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French manicure, due to its simplicity and unpretentiousness, is one of the most popular works of nail art; in this article we will look at how to do a french manicure at home.

This is a manicure suitable for almost any type of clothing and any event. Despite the name, this type of manicure appeared in Hollywood, since it was the one that ideally suited almost all the costumes of the “star factory” actresses.

What are its advantages

The main advantage of the French jacket is its versatility. It is suitable for any life situation and is appropriate for any outfit or type of makeup.

In addition, the advantages include the following:

  • it can be used not only for natural, but also for extended or artificial nails;
  • with a French style, the shape of the tip of the nail can be almost any - from round to square;
  • this type of manicure can be used to disguise imperfections and defects of the nail plates;
  • one of the few manicures suitable for men; it is only necessary to almost completely remove the free tip of the nail plate;
  • provides many opportunities for the manifestation of imagination and design ideas;
  • one of the longest lasting manicures - external factors it is practically not affected;
  • Having already become a classic, French is always in fashion.

What tools will you need?

This manicure does not require any special tools. Everything you need is included in any simple manicure set:

  • tweezers with triangular tips for removing burrs;
  • two nail files: medium and soft;
  • cuticle remover and softening oil for it;
  • optionally - a stick with an oblique cut.

The set of tools may vary depending on how you prepare for the manicure.

Everything here is purely individual and depends on own desires and condition of nails. Some people prefer to remove the cuticle mechanically, others using special chemicals. In some cases, the cuticle simply moves back.

How to do a French manicure at home correctly (at home)

At its core, a French coat is painting the outer edge of the nail in some color. The classic option is the one that uses white paint.

A variation of the French manicure is a moon manicure - when it is not the edge of the nail that stands out, but its base. The boundary of paint application with a regular French coat is most often determined by the so-called “smile line”.

The smile line of the nail demarcates its color - this is the place where the nail turns from flesh-colored to white. French paint is applied in such a way as to exactly follow the “smile line”.

In cases where you need to make a jacket below this level, you should cover the nail with flesh-colored varnish to hide the “smile line”. A similar procedure is used for artificial nails.

First you need to get your nails in order and pre-treat them. Any manicure on unkempt nails will not look very aesthetically pleasing, to put it mildly.

Step-by-step instructions in the photo

The first step is to remove the old polish using nail polish remover and give the nail the desired shape. The shape and length of all nails should be the same as possible.

Photo: nails of the same shape with polish removed

Next you need to make a nail bath. To do this, take a shallow bowl into which you pour hot water. Add sea salt (1 teaspoon), about 1 g of liquid soap and a few drops to the water essential oil.

Nails need to be steamed a little in this bath; time – no more than 5 minutes.

Photo: steaming nails in a bath

After steaming, you must wash your hands thoroughly to remove all contaminants. If necessary, you can use a small brush.

The next stage is removing or pushing back the cuticle. This question is purely individual. Everyone has their own approach to this procedure. In the simplest case, it is enough to push back the cuticle using a wooden stick with an oblique cut.

Photo: pushing back the cuticle

Next, the rough skin around the nail is removed. It should already be soft after steaming and there should be no problems with its removal; cut the skin with triangular nail clippers. If necessary, you can cut the cuticle using nail scissors.

Many people use special liquids called removers. Such liquids exist for both the skin and the cuticle.

Photo: removal of rough skin

After this, the final cleaning of the nail plate is carried out and the remains of the cuticle that have grown to the nail are removed.

When the preliminary preparation of the nail is completed, you can proceed directly to applying the manicure. For good adhesion of the nail polish to the nail so that it lasts longer, you need to process the nail with a medium or soft nail file.

In this case, you should not be too zealous - only the shiny layer is removed so that the nails become matte. At the same time, their surface will acquire sufficient roughness for good adhesion to the varnish.

There is no need to polish the nail until it shines. There are two main ways to apply French:

  1. Contrasting. With it, paint is applied to the nail, after which stripes are drawn, and the nail is coated with a transparent varnish.
  2. Muted. First, a transparent base is applied to the nail, then stripes are applied and the nail is covered with translucent colored varnish.

Actually, in terms of technology, both options are almost the same. Only apply different compositions varnishes Therefore, as an example, let’s consider the application in the case of using a contrasting jacket.

One layer of nude (pink, beige, etc.) polish is applied to each nail. You must wait until the varnish is completely dry. If there is any doubt about the uniformity of application, apply a second layer.

Photo: applying the first layer of varnish

After this, you need to stick the strips on the nail. They should be glued tightly, evenly and equally on each nail. Sameness means that each nail has the same distance from the strip to the edge and the shape of the bend.

The width of the strips should not be too large, so as not to artificially “shorten” the nail visually.

After this, the tips of the nails are painted with white varnish. Stripes can only be removed after the white varnish has completely dried. Irregularities should be carefully corrected.

Photo: applying white stripes to the edge of the nail

After this, the nails are coated with transparent varnish. Be sure to also coat the end of the nail with varnish, which will not only smooth out unevenness, but also preserve the manicure for a longer time.

Photo: applying clear varnish

How to do it without using strips

Applying paint to the edge of the nail can be done without using stencil strips. To do this, you will need an additional tool in the form of a thin manicure brush.

First, you need to apply the polish to the edge of the nail with a regular brush, and this needs to be done in two stages - from the edges of the claw to its center. At the same time, you need to apply the paint in such a way that it does not reach the “smile” level.

Video: how to do a French manicure at home

Further correction of the painting consists of painting the white paint to the level of the “smile line” using a thin brush.

You can also use more by simple means to adjust this line: from cotton swab with acetone to a regular napkin.

How to draw a design on the ring finger

The classic French manicure is self-sufficient, however, to complete the look, it is sometimes recommended to apply some simple pattern to one nail.

You can also use color compositions, however, the brightness of the colors should not stand out too much. The design is applied using a thin manicure brush.

If you have little experience in applying manicure, then the following tips will help you make a French manicure at home better:

  1. If you are applying paint to the outer edge of the nail without a stencil, draw a line under the edge of the nail with a white pencil. This will help to more accurately highlight the “border of the smile.”
  2. Use correction tools more often (from simple cotton swabs with nail polish remover to special spatulas).
  3. Always apply varnish in layers, allowing each layer to dry completely.
  4. Use a fixing varnish - it speeds up drying.
  5. If you are doing a French manicure on short nails, you should not increase the width of the strip too much, as it will visually “shorten” the nail significantly.

If you do it to yourself

French is a fairly simple manicure to implement. As a rule, the main problem in doing it to yourself is the unevenness of the “smile line”, especially on the right hand.

Recommended next appointment To solve this problem, when painting the outer edge of the nail on your right hand, you should not move the brush, but, holding it tightly with your left hand, move the nail under the brush.

Since most people right hand works more accurately than the left one, this technique allows you to get fewer errors when painting.

Applying the base and varnish coating, as a rule, does not present a problem.

French manicure is a great example of the fact that beauty does not always require significant effort.

His minimalism is the living embodiment of the phrase that “simplicity is the basis of beauty.” Using the described technique, you can always get a stylish manicure with a minimum of time and financial costs.

French manicure is considered classic, which is why girls and women prefer it more often than others. It looks great on nails of different lengths and shapes, and also suits all fashionable looks.

The history of the appearance of French manicure

Despite the name of manicure, it originates in the United States of America. About 35 years ago the head famous brand polishes and manicure products "ORLY" Jeff Pink came up with a completely new type of manicure and a set of products for its creation. According to the story, the entrepreneur thus helped his friend the director to reduce the number of hours of shooting time that stylists spend changing manicures for a new shooting image. Feminine, sophisticated, natural manicure is ideal for all outfits and decorations. Subsequently, this method of painting nails is becoming increasingly popular and is increasingly appearing on models at Paris Fashion Week, which is why it gets the name “French manicure.”

General rules for performing French

French manicure in the classic version requires compliance with certain rules. If you do a manicure yourself at home, you need to consider the following details:

  1. A French smile is formed by determining the central axis of the finger, from which it is necessary to symmetrically extend curved smiles to the side ridges.
  2. It is necessary to designate the end points of smiles in advance.
  3. The length of the white part of a classic jacket should be at least half as long as the beige part.
  4. Do-it-yourself French must be created on pre-processed plates.

First method: French using stencils

You can make a French jacket at home using stencils and special blanks. The advantages of this technique for creating a manicure include ease of use, low cost of material and a guaranteed even bend. The disadvantage of paper blanks is that there is a small probability of varnish flowing under the stencil if its fit is not tight enough. Stencils are divided into two types:

  • disposable (paper or vinyl films with adhesive backing);
  • reusable (plastic or metal plates with a relief pattern).

For a French manicure, as a rule, the first version of stencils is used; they are more convenient when creating a manicure for yourself. The difference between vinyl and paper stickers is the tightness of their adherence to the plate. Vinyl provide reliable protection from varnish bleeding

You can make stencils yourself by making blanks from stationery tape.

French manicure is done at home with regular varnish. In addition to this you will need:

  • different abrasiveness;
  • cuticle remover;
  • stencils for manicure or blanks made from regular tape;
  • a set of varnishes of two or more colors.

Below is indicated detailed instructions How to step by step create the perfect traditional French jacket using a stencil:

It is easy to create a French manicure using this technology; it is important to monitor the tightness of the adhesive strip; the remaining stages of creating a manicure do not require specific skills from the girl.

Second method: French with a brush

You can learn how to paint French nails with a brush. Working with a brush is distinguished by its “jewellery” and low cost: you don’t need to spend money on buying stencils. However, you need to be able to draw French correctly.

Manicure brushes can be made with kolinsky or sable fur bristles and can have nylon bristles. It is more convenient to do French with a zero-thickness brush made of natural material.

For French brushes, flat brushes with medium-length bristles are ideal. Before use, it should be flattened on both sides to form a clear line. Uneven application should be removed with a thin brush, previously soaked in nail polish remover.

The brush with a beveled edge is universal, so it is also suitable for French manicure. Use such a brush to move from the periungual ridges to the middle of the nail, then they are connected by a line parallel to the base.

French is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to remove the cuticle, shape the nails and cover them with a base and beige polish.
  2. You should draw by applying the flat part of the brush to the plate towards its axis. You need to work with the brush abruptly, constantly changing the angle of its location. The smile is drawn along the natural contour. It is important to change the angle frequently and make the next brush stroke, slightly overlapping the previous one.
  3. Paint over the remaining free edge of the nail.
  4. Apply clear varnish.

To technically perform this French method, you will need practice.

Third method: French using dots

You can do a French manicure using dots. Its advantage is minimal financial costs, but creating a beautiful smile will take a lot of time to practice. To properly do a French manicure using dots, you do not need to purchase additional tools or materials. The technique of performing a manicure is to draw a smile as follows: a few drops of varnish are applied to any plastic or glass coating, after which the tip of the dot is dipped in varnish, then with the tool a dot is placed on the center line of the plate and two at the rollers, retreating a few millimeters from the edge of the nail. The next stage: you need to put many dots along an imaginary smile and connect them along a rounded line. Otherwise, the stages of manicure are identical to those presented above.

Fourth method: French pencil for French

Using a French pencil is not always convenient, as it is quickly washed off and moves onto the skin of your fingers throughout the day. However, French manicure with its use looks especially beautiful and natural.

Nowadays, wax-based pencils have become widespread; they last longer on the plates. In addition to them, there are also regular pencils without added wax.

You must first remove particles of dirt and dust from under the nails with a special tool, then moisten the pencil in water and draw the area under the nail with smooth movements, painting over its free edge. You can remove pencil marks from the pad with a cotton swab dipped in water. Only two coats of clear varnish should be applied to the plate on the other side.

Ideas for a French jacket

Currently, there are a large number of types of French:

  1. Classic French: manicure with a white tip and a beige base coat. This French style looks just as beautiful on short nails as on long ones.
  2. Colored French manicure. To create it, varnishes other than white and beige are used.
  3. French Millennium. A bright manicure using either glitter or glitter polish, usually placed at the tip of the plate.
  4. Lunar French is a manicure with a smile at the base of the nail.
  5. Gradient French, in other words, manicure using the ombre technique. IN in this case The transition from one color is smooth, and not abrupt as in the classic version.
  6. French chevron manicure. In the process of creating it, an acute angle appears in the center of the smile.
  7. A matte French manicure is created either with a matte varnish or by exposing a finished glossy French manicure to steam.
  8. Art French is decorated with various bright designs and patterns.
  9. Fan French. Using this technique, fashionable elements can be placed at the tip of the plate, for example rhinestones, or a lace pattern can be made.

The answer to the question of how to do a French manicure is stated above. This will require a little patience, practice and originality.

The highest popularity of French manicure during for long years not accidental. French looks great on any nails, regardless of their shape and length. French nail art is so versatile that it will fit perfectly with any outfit and highlight the beauty of your hands in the most different situations, be it a business meeting or a romantic date. French manicure at home is simple, stylish and elegant. Therefore, millions of girls and women around the world give their preference to the French jacket.

It is not always possible to visit a nail salon. And it's not just about the financial side of the issue. Lack of time, the busyness of your master, some emergency changes in plans - the reasons can be very different. In such situations, the ability to take care of your hands and nails yourself at home turns out to be very valuable. If you are reading this article, you probably share this point vision. And this is great, because there is nothing difficult about doing a French manicure correctly. Where to begin? Of course, from the choice of manicure tools that you will need at home.

What do you need for a French jacket?

French manicure at home requires a number of tools with which you will take care of your nails. At the same time, some of the instruments and tools are universal and will be needed for different types manicure, and some of it is needed specifically for a French manicure. You can either purchase a manicure set or buy everything you need separately. It's a matter of taste and your personal preferences. For your homemade French to meet your expectations, you will need:

  • files of different abrasiveness;
  • cuticle stick (orange or plastic);
  • nail clippers;
  • special liquid (remover) for softening and removing cuticles;
  • stencils for manicure or regular tape (optional);
  • base coat;
  • top coating;
  • a set of varnishes for a French coat, which is traditionally made in pastel colors.

IN Lately It’s fashionable to use special French nail kits at home, especially if you are a fan of this nail design. Many branded manufacturers will offer you similar sets, so you won’t have any difficulties with the purchase. Have you prepared everything necessary tools and materials, now is the time to learn how to do a French manicure at home. You will be provided with detailed instructions and useful videos, thanks to which you will understand what needs to be done.

Step-by-step instruction

First, I would like to dispel a popular misconception. French nail art is not only a special technology for applying varnish. French looks beautiful only on neat and well-groomed hands, which means that first you need to work hard on the shape of your nails and cuticles, following all the rules hygiene care. We present to your attention step-by-step instruction, which will tell you in detail how to carefully make a flawless French jacket without having professional knowledge and skills.

Step 1. Give your nails a beautiful shape

Take a nail file and give your nails the desired shape. Preference is given to oval or oval-square options - it is on such nails that the French look looks especially elegant. Be careful and attentive, do not overdo it. On too short nails, a French coat does not look the best. In the end, you should make all your nails the same length.

Step 2. Hand bath – steam your nails

Before you start working on the cuticles, you need to properly prepare your nails for this. It is useful to make a warm hand bath with the addition of sea ​​salt or a few drops of essential oil. You can also try, for example, a chamomile bath. A matter of taste: choose what is more pleasant to you. Dip your brushes for literally 5-7 minutes. After water procedures Dry your hands with a clean towel.

Step 3. Nail treatment

An important step that requires care and concentration, especially if you are just starting to practice manicure at home. To make everything very clear, we will highlight several stages.

  1. Apply a special liquid (remover) along the cuticle rim, which will soften the skin around the nail plate. After 10-15 seconds, gently blot your nails with a paper towel to remove excess remover.
  2. Using a special spatula or an orange stick, carefully push back the cuticle, which has already been sufficiently softened with a special liquid.
  3. Take your nail clippers and carefully remove any excess cuticle. Don’t rush anywhere; you need to do everything carefully and carefully to avoid possible cuts and injuries.
  4. When your nails are in good condition, wash your hands thoroughly in warm water to remove any remaining remover from the skin. As a result, your nails should look very natural and neat. This is the guarantee that your French nail art will turn out flawlessly beautiful.

Step 4. Apply base coat

Cover the entire surface of your nails with a protective base. Please note that the regrown part of the nail should be smooth: it should not flake, otherwise your French manicure is unlikely to last long. Wait a few minutes for the base coat to dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 5. Draw a smile

We move on to the most interesting part: we begin to implement the design of a French manicure. There are several ways to draw a smile: you can either do it by hand or use special stencil strips (or regular tape). Which option to choose for the perfect DIY French manicure?

It is generally accepted that stencils greatly simplify the process of drawing a smile line, so this method is often recommended for beginners. But let's look at this situation from the other side. You want to master the French style in order to do a cool manicure at home regularly? Then, in any case, you will need skill, which means it’s better to immediately learn how to draw a smile by hand.

Take white polish and draw an arc on the grown part of the nail: first from one side to the center, and then from the other side. The main thing is not to rush - this is the guarantee that the French jacket will turn out neatly. Don't worry if there are any unevenness, they can always be corrected with a cotton swab and nail polish remover. When you're done painting the smile, let the white polish dry thoroughly (5-10 minutes). If you think that the color will not be saturated enough, apply a second layer of white varnish using the same principle. This is an easy way to make your French nail art more expressive.

Can't draw beautiful smile in the suggested way? Don't worry, there are other alternatives to get the perfect nail art. Watch the video covering 4 different ways, which make a Frenchman smile. We are confident that you will be able to choose the best option for you, which you will be happy to use at home.

Step 6. Cover your nails with varnish

You're at the finish line, just a few touches left to do. Cover the entire surface of the nail with a natural shade of varnish. Try to choose a tone that suits your skin color. Classic French design is the use of light pink as the main shade. This manicure looks great on the vast majority of women's hands. When you apply the polish to the entire surface of the nail, give it just a couple of minutes to dry. Next, proceed to the last step, which must be done at home.

Step 7. Apply top coat

Apply a special fixer to your nails, which will give your jacket a pleasant glossy glow. With a top coat, the manicure looks more finished and organic. In addition, it is important to take this step at home so that French nail art pleases you for as long as possible and does not deteriorate under the influence of external factors.

Now you know how to make a beautiful French jacket correctly. Of course, you will need some skill and practice. But it's definitely worth it. The quality of your French will continually improve with time and experience. If you have any questions or don’t fully understand some of the subtleties and details, be sure to watch the final video in which Natalya makes a very neat and beautiful nail design at home. If you want to feel a touch of elegant lightness, feel free to choose a French style as your everyday nail art. Be beautiful!

French manicure is appropriate in any situation: at home, at work, at college or on a holiday. And most importantly, it never goes out of fashion, is always relevant and can be combined with any clothing.

I really love giving myself a French manicure at home. Some may think that drawing the tips of the nails in White color a very labor-intensive and nerve-wracking task, but in fact everything is simple, the main thing is to be patient and train your hand. I assure you that soon it will take you just a few minutes to make a “French”!

My main assistants in this matter are these stencil stickers, which I order on Aliexpress.

Their cost is simply ridiculous - around 10 rubles per pack, but sometimes I was able to buy them much cheaper.

And, of course, The minimum set of varnishes that you will need for a French manicure:

  • the basis - pink or beige varnish that covers the entire nail plate
  • white - for the tips of the nails
  • colorless - consolidate the result.

But I always use a strengthening nail polish before applying base. It’s also good for your nails and the base polish will last longer.

How to do a French manicure at home?

1. We cover the nails with base varnish and wait for complete drying.

2. Glue the stencil onto the free edge of the nail.

3. Cover the tips of the nails with white polish.

4. While the varnish is still wet, carefully remove the stencils. It is most convenient to do this with tweezers so as not to accidentally catch the varnish. We are waiting for it to dry completely.

5. Cover your nails with clear varnish.

All! Classic French manicure is ready!

With a little imagination, you can diversify the classic French jacket. For example, cover your nails with mica varnish instead of transparent. I have this Dance legend Shining gold.

Or you can completely replace the white varnish with a colored one. For example, here I used Alvin D"or Prismatic nail polish. In this manicure, the Smart Enamel medicinal varnish was used as the basis and the nails were covered with Maybelline top coat. .

You can cover the tips of your nails with white or colored varnish and outline the outline with a brush or dot it with dots. For this manicure I used Liquid Porcelain from Art-Visage and red Sally Hansen polish.

Another version of French manicure with glitter. I did it using a special set of varnishes from Centro .

I really like doing a French manicure with a V-shaped “smile” line. For this you need appropriate stencils. This manicure can be decorated with stickers, rhinestones, or an outline can be drawn with dots.

Stickers from Aliexpress rule! In this version of the French jacket, I didn’t need white varnish at all, I just used ready-made stickers. And on top I coated my nails with nailLOOK French Couture 31415 Etoile. I wrote in detail about this manicure.

You can make a slightly unusual French manicure with rhinestones. It's perfect for the holidays!

For this manicure, I divided the nail with an oblique line using NailLOOK Holographic polish and painted it over with the same top part nail After drying, I drew a slanting line with white Maybelline Colorama 60 seconds varnish (by the way, I use it in all versions of the French coat). I applied the rhinestones just below the silver polish. I covered the rhinestones and the top part of the nail with a glitter top from Sally Hansen. I waited until it dried and covered everything with a transparent topcoat.

This is such a beauty!

But manicure is more complicated. I painted the tips of my nails in a gradient style. I wrote in detail how to make a gradient.

Like these ones simple options Even a beginner can do a French manicure, you just need to stock up necessary materials, free time and, of course, patience.

I am absolutely not an expert in manicures - painting anything with a brush or even putting dots on it is a real problem for me. So don't judge harshly.

I will recommend French manicure to everyone without exception! It gives your hands a well-groomed look, suits any situation and will always be popular.

Beautiful nails everyone!

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