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Raising and teaching disabled children - about education and legal assistance - roboi. Start in science Raising disabled children in a social institution

1. Educational institutions, together with social protection authorities and health authorities, provide pre-school and out-of-school education for disabled children and education for disabled children in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person.

2. For disabled children preschool age the necessary rehabilitation measures are provided and conditions are created for staying in preschool institutions general type.

3. For disabled children whose health condition precludes their stay in general preschool institutions, special preschool institutions are created.

4. If it is impossible to educate and educate disabled children in general or special preschool and general education institutions, education authorities and educational institutions, with the consent of the parents, provide education for disabled children according to a full general education or individual program at home.

5. Out of competition subject to successful completion entrance examinations to state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and state and municipal educational institutions of higher vocational education admit children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, who, according to the conclusion federal institution medical and social examination Studying in appropriate educational institutions is not contraindicated.

Procedure for teaching a disabled child at home

1. The basis for organizing education for a disabled child at home is the conclusion of a medical institution.

2. List of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to educate a disabled child at home: approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation [See. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated 07/08/1980 N 281-M, Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated 07/28/1980 N 17-13-186 “On the list of diseases for which children need individual lessons at home and are exempt from attending public school.”].

3. Homeschooling for disabled children is provided by an educational institution that implements general education programs (as a rule, the one closest to the place of residence of the disabled child)

4. Enrollment of a disabled child in an educational institution is carried out in general procedure established for the admission of citizens to educational institutions.

5. Educational institution for disabled children studying at home:

    provides free textbooks, educational, reference and other literature available in the library of the educational institution for the duration of the training;

    provides specialists from among teaching staff, provides methodological and advisory assistance necessary for mastering general education programs;

    carries out intermediate and final certification;

    issues a state-issued document on the relevant education to those who have passed the final certification

6. Parents (legal representatives) may, when teaching a disabled child at home, additionally invite teaching staff from other educational institutions

7. Teaching staff may, by agreement with an educational institution, participate together with teaching staff of this institution in conducting intermediate and final certification of a disabled child

Reimbursement of parents' expenses for raising and educating disabled children at home

Parents (legal representatives) with disabled children who raise and educate them at home independently are compensated by educational authorities for the costs of training and education.

The amount of compensation is determined in accordance with established state and local standards for financing the costs of training and education in a state or municipal educational institution of the appropriate type and type.

Additional expenses for training and raising a disabled child at home in excess of the established funding standard are made by parents (legal representatives) and are not compensated.

Conditions for training and raising a disabled child in a non-state educational institution

The education and upbringing of a disabled child in a non-state educational institution that has state accreditation and implements general education programs can only be carried out if it has special educational conditions for training and upbringing.

Training and education should include:

    special educational programs developed taking into account individual program rehabilitation of disabled people;

    correctional methods;

    technical means;

    living environment;

    specially trained teachers;

    medical service;

    social and other conditions without which it is impossible (difficult) for disabled children to master general education programs.

“We simply must create a normal education system for people with disabilities, so that children can study among their peers in regular secondary schools, and with early age did not feel isolated from society." D.A. Medvedev.

Constitution Russian Federation; highest standard legal act Russian Federation. Adopted by the people of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993. normative legal act - the federal law from the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (ed. from); - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs”;

Federal Law from the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" (as amended from); - Federal Law from the Federal Law "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation" (ed. from); - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from "On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for the Years"; - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from "On additional measures state support for disabled people" (ed. from);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Procedure for raising and educating disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions" (as amended by); - Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from “On recommendations for organizing activities to create conditions for distance learning disabled children who need home education in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.”

Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated AF-150/06 "On creating conditions for children with disabilities to receive education disabilities health and disabled children"; - Development concept additional education dated September 4, 2014; -Law of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic of April 24, 2014 N 23-RZ “On Education.” - State program of the Russian Federation “Accessible environment” for years”;

National standard of the Russian Federation " Social service population. Quality social services. General provisions. GOST R ", approved by the resolution of the State Standard of Russia from Art.; - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948); - Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959); - UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons (1971); - UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1975) ;

Inclusive education is a comprehensive process of ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special educational needs by organizing their education in general education institutions based on the use of personality-oriented teaching methods, taking into account individual characteristics educational and cognitive activity of such children.

Principles of inclusive education: - accept students with disabilities like any other children in the class; - include them in the same types of activities, although setting different tasks; - involve students in collective forms of learning and group problem solving; - use other strategies for collective participation - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc.

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2012. The Law regulates all the key, basic issues of organizing inclusive education. Currently, the main task is to adequately develop the provisions of the law in by-laws in order to create legal framework for the implementation of domestic scientific developments related to inclusive education of citizens with disabilities.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 5 of the Law in the Russian Federation guarantees the right of every person to education. In paragraph 2 of Art. 3 establishes that one of the basic principles of state policy and legal regulation relations in the field of education is to ensure the right of every person to education, the inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education*.

Based on these provisions, in paragraphs. 1 clause 5 art. 5 states that in order to realize the right of every person to education by federal government agencies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies local government are being created the necessary conditions to obtain, without discrimination, quality education for persons with disabilities, to correct developmental disorders and social adaptation, providing early correctional assistance based on special pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages, methods and methods of communication for these individuals, and conditions that are most conducive to obtaining an education of a certain level and a certain orientation, as well as social development these persons, including through the organization of inclusive education for persons with disabilities.

The Law on Education (Clause 16, Article 2) defines the concept of “student with disabilities”. This individual who has physical and/or disabilities psychological development, confirmed by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing the acquisition of education without the creation of special conditions. It should be noted that this term applies to both persons recognized as disabled and persons who are not disabled. There may also be people with disabilities (mostly those suffering from somatic diseases) who are not students with disabilities.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 79 of the “Law on Education”, the education of students with disabilities can be organized both together with other students, and in separate classes, groups or in separate organizations that provide educational activities.

The Law on Education for the first time enshrines the concept of inclusive education in federal legislation (clause 27, article 2). This is to ensure equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

According to paragraph 8 of Art. 79 of the Education Law, vocational training and professional education students with disabilities are carried out on the basis of educational programs adapted, if necessary, for the training of these students.

Adapted program - an educational program adapted for teaching certain categories of people with disabilities, including those with disabilities, i.e. educational program of special (correctional) educational institutions of types I-VIII (Federal Law, Article 2, paragraph 28).

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 79 of the Law, general education of students with disabilities is carried out in organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs. In such organizations, special conditions are created for these students to receive education.

Special conditions - According to paragraph 3 of the same article, special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities are understood as the conditions for the education, upbringing and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical means training for collective and individual use, providing the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, providing access to the buildings of organizations carrying out educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult for students with disabilities to master educational programs limited health capabilities.

Also, according to paragraph 11 of Art. 79 when receiving education, students with disabilities are provided with free special textbooks and teaching aids, other educational literature, as well as the services of sign language interpreters and sign language interpreters.

Parents (legal representatives) of minor students have the right to be present during the examination of children by a psychological, medical-pedagogical commission, discussion of the results of the examination and recommendations received based on the results of the examination, and express their opinion regarding the proposed conditions for organizing the education and upbringing of children. Parents (legal representatives) of minor students are obliged to ensure that their children receive general education.

The Law on Education establishes (clause 2 of Article 34) that students have the right to be provided with conditions for learning, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and health status, including receiving socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction. Corresponding to this right is the obligation of teaching staff (clause 6, clause 1, article 48) to take into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health, comply with the special conditions necessary for receiving education by persons with disabilities, and interact, if necessary, with medical organizations.

Children with disabilities are children with various mental or physical abnormalities that cause impairments general development that do not allow children to lead full life. These are children whose health condition prevents them from mastering educational programs outside of special conditions of education and upbringing.

An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person is mandatory for execution by the relevant government bodies, local government bodies, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership. However, for the disabled person himself, the IPR is of a recommendatory nature; he has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as the implementation of the program as a whole

Directions for implementing the IPR: - Organization of constant support during the learning process by a special assistant (a child may need both constant support and support for the adaptation period); - Psychological and pedagogical support educational process disabled child; - Organization of education for a disabled child according to an individual curriculum.

" ABOUT state program Russian Federation “Accessible environment” for years” Government Decree of March 17, 2011 175 Target indicators and indicators of the Program: - share educational institutions, in which a universal barrier-free environment has been created, allowing for joint education of people with disabilities and people without developmental disabilities, in total number educational institutions. - One of the priority directions of state policy should be the creation of conditions for providing disabled children, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, equal access to quality education in general education and other educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education (hereinafter - ordinary educational institutions), and taking into account conclusions of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.

Raising children with disabilities is a complex process of mental and physical development of a child with sensory, mental, mental, physical nature for the purpose of its full integration into society. Modern society adheres to paternalistic views on the problem of children with disabilities, perceiving them as incapacitated, dependent, physically and mentally limited, as well as inferior members of society, erecting multiple obstacles on the path of their development and formation. The upbringing and education of disabled children is fundamentally different from the approach to the education of healthy children. What are the main aspects of raising abnormal children? What are the main approaches to the personal development of a child with developmental disabilities?

The role of the family in raising children with disabilities and their development in society

In organizing the process of raising children with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account two main components:

  • The nature of disorders and deviations in the development of the child;
  • Social aspects of the problem.

Modern society is unprepared for normal interaction with children with developmental disabilities. The social solution to the problem of children with disabilities comes down to their deliberate or indirect isolation from society. Such isolation contributes to the children’s own awareness of their inferiority and difference from normal children, which affects their psycho-emotional state. The main problems faced by parents of disabled children:

  • Lack of educational institutions to create adequate conditions for the development of children;
  • Lack of personnel - educators, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, teachers who can help a child develop the skills and abilities necessary for independent living;
  • Ignoring the right approaches to raising disabled children.

Raising children with disabilities begins in the family. The main mistake made by every family in the process of raising an abnormal child is the actualization of the problem, in other words, the parents’ “obsession” with the defect or deviation of the child. So, from early childhood, the parents themselves instill in their child the idea of ​​his inferiority and difference from other children. As a rule, parents try in every possible way to protect and protect the child from the influence of society and peers, so as not to cause him mental or physical trauma. The task of parents in the process of raising children with disabilities is to teach the child independence. A child with any physical or physical impairment mental development can and should become a full-fledged member of society. The upbringing and education of children with disabilities should be aimed at their full integration into society, and not at actualizing their isolation, which increases their vulnerability in society. A child who copes with his illness and is capable of learning and developing together with ordinary children has a better chance of living a full life in society. The family should perform a supporting function in raising children with disabilities, teaching them to cope with everyday everyday tasks, taking into account their physical and mental characteristics. A dependent child with limited abilities who is dependent on adults is obviously less likely to successfully establish himself in society.

To raise children with disabilities it is necessary:

  • Creating an atmosphere of calm, mutual understanding and mutual assistance in the family;
  • Assisting the child rather than restricting his actions;
  • Perception of the child as he is, without excessive demands on him. However, parents must be persistent, maintain regular classes, and involve specialists in the educational process.

The main goals of raising and educating disabled children

The education of children with disabilities is not limited to their placement in specialized educational institutions. The upbringing and education of disabled children begins in the family, where the child must acquire basic skills and abilities to ensure his existence without outside help, taking into account his mental and physical disabilities. As a rule, in families with disabled children, the predominant method of education is overprotection, when the child is limited in his actions as much as possible, and family members take on his functions. Yes, it is limited physical activity child, in order to avoid trauma, his social activity is limited in order to avoid mental trauma inflicted by peers. Families, like society as a whole, position disabled children as sick, focusing on their developmental deviations and differences from healthy children. Excessive guardianship and isolation from peers provokes a child’s fear on a subconscious level of being unaccepted and rejected by a full-fledged society. Another mistake in raising children with disabilities in the family is ignoring speech and motor defects and mistakes, which in the future will turn into an insurmountable problem.

The main goal of raising disabled children in the family is the formation of a full-fledged independent personality and a member of society capable of self-improvement, self-development, and self-realization. Positioning a disabled child as sick is a grave mistake by parents, provoking a breakdown in the child’s psyche, as well as the formation of incorrect values, concepts about the world and the surrounding society. Every parent needs to understand that modern society deprived of the sympathy with which the child is surrounded in the family. A sharp transition from overprotection to misunderstanding of peers can provoke withdrawal into oneself, the development of internal complexes and contradictions, and a reluctance to develop and improve.

Mental and physical education of abnormal children

An abnormal child is a child with significant mental or mental abnormalities. physical development, requiring special conditions for education and development, providing compensation and correction of his deviations. Raising abnormal children should not focus on their deviation from the norms of physical and mental development. The process of raising children with disabilities requires a special approach. Raising disabled children in the family should not differ from the usual process, however, parents must also perform a supporting function, taking into account the child’s deviations. An important stage of upbringing is an educational institution where the child will receive the help of qualified specialists. Psychologists believe that a child acquires basic knowledge in the first 7 years of life, then the basic abilities are improved and multiplied. The same principle works with children with developmental disabilities.

Proper organization of the upbringing process and positioning of a disabled child as a full-fledged member of society significantly increases his chances of full social integration.

Disabled people under 18 years of age are a special category of children who need special guardianship and care from their closest people and society, as well as government bodies. Russia, according to its constitution, is a social state. Therefore, regional administrations and the government of the Russian Federation are obliged to respect the rights of disabled children in the Russian Federation, as well as provide organizational and material support to disabled children, including their parents.

Education, training, and treatment of disabled children

The rights of a disabled child at school and in the clinic must be fully ensured. Therefore, for disabled children of preschool age:

1. All conditions for staying in preschool institutions of a standard type are created and the necessary rehabilitation measures are provided.

2. if the child’s health condition does not allow the child to stay in a general institution, then they are sent to special preschool institutions.

What is a disabled child entitled to by law? According to federal law, children with disabilities have certain advantages over their normal peers. The right of a disabled child to education presupposes:

1. priority placement in preschool institutions;

2. exemption of their parents or guardians from paying for preschool education;

3. the opportunity to educate and educate disabled children in non-state educational institutions and at home. In this case, parents are provided with compensation for these purposes;

4. Special (correctional) classes or groups should be created for adolescents and children with developmental disabilities, which should provide their upbringing and education, as well as treatment, social adaptation and integration into society. This should be done by educational authorities.

Financing of these educational institutions is carried out according to increased standards. The categories of pupils and students who are sent to these educational institutions, including those who are fully supported by the state, are determined by the Government of Russia.

In addition, children with needs can receive additional types social assistance:

1. free meals in school settings;

2. priority admission to kindergartens, free attendance;

3. assistance from social services in rehabilitation (psychological, social);

4. gentle mode of passing the Unified State Exam.

Benefits and rights of families with disabled children

The Federal Children with Disabilities Act of 2019 says that families with children with disabilities can receive free:

1. medical supplies (special shoes, wheelchairs, etc.);

2. medications, provided by law;

3. Once a year sanitary resort treatment, travel is paid both ways;

4. medical treatment;

5. special literature for children with certain vision problems.

In addition, other benefits are provided:

1. one of the working parents is given 4 additional days off per month;

3. right to shortened working week or reduced working hours if they have dependent children under 16 years of age;

4. A ban on reducing wages or refusing to hire for reasons related to the presence of a disabled child.

Transport benefits

1. The law provides for free travel for disabled children in public transport(except for taxi travel), as well as their accompanying person. It could be a parent Social worker or guardian (required to present proof of identity).

2. Travel to the place of treatment of a disabled child is also free. A travel pass may be issued for a disabled child, or a financial compensation for travel if the relevant papers are prepared;

3. Children with disabilities can also benefit from a 50% discount on intercity buses, airlines and trains from October to May 15th. At other times, the specified discount will be valid only once.

4. If there is a disabled child over 5 years old in the family who has impaired musculoskeletal function, it can be used to transport the child. If a vehicle is not provided, then parents are provided with compensation for the use of specialized vehicles.

Cash payments

What is a disabled child entitled to from the state in 2019 in terms of cash payments?

1. Until April 2018, the amount is 11,903.51 rubles. Since childhood, disabled people have been paid the following amounts:

1) disabled people Group III- 4,215.90 rubles;

2) for group II - 9,919.73 rubles;

3) for disability group I - 11,903.51 rubles.

The amount of pension payments is subject to indexation at least once a year.

In addition, there is a monthly cash payment, as well as a range of social services for families with disabled children. The size of the EDV is determined by the family’s desire to partially or fully use social services in kind (if they refuse, monetary compensation is issued).

A set of social services can be replaced by a monetary equivalent. For 2019, a full package of social services is provided in the amount of 1,048.97 rubles monthly:

1. 807.94 rubles - security medical products, prescription medications, medicinal products nutrition;

2. 124.99 rubles - trips to Spa treatment;

3. 116.04 rubles – free travel on intercity transport or suburban railway transport to the place where treatment is performed and home.

A non-working parent who cares for a disabled person is provided with a special allowance in the form of a care allowance. For each disabled child or disabled child of the first group, a payment is expected in the amount of:

1. 5,500 rubles when cared for by a guardian, adoptive parent or parent;

2. 1200 rubles when leaving by another person.

For groups 2 and 3, after 18 years of age, benefits are not provided. One of the parents of a disabled child can count on early retirement.


In the Russian Federation, the rule on universal secondary education has been approved at the legislative level. This means that the authorities are obliged to take steps to organize educational process for all children, including children with disabilities.

The organization of education for disabled children is checked by the prosecutor's office. For violating the law in this matter, the school director may be punished.

Legislative basis of the issue

Amendments to the legislation regarding the education of children with disabilities were introduced in 2012. So, now art. 79 Federal Law No. 273 obliges educational institutions to organize the process taking into account the individual rehabilitation program for a young citizen with a disability. Education should be based on the principles of inclusiveness and adaptability.

The rights of people with disabilities to education and other preferences are guaranteed in the following laws:

  • No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995;
  • No. 273-FZ dated 12/29/12.
Hint: inclusive education is the organization of the educational process taking into account the needs of each child in general education organizations.

In addition, the Russian Federation has acceded to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This international document requires the parties to the treaty to:

  • inclusion of all children with disabilities in the full general educational process within the limits of their capabilities;
  • organizing accessible training for them at their place of residence;
  • providing reasonable accommodation that takes into account individual needs;
  • taking individual support and socialization measures.
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Conditions for organizing training

Education for disabled children is organized in several forms. The choice is given to parents of minors. In particular, the types of receiving educational services are as follows:

  • by visiting educational institutions, if the child is able to do so;
  • home education, including family, distance and home education.

Conditions for study are created for young citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with age parameters.

They are described in the table:

Training link Created conditions
Junior (kindergarten)Creation of specialized preschool institutions and groups
Limitation of the number of pupils in one group (from 15 to 3 people)
Regulating the number of hours of classes taking into account the capabilities of students
Providing preschool educational institutions with specialists:
  • massage therapists;
  • speech therapists;
  • psychologists;
  • trainers and others.
Consulting parents on education issues
Creating infrastructure accessibility:
  • ramps;
  • extended corridors and the like
AverageDevelopment of specialized programs
Organization of activities of special boarding schools for the blind, for example
Providing students with specialized literature and textbooks
Involving home-based students in festive events within the walls of the institution
Providing quality medical care
Increasing the infrastructure accessibility of buildings
Higher and secondary specializedProviding preferences for enrollment in the first year
Providing a remote form of knowledge acquisition

For the purpose of socializing children younger age V educational programs The following principles apply:

  1. Integrations. It is assumed that the student does not necessarily have to attend classes with peers. He is enrolled in a class that is suitable for him in terms of load and form of presentation of the material.
  2. Inclusion. This refers to the redevelopment of premises in order to meet the needs of all students.

For information: in the Russian Federation there are still few educational institutions that are fully designed for the convenience of people with disabilities. Parents have to independently take care of children with physical disabilities and purchase:

  • comfortable mobile chairs;
  • suitable stationery;
  • literature and more.

Training delivery options

To organize full-fledged education for children with health limitations state level two problems are solved:

  • creating conditions in educational institutions for convenient attendance of classes by disabled people and their comfortable communication with peers;
  • training specialists to work with children of doctors and teaching staff.

Children with disabilities are provided with additional learning opportunities. If a child is unable to attend classes in class for medical reasons, then his studies will be organized in a different way. Namely:

  • in the form of family education;
  • remotely;
  • home-based education.
Hint: parental initiative is required to adopt an individual lesson plan. Mom or dad must independently contact the head of the school.

Children studying outside the classroom are encouraged to communicate with their peers. This is done according to an individual plan. Thus, disabled people can visit:

  • individual lessons;
  • clubs and extra classes;
  • mass entertainment events.

Home education

A child who is unable to attend class is given the opportunity to learn at home.
The decision is made by local authorities (education department). The parent must provide the following documents:

  • an application requesting the provision of educational services at home;
  • a medical and social examination certificate confirming the assignment of disability to the minor;
  • ITU conclusion on the impossibility of attending face-to-face classes in the classroom.

Hint: Based on the decision of local authorities, the school administration:

  • concludes an agreement with parents on the provision of services at home;
  • enrolls the child as a student;
  • prepares the necessary documentation;
  • draws up a curriculum;
  • appoints teachers to implement it.

A student with medical restrictions is taught the general education course in full. Based on the results, the student is certified as an ordinary school student. Teachers visit him at home and conduct classes in the presence of his parents. By agreement, lessons can be rescheduled to another time. Upon completion of the course, he receives a certificate.

Distance learning

This type of knowledge acquisition is only in the process of development. It became possible after the country was covered by the Internet. Currently, there are several types of distance learning:

  • web, chat classes;
  • teleconferences;
  • telepresence;
  • online lessons.

The remote form of work of educational institutions allows people with poor health to:

  1. take a general education course and receive a certificate, regardless of:
  2. gain knowledge at a convenient time and in a comfortable environment using the advantages of computer technology;
  3. obtain additional knowledge, including professional knowledge;
  4. take a preparatory course for entering a university;
  5. develop the student’s creative abilities, including using collective experience;
  6. take part in research activities;
  7. receive expert advice:
    • psychologists;
    • doctors;
    • teachers and others.

The experience of remote interaction with teachers will help a student with health limitations to subsequently enter a university and obtain a specialty. Higher education institutions also organize the learning process using modern technological advances.

List of privileges for disabled people

The Russian Federation has established preferences and benefits for people with disabilities. Parents of children with disabilities can count on the following privileges:

  • Admitting a child to kindergarten without following a priority order. To do this, you must submit an application and attach an ITU certificate to it.
  • Reducing the amount of the fee for a child’s attendance at a preschool institution. This privilege is not granted in all regions of the country, based on decisions of regional authorities.
  • Compensation for a minor’s studies at home. According to the law, the budget allocates funds for the education of all minors from the age of 6 years and 6 months. If parents hire a specialist to tutor their child, regional authorities can reimburse the costs of receiving family education. Not every subject of the country has adopted the corresponding law, which means local authorities may or may not compensate for their education at home. To date, such a program has been adopted in the Perm region, Omsk region, Sverdlovsk region, and Moscow.
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation of a child in an educational institution. In particular, specialists organize work on the socialization of the child. That is, they help him establish good relationships with his peers.
  • Benefit upon admission young man to the university. Applicants with disabilities are enrolled in the first year without competition within established quota, if you successfully passed the entrance examination. In addition, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children have the right to be admitted to preparatory departments at federal universities. To receive a preference, you must indicate preferential category in an application for admission to a university. The document is accompanied by an ITU certificate confirming the assignment of a disability group. The benefit applies to disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, and disabled since childhood.
Attention: preference for admission to a university without competition can only be used once in a lifetime. Important: in June 2018, people with disabilities received new privileges when entering a university. Now they can submit quota documents simultaneously to 5 educational institutions in 3 different areas at once. Previously, they could only do it within the framework of the 1st university and 1st direction.

Problems of teaching children and disabilities in Russia

Currently, there are two fundamentally significant problems regarding the organization of education for children with disabilities. They are:

  • Insufficient budget funds. Long time The authorities did not pay enough attention to the development of infrastructure convenient for people with disabilities. This led to the need to restructure educational institutions:
    • there are no ramps in the buildings;
    • doorways are too narrow for wheelchair users;
    • institutions are located in multi-storey buildings, and children with physical disabilities cannot always climb the stairs to the office.
Attention: the authorities are allocating funds for the reconstruction of educational buildings. New buildings are being built according to designs that take into account the needs of people with disabilities. But work is progressing slowly.
  • Formation tolerant attitude among teenagers towards people with disabilities. Health problems cause aversion among children and adolescents. Children with disabilities often face negative attitudes from their peers. This leads to their development:
    • self-doubt;
    • low self-esteem;
    • depressive state.

The first problem is being solved through the joint efforts of federal and local authorities. Educational institutions money is allocated for appropriate reconstruction. Specialized ones are created for disabled people:

  • kindergartens;
  • groups in preschool institutions;
  • schools.

The second problem takes longer to resolve. The following work is being carried out at the state level:

  • specialists are being trained;
  • supported public organizations and volunteer groups;
  • funds are allocated to attract young people with physical disabilities to social activities;
  • a tolerant attitude towards disabled people is formed in children and adolescents.
Conclusion: the full development of disabled children largely depends on the people around them. In the process of raising their children, all parents need to pay attention to issues of tolerant attitude towards peers suffering from health problems.

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