Home Hygiene Invasive diseases of dogs. Dog diseases: symptoms and treatment

Invasive diseases of dogs. Dog diseases: symptoms and treatment

If a dog constantly itches or even tries to bite something out of its fur, then it clearly has fleas - one of the dog’s main enemies.

Fleas are quite difficult to remove. The reason is that just one individual can lay about 20-30 thousand eggs in a month. Fortunately, there are many ways to rid your dog of fleas.

The first signs of fleas should be looked for not even on the dog, but right under your feet. All you have to do is walk on the carpet at home in white socks, and then look at the soles. If there are small black “pellets” that turn the water brown or red, then your dog needs help. These lumps are flea waste mixed with blood.

Fleas are destroyed using medications.


There are three known types of ticks that are dangerous to dogs: ixodid ticks (also known as tick ticks), scabies ticks and ear ticks.

The first ones bite into the skin and drink the dog's blood. This would not be too dangerous if ixodid ticks were not carriers of a large number of diseases, some of which affect humans too. Therefore, no symptoms may appear immediately after the bite. You just need to carefully examine both yourself and your dog after a walk for ticks.

The latter also bite into the skin, but do not drink blood, but lay eggs, causing severe itching and irritation. They can be transmitted to people too.

Third on for a long time settle in the ears, causing itching and irritation. This variety is one of the most persistent, but products such as special drops and ointments get rid of these mites.

Lice and lice eaters

Lice eaters feed on the fluff and scales of a dog's skin, while lice feed on lymph and blood. The females of both species lay their eggs directly on the dog's fur.

Infection can occur either through contact with a sick animal or while walking. Sometimes lice and lice eggs can be brought home by the dog's owner.

Curing your dog of lice and lice is quite simple. After treatment with a special compound or shampoo, you need to let the animal dry, and then comb the dog with a metal comb. This will remove any paralyzed or dead insects. The carpet, bedding and other things that the infected animal has come into contact with must be thoroughly cleaned or washed.


A characteristic feature Infection with roundworms results in stool upset, vomiting, and refusal to feed. In some cases, even intestinal blockage occurs.


Symptoms of the presence of heartworms are cough, swelling of the paws, shortness of breath, wheezing, sleep and appetite disturbances, and severe general exhaustion.

A dog can become infected by the bite of an ordinary mosquito.

Symptoms of infection include increased heart rate and breathing, shortness of breath, fever up to 40-41 degrees, complete refusal to eat, depression, redness of the eyes and oral cavity, vomiting, upset stool (sometimes even with blood), dark urine. Cases are rare sudden death.

The newbie owners are also not enthusiastic about this prospect and try hard not to “let the enemy into their territory,” but at the same time they have a very vague idea of ​​how this same “enemy” can camouflage itself. Although, what is there to think about! He gave me a pill for prevention, sprayed it with a special spray and you can sleep peacefully. Even in a hug with a baby. But is it really that simple? Are all these methods really effective, and most importantly, safe for minis? – We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

It is not much more difficult to detect a tick on a person under your care. To do this, just carefully examine and feel his skin. All strange bumps and pimples fall under suspicion. Especially those that definitely weren’t there yesterday. In addition, the baby will probably scratch the bite site and demonstrate in every possible way his concern about the situation.

Main symptom ear mites There will be intense itching in the ear area. Because of it, the dog will sleep poorly, possibly whine and even injure auricle intensive scratching. And if you look into your ear, you will probably see a dirty gray or dark coating there.

Well, you can suspect helminths based on a number of symptoms. Firstly, the pet’s increased “interest” in the anus area. He may start licking him, sniffing him often, “riding on his butt,” etc. Secondly, the dog will suddenly begin to lose weight. And this despite the fact that you feed him as usual, and the walks have not lengthened and proceed at the same pace. Thirdly, the condition of the coat, namely loss of natural shine, fragility, and loss. This is understandable, helminths take away all those important nutrients, which should go towards maintaining the strength and health of the dog, and the skin and coat are the first to signal their lack. Later, general lethargy, loss of strength and deterioration of appetite “turn on.” In especially advanced cases - vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

By the way, it is not a fact that you will find worms in your dog’s feces. Not all of them are excreted in feces. But some can cause such atypical symptoms as cough, shortness of breath, convulsions, fever, and strange behavior.

Types of helminths

And now there’s a whole zoo here! No other class of animals can boast of such an abundance of forms and species. Naturally, it is impossible to talk about everything in one article. Moreover, even the most experienced veterinarian is hardly familiar with a fifth of all helminths known to science. But still, every dog ​​owner should have an idea about the most common ones.

In accordance with the generally accepted classification, all helminths are divided into:

Nematodes or flatworms . The method of infection is from mother to fetus, by eating contaminated feces, through damaged skin.

Cestodes - flat or tapeworms . The main source of infection is the meat of infected animals, raw fish and seafood. Also eating infected fleas.

Trematodes - fluke worms , i.e. those that are attached to organs using special suction cups. Most often, a dog becomes infected with them if it eats raw meat or fish, or drinks water from open sources.

The most common in dogs are roundworms. And the palm among them belongs to roundworms . Yes, yes, these are exactly the same worms that mothers scare their children with when they say, “Don’t touch the dog, otherwise there will be worms!” because they are also the most common in humans. The causative agents of roundworms are most often Toscocars And toxocarides. In the first case, the helminths will have a decent length (about 20 cm) and are more dangerous to the health and life of the dog. With tocoscaridia, the worms will be shorter, only 3-8 cm, and less infectious. Especially for adult dogs.

In addition to roundworms, very common helminths are:

Hookworms – small (up to 2 cm) roundworms, the larvae often infect the dog’s lungs and, as adults, settle in its intestines. They are very dangerous for puppies, but can live asymptomatically in adults for a long time.

Heartworms (cardinematodes) - thread-like, white, long (up to 20 cm) worms. This type helminths are dangerous because they choose the dog’s heart as their habitat. Naturally, this negatively affects its work and can even lead to the death of the animal. Specific localization significantly complicates treatment.

There are four types of flatworms in dogs: Dipylidia (taenia), Taenia hydadidae, Diphyllobothria and Echinococcus . The first three are the same tapeworms that instill horror in dog lovers, the length of which can reach 10(!) meters (if infected with diphyllobtriosis). Echinococci compared to them are simply “pot-bellied little things”, only 1 cm, but despite their modest size, they can kill a dog in a few weeks or cause serious damage to the intestines. And in general, flatworms are very dangerous for miniature pets.

No matter how much we would like to, but magic pill There is no one that can rid your pet of all types of helminths in one fell swoop. Let's say more, not even all types of worms are treatable. Therefore, their prevention comes to the fore. Namely:

  • Maintaining pet hygiene rules
  • Heat treatment of meat and fish products
  • Complete exclusion of river fish from the diet
  • Suppression of all attempts to eat (lick) feces, drink water from open reservoirs and puddles
  • Walking the dog away from places where stray animals gather
  • Quarterly, prophylactic appointment anthelmintic drugs

By the way, for the purpose of prevention, it is absolutely not necessary to give your baby “chemistry.” A weekly food supplement in the form of a teaspoon of dried and crushed raw pumpkin seeds or half a clove of garlic will do an excellent job of this. But remember that garlic can only be given to dogs with a healthy stomach and gallbladder. Do you trust pharmacists more? - Then the best choice complex preparations for several types of helminths.

The most reasonable and correct solution to the problem of helminths would be to visit a veterinarian and compulsorily submit stool samples for eggworms and specific tests blood. And only when it becomes clear what exactly the dog has become infected with, can you prescribe necessary drug, and at the same time carry out rehabilitation therapy. At the same time, it is extremely important to follow the recommended dosage and dosage regimen.

Fighting fleas

Fleas, unlike helminths, cannot infect us with such a variety of species and forms and, in 99.9% of cases, the cause of the patient’s discomfort will be Ctenocephalides canis or the dog flea.

It must be said that the modern pet industry offers a simply colossal range of products to combat fleas. Shampoos, sprays, drops, collars, some ampoules... There is a lot to get confused about. And how can you figure out what will help better and protect for longer? – In principle, everything, but there are some nuances. Much depends on the specific goal. It’s one thing if there are already fleas and you need to destroy them, and another thing is prevention. In the first case, the best choice is special shampoos, drops and sprays. In the second - sprays, collars, as well as natural remedies based on essential oils.

It is also important to remember that fleas do not only live and reproduce on the dog. They can also “hide” in your apartment for years in order to attack the ward again at the right moment. Therefore, if there were fleas, then do not be lazy and, together with treating the baby, wash the floors with special means. It can also be purchased at a pet store. And don't be afraid, when correct use This type of cleaning will not harm your pet in any way.

Protecting yourself from ticks

And everything would be fine, well, I would bite myself and bite. Like a mosquito. But, firstly, it is really difficult to unhook him from the dog. And secondly, ixodid ticks very often become carriers of a number of diseases. From helminthiasis to pyropsamosis, borreliosis and even encephalitis. That is why it is so important to make every effort to protect your miniature pet from getting “closely acquainted” with them. And they will help you with this:

How to properly remove a tick?

  • Using tweezers. The main thing here is the correct grip, namely as close to the skin as possible. And we don’t pull it out, but carefully unscrew it, and counterclockwise.
  • Oil, kerosene, melted wax. All these liquids are designed to block the insect's respiratory tract or even kill it. Therefore, feel free to drip (smear) them onto his tail or his entire body, wait a little and carefully pull them out. Or maybe you will be lucky and the tick will come out on its own. But be careful not to let the hot wax or kerosene damage your dog’s skin.
  • Special device. Yes, they are already producing such ones. How to use it correctly is shown in the photo below. With a little skill, you will become a true tick removal expert!

No matter how hard you tried, the head still remained in the dog’s body? “Then it’s best to take her to a specialist.” No, theoretically you can pull it out yourself, using a sterile needle, like a splinter. And yet it is better not to experiment, but to entrust your pet to professionals.

So, the tick has been removed, the wound has been treated, now what? “We watch the dog very carefully for at least a day. The owner should be alerted to any changes in behavior, general lethargy, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, or increased temperature. In this case, you need to urgently take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

Many dog ​​breeders often encounter this unpleasant illness their pets, like helminthiasis. This disease is caused by all types helminthic infestations that enter the animal's body.

Both adults and small puppies are equally susceptible to infection with worms. And if, for a mature dog, as a rule, everything is limited to deworming, then for a puppy the consequences of the disease can be tragic. That is why It is very important to detect worms in time and carry out their destruction.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely rid your four-legged friend of them.. All rehabilitation and preventive measures are aimed only at maximally reducing the number of worms in the dog’s body. But such measures are simply necessary to maintain the dog’s normal health and development.

Are worms in dogs transmitted to humans?
Some types of worms can easily be transmitted from a sick animal to humans, especially children. Therefore, after each interaction with your pet, you should take hygienic measures. And deworm the animal itself at least twice a year.

There are several ways of infection with helminthiasis:

  1. The first and most common is through external sources containing helminth eggs: feces, food, various objects, water from puddles and reservoirs, raw fish, etc. Mostly, infection occurs during the traditional daily walk of the dog. Therefore, it is very important at such moments to try to limit her contact with potentially dangerous things as much as possible.
  2. The second method of infection is direct contact between a dog and a sick animal or through intermediate hosts, fleas and ticks.

Symptoms and signs of worms

Unfortunately, helminths often may not manifest themselves in any way for a period of time. long period or, conversely, masquerade as some diseases that have similar manifestations to helminthiasis. All this greatly aggravates the situation with the identification and treatment of the disease.

Due to this periodic counseling should be carried out and have your pet examined by a veterinarian.

However, in some cases it is possible to determine helminths yourself. To do this, you just need to carefully observe your own animal.

What should it be ? Every dog ​​owner should know this!

Be sure to enteritis- a disease that, if not treated promptly, leads to the death of the pet.

What can an owner who is worried about the condition of his pet do? suffering? Learn more about the treatment and prevention of diarrhea.

What are the types of helminths?

Each of these types of helminths causes a certain type of disease that can become chronic, completely depleting the body. In addition, nematodes and whipworms are easily transmitted to humans.


Intestinal worms are the most common. As a rule, they are represented by tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms and hookworms, which enter the dog’s body through external sources. Ascariasis (toxocariasis), uncinariasis, hookworm disease, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, echinococcosis - this is a small list of the ailments they cause.

It’s hard to even imagine the insidiousness of helminths. For example, there are types of worms that are capable of calmly migrating throughout the host’s body and settling in the most favorable places for their “reign.” Prominent representatives of this type of helminths are roundworms and esophageal worms. They are the ones who most readily settle in the dog’s food system and lungs.

In this case, the animal suddenly begins lose weight, develop a cough, difficulty breathing and develop pneumonia, causing internal bleeding.

Unfortunately, without laboratory research and the help of a veterinarian, it is almost impossible to detect lungworms on your own.


To others, no less serious illness, is dirofilariasis (cardionematodes) or heartworms, which settle in the arteries, atrium, right ventricle of the heart and cardiac vessels of the animal. The main carriers of heartworm larvae are mosquitoes, fleas and other types of blood-sucking insects. Incubation period The disease can last up to six months after the bite.

Main Clinical signs syndrome of intoxication of the dog's body are expressed in shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, pulmonary wheezing and noise, general exhaustion and apathy, disturbance nervous system, drowsiness and fatigue.

Treatment should be carried out on time, taking into account the individual clinical condition of the dog, since cardiac nematodes often lead to the sudden death of the animal due to heart rupture.

Before deciding on the choice of anthelmintic drugs, the range of which is simply enormous today, you should first consult with a veterinarian and conduct an appropriate examination of the dog to identify them. After all, the choice of funds largely depends on age, physiological characteristics and the habitat of the animal.

Deworming tablets

Unfortunately, there are no universal drugs that can completely remove all types of helminths with a single dose. Therefore, the best option would be medication wide range actions. These are, as a rule, produced in the form of tablets Drontal Plus, Azinox Plus, Vermox and Drontsit.

Deworming of the dog is carried out repeatedly at short intervals.

Modern drugs are capable of partially or completely breaking down helminths in the animal’s body itself, so it is not possible to see the result of anthelmintics. The main thing is to carefully monitor your pet at the time of deworming and, if necessary, help him cleanse himself (enema, laxative, etc.).

It is preferable to give anthelmintic medicine to an animal in the morning during meals. For adult dogs, the tablet is wrapped in some kind of treat - meat, sausage - and fed, and if they refuse to take the medicine, they place it deep on the root of the animal's tongue, while squeezing the jaw with the palms and lifting it up. For puppies, the tablet is crushed to a powder, diluted with water and poured into the mouth with a syringe (without a needle).

If suddenly, immediately after taking the anthelmintic drug, the dog becomes ill, the first thing you should do is give the four-legged dog some kind of absorbent (enterosgel) and urgently consult a doctor. Further deworming is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.


It is known that best treatment any disease is its prevention! Therefore, to prevent infestation optimal deworming adult dog once every three months. However, we should not forget that all anthelmintic drugs are, in fact, toxic poisons. Therefore, when deworming, you should always be extremely careful and careful.

Small puppies can be wormed as early as 12-14 days of life.. There are special “children’s” preparations for them, mainly in the form of suspensions, for example “Prasicide” or “Drontal plus for puppies”. Also mandatory after any deworming is vaccination of the animal, which consolidates the results of treatment.

As you can see, helminthiasis is a serious and dangerous disease. And in order to four-legged friend brought joy for as long as possible, it is necessary to show special care and attention to his health.

Or does your pet already need help? Read the most important information about dog health in our publication.

Why should a dog owner read this article?

Signs and symptoms of many dog ​​diseases are often noticeable as early as early stages. The owner’s task is to pay attention to them and start treating the pet in a timely manner or go with him to the veterinary clinic. In some cases, postponing a visit to the doctor is an unforgivable mistake by the owner, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Putting together a veterinary first aid kit

Every owner should have medical instruments and medicines in order to help the dog if necessary. It is advisable to take a first aid kit with you if you are traveling somewhere with your dog.

Medicines are administered into the animal's body in two ways: enterally (through the mouth or rectum) and parenterally (using intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections).

IN veterinary medicine cabinet must be present:

  • A container in which all instruments and medicines will be stored. Dimensions: 310/200/280;
  • Cotton diaper (the size of the diaper depends on the size of the dog);
  • Gauze napkins and bandage (for dressing) depending on the size of the dog;
  • Elastic bandage (for fixing the bandage, can be used as a tourniquet);
  • Adhesive plaster (for fixing the bandage);
  • Cotton wool or cotton buds(for cleaning ears, eyes, wounds, applying medications);
  • Tweezers;
  • Special sticks for caring for dog ears;
  • Scissors;
  • Thermometer for measuring a dog's body temperature.

From medicines and funds the dog may need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%);
  • Furacin ointment;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Kaopectate;
  • White magnesia.

Dog diseases: main symptoms of poor health

It is important to notice signs of illness in a dog in time and describe them as accurately as possible. veterinarian at the clinic and begin treatment. The following will indicate that your pet needs help:

How to distinguish a healthy animal from a sick one?
Signs of good health in a dog

In order for you to distinguish a healthy dog ​​from a sick one, we will tell you about some signs characteristic of a dog with feeling good and strong immunity:

  • A healthy dog ​​looks cheerful, is active in communicating with people and other animals, and is playful;
  • The pet's coat is shiny, lies neatly hair to hair, there is no shedding out of season;
  • The pet has a good appetite and normal stool;
  • A healthy dog ​​is clean;
  • In wool healthy dog no fleas.

Infectious diseases of dogs. Vaccination schedule

Any dog ​​can get an infectious disease. This is due to pathogenic microorganisms entering the pet’s body. However, infection of a pet usually occurs only when its body is susceptible to infection. Some infectious diseases dogs are very dangerous and occur in the form of epidemics.

The most common of them:

  • Carnivore plague
  • Contagious viral disease dogs. Characterized by fever, acute inflammation of the mucous membranes, skin rash, pneumonia and severe damage to the nervous system.

  • Parvovirus enteritis
  • Contagious viral disease of dogs. It is characterized by complete refusal of food, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, dehydration, and severe diarrhea.

  • Infectious hepatitis
  • Acute contagious viral disease. Manifested by fever, inflammation of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, damage to the liver and central nervous system.

  • Rabies
  • A particularly dangerous viral disease. Rabies affects dogs, other warm-blooded animals, and humans. It occurs acutely with damage to the central nervous system and usually ends in the death of the animal.

Vaccination of dogs helps curb epidemics, maintains health and increases the life expectancy of four-legged pets.

8-9 weeks

From canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis.

Revaccination against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies.

After changing teeth

Vaccination against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies.


Revaccination (canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies).

Important vaccination rules:

  • If puppies have not received their mother's colostrum, they need early immunization;
  • The DHLPP vaccine is recommended for female dogs before breeding;
  • A pregnant bitch should not be vaccinated without consulting a veterinarian;
  • Dogs are vaccinated once a year. Follow your veterinarian's recommendations and vaccine instructions.

Infectious diseases of dogs are often found in domestic animals and can harm the health of the pet. Timely vaccination will help you avoid infecting your pet dangerous diseases, many of which can be fatal to a dog. By vaccinating according to this scheme, you will provide the necessary protection to your to a pet.

Invasive diseases of dogs: main symptoms of infection

Determining if your dog is infected with worms

Some worms in dogs are dangerous to humans. Most often, children who spend a lot of time with their pet become infected from a sick dog.

  • Lethargy, apathy;
  • Manifestation of unmotivated aggression;
  • Vomit; diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • The presence of worms, blood and mucus in the dog’s feces;
  • Bloated abdomen, gurgling and rumbling in the abdomen;
  • Dull, sticky fur.

Types of worms in dogs.
Treatment and prevention of helminthiases

There are two types of helminths found in dogs: nematodes (roundworms) and cestodes (tapeworms).

A large number of nematodes can cause the formation of a lump of worms in the puppy’s intestines, causing blockage and death of the pet. Pneumonia is also possible as a result of the migration of larvae through the lungs.

Prevention of infection with worms is mandatory for female dogs before mating, since the larvae of some roundworms can be transmitted to puppies in the womb. It can be especially difficult to cure children from nematodes (toxocar and toxascarid). A dog infected with worms will produce less strong and active puppies than a healthy one.

The disease is diagnosed when eggs and segments of cestodes are found in the dog's feces.

For effective treatment of dog diseases and prevention of worm infection

Many breeders, kennel owners and dog owners for effective prevention and treating their pets from infection with round and tapeworms, use the broad-spectrum drug Prazitel.

Is your pet over 6 years old?

This means that he has entered a special period of life. Your pet still needs prevention of helminth infection as before. However, due to age-related changes, which have already begun in his body, it is necessary to completely reconsider the approach to protection against worms.

A new unique drug Prazitel Special has been developed especially for animals over 6 years of age.

Use Prazitel Special. This will ensure careful protection of the pet, which is in a special period of life, from helminths.

Fleas are a small source of big trouble

A dog infected with fleas is a disease. skin, accompanied severe itching. Fleas bite your pet, which causes it to itch and scratch the skin on the back, around the tail, and behind the ears.

The consequences of flea infestation are:

  • Scratching into which germs and bacteria enter, causing dermatitis and allergies. Allergic dermatitis flea bites manifest as a rash at the base of the tail, on the hind legs and thighs. Itching and scratching continue even after the fleas are killed;
  • Infection cucumber tapeworm. When dogs bite itchy areas, they swallow fleas that contain helminth eggs.
  • Particularly dangerous for humans is infection of a pet with echinococcosis, which is transmitted through direct human contact with animal fur.

Any tick can be a carrier of diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever;
  • Canine babesiosis;
  • Canine ehrlichiosis;
  • Hepatozoonosis;
  • Tularemia;
  • Lyme diseases and others.

Some ticks produce a toxin that can cause paralysis in your dog.

Pruritic scabies (sarcoptosis)

Sarcoptic mange is caused by microscopic spider mites that cause severe itching in dogs. Female mites penetrate several millimeters under the skin to lay eggs, which is what causes intense itching in the animal.

For more later stages This disease in a dog, as a result of rubbing and scratching the itchy places from bites, the skin bursts and appears tissue fluid. Crusts, scabs and even shreds of fallen fur are noticeable. The final stage of the disease manifests itself in thickening and darkening of the animal’s skin.

  • Roundworms (and heartworm larvae);
  • Tapeworms.

Have you read the article but still have questions? Ask them in the comments to this publication. A specialist from NPK SKiFF will certainly answer them.

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