Home Children's dentistry Anthropogenic activities.

Anthropogenic activities.

Anthropogenic activity significantly influences climatic factors, changing their regimes. Thus, massive emissions of solid and liquid particles into the atmosphere from industrial enterprises can dramatically change the mode of dispersion of solar radiation in the atmosphere and reduce the flow of heat to the Earth's surface. Destruction of forests and other vegetation, creation of large artificial reservoirs in former territories sushi increases the reflection of energy, and dust pollution, for example, snow and ice, on the contrary, increases absorption, which leads to their intensive melting. Thus, the mesoclimate can change dramatically under human influence: it is clear that the climate of North Africa in the distant past, when it was a huge oasis, was significantly different from the current climate of the Sahara Desert.
Anthropogenic activities in modern conditions Based on the widespread use of environmentally hazardous technologies, toxic and radioactive substances, it causes pollution of both the living environment and many vital sources.
Anthropogenic activities (agriculture, deforestation) affect all processes occurring in the carbon cycle; However, the main factor has now become the consumption of fossil fuels - oil, gas, coal, shale and peat. The release of energy accumulated in fossils creates the so-called biological-technical carbon cycle, otherwise known as the anthropogenic cycle.
Anthropogenic activities are always aimed at ecosystems, outside of which there is no life on Earth. In contrast to man-made objects, the stability of the ecosystem and its sustainability when external influence increases with its complexity and vice versa. The depletion of species diversity of flora and fauna under anthropogenic influence (see) reduces the stability of the ecosystem. Structurally simplified ecosystems, in particular natural degrading ones or those created by humans (for example, agricultural land), become very vulnerable even to the weak influence of abiotic (climatic) factors. Therefore, any process of anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem leads to its changes, environmental crisis, partial or complete degradation and death.
Phosphorus cycle taking into account the intensification of agriculture and the exploitation of other biological resources. Anthropogenic activities actively change the phosphorus cycle. In this case, the balance in the global aspect may not be significantly disturbed, but local changes can be very significant.
Anthropogenic activities lead to significant changes in the local electrical characteristics of the atmosphere compared to global secular characteristics. An increase in aerosol impurities in the atmosphere leads to an increase in E and a decrease in a in the mixing layer.
The secular course of K (1 n., (2 in Tashkent. Against the backdrop of the growth of K associated with industrial loads, the decrease in the period of testing of industrial weapons stands out (l. l j. J, 1958 - 105Y and 19VZ. Anthropogenic activity leads to noticeable changes in local atmospheric-electric.
Anthropogenic activity enhances erosion processes and the formation of elec- trons. ESPINAL - see Maquis.
In anthropogenic activities, the resource cycle is not closed, since the substances and energy used in it are not returned to the places where they were taken. Some of them are dispersed into the environment during extraction, transportation, and processing. As a result of the implementation of resource cycles, various substances and their compounds enter the environment, including those that are not found in natural ecosystems. Some of the waste and captured emissions from various industries are processed into consumer products (production of pumice from slag, gravel from waste rock, particle boards from wood waste, etc.), some are regenerated and returned to production. However, a significant proportion of substances and energy is lost through emissions, enters the environment and disrupts the dynamic balance of ecosystems. Resource cycles are the basis of any industrial technology. In many cases, engineering solutions are focused on obtaining the desired end product without taking into account the waste generated and emissions into the environment. Burning natural species fuels in power plants leads to the release into the environment of such quantities of oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and compounds of other substances that cannot be processed in natural processes.
Changes in the natural environment caused by anthropogenic activity have boomeranged back to their root cause - man. They began to negatively affect various aspects of public life and cause all sorts of conflicts social nature.
Changes in the natural environment caused by anthropogenic activity boomeranged back to their root cause - man, and began to negatively affect the most diverse aspects of social life, causing all sorts of conflicts of a social nature.
As a result of anthropogenic activities, many water bodies of the world and our country are extremely polluted. The level of water contamination for individual ingredients exceeds 30 MAC. Most high level Water pollution is observed in the river basins: Dniester, Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Amur, Northern Dvina, Volga, Ural.
As a result of anthropogenic activities, many water bodies in our country are extremely polluted. The level of water contamination for individual ingredients exceeds 30 MAC. The highest level of water pollution is observed in the river basins: Dniester, Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Amur, Northern Dvina, Volga, Ural.

The global consequences of anthropogenic activities, fraught with environmental disasters, are usually reduced to two hypothetical phenomena: the greenhouse effect and nuclear winter.
Different kinds anthropogenic activities have both direct and indirect impacts, are complex and are accompanied by synergistic and cumulative effects.
The negative impact of anthropogenic activities is far from being limited to the examples given. In table 32 are given by her Negative consequences, which may initiate an environmental emergency.
As a result of anthropogenic activities, many water bodies of the world and our country are extremely polluted. The level of water contamination for individual ingredients exceeds 10 MAC. The highest levels of water pollution are observed in the basins of the Dniester, Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Amur, Northern Dvina, Volga, and Ural rivers.
As a result of anthropogenic activity, the waters of the World Ocean are contaminated with the most dangerous radionuclides (cesium-137, strontium-90, cerium-144, yttrium-91, niobium-95), which, having a high bioaccumulating capacity, pass through food chains and are concentrated in the sea. organisms of higher trophic levels. This creates a danger both for aquatic organisms and for the person consuming them. The waters of the Arctic seas are contaminated by various sources of radionuclides. Thus, in 1982, maximum contamination with cesium-137 was recorded in the western part of the Barents Sea, which was 6 times higher than global pollution waters of the North Atlantic. Over the 29-year observation period (1963 - 1992), the concentration of strontium-90 in the White and Barents Seas decreased only 3 - 5 times.
Therefore, determining the influence of anthropogenic activities on the formation of conditions for the emergence and development of environmental crises should be based on an environmental and economic assessment. It includes accounting for the costs of restoring the natural potential of ecosystems after it has been disrupted by humans. And in saving these costs during extensive farming, people often create tragic environmental and social consequences for themselves: decreased performance, deteriorating health, increased mortality, etc. Often these consequences cover many times the costs of restoring the disturbed habitat.
Since in the process of anthropogenic activity the state atmospheric air turn out to be chemical, physical and biological effects, legislation regulates the relevant relations for its protection. Moreover, such impacts on the environment as physical (noise, electromagnetic fields), are regulated primarily within the framework of air protection law. The main legal means of protecting atmospheric air are standardization of atmospheric air quality, maximum permissible impacts from individual sources, regulation of the location of sources harmful effects on the atmosphere, environmental assessment of projects of enterprises and other facilities, the operation of which is accompanied by air pollution, licensing procedures for harmful effects on the state of atmospheric air. As you can see, all this is aimed at preventing atmospheric degradation under the influence of human activity.
The significantly increased degree of influence of anthropogenic activity on the formation of the EPWS should be reflected in the classification of the total natural and operational reserves of groundwater, as the basic basis for their study, exploration and assessment.
Dioxins are exclusively a product of anthropogenic activity; there is no information about their formation in nature. They accumulate in environmental objects, their concentrations continue to increase, especially since they have a high persistence of existence.
Impact should be understood as anthropogenic activity, that is, that which is associated with the implementation of economic, cultural, and recreational interests of humans. As a result of these activities, humans introduce biological, chemical and physical changes into natural environment. These changes are most often harmful to all life on Earth. The most common negative impact on the natural environment is its pollution.
Currently, the negative consequences of anthropogenic activities in the territory Russian Federation have reached such a scale that the normalization of the environmental situation and ensuring environmental safety require constant adoption of appropriate decisions by governing bodies. The severity of environmental problems is due to the increasing anthropogenic load on water bodies and, as a consequence, the degradation of natural ecosystems. This has led to the understanding that it is necessary to implement a comprehensive technically, economically and environmentally sound long-term environmental management policy aimed, in particular, at solving complex and interconnected problems of rational use of water resources.
Currently, global environmental changes are occurring under the influence of anthropogenic activities. For example, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing, which increases Greenhouse effect and can lead to an increase in surface temperatures. The biota must respond to this increase according to Le Chatelier's principle by absorbing excess carbon from the atmosphere.
Environmental risk assessment considers the impacts of human activities on natural resources and interprets the significance of those impacts in light of the uncertainties identified for each component of the assessment process.
The sulfur cycle is heavily influenced by anthropogenic activities, primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels. Organic energy carriers always contain some amount of sulfur, released in the form of dioxide, which, like nitrogen oxides, is toxic to living organisms. Sulfur dioxide can be intensively absorbed by the above-ground assimilation apparatus of plants and strongly suppress the process of photosynthesis up to necrosis and complete death of leaves. Sulfur dioxide can react with atmospheric water vapor to form sulfur trioxide and then sulfuric acid.
The sulfur cycle is also influenced by anthropogenic activities. Organic fuel always, although in small quantities, contains sulfur; when burned, it turns into sulfur dioxide, a substance toxic to living organisms. Sulfur dioxide can inhibit the process of photosynthesis, and when interacting with atmospheric water, form sulfurous acid, increasing the acidity of precipitation. The anthropogenic source of sulfur in the atmosphere accounts for up to 12 5% of its total content.

The exploitation of groundwater is one of the types of anthropogenic activities, especially important in relation to the issues under consideration in assessing their reserves.
Negative processes and phenomena occurring as a result of anthropogenic activities worsen the state of the environment as a result of negative impacts on the environment and the harm caused to it. According to the Federal Law on Environmental Protection negative impact on the environment is the impact of economic and other activities, the consequences of which lead to negative changes in the quality of the environment. Accordingly, environmental harm is a negative change in the environment as a result of its pollution, resulting in the degradation of natural ecological systems and depletion natural resources. In addition to these terms established by law, the terms environmental emergency and environmental disaster. In this case, by environmental emergency we mean environmentally dangerous situation, requiring the protection of human life and health, as well as the protection of the environment through mandatory application emergency measures to eliminate such a situation. An environmental emergency, characterized by irreversible changes in the natural environment and living conditions of people, is considered an environmental disaster.
Oxygen is used for the combustion process and other anthropogenic activities.
Currently, negative consequences of anthropogenic activities are observed almost everywhere, not only for the present, but also for future generations. This is due to a decrease in the content of atmospheric oxygen, which is used on a large scale for industrial production and living nature - for the implementation of the most important oxidative processes.
Technogenic dispersion occurs as a result of organized releases of anthropogenic products into the environment.
The nature and extent of disturbances caused by anthropogenic activities in the biosphere are now being understood, but, unfortunately, much less research has been devoted to studying genetic consequences pollution, but they can have a decisive impact on the fate of humanity as a whole. When the lesion affects the DNA found in human germ cells, embryos die or babies are born with hereditary defects. Mutations in the body cells of the body ( somatic cells) cause cancer, lesions immune system, reduce life expectancy.
In addition to the air and water spheres, the geological environment, soil and subsoil horizons of the Earth are under great stress as a result of anthropogenic activities. Human society affects the geological environment in different ways. Firstly, it extracts from the subsoil and uses for its own purposes the main minerals and useful components accompanying them, including the rocks that cover or contain these minerals and groundwater for drinking water or any other purpose. It is clear that rational use overburden or host rocks implies their use primarily for filling mined-out space or land reclamation, creating man-made, economically valuable landscapes on the site of former mine workings.
Oil and its products, which enter the oceanic environment as a result of anthropogenic activities, are distributed primarily in the surface layers of water, and the scale of distribution depends on the type of oil and oil products, the prevailing wind rose and the nature of atmospheric circulation, geographical area, the nature of the coastline and the distance from it and from the directions of water currents. Oil pollution in the World Ocean is exposed to physical, chemical and biological processes.
Almost everywhere there are trends in soil deterioration as a result of anthropogenic activities. Area of ​​land contaminated in to varying degrees emissions from industrial enterprises reached 62 million hectares, and the emissions themselves amount to 30 - 35 million tons annually harmful substances.
Secondary technogenic impacts are more intense, they are related to anthropogenic activities indirectly (through primary impacts) and are controlled by thermoerosion and hydrological processes. Therefore, to restore lands disturbed by these impacts, it is necessary to carry out special engineering and technical measures.
The birth of life on Earth, its development and existence, and anthropogenic activity are in strict accordance with the second law of thermodynamics - the law of increasing entropy. This law shows how and in what way the inevitable deterioration of the quality of the environment occurs in order to achieve the main goal - ensuring the existence of life on the planet and sustainable development.
The transparency of the atmosphere and the amount of solar radiation are greatly influenced by anthropogenic activities, especially the mining industry and thermal power engineering.
The design decisions taken during the construction of main oil pipelines, as a result of anthropogenic activities and changes in the situation near the oil pipeline route, often do not meet modern requirements reliability and safety. Due to this important task is to ensure the reliability and safety of both the oil pipelines themselves and settlements and industrial facilities.
Draining swamps, cutting down forests, fires and other types of anthropogenic activities destroy or disrupt the final (climax) stages of ecosystems and replace them with intermediate communities. In his own interests, people often maintain ecosystems at intermediate stages of dynamics for a long time. For example, it preserves deciduous forests in place of native conifers because they are more valuable for recreation or are resistant to air pollution. Sometimes, on the contrary, successional processes are stimulated to quickly transfer ecosystems to the final stages of dynamics. Thus, in forestry, deciduous trees are removed from coniferous-deciduous forests in order to speed up their transfer to pure coniferous forests.
Cutting down forests, draining swamps, fires and other types of anthropogenic activities destroy or disrupt the final (climax) stages of ecosystems and replace them with intermediate communities. In his own interests, people often support ecosystems at intermediate stages of their development for a long time. For example, it preserves deciduous forests in place of native conifers because they are more recreationally valuable or resistant to atmospheric pollutants. Sometimes, on the contrary, successional processes are stimulated to quickly transfer ecosystems to the final stages of dynamics. Thus, in forestry, deciduous trees are removed from coniferous-deciduous forests in order to speed up their transfer to pure coniferous forests.

Ecological balance in Lately has changed greatly and is being disrupted due to global anthropogenic activities without taking into account biological laws and patterns natural character.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, human interaction with environment or anthropogenic activity is realized in the form of large-scale material production.
Soil pollution is the accumulation of substances and organisms in the soil as a result of anthropogenic activities in such quantities that reduce the technological, nutritional, hygienic and sanitary value of cultivated crops and the quality of other natural objects.
At the same time, a comparison is made of the damage caused to nature as a result of the action of natural forces and anthropogenic activities. It is noted that the consequences of human activity are often inferior in scale to the bottom impact, but significantly exceed it in manifestation. A boundary is drawn between the direct effects of pollution (for example, the effect of a toxin on the body , the occurrence of mutations and genetic changes indirect impact(for example, climate change), when the caused effect (in particular, a decrease in soil day) may appear much later.
Erosion is the process of destruction and removal of soils by water, wind, and anthropogenic activities, leading to a decrease in their fertility and disruption of the role of soils in the cycle of substances in the biosphere.
ENVIRONMENTAL HARM - negative environmental changes caused by anthropogenic activities as a result of environmental impact, environmental pollution, resource depletion, destruction of ecosystems that create real threat human health, flora and fauna, material values. Legal harm to the environment occurs if there is a license (permit) to cause it as a result of economic or other activities. Unlawful harm to the environment occurs as a result of an offense.

Anthropogenic activities and ecological problems

The presence of reason distinguished man from all living beings: human society began to develop according to its own social and economic laws. But man remained a part of nature, retained dependence on the environment, on environmental conditions.

One of the features of the development of life on our planet is that the grandiose events that mark the main milestones of its history occur at an ever-increasing speed. If we conventionally take the lifetime of our planet (about 5 billion) to be 12 months, then the duration of the Anthropocene (one of the names of the Quaternary period, at the beginning of which man appeared - 2 million) is only a few hours. In the proposed calendar, 1 day will be equal to 12.6 million years, and 1 hour will be equal to 525 thousand years. This is what the history of our planet would look like:

23h 54 min – appearance of the Neanderthal,

23 h 59 min 46 sec – start new era, midnight - man on the moon.

Currently, almost any person understands that it is impossible to create a socio-political system in which humanity, without limiting its numbers, will progressively improve its standard of living, increase the benefits of life and preserve the environment.

The concept of “global environmental problems” is usually associated with the impact of human activities on the natural environment, that is, with anthropogenic factors. However, a broader understanding of this term implies coverage of all impacts on the global ecosystem of the planet, which to one degree or another affect its maintenance of a state of dynamic equilibrium. It is clear that natural phenomena occurring within the system, as well as those introduced from the outside, can be causes of destabilization internal environment systems. Such phenomena include directed climate change (global cooling and warming), change magnetic field planets, cosmic influences and so on.

Human civilization, on modern stage of its development, needs a constant increase in matter and energy to satisfy its needs. At the same time, two main negative effects on the natural environment are constantly increasing - environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. In fact, these effects are the root cause of environmental problems associated with human activities. The manifestations of this disadvantage are very diverse in spatiotemporal terms. The planet's ecosystem is still coping with anthropogenic load. However, the “degree of strength and reliability” of the system is not unlimited.

The main environmental problems associated with anthropogenic activities are environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources.

It should be noted here that the concept of “environmental problem” is identical to the concept of “ global problem humanity." That is, first of all, environmental problems pose a particular danger to the existence not of life on the planet in general, but specifically for human civilization, for its progressive development.

In this aspect, the main environmental problems, directly, indirectly or partially associated with anthropogenic activities, are as follows:

impact on the atmosphere and its pollution;

impact on the hydrosphere and its pollution;

impact on soil and upper layers of the lithosphere and their pollution;

demographic problems.

The entire world economy can be considered as the technosphere - a global set of tools, objects and products of anthropogenic activity. It can be defined as a species realized ecological niche of humanity, as the space of the planet under the influence of industrial activity and occupied by anthropogenic substances.

The most significant difference between the technogenic transformation of substances and the biotic cycle is that the technosphere circulation of substances is significantly open both quantitatively and qualitatively. Since the technogenic flow of substances constitutes a noticeable part of the global cycle of substances, by its openness it violates the necessary high degree of closedness of the biotic cycle, which was developed in the process of long evolution and is the most important condition stationary state of the biosphere. This leads to a disruption of the biosphere balance, which directly affects environmental safety.

According to calculations carried out at the end of the last century under the leadership of Academician K. Kondratiev, the maximum permissible value of anthropogenic disturbances should not exceed 1% of the total productivity of the biosphere. By the beginning of the third millennium, this value had already reached 10%.

According to scientists, the most important types of technogenic impact on the planet today are: mining, increased energy consumption, space rocket launches, atomic explosions and intense radiation from the Earth in the radio range.


In accordance with the “living Earth” hypothesis, the so-called “minerals” are the organs of the Earth responsible for the processes of its life activity at all stages of earthly evolution

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. N. Dmitriev, summarizing the opinions of a huge number of scientists, emphasizes that mineral deposits (especially fairly large accumulations of them) represent a kind of electrical wiring of the Earth. When in upper layers In the atmosphere, a lot of excess energy accumulates; it can go into the depths through electrically conductive channels in the body of the Earth. And vice versa, if, as a result of geodynamic processes, deep energy accumulates in various layers of the planet’s crust and asthenosphere, then it rises upward along these vertical electrically conductive structures.

From this point of view, human activity in developing mineral deposits is the systematic destruction of the vital arteries of the planet, allowing it to maintain the energy balance between the external and internal energy environment. During the twentieth century, more than 150 thousand deposits, which, according to geologists, were the most important conductors, practically ceased to exist. In fact, the Earth's electrical wiring has been cut, connecting its depths with the surface and further with the Cosmos.

At the same time, the Earth has not ceased to need to transmit energy vertically, depending on geomagnetic and ionospheric processes and disturbances. Therefore, faults in the earth's crust took on this role. They began to become more active, to come to life, and so our houses and streets are falling “into the underworld,” the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and soils are intensively changing, which are saturated with various elements, mainly metals.

Energy production

As for energy production, one of the main incentives for the construction of the technosphere, it Negative influence to real and thin body The Earth cannot even be accurately assessed yet. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the annual level of energy consumption has been 3.8 1026 erg and it is constantly increasing.

Can this happen unnoticed by the electromagnetic structure of the Earth? Of course not. Since systems for natural intake energies are cut, around the Earth technical means a powerful electromagnetic “cocoon” has been created, here cosmic energy and accumulates in the etheric body of the Earth until, having reached a critical value, it breaks through this “cocoon”, warming up, for example, the World Ocean. So reverse currents appear, changing the climate on the planet.

Moreover, unreasonable human activity has led to the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere beginning to change.

Case in point. Unlike the European power grid, which operates at a frequency of electric current of 50 Hz, America uses a frequency of 60 Hz. This frequency is resonant with the Earth's ring currents. The movement of giant ring currents in the thickness of the planet leads to intense electromagnetic and etheric functioning of the Earth's shells.

America, on the border with Canada, produces electricity in huge quantities and transmits it from the north to the south of the United States through sixteen high-voltage lines with a voltage of 500-750 kilovolts. The high-voltage transmission lines coincide with the magnetic meridian. In the early 1980s, massive “geophysical rumbles” suddenly began in the United States.

In some areas and cities of America, glass even flew out of the windows of houses. In a completely calm meteorological situation clear sky suddenly thunder rumbles. What happened?

A series of geophysical rockets made it possible to establish that the base of the Earth's radiation belt had shifted in the vertical direction. The lower edge of the ionosphere dropped from a height of 300-310 to 98-100 kilometers. The geophysical balance, stable for millions of years, was disrupted. As a result, the onshore electrical protection process has changed.

What does it mean? At the boundary between ocean and land, a barrier usually arises that prevents the mixing of the atmosphere above the continent and the atmosphere above the ocean, which not only have different humidity, but also different electrostatics and electrodynamics. But after the radiation layer dropped 200 kilometers, all the climate processes of the North Atlantic “burst” onto the American continent. So endless hurricanes rage on the American coast.

Scientists are sounding the alarm, but all this is hushed up in the whipped-up information hysteria about the lack of energy. Business and the market need energy, and the more, the better. And it doesn’t matter what the pursuit of material wealth leads to.

A good example is the situation with Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. It turns out that turbine vibration was detected long before the accident. The unit had to be stopped, the cause of the vibration found and eliminated. But to produce aluminum, electricity was needed, so they squeezed everything out of the unit to the limit, despite the growing vibration. According to energy experts, the car was “driven”. A driven turbine is not a driven horse. There is one horsepower, and here it is crazy power. The driven horse is shot, and the “driven” turbine engine itself breaks into pieces, destroys everything around and takes the offenders with it.

Space rocket launches

As for space rocket launches, the increase in the number of large cyclones is directly related to their number. Back in the mid-1980s, it was accurately calculated that with each rocket launch the number of cyclones increases by 2-3. But that's not all.

A shuttle-type carrier in one launch (depending on ionospheric conditions) can destroy from 10 to 40 million tons of ozone, because it uses ozone-depleting elements as fuel - nitrogen, chlorine and other components. And an enormous amount of such information has been accumulated.

Atomic weapons testing

The immediate causes of numerous earthquakes are atomic explosions. Post-1963 tests nuclear weapons were carried out mainly underground. It turned out that with an explosion power of more than 50 kilotons, the seismic elastic blast wave goes deep and “compresses” the core. However, most tests are carried out with capacities greater than 50 kilotons.

And when the Americans detonated an atomic bomb with a power of 5 megatons in the Aleutians, the blast wave compressed the earth’s core four times, repeatedly reflecting and re-reflecting from the surface of the Earth. As a result of frequent and powerful tests, the said “nuclear seismic pump” caused a complete imbalance in the seismic climate of the planet.

As a result, since 1972, deep-focus earthquakes, that is, earthquakes with a source at a depth of 300-700 km, have disappeared on Earth. The number of earthquakes with average focal depths of 70–300 km has decreased by approximately 60%. All earthquakes rose to the upper part of the earth's crust. Everything that happens today happens at depths of 70 km and above. Thus, the famous Koba earthquake in Japan was predicted at depths of 180-200 km. The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 19 km, which caused significant destruction.

All seismic energy was “raised” to an unnatural height for it and, due to the lack of dispersion effect, it threw houses out of the ground along with their foundations.

Radio emissions

But the most direct path to the destruction of the planet is intense radiation from the Earth in the radio range.

With its electromagnetic, gravitational, torsion fields, the Earth, like component the whole, implanted into the subtle space of the solar system. During the twentieth century, thanks to technological progress, the Earth itself became a source of powerful electromagnetic radiation in wide range frequency Today, this activity has become so vigorous that it is modifying the electromagnetic framework of the entire solar system, mainly through powerful radiation in the radio range.

According to observations of scientists in the radio range, the Earth looks much brighter than the Sun. It not only resists the electromagnetic influence of the Cosmos, but also itself influences the solar-system electromagnetic relationships. But this turned out to be not enough. After the “string of pearls” of Comet Shoemaker-Levy hit the surface of Jupiter, the connection between the Sun and Jupiter moved into the gigahertz range. Perhaps, with this transition, the Solar System, which, according to scientists, manifests itself as a conscious organism that controls its parts, consciously restored the destroyed connection.

And what? Following this “switching” of the radio frequencies of communication between Jupiter and the Sun, humanity also began to transfer its radio communications to the gigahertz range, switching to cellular communications. In general, the activity of man, who considers himself the only inhabitant of the Universe, to whom everything is “possible and by right of omnipotence,” has acquired a nature-denying orientation. It is we, people, who cause man-made disasters, tsunamis, typhoons. Practically, everything that a person does is directed against the Earth, living and intelligent. But with our unreasonable actions we not only influence the state of our planet, but also interfere with solar-terrestrial and solar-planetary connections. We, humanity, are stubbornly heading towards self-destruction. Just like the Atlanteans.

In the “Revelations” that the Creator conveys to people through Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician L.I. Maslova, on this occasion it is said: “And as a response to the moral decay of humanity, the Material world responds natural disasters. Natural disasters planetary scale is My reminder that this World is not eternal, and that there is High power, which, despite scientific and technological progress, can cross out this World at any time.”

In the book Don't Think Like a Man, Kryon says: “As shifts occur in the magnetic grid and, accordingly, shifts and vibrations of the earth's crust, as the weather changes, there will also be shifts in the earth's core. This will be followed by volcanic eruptions, new islands will appear in the oceans, wake up extinct volcanoes, and harmless hills, in which one cannot suspect anything else, will begin to spew out hellish fire.” True, Kryon reassures us by saying that there will be no global destruction!

According to many scientists, the most important mistake of man is the unwillingness to consider the Earth as a living being.

  1. Yanitsky I.N. Physics and religion. M.: Public benefit publishing house, 1995.
  2. Dmitriev A.N. Changes in solar system and on planet Earth. Speech at the conference “Living Ethics” and “Secret Doctrine” in modern science, practical pedagogy and social life" Ekaterinburg. 08-09.08.99. M.: White Alva", 2001.
  3. Tikhoplav V.Yu., Tikhoplav T.S. Sunny wind. St. Petersburg: IG "Nevsky Prospekt", Publishing House "Krylov", 2010. http://www.tihoplav.ru/book/book17.html
  4. Revelations to the people of the new century. http://www.otkroveniya.info/
  5. Carroll Lee. Kryon. Book VI. Partnership with God. Practical information for the new millennium. M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2005.

*Anthropogenic disturbances arise as a result of human activities: mining, deforestation, drainage of swamps, space rocket launches, changes in river beds, etc.

According to calculations carried out at the end of the last century under the leadership of Academician K. Kondratiev, the maximum permissible value of anthropogenic disturbances should not exceed 1% of the total productivity of the biosphere. By the beginning of the third millennium, this value had already reached 10%.

According to scientists, the most important types of technogenic impact on the planet today are: mining, increased energy consumption, space rocket launches, atomic explosions and intense radio radiation from the Earth.

In accordance with the “living Earth” hypothesis, the so-called “minerals” are the organs of the Earth responsible for the processes of its life activity at all stages of earthly evolution

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. N. Dmitriev, summarizing the opinions of a huge number of scientists, emphasizes that mineral deposits (especially fairly large accumulations of them) represent a kind of electrical wiring of the Earth. When a lot of excess energy accumulates in the upper layers of the atmosphere, it can go into the depths through electrically conducting channels in the Earth’s body. And vice versa, if, as a result of geodynamic processes, deep energy accumulates in various layers of the planet’s crust and asthenosphere, then it rises upward along these vertical electrically conductive structures.

From this point of view, human activity in developing mineral deposits is the systematic destruction of the vital arteries of the planet, allowing it to maintain the energy balance between the external and internal energy environment. During the twentieth century, more than 150 thousand deposits, which, according to geologists, were the most important conductors, practically ceased to exist. In fact, the Earth's electrical wiring has been cut, connecting its depths with the surface and further with the Cosmos.

At the same time, the Earth has not ceased to need to transmit energy vertically, depending on geomagnetic and ionospheric processes and disturbances. Therefore, faults in the earth's crust took on this role. They began to become more active, to come to life, and so our houses and streets are falling “into the underworld,” the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and soils are intensively changing, which are saturated with various elements, mainly metals.

Energy production.
As for energy production, one of the main incentives for the construction of the technosphere, its negative impact on the material and subtle body of the Earth cannot yet be accurately assessed. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the annual level of energy consumption has been 3.8 1026 erg and it is constantly increasing.

Can this happen unnoticed by the electromagnetic structure of the Earth? Of course not. Since the systems for the natural supply of energy are cut off, a powerful electromagnetic “cocoon” has been created around the Earth by technical means, so cosmic energy accumulates in the etheric body of the Earth until, having reached a critical value, it breaks through this “cocoon”, heating, for example, the World Ocean. So reverse currents appear, changing the climate on the planet.

Moreover, unreasonable human activity has led to the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere beginning to change.

Case in point. Unlike the European power grid, which operates at a frequency of electric current of 50 Hz, America uses a frequency of 60 Hz. This frequency is resonant with the Earth's ring currents. The movement of giant ring currents in the thickness of the planet leads to intense electromagnetic and etheric functioning of the Earth's shells.

America, on the border with Canada, produces electricity in huge quantities and transmits it from the north to the south of the United States through sixteen high-voltage lines with a voltage of 500-750 kilovolts. The high-voltage transmission lines coincide with the magnetic meridian.

In the early 1980s, massive “geophysical rumbles” suddenly began in the United States. In some areas and cities of America, glass even flew out of the windows of houses. In a completely calm meteorological situation, thunder suddenly rumbles in a clear sky. What happened?

A series of geophysical rockets made it possible to establish that the base of the Earth's radiation belt had shifted in the vertical direction. The lower edge of the ionosphere dropped from a height of 300-310 to 98-100 kilometers. The geophysical balance, stable for millions of years, was disrupted. As a result, the onshore electrical protection process has changed.

What does it mean? At the boundary between ocean and land, a barrier usually arises that prevents the mixing of the atmosphere above the continent and the atmosphere above the ocean, which not only have different humidity, but also different electrostatics and electrodynamics. But after the radiation layer dropped 200 kilometers, all the climate processes of the North Atlantic “burst” onto the American continent. So endless hurricanes rage on the American coast.

Scientists are sounding the alarm, but all this is hushed up in the whipped-up information hysteria about the lack of energy. Business and the market need energy, and the more, the better. And it doesn’t matter what the pursuit of material wealth leads to.

A good example is the situation with the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station. It turns out that turbine vibration was detected long before the accident. The unit had to be stopped, the cause of the vibration found and eliminated. But to produce aluminum, electricity was needed, so they squeezed everything out of the unit to the limit, despite the growing vibration. According to energy experts, the car was “driven”. A driven turbine is not a driven horse. There is one horsepower, and here it is crazy power. The driven horse is shot, and the “driven” turbine engine itself breaks into pieces, destroys everything around and takes the offenders with it.

Space rocket launches.
As for space rocket launches, the increase in the number of large cyclones is directly related to their number. Back in the mid-1980s, it was accurately calculated that with each rocket launch the number of cyclones increases by 2-3. But that's not all.

A shuttle-type carrier in one launch (depending on ionospheric conditions) can destroy from 10 to 40 million tons of ozone, because it uses ozone-depleting elements - nitrogen, chlorine and other components - as fuel. And an enormous amount of such information has been accumulated.

Testing of atomic weapons.
The immediate causes of numerous earthquakes are atomic explosions. After 1963, nuclear weapons testing was conducted primarily underground. It turned out that with an explosion power of more than 50 kilotons, the seismic elastic blast wave goes deep and “compresses” the core. However, most tests are carried out with capacities greater than 50 kilotons.

And when the Americans detonated an atomic bomb with a power of 5 megatons in the Aleutians, the blast wave compressed the earth’s core four times, repeatedly reflecting and re-reflecting from the surface of the Earth. As a result of frequent and powerful tests, the said “nuclear seismic pump” caused a complete imbalance in the seismic climate of the planet.

As a result, since 1972, deep-focus earthquakes, that is, earthquakes with a source at a depth of 300-700 km, have disappeared on Earth. The number of earthquakes with average focal depths of 70-300 km has decreased by approximately 60%. All earthquakes rose to the upper part of the earth's crust. Everything that happens today happens at depths of 70 km and above. Thus, the famous Koba earthquake in Japan was predicted at depths of 180-200 km. The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of 19 km, which caused significant destruction.

All seismic energy was “raised” to an unnatural height for it and, due to the lack of dispersion effect, it threw houses out of the ground along with their foundations.

Radio emissions.
But the most direct path to the destruction of the planet is intense radiation from the Earth in the radio range.

With its electromagnetic, gravitational, torsion fields, the Earth, as an integral part of the whole, is implanted into the subtle space of the solar system. During the twentieth century, thanks to technological progress, the Earth itself became a source of powerful electromagnetic radiation in a wide range of frequencies. Today, this activity has become so vigorous that it is modifying the electromagnetic framework of the entire solar system, mainly through powerful radiation in the radio range.

According to observations of scientists in the radio range, the Earth looks much brighter than the Sun. It not only resists the electromagnetic influence of the Cosmos, but also itself influences the solar-system electromagnetic relationships.

But this turned out to be not enough. After the “string of pearls” of Comet Shoemaker-Levy hit the surface of Jupiter, the connection between the Sun and Jupiter moved into the gigahertz range. Perhaps, with this transition, the Solar System, which, according to scientists, manifests itself as a conscious organism that controls its parts, consciously restored the destroyed connection.

And what? Following this “switching” of the radio frequencies of communication between Jupiter and the Sun, humanity also began to transfer its radio communications to the gigahertz range, switching to cellular communications.

In general, the activity of man, who considers himself the only inhabitant of the Universe, to whom everything is “possible and by right of omnipotence,” has acquired a nature-denying orientation. It is we, people, who cause man-made disasters, tsunamis, typhoons. Practically, everything that a person does is directed against the Earth, living and intelligent. But with our unreasonable actions we not only influence the state of our planet, but also interfere with solar-terrestrial and solar-planetary connections. We, humanity, are stubbornly heading towards self-destruction. Just like the Atlanteans.

In the “Revelations” that the Creator conveys to people through Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician L.I. Maslova, on this occasion it is said: “And as a response to the moral decay of humanity, the Material world responds with natural disasters. Natural disasters on a planetary scale are My reminder that this World is not eternal, and that there is a Higher Power that, despite scientific and technological progress, can cross out this World at any time.”

In the book Don't Think Like a Man, Kryon says: “As shifts occur in the magnetic grid and, accordingly, shifts and vibrations of the earth's crust, as the weather changes, there will also be shifts in the earth's core. This will be followed by volcanic eruptions, new islands will appear in the oceans, extinct volcanoes will awaken, and harmless hills, in which one cannot suspect anything else, will begin to spew out hellish fire.” True, Kryon reassures us by saying that there will be no global destruction!

According to many scientists, the most important mistake of man is the unwillingness to consider the Earth as a living being.

1.Yanitsky I.N. Physics and religion. M.: Public benefit publishing house, 1995.

2. Dmitriev A.N. Changes in the solar system and on planet Earth. Speech at the conference “Living Ethics” and “Secret Doctrine” in modern science, practical pedagogy and social life.” Ekaterinburg. 08-09.08.99. M.: White Alva", 2001.

3. Tikhoplav V.Yu., Tikhoplav T.S. Sunny wind. St. Petersburg: IG "Nevsky Prospekt", Publishing House "Krylov", 2010.

4. Revelations to the people of the new century.
5.Carroll Lee. Kryon. Book VI. Partnership with God. Practical information for the new millennium. M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2005.

The presence of reason distinguished man from all living beings: human society began to develop according to its own social and economic laws. But man remained a part of nature, retained dependence on the environment, on environmental conditions.

One of the features of the development of life on our planet is that the grandiose events that mark the main milestones of its history occur at an ever-increasing speed. If we conventionally take the lifetime of our planet (about 5 billion) to be 12 months, then the duration of the Anthropocene (one of the names of the Quaternary period, at the beginning of which man appeared - 2 million) is only a few hours. In the proposed calendar, 1 day will be equal to 12.6 million years, and 1 hour will be equal to 525 thousand years. This is what the history of our planet would look like:

23h 54 min – appearance of the Neanderthal,

23 hours 59 minutes 46 seconds - the beginning of a new era, midnight - a man on the moon.

Currently, almost any person understands that it is impossible to create a socio-political system in which humanity, without limiting its numbers, will progressively improve its standard of living, increase the benefits of life and preserve the environment.

The concept of “global environmental problems” is usually associated with the impact of human activities on the natural environment, that is, with anthropogenic factors. However, a broader understanding of this term implies coverage of all impacts on the global ecosystem of the planet, which to one degree or another affect its maintenance of a state of dynamic equilibrium. It is clear that natural phenomena occurring within the system, as well as those introduced from the outside, can cause destabilization of the internal environment of the system. Such phenomena include directed climate change (global cooling and warming), changes in the planet’s magnetic field, cosmic influences, etc.

Human civilization, at the present stage of its development, needs a constant increase in matter and energy to meet its needs. At the same time, two main negative effects on the natural environment are constantly increasing - environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. In fact, these effects are the root cause of environmental problems associated with human activities. The manifestations of this disadvantage are very diverse in spatiotemporal terms. The planet's ecosystem is still coping with anthropogenic load. However, the “degree of strength and reliability” of the system is not unlimited.

The main environmental problems associated with anthropogenic activities are environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources.

Here it should be noted that the concept of “environmental problem” is identical to the concept of “global problem of humanity”. That is, first of all, environmental problems pose a particular danger to the existence not of life on the planet in general, but specifically for human civilization, for its progressive development.

In this aspect, the main environmental problems, directly, indirectly or partially associated with anthropogenic activities, are as follows:

impact on the atmosphere and its pollution;

impact on the hydrosphere and its pollution;

impact on soil and upper layers of the lithosphere and their pollution;

demographic problems.

The entire world economy can be considered as the technosphere - a global set of tools, objects and products of anthropogenic activity. It can be defined as a species realized ecological niche of humanity, as the space of the planet under the influence of industrial activity and occupied by anthropogenic substances.

The most significant difference between the technogenic transformation of substances and the biotic cycle is that the technosphere circulation of substances is significantly open both quantitatively and qualitatively. Since the technogenic flow of substances constitutes a significant part of the global cycle of substances, by its openness it violates the necessary high degree of closedness of the biotic cycle, which was developed in the process of long evolution and is the most important condition for the stationary state of the biosphere. This leads to a disruption of the biosphere balance, which directly affects environmental safety.

It should be noted that the nature of the impact on the environment is determined by the composition and intensity of man-made factors. Their influence can be local from a single factor or complex - from a group of different factors characterized by environmental hazard coefficients.

It is clear that for the “peaceful” coexistence of humanity with the environment, for the harmonization of the technosphere and the biosphere, it is necessary not only and not so much technical, economic, legislative solutions, but, first of all, ideological changes in man’s relationship with nature.

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