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What a good gynecologist. Gynecologist appointment

Every woman, even if she cannot complain about the state of her health, sooner or later comes to see a gynecologist. And this is not surprising, because gynecology as a branch of medicine deals with diseases that are unique to the female body. Gynecology is very closely related to obstetrics, which studies the phenomena that occur in the body of a woman planning to become a mother or who has already become one, and covers the period from conception to the end of the postpartum period.

What does he do?

A gynecologist is a specialist whose task is to preserve and restore the normal functioning of the female genital organs in order to be able to realize what is inherent in nature reproductive function. Therefore, for any questions related to various aspects women's health, problems of infertility, pregnancy and childbirth should be addressed to a gynecologist.

When should you consult?

What symptoms should let a woman know that it’s time to visit a gynecologist? There are many of them, it’s impossible to list them all. It can be:

  • painful, heavy or too scanty menstruation, or lack thereof,
  • pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge,
  • discomfort(burning) when urinating,
  • any changes occurring in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

And, of course, from the moment of pregnancy, a woman should be under the constant supervision of a gynecologist.

How to become a gynecologist?

In order to obtain the profession of a gynecologist, you should enroll in any of the Moscow universities, the list of specialties of which includes “General Medicine” (duration of study 6 years), then undergo postgraduate training (1-3 years). For example, a reasonable choice would be the First State Moscow medical University them. I. M. Sechenov or to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow state university them. M. V. Lomonosov.

According to the established order, students first study general subjects, and the division into specialties occurs towards the end of their studies. Mastering knowledge in the field of the chosen profession continues in internship, during practical training in medical institutions Moscow or another city in accordance with the distribution.

Famous Moscow specialists

Assistance during childbirth in Russia has long been provided by midwives. They can be considered the predecessors of those who later began to call themselves obstetricians. The matter of helping women in labor was put on a scientific basis in 1758 with the opening of a midwifery school in Moscow, which was later transformed into the Midwifery Institute. Classes at the school were continuously taught by Professor I. F. Erasmus. A lot of time has passed since then. Moscow remembers many outstanding gynecologists: V. M. Richter, A. Ya. Krassovsky, V. I. Kokh, A. M. Makeev, N. N. Fenomenov and other famous scientists, through whose efforts it was possible to reduce the mortality rate of women during childbirth and raise gynecology as a science to its proper height.

This is a doctor who deals with diseases of women reproductive system. SM-Clinic welcomes leading gynecologists from Russia and Moscow, doctors of the highest qualification category.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

It is necessary to visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes once a year. This will help identify diseases early stages, which often occur without symptoms.

Also, the help of a gynecologist may be required if certain signs are present, including:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irregular monthly cycle, change in the nature of menstruation;
  • inability to become pregnant for one year or more with regular sexual activity;
  • the need to select contraceptives;
  • burning of the genitals, change in color, smell of discharge;
  • discomfort during menopause: burning and hot flashes, high blood pressure And so on.

How does an appointment with a gynecologist go?

At the appointment, the gynecologist asks the patient about complaints, symptoms, studies medical documents patient conducting an examination. For this purpose, the latest diagnostic equipment, thanks to which the specialist has the opportunity to assess the state of health as accurately as possible internal organs. Based on the results obtained, a treatment regimen is drawn up.

In addition, during the appointment, the gynecologist may take a smear and prescribe a number of additional examinations.


Gynecologists at SM-Clinic diagnose diseases of the female reproductive system different methods. Patients are prescribed:
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - this method used to assess the condition of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix; Ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to monitor the development of the fetus;
  • blood test for sex hormones- the level of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, FSH, LH is very important when assessing disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, endometriosis, mastopathy;
  • pregnancy diagnosis, which includes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a blood test for the level of the “pregnancy hormone” hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • rapid diagnosis of infections PCR method - sexually transmitted infections are often the cause of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, so it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease as quickly as possible in order to prescribe correct treatment;
  • colposcopy- examination of the entrance and inner surface of the vagina, as well as the cervix using a special device - a digital video colposcope. This technique allows the gynecologist to obtain an enlarged image of the internal organs on the monitor screen, identify foci of pathological processes and more accurately make a diagnosis;
  • hysteroscopy- examination of the uterine cavity using an optical probe, which is inserted through the cervix. The procedure is non-traumatic and allows the doctor to conduct a detailed examination. If necessary, during hysteroscopy, the doctor can remove polyps and separate intrauterine adhesions. It is performed under local or general anesthesia.
  • biopsy followed cytological examination - this diagnostic procedure helps determine the presence/absence cancer cells in one or another tissue of the body;
  • tubal patency study(hysterosalpingography (HSG)) - prescribed in case of suspected obstruction of the fallopian tubes, polyps, endometrial growths, and uterine malformations. The essence of the study is that a contrast agent is injected into the uterus, and then x-rays, the procedure is painless;
Based on the results of the inspection, analysis of laboratory data and instrumental studies the doctor will make a diagnosis, carry out disease prevention, prescribe necessary treatment- conservative or surgical. Treatment of inflammatory diseases. Specialists of the private gynecological clinic “SM-Clinic” successfully treat inflammatory diseases pelvic organs (adnexitis, endometritis, vulvitis, bacterial vaginosis etc.), and also infectious diseases(chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, herpes infection, toxoplasmosis), which often become their cause.

Comprehensive diagnostics"Check Up"
Typically, a gynecologist prescribes several types of tests in order to diagnose the cause of the disease as accurately as possible. Pass the comprehensive examination and you can take all the tests at once thanks to the “Check Up” programs operating at SM-Clinic. Gynecology". You will save not only time, but also money.
More information about the current Check Up programs. Gynecology".

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The SM-Clinic will accurately and quickly conduct an examination for the presence/absence of sexually transmitted infections. Since most STDs have similar symptoms, diagnosis can only be made based on testing. For diagnostics, modern laboratory research: PCR, DNA diagnostics, serology, etc. After determining the type of infection, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment(usually to partners at the same time). At the end of the course of treatment, you must take tests again to make sure that there are no pathogens.

Treatment of pathologies of internal organs

The SM-Clinic provides conservative and, if necessary, surgical treatment of cervical erosion, endometriosis, herpetic lesions, pathologies of the fallopian tubes, endometrial hyperplasia, adhesions, as well as ovarian diseases (removal of dermoid, follicular, papillary, endometrioid and other types cysts). Surgical treatment diseases is carried out in the most effective and safe way.

Treatment of hormonal diseases

Hormonal disorders often lead to diseases such as fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome, and polyp formation. Experienced gynecologists and endocrinologists at SM-Clinic will evaluate and analyze all aspects of the problem and prescribe hormonal correction.

Correction of menstrual irregularities

Failure of the normal physiological menstrual cycle is an indicator that undesirable changes have begun to occur in the female genital area: hormonal imbalance, endometrial growth, problems with ovarian function, early menopause. Doctors at SM-Clinic have extensive experience in treating such disorders.

Selection of contraceptives

It is very important to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy Right. Under no circumstances should you choose a method of contraception for yourself following the example of girlfriends, sisters, or colleagues. A gynecologist must prescribe contraceptives (oral, intrauterine, etc.)! SM-Clinic specialists will do this at any time convenient for you. Read more in the section

Gynecologists are currently highly sought after doctors. They can conduct receptions on a paid or free basis. There is an opinion among the people that free gynecologist appointment not the best, but that's not true. These gynecologists solve very important problems that are aimed at preserving women's health. Specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology are engaged in two main areas:

Obstetrics is a specialty that studies the issues of pregnancy, how to properly manage it, determines the method of childbirth and the timing of its onset.

Gynecology is a specialty that addresses the development of diseases of the female genital organs in various age periods, methods of their diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

However, this is not the only division of these specialists who provide consultations free of charge. There are also narrower specialties, which include:

Specialist dealing with miscarriage
- Reproduction specialist (studies issues of assisted reproductive technologies)
- Doctor specializing in endocrine gynecology
- Oncologist-gynecologist
- Specialist in cervical pathology, etc.

Tasks of an obstetrician-gynecologist

Free admission gynecologist involves solving the following questions:

Studies the reasons leading to the emergence of various pathological conditions in obstetrics and gynecology (however, it is not always possible to determine the exact causes, so it is customary to identify predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of developing a particular process)

The study of pathogenesis, that is, the mechanisms that led to the development of certain painful conditions

Engaged in the study of diagnostic methods, and also describes the characteristic clinical manifestations one or another disease or condition

Allows you to choose the most rational method of treatment for each patient

Engaged in the study of prevention issues, that is, how to reduce the likelihood of developing one or another pathological process.

Preventive examinations

Free appointment with a gynecologist includes both preventive and unscheduled examinations. Each of these examinations has its own specific indications and methodology, which are applied individually depending on the current situation.

Preventive examinations at the gynecologist all women undergo it at a certain frequency, regardless of the presence or absence of complaints. The recommended frequency of such medical screening examinations is:

- Women of reproductive age and those who have not reached it but are sexually active – once every six months

For perimenopausal and postmenopausal women – once a year.

Unlike preventative, unscheduled examination by a gynecologist indicated for women who have certain clinical manifestations of the disease.

Types of treatment in gynecology

Gynecology has the following types medical care:

Conservative therapy
- Laparoscopic treatment
- Hysteroscopic treatment
- Carrying out laparotomy operations
- Carrying out vaginal operations
- Embolization of the uterine arteries
- Immunological treatment, etc.

In order to choose a rational treatment method, gynecologist takes into account factors such as:

Woman's age
- Nature of the pathological process
- Accompanying illnesses
- Patient preferences
- Possible contraindications to one or another treatment method.

Obstetric care

Free appointment with a gynecologist in the obstetric aspect deals with the following issues:

Reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant
- Treatment of couples suffering from infertility
- Rational management of pregnant women
- Determining indications when a woman needs hospital treatment
- Choice of methods of childbirth, as well as the timing of their onset

To summarize all of the above, it must be emphasized that obstetrician-gynecologist , who conducts a free consultation, helps a woman maintain her reproductive health at the proper level. Its correct and effective work improve demographic indicators in the country and in the world, therefore it is impossible to do without this profession in modern society.

A female doctor, according to tradition, is most often referred to by women simply as a gynecologist. Although this is not entirely true, because there are several rather narrow specializations for such a noble profession. And sometimes it is very difficult to find a specialist. Very often, a doctor such as a gynecologist-endocrinologist is in demand in Moscow. Reviews from patients help you choose not just a specialist, but an attentive, competent and truly good professional.

What kind of doctor?

If many girls know about what a gynecologist does, then some have to seriously think about the activities of a gynecologist-endocrinologist. And it's worth knowing. Study of hormonal levels and hormones in female body- this is what a gynecologist-endocrinologist does. It is not difficult to find a good specialist; it is more difficult to decide on the choice of a specific doctor. Moreover, unstable hormonal levels are a scourge modern women. As a result of an excess or deficiency of one or another hormone, changes occur throughout the body, which often leads to overweight or underweight for no apparent reason, mood swings, depression, and unstable metabolism. In addition, violations in endocrine system in the female part most often end in infertility. Many women have to undergo treatment before becoming pregnant. And some people also need this in order to bear and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Choosing a specialist

Naturally, everyone wants to be treated by the best. According to reviews, gynecologists and endocrinologists in the capital are very bad, very good, and completely ordinary. It is worth remembering that people's opinions may not coincide with yours. However, we must not forget that a large number of laudatory reviews from patients indicates that the specialist really knows his job and has proven himself well. A good endocrinologist and gynecologist-endocrinologist most often do not work in an ordinary run-of-the-mill clinic, and getting an appointment with them is very problematic. Therefore, you must make an appointment in advance, placing your bet not on one, but on several doctors at once. In Moscow, fortunately, there are no difficulties with this. There are many really good specialists who are ready to see the patient at a time convenient for her.

Shaharatova I.A.

Irina Aleksandrovna is a specialist with 23 years of experience. Many women pass on her name and contacts as a “relay baton.” And there are reasons for this. Having graduated with honors in 1992, Irina Aleksandrovna actively moved from theory to practice, constantly improving her qualifications and expanding her knowledge base. Most often, when treating, she does not adhere to traditional medicine, but to homeopathic alternative options. And this also bears fruit. In addition, for each specific patient the doctor is looking for individual approach, relying not only on general data and statistics, but also on the comfort of women. It’s really quite good that Irina Aleksandrovna Shaharatova’s work is very different.

What many patients don’t like

Most often, girls and women who, for one reason or another, did not like treatment from a specialist, say that they prescribe the same medications for everyone. More precisely, biologically active additives and herbs. It is worth noting that many non-serious hormonal imbalances are indeed better treated homeopathic remedies, without the use of drugs, which usually have a lot of side effects. However, in the presence of serious, neglected or chronic diseases It is worth turning to traditional medicine. For those who are trying to get pregnant, natural preparations and infusions help strengthen the immune system and prepare the body for the long-awaited event. In advanced cases, Irina Aleksandrovna turns to traditional medicine, prescribes the most gentle, but effective drugs, performs the operations herself.

What do patients like?

Irina Aleksandrovna Shakharatova currently conducts receptions in a private medical organization“Health Clinic”, located in Klimentovsky Lane, or, as the institution was popularly called, in the “clinic on the Mile”. Many patients appreciate the attentive and sensitive approach, the opportunity to learn in detail about the exact treatment plan prescribed, possible problems during its implementation. In addition, the majority note the benefits of gynecological massage, which is not included in traditional medicine, however, brings real benefits to the body. That is why many women and girls sincerely believe that Irina Aleksandrovna Shaharatova is a worthy gynecologist-endocrinologist and they also willingly leave the work of a specialist both in the clinic itself and outside its walls. In addition, many patients note the high qualifications of the ultrasound doctor, who works in tandem with Irina Alexandrovna Shakharatova.

Gevorkyan M.A.

Marianna Aramovna is considered one of the most the best specialists in the field of infertility treatment in the capital. Many girls and women turn to her based on recommendations, waiting in line for a long time long time. A doctor with more than twenty years of experience, who is attentive to the problems and experiences of patients, a candidate of science, an expert in her field. Many even note that she is the best gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Feedback about this can be heard not only from patients, but also from other specialists who redirect women for consultation with Marianna Aramovna Gevorkyan. The doctor sees you at hospital No. 68 on Shkuleva Street, building 4. Getting to a specialist, although difficult, is quite possible.

What women like

Many people note that the endocrinologist does not just conduct a routine examination, but listens carefully to the complaints and concerns of women. In addition, if necessary, Marianna Aramovna answers all questions that arise in detail, in an accessible and detailed manner, describes the problem and ways to solve it. Naturally, many girls and women who, after a long period of infertility, get the desired pregnancy, remain grateful to such an attentive and professional person. And the reviews are left accordingly. Marianna Aramovna - friendly and professional doctor, who prefers to be attentive to the problems of his patients and adjust the treatment plan if necessary.

What's not to like about treatment?

Some are absolutely sure that paid medicine (taken by Marianna Aramovna for a fee) is a “pulling” Money without a positive result in the end. That is why the specialist himself even recommends a consultation not only with her, but also with another doctor. However, she does not say that the patient needs this or that gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Reviews in this regard are not the most positive. Some people think that it is disrespectful and unreasonable to contact someone else after a paid appointment to confirm or refute the diagnosis and treatment method. But in some cases it still makes sense, although consultations cost a lot of money in the end.

Kaplina Lyubov Ivanovna

A doctor of the first category with more than 35 years of experience, who specializes in gynecology and endocrinology. A specialist is seen at the clinic on Zoologicheskaya Street, building 22. The appointment is paid, the average cost of a visit is 2,500 rubles. At the same time, it is quite difficult to make an appointment with Lyubov Ivanovna, since her work schedule is scheduled months in advance. That doesn’t stop her from seeing as many patients as possible per day. The approach to each of them remains purely individual, attentive and professional. Perhaps, Lyubov Ivanovna Kaplina is the best endocrinologist-gynecologist (Moscow). Moscow medical centers, which employ many doctors of various specialties, have repeatedly invited her for cooperation, but the specialist remained faithful to her clinic in Beauty Park, as the patients used to call this place.

What clients like

The first thing people pay attention to is a friendly and attentive approach to sensitive issues. Patients note that the doctor not only looks at test results, but also listens to complaints on this or that issue. And even the very high cost of admission does not bother any of those who apply. Many girls and women note that the treatment plans prescribed by Lyubov Ivanovna Kaplina always bring the desired results. positive result. And that she is a really good gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Reviews about Kaplina L.I. passed on by word of mouth, from one girl to another. And not only in the capital, but also beyond its borders. At the same time, no one said bad words about the doctor or reported negative opinions. It seems that the specialist is really worthwhile, a true professional in his field.

How to choose a good doctor

Gynecologists-endocrinologists in Moscow, making an appointment with whom can sometimes be very problematic, most often are all professionals. But in order to choose a really good doctor, you need to listen not only to the reviews of the patients who visited them, but also to the opinions of other specialists. So, if a particular problem is identified, a full-time gynecologist district clinic or hospital, as a rule, recommends contacting a doctor with a narrower specialization. In addition, it would be useful to visit not one, but several gynecologist-endocrinologists. And only then choose the most appropriate treatment option.

A highly specialized doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.


Operating practicing gynecologist who knows not only conservative methods treatment, but also performs surgical procedures.


Oncologist-gynecologist treats malignant tumors pelvic organs in women.

On our portal you can choose a gynecologist, gynecologist-oncologist from the best clinics Moscow and make an appointment with him via the Internet or by phone. Find good specialist Doctors' questionnaires with information about their work experience, education and patient reviews will help you.

Popular questions about the gynecologist

When is it necessary to see a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is needed for: pain in the lower abdomen, disruption of the menstrual cycle, itching and burning in the vagina, thrush.

Where to find good gynecologist?

On . To choose a good gynecologist, we advise you to look at patient reviews and pay attention to the education and work experience indicated in the doctors’ questionnaire.

I'm looking for a gynecologist, can you recommend anyone?

You can look at patient reviews of doctors, choose the right doctor and make an appointment with a gynecologist via the Internet or by phone. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the specialist indicated in the application form.

Which gynecology clinic should I go to?

Choice of clinic - no less important task than choosing a specialist. On our website you can find a good one based on patient reviews and clinic ratings.

How is an appointment with a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist begins with an analysis of the nature of the complaints, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, and the presence of sexual activity. Next, there is an examination of the mammary glands, examination on a gynecological chair and palpation of the abdomen. During the examination, it is mandatory to take a smear from the cervix.

How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist?

A visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled before menstruation or in the first days after it ends. It is necessary to stop douching and sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the examination, and take a shower immediately before the visit. It is not recommended to use various deodorizing intimate hygiene products.

How does recording via DocDoc work?

You can choose a good specialist and make an appointment with him on the website or in mobile application DocDoc. You can also make an appointment by phone.

Note! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.

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