Home Hygiene Chills, cold, no temperature, what could it be. Treatment of VSD - treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Chills, cold, no temperature, what could it be. Treatment of VSD - treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Weakness and lethargy, a feeling of cold throughout the body, but no increase in temperature - this condition is familiar to almost everyone. Chills without fever occur for many reasons, but it always brings with it discomfort, disrupts the usual rhythm of life, and makes you expect the worst.

A feeling of impending illness, discomfort, coldness throughout the body, frozen hands and icy feet (they are cold to the touch), often sweating, sometimes even chattering teeth - all these are signs of chills. In such cases, despite severe chills, body temperature does not increase, and sometimes even decreases slightly.

When chills occur fast fatiguability, desire to lie down. Unpleasant symptoms cause a feeling of illness, and people say about this condition: “chilling”, “freezing”, “chilly”.

If a child has a chill, the baby will be lethargic, pale, children’s teeth often chatter, their arms and legs are cold, there are signs of illness, but there is no temperature, they are capricious, cry, and go to bed at an inopportune time.

These symptoms occur for many reasons, but their nature is similar - it is a spasm of the blood vessels that are located under the skin. The result is a narrowing of their lumen muscle spasm(this is why teeth often chatter).

Although chills are not a disease, but only a symptom of a disease, it is precisely this that often forces one to pay attention to the state of health.

Causes of chilliness

Chills without fever occur for many reasons. Among them will be both psychological and medical. Sometimes chilliness occurs only at a certain time - at night and then they talk about night chills, and in other cases it becomes a constant companion or occurs once, only as a consequence of certain obvious reasons. In the first two cases, chilliness will signal a complex disease that will require drug treatment. In isolated cases of chilliness, warming procedures will be enough to remove the unpleasant sensations.

Among the reasons for this condition are the following.

  • Viral diseases (flu, ARVI, intestinal infections). Here, chilliness is the result of general intoxication.
  • Stress, when chills are a reaction to psychological stress.
  • Hypothermia. Here, vasoconstriction is a natural reaction to cold.
  • Hormonal imbalances. In cases where hormones are also responsible for thermoregulation.
  • Vascular spasms as a result of disruption of the circulatory system.

Sometimes chills occur with fever. In such cases, it is caused by vasospasm, but it is much easier to recognize it; you just need to measure the temperature.

Shivers at high temperatures in the case of infectious diseases. Here, chills are always a sign of a viral or bacterial infection.

The main types of causes of chills

All causes of chills can be divided according to the nature of their occurrence. Depending on its nature, the methods by which this unpleasant condition can be eliminated will depend. Some of the most common types of chills include:

ARVI and influenza

One of the signs of the initial stage of a cold is a feeling of chills. If you experience a feeling of cold throughout your body, a feeling of weakness and chilliness, and along with them an unpleasant sore throat, most likely it is a cold or flu.

In a child, chills during a viral cold or flu are even more pronounced; his limbs will be cold, his skin will be pale, and the baby will literally shake and his teeth will chatter.

Treatment of symptoms that occur consists of rest, warm drinks (preferably Herb tea). If you suspect you have a cold, you can take a hot foot bath or a hot shower. This will help keep you warm and activate the body's defenses to fight viruses.


Sometimes severe chills, a feeling of cold inside, chattering teeth, and cold extremities occur as a result of hypothermia. Moreover, chills without fever appear after a person finds himself in a warm room; it is the result of muscle contraction, which in this way tries to restore impaired thermoregulation in the body.

To get rid of chills, you need to drink warm tea with lemon and honey, take a good hot shower or take a hot foot bath. In addition to eliminating discomfort, it will help prevent colds.

Disruption of the circulatory system

If the circulatory system is disrupted, chilliness may also occur. Here, signs of chilliness are a consequence of narrowing of small capillaries. It happens:

  • At sharp changes blood pressure(HELL). This is how blood vessels react to this factor. Changes in blood pressure should be suspected in cases where chills occur after physical exertion, excitement, or at a certain time of day.
  • The cause can be determined by measuring blood pressure and taking appropriate measures to normalize it. In this case, consultation with a cardiologist or neurologist is important.

  • At vegetative-vascular dystonia(vascular weakness). Today this problem is becoming more widespread.
  • VSD can be suspected in the presence of dizziness, tinnitus, general weakness and symptoms of chilliness.

    To eliminate the state of chills, you will need hardening, contrast showers, a Russian bath or sauna followed by a cold shower, or a swimming pool is good. Treatment by a neurologist may be required.

  • If blood pressure is disturbed as a result of long-term diets. Long-term diets with unbalanced diet can provoke disturbances in the body, which will manifest themselves as chills without fever. To eliminate it, you will need a balanced diet, quitting smoking (provokes vascular spasms), hardening and physical exercise.

Chronic stress

Among the reasons causing constant chills, there will be chronic stress. In this case, along with cold extremities and a feeling of internal cold, symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, impaired attention and memory will occur.

Among the short-term feeling of chilliness there will be post-traumatic syndrome. In case of complex accidents, fractures, or other injuries, symptoms of chills may occur. But they will appear after first aid and will be the result of stress and trauma.

A state of chills occurs with isolated severe stress. Moreover, the feeling of cold appears as if during difficult situation, and after its completion.

To relieve chills in a stressful situation, you should drink a warm drink with a sedative (valerian, mint, chamomile), if you can lie down better. At chronic stress Treatment by a psychotherapist and a neurologist will be required.

If a child is shivering after a stressful situation, then to relieve unpleasant symptom It is enough to provide him with peace (it is better to let him sleep), give him a warm herbal hour with mint, valerian, and cover him warmly.

A feeling of chills is characteristic of some diseases thyroid gland. The fact is that the hormones produced by the thyroid gland are also responsible for thermoregulation in the body. If necessary hormones is not produced enough, a feeling of chills occurs. So, chilliness is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, goiter, some forms of tumors.

Hormonal imbalances during menopause can also provoke a feeling of chills. In this case, chills without a rise in temperature occur during periods of increased physical or emotional activity, with sudden mood swings, often at night.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes the answer to the question of why it freezes must be sought in work gastrointestinal tract. The occurrence of chills provokes infectious processes in the stomach, intestines, some diseases of the pancreas. Here you will experience chills after eating; it is also accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Acute inflammatory processes cause an increase in body temperature, but chronic forms, more often provoke chills at normal temperatures.

To eliminate discomfort, you will need to consult a gastroenterologist, undergo examination and treatment of the underlying disease. Eliminate itself unpleasant feeling cold and chills will not work.

Infectious attack

For a viral or bacterial infection: ARVI, influenza, sore throat, viral gastroenterocolitis, food poisoning, hepatitis, among the first symptoms will be chills.

It is freezing here without temperature due to general intoxication of the body. Along with chills, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting will appear, a rash or blisters are possible, general weakness and fatigue are very strong, and increased sweating often occurs. Viruses or bacteria have already launched their activities, but the immune system has not yet begun active actions. When the temperature rises, the chills will stop being so annoying.

At infectious cause chills will require urgent consultation with an infectious disease specialist, testing and treatment of the infection.

Causes of night chills

Chills at night occur for several reasons.

  1. The onset of menopause often causes chills without fever in women.
  2. Excessive sweating(hyperhidrosis) can also cause chills in the middle of the night. In this case, the feeling of cold occurs due to wet linen and sheets.
  3. Untreated hemorrhoids provoke inflammatory process in the rectum, which causes a feeling of chilliness in the middle of the night.
  4. Violation of thermoregulation in diabetes mellitus occurs most often at night.

To eliminate night chills monitoring of the patient's sleep will be required, as well as several tests (for sugar, for occult blood). Complaints should be addressed to a therapist.

If chills without fever occur, the cause is always a violation of thermoregulation and spasm of small capillaries directly under the skin. This is only a superficial reason causing these sensations. In order to establish hidden factors, you will need to consult a doctor and conduct some tests.

Sometimes chilliness is initial stage inflammatory disease, and its harbinger is chills, and temperature becomes a logical continuation of the disease.

Get treatment and be healthy!

Sometimes you feel cold inside your body and internal trembling. This condition does not arise empty space. The body is already quite weakened physically and morally, and nervous system overexcited. As a rule, this happens when you receive a very unpleasant message from the outside world, which in some way seriously affects your future life.

Or the same message comes from your body. For example, sharp pain in the area of ​​vital organs. The essence in both cases is the same - you receive news that causes acute stress and sharp stimulation of the nervous system.

Just now everything was fine and you felt fine. Suddenly, you feel cold and start shaking inside. Having received bad news, despite the surrounding temperature, time of year and place (summer or winter, house or street), you begin to shake from the inside.

Feeling internal trembling not scary and not very exciting. You just feel cold inside your body. At the same time, everything looks even funny from the outside. You pull on all the warm clothes and blankets in the middle of summer in 30-degree heat, cover yourself with them, but the shivering continues, and you cannot warm up.

Internal trembling causes.

Internal tremors in the body and a feeling of chills can have both physiological reasons- neurosis, panic disorder, VSD, physical fatigue, poisoning, and pathological - for various organic and mental diseases.

But here I am talking only about the case when a completely healthy person experiences chills and trembling in the body. After all, there are no pathologies and organic diseases you do not have! This is confirmed by the majority medical institutions, regardless of the profile, located near your place of residence, as well as several metropolitan specialists and clinics. And more than once!

The causes of this symptom are different, but the mechanism of development is the same in all patients. What actually happens when chills and internal tremors occur in the body of a VSD person?

Chills and internal tremors in the body arise due to overexcitation of the autonomic centers of the nervous system, which tries to help the body cope with a real, which happens most often, or less often a far-fetched threat.

After bad news, a serious quarrel or other sudden stressful situation, you are overcome by fear for your life and future, or those close to you. There is general anxiety and tension. As a result of this, it is released into the blood a huge number fear hormone - adrenaline. It causes palpitations, increased blood pressure, and tension in the muscles of the body. This tension occurs in both skeletal muscle and muscle internal organs, including muscle fibers of blood vessels.

The released adrenaline causes a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the abdominal cavity (abdominal area). Warm arterial blood, rich in oxygen, is redirected to the most important organs during danger, these are the heart and brain. But the abdominal organs are not one of these, and remain on a starvation diet. After all, when the body is in danger, it will not eat. It turns out that the heating in the abdominal cavity suddenly turns off. At the same time, the temperature in the abdominal cavity decreases and the organs located here begin to freeze. You, regardless of the temperature environment and the amount of clothing, you begin to feel internal cold and chills.

Freezes without temperature.

The body freezes, the body freezes, and a signal is sent to the brain to reduce body temperature. During fear, the body temperature does not remain normal for long. The brain instantly sends an order to the thermoregulation center - to urgently raise the body temperature. If a person experiencing chills and internal cold is measured, his body temperature will always be slightly elevated - 37° with a slight tail, a few minutes after the onset of an attack of chills and internal trembling.

It turns out that a situation devoid of any logic - in a person elevated temperature body, and he freezes. Something very similar to the beginning of the development of a cold or flu, when a person “freezes” when the temperature rises. But there is no cold here! Everything is caused by an excited nervous system! Fear, and only fear, causes excitation of the autonomic nervous system, internal trembling and an increase in body temperature!

This is the “vinaigrette” that comes out, and you are an active participant in it if you are reading these lines. At this stage, I think everything is clear and you have understood the cause of the chills well, this is a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the abdominal cavity.

You know well what to do if you are cold. Right! To warm up, you need to move hard. But chills and internal cold during VSD are not felt throughout the body. It comes from the abdominal cavity. Therefore, internal tremors occur - frequent contractions and relaxations of the abdominal muscles. They begin reflexive (uncontrolled by consciousness) spastic movements to warm up. When muscles work, heat is released, which should warm you up. abdominal cavity. If there is not enough heat, the internal trembling comes out and they begin to tremble. skeletal muscles limbs and back. Trembling begins in the legs and arms.

Chills and internal tremors in the body are a failure. The body managed to cope with the task and the panic attack subsided. After such an attack, as after an attack panic attack, weakness appears throughout the body.

Internal tremors treatment.

What to do if it's freezing? Chills and internal tremors in the body can sometimes occur in a completely healthy person. It would seem that it freezes for no reason. But there is a reason! And this reason is overexcitation of the nervous system due to overwork, bad habits, working at night or hanging out at a club...

Treatment here may simply be sufficient rest for the temporarily overloaded nervous system with the use of calming herbs.

Chills during VSD and internal tremors in the body are very common companions in life. There is no need to treat these separately. They are one of the components of the complex VSD symptoms And panic disorder. Therefore, treatment of internal tremors in the body should be carried out in a complex treatment of VSD syndrome, with the use of fairly strong sedative medications, psychotherapy and auto-training. The main task is to calm the nervous system and come to terms with your fears.

The sooner sufficient sedative treatment is started, the better the prognosis for recovery. Never ignore manifestations of chills and internal trembling, especially when such attacks are repeated and their frequency increases. Especially when it is constantly freezing and constant trembling in the body.

Chills and sweating without fever occur due to various reasons associated with the impact of external and internal unfavorable factors. In some cases, the condition returns to normal quickly with correct actions, in others, special treatment is required. Treatment options depend on the underlying cause.

What it is

Chills are a condition when a person feels cold, trembling throughout the body, weakness, discomfort, and “goose bumps” are present. There is often heat in the face, as if the temperature is scorching, cold extremities. Sometimes the trembling is so strong that it is difficult to talk, and teeth chatter. In most cases, chills are accompanied by sweating and a specific smell appears. The condition is not life-threatening if it is not associated with internal bleeding and there are no other unpleasant symptoms. Otherwise, emergency hospitalization is required.

Causes of chills and sweating without fever

The condition may be associated with exposure to external adverse factors, diseases of internal organs, and system pathologies.

  • Cold. A respiratory disease, influenza, begins with chills and increased sweating. In parallel with this, weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, laziness, and apathy are observed. I want to wrap myself up, bury myself in a blanket, and drink a cup of warm tea. After a few hours, other cold symptoms appear, viral disease– cough, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion. Further treatment carry out antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, throat tablets, nasal drops, etc.
  • Food poisoning, intestinal infections. Chills and increased sweating begin suddenly. After some time it appears headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Food infection It can also end in chills when the body weakens, toxins accumulate, dehydration and intoxication are observed. Be sure to take sorbents - Enterol, Activated carbon, Atoxil, drugs for restoring water-lipid balance - Regidron. Tablets that improve food digestion - Mezim, Pancreatin, Domrid.
  • Nervous shock, too vivid emotions. Chills and sweating can be provoked by bad or good events. The main thing is that they are bright and meaningful for a person. A similar condition is observed when nervous exhaustion, after the scandal, nervous breakdown. To calm down, take sedatives– a cocktail of tincture of valerian, glod, motherwort, Nova-Passit, Afobazol, etc. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk with honey, chamomile tea, lemon balm, and take a warm bath.
  • Problems with blood circulation. Chills and sweating without fever appear as a result of a decrease or increase in blood pressure, as well as after surges. The condition often occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia, problems with blood vessels, and heart disease. Take medications to normalize blood pressure. As an emergency remedy for low blood pressure - coffee, chocolate, green tea, caffeine tablets, for high blood pressure - tea with lemon, rosehip decoction, sedative, black rowan and its tincture.
  • Endocrine disorders. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, weakness, nervousness, chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, mood swings, increased sweating, and chills are observed. In diabetes mellitus, attacks of fever can result in loss of consciousness.
  • Medicines. Chills and sweating appear as by-effect. Provoking factors are the breakdown products of medications, as well as their effect on circulatory system, nervous. Often the situation occurs while taking antidepressants, hormonal drugs based on glucocorticosteroids.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder, kidneys. The disease begins with mild malaise, abdominal discomfort, problems with digestion and stool. Sometimes there is no bright clinical picture, but there is chills and sweating. In the absence of other painful symptoms urgent need to switch to proper nutrition, ensure proper rest. If there are other manifestations, you should seek help from specialists or start taking medications that were prescribed earlier after a confirmed diagnosis. Along with chills and sweating, there is sleep disturbance, attacks of panic, anxiety, fear, restlessness, and decreased self-esteem.
  • Idiopathic hyperhidrosis. An independent illness associated with a malfunction immune system, endocrine. Characterized by increased sweating with unpleasant smell. In addition, hyperhidrosis often acts as a syndrome and consequence of other diseases - diabetes, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. Treatment is carried out after identifying the root cause. A diet without spicy, fatty, salty foods, alcohol, hygiene, and the use of antibacterial and local antiseptic drugs are recommended.

The causes of chills with sweating without fever can be:

  • Oncology;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Post-traumatic syndrome;
  • Postoperative recovery period;
  • Exhaustion of the body due to a strict diet;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Overheating, sunburn;
  • An eventful day;
  • Allergy;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.

What to do when unpleasant symptoms appear and how to get rid of them depends on the cause. In most cases, you need to have a good rest, establish a work schedule, and create proper diet, to refuse from bad habits.

All of the above reasons can cause unpleasant symptoms in men and women. But for representatives of the stronger half of society the following are more typical:

  • Disturbed diet and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Addiction to fried, fatty, spicy, salty foods. Heavy dinner, snacks at night. Gradually all this leads to a malfunction digestive system, the body initially signals a problem with a regular fever.
  • Sexual overstimulation. The condition occurs in men who become very aroused during caresses, but are unable to achieve orgasm or, conversely, have experienced pleasure many times. They say that all their strength has been exhausted. In the latter case, the situation is not critical, not dangerous. The condition returns to normal after good night. As for overstimulation without orgasm, in addition, chills and sweating are observed in men while taking stimulant pills - Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and their generics. It is explained by a drop in blood pressure and excessive energy expenditure during sex.
  • Physical fatigue. Constantly excessive physical exercise lead to loss of strength, resulting in chills and cold sweat. A good rest, warm tea, bath, sweets, chocolate, nuts, dried fruits, cereals are required. 100 g of cognac will not hurt.
  • Stress. The nervous system of men is not as vulnerable as women's, but suffers due to the fact that a man often keeps everything to himself. Or there is no person you can trust. Cold sweat, trembling in the body, weakness, sweating - all this is eliminated by sedatives, herbal tea, tincture of valerian, massage, favorable psycho-emotional environment.
  • Playing sports. Going to the gym, increased exercise, and a special protein diet lead to depletion of energy reserves. Chills and sweating may occur periodically.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse and hangover syndrome are familiar to all men who do not know the limits. In case of severe symptoms, it is recommended to take special medications that will accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, sorbents. Drinking plenty of mineral still or lightly carbonated water is recommended. At the end of the day, fermented milk products and weak chicken broth are allowed.
  • Andropause. People call it male menopause. It is observed at the age of 35-45 years. Worries about increased sweating, chills, mood swings, depression. There is a decrease in testosterone, which causes some health problems, emotional state. Over time, the condition returns to normal. To make it easier to survive this period, it is recommended to exercise, go to the gym, have sex as often as possible, eat right, rest, and get enough sleep.

Chills may also occur upon receiving sunstroke, freezing, hypothermia.

The condition occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance and natural changes.

  • Premenstrual syndrome. Very often, a few days before menstruation, a woman gets cold. Even if the room temperature is comfortable, she puts on a robe, warm slippers, or wraps herself in a blanket. Chills are accompanied by increased sweating. The condition is normalized from the first days of menstruation.
  • Pregnancy. Hormonal changes lead to many changes in the functioning of internal organs and systems. A state of cold and fever is often present in the first months of pregnancy; in the last trimester, a woman, on the contrary, feels hot.
  • Menopause. Increased sweating, chills, hot flashes, unstable psycho-emotional state, headache and many other symptoms are the result of a decrease in estrogen, significant natural changes. The situation returns to normal gradually after menopause ends. To alleviate the condition, preparations based on phytohormones and hormonal agents are recommended.
  • Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Inflammation of the uterus and ovaries can occur without significant symptoms. However, the woman feels weakness, decreased performance, drowsiness, nervousness, chills, and sweating. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and immunostimulants.
  • Hormonal contraceptives. Contraceptives change hormonal levels and force the body to work according to a new pattern. As a result of the first 3 months, specific discharge is observed, body weight changes, headache, nausea, increased sweating, chills, etc. are observed. The tablets are discontinued in case of severe side effects.
  • Sexual overstimulation. Prolonged caresses without sexual intercourse, achieving orgasm, as well as violent, multiple orgasms cause chills and increased sweating.

Chills with cold sweat in women are often present during menopause or with severe hormonal imbalance during childbearing age. Hot flashes occur suddenly and are uncontrollable. Panic and a feeling of fear appear, which further aggravates the situation. After a few minutes, the body is covered in cold sweat, it becomes cold, and a shiver runs through the body. Hot flashes often bother women at night. IN in this case It is recommended to take phytohormones or hormones replacement therapy. They are selected by a doctor after studying hormonal levels.

Night chills and sweating in men and women

An unpleasant state at night is disturbing for the following reasons:

  • Climax;
  • Andropause;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Nervous exhaustion;
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Sunstroke;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • State of shock;
  • Alcohol intoxication.

At night, after a hard day of work, the nervous system cannot stop and remains in an excited state. Insomnia, sweating, and then chills appear. It is recommended to drink warm tea or a glass of milk before going to bed, lie in the bathroom, and take a sedative. In addition, during sleep the body tries to cleanse the body of toxins, harmful substances, they are excreted in sweat. With hyperhidrosis, an unpleasant odor appears in the morning, so you should start the day with a shower.


Initially, you should seek help from a therapist or gynecologist if the problems are related to menstrual irregularities. In the future we will have to go through full examination. Be sure to donate urine and blood. Which specialist consultation is required depends on general symptoms, causes of chills. This could be an endocrinologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, psychotherapist, urologist, dermatovenerologist, nutritionist, proctologist.


In each case, treatment methods are selected individually. As for the state of chills and sweating, to make you feel better, it is recommended:

  • Wear comfortable clothes from natural fabric, slippers or warm socks.
  • Lie in the bathroom. Warm water calms the nervous system, relaxes, and increases blood pressure.
  • Take a sedative. After a few minutes, the trembling will disappear, the muscles will relax, and the blood pressure will normalize.
  • Drink a glass of warm milk with honey, tea with chamomile, lemon balm, mint, thyme.
  • If you are physically overtired, eat chocolate, nuts, and drink a glass of cognac.

Further treatment is carried out depending on the underlying cause.

First you need to understand what chills are and the mechanism of its occurrence. Chills are a condition of the body accompanied by mild or severe trembling, occurring at the moment of instant tension of the subcutaneous muscles and nearby blood vessels and capillaries. It often makes a person feel as if he is “freezing”; even in the heat it can become really cold.

Factors and causes causing chills

The cause of chills may be a sharp decline ambient temperature, severe stress and so on. Often a person gets “frozen” during a chill; this condition occurs without an increase in body temperature.

There are many factors that can cause chills, but many of the reasons for its appearance are the result of a malfunction in the body’s normal functioning. If you have any concerns about your health due to systematic chills without an increase in temperature, and you cannot find out the reasons yourself, then it is strongly recommended to undergo medical examination from specialists indicated by the local therapist. After all, if there is a chill, there must also be reasons.

Often the reason that a person suddenly begins to shiver can be a serious pathology or disease that requires constant medical monitoring and treatment. The man himself, who does not know his own accurate diagnosis or who is not a doctor, cannot give a definite answer why he is shivering, if he feels well and does not even have a fever?

List of the main causes of chills

Here is a list of the most common factors that cause chills, which often occur without a significant change in body temperature:

  1. The body is simply frozen. Perhaps he was hypothermic. This is one of the main causes of chills. Recommendations – warm warming drink. If possible, you should dress warmly, put on shoes or wrap yourself in a blanket or blanket. If freezing occurs as a result of getting wet, you should change clothes and put on dry clothes as soon as possible. You should not delay this, since prolonged hypothermia inevitably leads to the development of serious colds with severe complications.
  2. The body still caught a cold and got sick or picked it up respiratory infection. The chills that occur with such damage to the body may initially occur without an increase in temperature. Recommendations – warming plenty of fluids, warm foot baths, vitamins. In case of deterioration of health and sharp increase temperature - take antipyretic medications, see a doctor.
  3. Infectious diseases and poisoning. In the first hours they occur without a strong change in body temperature, but they can cause quite noticeable chills, often accompanied by stomach or intestinal disorders(vomiting, diarrhea), profuse sweating. Recommendations: If severe vomiting or diarrhea occurs, take antiemetic or bowel-strengthening medications and see a doctor as soon as possible.
  4. Severe stress. Overstrain of the nervous system causes chills of such strength that sometimes the body stops obeying its owner and directly shudders from shaking. It proceeds without increasing the temperature. Why is this happening? During stress, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, which prevents the psyche and neurons from prematurely failing and the body from shutting down. Recommendations: take sedatives and try to calm down and relax. It's good if you can sleep. During sleep, the nervous system quickly returns to normal.
  5. Perhaps it allergy. Food grade, for dust, wool, etc. We must remember what was eaten or drunk shortly before the chill began. If this happened before, after eating such food, then this is a reason to visit a doctor. In addition to unpleasant chills, the temperature may rise and itchy skin, sneezing, tears or snot. Recommendations: take antiallergic medications, and if the reaction recurs, consult a doctor immediately.
  6. Hypotension/hypertensive crisis. With hypotension, blood pressure drops sharply, depriving blood vessels and capillaries of tone. With hypertension, on the contrary, there is a sharp jump in pressure upward, a sharp increase in the tone of the walls of blood vessels with increased load. In both cases, chills occur without an increase in body temperature, but may be accompanied by heavy sweating, which only intensifies such chills, retching or vomiting, weakness. In addition, a sharp increase in pressure in itself is a cause of chills.
  7. VSD– vegetative-vascular dystonia is a still little-studied disease in which capillaries and blood vessels lose their tone, and, in this state, cause the patient to experience frequent and quite noticeable bouts of chills, sometimes even accompanied by severe trembling of the whole body and a feeling of constant coldness in the extremities. The next most common cause, after hypothermia, is prolonged chills without an increase in body temperature. Recommendations – observation by a doctor, adherence to the regimen.
  8. Malfunctions endocrine system can also cause attacks of sudden and severe chills, which may be accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, possible fever and even loss of consciousness. This turn of events requires urgent medical intervention, as there may be a sharp exacerbation of diabetes mellitus. Recommendations – medical examination for possible diseases related to the thyroid gland, and if diabetes is confirmed - constant monitoring of blood sugar, diet and adherence to a medical regimen. Diabetes mellitus is a very serious and life-threatening disease, which is important to recognize in time and promptly begin treatment.
  9. Female menopause. During this period of body restructuring, women often experience hormonal disruptions, causing chills, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of intense heat and increased temperature. Recommendations - hormone therapy(strictly under the supervision of a doctor!).
  10. Menstrual cycle . Often the cause of chills is blood loss (on the first day). Chills may be supplemented severe pain lower abdomen, depressed and feeling incredibly tired. Recommendations: reduce stress, refrain from taking baths, painkillers, and, if necessary, antipyretics. If there is persistent pain, heavy bleeding or high fever, call a doctor.

Sudden and severe chills at night. What's the matter?

If chills appear at night, suddenly and severely to the point that a person wakes up, then most likely the reasons for its appearance lie in factors such as:


The causes and methods for eliminating them described here are not a guide to self-medication. Chills without fever, the causes of which are unclear, may be a harbinger of illness. In any case, even if you have the slightest doubt about your health, you should see a doctor and undergo the examination and treatment prescribed by him, if any. During treatment, it is important to follow the prescribed regimen and take prescribed medications on time.

And so - prevention has always been and remains the best way maintaining good health for long years. Take care of yourself and be healthy!


Do you believe that you are healthy person, sometimes you notice severe chills, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms of this condition do not arise without reason, especially if they begin to recur not only at night, but also during the day. A sign of body temperature, weakness, aches, headaches may indicate problems with the body.

Causes of chills

It is necessary first of all to understand that chills in women without an increase in body temperature are an abnormal symptom. Along with chills, symptoms arise: headache, aches, weakness, and this often happens during pregnancy, which is especially dangerous.

The causes of chills without an increase in body temperature in a woman during pregnancy and not only can arise as a result of the following factors:

  • ARVI;
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • severe fatigue;
  • infection;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • stress.

Chills after hypothermia

It is necessary to carefully understand the reason why women or children do not have a fever, but have aches and chills. This phenomenon can be especially dangerous during pregnancy. Chills have the following mechanism of action: under the influence of cold, a narrowing of blood vessels occurs, a strong slowdown in blood flow begins, and a sharp disturbance occurs metabolic processes in the body, there is a feeling of chilliness and pain in the body.

After prolonged exposure to a cold place, especially during pregnancy, hot drinks and dry heat are recommended.

Chills with ARVI

During colds, a rise in body temperature may not be observed for some time, but aches, headaches and other symptoms occur, which are a protective reaction of the body. This phenomenon is especially serious during pregnancy, in which case it is recommended to try to warm up in any way so that the symptoms do not develop further.

Chills due to infections

The reason for the increase in body temperature and pain is caused by the presence of infection in the body. This is especially serious during pregnancy, in which case it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. If nausea is added to the chills, this indicates that the viruses have begun to release harmful substances.

Chills when stressed

During pregnancy, women should not be nervous, as this can lead to chills. The reason for this phenomenon is that the body develops a protective reaction to various stresses, manifested by trembling in the body. If you have suffered stress, you need to try to provide yourself with peace, drink sedatives, and be sure to drink plenty of fluids in the form of sour berry infusions, berry infusions and tea with lemon.

Very often it freezes people with a diagnosis such as vegetative-vascular dystonia. They almost always have cold hands and feet, and it is very difficult for them to warm up. This is due to the fact that during the disease the blood vessels have very poor tone. In order for the blood vessels to function correctly, it is recommended to take cold and hot shower, visit the bathhouse and harden yourself. All water treatments should alternate between cool and cold water. After such a steam room, it is very useful, according to the old Russian tradition, to dive into an ice hole with cold water.

In order for all unwanted substances that arise during stressful situations, it is recommended to establish copious discharge urine from the body using lingonberry decoction. And don’t overexert yourself and take care of yourself, don’t bring your body to nervous exhaustion.

Chills in a child

Chills in a child may occur due to high temperature, it may be accompanied by aches, headaches and other symptoms. But in some cases it happens that aches and pains appear when a child, normal temperature bodies. If you notice your child has chills, this indicates serious illness, which cannot be ignored.

The reasons for this phenomenon may lie in overwork, overstrain, lack of sleep, or poor functioning of the thyroid gland. In this case, it is necessary to put the child to bed, after giving him calming pill. In order for the aches and pain to go away, it will be good if your child gets proper rest.

Chills due to abnormal blood pressure

In the event of a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, the body often reacts with chills. If a person has hypertension, then his blood vessels have already undergone some changes, resulting in a circulatory disorder.

Severe chills occur when hypertensive crisis. After the pressure returns to normal, the chills go away on their own.

Chills due to disruption of the endocrine system

If a person has diseases of the thyroid gland, then very often he or she experiences chills without a rise in temperature. This happens as a result of the fact that thyroid responsible for the process of thermoregulation in the body. The gland produces a special hormone that is directly involved in this work.

A person can often feel cold if he has diabetes. In this case, this phenomenon occurs when blood circulation is impaired. Due to illness, often blood vessels are affected, they arise cholesterol plaques, the vessels of the extremities (especially the lower ones) begin to thin out on early stages, there is a disturbance in blood flow, and, accordingly, a disturbance in temperature processes in the body. In this case, the recommendations are aimed at treating the main disease.

Women during menopause may also experience chills. This phenomenon is quite popular when, with age, the body experiences a lack of hormones. To stabilize the condition, it is necessary to prescribe replacement therapy.

  • emotional stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • physical stress;
  • pass in a timely manner medical examinations to determine the presence of diseases.

In summing up

Today we have looked at the most popular reasons why chills may occur without an accompanying temperature, and we would like to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that such chills can be caused by a variety of diseases that can be extremely dangerous.

In no case should you self-medicate if the chills begin to recur very often; in this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

And when the examination is completed, it will become clear how dangerous the manifestations are.

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