Home Orthopedics Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs

Pelvic ultrasound is ultrasound diagnostics organs located in the lower section abdominal cavity: bladder, kidneys, rectum, reproductive system men and women. Pelvic ultrasound is used for patients of any gender and age. Since the procedure is safe and informative, pelvic ultrasound is performed during pregnancy.

Examination of the pelvic organs is carried out in 3 ways:

  • Transabdominal, i.e. through the front abdominal wall
  • Transvaginally, i.e. through the vagina. This method allows you to assess the condition reproductive system women
  • Transrectally, i.e. through the rectum. This method allows you to assess the condition of the male reproductive system.

In gynecology, pelvic ultrasound allows you to diagnose pregnancy at early, identify different inflammatory diseases, conduct early diagnosis neoplasms and uterine fibroids, measure the thickness of the endometrium, and also obtain important diagnostic information regarding serious pathologies, including those that require surgical intervention.

There are two ways to perform an ultrasound examination by a gynecologist - transabdominal (during pregnancy and in virgins) and transvaginal ultrasound.

  • Transabdominal ultrasound It is carried out through the abdominal wall (the sensor is located outside, the doctor passes it along the lower abdomen) and does not require preparation.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound allows you to examine the organs being examined in more detail, as it is performed by directly inserting a sensor into the woman’s vagina.

Indications for ultrasound diagnostics:

Indications for the use of pelvic ultrasound are pain in the lower abdomen, absence of menstruation, or, conversely, copious discharge, previous illnesses of the genital organs.

Indications for ultrasound of the pelvic organs:

  • The appearance of blood in the urine
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen
  • Violation menstrual cycle
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Congenital pathologies development of the genitourinary system

How to prepare for research?

Before the procedure, it is necessary to fill the bladder (drink 1-1.5 liters of water 1 hour before the examination and do not go to the toilet). During a vaginal examination, no special preparation is required, and it is best to empty your bladder. The intestines should be empty and without gases before the procedure. You may take a laxative while using the rectal probe.

Preparing for a pelvic ultrasound

Depending on what type of pelvic ultrasound is recommended and for what purpose, certain preparation may be required from the patient. Thus, with a transabdominal ultrasound, a waste-free diet is recommended several days before the examination, and a cleansing enema the day before. An hour before the test, it is advisable to drink about a liter of water to keep your bladder full. Transvaginal examination does not require special preparation, and the procedure is carried out with an empty bladder. Transrectal ultrasound requires a bowel movement and also an empty Bladder, so the day before you should take a laxative or cleanse your intestines with an enema.

How is a pelvic ultrasound performed?

During transabdominal ultrasound, the patient is positioned on the couch on his back, Bottom part the abdomen is freed from clothing. With transvaginal - also on the couch, but the legs are bent at the knees, and with transrectal - on the left side and the legs bent at the knees are pressed to the chest. The sensor in the last two options is narrow and elongated; a condom is put on it and a gel is applied to facilitate penetration into the cavity and improve the quality of ultrasonic signal transmission. The duration of the study can be 15-20 minutes.

At the MedElite clinic, ultrasound examinations of the pelvic organs are performed using modern high-tech equipment, which allows for high-quality visualization of the diagnosed organ, as well as an assessment of its condition and structure. If necessary, at the MedElite clinic you can consult with specialized specialists by contacting a urologist or gynecologist for further treatment identified disease. Any patient can choose a clinic with a convenient location and undergo a pelvic ultrasound on Victory Park or perform a pelvic ultrasound on Molodezhnaya.

Over the past decades, ultrasound examination (ultrasound) has become an integral part of the diagnostic process due to its high information content and affordable cost of the procedure. Ultrasound allows you to examine internal organs and identify their changes, which in most cases allows you to make an accurate diagnosis.
Abdominal ultrasound is one of the most frequently prescribed types of examination. It allows during one procedure to examine all organs located inside the abdominal cavity: liver and gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach and intestines. In addition to changes in these organs, ultrasound can detect adhesions and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.
Indications for abdominal ultrasound are various diseases digestive system or suspicions about them. In some cases, this study is carried out for preventive purposes, as part of medical examinations or medical examinations.

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound

The main problem that can reduce the information content of abdominal ultrasound is increased gas formation in the intestines. To solve this problem, a special diet is prescribed 3 days before the study.
Excluded from the diet:
  • vegetables and fruits, especially fresh ones;
  • dairy products;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea.
Lean meat, cereals, eggs, and dairy products are allowed. Meals these days should be fractional, in small portions. In some cases, the use of drugs that improve digestion (enzyme) or sorbents that absorb gases (smecta, enterosgel) is indicated.
If an abdominal ultrasound is performed in the morning, it should be performed on an empty stomach. If it is scheduled for the second half of the day, breakfast is allowed. For persistent constipation, a cleansing enema can be performed before the examination or a laxative may be prescribed the day before, since feces also significantly reduce the information content of an abdominal ultrasound.

How is an abdominal ultrasound performed?

The procedure itself usually takes 10-15 minutes. The patient is placed on the couch, and a special gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen to ensure better penetration of ultrasonic waves. The doctor places the sensor in the projection areas internal organs, paying Special attention those of them from whom there are clinical symptoms. To better examine all the organs, the doctor asks the patient to turn on one side, then on the other. The liver and spleen are best seen at the height of inspiration when holding the breath.
The results of an abdominal ultrasound represent a doctor's report describing the size and structure of all organs. It is accompanied by a printout of the image of the ECHO structure, which may be useful to other specialists.

In the diagnostic process, ultrasound plays a role effective solution, and at the same time, an affordable, safe and acceptable method of examination for every person. All these factors, combined with each other, contribute to ultrasound gaining great popularity. It is worth emphasizing that there is no need to use chemicals to carry out this procedure, irradiation or use of unsafe for health harmful ways impact. It is ultrasound examination that is most often the most preferable. Research at the Izmailovo Medical Center using this method makes it possible to see a complete picture of the condition of all human organs of any age category, including a newborn baby, and in the presence of any pathologies. Within the walls of this clinic, specialists conduct a comprehensive examination using modern ultrasound machines, which results in high-quality and high-resolution images. Examinations are carried out exclusively with the help of modern ultrasound machines, which tend to have the best performance and technical capabilities. Carrying out the examination is the responsibility of a diagnostician who has the highest qualifications and the required work experience. If an ultrasound is performed at the Izmailovo Medical Center, you can check the entire body as comfortably and quickly as possible and undergo a comprehensive examination. Our visitors get the chance to have a painless check of all internal organs in just one go. That is, just one procedure, and you already know what state the main systems and internal organs of your body are in. The examination does not take much time, and it is almost painless. After receiving the results qualified doctor- the diagnostician will give comprehensive answers to all the patient’s questions.

What does expert ultrasound mean?

Carrying out an expert examination using an ultrasound machine at the Izmailovo Medical Center implies the presence of the latest type of equipment, which has wide capabilities and works using unique technologies. This is what contributes to obtaining high-quality images and high resolution. Expert ultrasound acts as an achievement diagnostic equipment a modern model that facilitates conducting short time full examination the whole organism, at the same time, also obtaining a clear picture. The objectivity of the results obtained depends on the quality and functionality of the equipment used for the examination. Accordingly, our medical Center focuses its attention on this aspect.

Types of ultrasound

The Izmailovo Clinic provides the opportunity for everyone to undergo any type of examination using ultrasound machines. You can resort to comprehensive examination, or you can inspect a specific organ or area. Determining the required type of examination is directly influenced by clinical indications. In the center you can check the work using ultrasound:

  • Hearts
  • Spleens
  • Abdominal organs
  • Pelvic organs
  • Mammary glands
  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Prostate
  • Sinuses
  • Bladder
  • Joints
  • Vessels
  • Conditions of the uterus

Thanks to the use of modern ultrasound scanners, an area or organ is quickly checked for the presence of a certain pathology in it. How safe is it to do an ultrasound? Ultrasound today acts as the safest procedure that cannot cause harm to the body. Therefore, you can be examined in this way many times without fear for your health.

At the EEG Center of the North-Eastern Administrative District, specialists are assigned to each district who will help you prescribe the most optimal examination for you.

Today there are many ways to diagnose the disease. But it still remains the most popular ultrasonography organs. The simplicity and relatively low cost of such research help to immediately obtain a clear picture of the processes that occur in the body. And thereby exclude inflammatory processes in organism. This procedure allows you to easily and painlessly identify the disease and begin adequate treatment. But before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the organ for examination. How to do it?

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound

During an ultrasound examination, internal organs must be open. They should not be obscured by gases and products that are in the intestines. To do this, the intestines need to be prepared.

First of all, within a few days of the planned study, exclude from daily consumption foods that cause bloating. These include beans, peas, brown bread, bananas, and sweets. May cause excessive gas formation fresh vegetables and fruits, especially cabbage.

It is also necessary to take espumizan for three days (as prescribed by the doctor). On the day of the study, you will need to increase the dosage to four capsules. They need to be taken once a day, and should not be washed down with water. Abdominal ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach. Before starting this procedure, you should not eat for 6 hours.

A patient suffering from diabetes mellitus, light breakfast is allowed.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the gallbladder

Preparation for this study is almost the same as for the study of the abdominal cavity. It is necessary to take for research those products that stimulate the functioning of the gallbladder. You can use full-fat sour cream or purchase it at the pharmacy. choleretic agent(holiver, corn silk, etc.). Children are given dark chocolate instead of sour cream. This ultrasound is done 2 times. First on an empty stomach. And before the second study, they take choleretic products. Therefore, this research takes a lot of time.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys

This procedure does not require special preparation. Experts recommend drinking plenty of liquid before the procedure. It is possible that in addition to the main study, the specialist will recommend an ultrasound of the bladder. You should fill your bladder an hour before the test. To do this, drink 3-4 glasses of any non-carbonated liquid. It can be compote, fruit drink, tea, water.

Ultrasound of the bladder

The condition for the study is a full bladder. An hour before the test, you need to drink 3-4 glasses of any non-carbonated liquid. At the same time, you cannot urinate. Tea, fruit juice, compote, and water can be used as a filler.

If a person is unable to tolerate it, then you can empty your bladder a little. Thus, tension is relieved. But after this you need to drink fluid again to fill the bladder completely.

Preparing for a pelvic examination

This ultrasound can be performed on any day of the cycle. The exception is the days of menstruation. To clarify the diagnosis, a repeat ultrasound is performed on the day of the cycle, which is prescribed by a specialist. The location of the pelvic organs is the abdominal cavity. They are located deep, making them difficult to explore.

In order to examine the pelvis (uterus, ovaries, the fallopian tubes), use a special vaginal sensor. This research method is called transvaginal. If the girl is a virgin, then this method is not acceptable for her. Transvaginal ultrasound does not require preliminary preparation and is performed through the anterior abdominal wall. Before starting the study, you need to go to the toilet and empty your bladder.

An hour before the appointed time, virgins drink 3-4 glasses of non-carbonated liquid.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands - preparation

At this study It is necessary to know exactly the start date of a woman’s menstrual cycle. An ultrasound is performed five to fourteen days after the start of menstruation. Special preparation this type does not require research.

Thyroid gland - Preparing for an ultrasound

The location of the organ under study is on the neck. It is not hidden from the inside and special training not required for research. There is only a restriction for children and the elderly. You should not eat before the test.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland - Preparation

This study, or TRUS as it is also called, is performed through the rectum. Therefore, it will need to be cleaned. This is done as follows. A couple of hours before the start of the study, the patient is given a microenema. Its volume is 200 ml. For this they take plain water and using a special bulb is inserted into the rectum. The patient empties within a few minutes. It is necessary to fill the bladder by taking liquid an hour before the procedure. If the patient is unable to tolerate it, you can go to the toilet. But then you will need to drink some liquid again.

Modern medicine can offer many ways to examine the body. Some are more common, some are less common. But one irreplaceable thing will be discussed below.

This type of research is the most modern way diagnosis of many diseases, detection pathological processes, inflammation in the abdominal cavity or gynecology, including. This is the most exact method research, highly informative and, most importantly, very accessible to a wide range of the population.

Ultrasound research is based on the phenomenon of echolocation. The principle is approximately the following: a signal is sent inside the body using the device, where it is reflected from the internal organs and returns back. The device reads it and, thanks to the different acoustic properties of tissues, they can be identified.

What is it for?

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed on everyone, regardless of age and gender. It is done in order to get to the bottom of the cause of blood in the urine and difficulty urinating (kidney examination); identify malignant tumor; diagnose the condition of the rectum; to determine the causes of abdominal pain. The ovaries, uterus and appendages are also examined. With its help, pregnancy is confirmed and its timing is established. Examine the prostate gland. Determine the causes of infertility.

There are no contraindications for these studies.

Ultrasound of the pelvis. Preparation

No matter what day this examination is scheduled, it should not be done if a procedure using barium was already performed the day before. Preparation for ultrasound of the pelvic organs is generally simple. And it depends on the organ that will be examined. The procedure itself is quite easy and quick; no activity is required from the patient. It is enough for him to lie on the couch, on his back or on his side. It is necessary to expose the stomach or lower abdomen. The diagnostician will lubricate the sensor special gel, moves the sensor over the abdomen, pressing lightly. Viewing of internal organs is carried out from different angles.

If there is inflammation in the area being examined, discomfort or discomfort may occur during the examination. painful sensations. Depending on the disease and the purpose of the examination, the ultrasound procedure will take from ten to twenty minutes.

Transabdominal ultrasound

This type of diagnosis will be carried out externally, through the abdominal cavity. A couple of days before the scheduled examination, you should follow a small diet. Eliminate foods that cause fermentation and gas formation. Limit yourself in the intake of plant and meat products, it is better to exclude dairy and carbonated drinks. Before the ultrasound, you need to empty your bowels. Before the procedure itself, the patient will be asked to drink a sufficient amount of water approximately one hour in advance to ensure that the bladder is well filled. If the study needs to be done urgently, then the liquid will be administered in a hospital setting through urinary catheter. The examination can be carried out either lying on your back or on your side.

Transrectal ultrasound

Diagnosis of diseases through the anus. For transrectal ultrasound of the pelvis, preparation consists of performing a cleansing enema. The day before you should exclude gas-forming products. The patient is positioned on his left side, and his legs will have to be bent at the knees. A thin transducer is inserted into the rectum, so the examination is a little painful.

Transvaginal ultrasound

Diagnosis will be performed vaginally. Ultrasound of the pelvis, preparation: for this three to four hours the patient will not be able to drink liquids and should have a bowel movement immediately before the procedure. The procedure is performed lying on your back, hips apart.

If it is necessary to find the cause of infertility, then it will be more informative to do a transvaginal ultrasound than a transabdominal one.

To conduct an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, special preparation is not required if the woman has bleeding unknown etiology, Availability acute pain. It is best to carry out the procedure with an empty intestine.

To conduct a pelvic ultrasound, preparation for a woman’s menstruation is not required, if any emergency indications for research. If the procedure is planned, then it is better to carry it out on the fifth or seventh day of the cycle.

Ultrasound and pregnancy

This type of diagnosis for expectant mothers is simply an irreplaceable procedure that will allow both the gynecologist and the youngest mother to control the entire course of pregnancy. Modern diagnostics allows you to identify possible shortcomings already early stages, with the onset of pregnancy, identify the location of the embryo to exclude ectopic fertilization. Such a pregnancy can pose a threat to a woman’s health and life.

An ultrasound examination will show with high accuracy the location of the fertilized egg. Determine its age, judging by its size, and structural features. Already in the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy, using ultrasound examination future mom will be able to hear her baby's heart beat. This not only evokes positive emotions in both parents, but also allows the doctor to verify the normal functioning of the fetus and its normal development.

To perform a pelvic ultrasound, no preparation is required during pregnancy. It is carried out at all stages of pregnancy.

During her pregnancy, the expectant mother will undergo ultrasound screening three times. First, for a period of ten to twelve weeks. A little later, at eighteen to twenty-two weeks. And the final one - already at twenty-eight to thirty-two weeks. The purpose of the study is to give a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the fetus, to find out anatomical structure, correct and timely development of all organs and systems, assess growth parameters, exclude developmental defects.

Examination of pelvic organs and tissues using ultrasound is widely carried out in both women and men. Modern experts strongly advise all women over forty years of age to undergo this type of study and men over fifty years of age. This will allow you to diagnose problems in time. reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, if you have any. Thereby speeding up treatment and prevention negative consequences. Early ultrasound diagnosis for the purpose of prevention is the key to your health and longevity.

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