Home Smell from the mouth Why can't you sleep near a mirror? You can sleep in front of a mirror! Why, according to the signs, can’t you sleep in front of a mirror and where should you install it to avoid problems? Is it possible to sleep with a mirrored cabinet on the side?

Why can't you sleep near a mirror? You can sleep in front of a mirror! Why, according to the signs, can’t you sleep in front of a mirror and where should you install it to avoid problems? Is it possible to sleep with a mirrored cabinet on the side?

Despite the fact that this is the 21st century, atheists are still quite rare today. We are talking not only about those who do not believe in God, but also about those who deny everything mysterious and mystical. And at the same time, it is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a mirror is one of the most mysterious objects, since many beliefs are associated with it. Among the most common is that breaking a mirror promises 7 years of misfortune, and also that if you look at broken mirror, expect trouble for you. However, there is another superstition associated with the mirror, which many have probably heard of, but only a few know what its dangers are - it is impossible for a sleeping person to be reflected in the mirror. In this article we will try to find out where this belief came from and provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what this threatens.

Why you shouldn't sleep near a mirror

Today it is not known for certain where and when the belief began that a person should not be reflected in a mirror while sleeping. Perhaps it appeared when the first mirrors appeared (this happened at the beginning of the 13th century), since already during the Middle Ages, sorcerers and healers believed that a mirror in the bedroom concentrated vampire powers. That is why if a person falls asleep in front of a mirror, then in the morning he will experience weakness, because all his strength was sucked out by creatures from the world through the looking glass.

Old Russian signs also gave their explanation for why it is impossible for a sleeping person to be reflected in a mirror. According to the latter, a double of the sleeping person lives in the mirror at night, which can steal a person’s soul.

According to northern shamans, a pair of eyes are watching the sleeping person from the mirror.. As a result, people may complain about bad dream, quarrels in the family for trivial reasons and irritability are also possible.

An explanation for why it is extremely undesirable to be reflected in a mirror while sleeping is also provided by the currently popular Feng Shui movement. According to Chinese theory, a person reflected in a mirror while sleeping will experience in the future problems in his marriage, it is possible that he will not be able to say goodbye to his bachelor life for a long time. If the marriage bed is reflected in the mirror, then there is a risk that soon one of the spouses will go to the left. A reflection in the mirror can double your failures front door in the bedroom or bed.

Mirrors, among other things, can not only take away strength and sleep from people, but also make a person grow old. This is why it is not recommended to look in the mirror for a long time, especially for children and women who are in an interesting position, because protective functions their bodies are quite weak.

However the most common version why one should not sleep in front of a mirror is the opinion that during sleep the soul leaves the human body and at the moment when it returns, it can see itself in the mirror, get scared and leave its astral body forever, as a result of which the person may not wake up.

No less widespread is the opinion that an astral spirit flying out of the body of a sleeping person can be pulled into a looking glass, and sometimes it is not possible for it to get out.

And finally, if you wake up in the middle of the night and see your reflection, then it can be frightening, since chiaroscuro does its insidious work, they paint not the most pleasant pictures. Yes, and by the way, it is extremely undesirable to look in the mirror after midnight. There is an ancient belief that at night a door opens in a mirror image to a parallel dimension where evil spirits. A person can get into this world, but he will not be able to get out of there.

If you believe signs, it is undesirable not only for a sleeping person to be reflected in the mirror, but also for placing a mirror in the bedroom. It is believed that in this way the intimate atmosphere and atmosphere of solitude in the room is disrupted, which can bring disagreements and quarrels into the family.

AND If you can at least somehow fight with one mirror in a room, then with two mirrors the situation is more difficult. A particularly bad sign is the placement of two mirror surfaces opposite each other, since in magic this is called a corridor for evil spirits. It is believed that in this way you can open the door to beings from the outside world, who often do not have good intentions. They will not only bring troubles into your life, but they can take you with them through the looking glass. In any case, no matter where the mirror is located, it is capable of absorbing the energy of the room, therefore all past quarrels and family conflicts will hang heavily over your family. To make your life calm, do not forget to periodically clean the mirrors in your house from negativity. To do this, light a church candle and say the words “In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit. Amen." cross the mirror.

What to do if you cannot take the mirror out of the bedroom, and it seems impossible to rearrange the bedroom so that you are not reflected in it while you sleep? Don't worry, just simply You should cover the mirror before going to bed. Then your sleep will be comfortable, you will be able to fully rest at night and gain strength.

Of course, someone may consider everything said above to be truly absurd, moreover, despite existing superstitions there are many people who sleep in front of mirrors and do not experience any discomfort - their personal lives are in perfect order, and they do not experience any health problems. Therefore, it’s up to you, dear visitors of our women’s portal site, to believe that you can’t sleep in front of a mirror or not. We will be grateful if you share your opinion about this with us in the comments. We will be especially grateful to those who tell us the mysterious events that take place in your bedroom in which the mirror is located, and also if you tell us that despite the fact that there is a mirror in your bedroom, there is no negative influence you don't feel.

Modern trends in the interior world involve the use of a large number of mirrors. This item really makes any room “sound” differently. Mysterious and enigmatic, it excites the imagination and enchants.

Today, these reflective objects are used to decorate furniture, walls, ceilings, including in the bedroom.

But what about the fact that you can’t sleep in front of a mirror, according to many superstitious people, magicians and shamans? How true is this statement and is it worth focusing on?

It has always been believed that such an opinion is prejudice and devilry. But it turns out that quite understandable reasons can force one to agree with him.

Mirror riddle

Since ancient times, this material object has been endowed with enormous mystical properties. To this day, it is believed that the device is capable of transporting a person from one reality to another, connecting Parallel Worlds and measurements.

Reverence and at the same time fear of mirrors at all times was explained by the fact that behind the reflective surface there are hidden dark forces, ready at any moment to break into our world and take away a sleeping person forever. This is how many superstitious people explain mysterious deaths in their dreams, the cause of which even experienced specialists cannot establish.

No other object, element or substance is endowed with such magical qualities as this reflective device, so every self-respecting witch has it in her arsenal.

The device is used for performing rituals of love spells, spells, and fortune telling. According to magicians and sorcerers, this particular item is capable of opening portals, bringing the souls of the dead into contact, and revealing all secrets to a person.

A reflective object is capable of influencing a person, his destiny, making changes, and not always in better side, if the latter angered him.

Nobody knows for sure whether all this is true, because the opposite has not been proven either. The surprising thing is that representatives of all nationalities believe in the mysticism of the mirror, without changing their opinion for many centuries.

Skeptics have their own explanation for this attitude of people towards these reflective objects. Their whole strength lies in the fact that we see our reflection in them, and so realistically that, in addition to surprise, this fact evokes a feeling bordering on discomfort.

What will psychology say?

Experts in this field argue that a person’s reluctance to place mirrors in the bedroom is quite understandable and has nothing to do with obscurantism.

That's why:

  • Fright. During sleep, a person wakes up more than once. The shortest awakenings last only a few seconds. During this time, a person may see himself in the mirror and get scared. Often this happens unconsciously, so the sleeper cannot drive away this fear, but sleep becomes nervous, unhealthy, and is often accompanied by nightmares. As a result, the person does not receive normal rest, feels tired, and his condition becomes depressed;
  • Feeling of the presence of strangers. This reason, which explains why you should not sleep in front of a mirror, follows from the first. Subconsciously, both during sleep and during wakefulness, a person experiences the illusion of someone’s presence, which constantly keeps him in suspense. He becomes nervous, suspicious, constantly feels discomfort;
  • Sharp corners. In any room there is furniture and interior items with sharp corners. They cause aggression and irritability in a person, which also usually occurs on a subconscious level. When reflected, the angles visually increase in number, causing even more negativity in people;
  • Doubling the space. Many designers explain the advisability of using mirrors in the home by the fact that they can visually enlarge the space. This is true, but before you use this trick, think about whether it will cause you a feeling of discomfort that the “through the looking glass” space seems somehow unnatural (which is true), cold?

Considering all this, the person sleeping in front of reflective surfaces often does not realize where his nervousness and irritability came from, and in the morning, from the very moment he wakes up, he already feels tired.

This is what can sometimes explain the lack of composure, which affects performance, and sometimes causes the creation and ending up in situations that can have a tragic outcome. For example, a poorly rested driver may be inattentive on the road and may create emergency situation and not be able to cope with her decision.

Folk beliefs and signs

Still, few people in this matter focus on psychological aspects- have a much greater influence folk signs and beliefs. They have been passed down for centuries from generation to generation, and many of them are the same for all nationalities.

It is believed that the mirror absorbs all the energy, over time returning to the owner all the accumulated negativity doubly. There is another theory that echoes this one - on the other side “ magical surface“There lives a double or simply an otherworldly entity that takes away a person’s life energy and all his positive qualities, emotions, when the mirrors reflect him. He is especially vulnerable during sleep. Because of this, a person can quickly age, begin to get sick, lose optimism, and become lethargic.

They say that lonely people, reflecting on this subject for a long time, double their loneliness, each time losing their chances of having a second half in their life. When reflecting a couple, people see not one, but two partners next to them, which instills in their subconscious the idea of ​​betrayal, which can be realized at any opportunity. In addition, family troubles captured in the reflective surface will continue to get worse.

There is a belief that mirrors with a negative history, which have “seen” death, are capable of taking the soul of the sleeping person. In this case, two options can be assumed. According to the first of them, the soul is taken by an “angry” reflective object that has absorbed the negativity of the event to which it has become a “witness.”

The second option implies that the astral body of the deceased is stuck in it and wants to find “company”. In addition, astrologers claim that during sleep the astral body goes on trips, and if it ends up in the looking glass, it may not return back.

It is worth taking these devices most seriously in the children's bedroom, or rather, removing them from this room altogether. According to sorcerers and magicians, a pure child’s soul is the most “tidbit” for dark otherworldly forces.

The same applies to the bedrooms of pregnant women and mothers breastfeeding. This category is considered the most vulnerable, so they should not install a mirror opposite the bed and, in general, should look into it as little as possible. During these periods, a woman’s body is most weakened and therefore susceptible to negative influences.

Other beliefs

They are not related to sleep, but they are worth knowing about if you believe in the magic of mirrors.

Items are capable of cracking without any visible reasons. Some see this as a threat - the sign means that there will soon be a dead person in the family or that someone in the family will become seriously ill. But there is a more optimistic explanation - the object is already filled with negative energy.

You cannot give or accept them as a gift. By giving, you are sharing yours. vital forces, and by accepting, you take all the negativity of the giver. In addition, they say that such a gift promises separation.

Don't look for your reflection at night. During this period, all the dark forces of the other world are activated, and a portal may open.

A reflective object needs constant care - if it is dirty, it can distort the display, and this can lead to problems in a person’s life. And yet, is it possible to sleep peacefully if there is a mirror in front of your bed? You better look within yourself for the answer.

It all depends on whether you are superstitious and suspicious, or whether you are a skeptic. You may already have personal experience, which showed that a mirror can be used like any other object, without giving it any special abilities.

Most residents of modern apartments lack living space, so they are often forced to combine a living room and a bedroom or use various design techniques to visually expand the space.

Methods that can easily and quickly transform a small bedroom into a larger space include mirrors or mirrored wardrobes. At the same time, many people do not think about how mirrors affect sleeping people and why many beliefs and signs do not recommend sleeping in front of a mirror.

Folk Signs

For any person who first encounters his “second self” (with his own reflection), the mirror always has a strong impact. This is not least why with mirrors, known to man Since the Bronze Age, various signs and beliefs have been associated with them; unusual and often frightening magical properties of the mirror are attributed to them.

In ancient times, the world through the looking glass was perceived as a mysterious and fairy-tale space, which, despite its external similarity with reality, is fraught with a threat, and echoes of this perception have survived to this day.

These signs include the prohibition of placing a mirror in the bedroom.

Why you can't sleep in front of a mirror

It is believed that the mirror is a door, a portal through which one can enter another dimension. This ability was attributed to mirrors by most peoples of the world. Thus, the Slavs believed that a mirror opens the door to a hostile world other world, world of the dead.

Reality or reality is separated from the other world, which includes the past of a person and the past of his ancestors (among the Slavs there was a division of the deceased into ancestors who patronized the family and strangers (navi)). Navya are not just other people's dead - in most cases they are the restless souls of people who were punished for something by the forces of nature (the souls of drowned people, etc.).

It is the belief in magical property Mirrors erasing the border between worlds made the mirror an attribute of traditional Slavic fortune-telling. However, these fortune-telling are fraught with danger, and the other world, inhabited by the dead, can lay claim to those who decide to look into it. These Slavic beliefs are well reflected in Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”, where a groom came for a girl who wanted to know her fate, who turned out to be a dead man.

True, all this turned out to be only bad dream– Svetlana fell asleep, peering into the mirror. At the same time, it can be assumed that Svetlana really visited the other world and only thanks to a miracle she woke up in her upper room.

The mirror is considered the border of the other world and in European tradition. This border becomes unstable and unreliable at certain periods of time, and it is quite possible to cross it accidentally. In addition, creatures from another world can also cross the border.
Doors between worlds are not easy to open, which is why most mirrors are completely harmless. But the door, once opened, is also not easy to close, so the connection with the other world established through the mirror is almost impossible to break.

Many peoples have the idea that human soul During sleep, it leaves the body and travels through the worlds. Returning to the body, the soul may look into the mirror and not return to its owner (it will get scared and forget the way or be pulled into the looking glass). In this case, the person will never be able to wake up.

There is also the idea that a mirror can take away all the positive energy from a person. Loss of positive energy manifests itself through insomnia, lethargy even after long sleep, and irritability.

This idea of ​​vampire mirrors originated in the Middle Ages, and by the beginning of the Renaissance, most religious denominations came to the conclusion that the devil himself looked at the world through the glass of the mirror. This idea became widespread, and mirrors of those times, distinguished by their convex shape and dark surface, aroused superstitious fear among people.

One way or another, all witches, in addition to the cauldron for preparing magical decoctions, were supposed to have in their arsenal a small mirror soaked in light full moon. This mirror was supposed to help the witch summon and keep evil spirits locked up, as well as cast the evil eye and damage.

The idea of ​​an evil spirit living in a mirror has survived to this day in the image of the Queen of Spades - the spirit of a female witch who can be evoked by various rituals.

The ability of a mirror to accumulate energy, taking it away from the person looking in the mirror, is reflected in signs that do not recommend looking in the mirror for a long time. This is especially true for young children, since their body’s protective functions are weakened. It is believed that a child under one year old should not be shown a mirror at all, otherwise he will be fearful and painful.

Popular beliefs claim that women are forbidden to look in the mirror during menstruation, pregnancy or after childbirth, since at this time the “grave is open” in front of her, that is, the woman’s weakened energy is further weakened due to the influence of the mirror, which leads to illness and misfortune.

Since the sleeping person is in a helpless state and is at the mirror a long period, placing a mirror in the bedroom is undesirable.

Feng Shui mirror

This belief echoes the Feng Shui tradition, according to which a mirror redistributes energy flows, and a Bagua mirror protects from the influence of negative objects.

In Feng Shui practices, there are strict regulations regarding the shape and placement of mirrors:

  • It is advisable to purchase a round or oval mirror;
  • The person should be displayed in full growth;
  • IN small mirror the viewer's head should be fully displayed (if the image is cropped, the person will experience headaches);
  • The marital bed should not be reflected in the mirror, as this leads to quarrels between spouses and provokes infidelity;
  • If the door and bed in the bedroom are reflected in the mirror, the failures will double.

It is better not to stir mirrors in the bedroom, since the negative emotions from which a person is released during sleep will be reflected by the mirror back onto the sleeping person

A mirror in the bedroom is also undesirable according to the shamans of the peoples of the north, who claim that a pair of eyes are always watching sleeping people from the mirror, and this causes poor sleep, leads to irritability and quarrels in the family.

Currently, a popular theory is that mirrors “remember” events that occur in their presence. This theory is confirmed by mirrors that cause uncontrollable fear in their owners and bad feeling. In most cases, these are mirrors with a history going back decades, silent witnesses to many different incidents.

This theory is also supported by the media reporting about killer mirrors. Thus, in 1997, the press published an appeal from antique dealers calling on antique lovers not to buy a mirror with the inscription on the frame “Louis Arpo, 1743,” since 38 owners of this mirror died under mysterious circumstances. This mirror is currently considered missing.

Due to the property of mirrors to accumulate and release energy and “memories”, it is not advisable to purchase antique mirrors. Mirrors that reflect bad events should be removed from the house, and certainly not hung in the bedroom, otherwise nightmares will begin to haunt you.

Thus, signs and beliefs of various nations do not recommend placing mirrors in the bedroom.

Mirror in the bedroom from the point of view of psychologists

From a psychological point of view, a mirror in the bedroom is really undesirable. The fear of the dark has been characteristic of man since ancient times, as is the fear of the unknown, and in night lighting even familiar objects look quite unusual. The light of headlights sliding across the glass, tree branches and furnishings in the mirror at night are reflected as something mysterious and mystical.

In addition, during sleep, people often wake up, and, without fully realizing their awakening, they can look into a dark mirror. In this case, a person may not perceive the reflection as his own and may imagine that severe stress is the minimum consequences that may arise.

The human unconscious contains not only personal life experience, but also the collective, traditionally formed in a given culture perception of the world, which includes beliefs associated with the looking-glass, otherworldly world. In addition, there is obsessive fear associated with the fear of mirrors - spectrophobia.

Like all phobias, this fear is not under the control of a person and requires treatment from specialists. Strong fear caused by a specific mirror can generalize and spread to all mirrors in general. This is why mirrors in the bedroom should be avoided.

In addition, it is advisable to look in the mirror with a positive mood, smiling at your reflection and finding the positive in it. This contributes to the formation of a positive perception of one’s own “I”, good mood and increased vitality.

Unfortunately, we don't always wake up in a good mood. A rumpled, sleep-deprived, gloomy face does not improve mood, but rather, on the contrary, contributes to a negative mood, and this affects our self-esteem and attitude in life. During illness, we are also often forced to stay in bed, “enjoying” our exhausted appearance all day. As a result, we perceive ourselves as unhappy, sick, and we recover more slowly.

Mirror opposite the bed

Thus, from both a mystical and psychological point of view, it is not recommended to place a mirror opposite the bed. If you do not have the opportunity to remove the mirror, you should curtain it at night and wash it often cold water, since water neutralizes negative energy.

The bedroom is a resting place, the most important and intimate place spouses, and just every person. From good sleep our well-being and behavior during the next day depends. Therefore, here, more than anywhere else in the room, coziness and comfort are important. When furnishing a bedroom, mirrors are increasingly used to visually enlarge the room and make it brighter. And then a suspicious thought may creep in that you shouldn’t sleep near a mirror...

From the time mirrors began to be made, which was several centuries ago, the method of their production was kept secret. And everything that is unknown is covered in a haze of mystery, overgrown with beliefs and riddles. And today superstitious people believe in omens... What then can we say about our ancestors, who at that time had not yet learned the subtleties modern science. The mirror reflects the real world, but at the same time, the picture carries a certain ghostliness, which is certainly frightening.

What did our ancestors say?

According to the beliefs that have reached us from ancient Rus', our double lives in the mirror, who can steal our soul during sleep. After all, it is at this time that a person is unprotected and most vulnerable.

There is also an opinion that during sleep a person’s soul travels and, returning back to the body, can confuse the real body with its reflection in the mirror. And there, beyond this line, is the other world, from which you can’t pull your soul out! That is, our great-grandmothers were convinced that having fallen asleep in front of a mirror, a person is unlikely to wake up one day.

Why can't you sleep near a mirror according to Feng Shui?

The Chinese consider the mirror to be an energy vampire. Moreover, the mirror absorbs information not only from people who are awake or sleeping, but also from all the objects and walls reflected in it. Sleeping in front of a mirror, a person will not rest, but, on the contrary, will become even more tired.

The Chinese believe that negative information gathers in any corner, which is why their beds are mostly round. Our beds have a different shape, so their corners, which are reflected in the mirror, give all the negative information to the mirror. And it, accordingly, is for us.

A modern take on sleeping near a mirror

Having listened to all the prejudices of our ancestors, of course, it arises unpleasant feeling when looking at the mirror, even if you are not prone to superstitions. But let's look at the issue from a rational point of view. A mirror is glass with a silver alloy or aluminum coating applied to it on one side. Today, by visiting the “crazy hands” forums, you can make a mirror yourself. There is no secret in production today, let's dispel other myths that relate to sleeping near a mirror.

The most important point, which became the basis for all the mirror worlds, is that at night, in the dark, our imagination tends to complete drawings and guess those objects that we do not see. In any case, the mirror reflects the light (of the moon, lanterns, alarm clock) and when you wake up at night, you will see your own movements. But no one knows what our not yet awakened subconscious will finish drawing. It is your reflection and this unclear picture that your imagination will draw that you may be afraid of.

Yes, it will not be the most pleasant sensation, especially for impressionable people. Of course, this can negatively affect your sleep, mood and prevent you from relaxing. Therefore, as soon as your fantasy begins to play tricks on you, remember that this is just an optical illusion and calmly go back to sleep.

The next not entirely pleasant point is that a mirror is a very fragile object. But not all representatives of humanity can wake up right away. Therefore, there is a risk of simply breaking it if you accidentally catch it in the morning. No no! This is not just another sign! Just an unpleasant moment and cleaning up the fragments in the morning can ruin your mood and good spirits for the whole day.

The influence of positive energy

If you still believe that a mirror has the ability to collect and store information reflected in it, use your beliefs for good. Hang a completely new mirror in your bedroom. You can make it yourself, putting the most positive thoughts and good memories into its creation. And then just looking in the mirror, smile at your reflection, think about the beautiful and sublime, charge the mirror with positivity! And then this positive will definitely return to you threefold, giving you pleasant and bright dreams! This means you can sleep in front of the mirror!

Mirrors are things that began to give rise to superstitions, signs, magical rituals and other mystical phenomena almost from the very first day of its existence.

And today, after thousands of years since the invention of the first mirror coating, people are still convinced that these signs work, and it is best to remember superstitions and not cross the invisible, but tangible line.

For example, the idea that a sleeping person should not be reflected in a mirror is very firmly entrenched in the heads of some individuals. It would seem - what's the difference? A more or less rational explanation can be found in the study of astral travel. There is an answer to the question why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror: during sleep, a person in his star body leaves the rough bodily shell.

And if at the moment of leaving the body in a dream, a person is not far from the mirror, then the looking glass can draw him in and captivate him.

To put it simply, a mirror can be thought of as something like a trap for astral projection. And not only at the moment of starting on interstellar travels, but also when returning from them: the soul can see its own reflection in the mirror, get scared and not even return back to the body. As a result, the person will no longer be destined to wake up.

There is another theory that you should not sleep in front of a mirror, which does not frighten you with such horrors worthy of Hollywood blockbusters, but simply warns: mirror glass can “vampire” a person’s energy. A mirror can easily absorb your reserve of strength, and it is the sleeping person who leaves the energy most easily.

How can you understand that the mirror in front of your bed is “feeding” on you? Quite simply, indicators of loss of positive energy are insomnia, lethargy after waking up, and constant irritability.

Treason and doubles - the reflection is to blame for everything

Since ancient times, it was believed that a mirror should not be located near the marital bed, since otherwise there would constantly be scandals and empty unpleasant troubles in the family. And such a situation can in some mystical way push someone from the family to cheat. It will be especially unfavorable if the door is also visible in the mirror.

Some people tend to explain why they shouldn’t sleep near a mirror by saying that when they sleep in front of a mirror, they are bothered by a glance from somewhere deep in the glass. Because of this, people lose sleep, calmness and cannot rest properly.

Folk signs and superstitions about the mirror:

Of course, one can laugh at such fears, but it must be said that such superstitions are not new at all: in ancient Rus', mirrors were treated with great caution, because they were convinced that something like a double lived inside.

He supposedly can steal people's souls in their sleep. In short, a real horror film. But there are always people who just laugh at the superstition that you can’t sleep against a mirror, and some even make mirrored ceilings in their bedrooms. From a design point of view, this is an excellent solution for small-sized apartments and rooms - visually the space is greatly increased.

However, you shouldn’t laugh at the beliefs of the ancients just because you and I have tablets in our hands and expensive jackets and dresses on our shoulders. People have been observing what has been happening for centuries and have noticed things that contemporaries simply do not have enough time for.

Chinese philosophy of space about signs with mirrors

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy dedicated to the harmonious distribution of objects and energy in space. According to this theory, if you arrange all the energy flows in the house correctly, there will be a lot of positive emotions and just kindness in your life. So, according to the Chinese, a mirror can be thought of as a storehouse of everything that is in the house. Because it reflects everything it sees.

And if you hang a mirror opposite your bed, it will reflect the corners of the bed. And the angles of anything, according to the ideas of Chinese bioenergy - the most important place concentration of negativity.

As a result, according to Feng Shui, the mirror opposite the bed will accumulate negativity, and then give it to the awakened person, sucking all the positive out of him.

If you have hung a mirror in the bedroom and cannot move it anywhere at all, then simply hang it up at night (for example, attach motorized blinds on top, these days this is a very inexpensive pleasure).

Many people don’t know why you shouldn’t sleep in front of a mirror, but they know that under no circumstances should you leave a mirror from the old owners in your apartment, especially if it’s large and hanging in the bedroom. It could absorb negative energy, which it will transmit to you when you are most defenseless - in your sleep.

There is a Christian belief that says that after the death of a person in the house, it is not only possible, but also necessary to close all mirrors for 40 days from the moment of death. During this time, the soul will have time to leave our planet and will not be reflected in mirrors, which means it will not frighten the inhabitants of the house.

To sum up this collection of signs about why you shouldn’t sleep in front of a mirror, we can say the following: in fact, sometimes everything is much simpler, and it’s not a matter of doubles or astral travel. It’s just that light and shadow are often reflected in the mirror, all of this is refocused in space, and as a result you can get an unpleasant surprise in the form of light in your eyes from the very early morning.

A mirror can simply scare you when you are asleep, create some kind of ugly picture, or evoke a terrible image in your memory. In a word, be extremely careful with mirror glass, and then you can fully relax. And don't hang a mirror in front of your bed.

Video: Why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror

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