Home Prosthetics and implantation Presentation on the topic of dreams in biology. Presentation on sleep and dreams

Presentation on the topic of dreams in biology. Presentation on sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimum level of brain activity and a reduced response to oSleep - a natural physiological process of being in
state with a minimal level of brain activity and
decreased reaction to the world or general inhibition.
normal sleep is different
from others similar to
him states of hypnotic sleep,
coma, fainting,
lethargic sleep. This
condition required
to everyone alive
essentially studying it
for many years now, but for now
scientists never succeeded
understand why sleep is needed

. The onset of sleep also depends on the lighting of the day and the room where we sleep. Towards evening, the human body begins to produce the chalk hormone

. The onset of sleep also depends on the lighting of the day and the room where we sleep. Closer to
In the evening, the human body begins to produce the hormone melatonin. Promotions
hormone levels and causes us an irresistible desire to sleep. We fall asleep
thanks to melatonin. This hormone is produced in the brain at nightfall.

Sleep occurs when brain cells need rest. Therefore, Pavlov called sleep protective inhibition. Sleep, as Pavlov noted, is

Sleep occurs when brain cells need
rest. That's why Pavlov called the dream
protective braking. Dream, as I noticed
Pavlov, is the “lifesaver” of the nervous
system, it protects the body from fatigue.
Rhythmic rhythms can induce sleep
irritations: measured blows
drops, clock ticking, knocking
carriage wheels, monotonous
song. Pavlov noted that
people especially lacking
strong intellect, with
monotonous irritations,
no matter how inappropriate it was
and untimely, fall into
irresistible drowsiness.

The main answer to the question “why do you need sleep?” The conclusion is that sleep is needed in order to live.

in response to
the question "why"
need sleep?"
conclusion - sleep
needed for
For life.
It is during sleep that the old
cells are removed
are replaced by new ones. TO
sick cells
the necessary
substances for
self-healing, and in case
failures cage just
dies, and in its place
a new one appears. That is
in a dream the body heals itself
yourself, and without any

. Physiology of sleep

Dream - special condition human consciousness, which includes a number of
stages that regularly repeat throughout the night. The appearance of these
stages are determined by the activity of various brain structures.
There are two phases of sleep: slow and fast. In the slow phase
During sleep, the body recovers physically. In adults
slow-wave sleep takes up 75%. The whole body is resting. In phase
deep slow-wave sleep, the brain produces a huge
amount of melatonin. But very little time passes, and
the phase begins REM sleep. Eyeballs move, brain
is actively working, but the person is still deeply asleep.
The sequence of sleep phases is maintained if a person sleeps in
unusual time. Brain activity during sleep often exceeds
daily level. The dream is not a frozen unconscious

During sleep, increased brain activity is observed, blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, and oxygen consumption increases. Happen

During sleep, increased brain activity is observed, blood pressure rises
blood, the pulse quickens, and oxygen consumption increases. Intensified
metabolism. During sleep, we most quickly lose the ability to see and smell; the loss of smell in those sleeping is very strong. Partially preserved in sleep
ability to perceive tactile and auditory stimuli. At the moment of sleep
gas exchange decreases, less energy is consumed, blood pressure drops,
breathing is slower, heart beats are calmer and weaker, muscles relax.


Dreaming - subjective perception of images
(visual, auditory, tactile and others),
arising in the consciousness of a sleeping person. Dreamer
during sleep usually does not realize that he is sleeping, and
perceives the dream as an objective reality.
Life in a dream is an unprecedented combination
past impressions. Human
certainly dreams, but many
forget them. They often think that they
lasts only seconds. But this is not true.
They last just as long
how long would it take
real action in reality. They can
last from 8 to 30 minutes.

. How much sleep should a person have

The basic rule is that a person must sleep
as much as is required for its good
well-being and recovery of the body.
Lack of sleep leads to memory problems
Most under 4 years old
children sleep 12 hours
to an adult
need to sleep at night
8 ocloc'k

Consequences of sleep disturbance

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia (insomnia) is
sleep disorder that
characterized by inability
fall asleep for a considerable time
period of time at night.
two main
reasons for the violation
The first reason is called mental
Second and no less serious reason insomnia is
chronic mental fatigue

Ways to fall asleep: Evening walk; The bath procedure is very calming; Head massage; Room air bath; Water procedures; Samov

Ways to fall asleep:
An evening walk;
The bath is very calming
Head massage;
Room air bath;
Water procedures;

If you have sleep disturbances (insomnia), consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences and not lead to even more serious ones in the future. When

If you have sleep disturbances (insomnia), consult a doctor to
to avoid severe consequences and not lead to further
more serious. If you have sleep disturbances, do not use
sleeping pills without consulting a doctor: they may
only do harm.

You should not limit your time for health; on the contrary, you should pay as much attention to it as possible. After all, except ourselves, no one can trace

You shouldn’t limit your time for your health; on the contrary, you should devote it as much as possible.
as much attention as possible. After all, no one except ourselves can monitor our
health and well-being.

Sleep - rest of the brain, restructuring of the brain, inhibition of the main parts of the cerebral cortex, restoration of the functionality of neurons, organizing the information received during wakefulness, loss of active connections with the environment.

The physiological nature of sleep - in the brain stem there are groups of neurons with which wakefulness, sleep, and inhibition of movements during sleep are associated.

The electrical activity of the brain can be recorded using an electroencephalograph. Electroencephalography has shown that the brain is constantly in a state of activity, even when we are not thinking about anything. The most regular manifestations of activity - the so-called alpha waves - come from the visual areas occipital lobe when a person is at rest and his eyes are closed. These waves occur rhythmically with a frequency of 9-10 per second. Sleep is the only normal state in which electrical activity brain is dramatically changed. As sleep deepens, the waves become slower and higher (i.e., their potential increases). Irregular waves are recorded during dreams.

Causes of sleep onset:

the biological rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is associated with the change of day and night, this natural state person, fatigue contributes to the onset of sleep, conditioned stimuli can also cause the onset of sleep (habitual actions, bedtime).

Stages of sleep: slow wave sleep and rapid sleep.

Stages of sleep

THEM. Sechenov - “dreams are an unprecedented combination of experienced impressions.”

During what stage of sleep do dreams occur?

What is the meaning of dreams?


1. What is sleep? Why is it necessary?

2. What helps the onset of sleep?

3. Why does lack of sleep negatively affect human health?

4. At what stage of sleep do dreams occur?

5. What happens during sleep?

6. How does REM sleep differ from slow-wave sleep?

Homework: § 55, tasks 202, 203 in the workbook.



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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Sleep is the inhibition of the main parts of the cerebral cortex, due to which neurons rest and their functionality is restored.

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Dream. What it is? Sleep is very important. A person deprived of sleep feels tired, becomes irritable and, in advanced cases, begins to hallucinate. Sleep is a protective device of the body, protecting it from excessive irritation and making it possible to restore efficiency.

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Regular alternation of sleep and wakefulness is a necessary daily cycle of any living organism. A person spends 1/3 of his life sleeping. Life is impossible without sleep. In the experiments, a dog without food could live for 20-25 days, although it lost 50% of its weight, and a dog deprived of sleep died on the 12th day, although it lost only 5% of its weight. Insomnia is painful. It is no coincidence that in ancient China sentenced to death by sleep deprivation.

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Why do you need to sleep? Man awake for a long time, goes through periods of extreme fatigue, but can overcome them and continue to function without sleep. However, people who are deprived of sleep for long periods of time become increasingly disoriented and tired mentally and physically. After about 10 days complete absence death comes from sleep.

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Why do you need to sleep? Apparently, we sleep not only because our body needs rest. To do this, it would be enough to just lie down. In fact, your body moves regularly during sleep to prevent muscle stiffness. If we don't sleep for several days in a row, our body's automatic processes can continue to function fairly smoothly. Apparently, the brain is also able to adapt to periods without sleep lasting 2-3 days. But over time, lack of sleep leads to irritability, hallucinations and insanity.

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The nature of sleep. Sleep phases NREM sleep, muscles are relaxed, breathing is even, heart rate slows, body temperature drops, dreams are realistic, Duration 1-1.5 hours REM sleep Muscles contract Breathing quickens Heart rate increases Increased body temperature Fantastic dreams Duration 15-20 minutes

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Sleep is a cyclical phenomenon. One sleep cycle = NREM sleep + REM sleep. During a 7-8 hour night's sleep, the brain goes through cycles of slow-wave sleep, lasting on average 1 to 1.5 hours, followed by 10-15 minute episodes of REM sleep. Towards the end of the night, if a person is not disturbed, the duration of slow-wave sleep decreases, and the number of episodes of REM sleep increases. During deep sleep in children, the production of growth hormone increases. At this time, restoration processes also occur and dead cells are replaced.

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Dreams Tatyana believed in the legends of the common folk of antiquity, And dreams, and card fortune-telling, And the predictions of the moon.

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And Tatyana has a wonderful dream, She dreams that she is Walking through a snowy meadow, Surrounded by sad darkness. But suddenly the snowdrift began to move, and who appeared from under it? A big, disheveled bear; Tatyana ah! and he roared, and extended his paw with sharp claws to Her..

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Dreams and dreams Throughout the 20th century, psychologists tried to find scientific explanation dreams. Often in our dreams we see the most unexpected, sometimes funny, sometimes scary, and even ridiculous pictures and events. When we wake up, we are surprised: “I’ll dream about something like this!” And some, recalling what they saw, see in it some mysterious, perhaps prophetic, meaning. And they are trying to find an interpretation for it.

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Dreams Fortune telling and predictions from dreams were common in Egypt and India, in ancient Greece and Rome; The belief in “prophetic” dreams flourished especially magnificently in the Middle Ages. In the last century many dark people used dream interpreters - “dream books”. They believed in dreams. They believed that dreams could be “prophetic”; they could predict something for a person. I saw a fire in a dream - to a scandal, meat - to illness. What is the reason for this coincidence?

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Dreams and visions Advanced scientists have long expressed the idea that there is nothing mysterious in dreams, that they are the result of the revival of what was actually experienced in a dream.

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Sleep is an indicator of physical and mental state human health. Lack of sleep, like prolonged sleep, is harmful to the body. An adult should sleep on average 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep and prolonged sleep make a person lethargic and lazy. Drowsiness is the result of overwork, fatigue, and insomnia is a sign of various diseases.

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Does sleep change? It is traditionally believed that the need for sleep decreases with age, and that people over 65 years of age sleep on average no more than 5 and a half hours. However, research shows that the need for sleep remains constant. Sleep duration is not associated with gender, physical activity, diet, or intelligence. This is a deeply personal characteristic, perhaps related to childhood habits or psychology.

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Sleep hygiene So that sleep can best fulfill its vital important function, favorable conditions are necessary. Try to always go to bed at the same time, do not eat much at night. An hour before bedtime, stop all serious mental activities and heavy physical work, better take a walk, at least a little. Everyone, especially children, needs to sleep in as quiet a place as possible. Be sure to sleep in a well-ventilated room, or even better, with the window open. Do not cover your face with a blanket or pillow, and generally do not cover yourself too warmly. By following these simple tips, you will learn to fall asleep quickly, and your sleep will be deep and complete.

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Sleep Disorders There are several sleep disorders. One of the most common is insomnia. Its usual reason nervous fatigue, prolonged intense mental work, sometimes excitement caused by troubles, and sometimes pleasant experiences, noisy games or reading before bed. A large dinner or large amounts of liquid drunk shortly before bedtime can also cause insomnia. The best remedy from insomnia - correct mode work and rest, regular stay at fresh air, sufficient physical activity. Sometimes if you have insomnia, it can be helpful to take a warm foot bath at night. If all these measures do not help, you need to seek help from a doctor.

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Presentation on life safety (module “ Healthy image life") was performed by Victoria Deryabina, student of class 11 A of MBOU Secondary School No. 44 in Tomsk. Teacher-organizer of life safety Meister T.N.

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This is inhibition of the main parts of the cerebral cortex, due to which neurons rest and their functionality is restored.

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Nature of sleep

Sleep phases: slow-wave sleep (muscles are relaxed, breathing is even, heart rate is slow) REM sleep (the heart rate increases, eyeballs under closed eyelids in motion)

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Sleep structure

Sleep is a special state of consciousness in humans and animals, which includes a number of stages that naturally repeat during the night. The appearance of these stages is due to the activity of various brain structures. U healthy person sleep begins with the first stage of slow-wave sleep, which lasts 5-10 minutes. Then comes the 2nd stage, which lasts about 20 minutes. Another 30-45 minutes occur during stages 3-4. After this, the sleeper returns to the 2nd stage of slow-wave sleep, after which the first episode of REM sleep occurs, which has a short duration of about 5 minutes. This entire sequence is called a cycle. The first cycle lasts 90-100 minutes. Then the cycles are repeated, with the proportion of slow-wave sleep decreasing and the proportion of REM sleep gradually increasing, the last episode of which in some cases can reach 1 hour. On average, with full healthy sleep There are five complete cycles. The sequence of changes in stages and their duration can be conveniently represented in the form of a hypnogram, which visually displays the structure of the patient’s sleep.

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Regular alternation of sleep and wakefulness is a necessary daily cycle of any living organism. A person spends 1/3 of his life sleeping. Life is impossible without sleep. In the experiments, a dog without food could live for 20-25 days, although it lost 50% of its weight, and a dog deprived of sleep died on the 12th day, although it lost only 5% of its weight. Insomnia is painful. It is no coincidence that in ancient China they were sentenced to death by sleep deprivation.

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Sleep functions

Home - Sleep provides rest for the body. Sleep promotes the processing and storage of information. Sleep (especially slow sleep) facilitates consolidation of the studied material, while REM sleep implements subconscious models of expected events. Sleep is the body's adaptation to changes in illumination (day-night). Sleep restores immunity by activating T-lymphocytes that fight colds and viral diseases.

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Required Sleep Duration

Required duration of sleep Sleep duration is usually 6-8 hours a day, but changes are possible within a fairly wide range (4-10 hours). In case of sleep disorders, its duration can range from several minutes to several days. The duration of sleep in newborns, adults and the elderly is 12-16, 6-8 and 4-6 hours per day, respectively. Sleep duration of less than 5 hours or disturbance of physiological structure are considered risk factors for insomnia.

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On average, a person can go without sleep for no more than 3 days.

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Sleep management Sometimes a sleeping person may be aware that he is in a dream. This state is called lucid dreaming.

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In world practice, there are many times when doctors have established the false death of a person. It is good if such a patient recovers from the state of imaginary death before his own funeral, but, apparently, sometimes living people end up in the graves... For example, during the reburial of one old English cemetery, when many coffins were opened, skeletons were discovered in four of them lying in unnatural positions in which their relatives could not see them off on their last journey.

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There is a version that Sopor Nikolai Gogol was mistaken for his death. This conclusion was reached when, during reburial, scratches were found on the inner lining of the coffin, pieces of the lining were under Gogol’s fingernails, and the position of the body was changed (“Rolled over in the coffin”). However, researchers do not consider this version seriously

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Nadezhda Lebedin slept soundly for 20 years. So they lay side by side - the daughter sleeping soundly and the dying mother. The relatives have already lost hope that at least one of them will get out of bed. But a miracle happened. Nadezhda Lebedin, her daughter, suddenly burst into tears and opened her eyes 20 years after she fell asleep. There was a murmur throughout the village. Nadezhda woke up on the day of her mother’s death. People gathered for the funeral, apparently and invisible. Everyone wanted to see her come to life. And she looked 34 years old, although she was already 54 years old. She couldn't believe that these toothless old ladies were her friends. Without it, a refrigerator and a TV appeared. All 20 years, while she was sleeping, her pulse was palpable, her breathing was slow. For the first two years, food was administered to her through a tube, but then Nadezhda began to take food from a spoon herself.

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Rules for good sleep

1. Stick to a regular time to get out of bed, even on weekends. 2. Try to go to bed only when you feel sleepy. 3. If you cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, leave the bedroom and do some quiet activity elsewhere. Don't let yourself fall asleep outside the bedroom. Return to bed only when you feel sleepy. Repeat these steps as many times as necessary throughout the night.

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4. Avoid nap. If you go to bed during the day, try to do it at the same time and sleep no more than one hour. For most people, the most acceptable time is around 15:00. 5. Establish a relaxing pre-bed ritual, such as a warm bath, a light snack, or ten minutes of reading. 6. Maintain regular physical activity. Do intense physical exercise in the earlier hours, at least six hours before bedtime, and light exercise at least four hours before bedtime. 7. Maintain a regular daily routine. Regular meal times medicines, performing daily chores and other activities helps the body's internal clock run more smoothly. 8. Although easy reception eating before bed can help sleep soundly, avoid eating large amounts of food. 9. Avoid caffeine six hours before bed.

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Healthy sleep

Bed The bed should be used only for sleeping: working, reading and talking prevent the body from relaxing. The mattress should be moderately firm - this is good for the spine, the body is in a straight position at night and does not become numb or tired. It is best if there is a one-and-a-half bed distance for each sleeper.

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Pillow Try to get used to sleeping on the lowest pillow possible. Under no circumstances should you use a large pillow tightly stuffed with feathers. In this case, the head is constantly in an unnaturally bent position, which can lead to headaches and problems with the spine. You can use special contour pillows. Bed linen It is advisable to use soft cotton linen. Satin sheets are certainly beautiful, but they are too slippery and do not allow air to pass through. Do not use any synthetics. Lately There is evidence that dark colors of underwear contribute to better quality sleep.

It is better to choose calm, soft tones for the bedroom. It's best if these are shades of green, blue, indigo and violet - they slow everything down active processes body, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and this is exactly what is needed before going to bed.

The optimal room temperature should be around 19°C.

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What to sleep in? According to doctors and psychologists, the question of what to sleep in has no of great importance. It is only important that the body breathes normally and that your night clothes do not interfere with the normal flow of air and temperature regulation. If you like to sleep in warm pajamas, go ahead, it’s more comfortable to go to bed naked, please. Aromas for falling asleep Have a good sleep Chamomile essential oils help tea tree, tangerine leaves and calendula. Need a little drop essential oil on the pillow or on both sides of the bed, or 2 hours before bedtime, you can light an aroma lamp in the room. You can also gently rub a few drops into your feet, palms, back of your head, or into your temples.

Music for sleep Quiet, calm music with a slow tempo and clear rhythm, which can be played quietly before bed, will save you from insomnia. For example, this could be Sibelius's "Sad Waltz", Schumann's "Reverie", Gluck's "Melody", as well as Tchaikovsky's plays.

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Bath If you want to really relax before bed, prepare a warm bath, preferably with special aromas. The temperature of the water should not exceed 37°C and you need to take it for at least 20 minutes: during this time the water will gradually cool down, the body temperature will drop, and this is exactly what you need for sleep. If you don’t like lying in the bathroom and don’t have time to prepare it, take a shower - the sound of water in itself relieves tension and puts you to sleep.

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Questions for consolidation

Can a person do without sleep? Is it possible to drink coffee or cola before bed? What temperature is good for sleeping? What is the name of the state when a person realizes that he is dreaming? How much sleep do you need? What is main function sleep? What bedroom colors are best for sleeping? What pillows are the right ones to use? What scents are best for sleep? Which writer was buried by mistake?

a person sees in a dream various adventures or amazing events.

In ancient times, such things could not go unexplained. And there was no description of the mechanism for the formation of dreams; they began to be considered a manifestation of the will of the gods or a message from higher powers.

The study of sleep began in Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greece. there was a god of sleep - Morpheus, who, taking the image of any person or creature, appeared to people in dreams. The ancients believed that a person needed sleep so that he could hear the prophecies of the gods. Dreams were carefully analyzed, .

For normal functioning of the body, to restore strength after tiring work, proper rest is necessary; such rest is ensured by sleep.

Sleep (lat. somnus) is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimal level of brain activity and a reduced reaction to the outside world.

If a person is deprived of sleep, he develops muscle weakness and mental disorders develop over time.

In experiments on dogs, scientists have found that life without sleep is impossible.

The dogs lived without food for 20-25 days, weight loss was 50%

Those deprived of sleep died after 10-12 days, and body weight decreased by 10%

What happens to the body during sleep? in ancient times it was believed that in a dream the soul leaves the body and travels through space.

I.P. Pavlov gave a precise explanation of the nature of sleep. He viewed it as a protective inhibition

During sleep, brain cells restore their functionality, so a well-rested person feels fresh, alert, and his mental strength increases.

"The morning is wiser than the evening"


(increases blood pressure, pulse and breathing quicken, metabolism increases, eye movements are observed


(deep dream)

All people dream, but not everyone remembers them

After REM sleep, a person can retell his dreams

Tatyana believed the legends Of common folk antiquity, And dreams, and card fortune-telling, And the predictions of the moon.

  • And Tatyana has a wonderful dream, She dreams that she Walking through a snowy meadow Surrounded by sad darkness.
  • But suddenly the snowdrift began to move, And who came from under it? A big, disheveled bear; Tatyana ah! and he roars And a paw with sharp claws He handed it to her... She is disturbed by dreams, Without noticing how to understand him, Dreams of terrible meaning Tatiana wants to find .

Prophetic dreams

these are dreams that predict what will happen a little later in reality: dreams are usually called prophetic, the events from which subsequently occur in reality. Of course, not every dream is prophetic: sometimes some events, places or people are dreamed simply because a person is too “fixated” on some problem:

I saw a fire in a dream - to a scandal, meat - to illness. ?


Phenomenon woman Nazira Rustemova, who fell asleep at the age of four and slept through a lethargic sleep for 16 years!!!


Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who suffered from bouts of lethargic sleep, was afraid of being buried alive. Considering that it can be very difficult to distinguish lethargy from death. Gogol ordered his acquaintances to bury him only when they appeared obvious signs body decomposition

  • There is a version that Nikolai Gogol's lethargic sleep was mistaken for his death. This conclusion was reached when, during reburial, scratches were found on the inner lining of the coffin, pieces of the lining were under Gogol’s fingernails, and the position of the body was changed (“Rolled over in the coffin”).

  • Coma ( coma ) -deep dream) - O. In a narrow sense, the concept of “coma” means the most significant degree of central nervous system depression (followed by brain death)

  • hypnosis is a socio-medical concept about a set of techniques for targeted verbal and sound influence on the human psyche through inhibited in a certain way consciousness, leading to the unconscious execution of various commands and reactions, while being in an artificially induced state of inhibition of the body - drowsiness

  • world-famous hypnotist, fortuneteller, clairvoyant, telepath,
  • pop artist who performed in the USSR with psychological experiments “on reading the minds” of the audience.

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