Home Tooth pain If you did not pay a stipend for the targeted medical purpose. Increased scholarship for targeted enrollment students - a new initiative of the Ministry of Education

If you did not pay a stipend for the targeted medical purpose. Increased scholarship for targeted enrollment students - a new initiative of the Ministry of Education

A scholarship in universities is a permanent or one-time cash payment to students studying full-time at universities and colleges, as well as graduate students and doctoral students.

Scholarships at universities are divided into types:

  • Social state scholarship: paid to those in need (for example, disabled people, orphans, etc.) regardless of their academic performance. Today it is more than 2,000 rubles.
  • Academic state scholarship: Paid based on the results of the previous session. The better the ratings, the larger its size. Minimum academic scholarship for higher education students educational institutions is about 1,350 rubles.
  • Personalized scholarship: appointed by physical or legal entities, organs local government or by government bodies to a specific student for special merits, for example, for active scientific work.
  • Scholarship for graduate students: paid to those postgraduate students who successfully passed the certification. Today payments amount to more than 6,000 rubles.
  • Scholarship for doctoral students: received by young scientists who have passed certification and are writing a dissertation. Future doctors of science will be able to receive more than 10,000 rubles monthly.
  • Government or Presidential scholarships are assigned to the most promising students (graduate students) who have achieved significant success.
  • Potanin scholarship(founder - charitable foundation Potanin): paid on a competitive basis to undergraduates.
  • Scholarship for students who entered the target field: paid by enterprises that send young people to study.

The amount of scholarships in universities is determined individually for each student.

Every student strives to study as best as possible in order to receive an increased scholarship if they study on a budget basis. However, various changes are constantly being made to the legislation affecting the principle and features of the award of scholarships.

Initially, it is important to note that students can count on receiving an increased scholarship only if they can find a future job while still studying. Only after deciding on the employer for whom the student will work after graduation can one count on fairly high sums of money as a scholarship.

Even earlier, indexation for 2019 was expected to be approximately 12%, but this decision was not implemented.

How will the increased scholarship be awarded to target students?

Initially, it is important to know that now the scholarship will be awarded not only depending on the students’ academic performance, but also on the availability of a certain future job. If these two conditions are met, students are classified as a special target group.

Due to the introduction of the need to decide on future work in various higher academic institutions, many students try to find a suitable place at the beginning of their studies. As a result, there are a lot of target students in universities who not only meet all the above parameters, but also entered the university without competition, as well as on a budgetary basis. The agreements that the university enters into with such students do not have any significant legal consequences. It is precisely by introducing the need to decide in advance on their future place of work that it is expected that many people who graduate from an academic institution will be able to immediately go to work. This will have a positive impact on unemployment and other economic indicators countries. If this condition is met, an increased scholarship will be awarded to students in the target enrollment.

With whom should the student enter into an agreement?

So that the student can receive this type scholarships, he must enter into a training agreement only with certain educational institutions. They must have a certain power, which can be federal or regional, as well as municipal. Thus, students can independently decide whether they will study without any obligations to the state or whether they will be required to start looking for work while still studying, and if they find and conclude an agreement with an employer, they will be able to receive good benefits. However, many experts are confident that achieving the desired result with such innovations is very difficult.

Will student grades matter?

Many students are thinking about the possibility of receiving an increased scholarship, but they are interested in the question of what kind of academic performance they should have. When drawing up an agreement with the state, which will indicate that the student will belong to the target set, and will also be obliged to find a future job while still in the process of studying, it will additionally contain information about what grades the student should study for.

Some universities will operate under a different system. In them, an increased scholarship for targeted students will be offered even to those students who study not only on a budgetary basis, but also on a paid basis. The scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis, and if a non-budgetary employee receives this type of scholarship, then after graduation he will have to go to work, which will be chosen for him by the state. In this case, a situation may arise that students will even have to move to other cities. A special contract is also concluded with these students, and an increased scholarship is also transferred, as a result of which students can support themselves while studying at the university.

Today, almost every student knows about the opportunity to get into the target group. Since the minimum state scholarship in 2019 is considered quite low, many students do not have the opportunity to provide themselves with everything they need for the money they receive. cash. That is why they are interested in the opportunity to receive an increased scholarship, which is significant.

It should be noted that many universities take advantage of the opportunity to accept students into the target group for a certain fee. Therefore, students in this group are considered criminals, but the state applies quite significant penalties to such institutions, so such situations are becoming less and less common. If, after graduation, a student does not follow his obligations specified in the contract, namely, does not go to the chosen job, then he will have to pay a fairly significant amount of money as a fine.

Thanks to the established situation, students can choose:

    • study on a standard basis, receiving a standard scholarship, and after training must search for work at their own discretion;
  • study in target group, receiving an increased scholarship, but after graduation you will need to get a job chosen by the state.

Personalized scholarships

Don’t forget also about the possibility of receiving the following types of additional payments:

  1. Presidential (1400-2200 rubles, for graduate students 3600-4500);
  2. Solzhenitsynskaya (1500 rubles);
  3. Potaninskaya;
  4. Tumanovskaya (2000 rubles);
  5. Voznesensky scholarship - for students studying in journalism and literature (1,500 rubles);
  6. Scholarship for students studying in economics and modernization (5000-7000 rubles, for graduate students - 11-14 thousand).

Since the country is currently experiencing a crisis situation, as well as the lack of many good jobs, many students prefer to be in the target group.

Thus, the increased scholarship for students in the target enrollment is quite high, but upon receipt of it, students are endowed with certain obligations.

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What’s the catch and is it worth becoming a target at all?

Technical Secretary of the VSU Admissions Committee in 2018

Targeted admission guarantees admission and employment for applicants, and specialists for companies. To get into targeted training, you must enter into an agreement with the company and pass the Unified State Examination minimum score, which was installed by the university.

Rules of the Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education describes the rules for targeted admission in Chapter XI order about admission to universities. For 2018 the following rules apply:

  • The number of places is determined by the organization. When the company has decided how many target students it needs, it negotiates this with the university and faculty. Targeted places are usually taken from budget ones - they are not entered into a separate competition.
  • Such seats can only be ordered government bodies authorities, state corporations or companies that have a state share in their authorized capital.
  • The agreement will be tripartite: you, the university and the organization.

Targets go out of competition. This happens because the company enters into contracts with as many people as it has requested target places. This I do not like Ministry of Education. They believe that there should be the same competition for the target places as for Unified State Exam scores.

Agreement with the organization

The Ministry's order does not contain a word about employment and other responsibilities of the enterprise. Does not regulate the order and requirements for the student. All responsibilities will be specified in your agreement with the company. Therefore, study it carefully before agreeing to targeted training. Each organization will have its own agreement, but you can look at typical example such an agreement.

If you are satisfied with the company's conditions, prepare for an interview or test. The company needs to understand whether you are suitable for them or not. You may be asked to take a test on certain subjects or just have a chat to make sure you are serious.

The company benefits from the target because they 100% get a specialist for the job. According to the contract, you will have to work for several years in the company. Usually this period is 3-5 years.

Keep in mind that there are companies that strongly control their students. For example, they take exams and coursework together with teachers. And there are those who do not particularly monitor their future employees. Be prepared for both.

Please note what will happen if you are expelled or you yourself want to leave the university. This happens not only because of poor studies, but also due to family circumstances. You will probably have to pay the entire cost of training, which is 300-600 thousand rubles, depending on the specialty and university.

How to become a target

As you can imagine, this is not easy. To find out targeted admission quotas, contact the university or, if you know for sure that the company is recruiting targeted students, contact the human resources department. Ask under what conditions it is possible to become a target.

Unfortunately, in many state-owned companies such places are given to the children of employees or acquaintances. Be prepared for this and don't be discouraged. The Ministry of Education does not regulate in any way who should get the target places.

How else does it happen?

My friend is studying at the target. She has an unusual situation: the company bought the target places not from budget, but from paid quotas. After training, the girl will need to work for 5 years at the enterprise. There is progress monitoring; company representatives come to the defense of course students. But all the defenses go quite smoothly. The company does not pay a stipend.

Is it necessary to become a target at all?

To become a target, you need either connections or free time to search for an organization. This may take up your time to prepare for the Unified State Exam, and in the end the contract with the organization will not suit you. You will have to work in this company for several years after defending your diploma, and you will have to refuse other offers and opportunities that may arise during your studies. Conclusion - you are tying your hands.

A new initiative from the Ministry of Education states that a student must find an employer before entering a university if he wants to receive an increased scholarship during his studies.

Initiative of Nikolai Bulaev

Payments will depend not on academic performance, but on the future employment of students. We will learn more from the author of the initiative, member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Nikolai Ivanovich Bulaev. The official offered a benefit - an increased scholarship for students admitted through targeted admissions.

Today in Russian universities Many target students are trained. Moreover, they entered without competition, for budget places. The agreements concluded with them have almost no legal consequences. In Nikolai Bulaev’s opinion, this is wrong. He proposes introducing another payment that would motivate a young person to spend some time after completing his studies in the interests of municipal bodies, regional bodies, and the state as a whole. And, perhaps, students of the target enrollment of 2019 will already be able to choose their future employer in advance in order to receive increased benefits.

With whom should the student have an agreement?

With an organization, with regional, municipal or federal authorities. Some propose introducing mandatory distribution. According to Bulaev, this is impossible to implement. The state actually offers young man make a choice - either you want to study and not have any consequences in the form of obligations to the state, or you want to help the state - and it, in turn, will provide you with a benefit in the form of an increased allowance.

Doesn’t it matter what grades this person will study for?

All this will be provided for in the contract. Moreover, it is proposed to introduce scholarships on a competitive basis, including for extra-budgetary employees who pay for their studies. They will have to go to work where the state needs them. A similar agreement is concluded with them, an allowance is paid, which allows, in principle, to compensate for the costs of training.

“I don’t think there are graduate students today who don’t know about targeted admissions or targeted training. I suspect that targeted admission without legal consequences is often used as a form of “criminal” admission for “our own people.” This program will help reduce the number of “thieves” receipts, because real penalties arise. After graduation, the graduate will either have to pay a fine or go to the place of employment stipulated in the contract,” the official notes.

Do you want to study without consequences for yourself in the form of being assigned to a specific place of work - or do you want to study, receive an increased scholarship, and not only that, you will have a job offer, which is very important in the current crisis situation in the country?

As for increasing scholarships, Nikolai Bulaev is convinced that it is certainly possible and necessary to increase payments to students. But today to say that tomorrow the scholarship will be equal to the living wage is “madness.” The state does not have that kind of money. And the official believes that there will never be.

About scholarship amounts

The Russian government has proposed increasing the amount of student scholarships by 4.3% in 2019. The initiative was formed within the framework of the draft federal budget for 2019–2021. “The draft federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021 proposes an increase in budget allocations in connection with the indexation of the scholarship fund for students from September 1,” says the explanatory materials for the project.

In 2019, the Cabinet proposes to index scholarships by 4.3%, in 2020 by 3.8% and in 2021 by 4.0%. In 2018, the volume of the scholarship fund was indexed by 4%. At the beginning of 2019 the average size First-year student scholarships - 1,484 rubles. Payments are assigned to full-time students studying on a budget basis and who completed the last semester with “good” and “excellent” marks. The increased scholarship for success in education and social activities is 8,755 rubles.

There is a state social payment, which disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and combat activities, orphans left without parental care, as well as students whose family income per person is below the regional subsistence level are entitled to receive. The amount of social benefits is 2,000 rubles for universities and 730 rubles for institutions of secondary vocational education.

Personalized scholarships

Don’t forget also about the possibility of receiving the following types of additional payments:

  • Presidential (1400-2200 rubles, for graduate students 3600-4500)
  • Solzhenitsynskaya (1500 rubles)
  • Potaninskaya
  • Tumanovskaya (2000 rubles)
  • Voznesensky scholarship - for students studying in journalism and literature (1500 rubles)
  • Scholarship for students studying in economics and modernization (5000-7000 rubles, for graduate students - 11-14 thousand)

As we can see, the state provides students with enough opportunities to receive decent monthly payments and actively encourages those who demonstrate a genuine interest in learning, good academic performance and a serious attitude towards the future. The new initiative of the Russian government is another confirmation of this.

Current education is quite expensive, and not everyone can get into the few budget-funded places. But there is another lifeline for applicants - targeted training.

What is targeted learning?

Targeted training is an opportunity to study for free in the direction of an enterprise or institution. It is formalized by a tripartite agreement between a government institution, a university and a student. After completing his studies at the university, the graduate must work for 3 years in the organization that sent him for training and paid the entire cost of his studies. If the student does not want to work, he must return full price training paid for by the company.

Pros and cons of training in the target area


– guaranteed employment after graduation;
– training on a budget basis;
– the opportunity to receive a scholarship;
– providing a place for introductory and pre-diploma internships in government agency;
– help and support from the organization during training (assistance in collecting materials for coursework and scientific articles).

The disadvantages of this type of study are that no matter where you study and no matter what your plans are, after graduating from university you will have to work in the city in which you were given the assignment. For example, a student studied at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduating from which he can work in a decent job in the capital. But, for example, the direction to study was given by the administration of the Irkutsk region. This means that he is supposed to return to the Irkutsk region.

Apart from such situations, no one promises you high wages. It may also happen that the organization in which you are required to complete your training will have low wages or lack of career growth.

Also, do not forget that with targeted training, changing your specialty will be impossible. Only if it is not closely related to another. In any case, you will have difficult negotiations with your donor organization. And, of course, you will be expected to do well in your studies.

How to apply for targeted training?

To do this, it is necessary to go through a competitive selection, since the number of target places is limited. At the university where you plan to study, you need to fill out an application for targeted study and provide it to the admissions committee along with a referral issued by the organization.

In fact, applicants have to endure two competitions. An enterprise can independently establish the form and rules for conducting internal selection among applicants wishing to enroll in the target area. Based on its results, the organization recommends several people for the allocated number of places, among whom are already at the university level, according to general rules reception, also hosts its own competition. It is carried out based on the results of the Unified State Examination. Typically, the average score of those entering targeted places is lower than that of those entering on a budget basis.

The order for the enrollment of “target students” appears before the order for the enrollment of other students. This is a plus for those applicants who did not pass the target selection - there is still time to submit documents on a general basis.

What are the chances of getting to the target location?

In fact, the chances are not that great. The lists of those whom the enterprise will apply to at the university include applicants who are already in some way familiar with this enterprise. It turns out that you should preferably be familiar with the organization from school.

Many business managers “look out” for future personnel precisely at the stage when they are in school. What ways are there to get noticed by an organization? For example, all kinds competitions which she conducts among students in the region. Or meetings with schoolchildren at the enterprise, thematic olympiads, the organizer or sponsor of which it is. Managers observe: who’s eyes light up, who expresses interest, who shows themselves with the best side- he has every chance of getting on the coveted list of sent applicants.

The “targeted” students usually also include applicants whose parents long years work at the enterprise and enjoy authority. Children often choose their parents' profession, and in such cases, management meets them halfway.

Also, the chances are high for those who have an average special education and is already working at the company. Usually, the university management supports their desire to continue their studies and receive higher education and gives direction.

In what cases can you not work off the cost of training?

Of course, after graduating from university, not everyone will want to work off their debt. This is where some students begin to look for ways to get off track. A valid reason for refusing to work is:

– disability of the 1st or 2nd group of the graduate, his wife/husband or one of the parents;
maternity leave;
– the presence of a child under 3 years of age or under 6 years of age, if, according to the conclusion of the VKK (medical advisory commission), the child needs care;
– single mother or father with a child under 14 years of age;
– a university graduate leaving for the army;
– admission to an institute or university, if the graduate graduated from a technical school or college.

Yet again, Each organization has its own requirements. In some places, joining the army, for example, will not free you from service, but will simply delay this period. So, on such issues, it is better to talk directly with your future employer and clarify the conditions with him.

Termination of the contract due to the fault of the customer can be carried out if the company is unable to provide the graduate with a job in the specialty in accordance with the medical report, as well as in the event of bankruptcy of the customer.

Which universities in Irkutsk accept applicants for targeted training?

Targeted recruitment, as a rule, takes place in industry universities (energy, oil and gas, transport, light industry and others). In Irkutsk, all state universities enroll students for targeted training.

In some places, admission to target places is carried out practically in all directions:

Some universities only accept in certain areas:

– Irkutsk State University. There are targeted places at the Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Informatics in all its profiles. They are also available in some specialties of the Institute of Social Sciences, the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, the Institute of Law and the Faculty of Geology.

– Baikal State University of Economics and Law. Targeted recruitment takes place in the following specialties: jurisprudence, economics, management, state and municipal administration.

– Irkutsk State Linguistic University is recruiting “target students” for some specialties of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Translation and Translation Studies, Oriental Languages, Social Sciences and European Languages.

– Irkutsk State Medical University. There are targeted places in such specialties as general medicine, pediatrics, preventive medicine, dentistry, medical biochemistry and pharmacy.

Take every opportunity to get an education. If you are a responsible and purposeful person, then you will definitely be recognized in the organization. In the future, you will have the opportunity to make a career and receive a decent salary.

Daria Karpova, website

URL: http://www.site/news/articles/20120702/training/

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