Home Coated tongue Chills due to overwork. Night chills: main causes and effective treatment

Chills due to overwork. Night chills: main causes and effective treatment

Good day, dear readers!

In today’s article we will look at such an unpleasant symptom that accompanies many diseases as chills (trembling), as well as its causes, associated symptoms, treatment and prevention of chills. So…

What is chills?

Chills– feeling of cold and chilliness caused by spasms skin vessels, which is also accompanied by trembling and sometimes goosebumps. Trembling develops mainly in the muscles of the head (masticatory muscles), back, shoulder girdle and limbs.

Most often, the cause of chills is a disease of viral etiology, which is characterized by elevated or high body temperature. Mild chills can occur during stress, fear and other emotional outbursts, but they usually pass quickly. Therefore, in all cases, chills are a symptom that tells us that something is happening to the body.

Chills are one of the protective functions of the body - during muscle spasms, the body generates a large amount of energy, and, accordingly, heat, during which self-warming and normalization of body temperature occurs.

Treatment of chills is aimed at removing its cause, therefore, when the body’s functioning is normalized - when the disease or external unfavorable conditions in which the person is located are removed, the chills go away on their own.

Chills. ICD

ICD-10: R50.0;
ICD-9: 780.64.

Causes of chills

Conventionally, chills are divided into 2 types – chills with fever and chills without fever. Among the reasons for their development are:

Chills without fever are caused by:

  • finding the body in unfavorable conditions climatic conditions, in the cold, and freezing of the body;
  • diseases of the endocrine system: , ;
  • , fright;
  • hormonal changes – pregnancy;
  • overwork;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • injuries.

Chills with fever are caused by:

  • infections: and other diseases accompanied by elevated and high body temperature;
  • digestive system disorders: , ;
  • circulatory disorders, internal bleeding;
  • other diseases: , Raynaud's disease.

Symptoms of chills

Depending on the cause of the chills, the following symptoms may accompany them:

  • blue lips, nails (due to hypothermia);
  • , malaise;
  • constrained body movements, lethargy;
  • , disturbances of consciousness, hallucinations;

Diagnosis of chills

Diagnosis of chills includes:

  • Anamnesis;

Treatment of chills

What to do if you have chills, if you feel cold? As noted above, treatment of chills is aimed at eliminating its root cause. Thus, the following methods of treating chills can be noted:

- Warm the body - dress well in warm clothes, wrap yourself in a blanket, drink hot tea, raspberries or milk, if not elevated temperature, take a warm bath or steam your feet in a basin.

— If you are emotionally unbalanced, you need to take deep breaths, drink a glass of water, a sedative, such as tea with mint or sage;

- If, it is necessary to take a remedy for increased fever, when it normalizes, the chills will go away on their own;

- If chills are caused poor condition vessels, as for example with, then hardening procedures have proven themselves to normalize their work;

— For various infectious diseases (flu, etc.), it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, which will help quickly remove infections from the body and, accordingly, normalize its condition.

Important! If you have chills, do not drink alcoholic beverages! Use medicines possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

Preventing chills

During the cold season, dress well and avoid hypothermia;

In young children, especially under three years of age, the cerebral cortex, where the hypothalamus, which is responsible, among other things, is located, is not fully formed. thermoregulation functions in the body.

Therefore, in children, the temperature can “jump” at a greater interval compared to adults. Fever may be accompanied or followed by chills.

However, chills without fever in a child are often serious symptom dysfunction of body systems. Every parent should know how to help your child before contacting a specialist.

General concept

In most cases, chills are a protective reaction of the body, preventing hypothermia.

This phenomenon accompanied by in children:

  1. The appearance of “goose bumps” due to spasm of blood vessels located on the surface of the body. This is how the body protects itself from dehydration by limiting evaporation.
  2. Trembling muscles (to increase the body's heat production). First of all, the masticatory muscles begin to contract, that is, “teeth chatter.”
  3. The desire to curl up into a ball (take the fetal position).

Chills are accompanied by increased metabolism and increased synthesis of interferons, that is, the body comes into a state of combat readiness, mobilizing all its defenses.

Causes of occurrence

Babies may develop a short-term fever with hypothermia in a state of immobility. It goes away instantly if the child is changed into dry clothes and warmed up by giving him a warm, sweet drink.

Also chills without fever may develop as a result of:

  1. Nervous tension, severe stress.
  2. Intoxication of the body (, and genitourinary system, often occur at normal or slightly elevated temperatures).
  3. Reception medications(for example, fluoroquinolone antibiotics).
  4. Vaccinations, Mantoux reactions.
  5. General exhaustion of the body after a long illness, intense exercise (sports competitions and preparation for them) or as a result.
  6. (typical for teenagers).
  7. (up to a year).
  8. Malfunction of the endocrine system. Here we can distinguish (decreased production of thyroid hormones) and type 1, which is activated during puberty.

TO more rare causes chills in children include:

  • Renaud's syndrome is a lesion of small vessels on the tips of the fingers and toes, as well as the nose and earlobes.
  • gastritis (acute and chronic). In this case, chills may be accompanied by bad breath.
  • hypopituitarism is a decrease in the production of hormones by the pituitary gland.

In any case, every parent should be able to recognize the appearance of chills in the baby, provide him with first aid, and if attacks continue or repeat (without hypothermia), without delaying, consult a doctor.

Symptoms and signs

The first sign of chills in a child is cold hands and feet, as well as characteristic tapping of the teeth (contraction of the masticatory muscles).

Then, as the baby develops, small muscle tremors the whole body, there is a desire to curl up into a ball, as well as:

  • weakness;
  • reluctance to communicate;
  • loss of interest in the outside world.

Skin at the very beginning of fever covered with pimples due to the reduction of capillaries on its surface. Babies with chills cry continuously, rolling over. Older children may breathe shallowly and moan frequently.

Severe chills without fever can be frightening for parents, as they are very similar to seizures.

How to recognize and not confuse it with seizures?

Chills are typical small constant muscle contraction. Child feels cold at the same time. Children who can speak like this say: “I’m cold.” At the same time, they try to wrap themselves up warmly, huddling into a ball, trying to minimize heat transfer.

Cramps are periodic muscle contractions with large amplitude which consciousness cannot control.

For convulsions one part of the body may be involved, that is, an arm, leg, shoulder, etc., twitch rhythmically. Very rarely, a convulsive spasm affects all muscles.

In this case, the baby's eyes roll back, and pain passes through the body. waves of contractions.

If the attack does not stop after three to five minutes, the child loses consciousness.

Chills can turn into seizures in some cases, so parents need to know how fever develops and what it might mean.

With and without fever

Very often, a febrile state in children is a harbinger of an increase in temperature, that is, in this way the body begins to fight the threat of infection.

Chills with fever In most cases, this means the presence of infectious diseases, in which the synthesis of interferons begins to activate in the baby’s body, increasing immunity, blocking the reproduction and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In this case, fever may be accompanied by aches and pain in the eyes.

  • teething in infants;
  • reaction to the vaccine.

Also, febrile phenomena with high temperature are characteristic of acute inflammatory processes - from sinusitis to inflammation of the kidneys or Bladder(in girls - ovaries).

In this case, the body experiences imbalance of macroelements sodium and calcium, which is clearly visible on a general biochemical blood test.

Chills without fever in a baby Can mean:

  1. An imbalance in the body of the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline as a result of stress, including hypothermia or overwork.
  2. The formation in the body of endogenous pyrogens, which are toxic products of the metabolism of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Failure of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the central nervous system.

If chills appear in a baby before 3 months, it is necessary call urgently Ambulance . Children under three years of age need urgent help if the fever lasts longer than 15 minutes.

What to do?

When the first signs of fever and complaints about unreasonable cold appear, the baby should be placed in a crib, covered with a light blanket, woolen socks placed on his feet over cotton ones, and then given warm sweet drink.

This could be a compote with dried fruits, a fruit drink with cranberries, lingonberries, or weak green tea with lemon. It is better to drink little by little (5-10 ml), but often.

To prevent dehydration, use a 10% glucose solution orally, which is sold in pharmacies in ampoules.

And in order to calm the baby down Warm tea with mint and honey is best. You can also add lemon balm to this herb if the child is over one year old.

Grudnichkov It is advisable to carry it in your arms and apply it to your chest as often as possible.

Relieves nervous chills well aromatic lavender oil.

2-3 drops of this product are dissolved in 50 ml of peach oil, and then rubbed on the child’s feet and palms.

If the chills continue after taking these measures, becoming more complicated vomiting, then you need to call an ambulance. In this case, severe intoxication of the body is likely, which is fraught with dehydration with unpleasant consequences.

What can't you do?

After the first symptoms of chills appear and as they develop without fever parents should not:

  • warm the baby in the bath;
  • put mustard plasters on him, including on his calves;
  • being forcibly wrapped in warm, uncomfortable clothes or a blanket (the main thing is to warm your feet);
  • heat the air in the room using electric heaters. This will lead to a decrease in humidity, which can only worsen the baby’s condition.

It is also prohibited to give medications, including antispasmodics (noshpu, papaverine), without a doctor’s prescription. This could lead to a sharp fall blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Valerian for calming a child in any form It's not worth giving. It begins to work only with regular use, when its reserves accumulate in the body.

A decoction of motherwort for relaxation is very effective, but has bad taste . Getting a shivering child to drink it without vomiting is quite a difficult task.


To prevent chills in children we need to boost their immunity by using:

  • reasonable hardening;
  • physical exercise;
  • balanced diet high in protein;
  • regular intake vitamin complexes as prescribed by a doctor.

Parents should remember that causeless chills in a child without fever, especially periodically repeated ones, serves as a serious reason to see a doctor. This is exactly the case when it is better to play it safe than to leave the situation to develop on its own.

You can learn about the causes of chills without fever from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

Pathological conditions in which chills and nausea occur simultaneously may indicate many disorders and diseases of various types. Thus, the human body signals about disturbances in the digestive system, the functioning of internal organs, endocrine disorders and even mental problems. The occurrence of such symptoms should be a reason to contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

Reasons and features

IN medical practice chills, nausea and vomiting are often observed during poisoning. In addition to the above symptoms, a person feels weakness, dizziness, increased body temperature, and signs of stomach upset appear. Severe poisoning is accompanied by dehydration and requires immediate action. medical care. In the absence of diarrhea, consider other causes pathological condition.

Thus, chills and nausea accompany a panic attack, during which the pulse accelerates, blood rushes to the face, difficulty breathing and weakness are felt. In severe cases, a person loses control over himself and feels fear instant death. Despite the fact that thousands of people are susceptible to this condition, most of them do not attach much importance to it. Others, fearing a heart attack, panic and call emergency doctors.

A panic attack is characterized as a sudden, unaccountable fear that causes a characteristic reaction in the body. Most often, attacks occur at a young age in 2% of the population, which are regarded as “nerves” or “stress”, and can haunt people throughout their lives. This condition appears suddenly and lasts about an hour, during which there is increased heart rate and sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chills, nausea, weakness and problems swallowing.

With repeated cases of panic or fear of its occurrence, a disease may develop - a panic attack, which more often manifests itself in females. Its causes have not been fully studied, but it is believed that in this way the body intuitively activates protective systems, preparing to repel a possible threat. An urgent need for a drug, hyperthyroidism, and an impending heart attack can also lead to a panic attack. If you experience any symptoms of a panic attack, you should consult a doctor.

This particular incident is described in the video.

Other causes of nausea and vomiting may include: nervous disorders caused by traumatic brain injury, bruises or cerebral edema.

The following diseases can also provoke the above symptoms:

Migraine. Characterized by paroxysmal headache and nausea. The duration of symptoms depends on the severity of blood supply disorders in individual areas of the brain. The condition can last up to several days. Brain tumor. Characterized by severe, frequently recurring systematic headache and nausea. Meningitis. An infectious disease in which inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. It is characterized by severe headache, chills, nausea, increased body temperature, as well as darkening of the skin in the form of spots. Borelliosis. It is characterized by weakness, dizziness and headache, and nausea and vomiting are often observed. This affects the joints and skin, nervous system, joints and blood vessels. Arterial hypertension. The main sign of pathology is periodic headache, along with which chills, nausea and vomiting often occur.

The combined manifestation of chills and nausea can cause the following diseases:

Pathologies of an infectious nature (scarlet fever, gastric meningitis, measles). Acute renal failure. Toxemia (poisoning of the body due to the breakdown of its own tissues). Inflammation respiratory tract(pharyngitis, sore throat, bronchitis). Hepatitis A in the preicteric stage. Cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts). Dyskinesia in small intestine. Cholecystitis. Postoperative conditions after intervention in the respiratory and digestive systems.

The appearance of nausea and chills is a reason to contact a medical facility or call an ambulance, since self-diagnosis may be inaccurate, and self-medication is unacceptable. Certain diseases causing chills and nausea may pose a threat to human life or health.

What to do?

Elimination of the symptoms of nausea and chills is associated with the treatment of a specific condition or disease that causes them. For this purpose, medical and folk remedies are used, as well as a special diet and nutrition correction.


Depending on the nature of nausea and chills, the doctor may prescribe the following medications to eliminate them:

Loperamide. Used to treat diarrhea of ​​various nature, including emotional. Eliminates the root cause of nausea and chills in gastrointestinal disorders. Contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity, dysentery, diverticulosis and conditions associated with intestinal obstruction and inhibition of peristalsis, under the age of 6 years. Price 11-55 rub. Regidron. A product for restoring water and electrolyte balance, correcting acidosis and energy balance during severe physical activity. Eliminates nausea and vomiting during intoxication. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, liver and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, intestinal obstruction, V unconscious patient and hypotension. Price 390-410 rub. Diprazine. An antihistamine that calms the nervous system, enhances the effect of local painkillers, lowers body temperature and eliminates nausea. Contraindicated in drinking alcohol, impaired kidney and liver function, driving or driving complex mechanisms that require increased attention. Price 780-1450 rub. Paracetamol. Intended for use for pain of various origins, chills, fever, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, alcoholism, anemia, severe liver or kidney dysfunction, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Price 6-75 rub. Balm “Star”. Helps relax muscles and normalize blood flow, eliminates symptoms of infectious respiratory diseases and psycho-emotional disorders, relieves headaches and chills, and eliminates the feeling of nausea. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the drug. It is recommended to conduct a susceptibility test before use. Price 60-220 rub.

Traditional treatment

Application folk remedies can effectively relieve symptoms of chills and nausea. But before using them, be sure to consult with your doctor. For this purpose, the following traditional methods of treatment are used:

Warm the body with warm clothes and periodically drink hot tea containing raspberries and lemon, which reduces the feeling of nausea. If there is no fever, it is recommended to take a warm bath or steam your feet in a basin. In a stressful situation or mental imbalance, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, breathe deeply and take tea containing lemon balm, mint, sage and chamomile. For severe headaches and chills (migraines), use a piece of cloth soaked in vinegar and olive oil, which is applied to the frontal part of the head. After a few minutes, the symptoms will begin to subside. St. John's wort decoction. Helps eliminate intestinal disorders and relieves headaches. Prepared by brewing 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs in a glass of boiling water, followed by infusion for 6 hours. Take 200 g after meals. Eating grapefruit, lemon or orange lowers body temperature, eliminating chills, and reduces the feeling of nausea.

Nutrition correction and diet

Taking medications for nausea and chills will help to stop the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms once. But if the cause of problems in the body is associated with intoxication or disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the following recommendations should be followed:

If you feel nauseous, stop eating heavy food for 2-3 hours. Severe nausea and chills associated with fever can be relieved by fresh lemon. The best liquid to drink for nausea is still water or juice. Food should be consumed in small portions and chewed thoroughly. It is advisable to eat light meals (low-fat soup, broth). Include milk porridge in your diet. Drink freshly squeezed fruit juices.

If symptoms of nausea occur, limit the consumption of the following foods:

Fatty, smoked and fried foods. Carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol and energy drinks. Spicy foods. Conservation. Sweets.

If nausea is present for 3-5 days, this is reported to a gastroenterologist or therapist for diagnosis, identification of the cause of the disorder and prevention of possible unwanted complications(gastritis, ulcers).


Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of symptoms of nausea and chills are as follows:

Careful monitoring of diet to prevent the possibility of poisoning. Maintaining hygiene and sanitary standards to prevent infection various types infections and influence external environment, which can weaken the body and lead to diseases. Regular examination with a doctor in order to identify possible pathological conditions and diseases, and their timely treatment. Timely consultation with a doctor at the first appearance of symptoms of nausea and chills. Active lifestyle, adherence to daily routine and absence of bad habits.

The appearance of symptoms of nausea and chills indicates the presence of certain problems in the body. They may be the result of poisoning, certain mental conditions or diseases. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to find out their cause, and then begin treatment. For this purpose, contact a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe adequate therapy. Timely contact with a specialist increases the chances of eliminating the problem as quickly as possible and achieving a complete cure.


The presence of symptoms such as:

bad breath, abdominal pain, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, belching, increased gas production (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or stomach ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous due to the development of serious complications (penetration, stomach bleeding etc.), many of which can lead to


outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their main cause. Read the material...

If a person has severe chills, and the body breaks, this means that a spasm occurs in the blood vessels and muscles of the skin.

The patient gradually develops the following symptoms:

weakness and trembling throughout the body; increased sweating at night; nausea and vomiting; headache.

Chills without fever in women and men are accompanied by problems with the masticatory muscles. Most often, the reason for this condition lies in hypothermia, since in such a situation the temperature drops sharply and the person begins to shiver. This is how a protective reaction to cold manifests itself.

Why then does the temperature rise? This factor is caused by muscle spasm, which leads to an increase in the amount of heat in the body. If a person warms up quickly, the chills disappear naturally.

Chills are usually accompanied by fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, and normal body temperature changes to high. Chills without signs of fever are most often a symptom of the following pathological conditions:

hormonal imbalances; poor circulation; various injuries; neuroses; fright

Why do chills occur without fever?

It is important to know!

The cause of this pathological condition in women and men is a serious disruption in the functioning of any body system.

It is accompanied by weakness, general malaise, headache, nausea and even vomiting; the patient always wants to lie down to rest.

Chills without fever develop as a result of:

stressful situations; severe hypothermia; infectious disease; ARVI; pathologies of the endocrine system; sudden jumps in blood pressure.

If the cause of chills is hypothermia, at this moment the person experiences a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. In this pathological situation, the patient’s condition is characterized by slow blood flow and the appearance of problems with metabolic processes.

The patient says that he feels cold, and the condition worsens at night, when the body sweats more. You can improve your well-being with the help of special warming procedures and drinking hot drinks.

Chills without fever during a cold, as mentioned above, are the body’s natural defense. What to do in this case? If a person is very cold, the following will help in this situation:

warm foot baths with added medicinal herbs; hot milk with butter and natural honey; herbal infusions from strawberries, raspberries and currants.

After any medical procedures the patient should immediately go to bed and try to sleep. The body rests best during sleep.

When the cause of chills is some infectious pathogen, the patient’s body will most likely develop symptoms characteristic of general intoxication:

nausea; vomit; headache; general weakness.

This condition is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating the human body, begin to actively produce various toxins and poisons, which are the result of the vital activity of these bacteria. What to do in such a situation? Treatment of infectious diseases can only be prescribed by a doctor, so the patient must immediately contact a medical facility.

The reasons for the condition when there are chills, but no temperature, often lie in the fact that a person is constantly experiencing stress and nervous tension. Most often it is observed in women, since they experience it more deeply than men. In such a situation, the patient needs:

try to calm down; take a decoction of sedative herbs; drink tea with lemon or sour berry decoction (blackcurrant, blackberry).

People with disorders of the vegetative-vascular system (dystonia) typically experience chills at night, less often during the daytime. Impaired blood circulation leads to the fact that these patients are cold all the time. This is why their extremities are constantly cold.

The condition when there is chills, but no temperature, is explained by a violation of the tone in the blood vessels. Do circulatory system acceptance will help normality at least for a while contrast shower, going to the sauna and other hardening activities. Hot procedures must be replaced by cold ones.

In order to remove toxins caused by stress from the body as quickly as possible, it is recommended for women and men to use a decoction of lingonberry leaves. However, in order to avoid such poisoning and its symptoms, which are headache, nausea and vomiting, you need to try to distance yourself from stressful situations and strive for a normal emotional environment. Nervous exhaustion poses a serious threat to the functioning of all internal organs.

Severe chills, in which there is no temperature, can occur in people susceptible to surges in blood pressure. During hypertensive crisis the condition of the blood vessels changes, and this entails circulatory disorders.

When blood pressure returns to normal indicators the chills disappear completely.

Treatment of chills

If the cause of chills without fever lies in hypothermia, the patient will be helped by:

breathing exercises; warm bath; reception sedative; hot drink.

When the causes of chills are infections or colds, foot steaming and hot baths can be used as therapeutic measures. After such activities, the patient’s body must be rubbed with a terry towel and the person put to bed.

If the patient has symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, he loses his appetite. In this case, the person should be given as much drink as possible, to which lemon, raspberry jam and honey should be added. In this way, you can get rid of intoxication from the body.

In addition, the patient is prescribed diuretics. With the help of diuretics, toxins are removed from the body faster, which means that the symptoms of intoxication (headache, nausea and vomiting) also disappear faster.

To treat chills without fever, you should not resort to drinking alcohol. Such actions will only lead to a worsening of the condition.

Chills can be caused by endocrine diseases, so the patient needs to undergo appropriate hormone tests. For hormone deficiency thyroid gland The doctor will prescribe replacement therapy.

Drugs containing hormones are often prescribed to women during menopause, and these drugs are intended specifically to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, which include chills without fever.

Periodic vascular spasms are typical of Rhine disease. In such a situation, Botox injections will help get rid of the unpleasant symptom. Patients who are familiar with chills should avoid hypothermia.

If the condition is provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia, treatment should be comprehensive, it will help strengthen the body from the inside. The patient must give up bad habits, since smoking and alcohol impair blood circulation. Full sleep– the key to good blood circulation.

A condition where there are chills but no temperature may indicate the presence of various diseases in the body, most of which are very serious. Therefore, the cause of the pathology needs to be found out as quickly as possible.

And in the video in this article you can learn how to correctly diagnose the flu and not miss the onset of the disease.

Latest discussions:

Chills are popularly called a sensation when the whole body begins to feel cold, which causes trembling to appear in it. This condition is described with the words “chills” or “freezing”, and this is not at all the same as just trembling, not accompanied by a feeling of cold.

When chills are accompanied by fever, everything seems clear: you have a cold. But what could be the reason that chills appeared without fever? This is what we will look at here.

What determines the formation of chills?

The feeling of cold is “dictated” to a person by the thermoregulatory center - special nerve cells located in the hypothalamus. When he feels that the body has cooled down, he “turns on” the sensation of chills - a defensive reaction, which consists of:

spasm peripheral vessels(cutaneous, subcutaneous, localized in mucous membranes in contact with the external environment). Thus, by reducing the diameter of blood vessels, the body limits the evaporation of heat from the body; muscle tremors, which are needed in order to increase the amount of heat in the body. Trembling begins from the masticatory muscles, so the first sign of chills is described as “tooth not touching tooth”; reflexive desire to “curl up into a ball”; increased metabolism.

Based on the ability to maintain a constant temperature, the human body can be divided into 2 parts:

"Core" or "core". These are muscles and tissues lying deeper than 2-2.5 cm from the surface of the skin, internal organs, central organs nervous system. The task of the thermoregulatory center is to prevent the “core” from cooling below 35.5°C (the temperature of the “core” is judged by the readings of a thermometer in the armpit, under the tongue, in the rectum or external auditory canal). "Shell". This is the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles lying superficially (for example, on the face). The temperature of the “shell” partly depends on the temperature of the external environment. In addition, it is not the same everywhere: on the skin of the toes and hands it can be 25°C, on the chest, back and stomach covered with clothes - up to 35°C.

The thermoregulatory center scans the body temperature every second: even a change of 0.01 degrees does not escape it. He learns about temperature with the help of special nerve endings that record the temperature in the arteries that supply the brain with blood. And when the surrounding air becomes cold enough, the blood in the vessels of the “shell” also cools, and this is reflected in the temperature of the entire blood. Then the thermoregulatory center gives the “command” to constrict the vessels of the “shell”, activate muscle tremors and “turn on” non-contractile thermogenesis - energy production in brown adipose tissue (this is present in children and very rarely persists into adulthood).

There is the concept of a “set point” for thermoregulation. This is the level of body temperature to which the body will strive; When it is reached, thermoregulatory mechanisms are practically switched off and “rest”. If the actual body temperature is below this “set point”, heat production increases (through the work of muscles and brown fat) and heat transfer decreases (the vessels of the superficial tissues narrow). The “set point” can change in some brain diseases, and then the hypothalamus can trigger severe chills when normal temperature body, considering her low. Such diseases include brain tumors, craniopharyngomas, hemorrhages in the hypothalamus, Gaye-Wernicke disease, as well as neurosurgical operations.

The formation of the “setting point” is influenced by:

the amount of sodium and calcium in the hypothalamus, which depends on the concentration of these ions in the blood. The latter depends not only on how much calcium and sodium a person gets from food. What is important is how this balance will be affected by the endocrine organs and kidneys; balance in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. If it changes (including under the influence of drugs), either heat production or heat transfer begins to increase; concentrations of norepinephrine and serotonin; psychogenic factors, stress; pyrogens are substances produced by pathogenic microbes that have entered the body.

Commands from the thermoregulatory center, which compared the actual blood temperature with the expected one, reach not only the nerves. They are partially carried out by hormones. These are thyroid hormones, which control metabolism, as well as adrenal hormones: adrenaline and norepinephrine, which control vascular tone. During pregnancy early stages Progesterone “connects” to them, which shifts the “set point” slightly upward to provide the embryo with the opportunity to develop.

Causes of chills without fever

Considering the mechanisms by which thermoregulation occurs, chills without fever may indicate the following diseases and conditions:


This is the first reason to think about. If you are freezing indoors during the unheated season, or for a long time spent in cold air/cold water, then with the help of chills the body tries to raise body temperature to the “set point”.

Stress, fear

If you are very nervous or scared, then this upsets the balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic system in favor of the latter. In this case, the hypothalamus “commands” to increase body temperature. This phenomenon is temporary; cough, not accompanied by any pain.

Alcohol intoxication

Ethyl alcohol, found in various drinks, causes dilation of the “shell” vessels, as a result, heat evaporates from the surface of the body and it cools. A decrease in temperature leads to the development of symptoms of chills.

Taking medications

If you are constantly taking Phenothiazine, Phenobarbital, Barboval, Sibazon (Relanium, Valium), Gidazepam, Reserpine, Droperidol or Haloperidol, as well as an anti-nausea drug “Motilium” (“Domrid”, “Motorix”, which are based on domperidone), keep in mind: they dilate blood vessels. As a result, the body cools down and chills occur.

Severe illness

When a person was seriously ill for a long time or seriously, the body threw all its strength into curing him. This depleted him and worsened the functioning of the adrenal glands (a similar effect is observed with stress). Decreased production of adrenal hormones leads to a decrease in body temperature and, accordingly, activates the symptoms of chills. The body temperature is below normal.

Diseases accompanied by intoxication

These are mainly infectious diseases:

respiratory diseases; intestinal infections(what is called poisoning); pneumonia, especially atypical forms that occur with normal temperature; inflammation urinary tract; tuberculosis of any localization.

The fact that this disease is caused by one of the types of microbes can be assumed based on the fact that weakness suddenly appears, appetite disappears or decreases, and there may be slight dizziness and nausea (these are symptoms of intoxication).

The following symptoms will indicate the localization of the source of inflammation: with acute respiratory infections - a sore throat and runny nose, with pneumonia - cough, pain in the upper parts of the sternum, with inflammation of the urinary tract - lower back pain, difficulty or pain when urinating.

Food poisoning is usually accompanied by nausea, diarrhea (even once); it occurs after eating foods with cream, meat, dairy products, and dishes with mayonnaise.

Tuberculosis is characterized by weakness, night sweats, and cough. They may not be observed too much long time. Gradually, if the tuberculosis process changes its localization, the cough may disappear. Then other symptoms appear: headaches (with tuberculous meningitis) or pain in the lower back (if it is kidney tuberculosis), pain in the bones (with a bone process). Intoxication remains the same.

Of course, a feeling of chills with signs of intoxication in the absence of an increase in temperature can also manifest other diseases. So, in men it can be exacerbations chronic diseases testicles, epididymis, prostate. But in this case, they will come to the fore discomfort in the scrotum or lower abdomen, urination and erection problems.

In women, chills without fever, accompanied by intoxication, may accompany inflammation of the breast tissue (mastitis) and lactostasis in nursing women. Breast cancer also manifests itself. But in most cases, pain in the mammary gland comes to the fore.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

This is an outdated diagnosis, which, however, is used to designate disorders of the autonomic nervous system without signs of damage to its structures. The diagnosis is usually made after examining a person with one or more of the following complaints and ruling out more “serious” diseases: hypertension, heart pathologies, diabetes mellitus, mental disorders.

The disease manifests itself:

pain in the heart; feeling of palpitations or irregular heartbeats; chills; feeling internal trembling; coldness of hands and feet; swelling; migrating pain in joints and muscles.

Increased blood pressure

Body chills without fever may be a sign of increased blood pressure. It is not a sign of illness if high blood pressure was measured while you are very nervous or have just worked out. But if chills are accompanied by pressure above 140/100 mm Hg. was noted at rest or during usual physical activity, you need to make an appointment with a therapist and start monitoring this indicator. Before you see this doctor, stop drinking alcohol, strong black teas, coffee, and reduce your salt intake by half.


This is the name of the state when thyroid begins to produce fewer hormones, which slows down metabolic processes in the body. This disease can develop in both women and men. Hypothyroidism may be separate disease, but also occurs with inflammation of the thyroid gland (including autoimmune), as well as with its cancer.

In children, hypothyroidism is often congenital and life-threatening, causing a critical slowdown in the development of brain structures.

Manifestations of hypothyroidism can be noticed by the patient’s relatives only when hormones become too low. In children over 3 years of age and adults this is:

lethargy; swelling of the face, while it acquires a yellowish tint; slowdown thought processes and attention; the skin becomes dry; increased chilliness; frequent headaches; fast fatiguability; loss of appetite; nausea; flatulence; constipation; in women - menstrual irregularities, usually characterized by delays and scanty periods.

Raynaud's syndrome

This is the name of a disease in which in the cold or when nervous tension severe vasospasm is observed in the fingers or toes, in the chin, in the ear cartilage or in the tip of the nose. The attack is accompanied by successive changes: first, the affected tissues turn pale, then become violet-blue, then turn red.

Stomach diseases

Gastritis and stomach cancer can manifest as feelings of malaise, chills, profuse sweating, and dizziness. If diseases are accompanied by the production of large amounts of hydrochloric acid, pain is felt in the abdomen, heartburn is often felt, and there may be diarrhea.


This is called a decrease in the pituitary gland's production of its hormones. Chills without fever will develop when the function of the pituitary gland in relation to the adrenal cortex is reduced. The adrenal cortex produces little hormones - weakness, bad mood, chills associated with a decrease in blood pressure appear.

In a similar way, insufficient production of hormones from the adrenal cortex manifests itself when it is not the pituitary gland that is affected, but the adrenal cortex. This condition is called hypocortisolism. It may be caused by tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, or amyloidosis of this part of the organ. Chronic hypocortisolism can become a complication of any operation, radiation therapy carried out on the organs of the retroperitoneal space (kidneys, pancreas). It can develop as a result of such rare diseases, such as adrenoleukodystrophy or adrenomyelodystrophy. In some cases, hypocortisolism develops for unknown reasons.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

On initial stage this disease is manifested by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Periodically there are attacks of insomnia or drowsiness during the day, headaches, and noise in one or two ears.


In diabetes mellitus, there is damage to the blood vessels of the skin, which makes them unable to normal speed respond to changes in ambient temperature. In addition, the vessels that supply the brain, including the thermoregulation center, undergo changes. Diabetes can impair nutrition in the hands and feet. Each of these can provoke the development of frequent chills.


This is the name for a condition in which the diameter of the vessels no longer corresponds to the amount of blood in them: either there is too little blood, or the vessels become too wide.

Shock may develop due to a severe allergic reaction ( anaphylactic shock). In this case, symptoms appear 5-120 minutes (less often, more) after an insect bite, taking some kind of drug, or eating some kind of food. Less commonly, anaphylactic shock occurs after heat/cold exposure or after intense physical activity.

Shock may be caused by strong pain. It occurs as a result of trauma, injury, inflammation of any organ or structure.

If you have felt a sore throat, cough, nausea - any symptom indicating microbial inflammation for some time, and then it begins to get worse, you begin to feel chilly, your pulse quickens, this may be an infectious-toxic shock requiring emergency medical attention.

In case of excessive vomiting or diarrhea, chills without fever may mean the development of hypovolemic shock - from the loss of a large amount of fluid. If you feel chills during heavy periods, against the background of pain in any part of the abdomen, or during diarrhea with blood, this may be hemorrhagic shock - shock from blood loss.

At the slightest suspicion of shock, especially in a child, you need to urgently call an ambulance. There is no question of inviting local doctors or visiting them at the clinic.

Causes of chills in children

Often, chills in children occur due to acute respiratory infections, poisoning, and urinary tract diseases.

In adolescence, vegetative-vascular dystonia most often “raises its head,” but the symptom can be caused alcohol intoxication, taking drugs that dilate blood vessels. Teenage girls may shiver from freezing and stress. In some cases there is no need to discount possible pregnancy teenage girls.

This is the most common reasons sensations of cold and muscle tremors in children. In general, chills in a child can be caused by any of the reasons (except atherosclerosis) that are mentioned for adults.

Selected causes of chills in women

In addition to the above reasons, a feeling of chills in women can be a manifestation of:

premenstrual period; migraine; increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), the causes of which can be diseases sweat glands, so endocrine diseases, and diseases of internal organs, and tuberculosis.

In all these cases, chills can occur at any time of the day. Appearing at night in women, it is more characteristic of hypothyroidism than of other conditions.

During pregnancy

Chills without fever during pregnancy can occur due to any of the reasons listed above. Thus, a pregnant woman may become nervous, develop ARVI, and worsen vegetative-vascular dystonia and diabetes mellitus. The development of any type of shock is also possible.

appeared only in the first weeks of pregnancy; not accompanied by abdominal pain, a feeling of panic, cough, diarrhea; does not occur simultaneously with the release of blood from the genital tract (even if this is the day on which menstruation previously occurred).

The cause of chills during pregnancy can also be a spontaneous miscarriage. It is accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen and bleeding from the vagina.

Another reason for the feeling of cold and trembling, characteristic only of pregnancy, is frozen pregnancy. In this case, chills are a sign of intoxication resulting from the absorption of tissues of the dead fetus into the blood. In addition to chills, the condition is often accompanied by nausea, weakness, and body aches.

In the second half of pregnancy, chills may be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. This means that a complication called “preeclampsia” has developed and requires treatment.

During menopause

The next cause of chills, which is typical only for women, but no longer pregnant, is hormonal changes during menopause. You can think about this if a woman is over 40 years old; in addition to chills, there are hot flashes, increased sweating, and insomnia. Such symptoms can bother you during the day and wake you up at night.

During feeding

Causes of chills after childbirth:

the same as before pregnancy; lactostasis: in this case, you can feel painful lumps in your breasts that need to be expressed to improve your condition.

Often, after childbirth, various endocrine diseases “raise their heads.” In most cases, this is hypothyroidism, which causes chills at night, or diabetes mellitus. If in postpartum period Heavy bleeding was noted; constant freezing may indicate damage to the pituitary gland, leading to hypopituitarism.

Therefore, if a nursing mother is not frozen or nervous, no lumps or soreness are felt in her breasts, and her nipples are not injured, she needs to donate blood for glucose levels, TSH and free hormone T4. If there are no abnormalities in these tests, we recommend visiting an endocrinologist and neurologist for further examination.

Possible causes of chills depending on accompanying symptoms

If you have nausea and chills, it may be:

gastritis; food poisoning; any of the diseases that cause intoxication, including tuberculosis; stomach cancer; hypothyroidism; any of the shocks; early stages of pregnancy.

If the chills are constant, then this is most likely the manifestation of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Headache and chills are typical for:

overwork; prolonged fasting; lack of sleep; vegetative-vascular dystonia; stress; ARVI, pneumonia and other diseases with intoxication, including helminthic diseases; a brain tumor.

If there are aches and chills, this may indicate various diseases and states like:

food poisoning; thyroid diseases; tumors of any location; most infectious diseases; diabetes; pneumonia; illnesses urinary system(mainly pyelonephritis); fibromyalgia; panic attacks.

When a runny nose and chills are described, it is either ARVI (not the flu, which always occurs with a high temperature), or, which is less common, allergic reaction on pollen, particles of animal saliva remaining on their fur, drugs or household chemicals produced in the form of an aerosol.

If your condition can be described as “ cold chills", then, most likely, due to various reasons there is increased sweating. It can also be endarteritis of the lower extremities, when the nutrition of the legs is disrupted, and this causes the whole body to freeze.

What to do if you have chills

The first thing to do when you have a chill is to wrap yourself up and warm your hands in warm water. If the symptoms resemble shock, you need to call an ambulance; you do not need to drink hot tea before this, so as not to aggravate your condition.

In all other cases, you can drink hot tea with raspberries or lingonberries, cover yourself with a blanket and warm your feet in warm water. A visit to the doctor is mandatory.

If chills are observed in a child under 3 years of age (and especially under one year), calling an ambulance and hospitalization are mandatory.

Chills are a feeling of cold, for no apparent reason, which is accompanied by involuntary muscle contraction, chattering of teeth, and the appearance of “goosebumps” on the skin. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to warm up, trembling can be observed even in masticatory muscles. As a rule, such a symptom is observed during infectious and inflammatory processes, when a sharp increase in body temperature occurs. The presence of such a clinical picture requires urgent medical intervention, you cannot take medications without permission.


Chills in a child or adult can occur with or without such a symptom. Chills without fever can be caused by the following etiological factors:

In addition, it should be noted that etiological factors, in which there may be chills both without fever and with fever:

  • toxic or ;
  • infection;
  • digestive system disorders.

It should be noted that if the chill lasts more than a couple of hours and the person cannot warm up, the body temperature does not stabilize, emergency medical assistance must be called. In such cases, chills without fever indicate an acute infectious process.

Clinicians note that in some cases, chills may be observed during pregnancy in the early stages, which is due to experiences, changes in hormonal levels and in the functioning of the body.

Chills before menstruation are also observed quite often, which may be due to hormonal disorders and the characteristics of the female body. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist.


The general clinical picture of chills without fever can be supplemented specific signs, the nature of which will depend on the underlying factor. TO general symptoms the following can be attributed:

  • the person “shakes”, “goose bumps” form;
  • warming clothes and drinks do not give the desired effect;
  • increased and .

Chills during poisoning may be accompanied by such additional signs clinical picture:

  • severe weakness;
  • pallor skin;
  • observed constant chills;
  • increased sweating;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach.

It should be noted that with this clinical picture, chills and nausea appear almost simultaneously. A person may feel less chilled after a bout of vomiting, but for a short time.

If chills without fever are provoked infectious process, then they may be present in the overall clinical picture.

It should be understood that severe chills without fever are always a sign of a certain pathological process, so you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.


Only a doctor can tell you what to do if you have chills, after making an accurate diagnosis and identifying the etiology of this symptom. Initially, a medical specialist (in this case a physician) performs a physical examination. If necessary, the patient can be redirected to a specialized doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental examination methods are prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • X-ray examination of internal organs;
  • STD test;
  • immunological studies.

You need to understand that only a doctor can prescribe an accurate diagnostic program after an examination and clarification of the general medical history. If you experience chills during pregnancy, then X-ray studies excluded if possible.


Therapy will depend on the underlying factor in the development of the clinical picture and the symptom in particular. If the cause is determined to be an infectious disease, the doctor prescribes drug therapy, bed rest and diet. The list of medications may include the following:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • vitamin complexes.

In case of food poisoning, drugs are prescribed to stabilize the functioning of the stomach, sorbents. Be sure to follow a diet.

In case if this symptom provoked by the development of an STD or a systemic illness, appropriate basic therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the clinical picture.

Only a doctor can tell you how to properly eliminate chills in a child or adult, if there is a clearly established diagnosis. Self-medication is unacceptable for the simple reason that in this way only the symptom itself can be eliminated, and not the root cause.


IN in this case No specific methods prevention. If you have such a symptom, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

If chills without fever appear, what could be the reason? This question worries many people who have encountered this problem at least once. What is this phenomenon, what are its symptoms? How to treat chills? It is necessary to consider in more detail.

First of all, it should be said that chills are not the disease itself, but its symptom, therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the root of the problem.

This term refers to a spasm of blood vessels. Chills and the symptoms of the condition that causes them are similar in almost all cases. First, the patient suddenly becomes cold and begins to tremble violently. Then problems arise with the muscles of the face, and then the whole body. Fever and aching bones appear. A person begins to feel weakness and is overtaken by a fever. In this case, the disease can manifest itself both in the morning and at night. Depending on the factor that causes chills, the highest peak of the disease can be identified.

Chills are usually accompanied by a rise in temperature due to muscle spasm, as a result of which the amount of heat in the human body increases. Therefore, if chills appear without an increase in body temperature, then this is an abnormal situation that requires the intervention of a specialist.

As is known, male and female organisms differ from each other in their structure and functioning. Therefore, speaking about the sources of the disease, we can distinguish general causes and special ones, characteristic only for women.

Severe chills without fever may result from hypothermia. Under the influence of cold blood vessels sharply narrow, blood flow slows down and the person begins to experience a feeling of chilliness. If you have a chill, what should you do? You should drink hot tea, take a warm bath and wrap yourself in a woolen blanket. If such treatment is suitable and the signs of the disease disappear, then there is no need to worry.

If a cold infection enters the body, chills and weakness without fever occur, and the whole body begins to ache. They appear because the body begins to fight the virus that has entered the blood, but the body temperature may not rise. The best remedy in order to get rid of chills, it is to steam your feet in hot water, drink tea with raspberries or honey, and then go to bed and fall asleep for several hours.

If the appearance of chills without fever is caused by the presence of an infection in the body, then the disease will be accompanied by the following symptoms - vomiting, nausea, headaches and weakness of the body. This is due to the fact that microorganisms, once inside a person, begin to release harmful toxins and poisons. In this case home treatment is not suitable, so you should consult a doctor immediately.

You should always remember that chills do not happen without a reason. Therefore, if there was no hypothermia and there are no infections in the body, perhaps the cause of the phenomenon was long-term stress and stress. In such situations, the body begins to use certain protective mechanisms, including chills without fever. In this case, the treatment will be as follows. You need to isolate yourself from factors that cause stress, make an infusion of soothing herbal infusions or tea with lemon and berries. You need to take a well-deserved rest and try to relax.

The body's reaction in the form of this disease often manifests itself when high blood pressure. If a person suffers from hypertension, the blood vessels constantly change, which impairs blood circulation in the body. From chills with high blood pressure you can get rid of it in several ways. One of them is to take Corvalol, which helps lower blood pressure. You definitely need to relax and wash yourself cold water. If attempts are unsuccessful, it is better to go to the hospital, where the attending physician will advise and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Night chills, most often, accompanies patients with disorders of the vegetative-vascular system. Such people always have cold hands and feet, and it is often difficult for them to warm up. To prevent chills at night from interfering with sleep, constant hardening should be carried out. You need to go to the bathhouse more often, and then “dive” into a snowdrift, or contrast during bath procedures cold water with hot.

The causes of chills without fever are quite diverse. In particular, the source of chills includes a thyroid disorder or diabetes mellitus. In the first case, the organ begins to secrete a special hormone that regulates temperature processes in the body. If a person has diabetes, the pathology often causes circulatory problems. Due to the disease, the blood vessels are affected and thinned, causing blood flow to be impaired.

The development of the disease in older people is associated with irreversible aging of the body. Many people experience worsening heart failure and arterial hypertension. A combination of diseases leads to disruption of metabolic processes that are responsible for the production of heat in the body. Because of this, older people may experience constant chills without fever, which only a specialist can help get rid of. Also, this group of people often experience chills after taking a large number of medications, which is side effect drugs used.

It should be noted that chills at night are most often felt with nervous tension, diabetes mellitus or ARVI.

Causes of the disease in women

In the case of chills without fever, the causes in women should often be sought in changes in hormonal levels. The condition is explained by the fact that every girl experiences many body changes during her life. Due to different situations, such as premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and menopause, the hormonal balance changes. This leads to disruption of thermoregulation processes in the body, which, in turn, causes chills without fever in women. Such conditions also cause pain, in the evenings the pressure may rise, and internal spasm begins.

Chills at normal temperatures may occur in nursing mothers. This happens due to the underdevelopment of the milk flows, which causes stagnation of milk and the onset of symptoms of the disease.

In order to prevent changes in blood vessels in the body, you need to follow several simple rules. Firstly, hypothermia must not be allowed. A strong decrease in body temperature can lead to various types of negative consequences. Secondly, it is necessary to avoid serious emotional stress. As a rule, people are nervous about work or personal relationships, so it is necessary to approach what is happening as confidently and calmly as possible. In some situations, it never hurts to get help from a specialist. Thirdly, you should not overexert yourself physically. And fourthly, you should not neglect going to your doctor.

It must be remembered that chills and fever are two phenomena that, as a rule, accompany each other. And if you feel unwell without an increase in body temperature, it is better to seek advice from a professional and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

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