Home Orthopedics And svadhistans where there is a struggle. Svadhisthana chakra - functions, signs of harmony and disharmony, ways to develop the sacral chakra

And svadhistans where there is a struggle. Svadhisthana chakra - functions, signs of harmony and disharmony, ways to develop the sacral chakra

Do you constantly feel anxious and aggressive? Can't understand what's going on in your life? Do you suffer from unreasonable feelings of guilt? Do you see negativity in everything? Most likely, you have lost harmony due to an imbalance in Svadhisthana, the second chakra. In such cases, everything that happens in your life can drive you crazy. That same incident when the sandwich fell butter side down, and you became furious as if something terrible had happened. Let's take a closer look at this chakra and find out how we can balance it.

Svadhisthana is located in the pelvic area. She is responsible for the energy of creativity, pleasure, sex, procreation, control and morality. This is where fantasies, emotions and dreams are concentrated. Element second chakra - water, a pure, flexible, flowing substance that can take any form.

Svadhisthana in balance makes a person incredibly attractive. He easily adapts to any situation, feels other people well, has impeccable intuition, feels connected to the Universe, and trusts his instincts. In other words, he has a feeling that everything in this world is for a reason, that he is part of a great plan and that everything is fine with him because of this feeling. Such people are truly creative and sexy. They broadcast positive energy into the world. It is not surprising that one is drawn to them like a magnet.

Swadhisthana in imbalance provokes serious problems. A person loses control over the surrounding situation, over his emotions, and he develops a tendency to dramatize everything. Feelings such as jealousy, anger, envy, lust and others may suddenly flare up. In such a state there can be no talk of enjoying life. A person is haunted by the feeling that something is going wrong in life, that something is broken, and what is not clear. Physically this can be expressed as varicose veins veins, painful PMS, anemia, kidney problems.

How to balance Svadhisthana

Visually: Svadhisthana is a lotus with six petals. It is accompanied by the color orange. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and go into yogic breathing. Visualize an orange lotus in the area of ​​the second chakra. It is advisable to do this meditation daily for 10 minutes.

Essential oils: To release blocked energy, use patchouli aroma oil during meditation. Jasmine helps release creative energy and connect with your spirituality. Marjoram frees you from feelings of guilt. Cypress helps to move on with life after serious upheavals.

Nutrition: To balance this chakra, give preference to drinks clean water, green tea and freshly squeezed juices. Eat more apples, pears, berries, melon, spinach, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Activity: It is useful to practice swimming and dancing, especially spontaneous ones, where you can be creative. And, of course, yoga. Add these two beneficial asanas to your practice.

Please note that the material presented below is a classic esoteric teaching on the structure of the chakra system with the following terms: astral plane and psychosphere of the Earth. It is focused on the initial and basic level of self-development and refinement of personality traits, integration modern psychology with spirituality. This is where preparation for the transition to the level of Soul evolution begins. Practices related to the qualities of the Soul and Spiritual Wisdom are mainly concentrated in sections, , and individual thematic articles.

Translated from Sanskrit, the word “Svadhisthana” means “the place where I am, the container of energy, my own home.” This is the second of the main seven chakras of a person.
Svadhisthana is the center of emotions, sexual energy and creative potential. The second chakra of a person is capable of openly showing emotions, recognizing and satisfying needs, for the vivid manifestation of mood, feelings, thoughts, self-confidence, as well as for the palette of emotions and experiences, not only related to sexual relationships, for the choice of sexual partners. Svadhisthana is also called the “Sacral Chakra” or “Soul Chakra”.

When the Svadhisthana chakra works in a balanced manner, a person becomes aware of his inner strength, he is attractive and open to feelings. He is characterized by such qualities as chastity, self-respect, careful attitude to yourself and to the people around you. A person has high self-esteem, he recognizes and does not allow manipulation by other people, does not seek approval from public opinion and does not sacrifice his individuality.

An important indicator of the harmonious work of Swadhisthana is healthy sexuality, satisfaction with one’s sex life, as well as self-confidence, endurance, well-being, and patience.

Most important indicator the presence of problems at the level of the second chakra is the emotional isolation of a person from society, difficulties in establishing close contacts, lack of harmony in sexual life.

An imbalance at the level of the second chakra can have a serious impact on a person and disrupt his confidence to pursue his personal path without hesitation, leading to self-realization, and the ability to stand up for himself.

The deformation of Svadhisthana can be expressed in a feeling of physical fatigue, internal anxiety, some or complete lack of joy in life, self-satisfaction, prostration, and self-doubt.

Location of Swadhisthana

The sacral or sexual chakra is located in the pelvis, four fingers below the navel; in women, this place coincides with the projection of the uterus. The base of Svadhisthana is a sphere that can reach sizes from 5-7 mm to 10-15 cm.

The second chakra governs:

Human sexual and sensual activity, the search for pleasure, human sexual energy
sexual attractiveness, sociability and positive attitude, personal magnetism, quality intimate relationships, relationships with the opposite sex, energy, as well as a person’s money
this human chakra generates energy for the entire physical body, the vital fundamental force of a person originates here, which is distributed and nourishes the internal organs and basic systems of a person

The Swadhisthana chakra forms correct algorithm relationships between people, in society, and is also “responsible” for the connection with the family, with the family egregor, the Family Tree, with all participants in a person’s family and ancestral relationships

The human sacral chakra is often subject to magical and energy-informational influences: love spells, evil eyes, curses, various damages, etc.

Birth programs psychological problems, what happens in the family is completely reflected in the activities of this energy center.

Main characteristics of the Swadhisthana chakra:

The color is orange, it activates drive and sexuality.
Element – ​​Water
Taste – astringent (analogous to unripe persimmon)
Smell – ylang-ylang
Note – RE
Mantra (bijna) - YOU
Trace elements – nickel
Geometric figure - icosahedron
Connections with bodies - subtle level of development Astral body
Number of electromagnetic petals – six
Minerals and Crystals – fire opal, moonstone, fire agate, carnelian, amber, Moonstone rainbow
Source of energy nutrition for Svadhisthana: energies of solar and food origin

Qualities - freedom, alchemy, justice
Gifts - prophecy, miracles
Day - Saturday

Correspondence of Svadhisthana (the second human chakra) to the internal organs and systems of the physical body

Body systems: genitourinary and excretory system, energy-information protection of the body ( the immune system). Controls the unconscious nature of a person.

Reproductive female organs

The second chakra resonates with the consciousness of single-celled organisms and viruses.
Invaders: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa (Toxoplasma, Trichomonas), helminths (worms). In the astral subtle body low-frequency astral entities are attached - incubi, succubi, maflock, larvae, beings
Physical illnesses associated with an imbalance of energies in the chakra: diseases Bladder and kidneys, hypersexuality, impotence, frigidity,

Levels of development of Svadhisthana:

With the Spiritual high development of Svadhisthana chakras: a joyful and harmonized feeling of life, sociability, self-sufficiency, creativity in life, wealth, harmony, the emergence of the ability to share the energy of creation, ease of communication.

With the Spiritual low development of Svadhisthana chakras: suspicion, capriciousness, incontinence, contempt, hysteria, poverty, lust, limitation of consciousness, inability to sympathize, readiness for destruction, uncontrolled aggression, inexplicable, unreplenished thirst for sex, alcohol, drugs, food and others stimulating sensations.

Normal Spiritual development: soft, balanced sensual enjoyment of life, receiving harmonious pleasure from the energy of natural elements, bodily touch, sexual intimacy, orientation towards spirituality in sexual relationships

The relationship between the second chakra and human emotions:

Subconscious fears: fear of relationships with a person of the opposite sex, manifestation of joint relationships, activity, fear of manifestation of sexual activity, fear of one’s true human nature.

Phobias, Passions: intolerance of gender, protection of the genetics of the family.

Area of ​​responsibility: birth of offspring

Polarization of Svadhisthana in women and men: The problem of betrayal

The problem of betrayal has one explanation in the form of a different energy-information structure of the principle of interaction of the Svadhisthana chakra in women and men. In men, the Sacral chakra is receptive, that is, a vector of preferential orientation aimed at receiving from the opposite polarity. The energy-information structure in a similar way to the second chakra in men determines their natural and sexual interaction.

The second chakra in a woman is polarized, that is, the orientation vector of the Sacral chakra in women is always directed towards the genetic father (until the moment of the first sexual relationship with a man) or towards the last sexual partner. The reorientation of a woman’s second chakra to a specific man occurs sequentially, starting with the orientation of the woman’s Ajna (sixth chakra) and Anahata (fourth) chakra. This is why for most women, sex without a feeling of love (fourth heart chakra) and without interest in the personality of your partner (sixth chakra) is unacceptable. For most men, sexual intercourse is only a fact of energy nutrition and physical pleasure, which does not require interest in the personality of one’s partner and an obligatory feeling of love, although the presence of these components of communication is valued by men, especially when building serious relationships.

Svadhisthana chakra activity

Optimal Chakra Activity: Expressing the Positive Properties of the Chakra
Moderate activity: chakra qualities are expressed within normal limits
Low activity: lack of orange energy vibrations, discomfort, lack of pleasure
Overactivity: the presence of a state of involvement, passion, high emotional expressiveness
Increased chakra activity: manifestation of a high emotional level, drive
Blocking energy in the chakra.
The free, correct movement of energies in the Svadhisthana chakra is blocked by low-frequency energy of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction from oneself, a partner, children, people around, disappointment from unfulfilled expectations, from unfulfilled desires, unfulfilled hopes.

Energy of the Swadhisthana chakra

The energy of Swadhisthana is associated with sexuality, pleasure, and temperament.
An active chakra fills a person’s life with the energy of passion, which is an incentive for happy life.
A lack of energy at the level of the second chakra leads to a loss of taste for life, passion and pleasure: a person lives insipidly, does something not because he wants it, but because it is necessary. At the same time, self-esteem suffers, self-acceptance and related problems appear. Separated from his own needs, a person becomes a victim of manipulation by other people.
When Kundalini energy is activated, flowing through the second chakra of a person, causeless joy and creative power arise in it. The energy of Svadhisthana belongs to the element of Water, therefore it is most actively manifested in women, as natural representatives of this element. Nature endowed a woman with this type of energy mainly so that she could subsequently become a source of this energy for a man, who in turn is a source of stability and support (the energy of the Muladhara chakra) for a woman.

Her success in life, ability to build harmonious relationships with men, create

In accordance with the described natural energy distribution, a woman in a relationship, as a rule, should become a source of “energy nutrition” for a man, receiving security and stability from him in return.

The Sacral Chakra of Swadhisthana is the source of true feminine power.

Recommendations for working with the second chakra, cleansing, healing and harmonizing the Svadhisthana chakra:

1. Instructions on how to properly conduct energy practices working with chakras:

2. Author's technique for cleansing, aligning, healing and harmonizing the Svadhisthana chakra:

Scheme of setting up for Svadhisthana chakra:

1. Take a comfortable position, “sitting” on a chair. The spine is held vertically, you can lean on the back of the chair, maintaining vertical position spine.
2. We perform the “Grounding” technique. We establish contact with the consciousness of planet Earth, thank you for the opportunity to cooperate and ask you to establish the correct energy-information exchange for the reception and distribution of excess energy received from you.
3. We align our breathing according to the principle “inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.” We do this as many times as necessary, gradually relaxing.
4. We call on your Higher Self, ask him to work on cleansing, healing and activating your muladhara chakra under his full control and, if necessary, making corrections.
5. Concentrate on the second chakra of a person, Svadhistan.
6. We simultaneously concentrate on the Anahata chakra (the fourth chakra of a person, the heart).
7. We attune these two chakras by simultaneously concentrating your attention.
8. At the moment of double concentration, we track our internal state, thoughts, streaming information. Whenever possible, we remember or record incoming information. This information comes from your subconscious about the root cause of the oldest problem, manifested in the material world in the form of health deformations, amount of money, and problematic conflict situations.
9. If you feel unwell during the action of high-frequency energy, it is advisable to stop this practice for a while, drink a glass of water, lie down and try to relax and rest.
10. Gradually remove concentration from the fourth chakra and transfer our attention to the legs, monitoring their condition. If there is heaviness in the area from the knee to the foot, this indicates that there is a weak grounding energy exchange through the legs and it is necessary to pump and squeeze out excess energy from this part of the body through the effort of consciousness. Continue this action until there is relief in your legs.
11. We open our eyes and gradually return to this reality. If necessary, drink water and rest.

Sexual chakra

Orange color

Additional color - yellow with a reddish tint, blue

Provides us with the ability to feel, experience pleasure, be resilient and self-confident. It ensures the functioning reproductive system and sexual desire. People whose orange chakra functions well remain young, slim and active for a long time, despite their age. Orange color can be considered as the elixir of youth.

Lack of orange can cause neuralgia sciatic nerve, diseases of the genital organs, sexual disorders, obesity.

Chakra location: in the pelvic area, between the pubic bones

Key words - change, sexuality, creative inclinations, understanding of others, honesty, inner strength, confidence.

The basic principles are creation, reproduction of life.

Internal aspect - emotions, sex

Energy - creation

Element - Water

Feeling - touch and taste

Sound - for you

Body - etheric body

Nervous plexus - sacrum

Hormonal glands - ovaries, testicles, prostate and lymphatic system

Body organs - pelvis, lymphatic system, gallbladder, all fluids present in the body (blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid), excretory organs (kidneys), reproductive and reproductive organs(genital organs).

Problems and diseases arising due to imbalance in the chakra - muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual imbalance and lack of libido, infertility, interference and depression, lack of creativity.

Aromatic oils - rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine

Crystals and minerals - amber, citrine, topaz, moonstone, fire agate, orange spinel, fire opal

The sexual chakra is the center of raw emotions, sexual energies and creativity. It symbolizes change and individuality through understanding the uniqueness of another.

This chakra is also associated with how we accept and evaluate ourselves as men and women - taking into account age characteristics and periods of life. The sexual chakra is responsible for the awareness of sexuality, the choice of sexual partners, for a lot of emotions and associations associated with sex.

The ability for creativity, creation, birth - the creation of something new, individual - is rooted in the sexual chakra. It is the root of change coupled with curiosity, the spirit of adventure and innovation.

The second chakra allows our inner abilities to come out and activates our inner power, which manifests itself in the ability to turn ideas into reality, activate the original potential and turn it into something concrete.

The meaning of inner strength is the ability to express our uniqueness, realize our potential without fear of other people's reactions, without asking permission or approval, and fearlessly using our talents.

If a person is not sure that the Universe treats him as a beloved child, many fears and anxieties arise in him regarding the future and other people.

If the sexual chakra works harmoniously, a person feels his individuality, distinguishes himself, but at the same time, he is open to the feelings of others and accepts them, having the ability to easily establish contact with them. He easily meets members of the opposite sex naturally and behaves freely with them. Such a person has a healthy, logical attitude towards sex.

The sexual chakra is the source of joy, healthy adventurism, and the ability to view life as one continuous adventure full of surprises.

There is also such a “reading” of this chakra: the color of energy is pink.

This chakra nourishes the emotional plane, the human hormonal system. The energy of the second chakra is the basic vital energy of a person, the driving factor, sexual energy. The energy responsible for communication in society, sex and money. Qualities and properties: beauty, sexuality, wealth, sociability, energy, self-sufficiency and so on... This energy is fundamental for a woman. In a woman, the second Chakra is tied to the female organs (uterus, ovaries), while in a man it is designated virtually. Therefore, it is a woman who is a source of vital energy and the main motivation for a man, one might say the meaning of life, and he is a fulcrum for her. From these simple facts it is clear that the full, harmonious existence of a man without a woman and a woman without a man is impossible.

Character traits

For women - emotionality, beauty, femininity, sexuality...

For men - self-sufficiency, wealth, sociability, energy...

And such - hysteria, incontinence, isolation, obsession, poverty, aggressiveness, capriciousness...

In terms of health, this is almost all stress and mental illness, are associated with an imbalance, improper distribution of the energy of the second chakra, sexual energy. Also this metabolic processes, hormonal system, diseases associated with improper functioning of the endocrine system.

Symptoms of a weakened second chakra: diabetes, heart disease and related problems, difficulty in meditation, irritability. Interest in spiritualism and occult practices also has a detrimental effect on this center.

Responsible for: feelings of pleasure, emotions, self-esteem and relationships with other people, sexuality, attractiveness, flexibility (psychological and physical), physical sensations. This is the chakra of pleasure and interpersonal relationships.

Controls the health and functioning of the lower spine and intestines, ovaries.

Signs of a harmonious chakra: harmonious relationships with people, attractiveness, sexuality, energy, good self-esteem, self-respect, love for your body, developed taste.

Signs of a blocked chakra: sexual problems, low self-esteem, problems in relationships with people, in the family, jealousy, possessiveness, frequent feelings of guilt, irritability, despondency, touchiness, indulgence bad habits, voluptuousness, diseases of the reproductive organs.

Symptoms of Swadhisthana imbalance:

In your social life stagnation? Do you forget to make time for joy and pleasure? Do you no longer remember when guests, friends, and relatives came to your house? Are you tired of stewing in your own juice and want some company? Yours sexual relations Have you and your partner lost their colors?

Medicine for Svadhisthana:

Oranges. Eat them more often. Place orange scented lamps everywhere. Spray orange-scented perfume. Wear orange clothes. Add more orange details to the interior of your home. Wear or simply carry orange calcite with you (you can even hang it on your belt so that it goes down to the second chakra).

Listen to the music of Tibetan bowls, which will help you feel and see the energy of this chakra.

Tibetan bowls – Vibrations for chakra 2 (Svadhisthana)

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For many, the teaching of chakras is more than a metaphor. IN Lately they are talked about not only by adherents of Eastern philosophy and esotericism, but also, among others, by psychologists, spa therapists, fitness yoga teachers and homeopaths. Many of my friends have recently been “training their chakras” - actively attending relevant trainings - and are not overjoyed with the results. One fell in love, the other stopped having conflicts at work, the third became pregnant.

The most interesting thing for me is how to communicate with the opposite sex at the chakra level. It is believed that the first chakra, muladhara (the one located just below the tailbone, it is also called the “root chakra” and is associated with the color red, the energy of the earth and the planet Mars) is responsible for our stability, connection with the earth, with our roots, ancestors. This chakra circulates the energy of survival, procreation, the ability to take risks and solve problems. If it is blocked, then the ground under your feet disappears, you feel like a victim of circumstances, your lower back hurts, problems with your legs, joints, and endless injuries begin. Fortunately, it is not so difficult for a woman to unblock this chakra - just learn to let a man take care of you. This chakra is male, the energy in it moves clockwise (this is the yang direction), and in men it should be active, and in women it should be passive. Muladhara is, first of all, the satisfaction of basic material needs, and according to the principle of energy exchange, it is better if the responsibility for this lies with the man. According to the teachings of the chakras, a man's mission is to provide his woman with basic safety, comfort and protection. Then it will be able to be successfully implemented in other areas. And the woman’s task is to charge it with energy at the level of the next, second chakra - svadhisthana. It is located approximately 5 cm below the navel (in women - at the level of the uterus) and, conversely, ideally should be active in girls and passive in boys. This chakra (it is associated with the energy of water, which is the feminine element, and the color orange, and is ruled by Venus) is responsible for pleasure, sensuality and sensitivity, tenderness, the ability to receive pleasure, for beauty, for accepting oneself (primarily one’s body ) and for creativity.

When the second chakra is blocked, we experience guilt, cannot “let go” of ourselves during sex, doubt our own attractiveness and solve endless problems with the female organs and kidneys. And if energy flows freely there, a woman is able to endlessly give a man pleasure - through touch, sex, Tasty food, warm home, care and tenderness.

At the level of the third chakra - manipura ( yellow, fire energy, Sun) – energy is transformed and returns from man to woman. This center, responsible for social status, money, willpower, control and perseverance in achieving goals, should be active in men and passive in women. For many modern women(and, as it turns out, I have problems too) with this. We want, as they say in America, to have it all - to be active life position and control the situation. There is nothing wrong with this if... the desire to control does not go off scale and we know how to switch in time. Back pain, especially in the center of the spine or in the diaphragm area, constipation, gastritis and other problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as anxiety and worry about the future are all signs that the third chakra is blocked. According to energy laws, being afraid of losing money and work is very harmful - especially for a woman. This is how we lose strength and, most likely, sooner or later we may actually be left without funds. Money and status will come - on their own or through your man. You just need to trust the world more.

One of the most important “female” chakras is the fourth, anahata (emerald color, air energy, planet Moon), which is located at the level of the heart. Anahata is responsible for the ability to experience compassion and love - unconditionally and limitlessly, as well as to charge a man with emotions, inspiration, while accepting him as he is. It is believed that when a relationship is built on the fourth chakra, that is, you are connected not only by sex (this is a union on the first chakra, such relationships are the most fleeting), not by the desire for comfort and pleasure (relationships on the second chakra) and not by social status (connection on the third chakra) - they have a chance to be truly harmonious. It is also believed that this chakra is associated with our relationship with our parents - left-hand side The heart is connected to the mother, and the right one is connected to the father. If you are able to experience a state of causeless childish joy, regardless of the weather and other circumstances, most likely your heart chakra is open. Dejection, aggression, the desire to please everyone, a feeling of “emptiness” in the heart, the need for self-affirmation, psychological insufficiency, and physical level problems with the lungs and upper spine are signs that there is not enough energy in this center.

The fifth chakra, “vishuddha” (blue color, etheric energy, planet Mercury) is again masculine. This center controls self-expression, the ability to persuade and lead, generate and implement ideas, and achieve success in society. If this area is blocked, a lump in the throat appears, difficulty expressing an opinion, runny nose, sore throat, dental problems, thyroid gland, chronic tension in the shoulders and neck.

Sixth chakra, ajna ( Blue colour, planet Saturn) – another energy center, which primarily needs to be developed by women. It is located between the eyebrows, at the level of the “third eye”, and is responsible for intuition, wisdom, insight, the ability to trust oneself, listen to one’s inner voice, to feel other people - first of all, your man, adapting to him and gently controlling him, or rather, guiding him. Energy deficiency here includes headaches, vision problems, depression, a feeling of being lost and lacking a purpose in life, or when we live too much in our heads.

Finally, there is the seventh, “genderless” chakra called sarashara. It is located in the crown area and is responsible for communication with the cosmos, highest spiritual realization and unity with God. True, mystics say that most modern people this area is closed.

How to “pump up” chakras?

Natalya Ignatova, presenter of women's trainings

I have my own center where, among other things, I teach classes on the “Orgasm Reflex,” which helps to “pump up” primarily the first and second chakras. This practice was invented by the Austrian psychotherapist, Freud's student Wilhelm Reich, who believed that by unblocking the muscle clamps in the intimate organs that arise as a result of parental prohibitions, we release orgasmic energy. The more this energy you have and the freer it circulates in your body, the brighter the sex becomes, your creative potential the higher and the more successful you are in life. I watch all the time how, after the “Orgasm Reflex,” girls’ gait, gaze, and complexion change; they become a magnet for men. If you don’t like training, try a simple chakra breathing exercise at home. Sit back, close your eyes, tune in to your breathing. Spend two minutes on each chakra. If you find it difficult to mentally “fill” a chakra with its inherent color, it may be weakened or blocked.

  • Sit back, close your eyes, listen to your breathing. Bring your attention to the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Feel your tailbone, sacrum, pelvic floor, relax your perineum and breathe, directing your attention to these areas, filling this space with red color through your breath.
  • Mentally move to the second chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and in the center of the pelvis, begin to breathe into this place, filling it with orange color - about two minutes.
  • Bring your attention to the solar plexus area. Concentrate not only on the front of the body, but also listen to the sensations at the back, in the center of the spine, filling this space with the color yellow using your breath.
  • Bring your attention to the area chest, to its center. This is the heart chakra, slowly fill it with green.
  • Go to the throat, the area of ​​the fifth chakra. Feel the back of your neck as well, while relaxing cervical vertebrae, fill this area with blue.
  • Bring your attention to the sixth chakra, which is located between the eyebrows. Fill the brain area with blue.
  • Focus on the seventh chakra, it is at the crown and above your head. Fill this area with purple.

How often do we turn to the mirror with the question: “Am I the cutest in the world?”, and look at our reflection with hope. However, in most cases, we are not completely satisfied with what we saw. This immediately spoils our mood, we lose self-confidence, we begin to avoid new acquaintances, withdrawing into our own small, cramped world. Perhaps the reason for this is an overly critical attitude towards oneself, or maybe it’s to blame for everything, closed chakra Svadhisthana.

Where is the Svadhisthana chakra chakra located and what is it responsible for?

This second of the seven chakras, and its name, translated from Sanskrit, means “own housing.” It is located in the lower abdomen, at a distance of 3-4 centimeters below the navel. She is in charge of creative activity and sex life person. Also, qualities such as inner strength, self-confidence, the ability to empathize with others and honesty are associated with its influence.

WITH physiological point vision, the chakra is responsible for the health of the genital area, kidneys, gall bladder and all body fluids. At revealed Svadhisthana a person feels in harmony with the world, full of life and creative ideas. He does not feel guilty, he is cheerful and sociable, he laughs often and radiates sexuality. Women who have developed the second chakra have unique magnetism, always enjoy stunning success with men and are happy in their personal lives.

If the Svadhisthana chakra is not active

If Svadhisthana does not work effectively enough, a person becomes prone to vices and destructive excesses. He is indiscriminate in food and relationships, loves to shock others with his defiant appearance, but at the same time does not receive any pleasure from his antics. There may be another scenario - a person, on the contrary, becomes overly conservative and closed from society. He begins to suppress many of his natural desires and does not allow himself to relax for a minute.

If Svadhisthana is closed, a person tends to criticize himself very harshly. In public, he hides his insecurities under a mask of arrogance and ostentatious indifference. When it comes to clothing, he gives preference only to those things that can hide him from prying eyes - faded colors, long skirts, voluminous sweaters, complete absence memorable details.

How to awaken the Swadhisthana chakra

“I don’t need anything”, “I don’t deserve love and happiness”, “I’m unhappy and ugly”, “Some people are given everything, but others are given nothing.” Each of us, at least once in our lives, has uttered such phrases, or thought in this vein. But we never think that with such thoughts we ourselves undermine our health, disrupting the natural work of Swadhisthana.

Also, the chakra can be destroyed from lack of rest, physical inactivity, and lack of positive emotions. Caught up in the daily bustle, we stop appreciating the pleasant moments of life, and sometimes we completely lose the ability to notice them.

What to do in such a situation? How to awaken Svadhisthana and prevent it from fading away? Here are some tips:

  • Try to eat more plant-based foods and minimize your meat intake. Particular attention should be paid to citrus fruits. Oranges and tangerines are a natural portrait of Svadhisthana, since its symbol is considered to be a bright orange circle framed by lotus petals.
  • Drink more water. Its energy largely coincides with the vibrations of the chakra.
  • Wear sophisticated clothes with feminine silhouettes and sexy lingerie. This will help you improve your self-esteem and feel confident. It would be great if you have several orange items or accessories in your wardrobe. But exercises aimed at opening and developing the chakra must be performed in clothes in shades of water - blue or light blue.
  • Treat yourself to aromatherapy sessions at least two to three times a week. The best scents for Swadhisthana are sandalwood and ylang-ylang. Sandalwood will help unleash your creative potential, it has a beneficial effect on fantasy, and harmonizes the sexual sphere of a person’s life. And ylang-ylang perfectly relaxes and calms.

Exercises to open the chakra

  • It is necessary to lie down and bend your knees, while your feet should be pressed to the floor. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, you need to raise your pelvis as high as possible and imagine that the air is passing between your legs. Then return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated for at least 5 minutes.
  • Sit in the lotus position, fold your palms in front of your chest, elbows should be slightly apart. Breathe deeply and evenly, focusing all your attention on the abdominal area in the Svadhisthana region. Try to feel its orange color, warmth and pulsation. The exercise must be performed for 10 minutes.
  • You need to lie on the floor and take the most comfortable position. You can't bend your legs. Place your hands on your stomach, palms should be located in the navel area. Now you should relax as much as possible and imagine that your palms begin to heat up and emit a warm orange glow, which becomes brighter and brighter every minute. This light should gradually turn into a large pulsating sphere inside the abdomen, it will further expand, filling the entire body with warmth. You should have a feeling of inner strength, peace and joy. The exercise must be performed for at least 5 minutes.

After a while, you may feel slight burning sensation or tingling in the stomach is a sign that the Svadhisthana chakra has begun to awaken.

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