Home Pulpitis What happens if you touch mercury. Why shouldn't you touch mercury with your hands? Is a mercury thermometer dangerous?

What happens if you touch mercury. Why shouldn't you touch mercury with your hands? Is a mercury thermometer dangerous?

Many of us use regular mercury thermometer. Its advantages are the most accurate measurement readings and inexpensive cost. The disadvantage is the mercury inside the device, which can be dangerous to humans.

Why are mercury balls dangerous?

In everyday life we ​​observe mercury as a metal in liquid form. Represents great danger for human health, mercury is capable of evaporation, its vapors poison a person.

Renders negative impact on the body, diseases of the skin, kidneys, and eyes occur. This substance causes great harm to expectant mothers and babies. Mercury accumulates in the body, while a person does not feel anything special, and its effects appear after a few hours. Migraines and weakness will begin.

If the thermometer is damaged, 2 grams of mercury are released from it, which can spread its negative impact over an area of ​​six thousand cubic meters of air. Small balls of mercury can roll under the baseboard and stick to slippers. A person who inhales poisoned air begins to suffer from mercury intoxication. Red rashes appear in the form of burns. At long-term action mercury on the body can lead to madness.

First actions

Before you begin collecting mercury, you must complete the following activities:

  1. Remove all people and animals in the room, as this metal is dangerous for them too. This is necessary to avoid contact with mercury;
  2. Immediately open the window and entrance doors lock up. It is important to pay attention to ensure that there is no draft;
  3. If you clean the room yourself, without the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is recommended in this case to wear a damp gauze bandage;
  4. Go outside more often, at least twice every half hour. You should wear gloves on your hands and bags on your feet so as not to spread dangerous metal throughout the room;
  5. You should immediately begin collecting all glass fragments from the thermometer;
  6. Next, you need to look for balls in cracks on the floor, next to furniture, under the baseboard. They are small and have a silver-gray tint.

How should you collect mercury?

First, take a glass container or jar with a tight-fitting lid. Fill it with water. Place the broken thermometer in a bag. It is not recommended to collect the balls with a broom, especially with a vacuum cleaner; after cleaning you will have to throw it away. Tools:

  • aspirator, needle, knitting needle;
  • adhesive plaster, good density paper, cotton balls;
  • table lamp, bright lantern;
  • manganese, iodine.

Clothes worn by a person should be synthetic, since they absorb less mercury fumes.

Stages of assembling mercury metal

First stage.

First, we inspect the room where the event occurred, all the things, shelves, sofas, table, chairs. Use a flashlight while working, the balls are small and in normal lighting it is impossible to see them. Anything that has been touched by metal is collected and taken away. Mark the places where small balls accumulate with a pencil on the floor so as not to step on them in the future. Collect the larger particles first. To do this, take paper and roll them onto it with a needle or knitting needle. When collecting small balls, take a patch and apply it to the mercury, dispose of the patch in a glass mold. If the balls get into the holes in the floor, then take a long knitting needle and wrap a cotton ball soaked in potassium permanganate on the end. After collection, also dispose of the cotton ball as described above. The floor skirting is torn off and treated there with mercury collection methods.

Collected mercury is not thrown away or stored long time, and are handed over to the Ministry of Emergency Situations department. The form with the collected metal is immediately taken out of the apartment.

Second phase.

Treatment chemicals. In the case when you are completely sure that all the drops have been collected and all the affected items have been removed, proceed to the disinfection stage. Prepare a manganese solution. You need to take one liter of running water and pour 2 grams of potassium permanganate into it. Then treat the affected areas using a spray bottle or any brush. Carry out the procedure with gloves that do not get wet. Leave the solution on the areas for up to 8 hours, moisten them more often after drying. After this time, treat the surfaces and crevices in the floor with a soap-soda solution and carry out a thorough wet cleaning of the room. In the next 7 days, treat the room in this way, only reduce the time from 8 hours to 1 hour. Do preventive actions Ventilate and clean the room as often as possible.

Mercury gets on your skin

If metal comes into contact with human skin, it is necessary to wash it well with soap. Treat the affected skin with lime solution. Do this periodically. It is possible that this treatment will cause a burn. This measure is necessary to prevent mercury from entering the body. You can collect the drops using a plaster or tape. If vomiting, nausea and diarrhea nevertheless appear, immediately go to a specialist, this is a signal that mercury has penetrated through the skin.

The incident happened in the kitchen

In this case, all products that were in accessible places for metal to enter are thrown away. All kitchen items are thoroughly washed; a mercury film invisible to the eye may have formed on them. All open containers with salt, cereals, and seasonings should be disposed of. Hanging towels, sponges, napkins, tablecloths should be disposed of; they should not be washed, as mercury evaporation occurs under the influence of warm water.

The incident happened on the carpet

The covering is rolled up, a large bag or cellophane bag is put on it and immediately taken out into the yard. Lay a film on the ground and hang the carpet on a rope above the film so that the mercury spills out there. Use sharp movements to knock the balls out of the carpet. Collect mercury using the methods described above. Take the carpet outside to air every week.

Protective measures

A person who has been clearing a room of mercury for a long time should brush his teeth as soon as possible and wash his hands thoroughly with soap. The clothes that were used for cleaning are hung outside and aired for several months, but it is best to get rid of them forever. Rinse your mouth with a manganese solution and take 10 tablets activated carbon. Drink plenty of fluids.

Who to contact in emergency situations

It is better to entrust the collection of mercury to professional specialists. They go to the scene of the incident with the necessary equipment.

They work in a room with instruments, completely clear the space of mercury vapor, and analyze the air for mercury vapor content.

It is necessary to take precautions when handling a mercury thermometer to protect yourself and others from infection. Do not give it to your child; it is better to store the thermometer in a special flask in a well-protected place. It is forbidden to fall asleep with a thermometer.

Today there is a huge selection of electronic temperature measuring instruments. They are safer, use them and take care of your health.

A mercury thermometer is a formidable weapon. In Europe, demonstrators use it in clashes with the police, throwing mercury thermometers at officers of the law if they try to disperse protesters with gas... The calculation is simple and, I must say, effective: using a poisonous metal to provoke panic in the ranks of the police.

Why is it dangerous to inhale mercury vapor?

Who doesn’t remember the Mad Hatter, one of the characters from “Alice in Wonderland”? This character is not at all unique: in the old days, everyone who was engaged in such a craft gradually went crazy. The thing is that hatmakers were constantly exposed to mercury compounds used in the manufacture of felt hats...

Mercury ranks second in toxicity on the periodic table, second only to plutonium. The danger of mercury lies not only in its toxicity, but also in the fact that it heavy metal evaporates already at room temperature. Mercury vapor is colorless, odorless, and tends to accumulate in human body, subsequently causing serious illness.

Signs of mercury vapor poisoning include: a metallic taste in the mouth, bleeding gums, increased secretion saliva, pain when swallowing, loss of appetite, nausea, disorders digestive systems s. On the 3-4th day after poisoning, symptoms of toxic nephropathy (kidney poisoning) appear.

There are problems with respiratory system: cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, burning sensation in the chest. With radiography chest diffuse or limited lung damage is detected. In severe cases possible respiratory failure, pulmonary edema and even death.

Among common symptoms: redness and fever, general malaise, drowsiness, dizziness, irritability, acute headache. At acute poisoning mercury vapor is also possible neurological disorders- tremor (primarily of the hands), emotional lability(overmobility).

Why shouldn't you touch mercury with your hands?

Exposure to metallic mercury on the skin leads to the development of itching and swelling (especially of the hands and feet), measles-like rash, peeling of the skin of the palms and soles, sweating, tremors of the extremities, muscle weakness. The consequences of prolonged contact with liquid metal also include tachycardia, increased blood pressure, drooling, irritability, insomnia, memory loss, pathological fearfulness and embarrassment, increased motor reaction time, impaired visual-spatial coordination, pathological immune reactions, depression, hearing, taste and smell impairment.

Even more dangerous is the ingestion of mercury and its compounds into the body along with water and food (most often when consuming contaminated fish and products made from cereals treated with mercury fungicides). Acute poisoning and prolonged exposure to small doses cause severe damage gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, vomiting mixed with blood, and abdominal pain occur. Possible renal failure, drop in blood pressure, gingivitis, tooth loss. Lethal dose of mercury in the composition inorganic compounds equal to 10-42 mg/kg.

What to do with a broken thermometer?

If, despite all the precautions, the mercury thermometer still breaks, measures should be taken immediately. Remove children and pets from the premises. A child can not only inhale toxic fumes, but also, out of curiosity, take mercury balls in his hands, or even in his mouth. Pet - step on mercury and carry it on its paws to other rooms (not to mention the fact that cats have a habit of licking themselves).

Make sure there is good ventilation. Open the windows in the room where the thermometer broke. But do not create drafts so that the wind does not carry harmful chemicals throughout the room. Try to keep the window open for at least three hours, and in the meantime, put on a gauze bandage and rubber gloves.

Do not vacuum the room under any circumstances: during operation it heats up, so the evaporation of mercury increases. In addition, harmful metal settles inside the vacuum cleaner, and it will no longer be possible to use the household appliance to collect garbage. Also, do not sweep away mercury with a broom. Its rods break the ball of metal into several smaller ones, and it becomes more difficult to assemble them.

Using a piece of cardboard, transfer the mercury balls onto a paper towel (napkin). To collect small balls, you can use adhesive tape or adhesive tape to which the balls are glued. You can use shaving cream: apply it liberally to the area that has been cleared of large particles of mercury, and wipe it off with a sponge or rag.

Light the area where the thermometer was broken with a table lamp or flashlight. Sometimes mercury particles are invisible - but under the rays of light they will begin to shine. If mercury drops get into the gap, it is best to use a rubber syringe or a thin brush (you can use it to blot the drops).

All materials used (including products personal protection) and place the thermometer fragments in a jar of water or in a thick plastic bag(after which the container must be securely closed with a lid or tied). The bag or jar is not thrown into a bucket or trash, but is handed over to a specialized laboratory of the Ministry of Emergency Situations that accepts mercury-containing waste. The same applies to clothing and other fabric items that came into contact with a broken thermometer.

After all the mercury balls have been collected, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the floor with a solution of bleach at the rate of one glass of the substance per 20 liters of water. You can also treat the surfaces with a solution of potassium permanganate: you should get a dark brown, almost opaque solution, which you need to use a brush or spray to treat the “accident” area. Leave the solution for about an hour, and then rinse with soap and soda solution (40 g laundry soap and 50 g baking soda per liter of water). After this, it is advisable not to enter the room for 24 hours. The floor can then be washed with water.

Dispose of any fabric items that have come into contact with mercury; do not wash them in the sink or machine. This can lead to harmful metal contamination in the washing machine. All things that came into contact with mercury will have to be thrown away. Submit large items for chemical examination and, if necessary, specialized cleaning.

Sometimes collecting mercury can take several hours, so every 10-15 minutes you should take a break and go out to Fresh air. After collecting mercury, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, take 2-3 tablets of activated carbon - this will reduce the effect of toxins on the body. Drink more fluids (tea, coffee, juices), as mercury formations are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. Ideally, visit a doctor and get tested to rule out mercury poisoning.

If possible, remove children and pets from the mercury-damaged area for a couple of days. Further measures are preventive in nature: daily wet cleaning of the premises and frequent ventilation. Experience suggests that if you carefully follow the recommendations, in most cases within a week you can completely clear your apartment of mercury contamination.

How to avoid troubles with a thermometer?

In a home where small children live, care should be taken to ensure safety and keep it out of reach. Another important point: Be sure to explain to your child in advance that no one will scold him if he breaks the thermometer. Otherwise, it may happen that your child, afraid of punishment for accidentally broken thermometer, hide the “evidence” somewhere under the closet, and your whole family will breathe mercury vapor for a long time.

According to the Institute of Geochemistry and analytical chemistry them. IN AND. Vernadsky, about nine million mercury thermometers break every year in Russia alone. IN environment approximately 18 tons of mercury enters, which inevitably poisons soils, groundwater, enters water bodies, and accumulates in plants and animals that people eat. Here is another reason to abandon the classic thermometer and seriously think about purchasing an electronic thermometer.

By the way, a mercury thermometer is not the only household source of danger for households and nature in general. Mercury conducts electricity, so its vapors are used in “energy-saving” fluorescent lamps. When broken, they have the same effect as poisonous thermometers. And in the same way, there is no established system for the safe disposal (recycling) of such waste.

If you decide not to risk your health and get rid of mercury thermometers, you will have to waste your time and even money. Sometimes it’s possible to add working thermometers to a clinic, or donate them to a pharmacy, or give them to good hands, placing an ad on sites like “I’ll give it away for free.” Every city should also have enterprises that accept mercury-containing waste for a nominal fee.

Many people still have a mercury thermometer in their medicine cabinet. If it breaks or a child bites off the tip, you need to know exactly what to do. In such a situation, it is easy to panic and make mistakes, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with the procedure in advance in order to properly dispose of mercury and help your child if he has bitten off the thermometer.

Why is mercury from a broken thermometer dangerous?

In an open environment, mercury breaks up into small moving balls, which quickly roll into corners and crevices. These balls begin to evaporate already at a temperature of 18C, poisoning the air.

Basically, mercury vapor is inhaled through the lungs, after which it settles on internal organs. Mercury vapor seriously harms health even at low concentrations.

It is believed that ingested mercury is not as dangerous as fumes and is easily excreted through the gastrointestinal tract. However, if a child bit through the thermometer and swallowed mercury, sharp glass shards could also enter the body.

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning

First of all, mercury vapor affects the central nervous system, resulting in the following symptoms:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • memory impairment;
  • mood swings, irritability;
  • headaches and dizziness.

The first signs of mercury poisoning: headache, nausea, chills and shortness of breath

Then the temperature rises, the gums may become inflamed, tremors appear and excessive sweating. Then damage to the genitourinary and digestive systems begins: impaired urination, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. If you ignore these symptoms and do not consult a doctor, death is possible.

What should parents do if their child breaks a mercury thermometer?

Induce vomiting in the child, but only if he has not bitten off the thermometer or swallowed fragments: during vomiting, the glass can cut the walls of the esophagus. If your child cuts his finger on glass, treat the wounds with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage. After the bleeding stops, the bandage can be removed and special healing ointments can be used: Bepanten, Rescuer, Feniran, etc.

The thermometer and mercury must be disposed of. It is best to call the sanitary service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other organizations - they will carry out the disposal themselves or tell you what to do.

Before collecting mercury, take care of your own safety:

  • Change into closed-toed synthetic clothing. Remember that it will have to be thrown away after disposal.
  • Put shoe covers on your feet and rubber gloves on your hands.
  • Protect your face with a damp gauze mask.

Indoors, open the windows, but avoid drafts. Carefully place the thermometer fragments into a jar of water. Using cotton wool, roll large balls onto a sheet of paper, and collect small ones with tape. Inspect the room carefully. Mercury can be collected from difficult places with a bulb or syringe. Place the mercury and all used tools in a jar of water and close it tightly, and put large items (clothing, gloves) in a bag. Hand over the jar and package to special services or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Wash surfaces with soap and soda or manganese solution. For the next 7 days, try not to stay in the room, ventilate it regularly.

What can't you do?

The following must not be done:

  • the thermometer and all contacting materials cannot be disposed of in the usual way and washed down the drain;
  • mercury cannot be collected with a rag, broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • It is not enough to simply wash the contacted clothing - hand it over to the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • Do not allow a draft in the room until all the mercury has been collected.

Many children hide their “crimes” for fear of punishment from their parents. If a child breaks a thermometer or accidentally bites through the tip, he can secretly throw the mercury into the toilet or trash. Be sure to tell your child why a mercury thermometer is dangerous and promise to tell you if he breaks it.

What happens if mercury gets on your skin?

Thermometers for measuring temperature, energy-saving fluorescent lamps - many of them contain mercury. When an element is broken, this toxic substance scatters around and can get not only on things, clothes, but also on the human body. What happens if mercury gets on the skin and how to eliminate this small accident without consequences for health?

Mercury gets on your skin

It is the mercury vapor that is formed during its evaporation that is poisonous. The balls themselves do not carry physical substance great harm, even if they have been in contact with the skin for some time. However, this does not mean that mercury should be handled with bare hands. It is better to carry out liquidation work wearing rubber gloves, or in extreme cases, wrap your hands in a plastic bag to avoid direct contact, since an allergic reaction is possible.

Contact of mercury on the skin can cause allergies. Characteristic signs– redness, itching, possible tingling. If these symptoms appear, contact the clinic.

However, in most cases, if you cleanse the skin in time, allergies do not occur and burns do not occur. All you need to do is wash off mercury from the body with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or at least soap. To completely remove all particles of the substance, wipe the area with a cotton pad, again soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, observe: if no reaction appears on the skin within 24 hours, it means there is no allergy and you can move on with your life, trying to be more careful in the future when handling items containing mercury.

For the next 3-6 days, drink at least 1.8 liters of water per day to help your body flush out toxins. Let us remind you that poisoning occurs only with prolonged inhalation of mercury vapor! The substance is removed from the body slowly, but in general, if the dose is small (and this is most often the case), this does not affect health in any way.

How to collect mercury from the floor and clothes

Once on the skin, the substance probably spilled onto the floor or other surfaces; perhaps mercury balls got stuck in the fibers of clothing.

  1. If it's hot at home, open the windows so that the temperature in the room drops to 16-18 degrees. Remember that the higher the temperature, the faster evaporation occurs. Ventilate the room for at least 2 hours.
  2. Collect visible to the eye balls using a soft brush or piece of paper. Mercury balls stick well to copper wire or zinc plate. If fragments of the substance have rolled into the cracks, sprinkle them with sand and sweep them out with a brush.
  3. Note them on a piece of paper and then put them in a jar with cold water. Screw the container and remove it from the house. Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ask where in your city you can send toxic waste.
  4. You cannot collect mercury with a vacuum cleaner, as the vapor will instantly spread throughout the room.
  5. Take the carpet contaminated with mercury outside, pat it, and then clean it with a brush.
  6. Clothing or bedding that has been exposed to mercury must be placed in a plastic bag and shaken outside, away from playgrounds. After thoroughly shaking and knocking out the items, wash them as usual.

More information on how to collect mercury after a damaged thermometer or lamp

Mercury thermometers and lamps most often break in the most inappropriate places - near carpets, on the bed, in the kitchen, etc. The danger of mercury is that it releases harmful fumes for a long time. The human factor is always present; sometimes it is impossible to remove absolutely all particles, especially in hard-to-reach places. In such cases, it is recommended to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Service workers will test the premises with a gas analyzer for the presence of a toxic background, and at the same time they will take away your can of hazardous waste. If necessary, they will treat the premises.

Don't be afraid of what will happen if mercury gets on your skin. We remind you that the main danger is the evaporation of the substance; the balls themselves do not pose much of a threat. Rinse your skin and don't worry.


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