Home Children's dentistry Which makes you really want to sleep. Causes of constant sleepiness in women

Which makes you really want to sleep. Causes of constant sleepiness in women


Dear girls! If you are familiar with daily weakness, fatigue, lack of energy, know: this is a problem that needs to be solved! Today we are talking about why you constantly want to sleep during the day, even if you slept for a long time at night.

In this article I will give action plan for those who want to sleep all the time, and I’ll tell you my story, because I also suffered from this.

The reasons for constant drowsiness and fatigue can be very different: from banal overload to health or mental problems. Read this article to understand where your problem stems from.

And whatever your reason - take action on it today ! Because with constant sleepiness, the body seems to be waving a huge red flag at you: “Something is going wrong, something needs to be corrected”!

My history

I went through this. And since I, apparently, was not the smartest girl, I did not sound the alarm right away and dealt with this problem for three whole years (!!!).

If you also constantly want to sleep, then you are familiar with this. You sleep for a long time, wake up completely broken and exhausted, you can barely get out of bed (if you can call this painful process of sliding down the word “getting up”).

You rock for a long time and come to your senses after sleep. Then, if you’re lucky, there are two hours when the energy is more or less present, but then IT begins: you really want to sleep, especially after eating, your eyes stick together, your head refuses to think, you just “knock out.”

And if possible, you lie down and sleep. But you wake up not full of strength and energy, but again broken and tired.

And the feeling that you could sleep for days if you didn’t have to work and do household chores (which you increasingly neglect for the sake of sleep). But sleep does not heal, does not refresh, does not give energy. You feel like a heavy wet rag, a zombie, a subhuman.

Needless to say, during these three years I was practically useless? I didn’t develop, didn’t pursue my projects or hobbies, didn’t go to the gym, devoted all my available energy to work, and then slept all weekend.

A little later I will tell you what my problem was. At this point, you should understand this:

  • This problem will not be solved by itself, you need to look for the cause of constant drowsiness and get rid of it
  • if you let everything take its course, you will lose years of your life, do much less than you could, enjoy life much less than you could. Believe me, it's terrible.

Therefore, please take this problem seriously! Because if you get rid of it, your life will be much better!

Make no mistake

Maybe it's age?..

No. You're not a baby or a 70-year-old woman, are you?

It is normal for a person to have a healthy supply of energy for the day, because he receives energy every day during sleep and while eating.

And this energy should be enough for work, and for family, and for hobbies and entertainment, and for oneself.

If this is not the case, there has been a failure somewhere in your life. Need to find.

Maybe I'm just that kind of person?

I had this thought. There are people with an awl in unusual place, that means there must be people with little energy in life...

Also no. More precisely, to some extent this is actually true, but nature does not make people SO low-energy. A person should not want to sleep all the time.

Or maybe that will do? I have the opportunity to sleep a lot...

You have one life, and it's already underway. You can do a lot if you don't sleep on your life.

Besides, constant drowsiness– this is not just some harmless quality. This - alert from your body! And if you don't deal with the problem, expect much more serious health problems.

Well, are you into it? Are you motivated to solve the problem? Then let's look for the cause of your fatigue.

Why do you want to sleep during the day? Main causes of drowsiness

We will start with the simplest and most easily solved reasons. nap let's end with the most serious ones. But remember: serious does not mean “unsolvable”.

Improper sleep and wakefulness patterns

If you go to bed at three in the morning, don’t be surprised that you always want to sleep, even if you sleep until lunch.

It's not just how many hours you sleep that matter. What matters is what time Are you sleeping now.

Man as a biological being has his own circadian rhythms, directly related to natural processes. IN in this case– with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and, accordingly, with the change of day and night.

These rhythms are already established. Thousands and thousands of years before you and me, when there was no night electricity and no such opportunity to stay awake at night, people slept at night.

And the human body has already clearly defined a schedule for its processes during this time (the most useful for the survival of the species).

In particular, if we talk about sleep, there are such hormones as melatonin and growth hormone, which are produced in your body in accordance with circadian rhythms.

Namely, the peak of their production is somewhere from 23:00 to 1 am, give or take. Are you awake at this time? You are depriving yourself of the very beneficial things these hormones provide for your body, health, beauty and well-being.

Moreover, the more your sleep-wake pattern does not coincide with circadian rhythms, the higher the risk of developing many diseases.

So it's not just about drowsiness, it's about health hazard . Change your regimen to a more useful one.

Poor quality sleep

It’s difficult to feel energetic and cheerful when your body is not rested, even though you’ve slept a lot.

How can this be? Yes, very simple. You can also sleep on the seats in the subway. The brain may rest, but the body will not.

Check if you are getting quality sleep:

  • the mattress should be very comfortable. Not too soft, without springs showing through. It’s better not to sleep on the sofa at all, because... The surface of a sofa often has indentations, crevices and raised areas, which are good for its beauty and ease of assembly, but are definitely bad for a good night's sleep.
  • pillows should not be large and thick. The ideal is an orthopedic pillow with a cushion under the neck. The larger and higher your pillow, the less time your muscles and your spine rest during sleep.
  • you need to sleep in complete darkness. The same sleep hormone melatonin is destroyed by light. Even if your closed eyelids are exposed to light from a street lamp or some operating home appliance.
  • Don't be stuck at the computer or phone right before bed. This strains your eyes and brain, so you won't fall asleep as quickly or peacefully as you could. I’ll write an article later on what’s best to do before bed.
  • you need to try to ensure silence. Uninterrupted sleep is important. Therefore, close the doors, seal the cracks, take care of sound insulation and buy earplugs.
  • Before going to bed, don’t hang around on your phone, but give yourself a long, pleasant washing ritual. By the way, if you sometimes don’t wash off your makeup at night, in the morning you may feel that your eyes are itchy and your face feels heavy. And this is the most harmless disadvantage of unwashed makeup: read how this can turn out.

WHAT TO DO: take care of darkness and silence while sleeping. Buy a good mattress and pillow. Put your gadgets aside half an hour before bed.

Lack of energy and motivation due to fruitless efforts

Imagine that you have been doing something for a long time, but are not getting any results from your actions.

  • You work with all your dedication, but your salary is meager and your boss doesn’t appreciate you.
  • You clean every day, but no one appreciates it, the next day things are scattered again, the dirt returns, and you clean again.
  • You work on your project, sit on it for days, develop, invest in it, but it gives the same unsatisfactory profit.

I think you get the point. In this case, the body does not give you energy because what for? Why should he put in so much effort if life doesn't improve? Why should he waste energy if nothing changes? The body will not endlessly give you energy for fruitless movements.

Such fatigue is more like a kind of depressive laziness, when it seems that everything is useless, nothing will ever change, life is pain and all that.

The motivation to act disappears, energy is spent on frustration, you prefer to sleep and eat. Well, someone else is in computer games plays or goes on a drinking binge.

How this works and how to change it, you will understand very well from the video (watch the first few minutes):

WHAT TO DO: it's important to realize here simple thing– if your efforts do not bear fruit, it means you are messing up somewhere in your actions or doing something completely wrong. And there is probably a way to apply your efforts more effectively, in a different way. Look for this method.

Noble blues

Sometimes constant sleepiness is the result of a too boring life. There is nothing to do, nowhere to strive, the brain slows down and says: “Well, since it’s boring here, let’s go to bed, what else to do?”

If this is your case, then you need to take responsibility for your life. And with your own hands make it bright, rich and cool. Today, do something to show yourself that there is more to life than lying in bed.


Sometimes you constantly want to sleep simply because your the body is exhausted .

Yes, you don’t load cars at night or lay rails, but mental work also requires a very large amount of energy.

Your brain already spends more energy than any other organ, and serious mental work (which includes internal stress management, by the way) consumes additional energy, and a lot of it.

Mental fatigue can last for a very long time. And the constant desire to sleep, fatigue and weakness are a signal from your brain, they say, slow down, we’ll burn out.

This is not a bad thing, it works like that, just remember to give yourself rest.

WHAT TO DO: remember how long it’s been since you’ve had a rest. Take a weekend, take a vacation. Stop solving other people's problems, forget about work for a while. Take a break, use this time for yourself, unload your brain and give yourself the opportunity to sleep off.

Other people take energy

No, no, this is not about energy vampires. This is about vile people who love to blow your mind and tell you that you are a crooked, brainless nonentity. This is how they create constant experiences in your pretty little head. And constant worries require a lot of energy, so you don’t have any left for other things.

If such people are among your friends or acquaintances, break off relations with them and never communicate again.

If these are your parents, move to rented apartment. You do not have to tolerate disrespect and insults from ANYONE.

If this is your man (which happens most often), read the article about first.

WHAT TO DO: learn to choose your environment. Get rid of toxic people, build relationships with worthy and kind people.

Stress and unresolved problems

I have already written that A lot of energy is spent on stress . And if your stress is strong and constant, don’t be surprised that you don’t have enough energy for other things.

Of course, it is impossible to live a completely stress-free life. But there are stresses, roughly speaking, everyday and adequate ones, and there are those that torment you for years. Or not for years, but very strongly.

Severe stress weakens the nervous system, wears out the body, and unravels psycho-emotional state, and the person begins to resist other problems and diseases much worse.

Even complexes due to self-doubt can give rise to constant fatigue (if this is your case -).

So that you understand how serious everything is, I will dwell on this point in more detail. Because this point was precisely the reason for my constant desire to sleep.

One day doctors diagnosed me with VSD. I know that there are such people among you, so I wave to you)

So here it is. All your ailments in the absence of others organic reasons I unknowingly attributed it to VSD (fatigue, anxiety, weakness, dizziness, coldness, lethargy, etc. - who knows, knows).

Further, I will omit the details and simply say that one day it turned out that what we call VSD is the result of neurosis (some unexperienced, unprocessed problem or views that interfere with life). Not always, but in most cases.

Therefore, if you have also been diagnosed with VSD, there is a 95% chance that you are experiencing internal stress.

It can be connected to anything. Maybe these are problems due to work or due to lack of fulfillment. Or problems in relationships with your husband, parents or children. Perhaps persistent complexes, lack of self-confidence, the desire to prove something to someone. Or problems in childhood, dislike, psychological trauma, etc. Or maybe you're always trying to please everyone or solving other people's problems.

Every day you experience internal anxiety. Every day this stress consumes your energy and prevents you from living well.

And the worst thing is that every day you are getting closer to serious health problems due to internal experiences. Therefore, run and run to get rid of the problem!

WHAT TO DO: write down everything, everything, everything that bothers you and doesn’t suit you in your life. Start changing this. If you understand that you can’t handle something on your own, be sure to see a GOOD psychotherapist. This way you will share your problems and experiences with him (which will make things much easier), and he will help you get through them and suggest ways to build a new happy life.

Health problems

The most unpleasant, but still solvable reason for constantly wanting to sleep during the day is some kind of health problem. For example:

There are also a number of other diseases that make you want to sleep during the day when you shouldn’t want to.

Therefore, constant drowsiness is often reason to see a doctor . But choose good doctors based on reviews and recommendations! And don’t diagnose yourself, it’s not your job.

As you understand, health problems do not appear suddenly and out of nowhere; there is always a reason for them.

So, most likely, you have been doing something wrong for a long time: you don’t monitor your sleep-wake schedule, you eat anyhow, you stress a lot, you don’t monitor the quality of things and people around you.

Therefore, it is important not only to cure an existing health problem, but also to rebuild your life somewhere in order to get rid of the reasons that gave rise to this problem. Otherwise everything will happen again.

WHAT TO DO: Find a good therapist and complain about constant sleepiness. He will send you for tests, and then to other doctors. If your health is fine, great! You can work through the previous points with peace of mind. If any problem is found, cure it and adjust your life so that it does not appear again.

What will happen if you do nothing?

If you do nothing, sooner or later the problem will get worse.

  • You will want to sleep more and more, and at the same time, you may experience night insomnia
  • It will start to fail nervous system
  • Your character will deteriorate, you will be anxious and always unhappy, you will stop noticing even the good
  • Immunity will decrease and the risk of contracting a virus or infection will increase.
  • Digestion will be impaired, making you look and feel even worse
  • Stable depression and advanced neurosis will form
  • Health problems will begin to develop

Be attentive to yourself and your body. Do something, because it has been ringing the alarm bell for a long time! The sooner you start solving the problem, the less damage it will have time to cause.

Watch this three-minute video about daytime sleepiness:

Action plan if you always want to sleep

I hope you have realized the need to adjust something in your life.

So, what to do if you constantly want to sleep during the day? I suggest you this action plan:

  1. Rework your sleep schedule (go to bed no later than 23:00, try to sleep no longer than 9 hours. You can sleep for half an hour in the middle of the day, but not immediately after lunch).
  2. Set up quality sleep (orthopedic mattress and pillow, dark, quiet, ventilated room, do not overload the brain immediately before bed, do not eat before bed)
  3. Give yourself good vacation(make time just for yourself, relax properly. Do your favorite things, change your surroundings, go for a massage, maybe go to the sea)
  4. Review your daily actions: are there any useless ones? Maybe give up something, delegate something, and start doing something differently?
  5. Solve internal problems and deal with stress and experiences (whatever they may be), go to a psychologist or psychotherapist.
  6. Learn to cope with stress. Good books and there are plenty of courses today.
  7. Go to more healthy eating, start playing sports, ventilate the room you are in more often. Help your body produce energy.
  8. Get rid of things and people in your environment that only spoil your life, suck your energy, kill your nerves and do not bring any joy.
  9. Always remember that life is not this dull state of an eternal desire to sleep. Life is interesting and wonderful, and once you figure out the problem, you will be happier. So be positive, changes are just around the corner ;)
  10. Check your health. You take this step as early as possible, as soon as the opportunity arises. It’s better to call the hospital right now and make an appointment with a doctor.

It seems like there is so much to do and you give up, because you are already constantly tired... But you just start doing everything point by point - and your life will become much better.

Listen to your body, adjust your lifestyle and don’t be afraid to seek the help of specialists. They will be able to help.

And finally

Dear girls! I hope you found this article helpful. If yes, I will be very glad if you share it on social networks. Thank you!

Also, don’t forget that speaking out is very useful! Therefore, if you have a problem, especially one related to stress, at least speak it out here in the comments, don’t keep it to yourself. You can change the name. Perhaps there will be girls with a problem similar to yours and they will recommend something good.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

It would seem that nothing could be simpler than sleep. It’s so simple – lie down in bed, close your eyes and plunge into the sweet kingdom of Morpheus. However the dream is the same physiological function body, like any other, for example, defecation, urination, etc., and therefore it is susceptible to various disorders. Currently quite well known wide range sleep disorders, which have highly variable patterns and causes. Most people, when they hear the phrase “sleep disorder,” think of insomnia. However, insomnia is not the only sleep disorder. Quite often in modern world There is a sleep disorder such as drowsiness, which in medical terminology is called doubtfulness. Drowsiness or drowsiness is a constantly present desire to sleep, not associated with lack of sleep.

Place of drowsiness in the classification of sleep disorders

In general, all sleep disorders are divided into three large groups– hypersomnia, insomnia and parasomnia. The well-known insomnia refers to insomnia – conditions in which falling asleep, waking up or normal sleep phases are disrupted. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder in which there is incomplete awakening or disruption of the normal course of phases, as a result of which a person can get up, walk, talk and perform other actions, commonly referred to as “sleepwalking.” Hypersomnia is a disorder in which a person experiences pathological drowsiness not caused by lack of sleep.

Hypersomnia can have varying intensity - from somnolence to lethargic sleep. Doubtfulness (drowsiness) of varying degrees of severity occurs much more often than lethargic sleep, and is recorded at least once in almost every person’s life. Drowsiness can develop in a person of any age - in a child, in a teenager, in young men or women, in mature people, and in the elderly. Depending on the nature of the course, drowsiness can be intermittent or continuous. Intermittent doubt occurs in the form of intermittent and recurring episodes lasting several seconds or minutes. Continuous doubt is felt by a person constantly, without any breaks, and lasts for many weeks, months or even years. Both types of drowsiness are equally painful for a person.

Since, according to the mechanisms of development and maintenance, sleep is a kind of integral physiological function, depending on the normal and balanced functioning of all organs and systems, then its disorders can develop according to the most various reasons. Therefore, it is simply impossible to unequivocally answer the question: “Why do you always want to sleep?” In each specific case, a person should be examined, the existing factors that can cause sleep disturbances should be identified, and the dominant one should be identified. It is this factor that causes the constant desire to sleep.

However, drowsiness is never the only manifestation of any condition or disease, but is always combined with other symptoms, representing a complex clinical picture of any pathology or functional disorder. Drowsiness is always combined with some degree of severity various symptoms widespread asthenic syndrome. We can say that drowsiness is a necessary and indispensable symptom of asthenic syndrome, which develops with almost any disease or excessive stress. Asthenic syndrome develops both with a simple change of time zones or climate zone, and with a common cold or serious illness, for example, coronary artery disease, tuberculosis, cancer, etc. In connection with such a widespread prevalence of asthenic syndrome, we will consider its manifestations and describe in detail the nature of drowsiness against its background.

Drowsiness is an indispensable symptom of asthenic syndrome (a general characteristic of the manifestations of doubtfulness)

Asthenic syndrome (asthenia) is a state of excessive fatigue, irritability and mood lability, which is combined with autonomic disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and varying degrees of somnolence.

Excessive fatigue is especially noticeable when performing any mental activity. A person suffers from low intelligence, forgetfulness and instability of attention. He has to make incredible efforts to keep his attention on the subject of work, however, despite this, after a while the person realizes that completely involuntarily completely different, extraneous thoughts arise in his head, unrelated to what he is doing. Fatigue is enhanced by drowsiness, when a person is in a state of half-asleep, he wants to sleep, his eyes close, and it is impossible to overcome this state either through willpower or a lot of coffee. People associate low performance and fatigue with drowsiness.

Drowsiness gives rise to a unclear idea of ​​the subject of work, as a result of which a person cannot clearly formulate and select terms to describe it. And the ready-made and formulated thought seems inaccurate, vague, incorrect, and does not reflect the meaning that the person wanted to express and convey with its help.

Against the backdrop of such unproductive work, a person tries to make various attempts to combat drowsiness. Some take short breaks, but rest does not bring relief, does not relieve drowsiness or improve performance. Other people, by force of will, force themselves to concentrate on the subject, trying to consider the general problem in parts, breaking it down into several questions. However, this also does not help, since as a result the person becomes even more tired or throws together several unrelated blocks that only confuse him further. A person begins to perceive his own work as overwhelming and difficult. As a result, drowsiness is accompanied by anxiety, mental tension and a feeling of one’s own intellectual inadequacy (stupidity, stupidity, etc.).

In addition, against the background of asthenic syndrome and drowsiness, a person loses normal mental balance, he becomes hot-tempered, irritable, excitable, grumpy, picky, quarrelsome and losing self-control. His mood is unstable, it easily changes depending on exogenous factors or on the internal experiences of the person himself. Any minor event or passing thought can trigger anxiety, depression and pessimism. A state of depression can easily and quickly be replaced by groundless optimism. Moreover, both joyful and unpleasant events cause tears. Excessive tearfulness the stronger the more pronounced the person’s drowsiness.

Drowsiness, imbalance and fatigue can have varying degrees of severity, which is determined by the individual characteristics of a person’s mental make-up. In one person, even slight drowsiness can provoke severe fatigue and imbalance. And another person begins to feel tired and unbalanced only when very drowsy.

Almost always, with asthenic syndrome, a person is concerned about various manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). Most often, VSD is manifested by surges in blood pressure, tachycardia, pain in the heart, redness or paleness of the skin, hot flashes, chilliness, sweating, loss of appetite, constipation and pain in the intestines. Quite often a person experiences headaches or heaviness in the head. All of these symptoms may have varying degrees of severity with drowsiness.

Sleep disorders at the very beginning of the development of asthenic syndrome are associated with difficulties in falling asleep. People also note that their sleep is shallow, restless with an abundance of dreams, awakenings during the night, and early rises in the morning. Sleep does not bring the desired rest; in the morning a person feels tired. Many people think that they did not sleep at all at night, although in reality they had a dream. Against the background of progression anemic syndrome severe drowsiness develops during the daytime, which, however, does not improve night sleep, does not make it easier to fall asleep, and does not eliminate previous problems. Daytime sleepiness only worsens pre-existing sleep disorders.

Drowsiness is usually less pronounced in the morning, but gradually increases during the day, becoming maximum in the evening. Therefore, if a person needs to do any household chores after returning from work, he needs to rest first. The severity of drowsiness and other symptoms of asthenia are largely determined by the characteristics of the human constitution and the causative factor of the disease. However at the same time asthenic syndrome enhances specific personal qualities and human characteristics.

General pathological and physiological causes of drowsiness

The entire set of causes of drowsiness, depending on their nature, can be divided into physiological and pathological. Physiological causes of drowsiness are associated with various overloads (physical, mental, emotional, stressful, etc.), changes in the usual rhythm of life (for example, working night shifts) or time zone changes, as well as the use of so-called energy drinks, taking certain medicines, alcohol abuse, etc. All physiological causes of drowsiness are not associated with any somatic or mental illnesses, but are caused by external or internal factors, capable of negatively affecting the coordinated functioning of all organs and systems of the body. This means that after eliminating the causative factor and maintaining a normal sleep schedule, drowsiness will go away within a few weeks on its own without any special treatment. In other words, physiological causes of drowsiness cause functional impairment, which is easily stopped.

Pathological causes of drowsiness are associated with various disorders functions and diseases of internal organs. Moreover pathological causes drowsiness can be associated with both somatic and mental illnesses. Pathological causes of drowsiness, depending on the nature of the disease it is associated with, are divided into three large groups:
1. Drowsiness due to mental illness or short-term disorders;
2. Drowsiness associated with neurological disorders(For example, organic diseases brain, parkinsonism, epilepsy, etc.);
3. Drowsiness caused by somatic diseases.

Currently, both pathological and physiological causes of drowsiness, as well as their various combinations, are widespread. Therefore, to understand why a person constantly wants to sleep, it is necessary to analyze and identify all possible factors that could theoretically provoke somnolence. Once these factors have been identified, there is no need to try to understand which of them has the greatest effect, since this is practically impossible. It is necessary to begin eliminating all possible causes of drowsiness, which after some time will certainly lead to positive result and improvement general condition and improving the quality of human life. Let's consider the physiological and pathological causes of drowsiness separately.

Physiological causes of drowsiness (why you constantly want to sleep - possible reasons)

Physiological causes of drowsiness include the following factors:
  • Psycho-emotional stress experienced for any reason for any period of time. Sometimes it is enough to develop drowsiness psycho-emotional stress lasting only a few minutes. However, in this case the tension must be very strong. Typically, such tension develops when waiting for some very important answer, in the process of overcoming a very dangerous section of the path, when there is a risk of crashing, if a person is a hostage, etc. In addition, drowsiness can develop after prolonged psycho-emotional stress of relatively low intensity;
  • A state of anxiety for any reason, lasting for any period of time;
  • Stress that arises for any reason and also lasts for a different period of time. Depending on the severity of stress, drowsiness may develop due to its varying duration. For example, severe stress experienced by a person over a short period of time can provoke a constant desire to sleep. Not too intense, but prolonged and constantly felt stress provokes drowsiness after some time from the moment of its onset. Drowsiness that occurs with strong or mild stress is the same. However, with prolonged and mild stress, drowsiness can gradually intensify and deepen, while with strong but short-term stress influence it appears and remains unchanged for some time;
  • Mental or physical fatigue;
  • Psychological very severe fatigue;
  • Incorrect use medicines from the group of sedatives, hypnotics, tranquilizers, etc.;
  • The use of drugs that have side effects in the form of drowsiness (for example, first generation antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Fenistil, Diazolin, etc.);
  • Regular intake of various psychostimulants, for example, energy drinks, tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc.;
  • Excessive smoking;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Taking large amounts of liquid before bedtime, which provokes frequent awakenings at night for the purpose of urination;
  • Poor sleep hygiene (sleeping in an unventilated room, not in silence, in the light, etc.);
  • Abundant and fatty food, eaten during the day;
  • Shift work or daily work, when a person is forced to stay awake at night;
  • Inconsistent bedtime routine, when a person goes to bed at different time(for example, today at 22.00, tomorrow at 02.00, etc.);
  • Late falling asleep in combination with early rises, when a person during working week goes to bed after midnight and gets up early in the morning, but on weekends he “sleeps off”;
  • Changes in time zones due to relocation or frequent business trips;
  • Staying in a horizontal position for a long time before going to bed (for example, watching TV or reading, lying in bed, etc.);
  • Taking drinks containing caffeine, such as strong tea, coffee, cocoa, energy drinks, etc.;
  • Brain hypoxia associated with being in a room with low oxygen content, for example, stuffy, dusty, unventilated, etc.;
  • High noise level;
  • Decrease in body temperature when freezing.
As you can see, the range of physiological causes of drowsiness is quite wide. These reasons are present in the everyday life of almost every person, so all people, regardless of age and gender, are at risk of developing a constant desire to sleep. That is why it is not at all surprising that drowsiness periodically develops throughout life in every modern person.

In order for a person to develop a constant desire to sleep, the influence of only one physiological factor may be sufficient. However, in real life As a rule, drowsiness is provoked by the combined influence of several physiological factors. Moreover, for the development of drowsiness, each person needs exposure to the above factors that varies in duration and intensity, which is determined by individual characteristics. So, for one person, the influence of the above factors is enough for a short period of time, for example, 1 – 2 months. But for another person to develop drowsiness, the influence of physiological factors over a period of several months is necessary for a long time. The rate of onset of drowsiness during continuous exposure to physiological factors is determined compensatory capabilities human body.

If a person is exposed to any of the listed physiological factors, but still does not want to sleep all the time, their influence should be minimized or, if possible, completely eliminated. Remember that it is always easier to prevent drowsiness than to treat an already developed, albeit functional, disorder.

Pathological somatic causes of drowsiness (why you constantly want to sleep during the day)

Somatic reasons for the constant desire to sleep are associated with various diseases internal organs and systems. Moreover, drowsiness against the background of pathology of internal organs is not an isolated disorder, but an integral symptom as part of the asthenic syndrome. This means that against the background of an existing disease, a person develops asthenic syndrome, one of the most noticeable manifestations of which is drowsiness. Asthenization occurs due to the depletion of the body’s compensatory mechanisms against the background of any disease. Since asthenic syndrome develops in almost any disease, the pathological causes of drowsiness can be very diverse and associated with pathologies of all organs and systems. Let's look at what specific diseases various organs and systems, a person may have a constant desire to sleep.

Pathological somatic causes of drowsiness include the following diseases:

  • Severe or long lasting infectious diseases any organs and systems (for example, influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, stomatitis, chickenpox, rubella, tuberculosis, syphilis, enteritis, colitis, trypanosomiasis, etc.);
  • Long-term chronic inflammatory diseases any organs or systems, for example, tonsillitis, sinusitis, endometritis, adnexitis, bronchitis, etc.;
  • Chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • Any chronic, severe diseases, such as hypertonic disease, IHD ( ischemic disease heart disease), asthma, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), COPD (chronic obstructive disease lungs), etc.;
  • Neuroinfections (for example, encephalitis, meningitis, polio, neurosyphilis, etc.);
  • Brain tumors;
  • Traumatic brain injuries, for example, bruise, blow, penetrating wound, etc.;
  • Comatose states in diabetes mellitus (for example, hyperglycemic, hypoglycemic or hyperosmolar coma);
  • Pain from any organs and parts of the body;
  • Trauma to any organs and systems;
  • Intoxication with any substances, for example, drugs, alcohol, food poisons, waste products of bacteria and viruses, etc.;
  • Malignant tumors of any location;
  • The recovery period from any serious illness;
  • Severe metabolic disorders (for example, azotemia, acidosis, galactose intolerance, phenylketonuria, etc.);
  • Disturbances in water-electrolyte balance (drowsiness develops with influenza. If a person has any chronic disease of the ENT organs, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, cardiovascular or urinary systems, then he may periodically have a strong and irresistible desire to sleep. To get rid of drowsiness, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease.As the disease is eliminated and the body recovers, the person will feel less and less desire to sleep.

    Pathological mental causes of drowsiness

    Drowsiness very often accompanies various mental illnesses and borderline disorders. Borderline disorders are quite common in everyday life, but in modern form functioning psychiatric care, are not diagnosed and treated. Almost every person has suffered at least once in their life borderline disorder(neurosis), but did not contact a psychiatrist about this and did not receive appropriate therapy due to ignorance and misunderstanding of his own situation, as well as due to the peculiarities of his mentality.

    The main mental causes of drowsiness may be the following diseases:

    • Psychosis (depressive, hallucinatory, delusional, manic, etc.);
    • Neuroses;
    • Dementia of varying severity;
    • Depression;
    • Depersonalization;
    • Vegetative (diencephalic) seizures, crises;
    • Apathetic stupor;
    • Epilepsy.
    It should be remembered that any mental or psychological disorder May be manifested by drowsiness not associated with any physiological reasons or somatic diseases.

    Pathological neurological causes of drowsiness botulism, chemical and food poisons, etc.).

Physiological and pathological causes of drowsiness - video

Some pathological causes of drowsiness - video

Why do pregnant women constantly want to sleep?

Many pregnant women report a strong and literally irresistible desire to sleep. Despite a fairly wide range of different reasons this state, during pregnancy, drowsiness is usually not associated with any diseases or physiological factors. Drowsiness before the 12th week of pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body, and therefore is a normal physiological process that reflects deeply individual physiological reactions. Depending on the severity of this individual body reaction to hormonal changes, drowsiness in pregnant women may be stronger or weaker.

Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman’s well-being, as a rule, improves, her condition returns to normal, as the body gets used to the hormonal changes that have occurred and learns to work in a new mode. During this period, drowsiness usually disappears. However, if the desire to sleep persists after the 13th week of pregnancy, then this may be not only a physiological reaction to hormonal changes, but also a sign of anemia.

Severe drowsiness that appears after the 20th week of pregnancy, and is combined with vomiting, headache, blurred vision and swelling, is a symptom of the onset of the development of a serious complication - eclampsia. If a pregnant woman has indicated symptoms, she should be hospitalized immediately maternity hospital because there is a threat to her life.

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Do you want to sleep but can’t get enough sleep? The state of daytime sleepiness is called hypersomnia and can have many causes: from a simple lack of rest to illness.

website shares the main causes of constant sleepiness and tells how to avoid it.

1. Lack of iron

Iron deficiency in the body can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and cause iron deficiency anemia. According to research, the level of this element not only affects the quality of sleep, but can also cause other disorders, such as restless leg syndrome. If you suspect iron deficiency, do not immediately start taking vitamins. It is better to donate blood, and if a deficiency is really detected, then doctors usually advise eating apples, beef and taking iron in vitamins.

2. Restless legs syndrome

Some people simply cannot sit or lie still. They need to constantly move their legs (less often their arms), especially in the evening and at night. This condition is called restless legs syndrome and occurs in 2-10% of people. It is difficult for such a person to fall asleep. Sometimes restless legs syndrome is accompanied by other diseases (for example, diabetes, arthritis or hypothyroidism), so for an accurate diagnosis it is worth consulting a physician.

3. Vitamin D deficiency

Due to vitamin D deficiency, chronic fatigue occurs in the body, concentration decreases and sleep is disturbed. In some cases, a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to apnea and affect metabolism. Vitamin D is produced in the sun, and therefore in winter, with short daylight hours, doctors often advise taking it in capsules. The pharmacist at the pharmacy will tell you the dosage, but it would be much better to consult a doctor in person.

4. Sleep apnea

Most often it begins in autumn or winter, when it rains and daylight hours become shorter. It differs from ordinary depression in that it goes away with increasing daylight hours and does not always require medication. If sleep disturbances occur with the onset of autumn or winter, then you should eat more fruits and vegetables, and also go outside during the day when the sun is shining.

6. Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure (or hypotension) occurs due to cardiac dysfunction, large blood loss, overexertion or prolonged stress. In addition to drowsiness, irritability increases, attacks of headaches and dizziness, as well as fainting, may occur. Best treatment hypotension is prevention. Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and daily routine is our everything.

7. Depression

We may have depression and not know it. One of the symptoms is constant fatigue. I have no strength to do anything and constantly want to sleep. If you suspect depression You shouldn't diagnose yourself, but you need to go to the doctor immediately.

8. Hormonal imbalance

Problems with endocrine system may cause frequent mood swings and drowsiness. This is especially true for women, as their hormonal cycle changes throughout the month. Drowsiness may occur 5-6 days after menstruation and then disappear. Another thyroid disease - hypothyroidism - causes a slowdown in the body's metabolism, which leads to lethargy and drowsiness. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to go to an endocrinologist and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Why does lethargy accompany us at the workplace, in transport and even at home in the evenings? This question is acute for everyone modern man, because sometimes you want to do so much, but you end up with so little. Having noticed this condition, we cannot understand in any way what the reason is. This is not surprising, because there may be several of them. But first things first.

Artificial extension of daylight hours

If a person just can’t understand why and doesn’t have the strength, first, you should take a close look at your own lifestyle. Moreover, in the 21st century people were able to extend their daylight hours as much as possible. Artificial light, as well as radiation from mobile device monitor screens, affects the retina of the eye, which leads to disturbances in sleep rhythm. Therefore, if you don’t know why you constantly want to sleep, the reasons may lie on the surface. You just don’t get enough rest at night, and your sleep can’t be called complete. Remove computers, laptops, tablets and Cell phones. Form a habit of not using electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. If this is not possible, at least don't go to bed until after midnight.

Chronic lack of sleep

Some people think that they can control everything in this world, they can take on extra work and get very little sleep at night. In this case, the reason also lies on the surface. If a person, asking himself the question of why he constantly wants to sleep during the day, looks at total time his night's sleep, it will not be so difficult for him to track the cause of his condition. Our body is very delicate, but at the same time a perfectly tuned mechanism. that work in the brain, are responsible for daily cycles.

And if, say, only five hours are allotted for nighttime sleep every day, at first you can combat drowsiness with the help of caffeine and energy drinks. However, very soon the body itself will go into a drowsy state, because it needs to somehow compensate for the lack of rest. We have already dealt with some reasons indicating why you constantly want to sleep. Treatment in this case is not necessary. Just stop raping your body. Take an unscheduled day off and relax to your heart's content. Better yet, add an extra hour and a half to your daily night sleep.

Food influence

Some people are used to having a hearty and hearty lunch, taking first course, second course, compote and various pastries from the canteen at work. And then my colleagues treated me to homemade cabbage rolls. In this case, you shouldn’t be surprised why you constantly want to sleep. The reasons may lie precisely in rich, high-calorie foods. As soon as you take food, you immediately begin to feel sleepy.

The fact is that the digestive organs now need increased blood supply to process food. Blood flows are redistributed and tend to gastrointestinal tract, while depriving the brain. That is why nerve cells brain for a certain period, while there is increased digestion of food, are forced to function in an economical mode. Try an experiment and next time stick to just soup during your lunch break. It is likely that habitual sleepiness will never occur.

Winter period

Of course, people could not become like bears, who hibernate for a long time throughout the winter. However, the causes of winter sleepiness mainly lie in the climatic features of the season. Why do we constantly want to sleep and lethargy accompanies us during cloudy winter days? In fact, cold winter air is thin and contains much less oxygen than the body requires for normal functioning. During this period, daylight hours decrease, and the sun appears from the sky somewhat reluctantly. In apartments, the air becomes dry due to central heating being turned on at full power. That is why regular ventilation is necessary, especially at night.

Food in winter also has its own characteristics. We no longer consume as many seasonal vegetables and fruits as in the summer, preferring to replace plant foods with meat and baked goods. This trend is especially relevant during periods of critical frost, when the body needs additional calories. However, some imbalance in diet and insufficient consumption fresh vegetables and fruits can cause vitamin deficiency. If it’s winter, and you’ve already guessed why you constantly want to sleep, and you don’t have the strength to fight these symptoms, try taking a course of multivitamins. Don't forget how important oxygen is at this time, so try to spend more time in the fresh air. If the body feels that it is not receiving enough oxygen and important nutrients, it begins to slow down its metabolism, which leads to constant fatigue. And, as we already know, a lack of oxygen and vitamins leads to a decrease in brain activity, and therefore to increased drowsiness.

Why do you always want to sleep and feel lethargic? Impact of rain

In addition to the fact that in our country there is a rather long period when winter dominates, all other seasons of the year are often accompanied by prolonged rains. As we already know, bright light and sun promote activity and wakefulness. However, it is not only the lack of bright lighting that can explain increased drowsiness. In rainy weather it decreases sharply Atmosphere pressure, as well as the concentration of oxygen in the air masses decreases. And we are already aware of what “oxygen starvation” leads to.

Taking medications

We continue to identify the causes associated with increased sleepiness. Are you taking anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, or allergy medications? Then don’t be surprised why you always want to sleep. What to do if medications cannot be stopped? Unfortunately, potential side effects are listed in the instructions. You just have to wait until the course of treatment ends. You can also discuss the existing problem with your doctor and try to replace the drug with a similar medicine that causes less drowsiness.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

The overwhelming number of women preparing to become mothers are faced with the acute problem of severe drowsiness, this is especially typical in the first trimester. Why do you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy? Let's figure it out. Women who are carrying a child under their hearts constantly complain of ailments. In the first trimester, the body gets used to hormonal changes and adjusts to new rhythms of work. At the head of the female hormonal background is capricious progesterone. It is impossible to avoid this change, because it is hormones that help in successful gestation. Therefore, you just need to get used to constant drowsiness; it will go away as soon as the body is completely rebuilt.

We should not forget about the colossal expenditure of a pregnant woman’s internal resources. The body devotes all its energy to restructuring the functioning of organs, as well as ensuring the normal functioning of the developing embryo. Getting used to a new state, stress, new emotions, expectations, fears and worries all affect the emotional background and lead to rapid fatigue of the expectant mother. This is why a woman constantly wants to sleep. And by the middle of the day her condition can only be compared to a broken trough. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to adhere to a strict routine and set aside an hour or two for a relaxing daytime nap. The body will certainly thank you.

Effect of motion sickness

If you notice that you are constantly sleepy during public transport, even if you slept well the night before, this is also not surprising. Scientists say that the reflexes that we were endowed with in infancy are to blame for everything. Our parents constantly rocked us to sleep and developed this amazing habit. According to psychologists, this habit does not disappear anywhere even in mature age and we tend to fall asleep during long trips in cars, trains or buses.

Constant exposure to stress

Don't forget that sleep helps reduce the impact of psychological stress. Therefore, if you don’t know why you constantly want to sleep, and weakness has appeared, but at the same time you live under the influence negative emotions, with constantly increasing pressure and impairment heart rate, consult your doctor for appropriate recommendations. You probably just need to be prescribed drugs to normalize blood pressure or sedatives. You shouldn’t delay this, because sometimes people mistakenly attribute drowsiness to their own laziness. But if a person is physically and emotionally healthy, then the constant craving for a pillow disappears.

Lack of interest in work

Have you noticed how people often yawn when they are unbearably bored? Anything that doesn't pique our interest can easily make us sleepy. But if the work is uninteresting, then there is simply nowhere to go. You will want to sleep all the time. In an unloved job, a person does not feel motivated to develop and improve skills. In addition, not seeing any brightness in life, in the evenings people often look for solace at the bottom of a glass, thereby relieving tension and dissatisfaction. This is a very common misconception. Better than alcohol, you can cheer yourself up by walking, playing sports, meeting with friends and listening to good music. In the event that interest in existence itself disappears, it is difficult to limit yourself to the doctor’s recommendations. This requires a complete restructuring of the lifestyle and a deep analysis of what is happening.

Why do you constantly want to sleep and feel lethargic? Causes of a pathological nature

In fact, many diseases are pathological in nature. Vitamin deficiency, anemia, insomnia, hormonal changes and even depression go hand in hand with serious illnesses. If you notice chronic drowsiness and have tried all the familiar methods to eliminate it, but it still does not disappear, consult your doctor for a full examination. Many of us rarely carry out diagnostics, and the presence serious illnesses chalked it up to simple fatigue. Serious pathologies significantly deplete the body's internal resources. Cancerous tumors, autoimmune lesions, allergic processes, neurological diseases - all this requires modern and high-quality therapy under the supervision of competent specialists.

Lack of permanent mode

Irregular sleep patterns and sleep from time to time lead to disruption of the internal balance in the body. This is no wonder, because the body never knows how much time it will have. People in creative professions who have a flexible work schedule, as well as people overburdened with responsibilities, are especially prone to such interruptions. Workaholics jokingly say how incredibly sorry they are that there are only 24 hours in a day. People who work in shifts also have to put up with intermittent rest. All this is wrong for the body, and if you care about your own health, you will have to think through your daily routine in any case.

How to treat excessive sleepiness?

We have found out quite a lot of reasons that can cause a regular desire to sleep. If you are a person who is concerned about the question of why you constantly want to sleep and feel lethargic, we will now tell you what to do. Before eliminating the cause, it is necessary to determine its source. But there are some general recommendations, which can be used by absolutely all our readers.

So, let's get to work! Start by establishing a clear sleep schedule and removing all extraneous devices from the bedroom. You must normalize your routine and sleep enough time. Understand that in your desire to get as much done as possible in a day, pushing work back to a later time, lies back side. You simply reduce your own productivity, feeling lethargic throughout the day from constant lack of sleep. In addition, sooner or later the body will rebel, and this condition will result in something more serious. If, with a busy work schedule, you can’t find the required 8 hours of sleep at night, you can use a short 20-minute nap during the day as compensation. Do not forget also about a proper balanced diet and regular oxygen supply to the brain, so spend more time in the fresh air.

Vacationers in rest homes and sanatoriums enjoy saturating their bodies with oxygen with the help of special health-improving oxygen cocktails. You can learn from their experience, especially since now purchasing such a cocktail within the city is not a problem. Now you have learned everything on the topic: “Why do you constantly want to sleep and lethargy?”, the reasons have been identified, and you are aware of countermeasures. Don't forget to follow our advice, and if you can't overcome drowsiness, consult your doctor for help.


Vigor during the day can be “provoked” by morning 10-minute exercises. Choose the optimal and simple set of exercises for yourself, which must include aerobic and breathing exercises. During the day, try to lead an active lifestyle. If you have a sedentary job, spend half your lunch break walking around your local area. In this case, ideally it is good to get to work on foot or by bicycle.

However, if this is not possible, jog in free time. Physical inactivity is the scourge of the modern intellectual. It provokes slow blood circulation, as a result of which all internal organs suffer, including the brain. Go with a group of friends to the park for the weekend and engage in outdoor game sports. This will improve your mood and provide invaluable benefits to the body.

IN following cases. The first of these is drowsiness after eating. The reason here is that after eating food, blood flows to the intestines and stomach, and flows away from the brain. As a result, the brain cells begin to work not at full capacity, and the person...

Most often, such a desire appears in the cold season. In winter it is discharged, it contains much less oxygen than is necessary for active activity. In addition, in winter, he consumes less vegetables and fruits, and vitamin deficiency often develops. An insufficient amount of oxygen and vitamins often causes a slowdown in metabolism and general fatigue of the body.

A lack of oxygen can also occur in rooms heated in winter, when hot radiators and heaters dry out the air, as well as during rain. The brain receives less energy and the person sleeps.

Often the cause of a constant desire to sleep is chronic lack of sleep and disrupted sleep and rest patterns. After 14-16 hours of wakefulness, the body automatically switches to a sleepy state. Therefore, a person must definitely sleep. To maintain health, improve performance and reduce drowsiness, it is advisable to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. set time. You don't need to sleep off your entire weekday on weekends.

The craving for sleep may be associated with taking any medications (especially sedatives), eating chemicals or preservatives, bad habits(alcohol or smoking) or the influence of household chemicals.

If the sleepy state is not due to any of the above reasons, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It may be caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body, low hemoglobin, stress or oxygen metabolism disorder.

Sometimes increased sleepiness is a sign of asthenic depression, chronic diseases liver, bronchopulmonary problems or heart failure.

Don't treat constant traction to bed irresponsibly. The body thus signals you about chronic fatigue. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule, learn to relax, lead healthy image life. Do not abuse alcohol, smoking, or taking medications. Eat organic foods that are free of preservatives and chemicals.

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