Home Pulpitis How to treat sinus tachycardia. What is sinus tachycardia of the heart

How to treat sinus tachycardia. What is sinus tachycardia of the heart

In a healthy person calm state the heart makes from 60 to 80 beats in one minute. Tachycardia is an accelerated heartbeat, diagnosed when the heart rate exceeds 90 per minute.

Sinus tachycardia is such a rapid heartbeat when the correct heart rhythm is maintained. Normally, the electrical impulse leaves the sinus node and spreads in a certain order, causing sequential contraction of the ventricles following the atria.

1. What is this?
2. Symptoms
3. Reasons
4. Treatment
5. Treatment folk remedies
6. In teenagers
7. In pregnant women
8. Why it’s dangerous
9. Diagnostics
10. Moderate
11. Expressed
12. Consequences
13. Drugs

What is this?

What is sinus tachycardia? Sinus tachycardia is sinus rhythm with a heart rate of more than 100 min-1. In young people, heart rate can reach 200 min-1, but in older people it usually does not exceed 150 min-1

With sinus tachycardia, the electrical impulse, as normal, leaves the sinus node, so the atria and ventricles contract in the correct sequence. Increased heart rate occurs because the frequency of electrical impulses emanating from the sinus node increases.

Normally, an increase in the automaticity of the sinus node occurs when psycho-emotional stress and physical activity, consumption of caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, energy drinks, etc.). This reaction allows the body to ensure adequate blood supply to organs and tissues under conditions of intense work, as occurs with increased physical activity. An increased heart rate is a healthy response of the body to activation of the sympathetic nervous system in one way or another (naturally as a result of the release of stress hormones, or artificially as a result of drinking coffee).

Sinus tachycardia can occur in a person with healthy heart, for example, with fever: it is believed that every degree of increase in body temperature leads to an increase in heart rate by 10 beats per minute.

Often, sinus tachycardia is a symptom of poor health thyroid gland: Thus, in people suffering from hyperthyroidism and not receiving adequate treatment, one of the symptoms is rapid heartbeat.

With anemia, the heart begins to work harder in order to ensure a complete supply of oxygen to the organs, which manifests itself in rapid heartbeat.

It is important to know that it is not only caffeine that can cause sinus tachycardia. Its occurrence can be caused by uncontrolled use of diuretics, aminophylline, glucocorticoid hormones (prednisolone, metipred), and other drugs.

Sinus tachycardia may be a sign of poor health of cardio-vascular system. It most often develops in people suffering from heart failure. It can also occur during a severe pain attack due to angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction and other heart diseases.
Source: terapewt.ru


Regarding the clinical manifestations of sinus tachycardia, these include: the appearance of shortness of breath, persistent heartbeat, general weakness of the body, the occurrence of dizziness, which can be so strong that a person loses consciousness. In addition, the patient may experience pain in the chest, fatigue, restless sleep, a feeling of heaviness in the heart area, decreased overall performance and deteriorating mood.

After diagnosis Special attention pay attention to the severity of the main symptoms of the disease, their duration, as well as their frequency of repetition. As for the treatment of sinus tachycardia, it is prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the causes of the disease. For example, if the cause of heart palpitations was the presence infectious disease in the body, treatment is usually aimed at completely eliminating the infection.

Regarding physiological tachycardia, it usually does not require special therapy, since it goes away on its own after the effect on the body of all its effects disappears. causative factors. To avoid the development of tachycardia, the doctor advises his patients to avoid drinking alcohol, dark chocolate and caffeine-containing drinks. In addition, during the period of treatment of the disease, the patient must be protected from heavy physical exertion and emotional shocks.

In some cases, sinus tachycardia may not produce any symptoms for quite a long period of time. In other cases, a person can detect this disease in himself if he counts his pulse. For example, a pulse of more than 100 beats per minute in a calm and relaxed state indicates that he has tachycardia. However, for an accurate diagnosis, an electrocardiographic study will be required. Electrocardiography is prescribed to patients in cases where there is a suspicion of a disorder of the cardiovascular system. This procedure is absolutely painless and safe.
Source: medportal.su


Sinus tachycardia occurs as a reaction of the body to changing environmental conditions and is aimed at increasing blood delivery to organs and tissues.

  1. The influence of toxic substances (toxins): alcohol, nicotine.
  2. The influence of excess thyroid hormones, infectious particles.

Effect of drugs:

  • glucocorticoids (hormonal drugs with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect);
  • caffeine-containing drugs;
  • some antidepressants;
  • drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma ( allergic disease, the main component of which is spasm (narrowing) of the bronchi);
  • calcium antagonists (drugs that block the penetration of calcium ions into the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels through special channels, promoting their relaxation);
  • diuretics.

Diseases of the respiratory system and blood.

With respiratory diseases, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood, and therefore tissues and organs experience “oxygen starvation.” In order to meet the needs of the organs, the heart has to increase the flow of blood by increasing the frequency of its work. A similar mechanism is observed in anemia (anemia), chronic blood loss, only in this case there is enough oxygen, but there is not enough of its “carrier” - hemoglobin (an iron-containing protein involved in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide).

Heart diseases:

  • heart defects (changes in the structures (valves, walls, septa, vessels) of the heart);
  • coronary heart disease (a disease characterized by impaired blood supply to the heart muscle due to damage to the heart’s own arteries);
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • cardiomyopathy (heart disease with structural and functional changes in the heart muscle). Often with these diseases there is a decrease in the contractile work of the heart and the ejection of blood from it. Therefore, in order for the body to provide the body with the required volume of blood, it needs to increase the heart rate.
  • Neuroses, prolonged depression, panic attacks.

Source: lookmedbook.ru


How to treat sinus tachycardia? The principles of treatment of sinus tachycardia are determined, first of all, by the causes of its occurrence. Treatment should be carried out by a cardiologist together with other specialists.

It is necessary to eliminate factors that contribute to an increase in heart rate: eliminate caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee), nicotine, alcohol, spicy foods, chocolate; protect yourself from psycho-emotional and physical overload. For physiological sinus tachycardia, no treatment is required.

Treatment of pathological tachycardia should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. In case of extracardiac sinus tachycardia of a neurogenic nature, the patient needs to consult a neurologist. Treatment uses psychotherapy and sedatives (luminal, tranquilizers and antipsychotics: tranquilan, relanium, seduxen).

In the case of reflex tachycardia (with hypovolemia) and compensatory tachycardia (with anemia, hyperthyroidism), it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused them. Otherwise, therapy aimed at reducing heart rate may lead to sharp decline blood pressure and aggravate hemodynamic disorders.

For sinus tachycardia caused by thyrotoxicosis, β-blockers are used in addition to the thyreostatic drugs prescribed by the endocrinologist. Preference is given to β-blockers of the oxyprenolol, practolol and prindolol group. If there are contraindications to β-blockers, alternative drugs are used - non-hydropyridine calcium antagonists (verapamil, diltiazem).

For sinus tachycardia caused by heart failure, cardiac glycosides (digoxin) are prescribed in combination with beta-blockers.

The target heart rate should be selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition and his underlying disease. The target resting heart rate for angina is usually 55-60 beats per minute; for neurocirculatory dystonia - 60 - 90 beats per minute, depending on subjective tolerance.

With paroxysmal tachycardia, increasing the tone of the vagus nerve can be achieved with a special massage - pressing on the eyeballs. If there is no effect, an antiarrhythmic drug (verapamil, cordarone, etc.) is administered intravenously. Patients with ventricular tachycardia require emergency care, emergency hospitalization and anti-relapse antiarrhythmic therapy.

In case of inadequate sinus tachycardia, in case of ineffectiveness of b-blockers and in case of significant deterioration of the patient’s condition, transvenous RFA of the heart is used (restoration of normal heart rate by cauterizing the affected area of ​​the heart). If there is no effect or the patient’s life is threatened, a surgical procedure is performed to implant an electrical pacemaker (ECS) - an artificial pacemaker.
Source: krasotaimedicina.ru

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of sinus tachycardia using traditional methods is widespread. However, it should be clarified that such treatment is justified solely as a component of complex therapy for tachycardia and subject to its mandatory prior agreement with your attending physician.

It has long been used to treat increased heart rate. various kinds tinctures, decoctions, herbal preparations. Below are some of the most widely used traditional remedies for treating tachycardia.

Herbal mixture based on valerian and motherwort

To collect, you need to take: 200 g of dried valerian roots, 200 g of dried motherwort herb, 100 g of dried yarrow herb, 100 g of anise fruit. Grind all ingredients and mix.

Store the collection in a place protected from moisture and pests. To use: pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water and let the brewed infusion steep for about an hour. The infusion should be taken in small equal portions throughout the day. This remedy can also be used during pregnancy.

Melissa tincture

Melissa is also a long-known popular remedy for treating tachycardia, improving emotional state. Its calming effect is widely known.

To prepare the tincture, take 100 g of dried lemon balm, pour in 200 ml of alcohol, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 10 days. Then the tincture should be strained. To take, 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted with 50 ml of water and taken in this dosage 4 times a day.

Coriander infusion

Coriander was also known as a remedy for tachycardia to our ancestors. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of dried coriander and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it.

Then leave the infusion for 2 hours. You should take the prepared medicine 50 ml 2 times a day, after straining it. Treatment should be carried out in courses of no more than 1 month. Then you should take breaks for 10-14 days.

Decoction based on valerian and calendula

To prepare the decoction you will need: dried valerian roots and calendula flowers. You can store herbs either together or separately, without mixing. It is important that the area where you store your herbs is protected from light and pests.

To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of valerian roots and 1 tablespoon of calendula, pour 400 ml of water in a thermos. Let the medicine sit for 3 hours. Next, strain the infusion and take 100 ml 4 times a day. During pregnancy, such an infusion will help not only eliminate tachycardia, but also the woman’s emotional balance.

Treatment should also be carried out in courses lasting no more than 20 days. Upon completion of the course of treatment, you should take a break for 10 days.

You can also make tea to improve the functioning of the heart muscle. To prepare this tea, mix dried mint leaves, hawthorn fruits, valerian roots, motherwort herb, rose hips, and oregano in equal proportions.

Brew this mixture, let it brew and strain. Tea based on this mixture will taste pleasant and will help you restore not only the functioning of your nervous system, but also your mental balance. The use of this tea is especially indicated for patients suffering from tachycardia during pregnancy.
Source: healthage.ru

In teenagers

Sinus tachycardia in adolescent children develops due to the following reasons:

  • stress or emotional overstrain;
  • physical stress;
  • physiological characteristics of age (the heart cannot cope due to the rapid growth of the body);
  • diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, infections, tumors, etc.

The manifestation of signs of other diseases may presumably indicate the cause of the tachycardia. But it is possible to clarify the diagnosis only after special examinations by a cardiologist or general practitioner.

Tachycardia in adolescence manifests itself as follows:

  • paroxysmal increased heart rate (a common symptom for any age);
  • dizziness, weakness, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, fainting. The manifestation of such signs indicates the possible development of paroxysmal tachycardia.

Paroxysmal sinus tachycardia is a disease characterized by sudden attacks of rapid heart rate. If symptoms appear, you should see a doctor immediately.
Source: moeserdtse.ru

In pregnant women

Tachycardia is almost always observed in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that they quickly gain weight, their metabolism changes and the uterus enlarges. Most often, the first attacks occur in the third semester of pregnancy. In this case, the woman experiences frequent dizziness, weakness, and heart pain.

Attacks occur for no reason, for example, when suddenly getting out of bed or changing position (orthostatic tachycardia). They can overtake you while walking or visiting a store. They end as suddenly as they begin. For many women, tachycardia during pregnancy causes fear and anxiety. Most often, this is a completely normal reaction of the body to the changes caused by the fetus growing in it. A doctor’s consultation will be required if the attacks drag on and the expectant mother feels nauseous and is close to fainting. This may indicate the presence of heart disease or an overactive thyroid gland.

Tachycardia is often observed in the fetus. Most often it is caused by maternal anxiety or taking certain types of medications. In this case, there is no need to show unnecessary concern. Your baby's heart rate will return to normal during the first year of his life. But sometimes the cause of tachycardia of a child in the womb is chromosomal abnormalities, anemia, water-salt imbalance, hypoxia, and intrauterine infection. This already requires the intervention of doctors. If necessary, they prescribe special drugs against arrhythmia, which are delivered to the embryo through transplacental administration.

It is not recommended to take during pregnancy medicines, as they can have a negative impact on the baby developing in the womb. In this case, treatment with folk remedies will relieve attacks of tachycardia.
Source: sosudinfo.ru

Why is it dangerous?

Is sinus tachycardia dangerous? In addition to sinus tachycardia, paroxysmal (ectopic) is distinguished. The heart rate is affected not only by the sinoatrial node, but also by other areas of the heart. When they increase their impulse activity, ectopic tachycardia appears. It can be both ventricular and supraventricular (that is, atrial). However, only an electrocardiogram can reveal such nuances. The type of tachycardia is not diagnosed or determined in absentia.

Paroxysmal tachycardia- This is a sudden sharp increase in heart rate, which is usually preceded by a feeling of anxiety and restlessness. Paroxysmal tachycardia is much more dangerous than physiological tachycardia, because its attack can be combined with an attack of angina pectoris (severe pain in the heart), panic attacks (feelings of fear, thoughts of death, severe anxiety of unknown origin), fainting, dizziness and shortness of breath.

Even more dangerous is the fact that this type of tachycardia can hide the development of myocardial infarction, a life-threatening condition that requires emergency hospitalization.
Source: mirsovetov.ru


Diagnostics allows us to identify the causes of the disease: cardiac lesions and extracardiac factors. In addition, thanks to a comprehensive examination, the doctor will be able to determine what kind of tachycardia the patient suffers from: ectopic or sinus.


Electrocardiography (ECG) plays main role in determining the type of tachycardia, rhythm and heart rate. ECG results can reveal signs of chronic myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertrophy of the right or left ventricle, suffered a heart attack myocardium.

24-hour Holter ECG monitoring

A specialist makes a diagnosis of sinus tachycardia after an ECG and based on its results. The difficulty in identifying sinus arrhythmia lies in the fact that its manifestations are not specific, they can be confused, for example, with symptoms of ventricular tachycardia. Carrying out daily Holter ECG monitoring allows you to identify and analyze any types of heart rhythm disturbances. This diagnostic method makes it possible to track changes in heart activity under conditions Everyday life patient: reaction to emotional and physical stress, state during sleep, conductivity and heart rhythm within 24 hours. Thanks to daily ECG monitoring, it is possible to identify episodes of silent and painful myocardial ischemia, clarify the cause of presyncope and fainting, etc.


Using echocardiography (EchoCG), it is possible to determine the intracardiac pathology causing pathological tachycardia. This diagnostic method allows you to obtain information about the condition of the soft tissues and valve apparatus, the thickness of the walls of the heart, the volume of the heart cavities, and the contractile activity of the myocardium. Thanks to echocardiography, you can see in real time how the heart works, track the characteristics of the movement and speed of blood in the ventricles and atria.

Electrophysiological study of the heart

Carrying out an electrophysiological study (EPS) of the heart allows you to find out how the electrical impulse propagates through the heart muscle, identify cardiac conduction disorders and the mechanism of tachycardia. Thanks to EPI, it is possible to study the electrophysiological properties of the ventricular and atrial myocardium, the conduction system, as well as monitor the effectiveness of non-pharmacological and drug therapy.

As additional methods Diagnosis of tachycardia is performed by EEG of the brain, general analysis blood, a blood test for the content of thyroid hormones, etc., which allows us to exclude blood diseases, disorders endocrine system, pathologies of the central nervous system, etc.
Source: aritmia.info


One of the types of heart rhythm disturbances is moderate sinus tachycardia. It often occurs in people who have had surgery on organs located in the abdominal cavity. This species is characterized by a reflex course. The main consequences of moderate tachycardia of this type are a 30% decrease in mesenteric and renal blood flow, vasospasm, which results in necrosis of the intestinal wall.

Moderate tachycardia very often occurs in childhood and adolescence. It is of a physiological nature, associated with the characteristics of the development of the body during these periods. It goes away on its own with age, so it does not require drug treatment. But help your child cope with palpitations and other unpleasant sensations Home remedies will help, for example, vitamin tea made from hawthorn and rose hips, with the addition of currant leaves and lemon balm. Decoctions of flowering heads of meadow clover are very useful.

In some cases, breathing exercises aimed at relaxation help stop an attack of tachycardia. They are performed as follows:

Exhale the air completely from your chest. Press the tongue against the gum tubercles with inside behind the front teeth.

  • Closing your mouth, begin to slowly inhale air through your nose, counting to yourself to 4.
  • Now you need to hold your breath while counting to 7.
  • Exhale sharply through your mouth, counting to 4.
  • Repeat the exercise three times, observing regularity: inhale - 4, hold your breath - 7, exhale - 4.


Severe sinus tachycardia. With this form of the disease, the heart rate accelerates and ranges from 135 to 180 beats per minute. In this condition, patients may experience general weakness, dizziness, and sometimes the person faints. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe treatment.

Severe sinus tachycardia may be due to endocrine diseases, such as thyrotoxicosis, adrenal tumor with increased production of adrenaline (pheochromocytoma), Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. Another cause of tachycardia is fever that occurs during infectious and inflammatory diseases (pneumonia, tonsillitis, sepsis, tuberculosis). It is believed that an increase in body temperature of 1 degree leads to an increase in heart rate of 10 beats per minute.


Patients who have suffered sinus tachycardia may develop heart failure and hypertension in the future, so you should seek help from a doctor and follow his recommendations exactly.
Source: my-sunshine.ru


Sedatives. Sedatives are prescribed to treat rapid heartbeat in vegetative-vascular dystonia. Their action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, thereby reducing the frequency of tachycardia attacks. Depending on the components included in the composition, sedatives are divided into 2 types:

Natural preparations. Natural preparations include the following:

  • Persen. This herbal medicine has a moderate sedative effect. Reduces nervousness, excitability, anxiety, irritability, relieves nervous tension and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Valerian. Valerian tincture or tablets have moderate choleretic and antispasmodic properties. Dilates coronary vessels, slows heart rate and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • And other drugs.

Synthetic products. TO synthetic drugs include the following:

  • Phenobarbital. The drug has a pronounced hypnotic effect. In small doses it has a sedative effect.
  • Diazepam. The drug has anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative, anti-anxiety, amnestic and muscle relaxant effects.
  • And other drugs.

Antiarrhythmic drugs. Antiarrhythmic drugs have different mechanisms of action, but help restore normal heart rhythm. The drugs are selected by the doctor depending on the type of tachycardia after complex diagnostics. Self-medication with antiarrhythmic drugs can be dangerous, since the same drug may be used to treat one type of tachycardia, but may be contraindicated for another type.



There are many reasons for the appearance of sinus tachycardia. Physiological changes in heart rate occur as a result of the body's response to environmental factors. The clinical picture of tachycardia can be observed in healthy people under the influence of stress, increased mental stress, sports, alcoholic beverages and nicotine.

An increase in the rhythm of the sinus node during pregnancy is considered normal, since during this period the total volume of fluids (blood cells and plasma) in a woman’s body increases, and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases. It is important that a pregnant woman is under constant supervision of a cardiologist, since a weakened body can often be susceptible to infectious diseases, which also negatively affect the heart rate.

IN clinical settings sinus tachycardia can be a symptom and/or a compensatory mechanism in a number of pathological conditions.

These include:

  • disturbances in the synthesis of hormones (especially thyrotropin, estrogen and progesterone);
  • acute and chronic oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • neuroses and depressive disorders;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • any forms of anemia;
  • frequent bleeding (for example, with endometrial hyperplasia or endometriosis in women);
  • ischemia, myocardial infarction, myocarditis and other diseases of the heart muscle.

Note! In women, sinus tachycardia can occur with menorrhagia (heavy menstruation that lasts longer than 5-7 days). Taking certain medications (antidepressants, diuretics, hormonal drugs) can also increase the load on the sinus node.

Chronic inappropriate sinus tachycardia is based on an increase in the normal automatism of the pacemaker cells of the sinus node, most often due to a relative increase in sympathetic and decrease in vagal influences on the heart. Less commonly, the cause of sinus tachycardia may be
be structural, incl. inflammatory changes in the myocardium surrounding the zone of pacemaker activity of the right atrium. Chronic inappropriate sinus tachycardia may result from
primary damage to the pacemaker cells of the sinus node or a violation of its regulation by the autonomic nervous system.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Sinus tachycardia has virtually no specific symptoms and is characterized by a typical course inherent in any other type of tachycardia. But still, she has a very important characteristic sign - this is anamnesis data indicating a gradual increase and decrease in heart rate. Most other supraventricular tachycardias manifest themselves with a sudden onset and an equally sudden end of the attack, that is, they are paroxysmal in nature.

The person becomes lethargic, severe weakness appears, and sometimes a feeling of “wobbly legs” may occur. Performance decreases sharply, endurance decreases. This is especially noticeable in people whose professional activities involve increased physical activity. This group includes loaders, construction workers, and storekeepers.

Any physical activity with this type of tachycardia causes severe fatigue, so a chronic decrease in performance is a reason to contact a cardiologist and undergo an ECG, especially if other clinical manifestations of the disease are present.


Shortness of breath can occur at any time, even at night, when the person’s body is relaxed. If the heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, the patient may wake up at night from a sudden feeling of asphyxia (suffocation). Shortness of air can also be observed during the daytime, but it is not associated with stress and occurs in isolation from external factors.

Shortness of breath may be accompanied by severe pain in the chest, frequent, intermittent breathing and tingling in the left hypochondrium.

Convulsive syndrome

Convulsions during tachycardia are associated with poor circulation in the extremities. Most often, muscle spasms occur in the calf muscles, but the arms, as well as the neck and even the back and abdomen can be affected. The hands and feet are most often cold and may have a bluish or unnaturally pale tint.

When capillaries are damaged, skin may appear spider veins. This sign is also characteristic of varicose veins, therefore it requires comprehensive survey and consultation with a phlebologist or vascular surgeon.


Painful sensations in the heart area can be of a completely different nature. Some patients experience a burning sensation and tingling in the heart area, some feel a feeling of heaviness and compression of the chest, some complain of a dull pain behind the sternum. Sometimes the pain syndrome can be mild. This pain appears several times during the day, lasts no more than 5-7 minutes and does not bother the patient much, but this does not mean that you can ignore it.

Important! Even minor pain in the heart should be a reason to consult a doctor, since sometimes it can be the only symptom of incipient pathological processes (often irreversible).

Drop in blood pressure

One of the signs by which one can judge increased stress on the sinus node is a decrease in blood pressure. Hypotension is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: headache, dizziness, sensation of “floaters” before the eyes. In some cases, frequent fainting is possible, which can last from 15-30 seconds to several minutes.

Panic attacks

Another symptom that can be called relatively characteristic of sinus tachycardia is a constant feeling of fear (against the background of other clinical manifestations). The patient experiences strong emotional agitation and anxiety. In advanced cases, hallucinations may occur. This sign indicates the need for urgent treatment and constant medical supervision.

Who to contact?

For any symptoms of tachycardia, especially if they are accompanied by pressure, pain and discomfort in the heart area, you should seek medical help. A cardiologist treats heart diseases, but in some cases consultation with specialized specialists may be required:

  • phlebologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • vascular surgeon.

During an external examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the patient’s skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and listens to the chest for wheezing. It is mandatory to measure blood pressure and pulse. After collecting anamnesis, the doctor will give directions for the following types of studies:

  • biochemical blood test to exclude anemia and inflammatory processes;
  • urine test (to exclude renal failure and diabetes mellitus);
  • ECG in 12 leads;
  • echocardiography;
  • “vagal” tests (Valsalva, massage of the carotid sinuses, Aschner);
  • recording of a transesophageal electrogram of the atria;
  • daily monitoring (Holter diagnostics).

Important! Collection of basic information includes information about the patient’s conditions and place of residence, his lifestyle and professional activities. Based on the data received, the doctor can draw a conclusion about the nature of the disease and the causes of its occurrence, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to treat?

Sinus tachycardia usually does not require specific treatment. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the arrhythmia, which, as a rule, leads to the restoration of the normal frequency of sinus rhythm (quitting smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking strong tea, coffee, correcting hypovolemia, treating fever, etc.). In cases where sinus tachycardia provokes attacks of angina pectoris, contributes to the progression of circulatory failure or leads to severe subjective discomfort, drug treatment is recommended.

In rare cases, with highly symptomatic sinus tachycardia resistant to drug therapy, it is advisable for patients to undergo radiofrequency catheter ablation (or modification) of the sinus node with the installation of a permanent pacemaker.

Beta blockers

Drugs in this group block the increased production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, the main stress hormones. One of the most effective blockers of adrenaline-sensitive receptors is " Bisoprolol" It is well tolerated by most patients, but in some cases it can cause serious side effects, so treatment should be supervised by specialists.

Non-dihydropyridine calcium antagonists

  • « Verapamide»
  • « Diltiazem»

The pharmacological effects of drugs from the verapamil and diltiazem groups are similar: they have a negative foreign, chrono- and dromotropic effect - they can reduce contractility myocardium, reduce heart rate, slow down atrioventricular conduction.

All of these drugs can have different therapeutic effects, so the need for use and dosage regimen must be calculated by the doctor individually.

Auxiliary medications

Depending on the underlying disease that causes sinus tachycardia, the patient is prescribed medications from various pharmacological groups, which are listed in the table below.

Cause of pathology What medications are prescribed? Drugs for treatment
Neuroses, stress, psychosis, depressive disorders Sedatives of synthetic and plant origin, sedatives “Afobazol”, “Persen”, “Tenoten”, “Motherwort”, “Valerian officinalis extract”, “Evening” dragee with mint and hops
Hyperthyroidism Medicines that suppress the production of thyrotropin and thyroid hormones “Tiamazol”, “Propylthiouracil”, “Mercazolil”, “Tyrozol”, “Metizol”, “Carbimazol”
Sore throat and other infectious pathologies affecting heart rate Broad-spectrum antibiotics (penicillin antibacterials, cephalosporins or macrolides) “Zinnat”, “Clarithromycin”, “Azithromycin”, “Amoxiclav”, “Augmentin”, “Flemoklav”, “Amoxicillin”
Anemia Iron supplements "Venofer", "Iron gluconate 300", "Heferol", "CosmoFer"

Important! In some cases, the patient may need treatment with drugs that restore the total volume of circulating blood, as well as transfusions of red blood cells and plasma. To eliminate signs of dehydration and prevent it, rehydration therapy with salt preparations (for example, Regidron) is recommended.

Video - Tachycardia

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional methods of treating sinus tachycardia can be quite effective, provided that the recommendations for diet and nutrition are followed. Listed below are the safest and most effective recipes to restore heart function and normalize the number of heartbeats.

Garlic-lemon mixture

To prepare the medicine for one course of therapy you will need:

  • fresh lemons – 10 pieces;
  • garlic (preferably young) – 10 heads;
  • natural honey – 1 l.

Rinse the lemons in warm water and cut into large cubes. Peel the garlic. Mix the ingredients in a blender and add honey to the resulting slurry. Mix everything thoroughly, without shaking, and put it in a dark place. The medicine must be infused for at least 7 days.

You need to take a mixture of lemons and garlic 4 times a day after meals, a dessert spoon. Duration of use – 1 month.

Hawthorn infusion

To prepare the infusion you will need dried hawthorn flowers and boiling water. One spoon of the plant must be poured with 150 ml of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. You need to take the product 3 times a day, 100 ml, regardless of meals.

The duration of treatment depends on the observed dynamics and severity of symptoms. Typically, 1 to 3 months of treatment are required to significantly improve your well-being.

Medicine from nuts and dried fruits

To prepare effective medicine to improve heart function, you need to take in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each):

  • figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • raisin;
  • walnuts;
  • hazelnut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

All components need to be crushed in a blender and pour 300 ml of freshly collected honey. Take 1 teaspoon of the vitamin mixture 2 times a day - morning and evening. The duration of therapy is 21 days.

Important! People with diseases of the endocrine system, obesity, and carbohydrate metabolism disorders should avoid using this treatment method.

Video - How to treat tachycardia at home

Regardless of what type of therapy is used for treatment, the patient must follow dietary and regimen recommendations. Meals for tachycardia should be frequent and small. Consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods should be kept to a minimum. This applies to products with a high content of sugar, dyes, flavor enhancers and other substances harmful to the body.

Walking and physical activity should be given great importance. For patients with cardiovascular diseases, swimming, yoga, and walking at a slow pace are best. The room must be ventilated several times a day and the air humidity must be monitored - it should not be lower than 40%.

Sinus tachycardia is a pathology that requires an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment. For a successful result of the therapy, it is important to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations, as well as give up bad habits and control physical activity. If the patient continues to lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat high-calorie foods low in minerals and vitamins, and cannot give up bad habits, the effectiveness of any treatment method will be minimal.


Sinus tachycardia causes

This condition, in the form of increased heart rate, occurs in any age groups and mainly in the healthy half, as well as among those who have cardiac and other pathologies.

The formation of sinus tachycardia is directly influenced by cardiac (intracardial) and extracardiac (extracardiac) causative factors.

In patients who suffer from S.S.S. diseases, the occurrence of sinus tachycardia is one of the early symptoms of HF or LV dysfunction. Causes of an intracardial nature include AHF and CHF, myocardial infarction, myocarditis of various etiologies, angina pectoris severe form, heart defects, cardiosclerosis, endocarditis of bacterial origin, cardiomyopathies and pericarditis.

But the reasons for the development of sinus tachycardia of an extracardiac nature are different types stress, such as emotional and physical, as well as hereditary predisposition. In addition, most arrhythmias of a neurogenic nature are formed as a result of a primary developing disorder in the brain and autonomic nervous system (neurocirculatory dystonia, neuroses and psychoses of an affective nature). Basically, neurogenic forms of this pathological condition affect the younger generation, who have a labile nervous system.

Characteristic etiological factors increased heart rate indicates endocrine system disorders in the form of increased production of adrenaline against the background of pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis; anemia, fainting, sudden drop in pressure, shock, attacks of pain and hypoxia.

In some cases, this increase in heart rate can be caused by a febrile state due to infections and inflammations, such as sepsis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Thus, with an increase in temperature by one degree, the heart rate can increase to ten or fifteen beats per minute in a child and up to eight or nine in an adult.

There is also toxic and drug-induced sinus tachycardia, in which drugs and chemicals are considered to be the causes of its occurrence as a result of their effect on the functioning of the sinus node. Among them are: Adrenaline, Norepinephrine, diuretics, Atropine, antihypertensive drugs, Eufillin, thyroid-stimulating hormones, corticosteroids; coffee, tea, alcohol, nitrates, nicotine. However, some types of substances do not have a direct effect on the SG, so reflex tachycardia develops as a consequence of an increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

Sometimes the heart rate has an adequate and inadequate shape. The reasons for their occurrence are little studied, since they are very rare. It is assumed that they develop as a result of a primary lesion of the SU.

Sinus tachycardia symptoms

The symptoms of sinus tachycardia differ from other tachycardias in their rather mild course, which can be characterized by a picture without complaints from the patient. In rare cases, the patient experiences some discomfort when he experiences palpitations and increased fatigue.

To diagnose sinus tachycardia, firstly, you first need to count the pulse, which in such a pathology should be more than one hundred beats per minute, and secondly, conduct an ECG study. In mild or moderate form, characterized by functional pathology, treatment of sinus tachycardia is usually not prescribed.

However, there are still minor signs indicating an increase in heart rate, which should be paid attention to and an appropriate examination should be carried out to exclude or confirm the existing pathology, which provoked an accelerated heart rate.

The characteristic clinical symptoms of sinus tachycardia are an increase in heart rate of more than one hundred beats per minute, even in a completely calm state, although the heart rate at night can decrease to the normal rate of eighty beats.

The second symptom that causes anxiety and discomfort is a strong heartbeat in the chest, which the patient himself feels. In some cases, a patient with this pathological condition may feel dizzy, and then syncope occurs (the patient loses consciousness).

In addition, an accelerated heart rate is characterized by the appearance of periodic chest pains, which are sometimes quite sharp and prevent a person from breathing freely, so the patient feels pressure behind the sternum. Subsequently, shortness of breath appears, which causes a state of anxiety. The patient feels tired, cannot bear physical activity and is very worried about his life.

As a rule, attacks of strong heartbeat can either begin suddenly or stop abruptly. Also, with sinus tachycardia, a person may experience nausea due to lack of fresh air. If this condition is caused by physiological factors, then it is necessary to eliminate them and the heart rate will return to normal. But in case of cardiac or other pathologies that provoked the occurrence of such a condition, medical assistance is necessary to prevent the worsening of the underlying disease.

Basically, at the beginning of an attack of sinus tachycardia, as a consequence of any etiological factors, you need to calm down, and then take any sedative drug and choose a comfortable position for yourself until the main symptoms (tachycardia) stop.

Sinus tachycardia in children

This condition is considered today to be a fairly common and characteristic manifestation of accelerated sinus rhythm in children and is manifested by an increase in the number of heart contractions, but no special deviations from its normal functioning are observed. In children, signs of increased heart rate can develop when overstrain of any nature occurs, both emotional and physical. This is why the sinoatrial node (SU) automatically enlarges. In newborns, this diagnosis is made if the heart rate exceeds one hundred and sixty beats per minute. Sinus tachycardia is observed in almost 40% of children.

The main reasons for the development of this condition in newly born children are anemia, acidosis, hypoglycemia and physiological reasons in the form of a medical examination, anxiety, swaddling, painful attacks, overheating, as well as pathological processes in the cardiovascular system associated with heart failure . This mild form of this condition generally goes away on its own by the first year of a child’s life, without the use of any medical interventions.

Suspicions of changes in sinus rhythm in children may be a heart rate from one hundred beats per minute to one hundred and sixty. However, such fluctuations are not taken into account if they arose at the time of the child’s feverish state, after intense physical exercise, long and strenuous walks, while in a room where it is difficult to breathe as a result of the fact that it may be stuffy, and also after suffered stress. In addition, if the heart rate within five minutes comes to normal indicators, and it is not accompanied by fainting, shortness of breath, or heart pain, then the child is considered completely healthy.

Sinus tachycardia in adolescents very often develops as a consequence of endocrine changes, anemia, stress, physical and emotional fatigue. As a rule, such causative factors of the disease in children and adolescents must be urgently eliminated in order to avoid pathological tachycardia. You also need to understand that this condition in children can be very dangerous and in the future become the cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, as well as lead to cardiac pathology such as heart failure.

Thus, it is very important to carefully monitor such children when symptoms of this pathology occur to prevent its worsening. Although it is also necessary to take into account that this condition may be a physiological phenomenon in a child due to an immature cardiovascular system.

But, nevertheless, when children have an attack of sinus tachycardia, it is necessary to create access to fresh air, freeing the child’s neck from constricting clothing, putting something cooling on the forehead and providing the baby with everything necessary to calm him down. Then call medical help and conduct a thorough examination to find out the reasons for the development of rapid heart rate.

Sinus tachycardia in pregnant women

Currently, it is quite difficult to meet a pregnant woman who will fully satisfy all the doctor’s requirements regarding her health condition, since the pregnancy period is very often accompanied by various symptoms unpleasant character. Firstly, they do not directly threaten the health of a pregnant woman, and secondly, they are not always well received, and in some cases are even very poorly tolerated.

It is precisely this condition that sinus tachycardia during pregnancy refers to, which is characterized by an accelerated heart rate and can occur in pregnant women who do not even have pathological heart diseases.

The causes of its occurrence can be various factors that provoke heart rate without changing the spreading excitation in the conduction system of a certain organ. This is exactly how the physiological course of sinus tachycardia is characterized during a woman’s pregnancy. These reasons include: a general restructuring of the entire system female body during pregnancy under the influence of hormones. As well as an increased load on the central heating system; intense work somatic organs, which are aimed at meeting the increasing needs of a woman and her unborn child, in this case, the fetus; changes associated with the location of certain organs and their compression as a result of an enlarged uterus.

A gynecologist can diagnose the condition of sinus tachycardia during pregnancy as physiological only after conducting a complete and comprehensive examination, which will not give positive results for pathological diseases, as well as acute or chronic blood loss, uncontrollable vomiting, disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism, which contribute to an increase in the load on the S.S.S. In addition, even a slight low-grade fever can trigger rapid heartbeat in pregnant women, which in this case serves as a compensatory reaction, and it is inherent in any organism.

Thus, sinus tachycardia can be considered precisely that condition in pregnant women when the heart rate exceeds the limit of one hundred beats per minute. That is why, when diagnosing an acceleration of sinus rhythm in a pregnant woman, it is important to conduct a comprehensive examination, identify the cause of its occurrence and consult the pregnant woman with specialists such as a cardiologist, vascular surgeon, pulmonologist, endocrinologist (if necessary). This is especially important for those pregnant women with a history of cardiovascular diseases.

At the same time, it is very important to pay attention not only to the symptoms of this condition that accompany it, but also to the period of pregnancy. The shorter the fetal gestation, the more attention should be paid to the emerging increase in heart rate. But the later stages of pregnancy have all the prerequisites for the appearance of physiological sinus tachycardia as a result of the diaphragm squeezing the heart as the size of the fetus increases. At this moment, there is a slight irritation of the atria, in which the pacemaker of the heart contractions is located. Therefore, a slight heart rate during pregnancy is a normal compensatory phenomenon, as a result of which the body of the pregnant woman and her fetus receives an increased need for nutrients and oxygen. Thus, an increase in heart rate in the form of a heart rate of more than 110–115 beats. per minute detected in the 3rd trimester will be considered normal and in this case there is no need to prescribe treatment.

Also, sinus tachycardia can occur when exposed to additional physical activity, as a mechanism of the body’s adaptive reaction. When you stop exercising, the heart rate should return to normal in a healthy pregnant woman, and for this it is enough to rest a little. In the opposite case, when the condition of a pregnant woman during an attack of sinus tachycardia does not normalize, immediate consultation with a specialist and hospitalization in the cardiology department with further examination are required.

When diagnosing a pregnant woman with symptoms of sinus tachycardia, mandatory search components are used. First of all, this is an examination by a gynecologist to determine the fact of pregnancy and its duration, as well as gynecological pathology that may accompany it. Then they appoint laboratory test to perform clinical and biochemical tests to determine hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, since with anemia the heart rate may increase, even if there is no cardiovascular pathology.

In addition, a test for thyroid hormones is required. Also an important diagnostic aspect is an electrocardiogram, which examines the heart rhythm and determines the type of tachycardia, in this case sinus. In the future, a consultation is scheduled according to indications or to confirm another pathology with a cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc. In severe cases, echocardiographic examination of the heart is used, and Doppler sonography is used if there are suspicions of the presence of heart defects.

State S.S.S. A pregnant woman should only be assessed by the attending physician, who, after a certain examination, will prescribe special treatment to eliminate the cause of sinus tachycardia.

If the cause of rapid heart rate is changes in the normal activity of the nervous system, then the doctor prescribes sedative herbal medicines, multivitamins containing the required amount of iodine, phosphorus, sodium, iron, etc. This type of therapeutic treatment has a positive effect on the processes of electrolyte metabolism in body of a pregnant woman and safely eliminates heart palpitations. But if, during the examination, the doctor discovers a pathology of the heart, thyroid gland or other organs, which became the cause of sinus tachycardia in a pregnant woman, then appropriate treatment is prescribed, which is possible during this period of the woman’s pregnancy. In addition, taking any medications on your own, without prescribing a specialist, is simply unacceptable, as this can cause worsening pathological process.

Sinus tachycardia on ECG

Sinus tachycardia is the result of neurohumoral effects on pacemaker cells and morphological changes in the sinus node. Without deviations, the sinus P wave on the electrocardiogram is recorded in twelve leads, where it appears positive in I, II, aVF and negative in lead aVR. As a rule, the axis of the P wave is located in the frontal plane between an angle of zero degrees and plus ninety degrees, and in the horizontal plane the axis is directed to the left and forward. That is why this wave on the ECG is negative in V 1 and V 2, and positive in V 3-V 6. If the amplitude of the P wave increases, it will become pointed. Sinus tachycardia is non-paroxysmal, which characterizes it from other re-entry.

This arrhythmia is formed as a result of automatic functional disorders, which includes notropic and heterotropic heart rhythm disturbances. Basically, the concept of “sinus tachycardia” is an accelerated sinus rhythm above age-related indicators. Clinically, this condition is manifested by an increase in nomotopic rhythm, which exceeds 90 beats per minute. The limit of the upper heart rate during sinus tachycardia varies, but generally this number of contractions does not rise above 160 beats, but in rare cases, as an exception to the rule, it sometimes reaches 190–200 beats per minute.

The diagnosis of sinus tachycardia is based on the identification of P waves on the electrocardiogram with a normal shape and a regular rapid rhythm, that is, the interval between P and P is the same throughout the entire ECG. Moreover, without the assistance of others pathological disorders heart rate, as well as conductivity, the intervals between P and Q are also within acceptable limits, and the intervals between R and R are equal. From this we can conclude that the electrocardiogram with sinus tachycardia has practically no changes (except for an increased rhythm) when compared with a normal ECG.

In some cases, with severe sinus tachycardia, it is possible to determine a moderate ascending depression of the ST segment, as well as the processes of layering of the P wave on the T wave in previous complexes. It is this fact that complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

Sinus tachycardia on the ECG is characterized by a gradual increase and then decrease in rhythm. This is a distinctive feature from such tachycardias as paroxysmal and sinus atrial, which cannot be distinguished from sinus tachycardia by other ECG signs without electrophysiological studies.

Sinus tachycardia treatment

The treatment tactics for sinus tachycardia largely depend on the cause that provoked the appearance of an accelerated CV rhythm. If the increase in heart rate is associated with physical activity or stressful situations, then eliminating the impact of the stimulus will turn the problem in a positive direction and heart rate indicators will return to normal on their own, and in some cases, a few relaxing exercises or massage are enough to achieve a positive result.

In severe forms of sinus tachycardia, sedatives are prescribed or traditional medicine is recommended, that is, treatment with herbs. In addition, the patient needs to give up nicotine, alcohol, coffee and strong tea, as well as normalize their diet and diet. It is advisable to protect the patient from emotional, mental, and physical stress. This concerns mainly the physiological form of sinus tachycardia.

As a rule, the main treatment of the pathological condition is carried out by a cardiologist in consultation with other specialists. This will depend on the presence of concomitant diseases. First of all, therapy begins with the treatment of the underlying pathology, which is diagnosed after a comprehensive examination.

In case of sinus tachycardia of an extracardiac nature of neurogenic origin, the patient is prescribed a consultation with a neuropathologist, who, for the treatment of this type, prescribes psychological therapy and sedatives in the form of tranquilizers, antipsychotics (Seduxen, Relanium, Tranquilan) and Luminal.

To treat reflex sinus tachycardia against the background of hypovolemia, as well as compensatory tachycardia due to hyperthyroidism or anemia, the main cause of the pathological condition is first eliminated. Otherwise, if you start therapy by lowering the heart rate, you can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, and subsequently lead to a deterioration in the patient’s hemodynamics.

Treatment of sinus tachycardia, the cause of which is thyrotoxicosis, begins with the prescription of thyreostatic drugs by an endocrinologist in combination with beta-blockers. The groups of β-blockers that are preferred include Prindolol, Practolol, Oxyprenolol. In case of contraindications to β-blockers, alternative drugs to the previous ones are used - Diltiazem, Verapamil. They are calcium antagonists of the nonhydropyridine series.

For heart failure that provokes sinus tachycardia, Digoxin from cardiac glycosides is used in combination with β-blockers.

Bringing heart rate back to normal should be selected strictly individually. This will depend on the condition of the patient himself and his underlying pathological disease. The target heart rate for angina pectoris should be about sixty beats per minute, and for neurocirculatory dystonia - from sixty to ninety, depending on individual tolerance.

To treat an inadequate form of sinus tachycardia, in cases where adrenergic blockers are ineffective, as well as in cases of significant deterioration of the patient’s condition, transvenous RFA of the heart is prescribed. In this way, the normal rhythm of the heart is restored by cauterizing the affected area. But if all previous methods and tactics of therapeutic treatment are ineffective, a surgical operation is prescribed in the form of implantation of an electrical pacemaker, which is considered an artificial pacemaker.

Most often, a pathological increase in heart rate occurs in patients with LV dysfunction or heart failure. In such cases, it is quite difficult to predict the outcome, since it is considered very serious. And this is usually due to the fact that sinus tachycardia is a reflective reaction of the cardiovascular system to reduced output and changes in hemodynamics inside the heart. But with the physiological form of the pathological condition, even with the existing manifestations of a subjective nature, the prognosis is generally favorable.

Tablets for tachycardia and palpitations

The normal heart rate (according to WHO) is recognized as an interval from 60 to 89 beats per minute or a little more. Anything higher is tachycardia (usually from 100 beats per minute), lower is bradycardia. Both conditions are types of arrhythmia.

Sinus tachycardia of the heart is an increase in the frequency of contractions of the organ to 100 beats per minute or higher with the correct rhythm.

The term “sinus” indicates the etiology of the process. That is, the pathogenic change is localized in the natural driver - the sinus node. This is taken into account both when determining the form of the pathology and when selecting therapeutic tactics.

According to statistics (according to European data), sinus or sinusoidal tachycardia occurs in 15% of patients, many do not notice it due to the low intensity of the manifestations.

Only in 40% of clinical situations the process has pathological causes. The remaining 60% is a temporary phenomenon associated with physiology (idiopathic tachycardia). Most of the patients, according to American sources, are in the northern regions (including Russia, China, Scandinavian countries).

Types of pathological process are distinguished based on heart rate.

Based on this criterion, three main varieties are called:

  • Weakly expressed. Heart rate does not exceed 110 beats per minute.
  • Moderate tachycardia. Frequency more than 130 beats. per minute
  • Expressed. From 131 beats per minute.

Other classifications do not have much clinical significance. Sinus tachycardia can be divided into primary, which does not depend on other factors; it develops on its own, and secondary (caused by one or another disease, cardiac or extracardiac (usually) origin).

The mechanism of the problem is always the same. A special cluster of sensory cells or the so-called sinus node is responsible for the normal rhythm. It generates electrical impulses.

Theoretically, the heart can work autonomously for a long time. This is proven by the vegetative existence of patients diagnosed with brain death, but with a intact brainstem, responsible for maintaining the activity of the heart in principle.

From the sinus node, the impulse is transmitted through the bundles of His to other structures, and so on throughout the entire muscular organ until complete contraction occurs. The cycle continues constantly. The moment of impact is systole, the moment of relaxation is diastole. This allows the heart to work uninterruptedly for decades.

As a result of conduction disturbances in tissues or pathological or natural excitation of the sinus node, the frequency of contractions accelerates, sometimes to significant levels.

Causes and development factors

As already noted, there are two types.


Not associated with any diseases. Natural sinus tachycardia is distinguished by 3 points:

  • It appears suddenly and stops just as quickly.
  • Not accompanied severe symptoms. Minimal symptoms, such as shortness of breath or sweating, are possible.
  • Does not pose a risk to health or life.

Among the development factors:

    . Usually has an inadequate character. Lack of body fitness, somatic diseases and other factors significantly limit the functional activity of the heart. In this case, the organ tries to compensate for at least part of the weakened blood circulation by increasing the frequency of contractions. For obvious reasons, this cannot end well. Cardiogenic shock, heart attack or stroke. The load needs to be dosed and increased gradually, preferably according to a proven scheme. For some diseases, such as hypertension, this is completely contraindicated.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption that day or the day before. Adult patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system cannot drink such drinks in principle. Others are allowed, but with restrictions. Sinus tachycardia in such a situation can be stopped with improvised means and vagal techniques.
  • Stress, intense psycho-emotional stress. Gives a slight acceleration of cardiac activity due to a long-term increase in the concentration of stimulating hormones. Symptoms are minimal, but the patient feels a pounding in the chest, which is not normal.
  • Jar of Hearts. Of a momentary nature. It can have different forms and features; this is a question of psychological, not medical, plan. The result is an avalanche-like increase in the amount of cortisol and adrenaline in the circulatory system. Hence the vegetative manifestations: fainting, palpitations, loss of orientation in space, also depersonalization and mental deviations of a transient type.
  • Night terrors or nightmares. Causes a temporary increase in heart rate. They do not pose any danger to health or life. All manifestations pass in 2-3 minutes or even faster.

Sinus tachycardia, to some extent “correct”. Because the main pacemaker is excited. This is physiological, although it can be dangerous. It is much worse if the ventricles or atria are involved in the process. Such pathologies are much more difficult to diagnose and more difficult to treat.

Pathogenic factors

The following somatic problems are possible:

  • Osteochondrosis and vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Directly affect quality cerebral circulation and nutrition of cerebral structures, partly responsible for stimulating cardiac activity. Symptoms on early stages blurred, the full clinical picture includes pain in the neck, head, fainting, vertigo, paresthesia (numbness in fingers).

  • Other neurological conditions. From brain tumors to epilepsy. Diagnostics under the supervision of a specialized specialist using EEG, CT, MRI, status assessment.
  • Blood pressure surges. Also persistent increases or decreases in the tonometer reading. Both are dangerous. Hypotonic patients should not hope for a miracle. The manifestations are, surprisingly, almost identical. Symptoms include headache, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, fainting, dark vision and tinnitus.
  • Insufficient nutrition of the body as a result of anorexia, malignant processes in the terminal phase, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Cachexia does not manifest itself immediately, but after some time. Restoring adequate tissue trophism is the goal of treatment. And here problems arise: the stomach is able to accept food, but the walls are atrophied, and rupture is possible. Such patients are fed with caution, in strictly controlled quantities.
  • Heart defects, congenital and acquired. There are a lot of options among them, many do not make themselves felt at all, the only symptom is stopping work. Diagnosis after the fact on the pathologist's table.
  • Endocarditis, myocarditis. Inflammatory lesions of cardiac structures. Usually infectious, less often autoimmune in origin. Left untreated, they lead to destruction of the myocardium or atria. The only way to recover is complex and expensive prosthetics.

  • Anemic processes. Resulting from a lack of vitamin B12 (megaloblastic type) or iron (iron deficiency type). Such phenomena themselves are the result of insufficient nutrition or regular bleeding ( menstrual cycle doesn't count).

  • COPD, pulmonary artery pathology. They usually go hand in hand. Therefore, chronic smokers better be on their guard. Rapid but quiet changes in structures are possible respiratory tract. They can be detected in the later stages. If you have shortness of breath after minor physical activity, problems with cardiac activity, pale skin, cold fingers or toes, it is better to consult a pulmonologist. The next step is giving up the bad habit.

  • Metabolic problems. Externally they manifest themselves as obesity of varying severity. Nutrition is subject to correction. Treatment is also required. Usually the etiology of the process is endocrine or mixed.
  • Infectious phenomena. Even a cold is enough to increase the rate of cardiac activity. Such tachycardia is persistent in itself and is difficult to stop even with drugs, not to mention “grandmother’s” recipes and vagal techniques. Detoxification measures are necessary, that is, the fight against the root cause.
  • Hypercorticism, hyperthyroidism. Excess of adrenal and thyroid hormones, respectively.

Finally, there are regulated, controllable factors: smoking, alcoholism, drug use. It is highly not recommended to take antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, and tonics uncontrollably.


The sinus form of tachycardia can flow continuously or paroxysmally (paroxysmal form). In the first case, the patient quickly ceases to feel the problem as the body adapts. It is important to catch manifestations in a timely manner.

Among them:

  • Panic attack. Caused by impaired blood flow in the brain. Accompanied by a strong feeling of fear and a desire to hide. They are fraught with suicidal attempts, but such signs in themselves do not pose a danger. Everything passes without a trace after the end of the acute period.
  • Feeling of heart beating in chest. An extremely uncomfortable moment that significantly reduces the quality of life.
  • Aching or pressing pain behind the sternum. May indicate myocardial infarction. If such a sign appears, especially if it lasts for more than 15-20 minutes, you should call an ambulance.
  • Dizziness for no apparent reason.
  • Weakness and drowsiness.

Objectively, one can also detect additional arrhythmia (unequal intervals between heartbeats), a drop in blood pressure by 20-30 mmHg from normal.

First aid for an attack

If sinus tachycardia has already taken root in the body, that is, it shows resistance (immunity to treatment), the recommendations presented are of little use. In other situations, it makes sense to try to stop the episode on your own.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the algorithm:

  • Measure blood pressure and heart rate. This is important for subsequent assessment of the effectiveness of therapy.
  • Take a beta blocker tablet (Anaprilin or Carvedilol). Strictly one, do not exceed the dosage.
  • Drink tea with St. John's wort, chamomile, valerian, motherwort and peppermint. Eat 2 tablespoons of lemon with honey.
  • Take a horizontal position and move less.
  • Apply vagal techniques: press on the eyeballs with little force for 10-15 seconds, and continue this way for 5 minutes. Breathe slowly (5 seconds for each element of the cycle), repeat for 10 minutes.

Reassess blood pressure and heart rate levels. If there is no effect or if the process worsens, call an ambulance. Experiments on the body are not recommended.


Carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist in inpatient or outpatient setting. An endocrinologist and other specialists are involved as needed.

The following list can be presented as a survey scheme:

  • Oral assessment of the patient's complaints with recording of symptoms in writing.
  • Anamnesis collection. Standard clarification of the probable causes of the pathological process. Everything needs to be told. The doctor will separate the wheat from the chaff.
  • Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate.
  • Electrocardiography. In the absence of tachycardia at the moment, an ECG is taken with stress tests (the most gentle is bicycle ergometry).
  • Echocardiography. Ultrasound methods for assessing the condition of muscle organ structures.
  • With hypertension and pulmonary problems, the picture becomes obvious even to an inexperienced diagnostician.
  • Angiography.
  • General blood test, hormones, biochemical.

Other studies are prescribed as necessary.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment of sinus tachycardia is varied; there are several ways to eliminate the condition.

Drug effects

Drugs from a number of pharmaceutical groups are used:

  • Adrenergic blockers. Carvedilol, Anaprilin. Prevents increased blood pressure and stimulation of the sinus node.
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs: Amiodarone and analogues.
  • Calcium channel blockers. Diltiazem, Verapamil.
  • Cardiac glycosides: Digoxin and lily of the valley tincture.
  • Sedatives and tranquilizers: motherwort, valerial, Diazepam and others.
  • Magnesium-calcium complexes (Asparkam, Magnelis).

Systematic application is important. Either all groups of drugs or several are used. The final list of drugs, their combination and dosage is selected by the doctor.


  • For congenital and acquired defects - their elimination.
  • Tissue ruptures - normalization of anatomical integrity.
  • Severe sinus tachycardia is stopped by implantation of a pacemaker or artificial pacemaker.
  • Destruction of the atria - prosthetics.

The techniques are used in extreme cases.

Folk recipes

  • Anise, calendula and valerian. 50 g of each component, 300 ml of water. Drink 2 tsp. 3 times a day for a month.
  • Motherwort, peppermint and St. John's wort. 100 g of crushed raw materials, 0.5 l of boiling water. Take a glass or two per day.
  • Melissa. Decoction (200 grams per 500 ml of water). Drink half a glass per day.
  • Lemon with honey and dried apricots. In any quantity.

The use of these recipes is not the main treatment, but an aid to it, the main goal is symptomatic assistance.

Lifestyle change

  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • 8 hour sleep.
  • 2 hours of physical activity per day (walking).
  • Correct drinking regime (1.8-2 liters per day).
  • Refusal of large amounts of salt (no more than 7 grams per day).

Diet correction:


  • Cereals, porridge (except for semolina, it is only in moderation).
  • Fermented milk products (minimal fat).
  • Oils, including butter.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Dried fruits, nuts, honey.
  • Coarse bread.
  • Lean meat and soups based on it.
  • Berries.
  • Fish.

It is forbidden:

  • Roast.
  • Smoked.
  • Semi-finished products, canned food.
  • Salt more than 7 grams per day.
  • Fat meat.
  • Sweets.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Energy.
  • Fast food.

Recommended treatment tables No. 3 and No. 10, with minor menu corrections in both directions. Better under the supervision of a nutritionist. It is important not to eat at night and avoid a large dinner. Eat small meals whenever possible.

Prognosis and complications

Sinus tachycardia is dangerous if it lasts for a long time. The probability of fatal consequences is 3-7%. Competent treatment reduces the risks several times.

Possible consequences in the absence of therapy:

  • Heart failure.
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • IHD and the delights associated with it.
  • Resistance of tachycardia to medications.


  • Quitting smoking and alcohol.
  • Normalization of diet.
  • Drinking regimen: 2 liters per day.
  • Limiting salt.
  • Physical activity (2 hours of absenteeism per day).
  • Full sleep.
  • Avoiding stress and overload.

Sinus tachycardia means an increase in heart rate above 100 beats per minute as a result of impaired conduction of the sinus node, or its natural excitation.

The danger is minimal, but there are always risks. Therefore, you should not turn a blind eye to the problem. Treatment by a cardiologist is the most correct solution.

Sinus tachycardia has two types:

  1. Physiological tachycardia - develops against the background of physical or emotional overstrain, or accompanies febrile syndrome. It disappears immediately after exposure to unfavorable factors and does not require drug correction. This is the so-called compensatory reaction of the body to changes in the state of the body.
  2. Pathological tachycardia - is a consequence of damage to the sinoatrial node conductor system hearts. This condition develops against the background of complete well-being and is corrected only with the help of medication.

Etiological factors

The main reason for the development of sinus tachycardia is the functional failure of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation what it is? The sympathetic department is responsible for excitation processes in the tissue structures of the body, under the influence sympathetic innervation changes vascular tone, sinus contractility of muscle fibers, including the myocardium, increases. The parasympathetic division of the nervous system has the opposite effect. In addition to disorders of nervous regulation, the disease can also be caused by extracardiac and cardiac factors.

Extracardiac factors include:

  1. Neurogenic - develops in people who are predisposed to prolonged emotional stress, with neuroses and long-term depressive states.
  2. Toxic - develop under the influence of toxic and chemical poisonous substances on the sinus node that enter the human body orally, inhaled or through the skin.
  3. Drug-related – develops with prolonged or improper use of medications that can affect the contractile activity of the heart. This is especially true for drugs with a psychotropic mechanism of action, hypnotics and narcotics.
  4. Hypoxic - in this case, the body reacts as compensation to the insufficient supply of oxygen to the human body. This condition is regarded as a reflex reaction.

Sinus tachycardia of the heart caused by cardiac factors suggests organic pathologies of the myocardium.

Cardiac factors in the development of the disease include:

  1. Angina pectoris and as a sharp disturbance in the flow of arterial oxygenated blood to the heart muscle, due to obstruction or spasmodic narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries.
  2. Cardiosclerosis is an irreversible change in the muscle fibers of the myocardium under the influence of an inflammatory or traumatic lesion.
  3. Acute or chronic as a violation of the heart.

Features of symptomatic manifestations

Symptomatic signs may appear depending on how long it progresses pathological condition, which was the cause of the disease. It is important whether the patient has concomitant diseases.

The most common complaints of patients are:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the body, especially in the lower extremities;
  • painful and uncomfortable sensations in the projection of the heart;
  • shortness of breath that appears after physical or emotional stress;
  • dizziness and pathological weakness due to insufficient blood supply to brain tissue;
  • decreased appetite, in rare cases;

Through increased myocardial contractility occurs a sharp decline blood supply to organ structures of the human body. The functioning of the digestive tract, respiratory, urinary and hormonal systems is disrupted. A long period of morbidity can negatively affect their functioning and, as a result, pose a serious threat to the patient’s life.

Features and purpose of diagnostics

A cardiologist deals with questions about pathology of the heart. People who are registered with an increased risk of developing or if they have a history of arrhythmia should regularly undergo special preventive medical examinations, and, if necessary, receive drug treatment.

To diagnose sinus tachycardia, the following is carried out:

  • Electrocardiography - shows the number and rhythm of heart contractions, is the gold standard for diagnosing heart disease.
  • Echocardiography allows you to visualize and adequately assess the condition of the heart valves and timely detect defects.
  • General laboratory analysis blood test shows the condition of the blood, its oxygenation and the presence of necessary elements.

Providing first aid

Sinus tachycardia of the heart belongs to a group of diseases that require emergency medical care before the arrival of an ambulance. Correctly provided assistance to a person in the first seconds of the development of the disease can affect the effectiveness of further specialized treatment.

The main stages of emergency care:

  • ensure the free passage of fresh air if the patient is in a closed and stuffy room;
  • free the human body from tightly fitting clothing items;
  • provide the patient with a sitting or lying position with the lower limbs raised upward;
  • apply cold compresses to temporal areas head and forehead;

In cases where a person has lost consciousness and there are no signs of heartbeat and breathing, resuscitation measures must be carried out with a ratio of compressions to breaths of 30:2. Patients diagnosed with sinus tachycardia should be immediately hospitalized in a cardiology hospital.

Features of treatment for sinus tachycardia

First of all, to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the etiological factor of the disease. Today, tachycardia is quite successfully eliminated with the use of medications.

As a rule, sinus tachycardia develops against the background of diseases of the endocrine and urinary systems, vascular pathology and under the influence of external factors. The basis of treatment is the elimination of the etiological factor of the disease, and then the correction of tachycardia.

Among the drug treatments, the following should be highlighted:

1. Sedatives have a pronounced effect on the human nervous system and have a depressing effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Depending on the material of manufacture, drugs in this group are divided into:

  • environmentally friendly medicinal substances prepared on the basis of natural medicinal plants, for example, glycine, glycized, valerian;
  • chemically synthesized drugs that have a pronounced antidepressant effect, for example, phenobarbital;

Sedatives are used by people who are prone to emotional instability, frequent manifestations of neuroses and depressive states. The use of medications must be carried out with strict consideration of dosage, since excessive addiction leads to serious consequences.

  1. Beta blockers are drugs that reduce the concentration of blood mediators that affect vascular tone, the mechanism of action is aimed at reducing blood pressure and.
  2. Drugs that inhibit impulses in the sinus node of the conduction system of the heart control the correct rhythm of stimulation of the node and the conduction of nerve tissue. Prevents the development of atrial fibrillation and sudden coronary death.
  3. Calcium channel antagonists. Calcium as a trace element in the human body stimulates excitation processes, which is a key factor in the pathogenesis of the disease. The mechanism of action of this group of drugs is designed to block the release of calcium from the cellular depot, so the process of excitation in the nervous tissue slows down.

If the drug correction is ineffective, patients are recommended to undergo surgical intervention. If the cause of the development of tachycardia is endocrine pathology, the gland is removed completely or part of it, if there is a disruption in the functioning of the sinus node itself, the patient is given a special electrical heart stimulator.

Traditional, environmentally friendly methods of treatment

Against the background of medical and surgical treatment, the body weakens quite strongly, which is why the poet as a complex treatment Patients are recommended to take vitamins and herbal substances.

The most common traditional medicine recipes for general restoration of the body in pathologies of the cardiovascular system:

  1. Tincture of dried leaves: Pour a tablespoon of dried leaves of the plant into one 250 ml glass of boiling water and let it steep for three hours. The resulting infusion is used half a glass twice a day.
  2. Tincture of garlic and lemon: to prepare the tincture you need about ten lemons and garlic, these ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water in a volume of 1 liter, you can add a spoonful of honey, and infused for a week. The resulting infusion is used in 4-5 teaspoons throughout the day.
  3. Decoction from the Adonis plant: one tablespoon of crushed and dried medicinal plant add water, put on low heat, and bring to a boil. After this, the broth is covered with a lid and cooled. After preparation, the decoction is consumed in four teaspoons throughout the day.

Traditional medicine should be used only after consultation with the attending cardiologist; this is necessary to clarify the required dosage and determine the compatibility of decoctions and infusions with medications. Self-treatment of sinus tachycardia is strictly prohibited.

Preventive actions

Prevention of sinus tachycardia is based on timely diagnosis and treatment of predisposing organic pathologies of other organs and systems. Patients are advised to closely monitor their own health and avoid excessive physical strain. People around the patient should create a calm environment and not provoke the development of a stressful state in the sick person.

The patient should get rid of bad habits and change his place of work if it is associated with harmful production factors. A properly selected diet will significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease in predisposed individuals.

Patients are advised to completely or partially exclude salty, bitter and fatty foods from their diet. Consume more lactic acid products, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat as protein.

Complications of the disease

Typically, complications with sinus tachycardia develop very rarely, and only in extremely advanced pathological conditions.

The most likely complications include:

  • state of shock against the background of suddenly developing arrhythmia;
  • acute insufficiency of functional activity of the myocardium;
  • sudden coronary death;
  • ventricular fibrillation;
  • clinical death;

If complications develop, the patient undergoes urgent cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Carrying out resuscitation measures may not be appropriate in case of prolonged and progressive organic heart damage and if the patient refuses treatment. Among the complications of the disease, one should highlight the consequences of self-treatment, which manifest themselves in the form of aggravation of the initial condition, collapse of the cardiovascular system and pronounced allergic reactions.

Prognosis for recovery

Most often, sinus tachycardia develops against the background of organic disorders of the functioning of the heart; this may be associated with chronic heart failure or coronary heart disease. With such diseases, the sinus node may be directly affected, and drug therapy can no longer affect favorable outcome diseases. The only treatment option in such cases is surgery.

The prognosis for complete recovery in such patients is minimal or almost impossible. If tachycardia is provoked by any other etiological factors, the situation can be corrected after properly selected drug treatment patients recover completely.

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Higher education(Cardiology). Cardiologist, therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. I am well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Graduated from the Academy (full-time), with extensive work experience behind her. Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional Diagnostics Doctor. .


One of the most dangerous types of arrhythmic disorders is cardiac tachycardia. With this pathology, the heart rate increases, which indicates serious problems in the area of ​​the heart and blood vessels. Symptoms of this disease are observed in women and men who have reached old age.

We will look at the main signs of the disease, find out how dangerous this pathology is, and recommend suitable medications to eliminate the problem.

Sinus tachycardia - how dangerous is it?

Before we begin treatment, let's answer the main question - why is sinus tachycardia so dangerous? The reason lies in the peculiarities of the functioning of the heart muscle. This organ does not depend on the “functionality” of the nervous system; it is completely autonomous.

This position of the muscle does not mean that it does not require a nerve impulse - there is no way to do without a signal. The source of the impulse is the sinus node - a clot of cardiac tissue responsible for the frequency of heartbeats.

Sinus tachycardia develops at the moment when a malfunction occurs in the natural “metronome”. The reasons are different, but dealing with the consequences is very difficult. Pathological sinus tachycardia is a symptom of a number of serious diseases.

Let's list some:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • myocarditis.

There is also a paroxysmal type of tachycardia. Numerous disorders affecting the functioning of the atrioventricular node lead to the development of the disease. If the heart muscle is subject to oxygen starvation, the node begins to generate and send its own signals. The heart rhythm goes astray and arrhythmia occurs.

By and large, sinus tachycardia is not a disease - it is simply an accelerated mode of functioning of the heart muscle. The danger is tachycardia, which is pathological in nature. The heart begins to wear out in vain, while the ventricles do not have time to fill with blood. Blood pressure drops, heart rate accelerates, organs are less supplied with oxygen - and you already need qualified help.

Pathological sinus tachycardia is dangerous - there is not the slightest doubt about it. Prolonged oxygen starvation invariably leads to ischemia of the heart and brain. In the future, you will experience fibrillation of the ventricles, which begin to contract uncoordinatedly. The drugs no longer help - the efficiency of blood pumping is equal to zero.

Causes of the disease

Tachycardia affects different age categories, but in women it is somewhat more common. The causes of the disease are conventionally divided into two groups - etiological and cardiac (intracardiac) factors. The sinus variety of the disease can be an early symptom of left ventricular dysfunction or heart failure.

There are different reasons for this:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • severe angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • myocarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • heart defects;
  • adhesive pericarditis;
  • bacterial endocarditis.

Some of the reasons are physiological in nature - emotional stress, physical stress, congenital defects. There are also neurogenic tachycardias, which are based on affective psychoses, neuroses, etc. The risk group consists of young people whose nervous system is labile.

In women (rarely in men), endocrine disorders are observed:

Infectious and inflammatory processes can also make a negative contribution. As the temperature rises, the heart rate also increases. If treatment does not result in long-term desired results, you risk developing chronic tachycardia.

Here are the most dangerous infectious diseases:

  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • focal infection.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of sinus tachycardia appear depending on the stage of the disease. Symptoms are also influenced by additional factors - the nature of the underlying illness, duration, severity. Subjective symptoms are not visible or go unnoticed.

This group includes:

  • discomfort;
  • heartbeat;
  • heart pain;
  • feeling of heaviness.

Signs of cardiac arrhythmia may include a feeling of lack of oxygen, persistent palpitations, frequent dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath. Some patients complain of insomnia, fatigue, decreased performance, impaired appetite, and worsened mood.

These subjective symptoms indicate that the underlying disease needs to be treated urgently. An additional factor is the sensitivity of the nervous system. At coronary atherosclerosis signs of malaise worsen gradually, and sinus angina manifests itself in the form of attacks.

Some symptoms indicate poor blood supply to organs. Such blood supply provokes a number of disorders, among which are fainting, dizziness and even convulsions. Prolonged sinus tachycardia leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Prepare to experience cold extremities and decreased urine output. Signs of illness in women and men are approximately the same.

Methods for diagnosing tachycardia

If you suspect the symptoms listed above, immediately contact your doctor. A cardiologist is responsible for the treatment of tachycardia, but a primary care physician will also be suitable for you to start with.

You can treat yourself with folk remedies, but first you need to get competent medical advice and diagnose the underlying ailment.

You may be prescribed vitamins, but in some situations more serious medications are required.

Diagnosis always begins with interviewing the patient. The doctor will listen to your complaints and highlight the key symptoms of illness. The specialist will also listen to your heart. No one will prescribe pills right away - a set of additional diagnostic measures will be required.

Here they are:

  1. General blood analysis. The doctor must analyze the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells and a number of other indicators. Sometimes sinus tachycardia is a consequence of leukemia and anemia.
  2. Additional tests. They include a blood test for thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), as well as a urine test, the purpose of which is to exclude hormonal root causes of the disease.
  3. ECG. The electrocardiogram method allows you to calculate the rhythm and frequency of heart contractions and excludes ventricular tachycardia, the treatment of which is somewhat different. Sometimes prescribed.
  4. Holter ECG. The functioning of the patient's heart muscle is monitored throughout the day. The doctor receives information about the functioning of the affected organ during physical activity, sleep and wakefulness.
  5. Ultrasound of the heart. The second name of the method is EchoCG. The functioning of the valves and the heart muscle itself is assessed, chronic diseases (hypertension, ischemia) and heart defects are identified.

Learning to provide first aid during an attack

In case of a sudden attack of tachycardia, the patient requires competent first aid. Subsequent treatment will depend on the patient's age and identification of concomitant pathologies, but the required medications will be prescribed later. Now the main priority is saving human life.

First aid consists of the following steps:

  1. Urgently go out into the fresh air, unbutton your shirt collar, stand near an open window (optional).
  2. If your eyes darken or you feel dizzy, talk to others.
  3. You need to apply something cold to your forehead (a wet towel will do).
  4. Tighten your abs, hold your breath. This technique lowers the heart rate, so drugs are not required.

If first aid does not bring relief, call an ambulance immediately. Remember that self-treatment is unacceptable - you don’t know what the attack is against. Vitamins are a good preventive measure, but in a critical situation they are useless. We will talk about how to treat tachycardia below.

Modern methods of treating tachycardia

Complex treatment of tachycardia can be therapeutic and surgical. In the first case, drugs are prescribed that correspond to the identified disease. These can be tablets, vitamins and other substances. Conventionally, they can be divided into two basic groups:

  1. Sedatives. They are produced on the basis of various herbs (valerian, Novo-passit), but there are also synthetic varieties (Phenobarbital, Diazepam). These substances can treat vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sedatives reduce the frequency of attacks and normalize nervous activity.
  2. Antiarrhythmic drugs . These drugs are combined into a fairly broad group of antiarrhythmic effects. Treatment with these medications is strictly controlled. Contraindications, allergic reactions and many other factors are taken into account. Examples of such drugs are Adenosine, Flecainide, Propranorol, Verapamil.

Drug treatment is sometimes ineffective. Surgical intervention may be required for hormonal causes of tachycardia - a tumor or a specific area of ​​the gland is removed. Cardiac surgery is prescribed for congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, or the consequences of rheumatism.

Treatment traditional methods in these cases it is relegated to the background.

We connect traditional medicine

There are quite harsh methods of therapy, including the installation of a cardioverter-defibrillator and an electrical pacemaker, as well. To avoid this, you should regularly take vitamins and use proven folk remedies.

Here are some folk recipes that can be used to treat the disease:

  • Hawthorn. A tablespoon of hawthorn (flowers required) must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for twenty minutes under the lid. The infusion is taken before meals, half a glass three times a day. The course continues until complete recovery.
  • Garlic with lemon. Nature gives us the best vitamins. Take a dozen garlic heads and the same number of lemons. Squeeze the lemon juice and grind the garlic. All this is mixed with a liter of honey. The mixture is infused for a week in a jar under a plastic lid. Take four teaspoons every day. The mixture should last for a couple of months.
  • Adonis decoction. Boil a glass of water, add a teaspoon of spring adonis and continue cooking for a quarter of an hour over low heat. After cooking, cover the dish with a lid and leave the mixture until it cools completely. The resulting broth is filtered. You need to drink the medicine three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Do not neglect folk remedies - sometimes they give amazing results. If you do not deal with the problem, the prognosis can be quite sad. Early diagnosis is the key to future success in the fight against the disease.

From this article you will learn: the essence of the disease sinus tachycardia, causes and types of pathology. Symptoms, treatment methods.

Article publication date: November 23, 2016

Article updated date: 05/25/2019

With sinus tachycardia, the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute. The normal contraction rate is between 65–80 beats per minute. From 80 to 100 beats per minute are acceptable values, but these numbers are already higher than normal. In such situations, doctors recommend paying attention to the pulse rate and getting examined.

An increase in heart rate is a normal physiological reaction of a person to stress and during physical activity, this is how the body responds to the body’s increased needs for nutrients and oxygen. Such situations pass without a trace and are not accompanied by symptoms characteristic of a stable form of sinus tachycardia. They do not depend on the gender or age of a person.

When rhythm disturbances such as attacks of sinus tachycardia drag on for hours or days, they cause inconvenience and limit the usual way of life. Then the need arises for diagnostics and treatment of these conditions.

The problem is dealt with by a cardiologist, arrhythmologist, and neurologist.

Types and causes of sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia in rare cases is primary (or idiopathic), that is, “on its own,” without any pathologies or diseases. This variant of the norm is combined with low blood pressure numbers (a tendency towards hypotension).

However, more often tachycardia is secondary and occurs against the background of other diseases:

  1. Arterial hypertension or hypotension (high or low blood pressure).
  2. Heart defects, inflammatory heart diseases.
  3. Chronic lung diseases.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  5. Infections, high temperature bodies.
  6. Obesity.
  7. Abuse of energy drinks, alcohol, smoking.
  8. Blood loss on the background gastrointestinal bleeding or injuries.
  9. Cachexia (severe weight loss) with heart failure or oncology.
  10. Diseases of the nervous system.
  11. Uncontrolled use of diuretics. This is extremely dangerous! Young people abuse to fit model data. In addition to sinus tachycardia, which becomes permanent and severe, such use of diuretics provokes swelling and shortness of breath, and gradually and very slowly an irreparable kidney pathology develops. This will inevitably lead a person to the need for an artificial kidney.

Symptoms of sinus tachycardia

Symptoms are the same for various reasons, causing the disease sinus tachycardia. Symptoms are the same for men and women:

  • Increased and sustained increase in heart rate.
  • Feeling of the heart working even at rest, in sleep.
  • Dizziness.
  • A drop in blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg, which is bad for a person living with a blood pressure of 130/70 mm Hg).
  • Weakness, malaise during prolonged attacks of tachycardia (more than an hour).
  • Chest pain accompanies a sharp increase in pulse and is typical for patients with concomitant heart pathology (angina pectoris, heart defects).
  • Inexplicable and terrible fear, restlessness, anxiety (symptoms occur in emotional patients or during panic attacks). These conditions are very dangerous for the human psyche.

Symptoms of sinus tachycardia disease

Five groups of treatment methods

In some cases, tachycardia can be cured completely, in others it cannot; it depends on the true cause of the illness.

Eliminating the symptoms of sinus tachycardia is a long process, taking from a month (if, for example, the cause is an infection) to a year. For primary pathology, treatment is carried out in courses throughout life.

All methods can be divided into five large groups:

  1. Treatment of the underlying disease - the true cause of tachycardia.
  2. General lifestyle recommendations.
  3. Medicines to reduce heart rate.
  4. Surgery.
  5. Traditional methods.

The importance and significance of treatment is arranged in descending order.

1. Treatment of the underlying disease - the true cause of tachycardia

  • If the cause of sinus tachycardia is heart and vascular disease, then selection of medications is necessary (to reduce pressure) or cardiac surgery to eliminate heart defects.
  • If the cause is the use of alcoholic drinks or energy drinks, then you need to stop taking them. With alcohol dependence, sinus tachycardia is fraught with the development of cardiomyopathy (this is the expansion and weakening of the walls of the heart), since the heart muscle works in an “increased mode” due to tachycardia. One of the causes of death in alcoholics - sudden - usually occurs against the background of undiagnosed cardiomyopathy.
  • For infections that are accompanied by intoxication of the body, it is important to choose the right antibacterial drug and carry out detoxification therapy (for example, drinking plenty of fluids).
  • If tachycardia accompanies lung diseases (chronic bronchitis of smokers), then it is necessary to stop respiratory failure, since this is what provokes increased work of the heart.
  • Attacks of sudden heart palpitations are characteristic of panic attacks. Panic attacks are intense fear, panic, which is accompanied by palpitations, sweating, and a feeling of severe anxiety. Conditions arise against the background of various phobias (fear of something - death, “going crazy,” persecution). This is an uncontrollable and very serious condition; the pathology is dealt with by a psychiatrist (neurologist).

Usually, in the absence of a serious illness, lifestyle changes are enough to get rid of tachycardia. This can often be noticed during vacation, when there are no negative factors or experiences.

  1. Adjustment of the daily routine: regular proper nutrition, food should be varied in composition (vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, greens).
  2. Avoid foods that provoke tachycardia: coffee, spicy, fatty, smoked.
  3. Daily walking.
  4. A full night's rest (at least 8 hours).

Lifestyle recommendations for getting rid of tachycardia

3. Medicines to reduce heart rate

In situations where no concomitant pathology has been identified with sinus tachycardia, or the underlying pathology is being treated, the doctor may include additional medications to reduce the heart rate (HR):

4. Surgical treatment

If sinus tachycardia cannot be stopped with all available medications, then radiofrequency catheter therapy with the installation of a pacemaker is recommended.

Carrying out radiofrequency catheter ablation with placement of a pacemaker

This treatment is required in very rare cases and is usually needed in patients with primary sinus tachycardia. Treatment consists of two stages:

  1. Destruction (destruction) of the sinus node.
  2. Placement of a pacemaker. In a situation with sinus tachycardia, the decision to install a permanent pacemaker is made before surgery.

5. Treatment with folk remedies

Sinus tachycardia can be successfully treated with herbs. Specialists who practice treatment with herbs—herbalists—recommend recipes that can be made at home. For sinus tachycardia, it is better to use decoctions rather than alcohol tinctures (alcohol tinctures can be dangerous as they increase the heart rate).

Dry raw materials Preparation Reception
Anise fruits and yarrow herb 100 g each. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes Two tsp. 3 times a day for 3 weeks
Valerian and/or motherwort root 200 g each. Pour one liter of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes Two tbsp. l. at night for a month
Calendula flowers and valerian root 100 g each. Pour one liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours Two tbsp. l. at night for 2 weeks
Melissa herb Pour 200 ml of alcohol and leave for 3 hours One tsp. dilute the tinctures in water and take 4 times a day
Chopped lemon pulp and 200 grams of dried apricots Do not add anything, let it sit for 4 hours Two tbsp. l. Take in the morning with food for a month.

Decoctions of these herbs will help in the treatment of sinus tachycardia

All products based on herbal ingredients can cause allergies. Before taking it, be sure to consult your doctor - allergic reaction may provoke an attack of tachycardia.


The quality of life and the ability to perform usual work are determined by the underlying disease.

In severe illnesses, for example, severe heart failure or malignant tumors, success is determined by treatment of the underlying disease.

If provoking factors such as alcohol, smoking, obesity, anemia, infections are eliminated, then sinus tachycardia will no longer bother the person. Treatment can last from a month to a year.

If this pathology is primary, then most likely it will persist for life. The prognosis for patients with primary sinus tachycardia is favorable: everyone leads an active lifestyle, which differs little from the life of people without sinus tachycardia.

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