Home Wisdom teeth Lunar nodes in the natal chart. North Node in Leo – South Node in Aquarius

Lunar nodes in the natal chart. North Node in Leo – South Node in Aquarius

, North Lunar Node in Aquarius, North Lunar Node in Pisces

The nodes of the planet are the points of intersection with the ecliptic plane. The nodes of all planets, except the Moon, move extremely slowly and are usually not considered in astrology; the nodes of the Moon move across the Zodiac in the direction opposite to the planets (i.e. they move from Aries to Pisces, and not to Taurus), which means that in general the nodes are retrograde, although they often have fragments of direct movement; they go through the Zodiac in 19 years.

The North Node of the Moon () is also called the ascendant or dragon's head; South node Moon () - respectively, descending or the tail of the dragon;

Through the ascending node, the Moon passes from the southern hemisphere of the sky under the plane of the ecliptic to the northern one, and through the descending node - back. In ephemeris, they are usually limited to indicating the position of the northern node of the Moon, since the southern one is always located exactly opposite in the Zodiac (if, for example, the northern node is at 3° 15" Capricorn, then the southern one will be at 3° 15" Cancer).

The Nodes of the Moon are astrologically closely related to the Moon; they indicate the type of (often unconscious) person’s attitude towards social trends and problems in their dynamics, with the north node relating to the new, which has recently appeared, and the south - the old, or at least familiar. Since the nodes of the Moon play a smaller role than the planets, it is recommended to take the orb for their aspects at 2° (for major aspects with the Sun and Moon - 3°).

The nodes of the Moon are also important for inner life person.

The South Node denotes those social programs of the subconscious that were developed earlier, in past lives; this is something that a person already easily knows how to do, and he can easily do it; therefore, here a person is tempted to follow previously trodden paths and roads, that is, following internal cliches, which hinders development. The South Node programs give power and instinctive wisdom, and at the same time limit; the south node has the shade of Saturn.

The North Node symbolizes those subconscious programs that govern communication with society, which first emerged in this life of a person, they are often associated with the expansion of his social perception and participation at a new level in public programs, so the North Node has a Jupiter connotation.

The northern and southern nodes always stand in exact opposition (which should not be indicated by a line on the map!), and therefore each person faces the problem of balancing them, which means forming his attitude towards the social past and future, but not in the abstract, but in the form how they are presented in the present.

A person with an accent of the northern node (this happens when several planets are in conjunction with him, or he is on the ascendant) lives in the social present, has little sense of the roots and limitations of social consciousness, an enthusiast social movements, swallowing the superficial energy of new beginnings and not feeling the inertia and force of habit of his fellow tribesmen in social problems and programs, but very sensitive to emerging new social forms and problems. Such people enthusiastically lead on a public basis or (if the node is damaged) cleverly engage in demagoguery in the literal sense of the word (i.e., deceiving the masses), speculating on current slogans.

The South Node person is a social conservative who believes in the gradual evolutionary development of society and denies revolution in particular in his own social conditions. He has a good sense of tradition, loves and knows the history of his people (factory, region), loves reliable and time-tested types of social structure and ways to improve it. He is distinguished by critical thinking towards everything new that has appeared in society; if the node is affected, it is a retrograde; with harmonious aspects, this criticism is accurate and constructive.

Nodes should be interpreted not as two different objects related to different aspects of a person’s external and internal life, but as two facets of a single essence or as two poles, between which there is one planet. In particular, since the nodes are always aspected equally (i.e., if the northern node in the chart is affected, then the southern one is also affected, and if the northern one is harmonious, then the southern one is harmonious), then the problems of relating to the social past and the future are closely related and are solved in parallel. At the same time, the nodes, always being simultaneously in the male or simultaneous female signs always stand in the signs of different elements, therefore the attitude towards the elements of the future and past in the present is always different in style. If, for example, the north node is in Libra, then the south node will be in Aries. This means that a person (usually without noticing it at all!) has a generally active social position ( male signs), but he treats traditions and stable social structures in an ovian way - ardently, ardently defending them or also denying them, and to those that have recently appeared social phenomena- from a detached - aesthetically - coldly - balanced position, carefully weighing the new from all sides.

The northern node in Leo, the southern node in Aquarius gives energy, drive, practical aspiration in matters of the emerging new in public life and a rather cold and insightful look at existing social traditions, witty and unexpected criticism of the new.

The northern node is in Scorpio, the southern node in Taurus - extreme conservatism in views on traditions, reliance on the past, foundations, and at the same time an emotional attitude towards new social trends, a desire to change and transform everything there.

In the life of the average person, the nodes of the Moon and their aspects play a very important role. Not being able to realize himself through the planets, individually, he often does this through social programs, where it is much easier to fit in than to show PERSONAL initiative and go against everyone. It should be understood that the "new" symbolized by the north node is very different from the new that comes from Aquarius. The North Node relates only to what is already recognized by society as existing and real, and has gained a sufficient number of supporters, but has not yet found its social niche, and joining it is not a social feat. In the same way, the old, traditional in society, which the south node symbolizes, is not a category ruled by Cancer. These are established and familiar social programs, relationships and positions that are accessible and understandable to everyone, which, generally speaking, do not require historical knowledge and excursions for their understanding and perception.

Disharmony for the nodes is caused by the connection of any of them with the planet. If, for example, the north node is in conjunction with Mercury, then the scales of the nodes will be deviated towards mental and active interest in fresh social influences to the detriment of understanding the historical state of affairs; V social activities- frivolity, lightness, a lot of chatter. If the Moon is conjunct the South Node, a person is unusually fond of traditions, he may write folk signs in a special notebook, tied to the usual social structure; in case of defeat - a retrograde at the behest of the soul, possibly a nationalist.

Affected nodes give a person a dangerous impulse to reject society as such, without understanding the difficulties of relationships and the causes of conflicts with it. Here society actively rejects a person, and a person tries to reject society, usually unsuccessfully. At the same time, the defeat of the nodes means the need to establish constructive relationships with society; against his will, he is drawn into public life. Any person with node damage has difficulties at work, which, regardless of success and talent, is initially perceived skeptically or negatively. Sometimes a person works conscientiously, does exactly what is asked, but still the result is not what is needed, and it is not clear what is wrong. This requires a careful study of public interests and adaptation to them, and for some reason they often contradict personal interests or are very at odds with them. A person with affected nodes, as a rule, has a poor understanding of society, both its fetters and its prospects, but, without realizing it, strives to actively participate in public life - and receives bumps and bruises in abundance, if not political prison. At the same time, he is a black teacher of society, his hidden vices are clearly visible; the rigidity of the political system, the weakness and costs of democracy, etc. are exposed. The study of the affected nodes gives a very deep understanding of social problems and prospects, the development of personality and power over society, and its absence is a state of “hangover at someone else’s feast.”

If a person has strong nodes, i.e. there are both tense and harmonious aspects to them, he will be characterized by an active social position (if the nodes are in female signs, it will be largely internal, but will certainly lead to external manifestations), such a person does not understand and usually condemns people with unaspected nodes, who have an indifferent attitude towards society and its problems (which, note, does not mean a low evolutionary level, just a person karmically must realize and do a lot himself).

Jupiter square to the nodes - in an undeveloped version - is a fanfaron who does not feel well about his society, but believes that he must lead it, and this may be correct, but first he needs to moderate his ambitions, figure out a lot of things and understand the true problems And current status society. Depending on the cross in which Jupiter and the nodes stand, this square will look different: in a cardinal cross, a person will act too decisively and speak too loudly, and will carry it too much; in a permanent cross he will be too straightforward and stubborn, and in a mobile cross he will be too inconsistent and inclined to solve all problems at once.

If the planet is half square to one of the nodes and one and a half square to the other, then the obstacles to understanding interaction with social programs are hidden for reasons, but not at all for manifestation. Here a person causes characteristic irritation in society by the way he behaves in social situations, and a person, in turn, experiences similar, but much stronger feelings for society, and it is very difficult to understand what is the matter. Society must look for ways to unfetter the self-expression of people who do not quite fit into it; a person must learn to respect social reality.

The areas in which the north and south nodes are active must be carefully balanced. Where the south node operates, a person has social programs everything turns out quickly and well, and these types social relations well known to him, but standard for him; They can be used within reasonable limits. At the same time, it is necessary (and the person is interested) to develop participation in social programs running in the sphere of the northern node, where he has a great interest in new trends, but he has little understanding of how they need to be implemented. When a balance of nodes is achieved, a person learns to use the existing social experience and skills in developing fundamentally new ones (for him, and sometimes for society) social forms and relationships.


In Human Design we talk about Direction in different connections. There is a direction associated with our Profile, there is a direction associated with the Incarnation Cross, and there is a direction associated with the Lunar Nodes. The Profile is directly expressed as Geometry. Right Angle Profiles, 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6 and 4/6, have the geometry of Personal Destiny. The Juxtaposition profile, 4/1, has the geometry of a fixed Doom. Left Angle Profiles, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3, have the geometry of Transpersonal, Interpersonal Karma. People who give or cause direction to household level, are born on certain Crosses, for example, the Cross of the Sphinx, the Cross of the Four Paths, etc.

Nodes represent internal geometry. This is a process of life movement, marked by their retrograde cycle of 18.6 years.

As we have seen, the Nodes are windows for programming possibilities that come from the star field of neutrinos, rather than being programmed first by the flavor of some other planet as a neutrino intermediary. They are our connection to the larger “body.”

South Node; educational topic of the first half of life.

In the illustration above, the activation of the South Node of Personality is at the 44th gate and is part of manifesting certainty. In the first part of this person's life, this theme will work constantly as internal process and will determine its early development. You will notice that the same gate and line (44.3.) is also activated by the Land of Design. This is the so-called connection, overpass. When any planet is conjunct a Node, it effectively cancels the stellar programming. Line 3 is called Interference: Failure in interaction based on circumstances. In other words, in the first half of life, grounding this person depends on avoiding interference. As a Manifestor who already tends to go it alone, this will add significant pressure avoid working with others. Because certainty in this card is so uniquely associated with talent (48/16 and 44/26), this person can easily confuse criticism with interference, which will lead to withdrawal from creative processes if other people are involved in them.

The strongest conditioning comes from the South Node of Design in the 1st gate, the gate of Creativity, in the uncertain center of the G, which is therefore the unreliable creative direction. Since the only two defined channels are the Collective and the Tribal and carry this fear of interference, the subconscious is restless and wants to express itself rather than accommodate others. The key to all first line themes is patience as they must build a solid foundation. For this South Node phase, mastering a craft or skill is an essential theme, but true self-expression may only become possible later.

Ra Uru Hu and Richard Rudd

Let’s touch on the topic of the lunar nodes in a person’s horoscope (birth chart). I would like to immediately note that this topic is primarily for those people who believe in karma and their karmic tasks, as well as in the idea of ​​reincarnation and destiny. Lunar nodes in the horoscope are fictitious points. They show the experiences and challenges that a person faced in a past life or past incarnations. Also, the lunar nodes in the horoscope indicate the tasks that are given to a person here and now. With what mission did the human soul come into this incarnation? What important lessons does a person face? By studying the lunar nodes in the horoscope, you can find answers to these questions. We can conclude: the lunar nodes in the horoscope show the purpose and tasks that a person faces according to fate. If you do not believe in fate or predestination, then, by and large, it is not worth considering the lunar nodes in the horoscope. The more strongly the lunar nodes are emphasized in the horoscope, the stronger the influence of fate on a person. Especially on those topics that emphasize the lunar nodes in the horoscope. Nodes can accentuate either a certain axis of the Zodiac Signs or some axis of the astrological Houses. In accordance with this emphasis, much can be said about the fate of man. For example, the case when the lunar nodes in the horoscope emphasize the axis of the 4th and 10th astrological House - the theme “family - career” is karmically included in a person’s destiny. Or another case when the lunar nodes in the horoscope emphasize the axis of the 1st and 7th Houses, the axis of “self-expression and relationships with other people.” Accordingly, along this axis, in these areas, it will be most important for a person to resolve all emerging issues.

South and North lunar node in the horoscope

The lunar nodes in the horoscope are a single fictitious point, which is divided into two component parts. Eat The southern lunar node in the horoscope, it shows what has already been developed by a person in past incarnations. These are the past experiences, these are the themes of life in which a person feels confident and they are given to him well. Accordingly, a person will try in his current incarnation to broadcast and make maximum use of the accumulated experience indicated by the Southern lunar node in the horoscope.

The second part of the node is The northern lunar node, it shows in the horoscope a person’s tasks for this incarnation. This is the necessary experience that a person has yet to gain in life. The task here is to find a balance between the North and South lunar nodes in the horoscope. Going only to the experience that has been gained through the South Node of the Moon is dangerous, because such a tendency deprives a person of the opportunity to develop. For example, if the Southern Lunar Node in the horoscope is in the tenth astrological House, then the topic of career will most likely be quite simple for a person. It will be easy to implement in the professional sphere, but it is dangerous to limit yourself to only one profession. After all, the Northern Lunar Node in the horoscope will be located in the fourth astrological House and the task for a person will be: learn to build relationships in the family. His mission is to work on all situations that arise in the family. Also, such lunar nodes in the horoscope indicate the need to study one’s ancestral roots and traditions. Although this may not be easy for a person, because there is no proper experience here yet.

This is all a very important topic of karma! And this topic is too complex and voluminous to be discussed within the framework of this article. You can read more about karma on the page: .

Ideally, we should rely on the accumulated potential of the South lunar node in the horoscope in order to be able to solve the problems posed by the North Node. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are strongly emphasized, for example, they make important major aspects to the planets or are located in the corner points of the map. In such cases, the lunar nodes in the horoscope will have a very significant influence on a person’s life. If the lunar nodes in the horoscope are not aspected and are not located in the corner points of the chart, then the influence of the lunar nodes will be minimal. A person gets the opportunity to choose in this life; he may or may not solve problems based on the North Node.

Lunar nodes in the horoscope and relocation

Frequently asked question: does the relocation map affect a person’s karmic goals? For example, when the position of the lunar nodes in the horoscope changes in the relocation map, and they fall into a different axis of the astrological Houses. Here we can give the following answer: it is important to understand that tasks for embodiment are still given to us at birth. And moments of personal choice, unfortunately, do not play a serious role here. Therefore, relocation itself, when we ourselves choose a new place to live and think that this will change our karmic destiny, is not so.

Lunar nodes in the horoscope. Position of the Nodes in Astrological Houses

Next, we suggest that you determine exactly where your lunar nodes are located in your horoscope. Understand what they are talking about in your case. To do this, you can build your personal horoscope using the astrological program "Antares", how to do this - read on the page:. In the picture below this text, you can see the symbols that indicate the lunar nodes in the horoscope. Next, find these symbols in your horoscope and determine in which astrological Houses the lunar nodes are located in your horoscope. In the above example, the nodes are located on the axis of the fifth and eleventh Houses.

Axis One - Seventh House

If your South Node is in the first House, this means that in past incarnations you were a person completely focused on yourself and your personal interests. Such lunar nodes in the horoscope say that your past was actually connected with yourself, with themes of self-expression in the world. In the past, you may have had a tendency to draw attention to yourself and demand something from others for yourself. Your “I” or in other words “ego” is the main fundamental factor from which it is difficult for you to abstract and pay attention to the needs of other people. With this position of the lunar nodes in the horoscope, you are accustomed to relying on your opinion and your beliefs in many life issues. And the opinions of other people are of secondary interest.

Accordingly, if the South Node is in the first House, then your North Node will be in the seventh astrological House. As you already know, the Northern lunar node in the horoscope shows our future and guidelines for spiritual development - those qualities of character and areas of life that first of all need to be worked out. When the North Node in the horoscope falls into the 7th House, it brings up themes of partnership here. In the second half of your life, you will become more and more involved in the topic of relationships. Especially after the age of 40, there is a greater need to be in relationships with other people than there was before. The desire to build communications and relationships with the outside world increases. When the lunar nodes are located in this way in the horoscope, life itself forces a person to shift the emphasis from his needs to the needs of the people around him. Topics of agreements and obligations assumed in relationships are raised. A person learns to interact correctly with partners and the world around him. Learn to see their needs and learn to combine these needs with your personal needs. As a result, a person whose lunar nodes are located in this way in the horoscope no longer withdraws into himself, as was the case in past incarnations, but feels like a part of society. Such a person knows how to integrate into society in such a way as to achieve social success in it. He knows how to build harmonious relationships with people around you and with partners.

Axis two - eighth house

If your South lunar node in your horoscope is in the second astrological House, and the North node is in the Eighth House. This means that you have an emphasis on the topics of well-being and personal possessions. People who have the lunar nodes in their horoscope in this way usually know how to manage their personal finances. Has for them great value what they possess (what is in their property). From birth, such people have an emphasis on their own resources, money. And everything else, including the material well-being of other people, does not concern them so much. But what's in in this case, The Northern lunar node in the horoscope falls into the 8th astrological House - this means that such people in the second half of their lives (especially after 40 years) will increasingly participate in the big global financial picture of the world. That is, perhaps they will work with loans or with collective resources or other people's money (for example, partners' money).

Axis Three - Ninth House

The situation when the node of the past (Southern lunar node in the horoscope) is in the third astrological House is a very interesting moment. A person is born conditioned to the society in which he lives. But in the second half of life, fate itself pushes a person out of this limited environment into completely new realities that did not exist in life before. For example, these realities may represent the society and culture of another country. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the axis of the third - ninth house: this often indicates that the second half of a person's life (especially after 40 years) may be associated with travel, travel abroad or study foreign languages or understanding the cultures and traditions of other countries. This is a great opportunity for a person to go beyond the ossified social conventions in which he lived before.

Axis Fourth - Tenth House

When the South lunar node falls in the 4th astrological House, and the North lunar node in the horoscope is in the 10th House. In this case, as a rule, a person in the first half of life is more of a homebody. He came into this life very burdened with family ties and family circumstances. Such a person has a close connection with traditions and his family. The lunar nodes in the horoscope on the axis of the fourth - tenth House speak of the great importance of family for a person, but this family will not always be good and it will not always have a positive effect on the person. But, nevertheless, these family circumstances will be extremely important for a person. A person is, as it were, born in these home circumstances, and often these circumstances burden him and prevent him from developing normally. In the second half of life, a person comes to the conclusion that something needs to be changed and begins to focus more and more on the themes of the 10th astrological House. The 10th House in Astrology is associated with the professional sphere of a person, with social advancement. With this position, the lunar nodes in the horoscope will encourage a person to leave the narrow family framework and enter society. The nodes encourage you to realize yourself in society, to express yourself in your business. Therefore, the difference between the first and second half of life will be obvious. It’s like in a fairy tale, when Ilya Muromets lay on the stove until he was 40 years old, and then suddenly decided to take a sword and go in search of adventure.

Axis fifth - eleventh house

If your South Lunar Node in your horoscope is in the fifth House, and the North Lunar Node is in the Eleventh House. This position may indicate a person who has been prone to risk and adventure in the past, for example, he could be a gambler. Such lunar nodes in a horoscope can also indicate that a person has developed a strong creative potential. A person is used to doing things in the past various types arts Or it could be an actor entertaining and amusing the audience. In this incarnation, a person already from birth has acting skills and an understanding of how to behave with an audience. There is a creative gaming charisma that you don’t need to learn. In the first half of life, a person can succeed very well in creativity or in the entertainment sector.

But when the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the axis of the fifth - eleventh House: in the second half of life, a person will feel how the themes of the 11th House are turned on for him. These are themes of friendship and collective activity. The 11th House is associated with responsibility to people who are your friends or with whom you work together as a team. The lunar nodes in the horoscope on this axis direct a person to get rid of superficial adventurism. And became more and more involved social issue, for example, implemented projects that involve teamwork. Such a person benefits from projects where the support of friends and like-minded people is important for personal and spiritual development. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the axis of the 5th and 11th Houses: the second half of life will already be somewhat connected with some kind of adventures or personal creative realization, and how much will be aimed at interacting with other people within the team. A person will now be required to be able to see not only his personal, but also collective interests and goals. Such a person is called upon to learn to work in a team.

Sixth Axis - Twelfth House

If your South lunar node (the past, in fact, is the karma of your past lives) is in the 6th astrological House. This position may mean that in a past life you were a “hard worker.” And until you are 20 - 30 (sometimes even 40) years old, the theme of work, fulfilling your labor duties, remains for you. The Sixth House often creates such conditions that a person may lack personal freedom, he is used to being in limiting circumstances or being subordinate to other people. The sixth house is also associated with themes of health and healing. Lunar nodes in a horoscope located on this axis often indicate a person who, in past incarnations, was forced to constantly strengthen or treat his body, or his activities were associated with healing and treating other people. Such Lunar nodes in a horoscope often indicate a person who in the past was accustomed to working hard, toiling hard, and in this life the person remains diligent and shows good results in the professional sphere. Such a person has an established habit: to achieve his goals with his own strength and labor.

The node of the future, that is, the Northern lunar node, will be located in the twelfth astrological House. The 12th House is the House of secrets, mysticism, sacred things and phenomena (psychological and spiritual). It is associated in Astrology with the theme of solitude and withdrawal from public affairs. Therefore, people whose lunar nodes in the horoscope are located on this axis, in the second half of their lives, increasingly go into solitude and begin to lead a more hidden and isolated life. Often such people go into religious activity, turn to God, or begin to engage in occult mystical practices. As they age, topics of faith and spirituality become more and more important to them.

Astrologers predict our fate for the day, week, month and even year. Is there an astrological factor that accompanies a person throughout his life, constantly interfering with it, and which to some extent determines his fate?..

If my life is determined in advance, I think, if the horoscope is a blueprint of my destiny, then this blueprint should have a pointer that would tell me what to strive for, where to go, what to do in life. Fate must have a compass. And it exists. On the one hand, its arrow is the northern lunar node, on the other – the southern lunar node. And in the middle... In the middle there is a struggle... A struggle with oneself, with one’s own destiny and with the circumstances of life due to ignorance of it.

How to turn life into destiny

Intrusion into God's providence - fortune telling - is an old pastime of humanity. As long as it exists, so many people try to answer eternal questions. The purpose of a person’s life is hidden from him, which is why he always wants to understand it. It is impossible to know the meaning of life or predict fate for certain, since it depends on many reasons.

The process of astrological prediction is looking into the keyhole of the “divine kitchen”. They predict what they see. From this we can conclude that God remains with God, and for us - you yourself understand that...

Life itself is a constant conscious and unconscious fight against God, since although it is predetermined from birth, it at the same time depends on the will of man. A person has the right to choose... however, only from what is offered to him in this life. Man depends on fate and fate depends on man. Joint efforts from above and personal will or their struggle with each other determine real life. In order to grow spiritually, a person needs to overcome something in himself or in the environment, he needs to fight for himself, for his place in the world.

Astrology asks the question to what extent a person’s life corresponds to his cosmic destiny. She tries to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like “who am I?”, “what is my mission on this earth?” I don't think God was a bore and opposed astrological remedies. God, I think, sometimes needs help himself!

A person’s life is the period of time from a person’s birth to his death, during which fate is embodied on earth. Life is called fate if they want to emphasize that it depends on the will of God and is predetermined. A person turns his life into destiny by thinking about it.

It's pointless to be offended by fate. Everyone does it for themselves. A person's destiny is not a punishment, but a plan to work for life.

The meaning of the struggle between human will and divine destiny is in the lunar nodes; the lessons of fate that we need to learn are determined. Like a life compass, the lunar nodes indicate the direction a person should follow in order to become successful as a person and become happy.

LUNAR KNOTS – KNOTS OF FATE. South, North lunar node

If our life is determined in advance, if a horoscope is a drawing of fate, then this drawing should have a pointer that would tell me what to strive for, where to go, what to do in life. Fate must have a compass. And it exists. On the one hand, its arrow is the northern lunar node, on the other, the southern lunar node. And in the middle... In the middle there is a struggle... A struggle with oneself, with one’s own destiny. Intrusion into God’s providence - predicting fate - is an old pastime of humanity. As long as it has existed, so many people have been trying to answer eternal questions. The purpose of a person’s life is hidden from him, which is why he always wants to understand it. Astrology asks the question to what extent a person’s life corresponds to his cosmic destiny. She tries to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like “who am I?”, “what is my mission on this earth?”... It makes no sense to be offended by fate. Everyone does it for themselves. A person's destiny is not a punishment, but a plan to work for life. The meaning of the struggle between human will and divine destiny is in the lunar nodes; the lessons of fate that we need to learn are determined. Like a life compass, the lunar nodes indicate the direction a person should follow in order to become successful as a person and become happy.

Lunar nodes- an astrological fiction, but their impact on a person cannot be called fiction. These are the points of intersection of the lunar orbit with the Earth’s orbit when the Moon moves from northern to southern latitude and back. The nodes rotate clockwise around the Earth, completing a full revolution every eighteen and a half years. In the horoscope they are always in opposite signs zodiac For example, if the north node is in Aries, then the south node is in Libra, that is, in the sixth sign from Aries. And so on. The position of the lunar nodes in signs changes approximately every year and a half.

SOUTH LUNAR NODE points to our past life. This is what we come to earth with: our innate abilities, a certain way of life and activities, habitual thoughts, feelings, desires. This is something that comes easily and gives support in life. This node determines what is preventing spiritual development human, characterizes our attitude towards the past and the familiar.

NORTH LUNAR NODE determines the future life and determines the true task of a person, the path following which a person develops spiritually, and the goal towards which he must strive. These are new abilities that can and should be developed, new things that need to be done. These are always difficult achievements on the way to the goal. The North Node characterizes our attitude towards the future and what is new to us. The line of nodes shows the direction of fate and predicts how one can and should live.

"Moon" life of a person

Our lunar nodes return to their original positions when we turn 18-19, 37-38, 56-57, 74-75 years old. These are key moments in life that force a person to evaluate and comprehend what he has experienced, find the reason for his successes and failures, and make it possible to plan the future in accordance with the results of the past. These are critical and sometimes fatal years.

At the age of 18-19 years, the northern lunar node is completely turned on and independent life begins - the psychological period from the state of a child to the state of an adult.

The period of 37-38 years marks the main tests of maturity. The person received an education and mastered a profession. At best, he has already planted a tree, raised a son and built a house. He has experienced life in all its diversity and now must report to the Lord about the material and spiritual work done. This period marks not only a statistical peak of deaths, when healthy people die in the prime of their strength and talents, but also such facts as the beginning of adultery, attempts to get married again, weight loss or gain, loss or search for another job. All life undergoes radical changes: goals, objectives, tastes, partners change. This is the time when a person realizes: “I, too, will die,” and begins to pay attention to the external, momentary, in order to think about the eternal. A period of crisis and deep internal restructuring is coming. Is born new life in man. If the birth was successful, he becomes stronger and wiser; if not, something irreparable may happen.

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