Home Smell from the mouth Slavic horoscope - what kind of animal are you. Old Slavic horoscope by date of birth

Slavic horoscope - what kind of animal are you. Old Slavic horoscope by date of birth

In the Slavic horoscope, a description of personality is accepted based on the gods of the Aryan pantheon, and not on the constellations of the Zodiac. Our ancestors lived in harmony with nature and called themselves descendants of the gods.

They did not say “servant of God,” but “great-grandson of the gods.” The main difference between the Slavic horoscope and the Western one is the indication of the characteristics of the gods and their influence on the character, and therefore on the fate of people.

December 1 - 10. Vyrgon. Vyrgon is the goddess of death, she is beautiful. Only snakes instead of hair like the Gorgon can frighten the guest. Everyone answers her call of love - no one can refuse her. It gives the knowledge of higher love. The image of Vyrgoni - the Gorgon Medusa - was revered by the Slavs as a talisman. The snake in the Slavic world is a sacred animal, and killing it was punishable by death. The ancestors did not fear the goddess of death, but revered them. Death as a phenomenon was perceived calmly as the moment of transition of the eternal soul into the subtle world and the continuation of life in a different quality. People born during this period are independent and have a vivid imagination. Persistent. They love comfort and have a tendency to deceive. Women are very determined, they are not inferior to men, they build their own lives. Amazon warriors. December 11 – 23. Karachun or Kitovras. The prototype of the Centaur, the horse man. These people are wise and achieve their goals. Generous. Others can use them for their own purposes. Such a person will make a brilliant career if he is careful with alcohol and pleasures. His time is the coldest and darkest of the year. They are active and cannot sit still. They can't stand loneliness. They get married easily. Very calm and reliable family life. Compatibility is universal. All signs of the Slavic horoscope will get along with them. December 24 - January 20. Perun. Perun is the most famous of the Svarozhich brothers, the son of Svarog and Lada. His exploits are described in the Vedas. His descendants are full of vitality. They care little about the opinions of others. Maximum free will. They always think whether they should take full responsibility or limit themselves to some. His passionate energy is inexhaustible. He is always respected. But many are afraid of explosive aggression and anger. The people of Perun are warriors and defenders. They have a keen sense of justice.

The Slavic horoscope was created by our distant ancestors. Each time period was patronized by one of the pagan deities. The Slavs believed that the gods had a direct influence on the fate and success of a person born under their protection. Using the Slavic horoscope love compatibility you can easily find out with whom you are destined to find happiness.

Vyrgon (December 1-10)

Those born during the period of patronage of this Slavic goddess They are distinguished by a high degree of sensuality and a desire for independence. They often enter into competition with their partner. According to Slavic love horoscope they need representatives of such Signs who will balance the energy, give the necessary amount of freedom and not claim the right of primacy in a couple.

Favorable signs: Lada, Dodola
Unfavorable signs: Dazhdbog, Svarozhich

Kitovras (December 11-23)

Kitovras gives people sanity, but at the same time they sometimes have an excessive passion for carnal joys. They need a partner who will cultivate the first quality and redirect the energy aimed at unbridled satisfaction of desires into a useful direction.

Unfavorable signs: Yarilo, Lelya

Perun (December 24 - January 20)

Anyone born under this Sign harbors an inexhaustible source of energy and passion. In such people, ardor that cannot find a way out easily develops into aggression. The Slavic horoscope advises the Peruns to have a partner with whom they can open up to the fullest.

Favorable signs: Yarilo, Kostroma
Unfavorable signs: Dazhdbog, Mara

Stribog (January 21 - February 20)

People who are patronized by Stribog have natural sensitivity and tenderness, always willingly showing them in relationships. They do not have a tendency to start meaningless novels, they strive for strong marriage. They need a loved one to support this desire.

Favorable signs: Rod, Veles
Unfavorable signs: Svarozhich, Kostroma

Rod (February 21 - March 20)

People born at this time create the strongest alliances, putting family and love above all else. In a fit of passion, they are capable of committing rash acts. They react very sharply to coldness on the part of their partner. The Slavic compatibility horoscope advises looking for a person who shares your values ​​and is able to feel the whole gamut of your feelings.

Favorable signs: Maya, Mokosh

Yarilo (March 21 - April 20)

Those born during this period have a huge amount sexual energy, often change partners and, being selfish, do not spend their internal forces. They are ready to sacrifice something just for the sake of someone they truly love. Yarilo needs a partner who will be able to direct all their love energy to himself.

Favorable signs: Kostroma, Semargl
Unfavorable signs: Dodola, Skipper-beast

Lada (April 21 - May 21)

Lada is the goddess of love among the Slavs, therefore people born under her auspices are gifted with the ability to love passionately and devotedly, giving their partner all their mental strength. They create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort around themselves. People born during this period need a person with serious intentions who can reciprocate their rich feelings.

Favorable signs: Veles, Maya
Unfavorable signs: Kostroma, Dazhdbog

Lelya (May 22 - June 2)

The people of this period are controlled by Lelya. They have a strong “hunter instinct”. They like bright displays of feelings, they willingly “play” with their partner. They love passionately, but a bit of frivolity often prevents them from building long and strong relationships. They will find a partner who can lead the relationship to marriage.

Favorable signs: Rod, Woman in labor
Unfavorable signs: Yarilo, Dodola

Kostroma (3 – 12 June)

Under the auspices of Kostroma, people with a bright artistic temperament are born. They cannot live without strong emotions, so they want to see next to them a person who will love brightly and create a holiday every day.

Favorable signs: Yarilo, Perun
Unfavorable signs: Dazhdbog, Mokosh

Dodola (June 13 – 21)

The compatibility horoscope speaks of some frivolity. To fully express yourself in love, you need a “guiding hand”, an experienced person who can take responsibility, help with advice and point in the right direction.

Favorable signs: Veles, Skipper-beast
Unfavorable signs: Lelya, Semargl

Veles (June 22 - July 22)

Veles people have enormous spiritual affection. They do not tolerate frivolity; in relationships they strive for complete harmony and mutual understanding. They will wait for a person who is firmly focused on creating a family and procreation - in this case, Veles will do everything to ensure that the union is long and happy.

Favorable signs: Woman in labor, Mokosh
Unfavorable signs: Svarozhich, Dazhdbog

Dazhdbog (July 23 - August 23)

In a couple, people born on these days can suppress the partner and suppress his independence and individuality. The best option according to the Slavic love horoscope - the one who can resist the overwhelming influence without causing scenes and quarrels.

Favorable signs: Perun, Mokosh
Unfavorable signs: Vyrgon, Veles

Maya (August 24 - September 8)

Under the auspices of Maya, gentle and calm people are born, acutely perceiving the pain of others and always ready to help. Very sacrificial in love. Such people need a partner who will not abuse affection and will fully respond with mutual love.

Favorable signs: Stribog, Lada
Unfavorable signs: Mara, Semargl

Rozhanitsa (September 9 - September 11)

Those born under the auspices of Rozhanitsa are distinguished by their constancy. A frivolous attitude on the part of the other half can greatly humiliate and embitter such people, because sincere and strong love for them it is the highest value. Therefore, Rozhanitsa will look for a person who can give true love.

Favorable signs: Mokosh, Maya
Unfavorable signs: Yarilo, Dazhdbog

Mokosh (September 12 – 27)

The Slavic horoscope says that Mokosh will consider family and children to be his most important value. Therefore, short-term whirlwind romances are not their case. Anyone wishing to form an alliance with Mokosh must be able to maintain strong bonds and take a significant part in raising children.

Favorable signs: Rod, Lada
Unfavorable signs: Vyrgon, Kostroma

Svarozhich (September 28 - October 15)

Born under this control Slavic god prone to sudden changes moods can get carried away sharply and also cool down sharply. Svarozhich needs support that will bring constancy into his life and help him take root on the earth, feel positive side stable life together.

Favorable signs: Woman in labor, Veles
Unfavorable signs: Perun, Lelya

Mara (October 16 - November 1)

As a rule, Marys are quite calculating. Love alone is not enough for them: they also need certain guarantees from the person who is nearby. Therefore, the partner must be ready to put a lot of moral and physical strength in order for harmony to reign in the relationship.

Favorable signs: Skipper-beast, Lada
Unfavorable signs: Dodola, Svarozhich

Semargl (November 2 – November 8)

For people born under the auspices of Semargl, it is very important physical aspect relationship between a man and a woman. Semargl's ideal lover or lover will meet their requirements in every way. Compatibility in temperament and habits, the same favorite films and the coincidence of biorhythms - this is what can strongly tie Semargl to his soulmate.

Favorable signs: Perun, Yarilo
Unfavorable signs: Mokosh, Mara

Skipper Beast (November 9 – November 30)

To people born under the auspices of the god of creatures other world, the aspect of spiritual interaction with a partner is very important. The union will be strong only if both people have similar interests and a common worldview. A split in views on life can cool relationships - such people need to be supported in everything and to the end.

The Halls of the Slavs is a Slavic analogue of the horoscope of the Zodiac signs, based on the beliefs and pantheon of gods of our ancestors.

Slavic palaces form the circle of Svarog, Slavic calendar. It reflects the system of the cosmic world order. Kolovrat, an ancient Slavic symbol, represents the movement of the Sun across the sky, as well as the rotation of the Wheel of Time.

How can you find out your palace? The Slavic calendar was very different from the modern one; this calendar divided the year not into months, but into palaces. According to the horoscope of these palaces, a person was protected by his specific god, and appropriate amulets were selected.

The palaces of the Slavs also determined the compatibility of a couple by horoscope; by the calendar it was possible to determine the fate and character traits of a person.

Slavic palaces by date of birth, description and meaning

The palaces divided the year into 16 parts, each of which had its own special sign.

Hall of the Virgin (28.08-20.09)

People born in this palace of the Slavic calendar are extremely independent, they are stubborn and purposeful. They are looked after by the goddess Jiva, whose amulet tree is the apple tree.

According to the Slavic horoscope, pikes have the ability to perfectly adapt to any situation, but they experience certain difficulties in making important decisions. The patron goddess is Rozhana, the sacred tree is plum.

Hall of the Swan (3.11-24.11)

People born during the period designated in the calendar as the palace of the Swan can be extremely arrogant. They attach great importance to their appearance. Their amulet is Makosh, a symbol of a sown field, the spinning goddess of the ancient Slavs. The amulet is best cut from pine.

Hall of the Serpent (24.11-17.12)

If a person’s horoscope is a Snake, this speaks, on the one hand, of his coldness, and on the other, indicates voluptuousness. Such people are intolerant of criticism, but constantly strive for communication. They are protected by Semargl, the god of fire, and the linden plant is a talisman.

Hall of the Raven (12/17-01/8)

The sign of the Raven in the horoscope endows a person with love of love, as well as a tendency to comprehend wisdom in a more mature age. Ravens are patronized by Varuna, the ruler of human destinies. The tree that gives strength to the inhabitants of this palace is larch.

Hall of the Bear (8.01-1.02)

Those born under the sign of the Bear in the Slavic calendar love and know how to overcome difficulties. Such people are focused on achieving well-being for their family. Their protector is Svarog himself, and beech and raspberries are considered sacred trees.

Hall of Busla/Stork (1.02-20.02)

People whose sign in the Slavic horoscope is Stork are considered the soul of any company. They are open and generous, and also have developed intuition. The god Rod helps them leave healthy offspring; it is recommended to cut his amulets from willow wood.

Hall of the Wolf (25.02-22.03)

Those born under the sign of the Wolf are distinguished by the desire to restore order everywhere, as well as alertness and perception of the world according to the “friend or foe” principle. The wolves are looked after by Veles, the “cattle god” of the ancient Slavs.

Hall of the Boar (20.09-12.10)

Boars by date of birth in the Slavic calendar very skillfully solve emerging problems, tend to defend their opinions and are intolerant of any external pressure. The patron god of the Boar's palace is Ramhat, known as Rama in Indian mythology. It is recommended to make amulets from pear.

Hall of the Fox (22.03-15.04)

Foxes by date of birth are very cunning and savvy. These people know how to flatter and make the right impression on others. They are not afraid of risks, are very curious and great importance add luxury. The goddess Marena rules the Foxes in the circle of Svarog, the sacred trees are hornbeam and currant.

Hall of Tours (15.04-7.05)

Those born under this sign of the Slavic calendar are hardworking and persistent. They rely only on their own strengths, tolerate routine well and know how to create a comfortable home. They are protected by Kryshen, the Heavenly Shepherd of the ancient Slavs. It is best to cut amulets from aspen.

Hall of the Elk (7.05-30.05)

People whose birthday falls during this period are loving and optimistic. They are open to new acquaintances, faithfully serve their ideals, and at the same time have a surprisingly easy character. They are looked after by Lada, the goddess of beauty and love. The sacred tree is birch.

Hall of Finist (30.05-21.06)

Finist in the Slavic calendar endows a person with such traits as caution, rationality and optimism. Finists are hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals. They are patronized by Vyshen, the Father of Svarog, in ancient india known as Vishnu.

Hall of the Horse (21.06-13.07)

Horses by birth are restless to the extreme, they are hasty and greedy for life. In a surprising way, these people combine their maximalism and impatience in achieving their goals. They are protected in every possible way by the light god Kupalo, and the sacred plants for making amulets are elm and fern.

Hall of the Eagle (13.07-4.08)

Those born on Eagle dates are determined and kind. They have a sharp mind and rich imagination, but sometimes they tend to impose their opinion on others under the guise of patronage and exaggerate its importance. They are looked after by Perun the Thunderer himself, and the sacred oak tree gives them strength.

Hall of Ras (4.08-28.08)

Born in the shadow of the sacred ash tree, the people of the Race surprisingly easily comprehend new knowledge. They are distinguished by unshakable calm, analytical thinking and serenity. The patron god of the Race is Dazhdbog.

Compatibility according to the Slavic horoscope

There are pairs of palaces that have similar properties. People from these couples are easier to find mutual language, they are united by similar values ​​and outlook on things. Based on this, our ancestors chose a mate for themselves in order to create a strong family and continue their family line.

The date of birth in the circle of Svarog became, in a sense, a guarantee of harmony in the family circle, mutual understanding and tolerance among loved ones.

Children in such a family had excellent health, received a good upbringing, and their parents could be proud of them.

Pairs of palaces: Maiden/Boar, Pike/Swan, Snake/Raven, Bear/Stork, Wolf/Boar, Tur/Elk, Finist/Horse, Eagle/Race.

In our society, permeated with active communication at all levels, personal and professional connections, the issue of compatibility is very acute. At times, during our communication with people in the most different situations, we feel well that one person brings us good, and sympathy immediately appears for him, while another evokes hostility, distrust, and fear.

Sign compatibility horoscope describing compatibility various groups people, takes into account the similarity of astrological features of different signs, determines the level of comfort in their relationships. We should all listen to what the stars advise us, since only communication with the right person can make our lives happy and prosperous.

1. Compatibility of “SLAVE” and “MASTER” types

Aries and Scorpio
Taurus and Sagittarius
Gemini and Capricorn
Cancer and Aquarius
Leo and Pisces
Virgo and Aries
Libra and Taurus
Scorpio and Gemini
Sagittarius and Cancer
Capricorn and Leo
Aquarius and Virgo
Pisces and Libra

The most difficult relationship is with our 8th sign. Ancient astrologers called the 8th sign a symbol of death, destruction, fatal love, incomprehensible attachments. This pair is called in astrology - “Slave and Master” or “Rabbit and Boa Constrictor”, and it is our 8th sign that plays the role of “master” and “boa constrictor”.

This alliance is especially difficult for politicians and business people. For example, Hitler is a Taurus, and his opponents were two Sagittarius - Stalin and Churchill, and the end of their confrontation is well known. Lenin is also a Taurus, his comrade Stalin took away all his powers in the last years of his life, perhaps caused his death and subsequently destroyed his entire circle. Stalin (Sagittarius) - 8th sign for Lenin.

Yeltsin is an Aquarius, he is the 8th sign for Zyuganov - Cancer, and whatever actions the latter took, they usually ended in failure. On the other hand, Yeltsin also has his own 8th sign - this is the sign of Virgo. On our political horizon, the brightest Virgo is Luzhkov, and, apparently, that’s why all the Kremlin’s escapades against him ended in nothing. He remained the mayor of Moscow, and Yeltsin left the political arena. Business connections with our 8th sign are just as dangerous; they ultimately bring us stress and losses, financial and moral. So, don't mess with your 8th sign and never get into a fight with it - your chances of winning are very low!

Such connections in love are very interesting. We are drawn to our 8th sign like a magnet, because in terms of sex this union can be the best, but for family life it is very difficult: “Together is cramped, apart is boring.”

For example, a couple of world-famous lovers are Georges Sand (Cancer) and Alfred de Musset (Sagittarius). Cancer is the 8th sign for Sagittarius, and the story of their crazy two-year love was the subject of attention throughout France. Critics and writers were divided into “Musseists” and “Sandistas”; there were fierce debates between them about who was to blame for the bleak ending of this novel - he or she. How much energy must be released to excite the minds of mankind for so long? But for the famous couple, this energy had a destructive direction; destructive passions raged inside, which the heroes themselves were not given the opportunity to understand. George Sand wrote to Musset: “I love you no more and adore you forever. I don't want you anymore, but I can't do without you. It seems that only one heavenly lightning could heal me by destroying me. Goodbye, stay, leave, but don’t say that I don’t suffer. Only this one thing can make me suffer even more, my love, my life, my blood, go away, but kill me, go away.” Musset said a short phrase, but in terms of magical power it surpasses the tirade of George Sand: “There was a moment in your embrace, the memory of which still bothers me and will prevent me from approaching another woman for a long time.” These two are passionate loving friend a friend of a man lived together for two years as if on a powder keg with passions, hatred, betrayals. When connected to their 8th sign, there can be no peace, and for those who love borderline, dramatic situations in the Dostoevsky style, these unions are very attractive. As a rule, our 8th sign is the first to cool down.

If, by the will of fate, our child is born under the 8th sign, then he is very different from us and in some ways does not live up to our expectations. At best, he will choose his own path.

2. Compatibility type Me and my “SECRET ENEMY”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Pisces
Taurus and Aries
Gemini and Taurus
Cancer and Gemini
Leo and Cancer
Virgo and Leo
Libra and Virgo
Scorpio and Libra
Sagittarius and Scorpio
Capricorn and Sagittarius
Aquarius and Capricorn
Pisces and Aquarius

For business and political relations, an alliance with your 12th sign is difficult. Even ancient astrologers noticed that relationships with their 12th sign cannot develop smoothly; this is one of the strangest and most problematic unions. These are our secret enemies who can ingratiate ourselves and know our deepest secrets.

Such was the relationship between M. Gorbachev (Pisces) and B. Yeltsin (Aquarius). Yeltsin is the 12th sign for Gorbachev and he managed to completely debunk the hero of perestroika. In contact with them we get lost, we make mistakes, they seem to dig a hole for us. Among the Roman emperors killed by those close to them, there was an interesting pattern - the killers were precisely representatives of the 12th sign of the person killed.

In Russian history we also see a disastrous chain - Alexandra (Gemini), a German princess, married the last Russian Tsar Nicholas (Taurus) - he was her 12th sign and brought her a tragic death. The evil genius of this family, Grigory Rasputin (Cancer), who became friends with his 12th sign - Queen Alexandra - was killed as a result of this unusual friendship. As you can see, this is also a chain of people who are very attached to each other, but mutually destroy each other. Stolypin, who intended to take Russia to a new level, was Aries, that is, the 12th sign of Nicholas, he showed all the weakness of the tsar, whose authority completely fell after Stolypin’s death. So, apparently, it makes sense to take a closer look at your 12th sign, especially if you have business ties. Usually these people know much more about us than we want and, if necessary, pull our secrets out. But these connections usually start out well. Sometimes these are friends, one of whom may subsequently betray the other or accidentally reveal his secret.

In terms of love relationships, our 12th sign is softer, it is able to take care of us and experience tender affection. He knows our weaknesses well and treats them condescendingly. But it is he who leads us, and not we who lead him, although sometimes this is very imperceptible. Sexual attraction is usually strong. Angelica Varum (Gemini) and Leonid Agutin (Cancer).

If the 12th sign is our child, then over time it becomes clear that he knows all our secrets, even what he does not want to know at all. It is very difficult to control him, he will still do everything in his own way.

3. Type compatibility Me and my “OPPOSITE”

This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Libra
Taurus and Scorpio
Gemini and Sagittarius
Cancer and Capricorn
Leo and Aquarius
Virgo and Pisces
Libra and Aries
Scorpio and Taurus
Sagittarius and Gemini
Capricorn and Cancer
Aquarius and Leo
Pisces and Virgo

Relationships with our 7th sign are like our opposite, which has something to learn from us and we have something to learn from him. In business and personal relationships, this union can be very good and interesting, provided that the partners are intelligent and have a sufficiently high moral level. At a low level, these are constant misunderstandings in relationships and rivalry. Marriage or cooperation with the 7th sign can only exist as a union of full-fledged individuals - then love, significant achievements in business, and social success are possible. And maybe that’s why these connections are more stable in adulthood, when an understanding of the true essence of marriage and partnerships comes.
For large-scale political relations this state cold war and eternal tension, for example Yeltsin (Aquarius) and Clinton (Leo).

4. Type compatibility Me and my “TEACHER”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Sagittarius
Taurus and Capricorn
Gemini and Aquarius
Cancer and Pisces
Leo and Aries
Virgo and Taurus
Libra and Gemini
Scorpio and Cancer
Sagittarius and Leo
Capricorn and Virgo
Aquarius and Libra
Pisces and Scorpio

The relationship with our 9th sign is developing very well, this is our teacher and adviser, he can reveal to us what we do not yet know. Very often, relationships with him facilitate travel or relocation. It can bring a lot of benefits in business and promote spiritual growth. This union is harmonious enough for marital and other relationships.

5. Compatibility type Me and my “younger brother”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Gemini
Taurus and Cancer
Gemini and Leo
Cancer and Virgo
Leo and Libra
Virgo and Scorpio
Libra and Sagittarius
Scorpio and Capricorn
Sagittarius and Aquarius
Capricorn and Pisces
Aquarius and Aries
Pisces and Taurus

We treat our 3rd Sign with a certain shade of condescension. These are like our younger brothers or sisters, we can teach them, and they will listen carefully. Often younger brothers and sisters are born under this sign. In terms of personal relationships and sex, it’s not very interesting and can end quickly. In terms of business, it’s not bad and often connects partners from different cities or countries

6. Type compatibility Me and my “CHILD”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Leo
Taurus and Virgo
Gemini and Libra
Cancer and Scorpio
Leo and Sagittarius
Virgo and Capricorn
Libra and Aquarius
Scorpio and Pisces
Sagittarius and Aries
Capricorn and Taurus
Aquarius and Gemini
Pisces and Cancer

We treat our 5th Sign like a child; circumstances are such that we must take care of him. The union is not very good for business contacts, since our 5th sign benefits in terms of connections and finances, but gives little in return, except perhaps love or sympathy. Very good for family and love relationships, especially if the 5th sign is a woman. If a child is born under this sign, then the relationship with the parents is smooth, love and understanding on both sides will last a lifetime.

7. Type compatibility Me and my “MANAGER”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Capricorn
Taurus and Aquarius
Gemini and Pisces
Cancer and Aries
Leo and Taurus
Virgo and Gemini
Libra and Cancer
Scorpio and Leo
Sagittarius and Virgo
Capricorn and Libra
Aquarius and Scorpio
Pisces and Sagittarius

Our 10th sign is a born boss, relationships can develop in different ways.
Here everything depends on the spiritual level of people; there can be quite good relationships and very tense ones. There is often mutual benefit in good periods and mutual damages in bad time. In family relationships, our 10th sign always tries to lead and does this depending on his upbringing and intelligence.

8. Type compatibility Me and my “PROTECTION IN THE REAR”

This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Cancer
Taurus and Leo
Gemini and Virgo
Cancer and Libra
Leo and Scorpio
Virgo and Sagittarius
Libra and Capricorn
Scorpio and Aquarius
Sagittarius and Pisces
Capricorn and Aries
Aquarius and Taurus
Pisces and Gemini

Our 4th sign protects our rear and can act as a sponsor, which strengthens our position - financial or moral.
In all cases, one should listen to his advice; they can be very practical, although very unobtrusive. If this role is played by a woman, then family relationships can be long-lasting and romantic, since all the wishes of the spouse are usually fulfilled one way or another. (Vladimir Vysotsky, Aquarius, and Marina Vladi, Taurus.) If the husband is the 4th sign for the wife, then this is a henpecked option. Often strong sexual attraction. Our 4th sign is able to improve living conditions and take care of us like a father. Sometimes such couples achieve great social success (Hilary Clinton, Scorpio, and Bill Clinton, Leo). If a child is born under this sign, then he can live next to us and tenderly take care of us.

9. Compatibility type Me and my “BIG BROTHER”

This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Aquarius
Taurus and Pisces
Gemini and Aries
Cancer and Taurus
Leo and Gemini
Virgo and Cancer
Libra and Leo
Scorpio and Virgo
Sagittarius and Libra
Capricorn and Scorpio
Aquarius and Sagittarius
Pisces and Capricorn

With our 11th sign we are often associated with friendly or patronizing relationships; we treat them with respect, and they with friendly condescension. Usually relationships develop in the style of “big brother” or “high-ranking friend.” Indeed, older brothers and sisters are often born under this sign. In terms of personal relationships and sex, the 11th sign always tends to enslave us.

This tendency is most clearly manifested in alliances - Pisces - Capricorn, Libra - Leo. A child born under this sign achieves greater success than his parents, and one can be proud of him.

10. Compatibility by type Me and my “GOOD”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Gemini
Taurus and Cancer
Gemini and Leo
Cancer and Virgo
Leo and Libra
Virgo and Scorpio
Libra and Sagittarius
Scorpio and Capricorn
Sagittarius and Aquarius
Capricorn and Pisces
Aquarius and Aries
Pisces and Taurus

Our 2nd sign should bring us money or some other benefits; we can get a lot from it, as in business relations and in family life. In married couples, the 2nd sign usually saves money for the benefit of the family. He is very attached to us sexually.

11. Compatibility by type Me and my “SLAVE”
This is the compatibility of signs in pairs:

Aries and Virgo
Taurus and Libra
Gemini and Scorpio
Cancer and Sagittarius
Leo and Capricorn
Virgo and Aquarius
Libra and Pisces
Scorpio and Aries
Sagittarius and Taurus
Capricorn and Gemini
Aquarius and Cancer
Pisces and Leo

Our 6th Sign is “our slave”; we always benefit from working with him, and it is very difficult for him to get out of our influence. In case of hostility, he receives a powerful response, especially if he himself provokes the conflict. In personal relationships, we can destroy him one way or another, forcing him to dance to our tune. For example, a husband does not allow his wife to work, or family circumstances develop this way, as a result of which she gradually loses herself as a person, although she is surrounded by care. This is the best case scenario; in the worst case, there may be other options. Our 6th sign has a strong sexual attachment to us, since for him we are the very fatal 8th sign. We are the same, but we cool down faster and often make complaints. With prolonged relationships with our 6th sign, there is a danger of routine, boredom, stagnation, which ultimately destroys the relationship.
For a child born under the 6th sign, it is especially necessary careful attitude, he may experience fear or embarrassment when communicating with us, often his health needs increased attention. It should also be remembered that emotionally he is very different from us.

12. Type compatibility Me and my “MIRROR”

Relationships with our own sign. The pairs Scorpio - Scorpio, Cancer - Cancer exist well with each other, it is difficult to say something definite about the rest, but in most cases our own sign interests us little, since it carries similar energy. Sometimes relationships develop in a competitive style, both in business and in love.

This is an ancient Slavic totem horoscope, which was used by our ancestors during the Vedic culture and tradition

Animal based Slavic horoscope is an ancient Slavic totem horoscope that was used by our ancestors during the Vedic culture and tradition. The Slavic horoscope includes animal rulers of the year, and all animals are our traditional ones, found in the forests of Russia. The Slavic horoscope is also calculated by date of birth. The Slavic animal horoscope is based on 12 animals, each of which rules its own year or palace. The Slavic horoscope calls palaces the signs of the zodiac. The Slavic horoscope of animals by year has the same principle as the eastern one lunar horoscope- each year of the lunar cycle has its own animal ruler. When calculating for a couple, the Slavic compatibility horoscope takes into account the influence of the animal ruler.

Stribog (Kryshen)
/ January 21 – February 20 /

According to mythology Eastern Slavs, Stribog is the god of the wind. His name in terms of modern language can be interpreted as “elder”, “paternal uncle”. It was believed that Stribog was born thanks to the breath of Rod. In people's minds, the god of the wind looked like an old man with gray hair, who could live in different places - on an island in the Okiyan Sea, or in an impassable thicket, or even at the end of the world.

This deity was quite revered by our ancestors. At that time, the boat, sail, rudder, and anchor had already been invented; The Russians boldly explored the sea and believed that Stribog, turning into a bird, caused or, conversely, stopped bad weather and storms. They turned to him with prayers for the sending of wind to inflate the sails.

A person born under the auspices of Stribog is distinguished by religiosity, a mystical orientation of mind, and the ability to successfully study ancient teachings. A one-sided view of the surrounding reality and a rather hot-tempered character lead to the fact that Stribog’s children easily make enemies. Opponents begin to wage a secret struggle if they see that representatives of this sign are abusing the power they have. A Stribog person is usually bad at expressing his own emotions and feelings.

February was once called lute, fierce. Those who were born at this time have another patron - a god named Kryshen. According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, this deity saved frozen people from certain death by sending them saving fire. Kryshen was the personification of the power of reason, knowledge, and thought.

Thanks to their patron, those born at this time have high level intelligence, which makes it possible to protect against various problems and successfully resolve the most difficult situations. Like his patron, the Roof man, who generates new ideas, can kindle the fire of knowledge. In their best incarnation, representatives of this sign are true patriots, ready at any time to defend their native land. They are equally sensitive to home and family.

/ February 21 – March 20 /

People who happened to be born at this time are under the protection of one of the most revered gods by the Slavs - Rod, who was considered the creator of the Universe, the fundamental principle of all things. The clan, together with its original descendants, serves as the personification of the unity of all living beings of our world.

Children of Rod tend to feel a connection with all people, their own involvement in all events and phenomena occurring around them. Even if these sensations are not fully realized, the well-being of people born this month is still built on this involvement. They know how to implement the well-known principle “If you want to change something, change yourself” like no one else. If, for example, a Rod person finds himself alone, he will not worry about this, but will decide for himself that it just seems so to him. And as soon as he thinks so, the doorbell or telephone rings.

Being very receptive, these people are guided in their actions more by intuition than by mind. Of the other signs, they are the ones who are most attached to others and more reverent than others in maintaining devotion. These are people with rich inner content, who know how to forgive and have an easy-going character. However, those born in this month can be a victim of others and themselves. They like it better when their love partner chooses them from those around them rather than when they have to make the choice themselves.

Rod makes his wards wise people who know human psychology very well, even from their very birth. The psychology of the unconscious is also subject to them; They read the secret motives of human actions like an open book. Children of the Family feel that they are blood-connected with all living nature, and therefore have no doubt that people descended from animals.

These people happened to be born at a time when all living things come to life in order to love, and therefore they are characterized by a pronounced spontaneous sexuality. They are incredibly passionate lovers, and sometimes it seems that the flood of feelings just makes their blood boil. Having decided to charm and attract someone, a representative of this sign almost always achieves his goal, since resisting his charm is a very difficult task. However, people born at this time can charm, confuse, and confuse not only in love, but also in all other areas of life. However, staying in their networks can also be beneficial: the wise Rod, represented by his charges, knows how to guide them on the right path like no one else. He understands everyone and loves everyone, does not disdain anyone and, plunging into the darkness of hell, takes lost souls from there to show them the way to the light of truth.

This sign is considered the most mysterious in the Slavic Zodiac. The life path of its representatives seems mysterious and very vague to others.

Yarilo (Yarila, Yar)
/ March 21 – April 20 /

In the Slavic calendar, the first month was called Berezozol and it was believed that it was patronized by Yarilo (he was sometimes called Yar), the god spring sun, passion and love. This name means “young, very strong, passionate.” This is exactly how our ancestors imagined this deity: the barefoot horseman Yarilo on a white horse and in white robes was young, ardent, in love and reckless. However, in other sources this deity had a different appearance: in them, Yarilo appeared as a woman dressed in a white men’s shirt and trousers. In her left hand she held ears of rye, in her right hand a stuffed human head. On the deity’s head was a wreath of flowers that were the very first to appear in the fields. During the spring holidays, our ancestors dressed up and adorned a young girl in the same way and, putting her on a horse, took her out into the field. This image personified an open and kind character.

Another incarnation of Yarila is the warm spring rays, which, having overcome the winter darkness and cold, awakened all living things, filled them with freshness, strength, and movement. With the onset of winter, Yarilo, turning into Frost, mercilessly destroys everything to which he gave life in the spring.

People born in these spring days are similar to their patron: they have the same powerful, indomitable energy, look at the surrounding reality with wide eyes and remain young, regardless of age. Yarila's children are guided more by feelings than by reason; they cannot stand boredom and do everything possible to avoid becoming sad and depressed. Contradictions are also intolerable for them.

Representatives of this sign love everything new; in many areas they are pioneers and pioneers who are not afraid to take risks. They are determined to fight difficulties and win. These people sincerely believe in goodness, and this faith helps them avoid dangers and misfortunes. The children of Yarila give the impression of rather simple, unremarkable people, but in fact, behind the outer shell lies an indomitable temperament and a huge, furious force capable of crushing all obstacles in its path. They are simply terrible when angry. After all, the time of Yarila is the time when the first spring thunderstorms begin to sound, before which even demons are in awe. However, these people a big heart, and they love the world with an open soul, so they will not become angry or “rage” in vain. Yarila has such a feeling for peace and life strong love as much as they are capable of.

Representatives of this sign can safely be called warrior-heroes, plowmen-workers, excellent owners who have enough strength for any job. They are not afraid of any work. Sometimes they become stubborn and flare up like matches, and then it’s better not to get into an argument with them.

By nature, they are strong leaders, so they can become successful politicians who can lead and manage a large number of people. If a Yarila man chooses the field of military service, then he himself will become disciplined. Due to their desire for leadership, they are not well suited to teamwork. Yarila's children voluntarily take on all the work, not trying to share responsibility with anyone and not hoping for help. They are giants on whose shoulders the whole world rests.

Representatives of this sign feel comfortable only when they have enough of everything - from food supplies in the refrigerator to love. They prefer to drink the cup of life to the bottom. These temperamental people must always be in love; they need a constant state of emotional uplift and inspiration. If all this is present in the life of a Yarila person, then he will be completely satisfied with life, and his family union will be strong. But if he is deprived of such pleasure, then it will simply not be possible to keep him.

Since Yarilo is the deity not only of the spring sun, but also of love and passion, he endows his charges with abundance of love, the ability to be inflamed with passionate feelings at first sight. These are quite romantic, but extremely fickle people.

Representatives of the stronger sex born at this time like to gain power over a woman, make her his mistress, and then abandon her. Yaril women are able to remain faithful to their partners only until the moment when their relationship acquires some hint of certainty. If people of this sign ardently swear eternal friendship or love, you should not delude yourself: very soon the connection may be severed by them.

Lada (Lelya)
/ April 21 – May 21 /

The month, which in the Slavic calendar was called pollen, was under the patronage of the goddess Lada - the creator, the female incarnation of the god Rod, the goddess of life and love. Thanks to her warm, affectionate palms, love, harmony, harmony and order reign on earth.

In her honor, our ancestors established the Ladodeniya holiday, which glorified the arrival of spring, gentle warmth, and the awakening of nature on earth. During it, it was customary to call on spring. This was done by representatives of the fair sex, climbing onto high places - roofs of houses, hills, haystacks, etc. and raised their hands to heaven. On Ladodeniya, crane amulets were made from dough; there was a custom to dance, imitating the dances of birds, which at this time usually returned to their native lands. All this helped people express their joy at the awakening of the power of Life.

Where people born under the auspices of Lada appear, a warm and homely atmosphere seems to be created by itself. They are distinguished by their health, good, very “harmonious” build, patience, and peacefulness. Children of Lada are not lazy and fussy, stubborn and slightly inert. They win over those around them, do not accept betrayal and betrayal, love veneration, and do not tolerate the lack of harmony in relationships.

Thanks to the patronage of Lada, people born during this period are real gourmets, aesthetes, and fine connoisseurs of beauty. Their gentle natures are distinguished by fine organization, vulnerability, compassion, readiness to help at the right time, and sentimentality. Man-Lada lives in harmony with nature, has developed imagination, intuition, wild imagination. At the same time, these people are quite practical, they are strong friends with money, and they reciprocate.

Anyone who was born on April 21 is under the protection of another character from the host of Slavic deities - Lelya, the goddess of love. The ancients considered her the patroness of beauty and happiness and believed that she never left lovers without her help. The holiday in her honor - Lelnik (also called Krasnaya Gorka) - is celebrated on April 21. People born on this day are also protected by Lelya. Loneliness never threatens them. Just as this goddess declares herself for the first time in the year at the end of April, so Lelya’s children can always, without fear of sidelong glances and gossip, boldly declare themselves to the world.

Letnitsa (Lelya)
/ May 22 – June 2 /

In the month, which the ancient Slavs called Travn, Letnitsa was worshiped. She also had other names - Perunitsa, Gromovitsa, since Lelya was considered the wife of Perun himself.

The holiday in her honor - Lelnik, called Krasnaya Gorka, was celebrated on April 21. This was due to the fact that the “debut” of this goddess in the annual cycle occurred earlier than in May, when Lelya became the sovereign ruler.

Representatives of this sign have a kind soul, a warm heart, a well-developed sense of humor, and high intelligence. Their psyche is flexible and quick, their reaction is rapid, and they themselves are somewhat reminiscent of blinding lightning. These are incredibly lively, dexterous, fickle and unpredictable natures, around whom you will not get bored and relax. In addition, people born at this time are characterized by courage and a willingness to help people.

Lelya's children refute with their lives the common assertion that those born in May will have to suffer all their lives. The patroness of love does not leave her charges to vegetate alone.

/ 3 – 12 June /

Kostroma reigns for only 10 days at the beginning of summer and symbolizes spring and fertility. There was a ritual of seeing off spring, or seeing off Kostroma. This deity was personified by a young woman dressed in white clothes, who walked surrounded by a round dance, holding an oak branch in her hands. There was another tradition associated with Kostroma: her straw effigy was burned or drowned. The ancient Slavs also saw off and buried spring in this way and believed that such an action would help make the land fertile forever.

Later, this ten-day period became the so-called Semitic week between Ascension and Trinity. The time dedicated to the goddess Kostroma was called proletya. This wonderful natural time fully justified its name, since it passed, flew by very quickly, leaving behind wonderful memories.

People born at this time are distinguished by enormous talent, particularly in the field of creating literary works. This is explained by their ability to sense cosmic vibrations and convey words that Mother Nature herself whispers to them. A feature of their life is the large number of tragic accidents that simply haunt the children of Kostroma. However, this does not prevent many of them from living to old age.

Kostroma has two incarnations - female and male (Kostrubonka). In people born under her auspices, this is manifested by a certain duality of character, as well as fragmented thinking. They are characterized by a desire to live “here and now,” curiosity about everything that happens around them, and an interest in unraveling everything incomprehensible. These are pleasant, smiling people with the gift of eloquence and surrounded by a lot of friends. They usually start their own family late, but can boast of a large number of descendants. Children of Kostroma go through their life path with a smile on his lips, leaving a rich spiritual heritage in his memory. It is simply impossible to forget these bright personalities.

Dodola (Share)
/ 13 – 21 June /

According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, Dodola ruled with the onset of early, as they say, young summer. She is a goddess, the patroness of not only natural summer, but also human summer - i.e. youth. She is especially supportive of young girls and their activities. The only thing the peasants cared about at this time was haymaking, so on these beautiful summer days they were given the opportunity to take a break from many agricultural chores.

If a person was destined to be born during this period, then he will forever remain young at heart. Slightly infantile, naive and even lazy Dodol people come to this world to relax and contemplate what is happening around them. They think that everything in this world happens as if by itself, without the need to make an effort. Dodola's wards are prone to contemplation, and therefore need sensible guidance. These people should also be taught discipline from a young age.

Creatures so unadapted to life are helped to survive in a harsh world by a sincere belief in miracles and spiritual purity. In the minds of the children of Dodola, life is a game, fun, a fairy tale, and certainly with happy ending. They completely and completely surrender to Fate, and it rewards them for their trust. Representatives of this sign are incredibly lucky, and everything they need appears in their life as if by itself. For the world to be at their feet, they don’t even have to pretend to be know-it-alls and wise men.

Their luck extends to those around them: for their loved ones and friends, they turn into a real lucky talisman. Dodol people have the most powerful energy imparted by the summer solstice, and excellent health. It is no coincidence that the time when this goddess reigns is simply ideal for the birth of healthy babies.

As for love and family, relationships in the lives of Dodol people can develop differently, since their point of view on love and fidelity can differ greatly from the generally accepted one.

Veles (Kolyada)
/ June 22 - July 6, July 8 - July 22 /

Veles is considered one of the most important gods of the ancient Slavs. It is to him that the credit goes for setting the world created by Rod and Svarog in motion and defining its laws. Thanks to this, seasons, days and nights began to replace each other. Veles is the teacher of the Law, he is the original, eternally living sage, making sure that the laws and treaties existing in the world are strictly observed. In addition, Veles was considered a deity who helps people in their practical life. His servants were the Magi.

Veles was also considered a werewolf god, the ruler of everything magical and hidden. In fairy tales he was represented as an old man holding a ball of guiding thread in his hands. Sacrifices to this deity were held in dense coniferous forests, in places where three roads intersected, because Veles was considered the ruler of crossroads. They brought him copper money, furs and wool, glorified him with kvass and beer: it was believed that it was thanks to Veles science that people learned to make these drinks.

From their patron, people born during this period receive an interest and inclination towards the occult. They are distinguished by a very affectionate character, a passionate love for children, and a gentle and reverent attitude towards home. At the same time, these are bohemian people who have a tendency to be too passionate about alcohol.

For people born at this time, there is a danger of seeking (and finding) refuge from reality with all its problems in the depths of their subconscious.

In love relationships, the children of Veles are characterized by dreaminess, romance and at the same time sensuality and passion. They are able to achieve the love of the person they are interested in.

The patron of July is a deity named Kolyada, personifying the law of time. It was responsible for ensuring that the Sun annually passed the initially predetermined path and brought summer to people. Carols were celebrated in winter specifically to support the integrity of the circle of life and the power of the deity himself.

Among other things, Kolyada introduced people to celestial science and taught them to understand the language of cosmic bodies. Therefore, his wards have a subtle understanding of the laws of the universe and nature. Disharmony in any area of ​​life is painful for them. The life mission of those born at this time is to act as guardians of traditions, to ensure that the good old orders are not erased from the face of the earth. After all, if someone happened to violate the state of affairs established by the gods, who knows, maybe this will lead to the fact that someday the Sun itself will change its usual trajectory.

/ July 7 /

The night from July 6 to July 7 (dates are indicated according to the new style) is a special night. At this time, every year it becomes clear what should be on earth - Light or Darkness. Good traditionally turns out to be the winner, but Evil does not give up easily. It is no coincidence that the day of Ivan Kupala was especially singled out by the ancient Slavs from all 365 days of the year. The bonfires that were burned throughout Europe that night were called “eyes of Light.”

For our ancestors, Kupalo was the god of summer, flowers and fruits growing at this time. In his earthly incarnation, he is beautiful and cheerful, dressed in light clothes. The ancient Slavs believed that on Kupala’s head there was a wreath made of bathing suits, and in his hands he held fruits and summer flowers.

This god was greatly respected, and on June 24, when the harvest began, sacrifices and a holiday were held in his honor. People lit huge fires, sang and danced around them, especially young people. The celebration ended with jumping over the Kupala bonfires. Livestock was also driven through this cleansing fire: it was believed that this provided protection from forest spirits and goblins.

People born on this day carry their special attitude towards fire throughout their lives. It is very good if this is a fire kindled in a family hearth, because it is the family, dynasty, clan that are the main thing in life for the Kupala person. He reaches out to home, to the light with all his soul.

These people are very gentle, affectionate and outwardly seem very simple, but in fact they are philosophers with a rich inner world. Kupala is loving and sentimental; many of them are interested in mysticism, horror stories. The combination of fire and water gives them powers that are truly magical in nature. At the same time, these people stand firmly on the ground: the household is always well fed, the garden and garden produce good harvests, and the housekeeping is carried out thoroughly and thriftily. The children of Kupala are very interested in the question of what trace they will be able to leave on this earth, both from a material and spiritual point of view.

Those who were born under the sign of Kupala need to focus more on naturalness and simplicity, and learn to make do with little. People of this sign become unhappy when they begin to pay too much attention to the material side of their existence and fall into hoarding. For people there will be Kupala useful travel and wearing linen products. They are not recommended to overheat.

Dazhdbog (Vyshen)
/ July 23 – August 23 /

The ancient Slavs called August sickle or stubble. The patron of this month was one of the most revered gods - Vyshen-Dazhbog. He was presented as a man with beautiful sunny-golden hair fluttering in the wind, a stately gait, an open, direct gaze, who does not know what lies and deceit are. People believed that he traveled across the sky in a carriage drawn by four beautiful horses. They have golden wings, and instead of a mane there are flames.

In popular belief, Dazhdbog was associated with the Sun, light in general. His name comes from two words - “share” and “give”, which indicates his mission - to assign each living creature his destiny. It was also believed that Dazhdbog is the patron of weddings. Our ancestors were convinced that it was this deity who greeted all the grooms at the dawn of their wedding day.

The summer season, when he reigns, also matches his patron. The earth resembles lush royal palaces - thanks to bountiful harvests, earing grain, majestic thunderstorms.

Splendor, greatness, fiery passion - these qualities are present in the nature of people born at this time. They are characterized by pride, frankness, loyalty, a combination of intelligence and strength. They are born to be the main ones, the first, to manage others, and in all areas of life; often have high social status. The art of showing yourself in in the best light They speak it perfectly, and therefore are often in the center of attention. It is the Dazhdbog people who are capable of being the founders of empires and dynasties.

If their ambitions remain unsatisfied, they can become despots, and representatives of this sign are characterized by impatience when they wait for the fulfillment of their desires. They dream of universal recognition and respect, of having the best.

Representatives of this sign do not tolerate it when someone gets in their way. They themselves move towards the goal persistently and are ready to work hard for this. Usually fate gives them a lot of opportunities, but true happiness awaits only those people who generously share their benefits with others. The rule according to which those who give the most receive the most, Dazhdbog people should learn better than the other signs of the Slavic Zodiac. Their mission and happiness is to patronize their neighbors, protect the weak and fight for justice.

However, those born at this time are already distinguished by their generosity, willingness to help and patronize. Just as the peasants are happy about the life-giving rain, so the friends of the man-Dazhdbog rejoice when he appears in their company. He likes to make decisions for others, and not everyone likes this. However, to those who do not enter into polemics and confrontation with him, who will give them complete and unconditional trust, they will always lend their powerful shoulder.

Often people of this sign achieve noticeable success in the field of military service and politics, in particular thanks to the ability to think and make decisions at lightning speed. Perseverance helps them become successful managers and athletes. Holiday atmosphere, beautiful life, wealth - the luxury of late summer - is their element. Lovers and subtle connoisseurs of beauty, they try to live, love, and care beautifully. The Dazhbog people fully provide for their family, are proud of them, and inspire them to new achievements. Having suffered a fiasco in their personal lives, self-sufficient representatives of this sign may well remain alone for the rest of their lives.

Maya (Seva)
/ August 24 – September 8 /

Those who were born during this time period were patronized by the goddess Maya. She was also called Seva and was revered as a symbol of nature, a nurse, the goddess of gardens and their fruits, the patroness of fertile lands, rain, good weather, and sun rays. Western and Northern Slavs imagined her as long-haired, very beautiful woman holding ripened grapes and apples in her hands, symbolizing the end of summer and the beginning of golden autumn. Seva’s mature beauty is nature itself at harvest time, and her long hair represents fields with ripe ears.

This feminine goddess always supported life, participated in the cycle vitality, every year giving generous gifts to everyone. People born at this time are also similar to their patroness. They are constantly busy about something, mostly for the benefit of others. Seva’s children practically never get tired of the endless troubles – moreover, this is the meaning of their lives. Even while resting, they take a book or some other handmade. On the other hand, they need to bother and work in a comfortable atmosphere, so those around them should take care of this. In the absence of guardianship, the strength of Seva’s children is fading too quickly.

These people are distinguished by a huge reserve of patience and tolerance, indifference to the misfortunes of others, kindness, and a desire for harmony and a quiet life. Representatives of this sign have extraordinary moral insight and a developed sense of proportion and justice. In addition, they are characterized by friendliness, hospitality, and a special, very gentle sense of humor. Inconspicuous, quiet Sevs manage to make enemies friends, heal human souls, and smooth out conflicts. Their ideal is a touching, subtle, sincere relationship.

Seva's children can get by with little and are fans of naturalness and purity in everything. They prefer their own home to a city apartment. At the same time, the future worries and worries them; they can be extremely distrustful and cautious. Often representatives of this sign turn into hoarders. The Sevas are afraid of all kinds of changes and try to live in accordance with the established order. It would be nice for them to look at the world with a more optimistic view.

People of this sign are wonderful spouses, because they are fair and kind, want to live in peace and harmony, and besides, they are unpretentious and economical. As a rule, Sev has few children; some representatives of this sign remain childless. This is all the more offensive since these zealous people usually have a full house, and they themselves are very sweet and attractive to others.

Women in labor
/ 9 – 11 September /

Women in labor reign for only a few days in early autumn, after which the time of Indian summer comes. According to the ideas of our ancestors, Rod and Rozhanitsy, who were his companions, gave life to everything that exists on earth. The ancient Slavs attributed many missions to these creatures. So, it was the Rozhanitsa from heaven who commanded the whole world, the underwater forces and the forces of the underground; helped women give birth. Thanks to them, animals, birds and fish appeared on earth, which people needed. But the most important thing is that Rozhanitsy were goddesses, maidens of fate and life, they endowed each person with a share, which was reminiscent, for example, of the ancient Greek moiras.

These were two sisters - Dolya, who was responsible for happy events in a person’s life, and Nedolya, a gloomy creature, by whose grace all sorts of troubles rained down on people. Their symbols were considered the constellations Great and Ursa Minor. It is no coincidence that people said that some were born under a lucky star, and others under an unlucky star.

People who were born under the auspices of Rozhanitsa are characterized by a calm, shy, secretive character. They have a developed sense of harmony, as well as a desire to clean or simplify everything. Sometimes they are lazy, but at the same time they are often in love with their work to such an extent that they are ready to forget about everything in the world for the sake of it. Representatives of this sign are hardworking and diligent, like bees, but they prefer to work alone, outside the team. They always keep their promises. These reserved people also love calmly, considering passionate love a real disease and obsession.

Mokosh (Makosh)
/ 12 – 27 September /

People born between September 12 and 27 are under the protection of a deity named Mokosh.

This goddess, personifying Mother Earth, was revered along with the main Slavic deities. She was the only female deity who was honored with an idol that stood on the Kiev hill next to the idol of Perun, Veles and gods of an equally high hierarchical level.

In more late period Mokosh began to be associated with women's crafts. Our ancestors imagined her as a long-armed creature with a large head, who spun at night. Associated with this idea was the custom of removing the tow from the spinning wheel before going to bed so that Mokosh would not recoil.

Gradually, in popular beliefs, the image of this deity merged with the image of Friday. A sacrifice was made in her honor: yarn or a tow were thrown into the well. From this action came the name of the ritual - mokrida. And the name Mokoshi itself is considered to be related to the words “get wet”, “wet”. This goddess reigned for two weeks, which we call Indian summer. The nights began to last longer days; People's lives are slowly flowing into houses in which the windows are already tightly closed. The time of silence is approaching in nature.

People who appeared during this period tend to feel involved in natural processes. Just as the seasons replace each other, in the life of the Mokoshi man the order of events and phenomena has already been irrevocably established. Representatives of this sign, being fatalists, are absolutely sincerely confident in this. Whatever Mokoshi’s children have to do, they will do the work carefully and responsibly. Their approach to their diet is just as thorough; they know how to cook very tasty food.

The Mokoshi man literally counts every minute. They do not waste their time and do not respect people who waste their precious lives on trifles. At work, they often become workhorses, ridden by all and sundry. And yet the Mokoshis do not forget about rest, scrupulously observing the regime and drawing a clear boundary between work and home. They calmly accept the fact that the world and society are built on hierarchy, they respect any authority, and therefore will never contradict their superiors. At the same time, people born at this time really like to give advice (as well as read lectures), which for the most part turn out to be very wise.

Mokosh Man is a jack of all trades, but nature has deprived him of the ability to speak beautifully. Work in the light industry will be very successful for him. These people love their home very much. The most suitable weather for them is rainy, and the source from which they can draw strength is a well. Representatives of this sign have a desire to re-educate their loved one and a rather grumpy disposition, and because of this, everything in their family life does not always work out well. At the same time, family is sacred to them, and they will not dare to destroy it of their own free will. Mokosh is the patroness of fertility and the birth of children. The ancient Slavs believed that at the moment a child was born, it was this goddess who sent him a soul. Those born at this time can become successful writers, military leaders, journalists, and politicians who do not know defeat. They are given the gift of finding a common language with people and feeling quite comfortable in a completely unfamiliar company.

/ September 28 – October 15 /

People born at this time of year are under the protection of the son of the god Svarog, whom the Slavs revered as one of the main deities. For our ancestors, Svarozhich symbolized earthly fire, was the patron of natural elements, warriors, and human occupations (professions). It was believed that his powers were both beneficial, giving light, warmth, and harmful, since through the fault of this deity drought reigned and fires occurred. In some tribes he was considered the god of war and victories. On the day of the autumn equinox, the ancient Slavs celebrated Svarozhich’s name day. The lives of people born during this period are usually filled with meaning. They most often have to spend the first half of their lives fighting. But in the second part they will reap its benefits: they will be respected, honored, and will become rich. You should not try to establish relationships with Svarozhich’s children and support them love relationship people of Dazhdbog and Mokosha, since this will not benefit any of the partners.

Since this deity symbolized the heavenly fire that fell from the sky and was “tamed” by man, people born under his auspices are distinguished by their penchant for crafts and art. They are the meaning of life for the Svarozhich person. As a rule, he sees beauty better than others and helps others see it, since people of this sign are distinguished by a refined artistic taste. They bring others not only beauty, but also light and warmth. They are characterized by an irresistible, but at the same time sad half-smile. In life, Svarozhichs should not give in bad mood and remember that despondency is considered a mortal sin. These are observant, highly intelligent, well-versed in life, rational people who like to sort things out. This is largely explained by the peculiarities of the time in which they were born: in the fall, supplies are made that should provide a person until the new harvest.

Svarozhich's children are born in order to become a driving force in culture and science. They can achieve success in a very wide range of areas of activity - from poetry to blacksmithing. It has been noted that representatives of this sign can be outstanding teachers. Svarozhichi people risk becoming victims of creative burning, and therefore must be careful.

They strive for marriage, they are sure that their soulmate is wandering somewhere around the world, who can easily be found, the main thing is not to waste time. By the way, it is Svarozhich’s name day that opens the period of autumn weddings.

Svarozhichi people can look at fire without stopping, and it is from it that they draw energy. Their lucky mascot birds are the rooster and the swan. The life of representatives of this sign will be happy if they manage to burn without being burned out and do not lose their life ideals.

Morana (Morena, Mora, Mara)
/ October 16 – November 1 /

People born at this time of year receive the protection of Morana. The name of this Slavic goddess has a clear connection with the word “mor”, which means sudden death, overtaking almost everyone without exception. The pestilence could destroy both a tiny village and a huge state. Morena is the goddess of painful, barren decrepitude, withering of life processes, death. And the appropriate sacrifices were made to this creature - withered flowers, fallen leaves, spoiled, rotten fruits. It was also believed that she liked to accept extinct human lives.

The symbols of Morana were broken skulls, the Black Moon and a sickle - a tool for cutting the Thread of Life. At the same time, the ancient Slavs believed that death at the hands of this formidable and inexorable goddess was not a complete cessation of existence, but a transition to life in a different capacity. After all, the Almighty Family itself has established an order according to which Spring necessarily replaces Winter, which carries away everything that has become obsolete.

In order to save themselves from death and all kinds of troubles, our ancestors came up with a special ritual. Before Midsummer, they cut down a tree that was supposed to represent Morana and decorated it with flower wreaths and ribbons. Together with “Morana” they also dressed up “Kupala” - a doll made of straw. After all these preparations, they lit a fire and, with Kupala in their hands, jumped over it in pairs all night. And on the morning of Midsummer, they removed the decorations from the hand-made incarnations of both deities, and then threw the tree and the straw doll into the river. After this, as the ancient Slavs believed, the formidable Morana could no longer be feared so much.

People under her protection are destined to be born in a dull, frightening time, when they can count and rely solely on themselves. Of all the other signs, this one is considered the most powerful, and this power has properties bordering on magical. Morena's patient and persistent children are steadily moving towards their goal and are not the least bit nervous: they already know that everything will work out. When they find themselves in the most difficult, hopeless everyday situations, they don’t even think of giving up, but on the contrary, they gather all their will into a fist. In addition, in difficult situations they are under the protection of Fate itself.

Representatives of this sign do not avoid or are not afraid of struggle. Moreover, they are always determined to win and are not afraid to look death itself in the face. It is no coincidence that Morena people can become excellent doctors, in particular those working in intensive care and surgery: they are capable of pulling almost anyone out of the other world. Without confrontation, without competition, neither love nor friendship seems interesting to them.

Those born during this period are characterized not only by perseverance, but also by unusually developed self-discipline. They do not know how to compromise and can often be vindictive.

At the same time, these people often have to fluctuate between two attachments. They do not allow their feelings to take full control of them. They do not like responsibility and therefore try to avoid it, although they always perform the work at a high level.

Children of Morana are simultaneously characterized by benevolence, tenderness, dreaminess, prudence, elegance, subtle eroticism - and aggressiveness, gloominess, gloominess, irascibility, stubbornness, frenzy, and jealousy. Most of the fair sex, born under the auspices of Morana, are notorious femme fatales. However, most often the energy and power of the children of this goddess is aimed at defense and much less often at attack.

Moraine people are extremely strong, but even they need extra energy. For them, its source is dead water. It can be collected in any body of water when the water in it is half frozen. Like a fairy tale, it acts as a protection for representatives of this sign from all sorts of problems and resurrects them to life, giving them new strength. People born at this time maintain excellent physical shape until old age and are long-lived.

The children of Morena, who have a truly demonic nature, are distinguished by a detached view of the world, cravings, and a pronounced interest in everything otherworldly. They have the ability to control people’s feelings, so they sometimes decide to do things that are taboo for others.

In addition, Veles was also considered the patron saint of people born at this time, who was responsible for the relationship between the two worlds - the living and the dead, for the continuity of the cycle of births and deaths. His people understand well that a new birth is simply impossible without death, just as the acquisition of something is impossible without sacrifice. The best representatives of this sign know how to renounce what belongs to them. It often turns out that the children of Veles, having nothing, essentially gain a lot, if not everything. People born at this time become worthy representatives of power and skillful managers.

Semargl (Simargl, Skipper)
/ November 2 – November 22 /

People who were born in November, or, as our ancestors called it, in the chest, receive protection from Semargl.

In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, Semargl, with a fiery sword in his hands, guarded the house, the family hearth, and acted as the keeper of fire sacrifices. They believed that this deity preserved seeds and crops in the warmth emanating from his heart. To prevent it from getting angry, its name was not spoken out loud. People believed that periodically this god took on the appearance of a sacred winged dog. It was with Semargl that our ancestors were inclined to connect the origin of feelings between men and women. People of both sexes, in their opinion, were created from two small sticks, between which a fire suddenly broke out.

Legends say that Semargl was born from a flame that flared up from sparks carved by the magic hammer of the powerful Svarog on the Alatyr stone. The banner of this fiery god was a cloud of thick smoke, and he himself, on a silver, golden-maned horse, rushed across the earth, leaving behind a scorched trail. And yet, much more often he was peaceful, calm and always protected people from evil, especially when the darkness of night descended on the world. Only once a year - on the day of the autumn equinox - Semargl left his post for the sake of love games with the Bathing Suit. The fruits of this love are Kupalo and Kostroma.

The one who was born at this time is a real warrior, a strong-willed person. His element and need is to always try to achieve something, fight for justice, and win. The children of Semargl are able to cope with almost any task assigned to them. Representatives of this sign treat their chosen ones with sincere, deep love. As a rule, many children are born in their family, and this makes them very happy.

In addition, in November, the Skipper-beast, which belongs to Perun and is the leader of various creatures of the other world and snakes, is also in charge. People born under his auspices are characterized by special wisdom and insight, which helps them penetrate into the most hidden, “dark” motives that drive those around them. They are able to talentedly psychologically influence people. Representatives of this sign have particularly strong connections with deceased ancestors. It is no coincidence that it is in November that parents' night dedicated to the ancestors is celebrated. In the thoughts and actions of people born this month, one can detect knowledge of the other side of things and the experience of bygone generations.

/ 22 – 30 November /

The ancient Slavs imagined Winter as a white-faced beauty in a snow-white jacket, who rode around her property on a pinto horse and froze everything around with her icy breath. Her kiss makes your blood run cold, and all sorts of “evil spirits” try to hide from Winter as best they can. Winter's handmaidens include blizzards, blizzards, and drifting snow. Together with their mistress, they try to make sure that everything around is covered with snow, so that everything is covered with a white blanket. The beginning of her reign is a time of fun and joy, bright holidays. But closer to March, Winter becomes an old woman - ugly, harmful and insidious.

The people of Winter look at the world with optimism, because they were destined to be born at a time when cellars were bursting with all kinds of supplies. They may give the impression of being cold and distant, but in reality they are people with a warm heart, in which there is enough warmth to warm those around them. Representatives of this sign often become fierce fighters against world evil. There are practically no accidents in their lives; the events of their lives are influenced by some incomprehensible light forces.

People of this sign are often inquisitive researchers and passionate athletes. The Children of Winter are interested in a lot of things, not related to the material side of existence - the life of the cosmos, Parallel Worlds, unusual natural phenomena, etc. They love to reflect on the mysteries of the universe, peer into the starry sky, trying to find answers to eternal questions. Being smart and very well-read, representatives of this sign have a broad outlook, are known as “walking encyclopedias” and are wonderful conversationalists.

Without evidence, people born under the auspices of Winter do not take anything for granted. Even in their search for the purely spiritual, representatives of this sign are accustomed to starting from the material. They live in accordance with their own laws, and therefore it may seem that they cannot be governed. However, control over them is not necessary, because they are highly moral people whose thoughts are distinguished by purity and nobility. If something is not regulated by social norms, then for them it is under the jurisdiction of religious morality, which has greater depth.

Winter gifted her children with a large supply of patience, which is a great help for them in family life. Moreover, the entire well-being of the family often rests on this quality, on the sacrifice of the Winter man. Thanks to their character, they easily make friends, and in general people are usually drawn to them.

Winter people tend to perceive the world black and white, without halftones, because they consider the eternal struggle of opposing forces to be the basis of the world order. They see their mission as fighting on the side of good and fulfill it throughout their lives, never relaxing. The famous expression “The world is not without good people” applies to Winter’s charges to the fullest.

Representatives of this sign usually have the opportunity to boast of excellent health, especially if they maintain their physical shape by hardening.

/ 1 — 10 December /

The appearance of Vyrgoni-Death is simply magnificent. His only “minor” flaws are his snake-like hair and his deadly gaze. For a whole year, this creature, living in the Okiyan Sea, on an island next to the World Tree, spends its time in fun games and amusements. However, with the onset of love, she has no time to laugh, and Vyrgon calls on animals one by one, starting with the lion. Birds, reptiles and people flock to her, who cannot resist the call of Death, the call of love. Death-Vyrgon knows the languages ​​of all living creatures on earth, so her cry is heard and understood by everyone. The one who comes to her call and looks at her at least once Perfect eyes, is no longer able to escape the knowledge of Supreme Love through Death...

Those who are familiar with ancient Greek myths understand that Vyrgon is the “twin sister” of Medusa the Gorgon. These mythological individuals really have one source - the ancestral culture of Death. And Vyrgoni has a nickname - Medusa, which is equivalent to “mistress”, “mistress”, Lady of Death. Even in the early Middle Ages, the Slavs considered the image of the Gorgon Medusa to be their amulet. It is known that Vladimir Monomakh had a serpentine with the appearance of this character. As medieval legends say, the owner of the Gorgon's head was Alexander the Great. It was this circumstance that explained his glory as a commander, who won brilliant victories one after another. People born under the patronage of Vyrgoni are distinguished by perseverance, independence, extremely wild imagination, dislike of too hard work, and an indomitable craving for comfortable life. They often become speculators and cheaters.

The children of Vyrgoni are characterized by belligerence and vanity; they love to be praised, glorified and placed on a pedestal. Women of this sign may well compete with the stronger sex. The chosen ones of people born at this time very often become representatives of a different race, social circle, or another religion.

Kitovras (Karachun)
/ 11 – 23 December /

As evidenced by one of the variants of the Slavic Zodiac, people born at this time are under the protection of Kitovras. This is a mythological centaur, one half of whose body is horse, and the other half is human. This character is said to be wise and strong, but has a weakness for wine. Kitovras is capable of fooling anyone, but this ability often turns against him. The gods who patronize the “dark” half of the year, using the centaur’s love for alcohol, force him to put his wisdom and strength in the service of self-interest and evil. This inevitably brings punishment from the light gods.

Just like their patron Kitovras, people born during this period are quite capable of achieving significant success in literally all areas of life, but provided that their desire for all kinds of benefits and worldly pleasures does not go beyond the bounds of reason.

People born on these December days have another patron - Karachun, the underground god, the master of frost. The Slavs believed that his servants were blizzard wolves and connecting rod bears, which had the ability to turn into snowstorms. Then Karachun began to be considered a deity responsible for the death of livestock.

Karachun Day is December 23, one of the frostiest winter days. It was this god who was credited with shortening the daylight hours. The image of an inexorable, menacing, terrible force is reflected in the expression that still exists today - “set a karachun,” the meaning of which is to beat, torture to death, kill someone, die.

The time when Karachun reigns is the coldest, darkest and most hopeless, because spring is still very far away. And only after December 23, at the end of it, the Sun begins to set for summer, and a person begins to feel good mood and hope.

People who happened to be born under the sign of Karachun have far from excellent health. This is explained by the fact that their birth occurred during a period of natural energy decline, because the skies are empty, the lands are lifeless, and the waters are captured by ice...

Karachun people are forced to make efforts to somehow correct this state of affairs and become more energetic. And in general, nothing falls out of the sky for them, but they get everything at the cost of great effort. It is quite possible that one fine day a person born under the auspices of Karachun will experience a strong desire to find refuge from harsh reality in the world of dreams. People of this sign often tend to be carried away by their thoughts into the future or past. They love to travel and show remarkable interest in the cultures of other countries. They are especially attracted to southern countries.

Those born at this time often find it difficult to communicate with people. This is probably why they love to tinker with animals and can make a wild animal tame. Karachun people are distinguished by their lack of self-confidence. In order not to ruin their lives, they must study the collective experience of humanity, rely not on themselves, but on objective social ideals. This will give them confidence and allow them to feel that they are involved in all life processes that are global in nature.

Representatives of this sign may look gloomy, cold, irritable, angry, inaccessible, but this is nothing more than a mask. Upon closer communication, it turns out that in reality they are pleasant, cheerful, witty, and skillful mockingbirds. It is not surprising that Karachun people can become good parodists and talented satirists. However, in this way they try to hide from the deep sadness that often consumes their souls.

Those born at this time have pronounced abilities in linguistics, can compose talented poetry and often choose the path of a translator. Karachun's children are hard workers; it is not difficult for them to cope with the hardest work. Inactivity can cause depression, so some kind of activity or work is simply vital for representatives of this sign.

Usually the personal life of the Karachuns is not very successful, although they are aimed at creating their own family. Moreover, these people are not able to live even a day alone. The reason for the difficulties lies in their lack of communication, bordering on outright unsociability.

In dealing with such a person, the most difficult task is to get him to take off his usual mask. And when this happens, it becomes obvious that Karachun is a real treasure worth working for. All signs of the Slavic horoscope can safely connect their lives with them.

Perun (Indrik, Unicorn)
/ December 24 – January 20 /

According to the ideas of the Slavs, Perun looked like a gray-haired mature man. His gray hair looks like silver, and his beard and mustache are golden. He was also depicted in legends as an angry older man who had a large red swirling beard. The people believed that he raced through the heavens on a chariot or on a horse, and the thunder heard on earth was nothing more than the roar produced by his chariot. It was harnessed to white and black stallions with wings.

The name “Perun” arose in ancient times and is interpreted as “the one who hits harder,” “striking.” The God it represents is the eldest and most famous of the Children of Svarog and Lada, the master of thunder, lightning, and thunderclouds. When Perun saw this light, it happened strong earthquake. Before the young deity had time to grow up, she and her sisters were kidnapped by the half-man, half-scorpion Skipper and plunged into eternal sleep. Perun slept in captivity for a long time and had already turned into a man when his older brothers found him in the dungeon. Washed by living water, the god came to his senses, found and destroyed the evil spell that turned his sisters into monsters, and destroyed the Skipper-beast.

People born under the patronage of Perun are distinguished by their special vitality, fearlessness, and masculinity. They care little about their own image and the impression they make on others. These people are feared more than they are respected, and even more so than they are loved. The children of Perun do not go for divorces, they stop the development of scandals, but they turn into aggressive creatures when they cannot find a worthy use of their energy. If in the best incarnation these people can be called stern, brave warriors, then the incarnation with a “minus” sign is the role of a martinet, a reveler and a rowdy.

People born in January have another patron - Indrik the beast. He is depicted as a Unicorn. The battle of this creature with Leo is considered a symbol of the month, and its deep meaning is the battle of the law of time (Kolyada) with the self (Indra).

It is noteworthy that in none of the surviving popular prints and paintings there is a plot in which one of the wrestlers would defeat the other. This is one of the laws of world evolution: the annual cycle (circle) and free will (rectilinear vector), which have equal strength, sum up, unite, and create a spiral movement, i.e. development that has no end point.

Anyone who was born under the auspices of the Unicorn has the opportunity to be as free as possible in expressing their own will. That is why, in order to prevent imbalance in the world around them, they are obliged to exercise great caution. Any peaks can be conquered by Unicorn people if they often think about whether they are taking on too much. It will be especially useful for them to remember the old proverb: “The slower you go, the further you go.”

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