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Why do people yawn? Why do people yawn

A person yawns in the womb and after birth this process accompanies his entire life. At this time, the chin lower jaw lowered, head thrown back, eyes closed. In addition, the actions are accompanied by stretching of the muscles. Scientists still cannot explain in detail the mechanism and significance of these movements. It is difficult to say why, when a person nearby yawns, it is so difficult to resist yawning in response.

Physiological reasons

Yawning does not always signal that the body wants to sleep. There is an opinion among scientists that it indicates a deficiency of oxygen in the body, but yawning is not associated with breathing. It has already been proven that a fit of yawning can strike people both in moments of boredom and during energetic activities.

Scientists are trying to explain this process for various reasons, including psychological and physiological. From a physiological point of view, yawning is provoked by the following factors:

  • Yawning is necessary to maintain a normal ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen. As a result of this act, a strong inhalation occurs open mouth and a sharp exhalation, which enriches tissues and organs with the oxygen necessary for normal functioning.
  • Yawning is a sedative for nervous system, helping to overcome stress, which is why she can overcome exciting communication.
  • Acts as a stimulus to trigger the energy reserve that occurs as a result of oxygen enrichment after yawning. Brain activity is activated, albeit for a short time.

During the study, scientists noticed that during a boring lesson, students or schoolchildren can yawn more than 20 times within an hour in order to somehow invigorate the body and set it up for work.

  • The reason yawning occurs before bed is to help the body relax and prepare for sleep.
  • This process is triggered when the ear feels full as a result of a pressure imbalance.
  • It is believed that in this way the brain temperature is regulated. That is why the desire to yawn arises during stuffiness and heat in the room. During this movement, a deep breath is taken, which means more oxygen penetrates the body.
  • There is a version that myocardial infarction or existing tumors can irritate nervus vagus, passing from the head to the stomach, which provokes many reactions, including frequent yawning.
  • The reasons may be hidden behind neurological conditions; for example, it has been noted that patients diagnosed with epilepsy often yawn, which is again associated with a lack of oxygen to the brain.
  • Yawning is a consequence of the onset of a period of inhibition following excitation. Some functions are inhibited at this time, the amount of metabolic products in the blood increases, which provokes this process.
  • An empty stomach can also cause yawning.
  • If you didn’t manage to get enough sleep, you will definitely have a desire to yawn.

The listed versions of yawning once again confirm that constant yawning can be not only a symptom of lethargy, boredom, drowsiness, but also some diseases in the body.

If, while yawning, an adult experiences a feeling of incomplete inhalation or lack of air, then you should see a doctor and have your lungs checked. For representatives of the fair sex, such sensations may be a symptom of breast cancer.

From a psychological point of view

Psychologists explain the reasons for this process from their point of view. The cause of constant yawning may be long-term stress or nervous overload. Such an act can provoke an attack of fear or anxiety, because at this moment the body's need for oxygen increases.

Depression is also often characterized by a strong desire to yawn. During such situations, the human body is in dire need of hyperventilation, which provokes yawning.

Features of the child's body

If a child yawns often, this does not mean that he mirrors the movements of his parents. Young children do not yet have such feelings as empathy, so the “mirror” act is unusual for them.

If parents notice that their child constantly yawns, then the following problems can be suspected:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stress;
  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • nervous tension.

If you suspect psychological or neurological problems you need to visit a specialist. But most often the reason is quite banal - oxygen deficiency. In such situations, there can only be one recommendation - take more walks with your baby. fresh air.


Even scientists are not yet ready to give an exact answer to this question. There are many opinions and versions, and among them the following can be considered the most reliable:

  1. Yawning serves to improve the supply of oxygen to tissues.
  2. This act helps restore brain function, so it can attack while doing monotonous or boring work. As a result, blood circulation is activated, the mind is enlightened and performance increases.
  3. Psychologists say that yawning is intended to relieve stress, tension and psychological fatigue.
  4. Yawning is intended to relax tense and tired muscles of the neck and the whole body, because it is not without reason that during this process we try to stretch.

Yawning is an important and, as it turns out, necessary reflex for the body.

Why is yawning contagious?

Each of us has noticed that as soon as the person next to you yawns, such a desire is immediately transmitted to the interlocutor. What is the phenomenon of contagiousness? Scientists are trying to explain this for two reasons:

  1. "Nonverbal reflex"

According to this theory, the act of yawning is passed on from one person to another due to “primitive memory.” Ancient people did not know how to speak; they communicated with each other using facial expressions and gestures. When it was time to go to bed, the yawning of the tribe leader meant that it was time to sleep. Everyone else had to respond with support. This is a clear demonstration of group behavior, the actions of one person starting a chain reaction. Yawning is contagious, as is laughter.

  1. The tendency to empathize explains the contagiousness of yawning.

Numerous studies by foreign experts confirm that not everyone begins to yawn in response, but only those who have the most developed part of the brain responsible for the ability to empathize.

Surprisingly, it is almost impossible to control the process; if someone nearby yawns, the desire to yawn also inevitably arises.

Some scientists believe that yawning is more contagious than laughter because it is beyond our control. One act of yawning lasts about 6 seconds and in half an hour you can yawn up to 75 times. Here's some more interesting information about it:

  • The frequency of yawning in men and women is the same, but the fair sex prefers to cover their mouth with their hand at this moment.
  • If, when the desire to yawn appears, you look at a person, then this process is unlikely to succeed.
  • It is not possible to control yawning with consciousness; if it starts, it can be repeated once every 60 seconds.

But humans are not the only ones who have the ability to yawn.

In the animal world

Those who have pets can confirm that they also don’t mind yawning. There are plenty of such individuals in the animal world:

  • Baboons, sitting on a branch, yawn to show their relatives and enemies their terrifying fangs.
  • Just after being born, little hedgehogs already know how to yawn.
  • Looking at pelicans, it is sometimes difficult to recognize whether the bird is yawning or has simply opened its mouth to dry its mouth pockets.
  • Hippos open their mouths the widest. If he tries to breathe in this way, the child will be able to fit into his mouth.
  • Baby dogs and cats are simply adorable when they yawn.
  • Koalas in eucalyptus trees are notoriously slow and lazy, so it's not surprising that they yawn constantly.
  • The ostrich opens its beak quite wide after waking up.
  • It can be assumed that the turtle opens its mouth to scare away the enemy, but closed eyelids confirm that the animal is still yawning.
  • Squirrels even delicately cover their mouths with their paws when yawning.
  • Even fish are capable of performing the act of yawning, but for them it most often serves as a demonstration of readiness to attack the victim.

These are our smaller brothers, they don’t even want to give in to us in this.

What causes yawning during prayer?

Many people wonder why it is difficult to overcome yawning during prayer. If you talk to the priest, then, as a rule, he will assure you of the presence of damage or the evil eye. But scientists, as always, have logical explanations for this phenomenon:

  • It has been noted that most often the act of yawning is observed in the morning or evening hours, and it is at this time that church services are going on. The body either has not yet fully woken up or is in a tired state. In both cases, there is a lack of oxygen for the brain, which provokes yawning.
  • While reading a prayer out loud, one may experience normal anxiety in front of a large number of people.

Believers also claim that if a person begins to yawn during prayer, then the body is cleansed of all negativity.

Interesting information from esotericists: if yawning constantly begins while reading affirmations, this means that the person has some obstacles to the implementation of his plans. You need to undergo cleansing and remove negativity from yourself.

The protruding tears during a yawn are easily explained by purely physiological reasons. When yawning, the eyes are closed, which puts pressure on the tear sacs. As a result, tear fluid is released, but does not always have time to drain into the nasopharynx.

Control measures

If yawning appears sometimes, for reasons known to you, then you should not specifically get rid of it. This is a natural physiological reaction of the body. But, if frequent yawning is observed, regardless of the condition and time of day, then treatment may be required. There are several methods to get rid of this act.


The method is called “Deep Breaths”. The idea is to regularly take a few deep, slow breaths every 60 minutes. If you feel that an inappropriate yawn is approaching, then you need to inhale deeply through your mouth and exhale through your nose.

You can do without sighing and use the usual cold water with which to moisten upper lip, and then the bottom one.

Healthy sleep

Considering that constant daytime yawning is often caused by lack of sleep, it is advisable to devote enough time to rest at night. In this case, you need to know how much sleep the body needs to recover.

You can lie down for 20-30 minutes during the daytime. This time is enough to relax and recuperate, but not enough to fully immerse yourself in a sound sleep.

Watch your back and lead a healthy lifestyle

Even the ancients said: “A person is only as healthy as his spine.” This truth is still true today, perhaps even more so than before. Constantly sitting in front of a computer monitor does not have the best effect on your posture. In addition, sitting in a half-bent position puts pressure on the diaphragm, which can lead to the desire to yawn.

If we take into account the lack of oxygen as the cause of yawning, then playing sports and an active lifestyle will help. After physical activity Blood circulation accelerates, the brain is supplied with sufficient oxygen and there is no desire to yawn.

Walking in the fresh air in any weather, and if you also give up smoking and other bad habits, then the body will only say thank you.

Reconsidering nutrition

Food from our table affects the functioning of the body and its condition. To prevent and combat yawning, the following recommendations will help:

  • The diet should be varied and complete.
  • Should be on the table all year round fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Provide healthy nutrition.
  • Eliminate sweets and fast foods.
  • Try to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water a day, but reduce the amount of coffee before bed.

Food should supply the body with the necessary substances for normal functioning and health, and not clog it with toxins, carcinogens and useless carbohydrates.

Medicines for pathologies

If it turns out that the provocateur of frequent yawning is a disease, then you can get rid of it only after treatment of the underlying pathology.

Yawning due to disturbances in night rest is eliminated by normalizing sleep. To do this, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a course of therapy. medicines, eliminating the problem. Sometimes involuntary yawning movements are observed during therapy with certain drugs, for example, SSRIs, then you can discuss with your doctor the question of reducing the dosage.

Yawning occurs due to various reasons, including physiological, psychological and emotional. During a conversation with a friend who suddenly yawns, it is not surprising if the interlocutor repeats the action. But we must remember that if yawning constantly accompanies you for no apparent reason, then it is advisable to see a doctor so as not to miss the onset of the development of a serious pathology.

Most of us are familiar with such a funny phenomenon as yawning. Basically, this is an involuntary reaction of the body to fatigue, overwork, and boredom. Yawning is an absolutely normal process necessary for our body. A person is able to yawn as early as 11-12 weeks intrauterine development. But sometimes frequent yawning may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance. In some cases, the reasons for yawning may lie in serious illnesses. In this article we will tell you what frequent yawning means in a person, in which cases the process is truly harmless, and in which it may indicate health problems.

Why can a person yawn frequently?

Yawning is a breathing act consisting of a slow, strong inhalation and a sharp exhalation. Before yawning, we draw a considerable volume of air into our lungs, thereby saturating the body with the necessary amount of oxygen. Taking a deep breath improves your nutrition internal organs and tissues, we supply the bloodstream with a greater volume of oxygen than during normal quiet breathing.

A person begins to yawn - blood flow increases, metabolism accelerates, and the body becomes toned. People begin to yawn when their oxygen balance is disturbed, frequent yawning helps you become more energetic, think better and spend your time more actively. This yawning is typical after a long rest or monotonous processes. Sometimes a person yawns even in his sleep if there is not enough oxygen in the room where he sleeps. Yawning occurs when alternating between fast and slow sleep phases.

There is an opinion that among ancient people, yawning was a way of communication, a signal to action. When danger was detected, one of the tribe members would yawn, a mirror effect of this state being transmitted to the rest of the members and causing them to collectively yawn in order to prepare their bodies for physical activity. At the same time, the leader of the group yawned to give the “subordinates” the command to go to sleep.

Thus, yawning is an important process in the human body, which has been embedded in us since ancient times; a person sometimes yawns deeply and very often even when talking with others and if he is overexcited. And the desire to yawn sweetly, arising from overwork, lack of sleep, telephone conversation, should not be alarming. But the causes of frequent yawning are not always harmless. The causes of an attack of yawning can be physiological, psychological and emotional.

Physiological causes of frequent yawning

This type of reason includes banal fatigue and lack of sleep, changes in sleep and wakefulness, long travel when time zones change, as well as hyperventilation syndrome. A person yawns when he simply wants to sleep. More "original" physiological reason may lie in a sleep disorder called narcolepsy. Some medical supplies have in number side effects frequent yawning. Various diseases are also related to the causes of excessive yawning. Lack of air is not always the cause of this phenomenon. Frequent yawning is a sign of what disease; we will answer this question below.

Psycho-emotional reasons

Very frequent yawning can often be a symptom of a disorder mental state. When feeling restless, anxious, or having attacks of fear, a person often yawns because he needs increased ventilation of the lungs. There is a feeling of lack of air for normal breathing, the body sends a call to action to the brain to receive an increased dose of oxygen. Thus, frequent yawning and a feeling of lack of air are sometimes associated.

This includes the mirror property of yawning. Surely, almost everyone has experienced the process of being “infected” by yawning. A man sees a yawning real life, in a photo or on a screen, and a “chain” reaction begins. Therefore, you should not be surprised if while reading this article you involuntarily yawned several times. An interesting fact is that not all people are susceptible to the mirror reaction to yawning; some manage to “resist.”

Causes of frequent yawning in humans, hidden in diseases

So what is the reason for frequent yawning? A number of diseases can have prolonged yawning as their symptom.

Regular, prolonged yawning may be caused by dangerous violations, occurring in the body. Sometimes, frequent yawning is a sign of serious illnesses, such as:

It is VSD that can cause frequent yawning caused by lack of air. If shortness of breath and frequent yawning are accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest, anxiety, dry cough and sore throat, fear of stuffy and cramped spaces and other phobias, panic attacks etc., there is a high probability of developing vegetative-vascular dystonia. Frequent and deep yawning may be accompanied by pain in the heart. It is necessary to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and treatment methods.

If the reason for frequent yawning in adults lies in VSD, you need to learn to be less nervous, adjust your sleep schedule, and eat healthy food with the necessary vitamins and microelements. It will be useful to make special ones.

Sometimes when a person yawns, there is not enough air, his lungs do not open completely. Incomplete inhalation when yawning is a phenomenon typical of adolescents and is considered normal. If this type of yawning occurs in an adult, the lungs need to be checked. In women, frequent yawning with incomplete expansion of the lungs can serve as a symptom cancer mammary glands, so you should undergo fluorography and visit a mammologist. A careless attitude towards a seemingly insignificant symptom can lead to dire consequences.

Frequent yawning in children: reasons

The phenomenon of frequent yawning in children is also known. Small children are not able to empathize with emotions, so “mirror” yawning is not typical for them. It is also unusual for autistic people to yawn. And if an adult does not yawn in response, then most likely he has problems with the ability to empathize.

What does frequent yawning in children mean? The baby probably has disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. A child, like an adult, can experience nervous tension, stress, and anxiety. In this case, it is best to take the child to an appointment with a neurologist.

In children, sometimes frequent yawning is a sign of lack of oxygen. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible outdoors with the child, review his diet, and establish sleep and rest patterns.

Why does a person yawn? Each of us is on personal experience familiar with yawning. But few people understand what this process is, what function it performs in the body, and whether yawning is as safe as many believe.

Yawning is a reflexive breathing act, which consists of a deep, drawn-out breath and a fairly quick exhalation. There are many explanations for what could cause this phenomenon.

Not a single scientist can unequivocally answer the question: why do people yawn? There is no exact evidence in science. Most full review existing hypotheses: choose the best one.

Cause of yawning. Version 1: oxygen

Although a lot of research has been devoted to studying the causes of yawning, scientists still cannot agree on what its main purpose is. For a long time It was believed that yawning occurs as a result reduced content oxygen in the blood: with the help of a deep breath, the body takes a sip of oxygen. However, scientists eventually refuted this theory: it turned out that if you give a yawning person more oxygen or ventilate a stuffy room, he will not stop yawning.

Cause of yawning. Version 2: brain cooling

Another theory is that people yawn to cool their brains. Experiments conducted by American scientists showed that subjects who had a cold compress applied to their forehead yawned less often when watching videos of people yawning than subjects with or without a warm compress (more on the contagiousness of yawning below). Those participants in the experiment who were asked to breathe only through their noses also yawned less often: with such breathing, cooler blood enters the brain than with mouth breathing.

Cause of yawning. Version 3: warm-up

Another purpose of yawning is the need to stretch and relax tired or tight muscles. First of all, these are the muscles of the pharynx and tongue, but also the muscles of the whole body: this is why, at the same time as yawning, a person often stretches. This warm-up for the muscles, combined with cooling the brain, helps invigorate the body and bring it into a state of readiness for action. Therefore, yawning often occurs when people are nervous before some important event: students yawn before exams, skydivers before a jump, and artists before a performance. It's the same reason people yawn when they're sleepy or bored: yawning helps perk up a sleepy brain and numb muscles.

Who else?

Not only people yawn, but also other mammals, birds and even fish. For example, baboons yawn to show threat, exposing their fangs. In addition, male baboons always yawn at the sound of thunder (scientists have not yet figured out why). Male betta fish also yawn to demonstrate threat - they yawn when they see another fish or when looking in a mirror and are often accompanied by an aggressive attack. Other fish may also yawn, usually when the water is overheated or there is a lack of oxygen. Emperor and Adélie penguins yawn during courtship ritual. And snakes yawn to straighten their jaws and straighten their trachea after swallowing large prey.

Cause of yawning. Version 4: Ear Help

Yawning is also useful when flying on an airplane. This helps relieve the feeling of stuffiness in the ears that occurs during takeoff or landing due to the difference in pressure on both sides of the ears. eardrum. Since the pharynx is connected to the middle ear cavity through special channels, yawning helps equalize the pressure in the ears.

Cause of yawning. Version 5: Mirror Neurons

Yawning is a highly contagious phenomenon. People begin to yawn not only when they see other people yawning, but also when they watch videos or photos of people yawning. Moreover, often it is enough for a person to read or think about yawning to start yawning himself. However, not everyone is capable of mirror yawning: studies of children with autism have shown that, unlike healthy children, they do not become infected with yawning when watching videos of other people yawning. Also, children under five years of age, who are not yet able to empathize with others, are not prone to mirror yawning. What explains the connection between susceptibility to yawning and the ability to empathize?

The contagious nature of yawning is based on so-called mirror neurons. These neurons, located in the cerebral cortex of humans, other primates and some birds, have a kind of empathy: they fire when a person observes the actions of someone else. Mirror neurons determine the ability to imitate (for example, when learning new languages) and to empathy: thanks to them we do not just notice emotional condition another person, but we actually experience it ourselves. Mirror yawning is one example of such imitative behavior. According to scientists, imitative yawning arose in the evolution of primates to coordinate actions social groups. When one of the group members yawned at the sight of danger, his state was transmitted to everyone else, and the group came into a state of readiness for action.

Four-legged friends

Yawning can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from person to dog. Thus, scientists from Sweden and Great Britain have shown that dogs yawn when they see people yawning, and the tendency to such mirror behavior depends on the age of the dog: animals under seven months are resistant to infection by yawning. At the same time, dogs are not susceptible to deception - if a person does not really yawn, but simply opens his mouth, pretending to yawn, the dog will not yawn in response. Scientists have also shown that dogs, when they see a person yawning, become more relaxed and sleepy - that is, they copy not only human behavior, but also physiological state underlying it.

Cause of yawning. Version 6: sign of intimacy

In 2011, Italian scientists showed that the contagiousness of yawning serves as a measure emotional intimacy of people. In experiments, mirror yawning most often occurred among close relatives and friends of the yawner. Distant acquaintances were less likely to yawn, and very rarely did mirror behavior occur in people unfamiliar with the yawning person. However, gender and nationality had no effect on the tendency to become infected by yawning.

Cause of yawning. Version 7: disease symptom

Prolonged frequent yawning may be a sign various diseases- for example, disturbances in body thermoregulation, sleep problems, high blood pressure, arterial thrombosis or damage to the brain stem, where the respiratory center is located. In addition, excessive yawning may occur when increased anxiety or depression - while in the blood there is increased level cortisol, the stress hormone. Therefore, if you are overcome by constant yawning, you should consult a doctor to check your heart, blood vessels and blood pressure. To begin with, you can try to get a good night's sleep and stop being nervous.

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The process of yawning plays important role In human life. We “yawn out of boredom”, we can “miss” the bus, we call “yawners” kids who love to look around and not at their feet. What actually is yawning and is it in any way connected with the processes that are the subject of numerous memes about yawning?

What is yawning?

Yawning in medical and anatomical reference books is explained as a reflex, that is, involuntary, breathing act. Simply put, when yawning, a person takes a long, deep breath, receiving a huge portion of oxygen at a time. When inhaling, the mouth, pharynx, and glottis open wide. The exhalation is relatively short and quick. Often, when exhaling, a person makes a short vocal sound.

Yawning is not only born person– even the fetus in the womb yawns. Many vertebrates also yawn, and some of them yawn when they see a prey or rival - the wide opening of the mouth allows you to show your teeth.

Why and why do people yawn?

Unfortunately, the reasons that provoke yawning have not yet been fully studied and have not been clearly established. Of course, scientists know a lot about yawning, but many of them have their own theories about why people yawn. Perhaps only some of these versions are true, or perhaps all of them at once.

So, why does a person yawn and why does he need it:

  1. Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide accumulates in the human blood. The body reacts to this by causing yawning. When a person yawns, he immediately receives a large portion of oxygen, and the balance is maintained.
  2. Yawning is like an energy drink. Yawning in the morning is necessary for the body to become more active. For this reason, a person yawns when he feels signs of fatigue. By the way, there is a connection between two reflexes: yawning and stretching. These two processes, done simultaneously, not only saturate the blood with oxygen, but also improve blood circulation. Vigor appears, attention increases.
  3. Yawning is a sedative. People yawn before an exciting event because yawning is energizing and invigorating. It has been noted that yawning affects athletes before competitions, students before exams, patients before entering a doctor's office, circus performers before complex stunts, artists before performances, etc. By yawning, people cheer themselves up, tone their body, which helps them cope with anxiety.
  4. Yawning is good for the ears and nose. Yawning opens and straightens the channels leading to maxillary sinuses And eustachian tubes(those pipes that go from the ear to the throat), which allows you to get rid of the so-called “congestion” in the ears. Yawning regulates air pressure in the middle ear.
  5. Yawning for relaxation and relaxation. Paradoxically, yawning can not only invigorate, but also relax. Voluntary yawning is used as a technique in some relaxation techniques. Try to lie down, relax and open your mouth wide - sooner or later the process of yawning will occur. At this moment the body will relax. Yawning prepares the body for sleep, creating a feeling of calm. This is why people yawn before going to bed.
  6. Why do people yawn when they are bored? With prolonged muscle passivity, blood stagnation occurs. Yawning and stretching at the same time helps you stay active. For this reason, people yawn when they sit, for example, at a boring lecture: you can’t move, it’s uninteresting to listen, the person begins to feel sleepy. And then the process of yawning involuntarily occurs, allowing you to sit until the end of the lecture and, most importantly, listen to it. Some scientists have found through research that yawning itself can relieve mental stress. This is probably also why we yawn when we are forced to listen or watch something that is not at all interesting to us.
  7. Yawning to nourish the brain. Some scientists claim that during a period of passivity, when we do not move and are bored, performance decreases nerve cells and breathing slows down. When yawning, firstly, the lack of oxygen is replenished (we breathe more slowly during periods of inactivity, so the body begins to lack oxygen), and secondly, blood flow in the vessels of the brain improves. The brain receives the necessary nutrition, and we perk up a little - both physically and mentally. The blood supply to brain cells improves because when yawning a person strongly tenses his muscles oral cavity, face, neck. A sort of mini-gymnastics occurs, as a result of which brain activity is activated.
  8. Yawning as a regulator of brain temperature. According to some scientists, yawning regulates brain temperature, which is why we yawn more often when we're hot. Having received a large portion of cool air, the body “cools the brain”, and it begins to work normally again.

So, let’s summarize the questions “Why do people yawn and why do they need it?” When a person is tired, cold or, conversely, overheated, he needs to cheer up. The body itself regulates this process, causing yawning.

At the same time, the body receives a portion of cool air, thereby regulating the temperature of the brain. The blood is instantly saturated with oxygen, and the blood flow to the brain vessels improves. Yawning is often accompanied by stretching - these two processes, carried out simultaneously, double the effect of yawning.

In a word, yawning is a reflex that a person needs to be in good shape. However, if the body is preparing for sleep, yawning, on the contrary, helps to relax - this function of yawning was inherited to us, apparently, from distant ancestors.

And finally, a few interesting facts about yawning:

  • A yawn lasts on average 6 seconds.
  • After a yawn, a person usually yawns for the second time no earlier than one to one and a half minutes later.
  • Women and men yawn with equal frequency.
  • Men are less likely to cover their mouths when yawning.
  • People who yawn too often or, conversely, too rarely, are advised to consult a doctor - healthy man yawns constantly, but not too often.
  • As you know, yawning is contagious. Autistic children usually do not yawn in response.
  • According to the results of scientific research, those people who yawn in response to another person’s yawn are those who have a well-developed and especially active area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the need for empathy.
  • While reading this article “Why do people yawn?”, you probably yawned at least 2-3 times, or even much more.

By yawning, a person replenishes the balance of oxygen in the cells. This reflex is unconscious, it manifests itself at the request of the body. By studying it, some patterns can be identified.

When we yawn:

  • In the morning, after waking up.
  • At work or study, during active brain activity.
  • During times of stress and tension.
  • After a long period of immobility: at work, during lectures, students yawn one after another.
  • In airplane.
  • Before bedtime.

There are several possible answers to the question of why a person yawns often. Scientists have not fully studied this process, but were able to identify some features.

It was possible to establish that by yawning, we receive a dose of oxygen in the brain tissue. This activates the brain.

Oxygen promotes the normal functioning of gray matter, facilitates the processes of memorization and analysis.

Important! This explains yawning during studying and important negotiations. A person yawns not because he is bored.

This is a common misconception. Boredom and yawning have nothing to do with each other. The need for oxygen is explained by active brain activity, which confirms the interlocutor’s interest.

It happens that a person yawns from lack of sleep. This is how the body copes with the desire to fall asleep here and now.

The flow of oxygen invigorates and helps to continue active activities. He expresses not the desire to fall asleep, but the desire to stay awake, which destroys generally accepted stereotypes.

The yawning reflex helps solve another problem of the body. With pressure drop environment the pressure inside the body changes.

Sudden changes can cause some failures. So, we feel stuffy ears when flying.

Yawning relieves the symptom of stuffy ears, freeing you from it. This explains why people yawn during air travel.

Why do some people yawn during prayer?

Saying a prayer is an interesting process from a physiological point of view. It is known that a person reading a prayer falls into a special state, which is characterized by inner peace.

Faith presupposes complete dependence on higher powers- from God. Believers are convinced that everything is the will of the Lord.

This removes responsibility from the person. The belief that God forgives everything is reassuring.

These aspects make believers stronger morally. Faith strengthens the spirit. These processes occur on a subconscious level.

People are cleansed spiritually, which leads to their psychological and physical state back to normal.

Prayer truly heals because a person is freed from oppressive feelings:

  • The feeling of guilt goes away - God forgives sinners.
  • The feeling of mental pain is dulled - everything is the will of the Almighty, there is no reason to grieve.
  • Anger and irritation go away - this is a sin, prayer calms you down, allowing you to collect your thoughts.
  • Anxiety and fears disappear - everything is God’s will, he is merciful, he will help and protect.

Psychologically, being a believer means being more resilient and mentally healthy.

The subconscious does not allow long, deep experiences, since inside a person there are beliefs aimed at getting rid of difficult experiences. Faith works wonders with that. Who believes.

Having understood the processes that occur with a person when reading a prayer, one can draw conclusions about the reasons that make one constantly yawn.

Yawning during prayer can be explained in several ways:

Causes Explanation Notes
Experiences A person feels shame for his sins, fear of punishment These emotions cause the need for oxygen to awaken brain activity to resolve problems.
Morning and evening hours Believers pray at any time, but more often they read prayers in the morning and evening, when a person still wants to sleep At this time, the human body wakes up or prepares for sleep, which causes the yawning reflex
Reading prayers causes oxygen starvation Improper breathing during constant reading causes lack of oxygen Yawning occurs reflexively, in order to replenish oxygen
The smell of incense and stuffy room Yawning in a church is a sign of insufficient oxygen there due to the large number of believers and the aroma of incense In this case, yawning is justified by the lack of oxygen in the environment

There is a version that yawning while reading a prayer is caused by evil forces designed to prevent the believer from turning to God.

This is a delusion of dark superstitious people who do not realize that faith and superstition are incompatible things.

There is no mystical background to yawning; it is an evolutionary reflex aimed at maintaining the optimal state of the body for a specific activity.

How to deal with yawning and what to do if you constantly want to yawn

The constant desire to yawn can be caused by a number of diseases that prevent the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

If you yawn constantly, at any time of the day, and this continues for several days or weeks, you should consult a doctor.

The examination will help identify the disease early stage and fix it without any problems.

More often than not, yawning is caused by a combination of factors. During a strong nervous tension adrenaline is released into the body.

It is removed from it through active movements and sports. Wanting to get rid of adrenaline, the body starts processes that reduce the level of oxygen in the tissues.

When there is a strong experience, the blood flow is disrupted - the person turns pale and begins to breathe quickly. All this is due to a lack of oxygen inside.

It is quite natural that in stressful situation the yawning process is activated.

There are several ways to replenish oxygen in your cells to rid yourself of the urge to yawn:

  • Regular sleep of at least 7 hours.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Sports activities.
  • Proper nutrition.


In various rituals, yawning is considered a certain symbol. Healers who heal with the power of prayer and spells associate the desire to yawn with certain properties.

If, while reading a prayer over a person, the healer has a desire to yawn, this means that the person’s energy has been subjected to strong external influence.

Knowledgeable people say that the desire to yawn during conspiracies is a sign of envy. This means that the person being treated with prayer is envied by many.

Believing it or not is a personal matter for everyone. There is much evidence that treatment with prayers copes with various ailments faster than medication.

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