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Subject Olympiad for primary school. International distance competitions and olympiads

Znanika Electronic School is the organizer of all-Russian competitions in mathematics, Russian language and computer science, as well as meta-subject competitions for primary school.

All competitions are in absentia and the presence of participants is not required. Anyone can register in our system for free and download competition assignments on the dates they are held. Solutions are scanned (photographed) and placed in the office without any difficulties.

Schoolchildren take part in the competition. However, registration is open and encouraged for both teachers and parents. You have the right to act as representatives of your children and students, declaring them as wards. The number of wards is not limited. A number of our teachers enter up to 80 or more children into competitions.

Why do schoolchildren need this:

  • interesting and often unusual tasks,
  • a rare opportunity to compete with peers from all regions of the country,
  • receiving a certificate (diploma) confirming your merits.

Why is this important for parents and teachers:

  • active participation in the development and success of children,
  • professional incentives for active teachers,
  • increasing class ratings,
  • extracurricular academic work schoolchildren,
  • training and unobtrusive control in the form of a competition.

Competitions in this academic year completed. But you can receive notification about their start in the following, just leave your contact details:

Take part for free:

Take part in a competition very simple! To do this, after reading the terms of participation, you need to:

  • register (how to register);
  • download tasks (how to download conditions);
  • upload your solution before the end of the competition (how to upload a work);
  • view and download participant certificate ();
  • download the author's solution from personal account after the end of the competition.

Take extended participation:

Difference from free participation

  • expert verification of your work by our jury,
  • analysis of your work,
  • participation in the overall ranking of the event,
  • electronic certificate or diploma indicating the points scored,

For extended participation, you must pay the registration fee specified in the conditions of a specific competition.

How to talk about a competition at school

For each competition, the website has a special page on which posters and other information materials are posted. We encourage teachers to download the posters and post them in their school. In addition, on the same page you can find announcements about the competition and a news template for posting on the school website or on the teacher’s page.

Teachers can help children take part: register students (as a teacher) or children (as a parent), pay an registration fee for them, and upload their solutions. More details about these possibilities are written in the instructions for teachers and parents. You register as a teacher or parent and then follow the instructions for working with your students.

About school

Znanika e-school – federal educational project, supported by ASI, passed the examination of the Ministry of Education and Science, FIRO, registered with Roskomnadzor. Founded 9 years ago by MIPT graduates and international Olympiad participants, it brought together practicing teachers highest category, methodologists - Soros laureates, coaches of Olympiad participants. More than 60 thousand teachers, 85 regions of the country, and hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren are involved in working with Znanika. We make the best educational methods available to everyone.

Olympics primary classes V different time have always existed. In different schools, different cities. As long as there are enthusiastic teachers, various Olympiads will exist.

In 1995, a primary school club was opened for the first time at the Small Mechanics and Mathematics School. In the spring of 1996, the idea arose for the first time to hold something like an Olympics for the circle members. All kinds of mathematical holidays have already been held, but there the children participated in teams of different ages, but I wanted to give them the opportunity to work individually.

And for the first time in March 1996, the Primary School Olympiad of the Small Mechanics and Mechanics Mathematics was held. The Olympiad was held in oral and written format. That is, the task was written on the board and the children were asked to write it down on paper. But, since very young children also participated in the Olympiad, after the child declared that he had solved and written down the problem, the teacher (then it was the head of the circle - Elena Yuryevna Ivanova) approached him and asked him to explain what was written in the solution.

Then, in 1996, only 15 people took part in the Olympiad, and no one was awarded prizes; the winners were given certificates and shook hands. But the guys were still happy.

Unfortunately, the conditions of the first Olympiads have not been preserved. We would be grateful if someone suddenly finds conditions in the archives and shares them with us.

Inspired by the success, in the spring of 1997 it was decided to hold the Olympics again. This year, the texts of the problems were typed on a typewriter, and each participant received his own condition. If in the first Olympiad the conditions were the same for everyone, then this year there were two options: for grades 1-2 and for grades 3-5. (During these years, a gradual transition to a four-year education system in primary school began and grade 4 in many schools began to disappear, turning into grade 5.) Already 22 schoolchildren took part in the second Olympiad, and not only members of the club, but also several schoolchildren who did not participate mug at work. So to speak, for company with friends.

The circle gradually grew, slowly turning into not one, but several. In 1999, for the first time in the Primary School Olympiad, a separate option for 5th grade arose. At that time, 5th grade Olympiads were not held yet, and fifth-graders - participants in the Olympiad were exclusively members of the circle.
Later, the 5th grade Olympiad became independent and changed a lot. You can read about this in the 5th grade Olympiads section. Here we will continue the conversation about elementary school.

Until 2005, the Olympiad was held at the Small Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, essentially a competition for circle members. In March 2005, for the first time, the Olympiad moved from the walls of Moscow State University to DNTTM and occupied an entire floor one Sunday. Then, for the first time, there were as many as 85 participants and the work was not checked in one day. At the same time, for the first time, along with certificates, the first prizes from DNTTM and the Small Mechanics and Mathematics Department appeared.

The story about the primary school Olympiads will definitely be continued...

Today, children in primary school can take part in various competitions. This type of pastime will only bring benefits. Tests for 1st grade help children gain new experience and provide an opportunity to realize their own strengths in practice. Participation in such events allows you to gain public recognition. Don't assume that this is only important for adults. Kids also want to feel like their best. It is important for them to be the pride of their parents!

The right motivation

Competitions for first-graders are voluntary. It’s good if your child himself shows interest in such events. But what should parents of gifted children who are too lazy to take part in various competitions do? Motivation is the main driver for all people, regardless of their age. Getting a diploma is one of the ways to motivate yourself. You can order it directly on our website. Children appreciate the opportunity to receive a certificate confirming their knowledge. Tests for 1st grade in all subjects are an excellent opportunity to comprehensively develop your child. The pedagogical portal "Sunshine" includes a rich variety interesting tasks for first graders. Show them to your child and you will see that he will definitely show interest in them.

Online Olympiads for first-graders as another opportunity to express themselves

Any person, regardless of age, needs constant development. We bring to your attention various tests for students in first grade. All assignments are created by experienced teachers, taking into account educational program 2017. Participation in our free competitions brings only benefits, namely:

  • Teaches you to compete with peers;
  • Develops the spirit of competition;
  • Increases the desire for new knowledge;
  • Provides a chance to demonstrate your skills in practice.

On the portal " sunlight» tasks with answers are presented, so you can instantly check your level of knowledge. Getting a diploma is another pleasant opportunity. We suggest that parents fill it out themselves to eliminate the slightest mistakes.

Order a diploma for your first-grader

Receiving a diploma is always a pleasant event for all children. We offer to take part in free Olympiads for 1st grade. After passing, you can order a diploma directly on our website. Participation in subject olympiads will help test a child’s knowledge of school curriculum 2017. Today, all-Russian tests for students in primary school are collected in one place. You can check the level of knowledge of your first grader right now. Gifted children need to develop their own potential. It is important that parents pay timely attention to this aspect of their child’s life. Together with the Sunshine portal, you can instill in children a desire to acquire knowledge. Have you noticed a desire to win in your son or daughter? Organize your children's participation in the Olympiad on our website. Believe me, receiving a diploma will be a joyful event for the whole family!

Regional Olympiad for 1st grade

Last name, first name:__________________________


1. Write down the words in plural:

table-___________ ear-_______________

chair-____________ person-____________

2. What can’t you do firmly?

(A) hold; (B) kiss; (B) hug; (D) cry; (D) sleep.

3. Connect the words of the right and left columns to make new words.

Hay brand

4. Ancient word lop meant a wide flat leaf, from which the name of the plant burdock was formed, and the word lop-eared - a person with big ears. What is the name of the garden tool, the name of which comes from this word?

5. Guess the well-known fairy-tale villains.

1. Someone whose patronymic name is Gorynych. _________________

2. Toothed, fanged forest animal. ____________________

3. Immortal, but afraid of an ordinary egg.__________________

4. “In Africa there is a robber, in Africa there is a villain, in Africa there is a terrible one...!” ____________

6. Who owns these things?

Golden Key?________________________________________

Glass slipper?____________________________

Shell walnut _______________________________

Broken trough?_________________

7. Answer the questions:

What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale “Turnip”? ______________

How many sisters did Cinderella have? ___________________

Name of the girl with blue hair ________________

8. Decipher the title of the fairy tale.

QUOL AND ZAOK – _________________________________ ___

KOROMOZ – ___________________________________

9. Three puppies, two goslings and one chicken were walking in the yard. How many paws and wings do they have?

10. There are berries on a plate on the table. They can be divided equally between 2 or 3 guys. How many berries are on the plate if you know that there are less than 10 of them?

11. Masha thought of a number. If you add 2 to it and subtract 5, you get 4. What number did Masha have in mind?

12. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in the back, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

13. Read the words. Give each column of words a name.

pine frog

rose elephant

dandelion ant

oak lizard

lilac bullfinch

14. Cross out your relatives

Son, student, grandfather, girl, dad, mom, boy, aunt, uncle, old man,

niece, child, daughter, youth, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson, adult,

teenager, doctor, nanny, granddaughter, teacher.

15. Underline the extra concept in each line:

a) December, March, January, February.

b) morning, night, evening, week, day.

16. Choose the correct answer:

Shortest month: March, February, May, September

Largest animal: elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, blue whale

Answers. 1 class



Person people 4 points

(D) cry 1 point

Hayloft, fair, fallow land, light.

4 points

Shovel 1 point

4. Barmaley

4 points



To the old woman 4 points


3 points

Wolf and goat

Morozko 2 points

18 paws, 6 wings 2 points

6 berries 1 point

Number 7 (1 point)

Solution: 4+5-2=7 (1 point) 2 points

4 legs 1 point

Plants Animals 2 points

Son, grandfather, dad, mother, aunt, uncle, niece, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter.

13 points

a) March (1 point)

b) week (1 point)

Blue whale

2 points

Maximum points:48 points

“2nd grade Olympiad 2nd round”

Olympiad in literary reading (2nd grade)

Last name________________________First name_________________ School___________________________

Literary reading

Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

From whom did all the dishes run away? ........................................................ ...........................................

What is the name of the fairy-tale girl who jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud? ........................................................ ........................................................ ...........................

Who saved a fly from a spider that found a penny on the way to the market? ...........................................

Who in the Russian folk tale had a bast hut, and who had an ice hut? ............................

What is the name of the Pushkin prince who revived the dead princess? ................................

Whose daughter was Cinderella from? famous fairy tale Charles Perrault? ...................................................

What kind of beast is there in Russians? folk tales called Toptygin? …………………….

What is the name of the Kid's friend from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? .........................................

Task 2. Compare 2 tables. Match the letters from the right table with the sequence of numbers in the left one, write down the resulting proverb.


Task 3 Connect the concept and the text with a line.

It warms in summer, proverb

It gets cold in winter. fairy tale

If you don't have a friend, look for one.

Found it - take care of the tongue twister

Klim was pounding a wedge. mystery

"Wild Swans"

"Persistent tin soldier»

Walnut shell


« The Snow Queen»

Paper boat


Russian language.

    One of two.

(from each pair of words you need to make a third word, you need to use all the letters)

Keith, wound.___________________________

Park, willow.___________________________

Leather, raven. ____________________

    Guess four words.

WITH B I am a dentist,_________________

WITH M I eat fur, __________________

WITH R the actor needs me,_________________

WITH WITH important for the cook. _____________________

    It is in apples and plums, but not in the garden; it is in onions and lettuce, but not in the garden. What is this?_________

End at the bottom of the pond

And the whole thing is in the museum

You can find it easily. _________________________

2. Beginning - note,

Then the deer decoration,

And together is a place

Lively traffic. __________________________

the world

1.Answer the questions:

    The name of this tree comes from the word “leaf”, but there are no leaves on it.___________________________

    Can a spider be called an insect? Why?

    What is the name of the star closest to the earth?________________________

    Where is the grasshopper's ear? ________________________________________

    For which bird is lard a delicacy?______________________

2. Read the names of the animals. Underline in each row the name of the animal that is “extra.” Explain your decision.

1.Butterfly, ant, tit, dragonfly-…………………………………………………….

2. Nightingale, sparrow, bat, magpie-………………………………………………………………

3. Toad, snake, frog, newt -………………………………………………………………

    What's in a soap bubble?

4. What is the meaning of the saying: “Mow while there is dew; away with the dew and we're home":

A) when there is dew, then it is cool and easier to mow;

B) the grass becomes elastic from dew and is easier to mow;

C) in the morning a person has more strength;

D) in the morning there are fewer mosquitoes and other midges;

D) in the morning the scythe is sharper, and as you mow it becomes duller.

Math assignments 2nd grade

    How many grams does the cookie weigh if there is a weight weighing 200 g next to it on the right side of the scale, and 500 g on the left side?__________________________________________

    Lyuba has 3 elegant skirts and 5 colorful blouses. How many elegant clothes can a girl wear?________________________________

    Nikita has two watermelons of the same weight. Together with them, Nikita weighs 36 kg. And his own weight 30 kg. How much does one watermelon weigh?__________________________

    For one horse they give 5 rams in exchange, and two rams are exchanged for 3 goats. How many goats can you exchange for 2 horses?


Answers. 2nd grade

Answers In Russian

    Picture, nettle, lark. (3b.) (for each word guessed 1b)

    Pain, moth, role, salt. (4b) (for each word guessed 1b)

    Letter l. (1b)

    Painting. Road. (2b) (for each word guessed 1b)

Exercise 1: tests the ability to analyze and find associations

For every correct answer 1 point. Total - 5 points

    Larch, instead of leaves there are needles. 2. Arachnid, eight legs. 3. Sun. 4. On the paws. 5. In winter for the tit.

Task 2: tests the ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions.

For each correctly allocated “extra” object in the line - 1 point

    Tit. 2. Bat. 3. Already

For a correct explanation of the reason for highlighting the “extra” object -

1 point for each object

Total 6 points

Task 3: tests the ability to analyze.

For answer - air - 2 points

Task 4: tests the ability to analyze, reason, and navigate one’s own knowledge.

For answer – A – 2 points.

Total – 15 points

Math answers

No. of tasks


Literary reading

Answers. Evaluation criteria.

Task 1. Answer the questions.

· Who did all the dishes run away from? (from Fedora)

What is the name of the fairy-tale girl who jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud? ? (Snow Maiden)

· Who saved a fly from a spider that found a penny on its way to the market? (Mosquito)

· Who in the Russian folk tale had a bast hut, and who had an ice hut? ( the hare has bast, and the fox has ice)

· What is the name of the Pushkin prince who revived the dead princess? (Elisha)

· Whose daughter was Cinderella from the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (lumberjack)

· What animal is called Toptygin in Russian folk tales? (bear)

· What is the name of the Kid's friend from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? (Carlson)

Number of points: 0.5 points for each correct answer; total: 4 b.

Task 2. Compare 2 tables. Match the letters from the right table with the sequence of numbers in the left one, write down the resulting proverb.

Performance: Without patience there is no learning.

Number of points: 2 points. (spelling is not taken into account)

3. Connect the concept and the text with a line.

L it warms, proverb

It gets cold in winter.

If you don't have a friend, look for one.

Found it - take care. patter

Klim was pounding a wedge. mystery

Number of points: 1 point for correctly connected concept and text. Total: 3 b.

4. Remember, the heroes, which literary fairy tale needed this item. Connect the name of the fairy tale and the subject with a line:

"Wild Swans"

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

Walnut shell


"The Snow Queen"

Paper boat


For each correct connection -1 point (5b); for the correct identification of the author of fairy tales - 3 points. (total: 8b)


Maximum points: 60b

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“3rd grade Olympiad 2nd round”

Olympiad for 3rd grade

F.I. participant, school______________________________________________________________

Russian language assignments

    Identify and underline the letters, how many times the sound (t) occurs in the sentence:

The director of the enterprise signed the document and gave it to the representative of the sponsored factory.

    Underline the words that have more sounds than letters.

Berry, earth, clearing, spruce, forest, April, bunny, pouring, green, parrot.

    Replace the phraseology with one word:

One teaspoon per hour________________________________________________________________

An eyesore ______________________________________________________________

Lead by the nose ________________________________________________

With a gulkin nose ________________________________________________

Poke your nose _____________________________________________

Nod off ______________________________________________

    Write down the nouns (words objects) in the plural:

chicken - _________________, sea vessel - _________________________, miracle - ___________________, sky - _______________, child - ________________, person - __________________.

Math assignments

1. How will the area of ​​a rectangle change if its length is increased by 2 times and its width by 3 times?__________________________________________________________

2. A dragonfly flies at a speed of 10 m/sec. How many kilometers will it fly in 1 hour?

3. Write down all two-digit numbers so that the sum of the tens and ones of each number is equal to 8.

4. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then they unbent the wire and bent it into a triangle with equal sides. What is the length of the side of the triangle?


Z literary reading assignments


A. Tale of C. Perrault “Red....................................”

B. Fairy tale by M. Maeterlinck “Blue.................................”

B. Fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray………………………..”

G. Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Blue.................................”

D. A. Kuprin's story “White.................................”

E. Magic story by A. Pogorelsky “Black....................................”

2.Make up 5 proverbs from these words.

Ruble, awl, courage, light, ignorance, business, take, fun, learning, hour, time, bag, hundred, conceal, city, have, darkness, friend.


3. This writer created a huge number of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his fairy tales are very educational: “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails”...and many others. He is also the author of a forest newspaper. Write the first and last name of this writer. _____________

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

The pine tree has tied up.

a) F. Tyutchev b) I. Nikitin c) S. Yesenin d) E. Trutneva

Quests about the world around us

    Underline the extra name in each line:

a) frog, hedgehog, viper, chameleon, snake

b) leaf, soil, stem, fruit, root

c) nest, burrow, chicken coop, den, anthill

d) bullfinch, nightingale, swan, thrush, swallow

e) granite, coal, paper, natural gas

e) Russia, France, Minsk, China, Japan.

    Divide these geographical concepts into groups. Give each group a name.

Mars, Paris, south, Venus, west, Mercury, Moscow, north, Kyiv, Earth, Novgorod, east.





3.Which animals are most adapted to life in nature?: herbivores, carnivores or omnivores? Why?



4. What plant was called the “devil’s apple” in Russia in the 18th century?_________________

Answers to Olympiad tasks 3rd GRADE

Russian language



1. Determine and underline how many times the sound (t) occurs in the sentence:

Direk T op pre d priya T I'm on d wrote a document T and gave it to d With T avi T I eat by d chef factory.

9 sounds (t)

3 points

2.Write down words that have more sounds than letters.

Berry, green.

For each correct answer 1 point (for incorrect answers 0.5 points are deducted)

3.Replace the phraseological unit with one word:

A teaspoon per hour - slowly, barely;

Callus eyes - get bored;

Lead by the nose - deceive.

With a gulkin nose - A little.

Poke your nose- be curious.

Nose - fall asleep.

1 point for correct answer

(6 points)

4.Write down nouns (words, objects) in the plural:

chicken - chickens, sea vessel - sea vessels, miracle - miracles, sky - heaven, child - children, person - people.

(6 points)


17 points



    Will increase 6 times

2 points

    Solution: 1 hour=3600s 3600·10=36000(m) or 36 km

Answer: in an hour a dragonfly will fly 36 km.


3.Write down all two-digit numbers so that the sum of the tens and units of each number is equal to 8.

Answer: 17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80


4.Solution: 6·4:3=8(cm)

Answer: 8cm.

3 points


16 points

Literary reading



1. What word should be put instead of the ellipsis?

A. The tale of C. Perrault “Red cap

B. M. Maeterlinck's fairy tale “Blue Bird»

V. Fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck

G. Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Blue Beard»

D. A. Kuprin's story “White Poodle»

E. Magic story by A. Pogorelsky “Black chicken"

For each correct answer 1 point (6 points)

2.Make proverbs from these words.

You can't hide an awl in a bag. Business before pleasure. Cheek brings success. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

For every proverb

2 points (10 points)

3. This writer created a huge number of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his fairy tales are very educational: “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails”...and many others. He is also the author of a forest newspaper. Give the first and last name of this writer.

Answer: Vitaly Bianchi

2 points

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

The pine tree has tied up.

B) S. Yesenin

1 point


19 points

The world



c) chicken coop

d) bullfinch

d) paper

1 point for the correct answer.

(6 points)

2.Mars, Venus, Mercury, Earth - planets.

Paris, Moscow, Kyiv, Novgorod are cities.

South, west, north, east - the sides of the horizon.

1 point for a correctly assembled group and 1 point for a correctly named group.

(6 points)

    Omnivores, because It is easier for them to find suitable food at any time of the year.

1 point for the correct answer and 1 point for the correct explanation why. (2 points)


1 point

15 points

TOTAL: 57 points

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"4th grade Olympiad 2nd round"

4th grade.

Multi-subject Olympiad.


Full name ______________________________________________________________

Russian language

1. The boy replaced every letter of his name serial number this letter in the Russian alphabet. The result is a number 510141 . What was the boy's name?_______________

2 . Following the rules of Russian grammar, put soft sign after the hissing ones.

3 .Write out all the phrases from the sentence:

A sharp wind tore leaves from the trees and carried them throughout the forest.



4 . Which of the four words is considered obsolete?

A) carpenter B) guard C) guard D) birthday boy


1 .Decipher the example for the addition of three double digit numbers: 1A + 2A +3A= 7A. All four letters A mean the same number.________________

2 . One weekend, three little pigs caught 32 minnows and began to cook fish soup. Nif-Nif gave 4 fish for the fish soup, Naf-Naf - 7 fish, and Nuf-Nuf - 12. After that, they had the same amount of fish left. How many minnows did each piglet catch?






3. At what speed can schoolboy Vova walk home from school?

A) 20 m/s B) 1 km/min C) 4000 m/h C) 900 m/min D) 45 km/h

4. 300 kg of vegetables were brought to the school to feed the students. Potatoes and carrots 230 kg, and potatoes and onions 200 kg. How many kg of potatoes, carrots and onions did you bring to school separately?___________________________________________



The world

1. Solve an environmental problem

The hedgehog and the mole belong to the same order of insectivores. But the hedgehog hibernates, but the mole does not. What explains the differences in animal life?



2 . Write the concepts that correspond to these definitions:

1) A reduced image of the earth’s surface on a plane using symbols - ___________________.

2) The time it takes for the Earth to complete a revolution around the sun is _____________

3) A special territory in which plants and animals are protected - __________

3. “Weed” the text, that is, cross out the name of the weed plant from each line. Then you can read the Tajik proverb about work:

MEOTSAOLTL _____________

VVAOSIGLENEK ________________



PISSED FUCKING ______________________


4. What plants can be cooked from?

a) barley porridge - _____________________

b) millet porridge -___________________________

c) semolina porridge - _______________________

G) buckwheat porridge - ______________________________

Literary reading

1 . What mountains did you grow up in? Stone Flower” P.P. Bazhov? __________________________

2 . Write who turned into a lion, what the fairy tale is called, and who wrote it.

...in an instant he turned into a huge lion. The cat was so frightened when he saw the lion in front of him that he immediately rushed to the roof. _____________________________________

3 . At the beginning of the work, determine its genre:

1) It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me..._________________

2) When I was little, they took me to live with my grandmother...___________________

And she heard from people,

That this evil is not yet true big hands..._________________________

4) In the summer of 1037 Yaroslav founded the great city, near the same city the Golden Gate; He also founded the Church of Hagia Sophia of Hagia Sophia...


5) In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant,

eminent person...__________________________

6) And Sadko went to Ilmen, he went to the lake,

And he sat down on a blue stone,

And how he began to play the spring harp,

And he played from morning like day until evening. ___________________________

4. Guess the names. What do they have in common?




4th grade



The fifth jackpot, the stormy daddy, the meowy duck, the dormy delazh, the snarling vagach, the zealous bech.

“A sharp wind”, “teared off the leaves”, “teared them from the trees”, “carried them away”, “carried them throughout the forest”.



    4+7+12= 23 minnows were given to fish soup

    (32-23):3=3 minnows left for everyone

    3+4=7 minnows at Nif-Nif

    3+7=10 minnows at Naf-Naf

    3+12=15 minnows at Nuf-Nuf

1)300-230=70(kg) - they brought onions

2)200-70=130(kg) – they brought potatoes

3)300-200=100(kg) – they brought carrots


A hedgehog cannot find food in winter, but a mole has enough food underground.

Map, year, reserve.

Thistle (metal) Cornflower (on fire) Buttercup (human)

Wheatgrass (in labor)

Quinoa (recognizable)

Proverb: Metal is on fire, a man is learned through work.

For a proverb – 3 points

Barley, millet, wheat, buckwheat.

Literary reading

Ural Mountains

Ogre, "Puss in Boots", Charles Perrault.

Poem, story, fable, chronicle, fairy tale, epic.

Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets.


Total: 53 points.

All-Russian competitions for schoolchildren became extremely popular in the 2018-2019 academic year among talented students in Russian schools. Our students are eager to take part in distance learning activities that are offered to them in various areas. Where else than here, on the vast expanses of the Internet, can you tell your talent and receive that well-deserved award that you had only dreamed of before? And since the desire to participate in thematic competitions for schoolchildren is so great, then it’s time to learn more about them, and then choose one of them for yourself in order to successfully debut and receive a winner’s diploma.

All-Russian competitions for primary school students

In 2018 - 2019, it is planned to conduct new remote competitions. Considering that children of this age love to draw, creative tasks in these areas will be offered to make crafts. Each child will be able to show their creativity if parents or teachers help them complete their work correctly, send necessary materials site administrators. The results of some competitions have already been held. Applications are now being accepted for new competitions in 2016. You can take part in them and become a lucky winner.

All-Russian competitions for students in grades 5 - 9 (secondary school)

Considering that the main thing in the middle management is educational activities, I would like to offer schoolchildren participation in subject competitions, where they can demonstrate their abilities and knowledge of individual disciplines. Participation in school events interesting, but children want to go beyond this framework and tell about themselves far beyond hometown or a small village. All-Russian competitions for middle-level students help those who participate in them to prove themselves. It is these events that help to maintain schoolchildren’s interest in the subjects that are studied at school, and at the same time stimulate the independence of schoolchildren, their activity, and initiative. After all, in order to adequately prove oneself in the all-Russian competition for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you need to be able to work with additional literature, search for the necessary material on the Internet, format finished work taking into account the requirements specified in the regulations. At the same time, there is close cooperation between students in groups, interaction between student and teacher, between children and parents. It was at this time that some schoolchildren discover their talents for creating projects, presentations at interesting topics, by writing creative works(poems, essays), creating collages, drawings, posters.

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