Home Wisdom teeth Cellular rejuvenation of the body. Ways to combat the aging of the body - prolong youth

Cellular rejuvenation of the body. Ways to combat the aging of the body - prolong youth

At any age, we want to look young and fresh, because then everyone turns around and wants to be like you. During the first 20-30 years, many do not even think about aging, because the first wrinkles appear, as a rule, only at the age of 30-33. Women most often purchase expensive anti-wrinkle creams at this time, and men rarely worry about how to hide the “advance payment of old age.” But it’s much better to start rejuvenating not only the epidermis, but the entire body as a whole!

Acceleration of metabolism

Wanting to rejuvenate the body at the cellular level, few people think about the meaning this concept. Indeed, first of all, you must understand that the basis of rejuvenation is intensive metabolism in the cells of the body. How can you influence yourself to increase such an important process? Of course, you need to consider your diet!

  • More protein foods. Animal food is very important for humans, therefore proteins must be obtained from animal sources. By changing your diet to consume more protein, your cellular metabolism will increase by 30-40%.
  1. Animal proteins include eggs, dairy products, poultry and meat, seafood and fish;
  2. It is advisable to consume these products in the morning, i.e. in the first half of the day.
  • Enough liquid. It’s no wonder everyone around is talking about the benefits clean water. Indeed, it is water that neutralizes the effects of excess proteins in the body.
  1. Quantity. You will have to arm yourself with a chef's scale and remember that for 100 grams of protein food you need to drink about 450-500 ml. water!
  2. Choice. Of course, it is best to opt for a neutral liquid, i.e. water. However, dried fruit compote and light unsweetened drinks will also be harmless. But lemonade, coffee, tea and other liquids will not bring the desired benefit.

Despite the fact that it is proteins that benefit your body in rejuvenating, it is worth remembering that moderation is important in everything. An overdose occurs from taking too many medications, and the same thing happens with food. If you eat too much protein, it can affect your joints, your kidney function, everything. With water, unnecessary protein breakdown products leave the body, which have harmful effects health.

Folk rejuvenation course

Many beauty salons and medical centers offers expensive methods for restoring the body's cells to their former youth. However, they all require considerable expenses, so not everyone can afford such treatment. But don’t despair, because you can regain your attractiveness at home. To do this, you should change your lifestyle to a healthier and more correct one!

  1. Cleaning digestive system. To do this, you should take a special “scrub” for the intestines - these are activators of the system’s functions. This treatment enhances metabolism by reducing the absorption of toxins into the blood. You can also take a special “rejuvenating mixture”. They make it themselves from honey, sour juice (lemon, cranberry, lingonberry, cherry), apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp each and a glass of water. Drink this drink on an empty stomach in the morning, which even cleanses the liver!
  2. Cleansing of cardio-vascular system. This includes regular physical exercise and the famous Tibetan recipe for youth. You will need garlic (350 gr.), alcohol (200 ml.), milk. To prepare the infusion, you need to peel and finely chop the garlic, then put it in a dark place to infuse. As soon as the garlic releases its juices, take 200 ml of this garlic liquid and add alcohol. The mixture is also infused for 10 days. After this, use gauze to strain and squeeze out the tincture, then take half an hour before meals. The first 10 days - 30 drops diluted with milk 3-4 times a day, then - 25 drops 3 times a day. This is done every 6 years.
  3. Home skin care. Be sure to make nourishing homemade masks with herbs or with honey and eggs; even fruit masks will be very beneficial for the beauty and youth of the epidermis. You can also purchase SPA Belle gel gloves and paraffin socks, which will handle the care of your limbs better than any expensive creams.
  4. Herbal therapy. This option is the most classic for traditional medicine, where all recipes share common herbal therapy. One of the most famous anti-aging infusions is considered to be a mixture of 4 ingredients - chamomile, birch buds, yarrow and immortelle. All herbs and crushed buds are mixed and stored in a dry container. For the infusion, take only 1 dessert spoon of the resulting mixture and pour in 1 cup of boiling water. Next, the herbal mixture is placed on water bath and steamed for 15-20 minutes. Then the decoction is removed and taken 1 tbsp. 3 times a day until the infusion ends.

Living water

It is not without reason that fairy tales often talk about the life-giving power of clean water. These are not fairy tales; you can really influence the rejuvenation of your body at the cellular level if you use water correctly. What options do you have? Check out examples available to everyone:

  • Pure water. Drink a glass in the morning cold water(you can do 2 if you can), preferably from a well, but definitely not boiled. Within 2 hours after getting up, drink two glasses of honey water (1 tsp per 200 ml). Replace all daily drinks with plain drinks. clean water. In the evening, try to give up excess fluid or reduce its amount as much as possible.
  • Salty water. Dissolve a little rock salt in a glass of water and drink in one gulp. In terms of concentration, there should not be too much salt so that the liquid is not oversalted. Treatment should last 5-6 months.
  • Lemon water. To do this, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice without pulp with a liter of clean water. The first time a day, the liquid is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and then drunk throughout the day.

It is believed that a person should drink at least 2 liters of liquid within 24 hours. But is it? Many will not be able to drink even 1-1.5 liters. In fact, how much water your body needs depends on your weight. For 1 kg. – 30 mg., i.e. for a girl 50 kg. it will be 1.5 liters, and for a man 85 kg. – 2.55 l.

Hi all! The article “Risk rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level” - this sensational news was recently received from abroad. I have already touched on the topic of skin rejuvenation and erysipelas, I covered 10 ways to shorten your life, and today we will rise to the level of chromosomes and telomeres.

1.In search of the secret of eternal youth

Humanity is on the way to realizing its long-standing dream - discovering the secrets of eternal youth. The first step on this thorny road was taken by a caveman when he stopped eating everything and began cooking food over a fire. Then Cleopatra bathed in donkey milk, Genghis Khan took cinnabar, which contains the “soul of metals” mercury, the singer Kamalia bathed in a bath with champagne.

But science is moving forward and home-grown methods are being replaced by ultra-modern rejuvenation technologies.

2. Chromosome telomeres are the key to body rejuvenation

In the USA, a woman conducted an experiment on herself, trying to look 20 years younger using her own method. To do this, she used her new practice of using gene therapy, developed on the basis of some experimental data.

It has long been known that the youth of an organism depends significantly on the length of the telomeres of its chromosomes. However, under the influence of multiple unfavorable factors environment, with each division, telomeres can shorten, which causes aging.

Researchers have long been looking for ways to stop this process and regain lost youth. During the experiments, they found that the more children a woman has, the longer the telomeres on her chromosomes, however, this method of preserving the youth of the body is not suitable for everyone.

Another way is to influence chromosomes with the enzyme telomerase, which can restore missing sections of chromosomes. But this is a risky experiment and no one dared to conduct it on humans, although scientists managed to get good results on animals.

3. Risky experiment of American E. Parrish

However, American researcher E. Parrish decided to test the effect of the enzyme on herself. She underwent a special course of gene therapy aimed at increasing its synthesis in the body. To do this, she moved to Colombia, since the use of the drugs required for the course is not permitted in the United States.

As a result of the experiment, the woman's white blood cells were the first to rejuvenate. Chromosome telomeres in leukocytes have increased significantly and their sizes have become comparable to those found in the cells of an organism that should be 20 years younger. Scientists will continue to monitor the woman’s body.

The first data does not yet indicate that her body will rejuvenate, but it already inspires some hope that in the future the technique will help many.

And I propose a simpler and safer option: “Rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level in the flow of Kunalini Reggae energy”:

Today we talked about rejuvenating the body at the cellular level and froze in anticipation of the end of this risky experiment. How did you like the article? Subscribe to my blog to follow the news, tell your friends on social networks.

There are five rules according to Bolotov

In his book “This is Real,” B.V. Bolotov writes that every person can solve health problems for himself. To do this, you only need to follow the five necessary rules of health (the “quintessence” of health). As B.V. Bolotov writes: “quintessence is effective always and everywhere, in Chernobyl or elsewhere. It doesn’t matter whether you are sick, irradiated, whether you were harmed “The quintessence always operates successfully, just as the law of universal gravitation always operates.”

The essence of these five rules of health is as follows.

Rule one - increase the number of young cells

Each cell of the human body is constantly dividing, giving rise to new and new cells, gradually aging and dying. Thus, human body consists of young aging and old cells, and by the number of each type of cell one can judge the oldness or youth of the organism. In the 60s of the last century, B.V. Bolotov invented a device that allows you to determine the number of old and young cells in a single area of ​​skin. The principle of operation of the device is that the test area a thin beam of light is directed, the spectrum of which is compared with the spectrum of reflected light: As it was established after studying the reflected light spectrally and over time, young cells turned out to be more energetic and were easily distinguished by the device. Old cells retained light for a longer period of time and reflected light with a significantly changed spectrum. In addition, lines appeared in the spectrum of old cells that were not characteristic of normal skin (sugar, creatinine, etc.). Based on the intensity of reflected light, it was found that at the age of up to one year, old cells do not exceed 1%. At 10 years of age, the number of old cells ranges from 7 to 10%. At age 50 it increases to 50%. Thus, the first rule of health is to increase the number of young cells in relation to the number of old ones.

The best way to achieve this is to remove (destroy) old cells with reduced vital function, which should be replaced by young ones. To help the body solve this problem, it is necessary to induce the release of pepsin enzymes in the stomach. To this end, 30 minutes after eating, take about 1 gram of table salt on the tip of your tongue for several minutes, then swallow the salty saliva. Such a small amount of salt cannot harm the body, but it is extremely necessary to increase the amount of pepsin. Even the ancient Greeks suggested sucking grains of salt after eating (it turns out that reflexively the gastric juice, the elements of which break down old and damaged cells). Pepsin-like substances also dissolve the cells of pathogenic organisms. They do not dissolve only their own young cells.

But rejuvenation of cell colonies can be achieved not only with the help of salt. To rejuvenate the body, it was also recommended to eat plants of the molodilo family (or others: plantain, sorrel, nettle, cabbage, fennel, seaweed, lemongrass, leuzea, Manchurian aralia, ginseng, etc. - up to a hundred species of plants).

What about at home? achieve rejuvenation of body cells? There are several ways to do this:

1. Place one gram of salt on your tongue for a few minutes and swallow the salty saliva. Do the procedure after every meal or 5-7 times a day. You can also add salt to the fruits that go to the table. It is not recommended to eat during treatment.

2. After eating, eat 1-2 teaspoons of seaweed or a small piece of salted herring. Borscht is best prepared from sauerkraut with the addition of pickled beets. Plants from the Juvenile family can also be fermented. To do this, fill a 3-liter jar with the plant, add 1 teaspoon of table salt and 0.5 g of yeast. Place in a warm place for 6-7 days. Take 1 tablespoon with meals.

The level of absurdity of the methods of rejuvenating the body that the Internet is replete with is simply amazing. Rejuvenation with herbal decoctions, red wine, garlic tincture in alcohol, ground lemon and honey.

From a physiological point of view, this is all absolute nonsense and has no scientific basis.

The only one effective method rejuvenation and healing of the body is renewal at the cellular level.

A simple algorithm of regular actions and within 1-3 months you will see the first tangible results of your work.

Will leave excess weight, chronic fatigue, headaches, blood pressure will normalize, vigor will appear, the skin will become more elastic, hair and nails will be strong and healthy.


Just like any brick building is made up of bricks, our body is made up of trillions of bricks called CELLS. From some specific cells the body builds the heart and blood vessels, from others - the brain, from others - eyes, liver, skin, and so on.

If our cells perform their functions well, we are healthy, energetic and look good AT ANY AGE.

If they function malfunctioning, we become decrepit, experience a loss of strength, discomfort, and over time we begin to get ILL.

Medicine includes thousands of different diseases, and the cause of these diseases is usually one - a defect in the functioning of some cells. The more defective cells, the greater the degree of damage to the tissue, organ, system.


A cell is a microorganism. For life, it needs food, water to ensure all metabolic processes, regular cleansing and protection.

To start the body's rejuvenation process, start thinking about your cells. What do they need?

Building materials for cell renewal - Amino acids, Fatty acids, Vitamins, Minerals - cellular nutrition. We must receive them with food every day.

We feel hungry because our cells need nutrition and building materials for constant renewal. Eat empty food - the feeling of hunger returns again, because the cells have not received the necessary substances.

The problem is that the usual food has not contained the required amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes for a long time. And the poor diet of most people only makes things worse.

The main characteristic of modern food is LACK OF USEFUL and EXCESS OF HARMFUL. These are simple carbohydrates, trans fats, carcinogens, preservatives, synthetic stabilizers, artificial colors, etc.


Our cells are in a CHRONIC nutrient DEFICIT. At the same time, they are exposed constant poisoning toxic substances. Years of living in this condition lead to overweight, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

Biologically active additives to food are created to compensate for these deficiencies. Dietary supplements are not medicine, they are essentially food, only in concentrated form, without ballast and harmful substances. By receiving the necessary components, the cells are fully renewed and the body is rejuvenated.

It is the combination healthy eating with the use of high-quality bioadditives gives the best results in health improvement.


To nutrients got into the cells, we need WATER. It is also necessary for removing toxins from the body (80% of toxins are WATER soluble).

If you drink little water, your intercellular fluid will look like a toxic swamp. Hence the thick blood, high blood pressure, swelling, headaches, chronic fatigue, aggression, etc.

Juices, compotes, tea, coffee, soda - this is NOT WATER! For the body it is food.


For example, a person weighing 60 kg needs about 1.8-2.4 liters of water per day.

On training days, visits to the bathhouse/sauna, periods of illness, as well as during cleansing of the body, be sure to increase the amount (according to upper limit norms).

Learn to maintain water balance - and almost half the battle is done!


Healthy water should be as close as possible in its properties to ours. internal fluid: pure, structured, slightly alkaline, negative.

Let's not go too deep, detailed information you will find.


Intercellular fluid from toxins daily - water + physical activity for lymph movement


Almost all nutrients are absorbed into the blood in the intestines, water is absorbed in the intestines. If it is filled with rotting remains of undigested food, what kind of health can we talk about?

Immunity directly depends on the condition of the intestines.

Our mood depends on the health of our gut because 90% of serotonin is produced by beneficial gut bacteria.

They also need Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Vitamins and Minerals. These useful material, which we receive from food and supplements, they consume first. They actively grow and multiply, poisoning our body with the products of their vital activity. And we get weaker and sicker.

Women quite often ask us the question: “How to rejuvenate the body from the inside?”

And we are glad that everything more people They understand that in order to rejuvenate the face, it is necessary to restore the body from the inside.

And the result will not be long in coming: puffiness and excess weight will go away, the skin will cleanse, nails and hair will become stronger.


The first is to eliminate or minimize the consumption of junk food and drinks.

Refined sugar (all products that contain sugar, read the labels), trans fats, preservatives (convenience foods, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, fruit yoghurts, shelf-stable products). Also bakery products made from premium flour, coffee, alcohol and other garbage. These products significantly disrupt digestion.

We especially pay attention to sugar - its consumption leads to acidification of the body, active development of fungus and pathogenic microflora.

Note: giving up sugar will be easy and simple after cleansing the intestines and restoring the microflora. More on this a little later.

So, we stop the regular intake of toxic substances into our body.

Second, make it a rule to flush your body with enough water every day.

Be sure to drink clean water before breakfast (2-3 glasses in several doses), this will help get everything started metabolic processes. Another 2 glasses between meals.

A natural body cleansing program will help you with this.

Fourth, after intestinal function has normalized and the microflora has been restored, we begin to feed our cells.

Proper nutrition in combination with dietary supplements will give the body Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes.

Fifth, in unfavorable environmental conditions, it is necessary to protect the body from environmental harm.

They will help with this.

Antioxidants are cell protection.

Key rules for rejuvenating the body

1. EXCLUDE junk food and drinks

2. Constantly WATER and FEED the cells

4. PROTECT from the harmful effects of the environment

It doesn’t matter whether you are 20 years old, 40 or 60. It doesn’t matter whether you want to improve your health or restore it - this Health Concept is suitable for everyone, because it is based on the laws of physiology.


1 month -Coral Detox- we launch detoxification processes, restore water balance in the body and acid-base balance.

3 month - Healthy gut- we restore the functions of all organs of the digestive system, giving the cells the necessary components for renewal.


Each program lasts 1 month. You can simply alternate them to achieve better results in healing and rejuvenating the body.

♦ Health packing- Ultimate vitamin and mineral complex, fatty acid Omega-3, antioxidant H-500, Coral Mine to maintain water balance.

♦ Packing life- plant enzymes Assimilator, antioxidant AquaOx, Coral Mine for water.

♦ Healthy start- Coral Mine, phospholipids Coral Lecithin, enzymes to improve digestion Papaya, Griffonia to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Integral components of youth in our body - hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10.

BiLuronis a drinkable hyaluronic acid that is absorbed by the body. A profitable alternative to beauty injections. At the same time, it works to rejuvenate not only the face, but the entire body. There are no analogues on the market yet.

If you have any questions about the body rejuvenation program - write to us, we are in touch

The outstanding Japanese doctor Hiromi Shinya is known throughout the world for his work in the field of gastroenterology. My medical activities the specialist began in the 60s of the last century, when science had not yet invented the endoscope, and most surgical operations consisted of removal of polyps with opening of the abdominal cavity.

It was Dr. Shinya who developed a unique endoscope design, with a wire inside and a loop at the end. Thanks to such an instrument, in 1969, for the first time in the world, an operation was performed to remove polyps without opening the peritoneum. The operation was called polypectomy. From that moment on, surgery received a new direction of development called “surgical endoscopy.”

Discovery by Hiromi Shinya

However, Dr. Shinya has another important merit, which the whole world is talking about today. Having seen more than 300 thousand patients in his own clinic over the years of practice, the Japanese specialist developed a special health program called “Shinya Biozyme”, which he initially tried on himself. And it’s worth saying that in all 40 years of practice, the Japanese professor has never been sick! Moreover, the results of the program exceeded all patients' expectations, and cancer patients who participated in this program did not experience a single case of relapse!

The essence of Dr. Shinya's program

According to the specialist, neither nutritional supplements, nor stimulants. Nature has made sure that the cells of the body can self-clean themselves from the so-called “cellular debris”. This is precisely what the program of the Japanese scientific luminary is focused on.

It is no secret that special intracellular formations - mitochondria - are responsible for ensuring energy processes in the body. When a person is alert and active, mitochondria work at full strength, but if he feels a loss of strength or feels sick, there is no doubt that an obstacle has appeared in the work of mitochondria, namely, “cellular debris.” Clogging of mitochondria with decay products leads to disruption of their activity, and therefore to the aging of the body’s cells, read, to the aging of the person himself. In this case, rejuvenation can be achieved only with the help of intracellular cleansing.

Each of us has probably heard that vitality in China it is called QI energy, and in Japan it is called KI. Europeans tend to believe that this is just philosophy, when in fact it is not. Eastern teachings have a strict scientific basis. And in this regard, for Westerners, QI energy is 60 trillion cells that actively function in the body of every person.

Read also:

What is “cellular debris” and where does it come from?

Proteins that enter our body with food are broken down into amino acids, which are then carried with the blood throughout the body and take part in the intracellular formation of new proteins. However, this process is not complete without side effects, which are defective proteins. As a rule, defective proteins are formed when unbalanced diet when there is too much animal fat (dairy products and meat) in the diet. That is why vegetarians who avoid animal fats in their diet live longer, get sick less and look younger than their age.

To cleanse the body of defective proteins, it is necessary to start the process of autophagy, i.e. self-cleaning and restoration of body cells. To do this, yunozymes must work - special cleaning enzymes that process defective proteins and mitochondria incapable of functioning into fatty acids, glucose and amino acids necessary for the body.

How to trigger autophagy? Very simple! To do this, you only need the body to begin to feel hungry. Previously, when there was plenty of food, the body did not see the point in the processing function, but as soon as the first signs of hunger appeared, the process of processing “cellular waste” immediately became more active. This is the meaning of therapeutic fasting!

Of course, hunger should not last too long, otherwise the body will begin to “eat” itself, i.e. destroy healthy cells of the body, leading a person to exhaustion and threatening his life. But imitating the feeling of hunger in order to activate the autophagy process and thereby rejuvenate the body’s cells is very useful.

In this regard, the so-called Small Shinya Fast, which a Japanese specialist suggests trying, gives excellent results. It is worth noting that this post does not involve reducing calorie intake, which means it is not suitable for people concerned about losing weight. It is intended exclusively for detoxifying the body in every cell, that is, to improve general condition, improving tone and eliminating health problems.

Shinya post for cell cleansing and rejuvenation

Let us list the main positions of Shinya fasting, which will help cleanse the body’s cells, and therefore rejuvenate and improve its health.

1. Dinner must take place no later than 19:00. After dinner and before bed, you can only drink clean water.
2. When you wake up, first drink 2 glasses of clean water, and after 20-30 minutes, drink a glass of natural juice (carrot, apple or cabbage) or eat a couple of fresh fruits.
3. 30 minutes before lunch, drink 2-3 glasses of clean water.

At the same time, the Japanese specialist does not require daily compliance with the above rules. They need to be adhered to from time to time. In this case, you should try to stick to three meals a day. And if desired, you can refuse dinner.

The essence of the diet described above is simple - to create a feeling of hunger for a while, thanks to which the process of self-cleansing of the body’s cells will begin. Fasting seems easy only at first glance. In fact, not every person is able to adhere to it. And here a person should come to the aid the main idea, which Hiromi Shinya conveys to humanity: perceive the feeling of hunger as a positive feeling!

Shinya Biozyme Health Program

Now let’s say a few words about the Shinya Biozyme health restoration program, which is based on the experience of Dr. Shinya and numerous scientific studies.

Let's stop at three key messages his programs:

1. Modern scientists have already realized the futility of fighting pathogenic microbes with the help of antibiotics, and today more attention is paid to populating the body with beneficial microflora.
2. The key element of the health program is the consumption of plant foods, without thermal and mechanical processing (as a result of which the valuable enzyme component is destroyed).
3. Cleansing at the cellular level (through Shinya fasting) helps strengthen the immune system and fill the body with vitality.

Thus, for the healing and rejuvenation of the body, it is important not only to observe the Shinya fast, but also to think about what to eat. Here are the basic tips from a famous Japanese specialist:

  • pay special attention to plant foods, in particular whole grain cereals and legumes;
  • ensure that 85% of your diet consists of plant foods and only 15% of meat and meat products;
  • Regularly add foods made from fermented foods that have undergone the fermentation process to your diet. This list includes: pickled vegetables (cabbage and cucumbers, tomatoes and garlic), as well as dairy products(kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt).

In addition, it is important to lead an active lifestyle, do gymnastics daily and go for walks. fresh air. Taken together, all this will allow you to breathe health, which means avoiding premature aging body and multiple diseases.

Live happily ever after!

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