Home Hygiene The child's breath smells like Komarov. Causes of bad breath in a two year old child

The child's breath smells like Komarov. Causes of bad breath in a two year old child

Bad breath in a 2 year old child can be caused by various internal and external factors. Doctors call this phenomenon halitosis. It is important for parents to pay attention to general state baby, as many diseases internal organs, requiring medication assistance, are accompanied by such a symptom.

Bad breath in a 2-year-old child is a consequence of slow secretion production salivary glands. Then parents can feel it after the baby wakes up. If the problem occurs only in the morning hours, then it is classified as physiological phenomena not requiring treatment.

External factors contributing to the development of halitosis:

  • insufficient indoor humidity, low fluid intake or living in a dry climate, leading to dehydration;
  • severe nervous tension;
  • failure to perform or poor quality of hygienic cleaning oral cavity, which increases the accumulation of anaerobic bacteria on the teeth;
  • the presence in the diet of excessive amounts of onions, garlic, corn, cheese and sweets; the remains of such food in the interdental space contribute to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Drinking sugary carbonated drinks reduces saliva production.

To solve the problem, you will need to eliminate the provoking factor and follow the rules of oral hygiene.

Some pathologies in 2 year old child accompanied by symptoms such as bad smell from mouth:

  • dental diseases;
  • oncology;
  • illnesses respiratory tract characterized by the accumulation of mucus in them (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx - sore throat, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and bladder;
  • damage to the parotid glands.

Treatment pathological cause foul odor is carried out only after carrying out diagnostic studies, which allow you to establish the correct diagnosis and select the appropriate medications.

What disease can be indicated by bad breath in a two-year-old child?

Based on the manifestation of the symptom, it can be assumed that the baby has a certain type of pathology. Diagnosis by symptom type:

Character of the smell

Cause of halitosis

Putrefactive, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and herpes. In their absence, halitosis is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach or twelve duodenum.
AmmoniacalOccurs with severe intoxication of the body and kidney dysfunction.
Smell rotten eggs or fecesDiseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, dysbiosis, chronic constipation and other intestinal problems).
SourStomach problems (reflux).
Smell of acetoneIf a 2-year-old child’s breath smells like acetone, then this is a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis, which occurs as a result of a disorder carbohydrate metabolism due to lack of insulin.
SweetishPurulent processes in the throat (adenoids, sore throat) or liver disease.
IodineHyperthyroidism, oncology. It is also observed with excessive presence in the diet of mixtures or foods high in iodine or taking dietary supplements.
Yeast smellInfections caused by infection with fungi of the genus Candida.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! If your child is 2 years old and you notice that his breath smells like one of those listed in the table above, then you need to be examined by a gastroenterologist and a dentist. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, the patient is referred to other specialists.

What can you do at home?

When two year old child If your breath smells, then after the examination you can carry out the following procedures:

  • antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity - Chlorhexidine solution - effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria;
  • if saliva production decreases due to a runny nose, you need to rinse the nasal passages with saline solution;
  • in case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the mucous membrane can be wiped with decoctions of calendula, yarrow, chamomile and oak bark. Aloe juice and echinacea tincture have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! Children should not use alcohol solutions for treatment of the oral cavity.

At this age, children need to properly organize their diet (limit sweets and sour foods), give them more to drink clean water without sugar and maintain a sufficient level of humidity in the room. It is also necessary to regularly brush your teeth so that bacteria do not accumulate on their surface.

If a pathological cause of an unpleasant odor is identified, the doctor should prescribe appropriate medications. In severe cases, it is necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital.

When should you urgently consult a doctor?

If a two-year-old child has bad breath all day long, and hygienic cleaning does not solve the problem, then he needs to be shown to a dentist or gastroenterologist.

Also, a visit to the doctor is important if you have the following symptoms, indicating the development of pathology accompanied by halitosis:

  • pain in the stomach, intestines, liver or kidneys;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • belching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • gray or yellow plaque on the tongue;
  • heat;
  • bleeding gums;
  • severe weakness;
  • thirst.

To establish a diagnosis, the dentist will examine the oral cavity and conduct a study using a halimeter, which measures the level of volatile sulfur compounds formed during the life of bacteria. A scraping from the tongue is also taken and the microbiological composition of plaque on the teeth is examined.

  • maintain indoors optimal performance humidity;
  • enrich the diet with fortified foods that strengthen the immune system; this will reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx.
  • Summing up

    If you are tormented by the question of why your two-year-old child’s breath smells, you need to reconsider his diet, take into account how often you spend hygienic cleaning teeth, and whether there is sufficient humidity in the baby’s room. In the presence of accompanying symptoms The child needs to be seen urgently by a doctor. This will allow you to pass in a timely manner diagnostic measures and identify possible diseases of internal organs in initial stage. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner the functioning of the body's systems will return to normal and the bad breath will disappear.

    Bad breath always indicates some changes in the functioning of internal organs, not just better side. And if My child's breath smells like acetone (Komarovsky E.O. speaks of this smell as the sweetish taste of spoiling apples), then most likely the child has acetonemic syndrome (a disturbance of metabolic processes in the body).

    It can be primary and secondary.

    Primary - metabolic disorder (carbohydrates, uric acid, purines, lipids).

    Secondary - is a consequence of an existing disease (somatic, surgical, infectious, endocrine).

    Komarovsky E.O. - acetone in children

    The main source of energy for child's body glucose remains. The liver produces and stores glycogen. Adults have quite a lot of it, but children have a deficiency. With a lack of glycogen, the child’s body switches to consuming fat and protein cells. When they are broken down, excess acetone (ketone bodies) is produced.

    During acetonemic syndrome, the internal organs of a child (liver and kidneys) are not able to remove excess acetone from the body due to the peculiarity of their functioning. Already upon reaching adolescence the picture will change dramatically.

    Acetonemic crisis - the appearance in the body of a large number of undegraded fatty acids. It is during their partial removal through the lungs that we so clearly detect the smell of acetone. They accumulate in the blood, causing acidosis (acidic blood).

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are some reasons that cause the syndrome:

    • fasting or poor diet;
    • pathological changes in the liver;
    • improper functioning of the pancreas or adrenal glands;
    • infectious diseases;
    • liver damage;
    • concussion.

    Depending on the identified cause of the disease, a treatment regimen is determined.

    How does an acetonemic crisis manifest itself?

    • sudden profuse vomiting always associated with food (after or during);
    • weakness and lethargy;
    • refusal to eat;
    • acute abdominal pain;
    • against the background of pale skin, circles under the eyes;
    • low body temperature;
    • smell of acetone.

    If you have the above symptoms, you should remember the danger that acetone poses to the entire body. When Child's breath smells like acetone, Komarovsky recommends combining diet and treatment to solve the situation.

    Acetone in children, treatment (Komarovsky)

    It must be said right away that the smell of acetone can be overcome at home (if the cause is related to poor diet). But this does not apply to all other causes of the disease. The entire course of treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

    Instructions for actions at home:

    1. Cleansing enema (1 teaspoon of soda, 250 ml of water).
    2. Alkaline drink every 15 minutes.
    3. If there is no vomiting, give dried fruit compote.
    4. Regidron - 1 liter should be taken per day (a teaspoon every 2 minutes).
    5. If appetite returns, give lean food.
    6. Prevention: healthy lifestyle, walking fresh air, sports, balanced nutrition.

    Regarding the appointment medicines Dr. Komarovsky E.O. speaks about the prescription of drugs exclusively by the attending physician.

    How to do it read here.

    If a child is vomiting profusely, it is possible to take Smecta or Phospholugel (enterosorbents). Despite all their harmlessness, the wrong dosage can lead to negative consequences on the body.

    Read also:

    Diet after acetone in children (Komarovsky)

    In such circumstances, it is necessary to prepare:

    • porridges exclusively cooked in water (buckwheat, oatmeal, corn);
    • mashed potatoes;
    • biscuits and baked apples;
    • lean meat;
    • vegetable soups;
    • milk and dairy products(ryazhenka, kefir);
    • 1 boiled chicken egg;
    • fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • still mineral water, dried fruit compote, rehydron, juices in glass.

    This diet should be followed for at least 3 weeks with 3-4 daily meals.

    At the same time, we remove from the diet: pickles, smoked meats, seasonings, fatty foods, sweet carbonated drinks.

    1. Food should always be freshly prepared.
    2. It is advisable to eat at the same time (routine).
    3. Prohibition on drinking sweet water.
    4. Do not overfeed.
    5. Sweet and fatty foods limit if possible.
    6. Mineral water only from the pharmacy
    7. Juices in glass.

    Recipe for a drink with raisins and apples.

    Take 30 g of raisins and wash well hot water. Peel a couple of apples, remove the insides and cut into small cubes. Place the raisins in boiling water (1 liter) and cook for 30 minutes. Add chopped apples. Cook for another 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat. Let it cool and strain. The drink is ready.

    The amazing thing about babies is that they smell sweet, but sometimes it is completely different. A mother who smells an unpleasant odor from her child’s mouth is very worried. Dr. Komarovsky will help you understand this problem. Subject of the program:
    Americans conducted research and came to the conclusion that this problem worries more than half of the population. A conference was held in Chicago on the topic of bad breath, dentists and microbiologists took part, they came to the conclusion that bacteria that multiply and release sulfur components are to blame. These bacteria mainly collect on the tongue and this problem is called “halitosis”.

    It has long been proven that some bacteria, during their life, break down proteins and thus form sulfur-containing compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan). It turns out that saliva inhibits the proliferation of bad bacteria because saliva contains a special microbe, a type of streptococcus. When examining people with bad smell from the mouth, then this microbe (salivary streptococcus) is practically not detected in them. And if this microbe lives in a person’s saliva in sufficient quantities, then it eats all these sulfur compounds.
    Dr. Komarovsky says that when it comes to bad breath, there is no need to investigate anything because, especially in children, attempts to connect it with the stomach, gallbladder and digestion occurs quite often. But in reality, between the mouth and the stomach there is an esophagus, which has a sealed valve and does not allow stomach contents to flow up into the mouth. And if it does, it’s called heartburn and the person experiences another kind of discomfort. In 99% of cases, bad breath does not affect you in any way. gastrointestinal tract. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that multiply in the mouth, and saliva stops the multiplication of bacteria. Dry mouth causes an unpleasant odor, and when there is a lack of saliva, rot in the mouth and nose can begin.

    Having felt an unpleasant odor from a child’s mouth, many parents simply do not pay attention to it, attributing it to the characteristics of the food that the child consumed. However, such a manifestation can often be the initial signal of certain diseases in the baby related to the functioning of internal organs.

    Main causes of odor

    There may be several reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in a child’s mouth:

    • Food, causing the appearance of microbes that have a certain odor. These are some types of juices and drinks, onions and garlic, uncontrolled consumption of sweet foods, corn and cheese. Most often, after the first rinsing or brushing of teeth, the pathology disappears without a trace.
    • Child has bad breath may be caused by poor hygiene. If the baby is not accustomed to brushing his teeth after every meal or rinsing the oral mucosa, then he will definitely appear. In addition, at the age of 5-7 years, when teeth are replaced, a large number of bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity. At insufficient hygiene oral bacteria actively multiply, causing an unpleasant odor. Moreover, you need to watch not only your teeth, but also your tongue. The tongue is cleaned at least twice a day to avoid the appearance of a white coating.
    • Damage to the mucous membrane by fungal infections. A child may develop strong odor from the mouth as a result of a violation of the normal ratio of microorganisms and fungal bacteria. When fungal infection, penetrating the body, disrupts the microflora and bacteria become more numerous, fungal inflammation appears, and as a result - an unpleasant odor. The manifestation of a fungal infection in the oral cavity is possible when the child has a disease of the mucous membrane, when parents actively use antiseptic solutions for irrigation of the pharynx. Violated beneficial microflora mucous membrane and a fungal infection is activated.
    • Mucus in the sinuses. This disease, which is very common in young children, can also be accompanied by bad breath in the child. A sour taste appears in the mouth, which goes away only after brushing or rinsing. So-called, seasonal allergies, dries out the mucous membrane, preventing natural moisture from accumulating in the required quantity.
    • Chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids. Any pathology associated with ENT diseases causes small child smell from the mouth. This is due to the fact that the inflamed organs become loose, pathogenic bacteria begin to activate on their surface, and plaque or purulent mucus appears. During illness, parents should take care of oral and nasal hygiene, rinsing and rinsing. The mucus may be purulent in nature, and the smell from the mouth will also acquire a characteristic purulent tint.
    • An unpleasant odor in the mouth occurs in a child if the baby is diagnosed with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, the pathology is caused by gastritis or gastroduodenitis with high acidity, accompanied by sour belching.
    • Another reason could be frequent stress and anxiety in a child, when under the influence of vegetative nervous system The production of saliva is disrupted and the oral mucosa becomes dry, and pathogenic microflora develops.

    But how to explain when, in the absence of all the above reasons, parents still notice the spread of this phenomenon? What else could cause this? It often happens that after experiencing severe stress or fear, a child develops a similar pathology.

    The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth: causes

    The first signs of increased acetone in the body are its characteristic unpleasant odor. Our body feeds on energy by getting it from glucose. The moment the blood stops carrying the required amount of glucose throughout the body, we begin to look for energy in other sources, including getting it from the accumulation of fat. The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth indicates that a significant proportion of acetone has entered the blood along with the broken down fats. This substance begins to be produced in large quantities and is excreted from the body through urine and saliva.

    The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth can be associated with the aroma of pickled apples. This is the first signal that the child is developing a number of diseases associated with intoxication of the kidneys or liver, dehydration, and diabetes.

    In this case, the child must be examined for blood sugar levels, make sure that the baby drinks a sufficient amount of fluid, and his body is not dehydrated.

    How to rid your baby of bad breath?

    The first thing to do is to determine the cause of its occurrence. Parents should consult a dentist if their child has bad breath in the morning: common cause are diseases of the dentition, gums or mucous membranes.

    The pediatrician will also help you understand the problem. It is possible that your child will need a number of additional examinations and consultations with other specialists (ENT doctor, gastroenterologist). It is imperative to exclude foci in the child chronic infection (chronic tonsillitis, dental caries). In many cases, infection from these foci spreads throughout the body, causing more severe pathologies.

    If you notice bad breath in a child aged 1-2 years, you need to reduce the amount of sweets your baby consumes. This is especially true for chocolates, cakes and pastries with rich creams. If your baby loves sugar, switch it to honey. This natural product will not only replace candy for the child, but also eliminate discomfort. At the same time, you can add citrus fruits to your diet - oranges, tangerines and lemons will increase natural moisture, increase salivation and eliminate the problem.

    Dr. Komarovsky: what to do if a child has bad breath?

    Pay special attention to cases when the child has a fever and bad breath. This is clear evidence that the baby is infected and the body has begun inflammatory process. Contact the clinic immediately, as these symptoms indicate the onset of infectious disease, and you simply cannot do without the help of doctors. You will need to consult a doctor in any case, because only a specialist can establish and prescribe a diagnosis and treatment!

    Russia, Yekaterinburg

    Evgeniy Olegovich, I want to thank you so much, you really saved us with this video! The fact is that a few days ago my 2-year-old son developed an unpleasant odor from his mouth, the first thing they did was thoroughly clean his teeth, it didn’t help, she gave him carrots and an apple to clean it more thoroughly, the smell did not go away, I decided to take him to a gastroenterologist, since this happens the opinion that something is wrong in this case with digestive system, and of course get tested. We won’t be able to get to a specialist before 2 weeks later, how much more time would have been lost and what it would have led to is unknown... But my husband found this video, and after watching it they began to analyze it - there is no plaque on the tongue, salivation is fine, which means that all that remains is nose. As you advise in the video, sniffing it led me to realize that the smell from the nose is even stronger than from the mouth! The child breathed well through his nose. I washed it with saline. solution right there, and began to suction with a special tube, and noticed something deep inside that she could not reach. They called an ambulance because it was late, and the ENT specialist at the hospital used tweezers to take out a piece of foam rubber (a piece of a child’s ball)!!! No matter how many times we went to doctors and took all sorts of tests, until it took a critical turn, because this foam rubber has already begun to rot there, it’s scary to imagine... Thank you again for explaining so clearly and emphasizing what is needed and how do!

    19/04/2013 00:31

    Canada, Watrous

    It would not be bad if Evgeniy Olegovich devoted time to infants! We are 4 months old, there is more than enough saliva, our nose is breathing! But there is a smell, it’s kind of medicinal. We don’t drink anything except breast milk. I don’t know what to think.

    06/09/2012 21:15

    Russia Moscow

    I can tell you where my smell comes from. I am a lover of sweets. And as soon as I eat cake or pastry, the next day my breath stinks. We on the website zapah izortainfo/ discussed this issue a lot. And after many who communicate there gave up sweets, the smell went away by itself. This means that some processes in the oral cavity have changed, causing a decrease in odor?

    08/04/2012 22:24

    Ukraine, Kyiv

    I want to share my story of how I got rid of the smell.
    I suffered from bad breath for several years, plus my gums were constantly bleeding from brushing my teeth, and generally just like that - for no reason. He was constantly spitting blood. No matter what I rinsed them, nothing helped.
    They even gave injections into the gums with some kind of herbal bullshit called Traumeel and Lymphomyosot. Absolutely useless drugs, but they cost a lot! If someone is offered a prick (doctors have this trick now) - send them to hell! They have zero effect!

    But something completely different helped me!

    I recently had my gastrointestinal tract examined and was diagnosed with duodenal erosion and Helicobacter Pilory bacteria in my stomach. Treatment was prescribed. He treated the erosion with the drug Barol 20 + diet.
    And I killed the bacteria with antibiotics - Clarithromycin 500 mg. 2 times a day. + Amoxicillin 1000 mg. 2 times a day.

    So, I started taking antibiotics and..... UNEXPECTEDLY for me, somewhere on the FIFTH day of taking it, my gums stopped bleeding and the smell from my mouth disappeared.
    (I took the full course of antibiotics - 14 days.)

    And now, for four months, even more, I live like normal person and I’m not shy to talk to people. There is no smell even in the morning!

    I recently talked to a dentist and she told me that yes, indeed, if there is bleeding, an antibiotic is prescribed. But I forgot which of these two, I think Clarithromycin... I don’t remember.

    So treat your gums!

    Before treatment, be sure to consult your doctor. Still, I used a dose of antibiotics that was too high for children!

    24/03/2012 18:13

    Russia, Sayanogorsk

    I watched this video and tell you my story. And I think that my child Toothbrush And water with lemon wouldn't help. Now my daughter is 12 years old and for three years she has not had bad breath, but before she had terrible breath. Thanks to the wonderful ENT specialist from Belokurikha. My daughter grew up as a sick child, I won’t go into all the details, but thanks to our “wonderful” doctors, we “healed” her, killing her entire mucous membrane with antibiotics. When we came to see N.Ya. Shipunova, the first thing she did was take a swab from the throat to check for the presence of fungal mycelium, and when she reached deeper with her inspection stick, she simply pulled out a bunch of “eggs” from the tonsils. On the tonsils The child had a fungus multiplying, this was clear even without analysis. We underwent sanitation of the palatine tonsils using the Tonsillor apparatus, followed by shading of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils with a silver pearl. Laser therapy of the nasopharynx. Irrigation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa with Imunorix solution. The procedure is unpleasant, but effective. Since then, my daughter no longer suffers from bad breath.

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