Home Oral cavity Metal for Aquarius. What talismans are suitable for Aquarius? What stones should not be worn by a sign?

Metal for Aquarius. What talismans are suitable for Aquarius? What stones should not be worn by a sign?

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about talismans and amulets for the zodiac sign - Aquarius. And about Slavic amulets suitable for this date of birth. Patron planets of this most interesting sign celestial sphere - Uranus and Saturn. Element – ​​Air, with characteristics: frosty, fresh, healing.

There is a theory, repeatedly confirmed, that the Aquarius amulet rids its wearer of chaos, deceit, unreliability, makes him less eccentric, less annoying to others, while maintaining all the advantages of an intellectually sensitive personality. Strong amulets of the Aquarius horoscope sign help him find a way out of any situation.

What talismans bring good luck to these people?

It is a symbol of transformation and agility. He needs new impressions, he constantly strives for renewal. His time is a time of change. His insightful analytical mind is always ready to produce new ideas and conceptual plans. When he has an inner incentive, he is able to do truly great things. What kind of amulet does Aquarius need to buy for this magical artifact to show its power and help its owner in his life?

Metals that can bring good luck and give strength, becoming amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius:

  • silver
  • cupronickel
  • aluminum
  • lead
  • titanium
  • various alloys

Plants are helpers and patrons that carry the energy of a magical birthday talisman:

  • gladiolus
  • chestnut
  • rose hip
  • radish
  • oregano
  • water lily
  • geranium
  • violet

Amulets that you can buy to protect your horoscope sign Aquarius.

Totems (patron animals that have an energetic connection with Aquarius, strong amulets by date of birth):

  • pigeon
  • horse
  • peacock

Figures of these animals can always be kept in the field of your presence for defense against troubles, and how good luck sign of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

The colors that best suit this air sign accompany it and bring good luck:

  • indigo
  • silver
  • yellowish

Common talisman stones for the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Talismans of high vibrations, which are energetically suitable for people of the Aquarius horoscope sign, can be different, for example:

  • amethyst
  • turquoise

Particularly popular is purple amethyst, which is ideal as a talisman for the horoscope sign Aquarius. It can be worn constantly. Amethyst rings are good for men. With the power of this crystal, a person becomes confident, more sociable and open. Teaches you to see people and understand their true intentions. Moreover, yours is attuned and, in addition to strong magical properties, also has healing properties. Amethyst has a positive effect on nervous system, relieves stress, gives peace and tranquility.

Other amulets suitable for the Aquarius horoscope, from the world of natural gemstones:

For the zodiac sign Aquarius, according to magicians and astrologers, many semi-precious and precious crystals with magical properties, which can be important both as a money amulet for them, and as a talisman against the forces of evil, and even as a talisman that brings good luck. These minerals include:
  • nacre
  • Hawkeye
  • fluorite
  • hyacinth
  • obsidian
  • colorless topaz

Which talisman best suits the zodiac sign Aquarius

Everyone has it successful person there is some unusual thing that he hides from everyone, or, conversely, wears in plain sight, but does not reveal its secret. And this is a talisman for good luck according to the sign of the zodiac, or a talisman created by a sorcerer, or an amulet that combines several functions - the same magic item, which protects its wearer and grants him success in all endeavors.

The item of Power can be a figurine or image of an angel. It will be powerful amulet for an Aquarius man, as well as for a girl of this sign. This figurine can be worn by a child in a clothing pocket or as a decoration. An angel is a strong protector of any representative of this. Made of rock crystal, porcelain or glass, this is a strong amulet for Aquarius by date of birth and can decorate a bedroom or stand in a study.

Making a talisman for the zodiac sign Aquarius is permissible from any materials suitable for this constellation. So, an angel can be made from any suitable metal or natural stone, because Such material is already a good amulet in itself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Slavic amulets of the Svarog Circle by date of birth

Vintage Slavic amulets for women, as well as for men of the zodiac sign Aquarius, are associated with the ancient Slavic horoscope, where the full cycle is the Great Svarog Circle, has 16 palaces. Modern Aquarius sign Western horoscope coincides with the palace of the Bear (January 8 - February 1) and the palace of the Stork (February 1 - February 20).

Those who were born in the palace of the Bear according to the ancient Slavic calendar are focused on the goal of achieving well-being and prosperity for the family. They are determined and know how to overcome difficulties. The great Svarog himself patronizes the Bear. Beech is considered a sacred tree, as is raspberry. What are Slavic talismans for attracting money? will be effective for the Aquarius sign, i.e. that part of it that falls during the period of the Bear’s activity? Obviously this is:

  • bear totem figurine
  • raspberries
  • Slavic amulet by date of birth - a magical symbol of the palace of the Bear, enclosed inside the sacred Star of England

People whose sign in the ancient horoscope of our ancestors is the Stork are open to the world, generous, moderately generous, and have good intuition. Storks are fertile, and the god Rod helps them leave healthy offspring. The sacred tree is the willow. It is recommended to cut amulets for a pregnant woman from this tree. Slavic talismans should Aquarius wear it if, according to his date of birth, he is in the Stork’s palace? The following will be more powerful:

  • stork totem figurine
  • Star of England with magical symbol Stork
  • figurine of Rod, carved from willow

Magic amulets necessary for a man of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Witchcraft artifacts have magnetic powers. They can distract from unnecessary things, they can give confidence, calm, and bestow good luck. Money talismans Aquarius by date of birth opens financial channels, attracts money luck and material security and stability. Such talismans can be stones, crystals, metal or a totem. The so-called universal talisman - an angel, a key or a lock - can also give prosperity.

What talismans to wear for people born in the zodiac sign Aquarius depends on his own choice. What a person ultimately wants to achieve is the main criterion for searching for a magical item, an item of Power. These are the embodiment of intelligence, analysis, impressionability, and emotionality. But the main thing here is inconsistency. They are characterized by stability, willingness to help, and goodwill. And at the same time - the incomprehensibility of the mind and the unpredictability of the heart.

They are dreamers, but not passive, but energetic and daring. And in this they are supported by unique magical objects, such as ancient unique Slavic amulets by date of birth with the Star of England, the sacred star of the race. Simple-looking objects can also be magical talismans for Aquarius, which are, for example, a key and an icon.

These are strong good luck talismans for the horoscope sign Aquarius.

Sapphire - for many centuries it has personified purity, heaven, fidelity, modesty, chastity. Blue color extinguishes nervous excitability, calms the mind and heals the soul. An Aquarius man needs such a talisman at certain moments in his life. But sapphire is not for constant wear. The energy of this crystal is very strong, and therefore, being in constant contact with a person, sapphire can cause harm. If handled carefully, this stone can be an amulet for an Aquarius woman; on long trips he gives good luck, and creative people brings inspiration. Sapphire clears the mind. The one who wears this stone becomes confident and calm.

Zircon - this crystal is the best amulet according to the zodiac sign for a man of the constellation Aquarius. A crystal of a blue hue is ideal, although other varieties are possible. The magic of zircon is that it enhances the brightest aspects of the wearer’s personality. Strong man it makes the one who has a hare soul stronger, makes him hesitate and fear even more.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would not guess which amulet for Aquarius is most in demand and effective, but I still call zircon the best male amulet. Zircon will give its wearer vigor, confidence and internal forces. It will attract love, make you experience new emotions and give you bright, lively impressions.

Protective amulets for women of the Aquarius sign

With the help of natural crystals, women of the air Element sign can gain popularity, a pure and clear consciousness, and cultivate self-control and fortitude.

What talismans bring good luck to the Aquarius sign? This popular question can probably be answered as follows: all natural crystals of high vibrations, which are like birthday talismans.

Garnet - A dark red garnet is considered a magnificent amulet for an Aquarius woman. Good and yellow in color. This gem protects the feelings of the one who wears it and helps to establish connections with others. Positively affects mood and well-being, gives vigor. This is a true sign of good luck for the Aquarius zodiac sign, with it a woman will gain self-control and power over others.

Chrysoprase - I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise girls of the Aquarius zodiac sign to pay attention to chrysoprase - a pure green crystal that personifies strong feelings -. With this amulet according to the horoscope, a woman can easily establish spiritual connections with those people who are dear to her.

Obsidian - for those women who have ill-wishers or outright enemies, obsidian will become a strong talisman horoscope. He will protect the girl from negative influence people, will strengthen the will, make a woman psychologically resistant to stress and unpleasant situations. It will drive away pessimistic thoughts and keep you from rash words and impulsive actions.

Plant amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Having considered many plants that can be grown in an apartment or at home, I recommend that people born under the constellation Aquarius opt for violets and geraniums.

Geranium - modest and beautiful geranium has very strong energy. She might become protective amulet for the zodiac sign Aquarius, which with its strength will help a person maintain a calm, sober mind in any situation. Geranium suppresses negative emotions, softens anger and irritability. With the help of this flower, Aquarius will be able to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and positivity in his home. Violet - this plant acts as a sedative.

What talisman does an Aquarius who has lost his inner harmony need?

Trust the magical power of this flower, and it will help you maintain composure and not spoil your nerves over everyday trifles. If you keep a flower pot with a violet at your workplace, it will become an effective money amulet for Aquarius, attract financial luck, and clear money channels. In general, violets, like geraniums, are very useful plants.

How to charge and activate personal talismans and amulets

It is useful to know how to charge talismans and other witchcraft items of Power, the help and protection of which you rely on. This is done if necessary magical rituals. The magician performs the ritual according to all the rules of witchcraft, as they have done since ancient times knowledgeable people, setting up and activating amulets with solar signs. Today, warlocks perform special rituals to create a personal item of Power. Such rituals may involve natural or egregoric energy. The magician can call upon the spirits of assistants, through whose mediation he performs his practices.

If we are talking about natural protective stones according to the zodiac sign, then no special rituals are required to set up the talisman. The magic stone itself has energy and power, and all you need is to frequently contact the stone, tuning into its high vibrations. If the energy of the crystal is close to the feminine energy of this airy one, it will become a strong amulet for the Aquarius woman. Exactly the same can be said about magic stones for men according to the Aquarius horoscope, as well as about those personal talismans and amulets that a person creates for himself.

Speaking objectively, making a talisman based on your zodiac sign- the matter is not so complicated. Over time, the power of the magical item increases. The older he is, the stronger. But you shouldn’t give someone personal items of Strength and protection. The same goes for accepting gifts from others. Therein lies the threat. There is a danger of taking on other people's misfortunes, as well as giving someone else your luck.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you - you cannot steal someone’s talisman!

Remember: this is a magical item. And magic is magic. If you are wrong, it will come back to you, especially if you are not a sorcerer and are not aware of what is happening in the invisible world around you. And if you received something as a gift and decided that it should become your good luck talisman, take an interest in its history. Especially if this thing is not new.

Astrological symbol of Aquarius: two waves, a man pouring water.
Planet ruler of Aquarius: Uranus.
Element of Aquarius: air.
Favorable colors for Aquarius: lilac, lilac, blue, violet, dark green, gray.
Stones that suit the Aquarius sign as talismans: turquoise, aquamarine, garnet, zircon.
Aquarius Plants: narcissus, violet, myrtle.
Favorable metal of Aquarius: tin.
Talismans for Aquarius: icon, key.
Favorable days weeks for Aquarius: Wednesday Saturday.
Unfavorable days for the zodiac sign Aquarius: Sunday.
Lucky numbers Aquarius: 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16.

Aquarius is the most. What is dearest to him is freedom and independence. Before making an important decision, such people rely on their intuition and sober calculation.

For them, life is an experiment. They attract people to themselves by having an unconventional approach to any situation. These people are capable of making revolutions in technology and science. If they take on something, they bring it to its logical conclusion.

If he does not see his place in society, then he begins to live with his dreams and experiences. Can completely immerse himself in his inner world, If environment doesn't bring him pleasure.

Aquarians do not tolerate strict restrictions in their work. They approach everything creatively. They are interested in everything new and unusual. These qualities help them occupy leadership positions. Their talents are best demonstrated in a team of like-minded people.

They are open to communication, respect other people's opinions, but at the same time they always try to make their own decisions. It is very difficult to convince them of anything. They value friendship and provide help unselfishly. In their personal life they do not tolerate restrictions. They build relationships on mutual interest. If interest and sympathy disappear, then they break off the relationship.

Love compatibility horoscope for Aquarius

From Aries, Aquarius will receive space for development and encouragement. This is a perfect union.

But building a marriage with a Taurus is not so easy. In such relationships, there is either coldness or passion - rarely does anyone withstand such changes.

Gemini likes Aquarius, they are drawn to him and see him as a brilliant intellectual. They always have something to talk about, but this marriage is based on platonic feelings rather than physical ones.

Real tests await. He will seek to manipulate Cancer; in such relationships, Cancers often turn to psychiatrists for help. Partners are attracted to each other only in those matters that relate to something unknown and the future.

And Aquarians constantly feel mutual attraction to each other. These signs understand each other very poorly, but the prospects for their life together should be based on the fact that Leo will communicate on equal terms with Aquarius, and he will take on family responsibilities. If Leo trusts the intuition of Aquarius, then they will be able to maintain peace and tranquility in the relationship for a long time.

Virgo does not always have a successful relationship with Aquarius. Virgo can take a long time now, but there comes a time when she begins to demand that he take responsibility. Virgo has a lot of trouble with Aquarius. Often they have a misunderstanding of each other.

Libra and Aquarius get along very well and can become best friends. It is very difficult for these signs to keep each other, but they have no problems in communication. There is a possibility that they will never reach real connections, since the physical side is not the most important thing for them. If Libra does not infringe on the freedom of Aquarius, then there is a chance for the relationship to develop.

He will constantly show jealousy and a sense of possessiveness, and Aquarius will behave unpredictably. But leadership in such a marriage will go to Scorpio, who different ways will try to control the partner. Such a marriage is a combination of unpredictability and stubbornness.

Sagittarius and Aquarius are good couple, two kindred spirits that can for a long time stay together and not bother each other. When paired with Aquarius, Sagittarius is very reckless. Difficulties can only arise on an emotional level, when the cold temperament of Aquarius will oppress and anger Sagittarius.

Relationships with Capricorn are full of surprises, which, incidentally, is what Capricorn needs. These partners don't talk about their feelings. Capricorn needs to constantly amaze Aquarius, and then he will become a goldfish.

Two Aquarius are the mirror image of partners. They are both ready for the unexpected, unpredictable and original. In such relationships, the physical side is secondary; they will worry more about something far-fetched than solving specific issues. Such partners cannot escape the feeling of emptiness in the relationship. They find it difficult to adapt to each other, but if they focus on common scientific goals, there will be no time left to fight each other.

Aquarius has a romantic relationship with Pisces in the early stages; they completely absorb each other. . The jealousy and possessive behavior of Pisces greatly infringes on the freedom of Aquarius. Often Pisces are the first to leave and leave their partner behind. The union can be fruitful if they learn to understand each other.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2015 of the Blue Wood Sheep

Fate will give Aquarius the opportunity to build a life with their own hands and paint it with bright colors. There will be big changes in their lives. Now is the time to establish partnerships with the right people. Social significance will grow rapidly, and talents will be noticed and recognized. In love affairs, success is inevitable. Your financial situation will improve significantly thanks to your loved ones. Success in transactions involving risk.

For Aquarius, talisman stones are: azurite, aquamarine, garnet, amethyst, sapphire, turquoise and zircon. Amethyst, aquamarine and azurite are most suitable for women, and sapphire and zircon for men. Garnet and turquoise are universal stones that are suitable for both.

What metals are suitable for Aquarius?

Three types of metal serve as talismans for Aquarius: tin, cupronickel and silver. Tin and cupronickel are most suitable for men, and silver is an ideal amulet for women. Metals are best worn on the body in the form of jewelry, such as rings, pendants and bracelets.

Tin: has the ability to unite people and successfully resolve conflicts. Patronizes strong and strong-willed individuals. Helps achieve prosperity and harmony in the family. As a talisman for Aquarius, it is recommended in the form of an alloy, rather than pure metal.

Cupronickel: an alloy of copper and nickel, which has the unique property of never getting tired. Extraordinarily strong and durable, this metal has inexhaustible energy and works like a clock. For Aquarius, this is an ideal talisman from which you can draw strength.

Silver: lunar metal, reflecting a person’s mood and capable of storing information about its owner. Perfectly eliminates negative energy and often serves as an antiseptic. It is advisable to wear a silver talisman constantly, remembering to clean it periodically.

Which representatives of the fauna patronize Aquarius?

For Aquarius, animals and birds that love the sky and water are suitable. These are the crane, dove (sky) and dolphin (water). This especially applies to women. But for men, “earthly” animals such as camels and goats are more suitable. Primates are also suitable for both.

Crane: this bird is a symbol of special talents. Aquarius people are believed to be heavenly gifted. This is, as a rule, perfect hearing, falcon vision or absolute memory. The patron crane also speaks of possible availability The Aquarius man has magical inclinations.

Pigeon: symbol of peace and friendliness. Represents trust, charm, reliability and excellent relationships with others. Inspires calm and has exceptional magnetism. Does not tolerate monotony, routine, slowness, pedantry and strict discipline.

Dolphin: the ideal talisman-patron, protecting against disasters, diseases and bad people. The whale, a close relative of the dolphin, also has similar advantages. The amulet of gray, blue, green and purple colors has special power.

Camel: ship of the desert, majestic and enduring. She has qualities that help her cope with any situation, even the most difficult. A symbol of freedom and independence, proud of its strength and self-esteem.

Goat: organically combines nobility, apathy, restraint and modesty. He is characterized by reliability, stability and dreaminess. Such a patron talisman shares with Aquarius energy and activity, as well as a desire to help and support.

Primate: Of all the primates, the lemur is most suitable for the role of patron for Aquarius. The talisman protects against various diseases, treats pain and improves mood. Ideal in quality pet, which will share its energy with the owner.

Which representatives of the flora patronize Aquarius?

Aquarians are patronized by plants such as geranium, cedar, violet, cypress, daffodil, chestnut and mistletoe. Women of this sign are closer to flowers, and men are more attracted to trees. The exception is mistletoe - it is a universal plant that suits both.

Geranium: has very strong energy. Represents calm, suppresses negative emotions, creates comfort and helps maintain a sober mind. This representative of the flora should be in the home of every Aquarius, as it contributes to a favorable atmosphere and environment.

Cedar: Thanks to its endurance, it helps to adapt to any circumstances. Patron of active Aquarians leading an active lifestyle. Helps in making important decisions and being in the center of attention, but, at the same time, protects against evil machinations.

Violet: indispensable for people in need inner harmony with myself. It has a calming effect on particularly sensitive Aquarians, protecting their nervous system. A pot of violet is a wonderful talisman for impressionable, sensitive and vulnerable natures.

Cypress: majestic and stern, but, nevertheless, not devoid of spiritual warmth. Helps you adapt to any situation and saves you from loneliness. Patron strong marriage, provides a cozy life and calm family happiness.

Narcissus: symbol of love and long life. Has a beneficial effect on male strength and female attractiveness. Gives you self-confidence and puts you in a positive mood. An ideal talisman for Aquarius who doubt their success with the opposite sex.

Chestnut: has strong energy and helps relieve internal tension. The fruit of this tree is a wonderful amulet against the evil eye. Neutralizes negativity, creates a positive atmosphere and favorable environment. Helps in making important decisions.

Mistletoe: Ideal for absolutely all Aquarians. Attracts people to each other, helps in the feelings of lovers and supports good health. Indispensable for those who are interested in sports, as well as active and purposeful people with a risk-taking nature.

Vadim, November 28, 2014.

Castor and Pollux

The correspondence of zodiac signs to certain colors, plants, stones and metals is found in almost every book of horoscopes, but probably not each of you has an exact idea of ​​what the connection is between them. And yet this connection is very deep.

The correspondence of a zodiac sign to a certain color is due to the fact that each color has a psychological meaning, and for people with different types of character and temperament (and zodiac astrology outlines them quite clearly), different colors are “their own”.

So, let's say, the color purple is found in the color characteristics of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This means that in the characters of such people of these zodiac signs there is common features. This is a certain duality of nature, dreaminess, vulnerability, and a penchant for the mystical.

The correspondence of the zodiac sign to a certain flower is also not accidental. Man is part of the Universe, part of nature.

As for metals and stones, magical powers have long been attributed to them, and everyone needs to know which stone will help you with your problems.

At the same time, the strength of the stones affects differently different signs Zodiac. For example, zircon gives confidence to Libra and Aquarius, who, as you know, are completely devoid of feelings peace of mind. But Cancers, under his own influence, are capable of becoming callous egoists and reaching extreme egocentrism.

Aries: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of this zodiac sign are soft yellow and green. They have a wonderful property: to awaken the best feelings, and also to give softness, tenderness and calm. For Aries, with their tendency to irrepressible courage, sometimes turning into aggression, these colors will help them find balance.

But if we draw an analogy between the character of Aries and color, then we can say that it is best expressed with the help of bright red - a rich, exciting color.

Aries flowers are violet, cornflower, and hawthorn. If delicate violets and cornflowers are able to set Aries in a peaceful mood, then hawthorn with tart berries associated with the strong character of Aries.

Aries stone is a diamond, a symbol of hardness (similar to the strength of character and assertiveness of Aries).

The metal of Aries is gold; it symbolizes the irrepressible energy of the people of this sign, which splashes over their heads.

Taurus: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The color of Taurus is yellow-green: it most clearly outlines the character of this zodiac sign - a charming, calm, sincere, but at the same time somewhat passive person.

Taurus flowers - lily of the valley, lilac. They correspond to the somewhat sentimental nature of Taurus.

Taurus stones are turquoise and sapphire. Turquoise has many medicinal properties: helps preserve youth, protects against diseases. Turquoise is especially suitable for girls under 20, as it helps them recover from heart ailments.

Sapphire is useful for Taurus in the sense that it can strengthen their memory (many Taurus cannot boast of good memory and attentiveness).

Taurus can also wear agate, opal, emerald, jade. We advise you to avoid wearing amber.

The metal of Taurus is copper, it is very similar to the character of Taurus: it is just as warm in appearance and pliable, but also not devoid of a noble shine and some splendor.

Gemini: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

The colors of Gemini are purple, gray, bright yellow. Purple is a mystical, mysterious color; it suits Gemini with their variability and duality of character perfectly. Gray is the color of reasonable natures, and Gemini intellectuals are quite capable of reasoning (unless at this time they are overwhelmed with emotions). Bright yellow helps Gemini regain the joys of life if he suffers from another depression.

Gemini flowers are daisy, poppy, ranunculus, jasmine, daffodil. These flowers, with their delicate, cheerful colors, help Geminis cope with attacks bad mood, have a good effect on their feelings. By giving a Gemini woman a bouquet of daisies, you will quite possibly interest her in you.

Gemini stones - chrysoprase, garnet, agate. Chrysoprase gives Gemini protection and patronage, smoothes out the severity life situations, which is very important for Gemini adventurers. Agate is useful for Gemini, as it has the ability to cure insomnia. Agate is also a stone of sociable people, so it can be useful for Gemini, who often experience decline in their general well-being.

Gemini also has its own metals: gold and silver.

Cancer: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

Cancer's colors are white and blue. White and light blue give a feeling of limitlessness and are an indicator of heightened senses. Blue and silver are the colors of people who are characterized by high mental activity. All these color properties are ideal for the character of Cancer.

Cancer flowers are honeysuckle, water lilies, as well as jasmine (like Gemini) and all white flowers, which correspond to vulnerability and high sensitivity Rakov.

Cancer stones - ruby, emerald, moonstone. Ruby is useful because it improves the mood of vulnerable Cancer, emerald protects a person from illness and strengthens memory. A Cancer wearing an emerald will never complain of forgetfulness. Moonstone has magical powers that can protect its owner from trouble.

The metal of Cancer is silver. It protects Cancers from life's difficulties, but at the same time sharpens their feelings.

Leo: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of this zodiac sign are purple, scarlet, black, gold, orange, that is, all the brightest and most saturated colors that are so suitable for the imperious and even somewhat tyrannical character of Leo.

Leo's flowers are peony, chrysanthemums, gladioli, all the most lush, royal flowers. In addition, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of valor and courage, and this is what fully characterizes the character of Leo.

Leo stones include: topaz, peridot, ruby, onyx, diamond. Topaz is needed by those Leos who are disappointed in the surrounding reality. In this case, topaz helps them cope with their problems, but wearing it too often can lead to loneliness.

The metal of Leo is gold - a symbol of wealth, which most representatives of this zodiac sign strive for.

Virgo: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

The colors of Virgo - white, blue, purple, green - perfectly reflect the complexity of the character of this zodiac sign. White characterizes the neatness of Virgos. Green shows some of their straightforwardness when they do not listen to other opinions. Violet involuntarily reveals one of the character traits of Virgos: it turns out that sometimes they can be prone to mysticism.

Virgo flowers - aster and red poppy. These flowers are capable of revealing the deepest secrets of Virgo's character. Astra is evidence that Virgo has secret thoughts about someone or something. Mac discovers that Virgo's character, despite all his straightforwardness and even some pedantry, is characterized by weakness.

Virgo stones are carnelian, yellow sapphire, agate, jasper, malachite, topaz, marble. Carnelian has medicinal properties. For Virgos, it will also become a means of excellent protection from troubles if set in silver. Sapphire is a symbol of modesty and fidelity. Agate has a good effect on Virgos, softening their character and at the same time giving them a sense of self-esteem.

Virgo metals are tin and copper: tin gives them a sense of security and reliability. Copper helps to gain self-confidence.

Libra: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

Libra's colors are dark blue, green, aqua, pastel colors in general. And this is no coincidence, because Libra is an air sign, and each of the named colors symbolizes limitless air space.

Libra flowers are marigold, rose and violet. Marigolds can soothe the mental suffering of Libra. The rose - the queen of all flowers - symbolizes the variability of Libra's character, which sometimes turns into betrayal of feelings. The violet symbolizes that Libra often demonstrates modesty and is capable of sincere friendship.

Libra stones are opal, coral, diamond, sapphire, beryl, crystal, peridot, moonstone, green jasper, zircon.

Let's say more about some of them. Opal is a stone of hope and fidelity; it suits Libra perfectly, because they are often capable of making the most unexpected decisions, based solely on their feelings. At the same time, they need hope so much, because they are very afraid of failure. Diamond can make Libra happy. Sapphire is able to discipline this zodiac sign prone to inconstancy. Zircon gives self-confidence: sometimes they lack this so much!

The metal of Libra is bronze. It is this alloy, if Libra wears jewelry made from it, that can give greater stability to the changeable nature of this zodiac sign.

Scorpio: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Scorpio are garnet, dark red, crimson, yellow. All shades of red, which Scorpios love so much, indicate their independence and energy. A passion for yellow is an indicator of their high sociability.

The flower of Scorpio is the carnation, symbolizing Scorpio's capacity for great romantic love.

Scorpio stones are aquamarine, carbuncle, beryl, moonstone, topaz, malachite. Beryl has special power for this zodiac sign. Its owner is protected from hatred and black envy, because the energy and ability to achieve everything, which are so characteristic of Scorpios, are envied by many.

The metals of this zodiac sign are iron, steel. They help Scorpios to act, guided not only by feelings, but also by reason, and somewhat restrain emotions.

Sagittarius: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Sagittarius are blue, cyan, violet, and crimson. All shades of blue match the even character of Sagittarius! In addition, for this zodiac sign they symbolize modesty and the ability to communicate.

Sagittarius flowers - narcissus and carnation. Narcissus corresponds to some of the narcissism of Sagittarius: those who belong to this sign love to play first fiddle. Carnation in relation to Sagittarius means a penchant for patience and methodicalness.

Stones that Sagittarius can wear are topaz, amethyst, peridot, turquoise, opal, sapphire, agate, emerald.

All the main character traits of Sagittarius are embodied in amethyst, which symbolizes sincerity, peacefulness and sincerity. Peridot perfectly strengthens mental strength, since those who belong to this sign always aim high, and this takes a lot of effort. Sapphire helps Sagittarius on their path to success.

The metal of Sagittarius is zinc, which symbolizes the vital activity of this zodiac sign.

Capricorn: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Capricorn are dark green, black, blue, ash gray, pale yellow, and all dark colors. This is often due to the fact that some Capricorns are not capable of flights of fancy. Plus, it totally fits with the fact that they love muted tones.

Capricorn's flower is a white carnation. She is known to be a symbol of fidelity, and fidelity and restraint are the main features of his character.

Stones that Capricorn can wear are ruby, onyx, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli.

Onyx best influences the complex character of Capricorn. He is able to enhance positive traits its owner. It is believed that after Capricorn acquires onyx, he will discern in himself many positive traits. In addition, onyx is able to drive away dark thoughts and improve the health of the owner.

Capricorn's metal is lead. The fact is that a certain gloominess and quarrelsomeness of Capricorn corresponds to lead (remember that the word “lead” is used to denote gloomy and heavy things: leaden sky, leaden clouds).

Aquarius: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

The colors of Aquarius: blue, white - symbolize that Aquarius belongs to the air signs. Besides, Blue colour is an indicator that in some cases Aquarius can be too balanced, traditional and even old-fashioned.

Flowers of Aquarius - violet, myrtle, narcissus. The combination of these colors shows how unexpected the behavior of Aquarius can be, because violet is a symbol of modesty, narcissus is a sign of selfishness, and myrtle confirms that Aquarius is not at all alien to the advantages of power.

Aquarius stones are garnet, zircon, lapis lazuli, opal, and amethyst. Zircon helps Aquarius gain self-confidence, although it cannot be said that the same stone can make a person too vain and proud. But the pomegranate symbolizes nobility, and by giving it to Aquarius, you will awaken the best feelings in him. The rest of the stones also have a positive effect on the character of Aquarius, and wearing them is not at all prohibited.

The Aquarius metals - silver and platinum, despite the fact that these are one of the most expensive metals, in the character of Aquarius they symbolize his tenderness and some exaltation.

Pisces: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals of the Zodiac sign

Pisces colors - sea green, blue, lilac, sea green, steel. All of them are reminiscent of the element of Pisces - water.

Pisces flowers - narcissus, jasmine, violet, forget-me-not. Each of these colors symbolizes one of the character traits or abilities of the fish. Narcissism indicates a tendency towards narcissism (although in fact Pisces are able to understand anyone, but they are not given the ability to know themselves). Jasmine demonstrates their sensuality. The violet shows that they are capable of long and sincere friendship, and the forget-me-not speaks of long memory and fidelity in love.

Pisces stones are coral and pearls. It is believed that coral perfectly protects its owner from “ evil spirits" and "evil look". In addition, Pisces are recommended to wear pearls. “Tears of the sea,” as it is also called, can protect Pisces from troubles. And that’s not all: pearls can be used to judge the health status of Pisces. If the surface of the stone becomes dull, then the health of its owner still leaves much to be desired.

Metal Pisces - silver. It testifies to the enormous vitality this sign and about its intuition, the development of which is incomparable with any other sign of the Zodiac.

A woman’s look with jewelry and accessories looks complete and stylish, the main thing is to choose the right addition to the outfit. Besides taste preferences When choosing, you should also take into account which stone and metal suits a person’s zodiac sign. In this article we'll talk about Aquarius. Despite the fact that they have excellent taste in jewelry, representatives of the sign have an incredibly sensitive feel for their talisman and give preference to it over others. We will tell you which jewelry and stone is suitable for an Aquarius woman.

Jewelry for Aquarius

The romantic “airy” Aquarius does not tolerate heavy and dark jewelry, but sophisticated lilac, blue, and blue-green accessories suit him very well. The sign is ruled by Uranus, which inspires original, extraordinary actions and actions, so Aquarius has no stereotypes in choosing jewelry. They can wear a cheap trinket bought for the occasion at a jewelry store, or a silver bracelet with garnets and not ruin the look. The metal of the sign is silver, so it is better to choose silver pendants and bracelets in which suitable stone for Aquarius woman.

Representatives of the sign love unusual and stylish jewelry; they do not chase “status” products, choosing exclusive and artistically made accessories. Aquarius talismans are silver pendants with the image of a man with a jug in his hands, birds, palms of hands or a key.

Which stone is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

A suitable stone for an Aquarius woman is lapis lazuli, garnet, pearl, amethyst, sapphire, aquamarine.

For loving representatives of this sign, amethyst will turn out to be a kind of “soothing”, which will allow them to become softer and improve relationships in the family, allow them to quickly settle in a new workplace, and help protect themselves from depression. Amethyst will add insight to Aquarius, inspire and encourage creative actions. This talisman should be worn set in silver in a pendant, earrings or ring. Jewelry with amethyst is simply necessary for those who want to have a child.

A suitable stone for an Aquarius woman is sapphire. He is the first assistant for all those who thirst for new knowledge and doubt their abilities. If representatives of this sign wear jewelry with sapphire on their left hand, they will get rid of insomnia and improve their health. Such a talisman protects Aquarius from the evil eye and helps to choose the right decision.

Lapis lazuli is a stone that has long been famous for its protective properties. He will give the Aquarius woman all the blessings of life - health, happiness, prosperity, success, and protection from negative impacts enemies. You can wear lapis lazuli every day on a thin chain in the form of a small pendant or periodically in the form of roughly processed stones collected into beads or a bracelet.

Aquamarine will allow representatives of this sign to become attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and make right choice partner. It is worth knowing that the talisman does not allow its owner to deceive others. Tourists can and should choose jewelry with aquamarine - travelers have long worn them to make their journey easy and successful.

Pearls are suitable for married Aquarius women, which can improve family relationships and give femininity and softness of character.

The ideal talisman for Aquarius ladies is a garnet set in silver. Such decoration will bring its owner good luck and happiness, strength and protection from stress.

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