Home Tooth pain Why does a chinchilla refuse to eat? What do chinchillas get sick with? Chinchillas have a white coating on their paws.

Why does a chinchilla refuse to eat? What do chinchillas get sick with? Chinchillas have a white coating on their paws.

Chinchilla is your friend and pet

If you want your chinchilla to make you happy, choose a healthy animal. Unfortunately, as the practice of chinchilla breeders shows, initially sick individuals have too little chance of recovery, even if timely assistance is provided veterinary care . Therefore, in order to save yourself from suffering, and your sick chinchilla from torment, keep your eyes open.

This is probably why we decided to start our topic about the diseases that these rodents suffer from with exactly what a healthy chinchilla should look like at the time of its acquisition. We will, of course, talk in this article about rodent diseases, their symptoms, treatment and prevention...

Diagnosis of a chinchilla's health status by its appearance

When purchasing a chinchilla, you can only rely on external objective indicators of its health status. However, this is sometimes quite enough to determine whether the rodent in front of you is healthy or whether it is no longer a resident. So, A healthy chinchilla's coat should lie close to the body, be smooth to the touch, and not matted. The lack of fur in certain areas of the body should alert you to the fact that the animal is either sick or has been poorly cared for, and this may later serve as an impetus for the development of disease in its body. By the way, we already wrote in our first article about chinchillas, where we discussed that they do not have fleas and ticks. However, when buying such a pet, make sure of this. The opposite may indicate a chinchilla disease.

A chinchilla's eyes should be shiny and lively. Discharge of pus from the eyes is a sign of an animal's illness. As a rule, when we are talking about damage to one eye, then most likely this is not the result proper care, whereas purulent discharge from both eyes - already indicate the presence of infection in the animal’s body. While breathing, the animal should not make whistling sounds or wheezing. Also, nasal discharge is not allowed (they often accompany discharge of pus from the eyes), as they are a symptom of infectious diseases.

An emaciated and underweight chinchilla can be sick with a fatal disease, therefore, when choosing this animal, pay attention to its level of fatness. Lethargic and skinny rodents with protruding ribs are most likely unhealthy. The same can be said about chinchillas suffering from excess body weight - these animals are obese, which means that their body does not function as it should, and as a result excess weight may cause the death of your animal.

Also, you should pay attention to the condition of the chinchilla’s fur in the area anus. Clumped hairs may indicate the presence of diarrhea in the rodent, and diarrhea may be of infectious origin.

Quarantine for chinchillas

I would like to draw the attention of future chinchilla owners to the fact that sometimes sick animals are sold cheaper than usual. So, if the average cost of a chinchilla (its price depends on age, gender, color) ranges from 200 to 2000 rubles, then if you are offered a rodent at almost 2 times cheaper than its “market price”, and at the same time it does not look very much - it’s better to refuse such a purchase...

If you buy a couple of animals, but from different breeders, or you already have a chinchilla in the house, and you decide to buy a life partner for it (in principle, this is the right decision, since these animals do not tolerate loneliness well, and if they live alone in a cage - they may begin to feel sad and even get sick), then be sure to arrange a month-long quarantine for each chinchilla in different cages. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of infection when animals infect each other with their diseases. If, after a month-long quarantine, the chinchillas behave as usual and look healthy in appearance, you can transplant them into one cage that is spacious enough for the two of them.

What do chinchillas get sick with?

And now we will focus directly on the most common types of diseases to which these rodents are susceptible. We will learn about the causes of such diseases, how to help a chinchilla, and, of course, we will talk about how to prevent such a possible disease...

Gastrointestinal disorder in chinchillas

Overeating can cause distress in chinchillas

As a result of unbalanced and improper feeding of the chinchilla, or overfeeding, the animal may develop a disorder gastrointestinal tract. Read about what to feed chinchillas so that they don’t get sick. It manifests itself as diarrhea, or, on the contrary, constipation, bloating. The chinchilla may squeak pitifully, refuse to eat, and be lethargic. If you notice similar symptoms in a rodent, analyze what your animal has eaten over the past few days.

Under no circumstances give your chinchilla spoiled food or food or fresh water, try to stick to uniform distribution percentage of dry and succulent food. If you introduce a new product to your chinchilla’s diet, do it gradually and carefully, avoid foods that are low in fiber but rich in fats and proteins.

If the situation has gone too far, and the animal has diarrhea of ​​a mucous consistency or with blood clots, then most likely we are talking about intestinal inflammation. Only a specialist can help a chinchilla in this situation, and you should not self-medicate. Although, you must understand that the chances of whether the chinchilla will survive depend on how soon you contact the veterinary clinic. That's why, When the first symptoms appear - diarrhea, constipation, bloating in a rodent - do not put off a visit to a specialist. Your hesitation may cost your pet's life.

The appearance of bald spots

Chinchilla fur is its dignity. It's so thick, shiny, and strong. However, sometimes the owners of these animals complain that their pet has bald spots on its sides and buttocks, through which the rodent’s skin can be seen. Moreover, upon careful observation of the pet, it turns out that it is he himself or his cagemate who gnaws out such bald spots. Quite strange behavior, which can be explained by several reasons.

Also, if a chinchilla is sad, it is experiencing extreme stress, or is in nervous excitement, her nervousness may manifest itself in the fact that the animal begins to chew out its fur.

But more often than not, the appearance of such bald spots is still not the result of proper nutrition pet and uncomfortable living conditions. The situation can be corrected if you try to review your rodent’s diet, introduce vitamin and mineral supplements, improve living conditions, regularly clean the cage and change the bedding, and also pay enough attention to your pet.

Fatty liver in chinchillas

This disease leads to macroscopic and microscopic histological changes in the liver. It occurs as a result of abuse of granulated feed, which, among other things, was expired. Also, an excess of vitamin A in food can lead to this condition (you constantly gave the chinchilla carrots). A similar diagnosis in mandatory should be a signal for you to reconsider what you feed your pet and the introduction of drugs to cleanse and restore the liver. Better to give preference homeopathic remedies, which the veterinarian will prescribe for you. Also, make sure your chinchilla gets vitamin E.

Food poisoning in chinchillas

Many chinchilla breeders still prefer to feed their pets natural products, and not ready-made granulated food. And they do everything right. The fact is that granulated food, especially if it is stored longer than it should be, and if storage conditions are not observed, becomes an excellent breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria, which can cause food poisoning rodent.

Diarrhea, bloating, prolapse of the intestine from the anus, all this ends in 20% of cases fatal and is the result of such food poisoning. After all, such anaerobic bacteria cause liver enlargement, intestinal bleeding and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. All this together makes it impossible to save the animal.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity, you should not constantly feed your chinchilla with granulated food, and if you cannot provide it with a different diet, make sure that your pet eats food that has not expired. To do this, pay attention to the packaging of such a product when you buy it at a pet store.

Urolithiasis in chinchillas

Urolithiasis usually leads to bleeding inflammation Bladder in a rodent. As a rule, adults, and most often males, are more susceptible to this disease. If you notice that a male chinchilla has problems with urination, or that the animal is not behaving adequately, do not be lazy to take a test to determine whether there are kidney stones and what nature they are. Also, with the help of ultrasonography, the presence of stones and sand can be detected. If a chinchilla has only sand in its kidneys, an appropriate course of treatment is prescribed, but if the stones are large enough, it is required surgery to remove such stones, or an incision is made into the bladder. The success of treatment in this case also depends on timely contact with a veterinarian.

Sun and heatstroke in chinchillas

As a result of overheating of the animal's body (as a rule, for this to happen, the chinchilla must long time be in a room where the temperature is above 26 degrees Celsius, high humidity, no ventilation, but there is excess sunlight), the animal's body temperature may rise. Chinchilla takes horizontal position, the animal lies on its side and breathes frequently. In case of fainting, the chinchilla may not show signs of life.

If you find a pet in this condition and all the factors contributing to body overheating and sunstroke are present, be sure to take care to cool the animal’s body with a damp towel and lower the air temperature in the room. If a veterinarian is nearby, he will be able to prescribe medications that stimulate respiratory processes and blood circulation. The prognosis depends on how strong the rodent's body is, as well as how long it has been exposed to heat and sun.

Conjunctivitis in chinchillas

There are actually quite a few reasons that can cause conjunctivitis in your rodent. These are also mechanical, caused by hitting foreign body in the eye, chemical - contact disinfectants on the mucous membrane of the eye, bacteriological...

Treatment of conjunctivitis involves eliminating the cause of the disease. So, the cage is cleaned and the chinchilla’s bedding is replaced, because the rodent’s urine releases ammonia vapor, which can also serve as a source of irritation to the mucous surface of the eye. After this, the eye is washed with a 3% solution boric acid, or brewing strong tea, which can be replaced with chamomile decoction. In case of bacteriological origin of conjunctivitis, it is appropriate to put drops in your pet’s eyes eye drops, which contain an antibiotic. However, the drops themselves and the frequency of instillation should be prescribed by a veterinarian. You should not self-medicate.


It has long been known that disease is easier and simpler to prevent than to treat. This also applies to the health of chinchillas.

Chinchillas are long-lived. Their lifespan can reach 20 years. If you create proper living conditions for them, provide them with a proper and nutritious diet, then (provided that the chinchilla has good, healthy health) such an animal will live a long and full life and will not cause any problems for the owner.

Chinchilla knows how to mask well the first symptoms of illness. This property helps her.
Therefore, it is very important to carry out regular inspections of the chinchilla, weighing and observing its behavior.
This will help to promptly identify the first symptoms of the disease and prevent its further development.

The main reason for many diseases in chinchillas- unhealthy diet. The chinchilla's digestive system is very specific and adapted to nutritious, roughage food, consisting mainly of grass, which it can digest in very small quantities. Any juicy, fatty or sweet food leads to upset, bloating and malfunction of the chinchilla’s gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is so important not to overfeed the animal with treats, adhere to a strict diet and not experiment with food and additives. Feed your chinchilla with specialized food, good quality hay, adding a small amount of vitamin products.

Provide chinchilla constant . Use only clean, filtered water. Many infectious diseases chinchillas are transmitted through contaminated, poor-quality, contaminated water.

It is also extremely important to create for the chinchilla optimal conditions cellular content. Cell- this is the animal’s permanent location, and if the chinchilla feels uncomfortable in it, then this affects its psychosomatic state, provokes stress and, as a result, leads to weakened immunity and health problems.

First and foremost important rule- the cage must be safe for the chinchilla. All accessories (shelves, houses, feeders, etc.) must be firmly screwed and attached to the walls or mesh. Otherwise chinchilla can get mechanical injury if her paw or other parts of her body get stuck or pinched between dislodged objects. Plastic shelves, feeders, toys or coverings are not acceptable. The chinchilla will chew on this, pieces of objects will fall into the esophagus and can cause intestinal obstruction.

You should also avoid plywood that contains toxic adhesives. Provide your chinchilla with a large, spacious cage with multi-level shelves and a house where he can take refuge or hide in case of fright.

Chinchilla prefers the upper levels of cells. This is where the house should be located. Due to the nature of the residence in nature chinchillas prefer to jump rather than run horizontally. Therefore, the cage may not be very wide, but it must be high. This cage arrangement will help the chinchilla adapt faster and satisfy its basic physiological needs.

Keep the cage clean, carry out scheduled disinfections (once every three months), and promptly remove food debris that has fallen into sawdust or other filler.
Ammonia vapor in the air can cause problems respiratory system, irritation of mucous membranes and negatively affect the quality of fur.
By following the rules of cell hygiene, you will prevent infectious and fungal diseases in an animal.

Provide equipment that will help her lead an active, active lifestyle. Otherwise, the animal may acquire bad habits, for example, start chewing (cutting) your fur.
A variety of twigs, stones for grinding teeth and other gnawing devices are preventive measures to protect against the appearance of dental hooks. It is vitally important for a chinchilla to chew something all the time, thereby grinding down its constantly growing teeth.

Temperature and humidity in the room where it is kept chinchilla, plays important role to preserve the health of the animal. Therefore, installing an air conditioner is not just a whim, but a vital equipment. A long-term increase in air temperature above 26-28 degrees can provoke heat stroke and very rapid death of the animal.
High air temperatures lead to the development of infectious and immune diseases in chinchillas.
Also, too dry or very humid air has a negative effect on the animal’s fur and is a favorable environment for the growth of fungus and problems with the respiratory system.

The key to quality and healthy life Chinchillas are following a daily routine. The chinchilla is a crepuscular animal. She rests during the day and wakes up only to have a snack or drink water. All activity occurs in the evening and night hours.

A forced change in such a schedule leads to stress and depression. Provide the animal with daytime rest. Don't disturb him unless absolutely necessary. Feed and clean the cage, if possible, only in evening time days.
Remember - stress is one of the main causes of many animal diseases.
Fright, sharp, loud sounds, bright flashes of light, heat air - all these factors can provoke the death of an animal.

Symptoms of a seriously ill chinchilla.

Sick chinchilla will look depressed, hide in corners, and refuse food. Lethargy, dull fur, hunched back, head down, half-closed, cloudy eyes, weight loss are all signs of a serious illness. The chinchilla's lack of reaction to external stimuli, such as food, water, treats, sounds, touches, means that she has a very serious problems and the clock counts.

Other general symptoms sick chinchilla:
  • Watery eyes, with white or purulent discharge;
  • Nasal discharge, wheezing;
  • Drooling, wet chin or chest;
  • Frequent rubbing of the mouth area with paws;
  • Bald areas of skin around the eyes, nose, ears, paws or on the surface of the fur;
  • Dandruff and scratched wounds on the skin;
  • Loss of coordination, seizures;
  • An excited state or complete absence interest in something;
  • A sharp change (in any direction) in food or water consumption.

    In all of the above cases, you need to refer to veterinarian to provide urgent help animal.

    Basic physiological indicators of a chinchilla.
    Lifespan10-15 years, max = 20+
    Body temperature38-38.5°C
    Pulse rate100-120 per minute
    Breathing rate40-80 per minute
    Teeth20 (16 molars, 4 incisors) orange incisors
    grow 5.5-6.5 cm per year
    Boluses5-12 mm length, 200 per day
    Adult weightM = 400-600 g, F = 500-700 g
    Ambient temperature18-23°C
    Puberty8-10 months
    Cyclicity of estrusevery 30-50 days
    Mating seasonthroughout the year, most active from November to May
    Pregnancy111 days
    Puppies in the litter1-3
    Litters per year2
    Birth weight30-60 gr
    Exclusion period8-10 weeks

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  • Chinchilla is a real furry joy in the house. These small rodents with soft fur and bushy tails quickly become family favorites. However, these animals, like other animals, sometimes get sick. We have compiled a list of major diseases that are important to recognize in a timely manner and quickly begin necessary treatment chinchillas.

    Chinchilla diseases - symptoms and treatment


    Poisoning can happen if a chinchilla eats unsuitable food or food that is not suitable for it.

    In case of poisoning, the animal may refuse to eat; At the same time, the chinchilla is lethargic and weakly active. Drooling is common.

    In case of serious poisoning, treatment, unfortunately, is not always effective - but timely action will help increase the chances of curing the chinchilla.

    Possible remedies that will help with chinchilla poisoning:

    • enterosgel
    • gamovite
    • catozal (to speed up metabolism)
    • traumeel

    To prevent dehydration, you can administer saline solution in a dosage of 10 ml, as well as glucose solution.


    It is an unpleasant scourge for any animal, and chinchillas are no exception.

    With this disease, areas appear on the body where hair is partially or completely absent. In this case, irritation may occur in such areas. It often happens that the first manifestations of lichen are found in the area of ​​the animal’s nose and ears.

    If there is no specialized laboratory in your city where such an analysis can be performed, you can use drugs wide range actions.

    The following drugs may be used in treatment of this disease chinchillas:

    • Vakderm-F – injections of 0.3 ml with an interval of 1-2 weeks. The drug can only be used for adults, because it can slow down or completely stop the animal's growth process. Use is permitted for chinchillas from 6 months of age.
    • Lamisil and Exoderil - suitable for both adult animals and small chinchillas. The affected areas of the body are treated with a spray twice a day for 14 days.

    It should be noted that lichen is a highly contagious disease. Therefore, a chinchilla that has been diagnosed with lichen should be isolated from other individuals and any contact should be excluded - a quarantine regime is appropriate. To minimize the likelihood of infection with lichen, you can use fungistol, and it is also necessary to carry out regular hygiene of rooms and cells. Using a bactericidal lamp will not hurt.


    Bacterial inflammation in the eye area occurs quite often in chinchillas. In this case, the animal will experience discharge, which, depending on the extent of the process, can be scanty or abundant; sometimes purulent contents may be discharged. At bacterial infection Antibiotics can be used for treatment.

    In general, the following remedies can be used to treat conjunctivitis and inflammation of the area:

    • ointments – tetracycline, hydrocortisone
    • Maxidin drops
    • colloidal silver rinsing
    • for corneal damage, clouding vitreous it is possible to use an already proven product - Taufon drop (or analogues)


    Sometimes these rodents can be aggressive. Chinchillas do not always manage to get along with each other. This is a sure way to cause injuries, scratches, bites, and abrasions. Bites can be superficial or deep.

    At large wounds you need to immediately begin helping the animal. Take him to a place where he will be protected from the encroachments of other individuals - provide the chinchilla with maximum peace. It is advisable to clean the damage from blood, and treat the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol. Injections of Catozal and Traumeel will speed up the recovery of the body.

    It happens that with strong bites the animal refuses food. In this case, you need to administer saline and glucose. Moreover, vitamins can also be diluted in the latter to maintain the animal’s strength. If this works, you need to force-feed the chinchilla; if not, be sure to continue using glucose in combination with saline solution.

    And they cause damage to each other during the landing. Therefore, it is better that someone is at home at this time, and if aggression occurs, the animals should be immediately placed in different cages.


    For chinchillas, infestation is serious illness. When infested, a chinchilla may refuse to eat, and its behavior will become lethargic, apathetic, and weakly active. A chinchilla may develop severe diarrhea with blood. In case of invasion, it is possible to carry out complex surgery with removal of the affected part of the intestine, but the likelihood of a positive outcome is low.


    For diarrhea in chinchillas, it is possible to use oak bark, as well as medicines– Smecty, Linexa. It is important to stop the dehydration process - therapeutic measures need to start quickly. During treatment, the animal's diet should consist primarily of hay and liquid.

    The cause of chinchilla diarrhea can also be previous treatment with antibiotics - often after completing a course of drugs, dysbiosis develops in the intestines. You can restore normal intestinal functioning by using boluses from a healthy animal.


    When constipated, a chinchilla's belly is swollen, the animal experiences weakness, and the boluses are small. In such a situation, the main task is to restore intestinal motility. For this purpose, the animal should walk a lot, but it is also possible to use a number of therapeutic agents:

    • Vaseline oil - given to drink several times a day or injected into the rectum using a syringe
    • in severe cases, the use of Cerucal injections is justified

    The possibility of a chinchilla swallowing its own hair with the formation of clots and, as a result, intestinal obstruction has not been proven in chinchillas - however, if there is suspicion, the use of Malt paste is possible.

    Rectal prolapse

    This problem in chinchillas in most cases is a direct consequence of constipation, the manifestations of which were described above. Constantly straining to have a bowel movement eventually leads to bowel prolapse. In this case, part of the bloody intestine (usually no more than 2-3 cm long) comes out of the anus.

    In case of prolapse of part of the intestine, restoration measures must be started as soon as possible, otherwise necrosis of the prolapsed area is possible. For self-reduction, the prolapsed area must be lubricated with ointment and then adjusted using a thermometer. After a few days, the chinchilla should have a bowel movement.

    It is better to trust intestinal adjustments to experienced veterinarians and not to do them yourself - this procedure requires some skill.

    Dental diseases

    Dental diseases are also common in chinchillas. At the same time, their color changes, and the animal may develop “drooling” when the teeth grow incorrectly. At the same time, sometimes the chinchilla is wet in the neck area. If it progresses, the teeth may take on an unsightly shape. The skin on the animal's face may also be damaged.

    It's easier to deal with the problem early stages. It is not always possible to cure a neglected process.

    For treatment, special feeds enriched with phosphorus compounds are used, and vitamins must be added to the diet. It is possible to add sodium phosphate in powder form to the feed.

    If a chinchilla has lost a tooth, the place where it fell out can be treated with Metrogyl Dent gel.

    Inflammation of the feet

    Inflammation of the feet sometimes occurs in chinchillas, and in most cases they are affected hind legs. If this condition is not treated, you may need to surgical intervention. To treat pododermatitis, special medications are used, which a veterinarian will help you choose.


    A chinchilla can get a cold. An animal’s body temperature is dangerous at about 38 °C, and at 39 °C there is a risk to the chinchilla’s life. When a chinchilla has a cold, they often develop a severe runny nose.

    To speed up recovery, you need to insulate the place where the animal is, eliminate possible drafts, and clean the nest from dust. Also an important factor Get well soon is enhanced nutrition.


    In this article we talked about what chinchillas get sick with, but the list of possible diseases is much longer. If your chinchilla is sick, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian, because only a qualified specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    - Alopecia of chinchillas, baldness, loss of six chinchillas. This chinchilla disease is scattered throughout the animal's body in the form of symmetrical or single spots. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, but it is found that it disappears with proper diet And the right conditions content.

    - Gnawing chinchilla fur. Sometimes it happens that chinchillas gnaw out the fur of themselves and their relatives. Over time, the skin at the bite sites becomes covered with bleeding crusts, cracks, and the hair begins to fall out on its own. As a result of the disease, the chinchilla becomes like a lion, when the fur remains only on the head and neck. The cause of this disease in chinchillas is a serious metabolic disorder, in particular, a lack of vitamin D, an imbalance in the ratio of calcium and phosphorus.

    Chinchilla chews fur

    - Ringworm in chinchillas. This disease of chinchillas is quite common in. Ringworm in chinchillas manifests itself in the form of areas of balding skin - primarily on the head, neck, near the tail, on the sides and back. Cats, dogs and even people can serve as carriers. Gray scales, crusts and inflammation appear on bald skin. It is recommended to treat ringworm in chinchillas with 5% tincture of iodine, because this remedy is effective and non-toxic. Treatment of chinchillas with ringworm will be successful if accompanied by the addition of the antibiotic griseofulvin to the food until recovery (40 grams daily). If you notice a chinchilla with ringworm, immediately remove it from healthy animals and disinfect the room.

    Ringworm in chinchillas

    Chinchilla kidney and liver diseases

    - Chinchilla jaundice is a chinchilla disease that indicates inflammation, degeneration or other liver disease. When the skin is removed from a chinchilla carcass affected by jaundice, it turns out that the fat underneath is yellow, because the chinchilla’s liver cannot process carotene and vitamin A. This chinchilla disease is a consequence of the effects of toxins on the body, fatty, unbalanced diet, inferior feed, etc. Treatment of chinchillas with jaundice is ineffective. For prevention, chinchillas should be given B vitamins.

    - Disturbances in the normal functioning of the chinchilla liver. This chinchilla disease occurs when animal feed is oversaturated with fats and proteins. Chinchillas are treated with tocopherol, which is found in large quantities in alfalfa, peas, and oats.

    - Lack of vitamin B in chinchillas. A deficiency of thiamine in chinchillas may be accompanied by convulsions, trembling legs, and the animal may drag its paws. You cannot give your animal fern, which contains an enzyme that breaks down vitamin B. With this disease, the chinchilla urgently needs a thiamine injection. Another reason why a chinchilla may have seizures is lack of lime in the body. But here the situation is somewhat different: convulsions cover the entire body, the animal is not able to control its own movements; Teeth may be bared and eyes may roll out. Prevention of chinchillas with this disease consists of including bone meal or calcium salts in the diet.

    - Chinchilla cystitis. With cystitis, the chinchilla is restless, often wants to urinate, and a small amount of urine is released, sometimes with blood. Treatment of chinchillas with cystitis is as follows: twice a day, the chinchilla is given 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 20 grams of trimetroprim in the form of syrup, although it can be administered by injection or mixed with water to drink. If after three days of treatment for chinchillas the rodent’s condition does not improve, the animal may have stones in its bladder. Bladder stones in chinchillas can only be removed surgically.

    So, from our article you learned about the main diseases of chinchillas and methods of treating them. Remember that keeping animals clean, balanced nutrition and attentiveness of the chinchilla breeder - best prevention diseases of chinchillas, and diseases of chinchillas detected in time are easier to treat than neglected ones.
    Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

    Chinchillas cannot be called problem animals. Diseases of chinchillas occur infrequently, especially if you monitor their diet and living conditions. Owners of these animals should regularly inspect them. This is the only way to detect a disease or its onset based on certain signs. Since chinchillas are fairly peaceful and calm animals, there are no problems with inspection. In addition, it is important to monitor the behavior of the rodent and note changes in it.


    Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is accompanied by suppuration and lacrimation. There can be a large number of causes of the disease. These include various infections and mechanical damage. Sometimes the reason is simple unsanitary conditions. That is why it is important to first find out the cause of the infection and then treat it.

    You need to thoroughly clean the cage, wash it, change the flooring. Chinchilla eyes can be washed with a 3% boric acid solution, brewing strong tea, or chamomile decoction. This must be done several times a day. If tears flow heavily, then rinsing is prescribed every 2 hours. If possible, you should contact a veterinarian. If the conjunctivitis is bacteriological, then he can prescribe drops that contain an antibiotic.


    Keratitis is mechanical damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. Symptoms include inflammation, clouding or redness of the membrane, and ulcers may appear. At the same time, the animal behaves very restlessly; it constantly tries to scratch its eye. Used for treatment eye ointments containing antibiotics, as well as drops of fluorescein.

    Catarrh of the nose

    Nasal diseases occur most often during the off-season. Temperature fluctuations, drafts and high humidity contribute to the development of this disease in chinchillas. In addition, a dusty room may be to blame.

    Symptoms of catarrh:

    • tearfulness of the eyes;
    • pus appears in the corners;
    • wet nose;
    • mucus flows from the nose;
    • the animal loses its appetite and becomes apathetic;
    • elevated temperature;
    • the fur is raised.

    If you see these symptoms, you need to rinse the animal’s eyes and nose with a solution of boric acid. Adjust the animal’s diet: add foods high in vitamin C. Keep the chinchilla in a dry place with low temperature. If the condition does not improve after a couple of days, contact your veterinarian.

    Otitis externa

    Otitis externa is an ear disease that involves inflammation of the outer ear canal. If you notice that the animal is rubbing its ears against the wall of the cage or scratching its ears, then the cause may be otitis media. Sometimes during this illness pus appears from the ears. It must be removed, but without using alcohol-containing substances that can harm the ear epithelium. For treatment, the passage is lubricated with zinc-based ointment or fish oil. To prevent the disease from spreading into the middle and inner ear use antibiotics.

    Respiratory diseases

    Runny nose

    Most often, a runny nose appears in the off-season due to a cold. It can also occur due to keeping the chinchilla in a dusty place. Symptoms of a runny nose:

    • wet nostrils;
    • mucus flowing from the nose;
    • white and then yellowish mucus forms in the eyes;
    • the animal becomes sleepy;
    • breathing is frequent.

    It is necessary to treat by washing the eyes with a 2% solution of boric acid. You can replace it with strong tea. It is necessary to add foods high in vitamin C to your diet.


    Bronchopneumonia is dangerous complication colds. Its signs are:

    • rapid breathing;
    • hoarseness;
    • cough.

    For treatment, the rodent must be given biomycin (15-20 g) for 5-7 days. Expectorants are also used.


    Most often appears in late autumn or early winter. In addition, inflammation is often observed in newborn chinchillas. The cause of the disease is the secondary development of an infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. Among the signs:

    • high temperature (sometimes up to 41 degrees);
    • heavy breathing with noise;
    • purulent discharge from the nose.

    Pneumonia should be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. He appoints necessary antibiotics, which eliminate the lesion.

    Hyperemia of the lungs

    The cause of hyperemia is improper maintenance. It develops in the summer if chinchillas are kept in stuffy rooms. Hyperemia may occur due to the animal inhaling hot air or toxic gases. Among the signs:

    • attacks of suffocation;
    • hoarse cough;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • shortness of breath;
    • Sometimes reddish foam is released from the nose.

    To get rid of the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the premises for keeping the animal. It should be cool and well ventilated. It is best to discuss the treatment regimen with your veterinarian as it will vary depending on the cause of the congestion.

    Dental diseases


    Teeth misalignment is a problem for many rodents.

    This defect refers to hereditary diseases. Chinchillas with this problem are not suitable for breeding.

    Among the signs of bite pathology:

    • poor appetite;
    • weight loss;
    • eating food takes too long, even if it is tasty and soft;
    • preference is given to small soft foods.

    In advanced cases, the chinchilla will quickly lose weight, constantly rub its face, yawn frequently, and the fur near the mouth will become wet. In very severe pathologies, the animal will experience constant drooling from the mouth.

    Incorrect teeth color

    Healthy animals have shiny, dark yellow teeth. If the color of the teeth is white, then this indicates a lack of phosphorus in her body or an imbalance of phosphorus and potassium. Sometimes this color is transmitted genetically, but it is worth remembering that such individuals are not intended for reproduction.

    Formation of hooks

    If a rodent's molars are positioned incorrectly, this leads to improper grinding. As a result, hooks are formed that grow inward and injure the rodent’s tongue. This leads to constant drooling. In this case, treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian.

    Skin diseases


    Ringworm is one of the fungal diseases that is contagious and leads to partial hair loss. Signs include hair loss around the nose, ears and tail. It is easy to treat lichen with just initial stage, so you shouldn’t start the disease.

    Step 1. First of all, separate the sick animal from other animals.

    Step 2. Lubricate the affected areas with mycodermatitis. You can also use grisiofulvin or vakderm.

    Step 3. Mycodermitis can also be added to the sand where the chinchilla bathes.

    Step 4. Disinfect the cage.

    More often ringworm observed in nurseries where animals are kept in cramped conditions and unsanitary conditions.

    Video - Causes of fungus

    Gnawing fur

    Sometimes animals chew out their own fur, and can also damage the fur of other chinchillas. In this case, bald spots form at the site of the bites, the skin bleeds and cracks. Usually gnawing occurs on the sides.

    The reason for this behavior is metabolic disorders. It consists of a lack of vitamin D, an imbalance of calcium, phosphorus, as well as a lack of unsaturated fatty acids, as well as methionine. In this case, adding pieces of lard to the animal’s food, as well as methionine, can help. In this case, the lard needs to be cut into cubes and hung on top of the net so that the animal has access to it, but does not stain the skin while eating.

    Alopecia and hair loss

    With alopecia, the chinchilla's hair falls out all over the body in the form of small spots. There is no exact reason, but most likely this phenomenon is caused by poor diet and poor living conditions.

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    Bathing suit for chinchillas Savic

    Stomach diseases


    Excessive release of soft or liquid feces is a sign of diarrhea in the animal. The causes of the disease may be bad water, mold in the food or strong excitement of the animal.

    If there are no other ailments, then you can treat with phthasol or charcoal. It is recommended to give as a drink herbal infusions(marsh wild rosemary or calamus) or strong tea. If such treatment does not produce results within a day, then antibiotics can be used, for example, biomycin or tetracycline.


    Constipation is deadly for chinchillas. It can lead to rupture of the intestinal wall. Most often, this disease affects pregnant females, young animals and males. Among the reasons:

    • infection;
    • poor nutrition (too concentrated feed);
    • lack of drinking;
    • shock and stress;
    • low mobility of the animal;

    It is not difficult to detect a disease in a pet; pay attention to the following signs:

    • the animal sits hunched over in the corner of the cage;
    • makes barely audible sounds;
    • the rodent did not go to the toilet for several days;
    • When palpating the abdomen, you will feel the feces accumulated in the intestines.

    If constipation is noticed in time, you can try to cure it with plenty of fluids and rich foods, such as fruits, juices, and lush greens. With more difficult cases They prescribe a laxative that you can prepare yourself.

    To do this, take 3 drops of regulax, 1 ml of castor oil and 100 g of water. The laxative should be given using a dropper. For severe cases of constipation, you can give a salt enema.

    In chinchillas, it may fall out due to prolonged constipation or gastroenteritis.

    You can help the animal in the following ways:

    1. Carefully clean the fallen part using a cotton swab, which must be moistened in a disinfectant solution.
    2. Lift the animal up by its tail and, using another swab, generously soaked in paraffin, insert the intestine inside.
    3. Hold the chinchilla in this position for a minute. During this time, the intestine will be pressed into place.


    Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Some chinchillas can develop this disease due to improper feeding. The reason may be dry, dusty, moldy hay, bad water, as well as too sudden a change to another feed. The disease is not contagious, so you should not be afraid for other animals.

    Signs of gastroenteritis include:

    • lethargy;
    • loss of appetite;
    • the animal becomes timid;
    • diarrhea or soft stool.

    Treatment for gastroenteritis involves diet. Chinchillas are given fresh hay, cereals, apples, carrots. Rosehip decoction is recommended as a drink.


    Tympania is the name given to excessive gas formation. The disease occurs due to gas-forming bacteria. The reason for their appearance may be eating too much green food or physical inactivity.


    • depressed state of the animal;
    • decreased body temperature;
    • frequent and shallow breathing;
    • tension throughout the body;
    • When palpating the tummy, you will feel something like a drumbeat.

    To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to remove the sick animal from healthy individuals. You can start treatment with a gentle abdominal massage. You should also adjust the diet: do not feed the chinchilla for 24 hours, and then gradually begin to give it high-quality hay.

    In addition, it is necessary to prescribe drugs for gas suppression and disinfection to the animal. Among them: Activated carbon in powder (dosage 100-500 mg), norsulfate, etazol (40-50 g), and biomycin (15-20 g). In addition, you can use dill water (0.5 tsp 3 times a day) or chamomile decoction (1 tsp 6 times a day).

    Price for food and vitamins for chinchillas

    Food and vitamins for chinchillas

    Diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands

    Endometritis and vaginitis

    These infectious diseases appear in females, but males are also carriers. Therefore, they must be treated together. Symptoms include a mucous, purulent discharge from the female's vagina, as well as a brown tint to the vagina itself. Infected animals should be kept separately and treated with antibiotics.

    Hair rings

    Rings of hair appear around the penis in males. They are formed from matted fur during violent mating behavior, and it can also appear due to poor hygiene of the animal. Under no circumstances should you leave a chinchilla with this problem.

    The point is not only that this ring interferes with further acts of mating. It can compress the genital organ, preventing urine from flowing out, leading to death. The ring can be easily removed by any veterinarian. You can do this yourself if you are extremely careful. For the procedure, you will need nail scissors, and then the area of ​​compression must be lubricated with Vaseline.

    Penile prolapse

    Prolapse occurs in overtired males, most often after an unsuccessful attempt at mating with resisting females. You can eliminate prolapse yourself. To do this, you need to treat your fingers with antibiotic ointment and insert it into place. If it is very swollen, then it is necessary to cool it with compresses. It is best to place males with penile prolapse separately from females for 1-2 weeks.

    Inflammation of the mammary glands

    This disease occurs in females after damage to the nipples. You can notice it by the following signs:

    • the female is lethargic, refuses to eat;
    • the temperature is elevated;
    • The mammary gland is bluish or reddish, slightly swollen.

    Inflammation must be treated with penicillin. It is administered intramuscularly in a volume of 100 units once a day for three days. The glands themselves must be lubricated with ointment (tetracycline, penicillin). If the female has abscesses, they can only be removed surgically.

    Liver and kidney diseases


    Jaundice is a sign of inflammation or other liver disease. Because of this disease, the liver cannot properly process carotene and vitamin A. This causes the chinchilla's fat to turn yellow. The cause is toxins, unhealthy diet with excess fatty foods. Unfortunately, effective treatment There is no jaundice for animals. As a preventive measure, it is worth regularly giving animals B vitamins.

    Liver disorders

    In these rodents, the liver stops functioning properly when there is an excess of fats and proteins in the diet. Treatment should be carried out with tocopherol. You can find it in large dosages in peas, oats and alfalfa.


    The causes of cystitis may be hypothermia of the animal, when the temperature in its habitat drops greatly and there is a draft. Symptoms of cystitis will be:

    • restless behavior;
    • frequent urge to urinate;
    • excretion of urine in small quantities, sometimes with blood.

    Treatment is with trimethoprim (20 g 2 times a day) and sulfamethoxazole (100 mg 2 times a day). In case of relapses, it is best to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe other medications. If therapy does not bring noticeable results within three days, then there is a possibility of having stones or sand in the bladder.

    Urolithiasis disease

    This disease most often affects males. The disease usually leads to inflammation of the bladder, which begins to bleed. Reasons urolithiasis become incorrect conditions content.

    Among the symptoms:

    • restless behavior;
    • refusal to eat;
    • urine is reddish.

    If you find these symptoms, you should take the animal’s urine for analysis. The analysis will help determine the presence of stones and sand in the kidneys. They can also be detected using ultrasonography. If there is sand or small stones in the kidneys, then the chinchilla is prescribed antibiotic treatment. If the stones are quite large, then surgery cannot be avoided.


    Chinchillas are quite sensitive to temperature changes. If an animal stays for a long time at temperatures above 26 degrees with high humidity, then it may suffer from heatstroke.

    Symptoms heatstroke are:

    • immobile position of the animal;
    • fast and short breathing;
    • redness of the ears;
    • increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.

    In especially severe cases, a chinchilla may faint without showing signs of life. If measures are not taken in time, the animal dies. Therefore, it is important not to hesitate and begin rescue actions. It is necessary to take the rodent to a dark, cool room; it is best to wrap it in a towel dipped in cool water. You need to wet the cloth frequently. If heatstroke occurs on the street or in transport, then lower his cage as low as possible, try to shade it. When first aid has been provided, you need to show the animal to an experienced veterinarian. He will give further instructions.

    How to care for a sick chinchilla?

    Despite the variety of diseases, there are general rules caring for a sick chinchilla.

    Disease Prevention

    Since most diseases are caused by improper maintenance and care, they can easily be avoided. Follow preventative measures and your pet will feel great. TO preventive measures can be attributed:

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