreign literature on the theory and history of literary criticism, literature of all countries and peoples, folklore, entering the library of INION RAS. The publication is intended for use in scientific, educational, bibliographic and reference activities. The index includes information about books and articles from magazines and collections. Each issue is equipped with auxiliary author and subject indexes.

Images of Peter I and Charles XII in Russian and Swedish panegyric poetry.<...>Pyotr Ershov: lawyer, poet-storyteller... plagiarist? // Lex russica. – M., 2010. – No. 6. – P. 1219-1225.<...>Pushkin's "Arap of Peter the Great" and "The Captain's Daughter" // Materials on Russian-Slavic linguistics.<...>Based on the novels "Peter and Alexey" by D.S.<...>From notes on the prose of Peter Potemkin: the poetics of the frame (II) // Criticism and semiotics. – Novosibirsk, 2010. –

Preview: New literature on social sciences and humanities. Literary criticism Bibliography. decree. No. 8 2011.pdf (2.0 Mb)


No. 178 [Grani, 1995]

JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, ARTS, SCIENCE AND SOCIAL THOUGHT. Among the authors of "Fringes" in different years there were such writers and poets as A. Akhmatova, L. Borodin, I. Bunin, Z. Gippius, Yu. Dombrovsky, B. Zaitsev, N. Lossky, A. Kuprin, V. Soloukhin, M. Tsvetaeva, O. P. Ilyinsky.

Petrov-Agatov, B. Lobas, Y. Karabchievsky, V. Betaki, Y. Voznesenskaya, G. Podyapolsky, V. Soloukhin.<...>Something was wrong here, something else happened to Petrovich.<...>Marvkun Petr Petrovich."<...>Do you remember, Peter looked from the unfinished steep slopes. Remember, I was Sophia. So that you can reign.<...>Under the general editorship of Peter ("ko sy reva Moscow. 1940.

Preview: Facets No. 178 1995.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Some issues of modern bibliology

Publishing house of the State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS

The collection consists of articles by graduate students of the State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS. The materials of the publication include information about various aspects of the development of the book business in Siberia and the Far East, highlight contemporary problems of the social existence of Russian-language book publications outside of Russia, and contain an analysis of the development of regional library science, bibliographic science and bibliology in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries.

Feuchtwanger, "Peter the Great" by A.<...>Examples include the photo booklet "Menshikov in Berezovo" (1993), the calendar "Surgut. 1996", the catalog "Peter<...>Petrov, the first collections were written very vividly, intelligently, with knowledge of the matter, focusing on the fact that<...>Classics of the East // East. - 1923. - No. 2. - P. 137-141. 8Petrov K.

Preview: Some issues of modern bibliology.pdf (1.6 Mb)


No. 4 [Food and processing industry. Abstract Journal, 2008]

In 1999, the first issue of the abstract journal “Food and Processing Industry” was published. Since 2000, the Central Scientific Research Library has been published quarterly. The magazine is an organ of current information about domestic and foreign literature on the food industry. The publication is intended for scientists, specialists and practitioners in the food industry and can serve as a reference tool for librarians and workers of scientific and technical information bodies. The annual volume of RJ is about 1200 publications. The publication includes information about the most significant articles from scientific and scientific-practical journals and collections received by the Central Scientific Research Library and reflecting the global documentary flow in all sectors of the food industry.

REGION We studied the chemical composition of 2 varieties of natural roasted Arabica coffee beans “Prince Lebo” and “Peter”<...>A higher content of reducing sugars was found in coffee of the Peter the Great variety, the same variety<...>We studied the chemical composition of 2 varieties of natural roasted Arabica coffee beans “Prince Lebo” and “Peter”<...>A higher content of reducing sugars was found in coffee of the Peter the Great variety, the same variety


English for graduate students and job seekers. allowance

The proposed textbook is intended for work in groups of graduate students, applicants and researchers preparing to take the candidate exam in English. It can also be used when working in student groups with in-depth study of the English language. The purpose of the manual is to develop communication skills of various types speech activity, as well as skills in annotating and summarizing scientific literature. The manual consists of seven sections, each of which includes several original texts on the topic of the section, as well as a complex of conditional speech and speech exercises, samples of communicative situations of dialogic and monologue speech, which corresponds to the principles of modern communicative methods. When selecting texts, the author sought to ensure that each text was of a general scientific nature and was rich in vocabulary related to scientific work. The active lexical and grammatical minimum is determined by the topics of the manual.

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Times are changing, and faith in God is no longer something shameful - they no longer look at it as a form of special consolation. Opposition to or ridicule of a religious worldview is gradually being laughed at by a benevolent half-recognition, and religiosity is now often considered one of the good signs of true civilization.

e ts A l e x a n d r Borisov cites, to his benefit, such an argument “Peter<...>had almost a Christian kept, through committing voshunst the newcomer was likened to “the denied Peter<...>OJSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" of the Great Market, or from the decisive and cruelty of Peter


Library life in Kuzbass. Vol. 4 (30): collection

In issue 4 collections "Library Life of Kuzbass" for 2000 discuss the issues of book supply to libraries and the preservation of library collections. Materials from the Memory of Russia Project are provided, a brief consultation “On the financial responsibility of librarians for shortages in library collections”, memos on working in structural divisions with publications, on drawing up acts.

"History of Imperial Russia from Peter the Great to Nicholas II."<...>History of Imperial Russia from Peter the Great to Nicholas II; 5. Boffa D.<...>The following acquisition sources received the same rating: "Society of Book Lovers", bookselling companies "Peter

Preview: Library life of Kuzbass. Vol. 4 (30) collection.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 3 [Posev, 1996]

Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

<...>Many, like the “blackamoor of Peter the Great” Abram Hannibal, bought places near the walls of the Svyatogorsk Monastery for<...>In a pro, CONVERSION tive case, our closest successors will have to start everything from scratch, like Peter the Great<...>Evgeny Bystritsky, political scientist Alexander Dergachev and Muscovite, regular contributor to Svoboda, writer Petr<...>Many, like the “blackamoor of Peter the Great” Abram Hannibal, bought places near the walls of the Svyatogorsk Monastery for

Preview: Seeding No. 3 1996 (1).pdf (1.7 Mb)


English for postgraduate students. manual for graduate students of all areas of training

The textbook is intended for graduate students and applicants for full-time and part-time study, studying in the humanities, natural sciences, engineering and technical areas of training.

7.11.3 Translation into English of responses to statements like: “Peter plays tennis well.

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Teachers of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy (1955–2005)

The book is part of a series of publications dedicated to the first great anniversary of the Kemerovo State medical academy- her 50th birthday. It contains a list of names of teachers who have worked and are currently working at the academy.

Kaminsky Valentin Valentinovich of surgical diseases No. 1 512.<...>Osinsky Vladimir Valentinovich of internal diseases No. 3 930.<...>Petrov Georgy Petrovich hospital surgery 982. Petrov Igor Valerievich philosophy 983.<...>Utkin Evgeniy Valentinovich obstetrics and gynecology No. 2 1369.<...>Tsapok Petr Ivanovich biochemistry 1430.

Preview: Teachers of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy (1955–2005).pdf (1.5 Mb)


No. 7 [Smena, 2014]

Detective stories, science fiction, action-packed novels, prose of modern authors, essays about great artists and the fate of the masterpieces they created, materials about bright, fateful events in Russian and world history, publications of the best but forgotten works of Russian prose, incredible and amazing facts and the phenomena of the world around us.

This was the only dynasty that “made it into the people” before Peter the Great.<...> <...>close to Peter I, the Stroganovs avoided it.<...>As it turned out, to the great benefit of Pyotr Alekseevich himself.<...>close to Peter I, the Stroganovs avoided it.

Preview: Shift No. 7 2014.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 9 [Moscow magazine. History of the Russian State, 2008]

The magazine was founded in 1791 by N. M. Karamzin and resumed in 1991. This is a literary, artistic, historical and local history publication of the Moscow Government. Frequency – 1 issue per month. Circulation – 5000 copies. The magazine is one of the few publications that exclusively covers the events of the past and present of Russia based solely on documentary facts. All spheres of Russian life in their past and present are reflected here, unique documents from state and private archives, historical and local history articles, memoirs, biographical essays about the most prominent figures of Russian statehood, science and culture are published. The publication has general social objectives aimed at shaping the cultural image of a citizen. Historical and local history material published in the magazine strengthens and fosters such socially significant feelings as patriotism, love for the Motherland, responsibility for its fate, humanism, and generally improves the image of government authorities. The authors of the magazine, addressed to both specialists and a wide range of readers, are famous historians, archivists, and local historians. The magazine's readers are people of all ages and professions. For the promotion of high ethical and moral principles, the magazine was awarded the Distinction Mark of the exhibition “Press-2006”, “Press-2007” - “Golden Fund of the Press”. It is recommended to Russian libraries for acquiring collections. Over the years, the editors have prepared and published special issues dedicated to the anniversaries of individual cities or regions of the Russian Federation. We invite you to take part in a joint project to publish a magazine issue, which will be fully or partially dedicated to the anniversary of your museum.

Since 1907, the son of Pyotr Petrovich, Mikhail, joined them.<...>A child in the arms of a grandmother (on the left) is the father of the author of the stories, Pyotr Andreevich Petrov.<...>- Peter. - We write down: Petrov.<...>Petrov, V.P.<...>Erzi Alexander Valentinovich even set up a workshop.

Preview: Moscow magazine. History of the Russian State No. 9 2008.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 227 (7095) [Russian newspaper - federal issue + Union. Belarus-Russia, 2016]

Daily national newspaper (official publisher of government documents). Published since 1990.

According to CSTP expert Petr Bizyukov, workers in difficult conditions “use new tools of pressure<...>Pavlovich 26365 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – Yakut single-mandate electoral district No. 24 1 Ammosov Petr<...>– Central single-mandate electoral district No. 55 1 Baburin Evgeniy Alekseevich 3799 2 Vychuzhanin Petr<...>Olga Viktorovna 4890 5 Limpio Alexander Sergeevich 7583 6 Natarov Sergey Vasilievich 25410 7 Polezhaev Petr<...>Mikhailovich 4139 4 Kobzev Yuri Viktorovich 85849 5 Kolomeytsev Nikolay Vasilievich 38549 6 Malyshevsky Petr

Preview: Rossiyskaya Gazeta - federal issue No. 227(7093) 2016.pdf (0.4 Mb)


January 18. The seventh evening of the video memoir project “The Owl of Minerva” took place at the Russian State University for the Humanities. The guests watched fragments of interviews with Elena Vasilyevna Fedorova, Tatyana Vladimirovna Tsivyan, Elena Vladimirovna Pasternak, as well as the memories of Igor Aleksandrovich Melchuk about Sergei Ivanovich Sobolevsky and the reflections of Grigory Mikhailovich Dashevsky on classical philology.

At the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Valery Valentinovich Petrov read a report “Plato and Platonism in Sigismund<...>Petrov, M.S. Petrova, M.M. Pozdnev, A.A. Rossius and others. March 13–14.<...>Valery Valentinovich Petrov and Irina Aleksandrovna Protopopova performed in the “Platonic Gnosis” section<...>At the IVKA RSUH, Andrei Valentinovich Lebedev gave a report on the topic “Grammatical analogy in early Greek<...>Petrov and A.A. Rossius. The round table was chaired by D.V. Bull. October 21.


No. 6 [Posev, 1984]

Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

On April 8, in Moscow, at the age of 90, academician Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, one of the largest<...>that the citizen who tried to flash the fuel with a gun was none other than “Peter”

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Labor law. Complete list of dissertations. 1934–2017

M.: Prospekt

This work is a list of dissertations on labor law, compiled on individual topics that were prepared and defended in the USSR and Russia since the mid-30s. XX century to February 2017. As a result of the study, the chronology of dissertation defenses on each individual topic was identified, and issues on which dissertation research is currently lacking were identified. The work also provides information about all scientists who defended their dissertations for the scientific degree Doctors of Law, including information about their age at the time of defense and the period of time between the defense of their candidate and doctoral dissertations. The book may be useful when choosing a topic scientific research on labor law and preparation of scientific works.

The system of labor legal relations of a developed socialist society before 1985 3 Kuzmenko Alexander Valentinovich<...>2002 14 Veselova Ekaterina Rodionovna Local standards labor law by 2004 15 Khnykin Gennady Valentinovich<...>Ryabovol Ivan Mikhailovich Incentives for work under Soviet labor law by 1978 8 Khnykin Gennady Valentinovich<...>Petrov Alexey Yakovlevich 1978 1992 Nurgalieva Enlik Nurgalievna 1979 1993<...>Khnykin Gennady Valentinovich 1984 2005 18 22 years 3 Stavtseva Antonina Ilyinichna 1951 1973

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The most common implements for surface tillage are tooth harrows, which, despite their simplicity of design, have several disadvantages. The teeth, like a rake, accumulate old plant debris and require periodic manual cleaning. They do not perform one of their functions – the destruction of weed seedlings – effectively due to the fact that the weeds pulled out by the teeth remain in the soil and, with sufficient moisture, take root again. If the field surface is blocky, then the harrows move unstably, jump, and the quality of work deteriorates sharply. Rotary harrows with active drive do not have these disadvantages; they destroy a larger percentage of weeds, but their design is too complex. Needle harrows with free rotation destroy only weed seedlings due to the deformation of the soil around the teeth and, less often, due to direct impact of the tooth. IN last years rotary working bodies with inhibited rotation are becoming widespread, representing two successively arranged rollers (or rotors), which are connected by a chain transmission and carry working bodies on their circumference in the form of rods, teeth or working elements of other shapes. One of these rotors uses a chain transmission to slow down the rotation of the other. The braked rotor slips and tears off the weeds. The teeth periodically emerge from the soil and carry them to the surface of the field. This is how rotary harrows differ from flat passive harrows. But they also have disadvantages, namely the formation of unevenness in the depth of processing. These irregularities are characteristic of the trajectories of tooth movement. The graphic-analytical method for determining the height of unevenness showed that the agrotechnical requirement limiting this height to 2.5 cm is achievable with certain design parameters of a rotary harrow with inhibited rotation. The rotor diameter must be at least 550 mm, the number of teeth in one row must be 16 or more, and the gear ratio of the braking device must be less than or equal to 2.0

KINEMATICS OF ROTARY HARROW TEETH Vladimir Vasilyevich Vasilenko Sergey Vladimirovich Vasilenko Viktor Valentinovich<...>Sheredekin Kirill Igorevich Kotlyakov Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter<...>tractors and cars, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter<...>Viktor Valentinovich Sheredekin – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution<...>VO "Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I", Russian Federation,


Institute of Municipal Management

Student, Faculty of History, Irkutsk state university Roman Mirolyubov - about observation in Angarsk. Provincial elections... One could expect anything from the elections of the mayor of a completely provincial city, especially in comparison with the almost ideal procedure for voting for the president in March, which I had to observe in Irkutsk... >>>

24270 43.64% 13 Ishchenko Eduard Borisovich 1237 2.22% 14 Kurochkin Valery Ivanovich 2078 3.74% 15 Petrov<...>Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" nominated candidate who retired (after registration) 5 Zhukov Vladimir Valentinovich<...>Sergey Anatolyevich 05/20/1958 Self-nomination nominated Registered 11 Petrov Sergey Vladimirovich<...>Self-nomination nominated by a retired (after registration) candidate ¹ p/n General information 1 Full name Zhukov Vladimir Valentinovich

The journal covers issues related to publishing a scientific journal (metadata for scientific article, website of a scientific journal, features of the editorial and publishing process, requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for scientific journals), distribution (specifics of concluding agreements with subscription agencies, legal status distribution of the electronic version of the journal and individual articles, methods of promoting a scientific journal), processing and evaluation (citation index, impact factor, Hirsch index, abstracting in international databases). In the magazine you can also get acquainted with the most important reports from the largest annual industry conferences, such as Science online, Scientific Journal in Russia, All-Russian Library Congress. From each issue of the magazine you will also learn about news from the scientific publishing world, upcoming professional events, and changes in legislation.

Yakovlevich 101 Baklanov Petr Yakovlevich 188 Sonin Konstantin Isaakovich 0 Sonin Konstantin Isaakovich 189<...>235 Okrepilov Vladimir Valentinovich 291 Tsyganov Sergey Alekseevich 0 Tsyganov Sergey Alekseevich 292 Petrov<...>Yuri Alexandrovich 379 Petrov Yuri Alexandrovich 293 Kamalyan Artak Kadzhikovich 0 Kamalyan Artak Kadzhikovich<...>77 Latov Yuri Valerievich 100 Avdasheva Svetlana Borisovna 90 Avdasheva Svetlana Borisovna 101 Baklanov Petr<...>261 Bogoviz Alexey Valentinovich 224 Igonina Lyudmila Lazarevna 301 Igonina Lyudmila Lazarevna 225 Lvov

Preview: Scientific periodicals problems and solutions No. 1 2017.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 12 [Friendship of Peoples, 2011]

The only literary, artistic and socio-political monthly magazine in Russia, covering and supporting a single cultural space created over many decades by the efforts of artists and cultural figures from all countries that were part of the former Soviet Union. The magazine publishes: new works of writers and poets from Russia, near and far abroad countries; topical essays that analyze the most pressing problems of our time - national, social, religious, cultural and moral; literature reviews and critical articles.

They said “Peter Valentinovich” clearly. Sasha Bragin limited himself to a barely noticeable nod.<...>From dear Pyotr Valentinovich. Catching his name, Malnikov straightened up in his chair and froze. Ivanovich was left with one daughter, Elizaveta.<...>At this time she married Prince Mikhail Valentinovich Shakhovsky.<...>Mikhail Valentinovich was promoted to lieutenant general, and soon he was awarded the Order of the White Eagle<...>Mikhail Valentinovich died during treatment at a German resort in Aachen).

Preview: History (ID September 1) No. 5 2017.pdf (0.3 Mb)


141 patients aged 10 to 17 years were examined. In all children, Doppler ultrasound was performed to assess blood flow in the intracranial (basic and middle cerebral arteries), extracranial (common and internal carotid arteries, vertebral arteries) cerebral arteries and cerebral vein (straight venous sinus); the velocity characteristics of the flow and the level of peripheral resistance were analyzed. With stable arterial hypertension in children with normal body weight, high levels of peripheral vascular resistance were determined in the intracranial basins (main and right middle cerebral arteries) and extracranial arteries with symptoms of hyperperfusion in the general basin carotid artery. In obese children various stages arterial hypertension, on the contrary, there was a decrease in peripheral resistance in the intracranial arteries and an increase in peak systolic blood flow velocity in the direct venous sinus. The identified differences in cerebral hemodynamics suggest that in obese children arterial hypertension is of a secondary nature

Associate Professor of the same department Shumilov Petr Valentinovich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head. same department 117997 Moscow


In December 2016, historian Valentin Valentinovich Shelokhaev turned 75 years old. An anniversary is a good occasion to list the author’s works, the range of topics he touched on in his writings, and finally, the numerous regalia of the researcher. However, scientific contributions are not measured by the length of the bibliography. First of all, it consists of ideas that form a new intellectual environment, open the way for future research and contribute to change in society itself. Unfortunately, modern humanities in Russia suffer from the inability to build a dialogue with him, to fully respond to his requests, and most importantly, to form them among a wide range of readers. Locked in an “ivory tower,” humanities inevitably loses its social significance and, accordingly, its relevance in society.

historiographical notes Profession and community In December 2016, historian Valentin Valentinovich turned 75 years old<...>Valentin Valentinovich proposed a clear plan for studying the game, which was subsequently used by many authors<...>Valentin Valentinovich interprets social thought as a continuous intellectual process, and not<...>Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin: Intelligence and will. M., 2005; Shelokhaev V.V.

Major General P. V. PANTELEV

PANTELEEV Petr Valentinovich was born on November 7, 1962 in the city of Ulyanovsk. In the Armed Forces since 1980. Graduated from the Kazan Suvorov Military School (1980), Chelyabinsk Higher Tank Command School named after the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution (1984), Military Academy armored forces named after R. Ya. Malinovsky (1996), Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2006).

He served in the Central Group of Forces, troops of the Turkestan, Volga, Trans-Baikal, Siberian, Volga-Ural military districts in command positions from platoon commander to deputy commander of a combined arms army. Currently, he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Military Art at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Military Sciences.

ANNOTATION. The forms, existing methods and methods of organizing interaction in operations of groupings of troops (forces) in strategic (operational) directions are considered. New forms of organizing interaction, methods and techniques for the work of the commander of an operational-strategic formation in organizing interaction are proposed.

KEYWORDS: interaction, operation of a group of troops (forces), forms, methods, methods and techniques for organizing interaction, methods and techniques for organizing interaction.

SUMMARY. The article considers the forms, existing ways and methods of interaction in operations of groups of troops (forces) in the strategic (operational) directions. The new forms of organization of interaction, working methods and techniques of the Commander of operational-and-strategic association on organization of interaction are proposed.

KEYWORDS: interaction, operation of grouping of troops (forces), forms, methods, techniques and methods of organization of interaction, methods and techniques for organizing the interaction.

THE SUCCESS of operations (combat actions) depends on the clear interaction of the formations of the branches of the Armed Forces participating in them, the branches of the armed forces and special troops, forces and means for various purposes under the unified leadership of the commander of an association or group of troops (forces) in a strategic (operational) direction. The idea of ​​interaction, designed to reflect the objective processes occurring in groupings of troops (forces), serves as the basis for the formulation of other principles of military art, as well as the definition and selection of methods for performing operational and combat missions.

In modern conditions, the role of interaction between troops (forces) increases significantly, and...

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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved changes to the procedure for military service under a contract.

The decree he signed deals with the conditions for the dismissal of army and navy professionals.

This procedure is regulated by two documents - the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service. It lists about two dozen reasons why a person has the right or is forced to part with his shoulder straps.

Relatively speaking, the reasons for failure are divided into natural and forced. The first, in particular, include the age limit for being in service, the expiration of the contract, poor health, and transfer to another law enforcement agency. Forced dismissal from the army is usually due to force majeure. For example, a reduction in the position held by an officer, the expulsion of a cadet or student from a military university, or a decision by the command not to allow a person to access classified information.

According to the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” an officer and a contract soldier who has been placed on a “dismissal” order and has several good reasons to remove his shoulder straps can choose one of them if he wishes. This is especially important when it comes to preserving medical and other benefits for yesterday's military. For example, if, when expelling a student from the academy, it turns out that the person is also seriously ill, then he will probably prefer to part with his shoulder straps for medical reasons. Among other things, this guarantees the former captain or major a place in a hospital bed and free treatment at the expense of the Ministry of Defense.

The problem is that the previous version of the Regulations on Military Service deprived a person in uniform of such a right to choose - he could leave the army for only one reason. The reason for dismissal was often “assigned” by the commander or supervisor of a potential demobilization officer, and he did not always do this, guided by concern for his subordinate.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta received more than one call from officers whose job reductions due to organizational and staffing measures coincided with the end of their contract. And if a person did not like his superiors in some way, he was subject to “contractual” dismissal, that is, parting with the army system without any benefits. If the order had named another reason - a reduction in the official “cage” - they would have been retained for the dismissed serviceman. To achieve justice, a person had to go to court.

A presidential decree helped bring the two normative documents to a common denominator. The regulations on the procedure for military service now correspond to the main army law. This means that the same academy student will no longer have to prove in court that he left the officer ranks due to illness, and not because of expulsion from the university. Naturally, the person will retain the package of social benefits provided to him by law.

However, in some cases, people who need to be driven out of the army with a filthy broom will try to take advantage of the right to choose the basis for dismissal. Unfortunately, there are plenty of thieves, corrupt officials, and bribe-takers in the Armed Forces, and they often occupy high positions there.

In order not to leave a loophole in the legislation for greedy people in uniform, in regulatory documents They wrote down in a separate line when a person is deprived of such a right to choose. The exception applies to military professionals whose dismissal is due to deprivation military rank, failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, violation of the prohibitions on service listed in the law.

War criminals sentenced by a court to real or suspended imprisonment, including those convicted of intentional crimes and crimes of negligence, will not be able to hide behind regulations. The right to choose the basis for dismissal is also deprived of military personnel who were temporarily banned by the court from holding army and naval positions.

This precaution does not seem unnecessary. Military prosecutors are constantly faced with situations where an officer caught, for example, taking a bribe, tries by hook or by crook to avoid trial. To do this, he often obtains a fake certificate of serious illness and, on the basis of it, seeks early dismissal from the army. The consideration of such criminal cases sometimes drags on for years and does not always lead to a guilty verdict.

After putting things in order in military legislation, it will become much more difficult for covetous people to hide behind an imaginary illness.

The Ministry of Defense hopes that new order expulsions from the army will give pause to contract soldiers who see the service only as a way to get a free education before returning to civilian life. Having pledged to wear shoulder straps for several years and not keeping their word, these servicemen will simply lose the right to choose the basis for dismissal.

Almost every traveler had his own military path, and some also had a combat path as part of their unit or unit. We invite you to recall the combat path of some units and formations stationed in Transbaikalia.

Moreover, many units were disbanded or reorganized in 2009-10 and now the memory of them is kept in the hearts of those who served in them and in the archives of the Ministry of Defense.

The division, which was stationed in the city of Kyakhta in the Republic of Buryatia, has an interesting fate.

It so happened that the tank division bore the name of the famous cavalry grunt of the Civil War. 5th Guards Tank Don Budapest Red Banner Order of the Red Star Division named after E.A. Shchadenko.

In the summer of 1941, volunteer militia groups began to form on the territory of the Stalingrad region on the Don. Somewhat later, the volunteer Cossack Don Cavalry Division was formed from them, which at the end of 1941 was included in the regular Red Army and received the name 15th Don Cossack Cavalry Division.

The division included: - 25th Cavalry Regiment; - 33rd Cavalry Regiment; - 42nd Cavalry Regiment; - 106th Horse Artillery Division; - 57th separate anti-aircraft artillery division.

At the end of July 1942, the 15th Don Cossack Cavalry Division was transferred to the left bank of the Kagalnik River in the Novobataysk area, where it first entered into battle with the enemy.

August 27, 1942 for successful actions in the area settlement Kushchevka and in the Tuapse direction the 15th Don Cossack Cavalry Division received the name 116th Guards Cossack Don Division. August 27, 1942- division day.

To the 116th Don Cossack Cavalry Division included: - 257th Cavalry Regiment; - 258th Cavalry Regiment; - 259th Cavalry Regiment; - 105th Horse Artillery Division; - 87th separate sapper squadron; - 72nd sanitary squadron.

August 27, 1942 116th Don Cossack Cavalry Division received the name 12th Guards Cossack Don Division.

November 19, 1942 by dividing the 4th Guards Cavalry Corps, it was formed 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps Northern Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front.

It included: - 11th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Division; - 12th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Division; - 63rd Cavalry Division and other units.

The corps traveled the battle route from the foothills of the Caucasus to the Austrian Alps. The corps first entered battle in early December 1942 as part of the troops of the Transcaucasian Front in the Mozdok direction. IN January – May 1943 the corps operated as part of the North Caucasus, then Southern Fronts and was part of a horse-mechanized group.

In September 1943 Tank regiments were included in the 11th, 12th Guards and 63rd Cavalry Divisions.

In September - November 1943 as part of the Southern (from October 20, 4th Ukrainian) Front, the corps participated in the breakthrough of the Mius fortified line, the liberation of the cities (September 10, 1943), Gulyaypole (September 16, 1943), Melitopol (October 23, 1943) and Kakhovka (November 2 1943). In January - February 1944, as part of the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front during the Korsun-Shevchenko operation, the corps participated in the encirclement and destruction of the enemy group.

February 13, 1944 For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command in the battles for the liberation of the city of Zvenigorodka (January 28, 1944), the corps was awarded the valor and courage of the personnel.

In March–April 1944 The corps participated in the Uman-Botoshan operation. During the Iasi-Kishinev operation of 1944, the corps was part of a front-line cavalry-mechanized group. The rapid actions of the cavalry guards in cooperation with the 23rd Tank Corps on the right wing of the 2nd Ukrainian Front reliably ensured the advance of its strike force.

October 1944 – February 1945 The corps as part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front (from November 27, 1944 of the 3rd Ukrainian Front) participated in the Debrecen operation.

During the attack on the city of Emed (Hungary), the platoon commander of the 43rd Guards Cavalry Regiment of the 12th Guards Cavalry Division of the Guard, Senior Sergeant P.G. Kuznetsov was the first to break into the city on November 13, 1944. During the day, his platoon fought a heavy battle and was surrounded, but did not abandon its position. For his feat, Kuznetsov was awarded the title (posthumously).

April 5, 1945 for successful fighting During the encirclement and destruction of the Budapest enemy group, the corps was awarded the honorary name Budapest. The final stage of the military journey was participation in.

Many formations and units of the corps were given the honorary names of Korsun, Debrecen,.

For successful military operations during the Great Patriotic War, the corps received 8 commendations from the Supreme High Command. For exemplary performance of command assignments and the courage and heroism displayed, 11 soldiers were awarded the title, 31,977 soldiers, sergeants and officers were awarded orders and medals.

During the Great Patriotic War, the corps was commanded by: - ​​Major General, from February 18, 1944, Lieutenant General A.G. Selivanov (November 1942 – May 1944); - Major General, from September 13, 1944, Lieutenant General S.I. Gorshkov (May 1944 - until the end of the war).

In 1945 The 5th Guards Cavalry Corps was redeployed to Novocherkassk, Rostov Region.

The corps included:

11th Guards Cavalry Cossack Don Red Banner Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky Division: - 37th Guards Cavalry Debrecen Regiment; - 39th Guards Cavalry Regiment; - 41st Guards Cavalry Regiment; - 182nd Guards Artillery and Mortar Regiment; - 10th Guards Horse Artillery Division; - 47th separate guards anti-aircraft artillery division; - 13th separate guards sapper squadron; - 11th separate guards communications squadron; - 9th separate guards chemical defense squadron; - 71st Tank Regiment; - 11th separate guards reconnaissance squadron; - 8th separate sanitary squadron.

12th Guards Cavalry Cossack Don Korsun Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division: - 43rd Guards Cavalry Regiment of Debrecen; - 45th Guards Cavalry Regiment; - 47th Guards Cavalry Regiment; - 184th Guards Artillery and Mortar Regiment; - 11th Guards Horse Artillery Division; - 50th separate guards anti-aircraft artillery division; - 9th separate guards sapper squadron; - 12th separate guards communications squadron; - 12th separate guards chemical defense squadron; - 54th Tank Regiment; - 12th separate guards reconnaissance squadron; - 15th separate sanitary squadron.

63rd Cavalry Korsun Red Banner Division:- 214th Cavalry Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky Regiment; - 220th Debrecen Cavalry Regiment; - 223rd Cavalry Regiment; - 60th Tank Regiment; - 1684th artillery regiment(until 1943, 65th Horse Artillery Division); - 502nd anti-aircraft artillery division; - 12th separate sapper squadron; - 47th separate communications squadron; - 63rd separate chemical defense squadron; - 46th sanitary squadron.

Corps units:- 9th Guards Mortar Regiment; - 150th Guards Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment; - 1896th self-propelled artillery regiment; - 585th anti-aircraft artillery regiment; - 4th separate communications division; - 196th motor transport battalion; - 5th optical division (1942 – 1944); - 72nd MD (1942 – 1944).

In July 1946, the 5th Guards Cavalry Corps was consolidated into 5th Guards Cavalry Division.

In 1955, the 5th Guards Cavalry Division was reorganized into 1st Guards Heavy Tank Division.. Then the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Division was renamed 18th Guards Heavy Tank Division. In 1962, during labor unrest in Novocherkassk, the 140th tank regiment of the division took part in dispersing the popular demonstration. In 1965 The 18th Guards Heavy Tank Division changed its numbering and became 5th Guards Tank Division.

In 1966 The division was redeployed to the Transbaikal Military District. WITH 1984 to 1989 The 5th Guards Tank Division was reorganized into 48th Separate Guards Army Corps. The corps included 1319th separate air assault regiment(Kyakhta). Since 2002 140th Debrecen Tank Regiment became part of the permanent readiness units.

Until 2009 The division included:

Control 5 Guards TD, (military unit 69647) – call sign “Silovik”,

- 108 tp– (military unit 11585) – call sign “Zahedan”,

- 140 Guards TP– (military unit 33134) – call sign “Avertin”, (Guards Debrecen Red Banner Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky tank regiment),

- 160 gv.tp– (military unit 13206) – call sign “Akshar”, (Guards Don Volnovakha Red Banner Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky tank regiment), transferred from Kyakhta to Gusinoozersk in September 1997.

- 507 tp– (military unit 57247) – call sign “Bakenka”, arrived from Gusinoozersk from the 245th Motorized Rifle Division in May 2002.

- 311 Guards SME– (military unit 61421) - call sign “Bumper” (Guards Motorized Rifle Don Korsun Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Regiment),

- 861 sap– (military unit 01381) – call sign “Cabinda”

- 940 guards ZRP- military unit 62162 – call sign “Refuler”,

- 559 order– (military unit 67698),

- 55 orb- military unit 41416 – call sign “Khakiya”,

- 840 guards obs– (military unit 91019) – call sign “Spezia”,

- 703 about electronic warfare- military unit 16417 – call sign “Boreol”,

- 156 Guards oisb– (military unit 60842) – call sign “Brezoy”,

- 577 obRKhBZ– (military unit 55687) – call sign “Avilla”,

- 109 orvb- military unit 75224 – call sign “Researched”,

- 151 obmo– (military unit 92747) – call sign “Overtaking”,

- 338 omedb- military unit 34895 – call sign “Istinnik”, in Kyakhta since 2003.

Until June 1, 2006, the division was part of 29th Combined Arms Army(Ulan-Ude) of the Siberian Military District, and was reassigned to (Borzya).

In the last years of the division's existence, the commanders were: - Colonel, since February 2004, Major General Panteleev Pyotr Valentinovich (November 2002 - June 2004); - Colonel, since June 2007, Major General Andrey Viktorovich Gurulev (since March 23, 2006); - Colonel Blizhinsky V.V. since 2008; - Colonel Zhila Valery Mikhailovich (since August 5, 2009).

In 2009, the 5th Guards TD became the basis for the formation 5th Separate Guards Tank Brigade(Article Division).

The division was famous for its combat readiness; exercises were constantly held nearby at the Burduny training ground, including live-fire exercises; personnel traveled to Mongolia to participate in exercises and moved by rail to the Tsugol training ground.

It was located in several military camps, 140 tank tanks, 340 zrp, 862 glanders stood separately. The division headquarters of the 108th infantry regiment and 311th infantry regiment were located in the Red Barracks. The personnel constantly participated in ceremonial passages in honor of Victory Day.

The 140th Tank Regiment was the first in the Siberian Military District in 2004 to switch to recruiting only contract soldiers.

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