Home Coated tongue Small intestine cancer description of patients. Diseases of the ileum: symptoms and signs of the disease, treatment

Small intestine cancer description of patients. Diseases of the ileum: symptoms and signs of the disease, treatment

Cancer small intestine- This dangerous form a disease often found in men over 60 years of age. The disease affects three parts of the intestine, which are called: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Cancer small intestine appears due to cell degeneration or mutation, which contributes to the formation of a tumor. The tumor is both benign and malignant. What causes the danger? of this disease, as well as the features of manifestation and treatment, we will find out further.

What is bowel cancer

Small bowel cancer is a category of malignant neoplasms that affect the intestines. Despite the fact that the pathology occurs in 1-2% of cases, every year the number of people with this diagnosis increases. We will find out what this is connected with later.

Cancer is a tumor that arises from the epithelial tissues of the intestine, as well as the glandular epithelium 12- duodenum. The tumor can grow in various directions, both in the lumen and in the volume. Most often, cancer occurs, which affects in 50% of cases, as well as the jejunum (30%) and ileum (20%).

It is important to know! According to statistics, most often, pathologies of the small intestine are diagnosed in men, mainly from the Central Asian region.

Causes of pathology

Often, the causes of intestinal cancer are associated with existing chronic gastrointestinal diseases. It is not uncommon for benign tumors to degenerate into malignant tumors over time, putting a person’s life at risk. Small intestinal cancer occurs in people who are susceptible to negative impact bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, as well as those who like to eat unhealthy types of food.

The exact reasons for the formation of pathology remain still not fully understood. Experts say that important role bile plays a role in its occurrence. Due to its irritating effect, mutation of intestinal cells occurs, which contributes to the formation of a tumor. To determine the exact causes of intestinal cancer, you will need to conduct a series of diagnostic procedures. However, it is not always possible to establish the exact causes of the disease. If a person has relatives in his family who suffered from cancer, then the likelihood of his having cancer detected is quite high. Such reasons are called genetic predisposition.

Among the gastrointestinal diseases that contribute to the occurrence of intestinal cancer are:

  • Enteritis.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Colitis.
  • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
  • Ulcerative diseases.

The cause of the pathology is also hemorrhoids. This disease worsens over time, causing serious complications, including intestinal cancer.

It is important to know! The need to determine the causes of the development of pathology is due to the possibility of preventing the recurrence of the tumor.

Types of small intestinal cancer

Small intestinal cancer is divided into two types according to the properties of the tumor:

  • Exophytic. This is a pathology through which a tumor grows inside the intestinal lumen. In the early stages of the pathology, stagnation of intestinal contents occurs. Over time, an increase in the size of the stagnation leads to the formation of obstruction in the intestine. Exophytic tumors externally look like plaques, polyps and fungi, which have clearly structured contours. This type of tumor usually has a saucer-shaped appearance.
  • Endophytic. Represent more dangerous pathology, compared to exophytic species. Endophytic tumors do not have clearly defined contours, so they spread throughout the affected intestine. The tumor spreads quickly, eventually affecting distant organs and a network of lymph nodes. This type of pathology often contributes to perforation of the intestinal walls, as well as internal bleeding.

Based on their structure, cancers of the small intestine are divided into the following types:

  1. Adenocarcinoma. These are tumors that form in the glandular tissues of the organ. Adenocarcinomas occur very rarely and are predominantly localized in the large area duodenal papilla intestines.
  2. Carcinoids. Malignant formations, the formation of which occurs directly from epithelial cells. Carcinoids are localized in various departments large and small intestines. Typically, pathology is detected in the appendix, as well as in the rectum and ileum.
  3. Lymphomas. A rare form of cancer, which is caused by the occurrence of lymphogranulomatosis.
  4. Leiomyosarcoma. One of the largest types of tumors that can be palpated through abdominal wall. Due to the large size of the tumor, intestinal obstruction is provoked, leading to perforation of the intestinal wall and bleeding.

Determining the type of tumor allows a specialist not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to determine the correct treatment.

It is important to know! Tumors are treated with surgery, but the effectiveness of such therapy depends on the speed of diagnosing the pathology.

Manifestation of bowel cancer

Symptoms and manifestations of small intestinal cancer depend on the location of the disease. In the small intestine, cancer can affect the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. If a tumor forms in the duodenum, then the symptoms of the pathology will be similar to gastric ulcers. In this case, the patient will experience a complete aversion to food. On late stages lesions of the duodenum, there is a development of symptoms manifested in the form of problems with patency biliary tract and intestines. The patient will experience symptoms of nausea and vomiting, as well as flatulence and jaundice.

Determine the pathology in the iliac and jejunum can be done by identifying the first signs:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • bowel pain;
  • abdominal pain and stool instability;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet.

It is important to know! Like all types of tumors, small intestinal cancer is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stages of pathology, so the only the right way To determine the disease in a timely manner is to undergo examinations in the clinic.

Men are diagnosed with small intestinal cancer much more often than women. This is due to the fact that men expose themselves to a greater extent bad habits. Besides, physiological structure The reproductive system of women and men differs, which also affects the causes of pathology.

In women, the diagnosis of small intestinal cancer is associated with the development of tumors of the mammary glands, cervix and ovaries. In men, intestinal swelling occurs when cancer develops prostate gland. Over time, the tumor grows rapidly, contributing to the development of the following symptoms:

Additional signs of intestinal cancer are caused by the occurrence of symptoms of weight loss, lack of appetite, neurosis, excessive and rapid fatigue, as well as the occurrence of itching and frequent urges.

Tumors of the small intestine are divided into 4 stages:

  1. The first stage is caused by the formation of a tumor that is located within the walls of the small intestine.
  2. The second stage manifests itself in the form of the tumor emerging beyond the intestinal walls. There are no metastases, but pathological cells spread to other organs.
  3. The third stage involves the transition of cancer cells to the lymph nodes.
  4. The fourth stage involves the occurrence of metastases that occur in distant organs such as the liver, lungs and bones.

In gastroenterology, it is very important to determine the exact stage, which will ultimately affect the correctness of treatment measures. Let's look at how an intestinal tumor is diagnosed below.

Diagnosis of bowel cancer

Diagnosis of pathology depends on the location of the disease. To put accurate diagnosis, the following types of examinations are carried out:

  1. The duodenum is examined using techniques such as fibrogastroduodenoscopy and contrast fluoroscopy. The contrast agent makes it possible to detect pathology at the first stage.
  2. Cancer ileum diagnosed using techniques such as irrigoscopy and colonoscopy.
  3. The jejunum is examined using contrast fluoroscopy.

In the process endoscopic techniques Tissue samples are taken, which is done for detailed laboratory radiation. To determine the presence of metastases, the following procedures are used:

In addition to instrumental types of research, laboratory research is also carried out:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. Urine test for indican.
  4. Blood test for tumor markers.
  5. Fecal analysis.

Features of treatment

The most effective way to treat bowel cancer is to surgical intervention. If cancer is detected in the duodenum, then a procedure is performed complete removal. Depending on the extent of the pathology, gallbladder, pancreas and distal gastric carcinoma cell ectomy are also performed.

To restore the removed area, it is necessary to perform enteroanastomosis or enterocoloanastomosis. If it is not possible to perform an extensive resection procedure, then healthy area intestines. In addition to surgery, the following cancer treatment procedures are also performed:

  1. Chemotherapy. Used as adjuvant therapy, and only in some cases helps alleviate the patient’s suffering.
  2. Radiation therapy. It is often used after surgery to improve results. There is also evidence that radiation therapy can significantly prolong the life of patients diagnosed with cancer.
  3. Application medicines . Combined drug-drug interactions radiation therapy used after surgery.

In addition to the above treatment methods, Special attention is given and folk medicine. Alcohol tinctures, various decoctions and infusions are used for treatment. After surgery, it is important to switch to an appropriate diet, which will prevent the development of paresis, nausea, and vomiting. Proper nutrition after surgery it allows to improve gastrointestinal motility. After a successful operation, the patient needs to be under the supervision of a doctor. After some time, reoccurrence cannot be ruled out. cancer cells.

Preventive actions

Prevention of small intestinal cancer is to follow these simple rules:

  1. Lead a full and active lifestyle.
  2. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and exclude them from your diet fatty foods.
  3. Visit the clinic regularly for medical examinations.
  4. If the patient is at risk, then he must register with the appropriate oncology registry.
  5. Timely treatment of various diseases.
  6. When the first unpleasant symptoms you need to immediately contact a specialist.
  7. Play sports and walk outdoors as much as possible.

Cancer prevention is The best way prevent development serious illnesses. If you still suspect the development of pathology, you should not start treatment on your own.

Prognosis after surgery

The prognosis for survival for small intestinal cancer depends on a number of the following factors:

  1. Patient's age.
  2. Nature of the tumor.
  3. Time to detect pathology.
  4. Tumor stage.
  5. Timeliness of the operation.

If the pathology was eliminated before the tumor metastasized to The lymph nodes and other organs, the five-year survival rate is more than 40%. If the pathology is detected at stages 3-4, then the survival rate for 5 years does not exceed 10%.

Prognosis for patient survival after removal of cancerous tumors depends on how quickly the pathology was detected. The sooner the pathology is identified, the more effective its treatment will be. In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that, despite compliance preventive measures, it is almost impossible to exclude the development of intestinal cancer. The only one effective method– is to regularly visit a gastroenterologist.

Ileal cancer is rare as an independent disease. As a rule, we are talking about metastases. Most often, malignant formations are represented by adenocarcinoma. There may also be lymphomas and sarcomas.

The best clinics in Israel for cancer treatment

Causes of colon cancer

This group of diseases affects mainly the elderly and males.

Traditional set of factors that can provoke the process

Leading Israeli oncologists

Symptoms of ileal cancer

Clinical manifestations of cancer develop gradually. The first symptoms are dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, impaired motor skills and severe spasmodic colic. The consequence is a decrease in appetite (aversion to food), and a rapid loss of body weight due to intoxication.

With multiple tumors, intestinal obstruction may occur, characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting, first gastric contents and then intestinal contents, bloating, dry skin and dehydration. With sarcomas, intestinal bleeding is often observed. As the tumor grows, it can compress neighboring organs, which can manifest itself in the development of pancreatitis, ascites, and intestinal ischemia.

Diagnosis of ileal cancer

  • endoscopy with biopsy;
  • fluoroscopy, MRI or CT scan with contrast agent;
  • laparoscopic endoscopy;
  • To diagnose tumors of the terminal ileum, colonoscopy and irrigoscopy can also be informative;
  • Ultrasound of the OBP is also performed.

Treatment of the disease

The approaches are standard: the tumor is removed, after which the remaining tumor cells are “polished” with chemotherapy.

Treatment of ileal cancer is usually surgical, that is, removal of the tumor. At inoperable tumors Chemotherapy is used with drugs that suppress the growth and further development of malignant cells.

If you want to know where the ileum is located, as well as what functions it performs, then check out this article.

More about the ileum

The segment of the ileum is the natural completion of the segment of the cecum and is located to the right of the navel, in the lower part of the small intestine.

The average length of the ileum can range from one and a half to two and a half meters.

The diameter of the intestine is disproportionately small in comparison with its length, amounting to only two and a half to three centimeters.

In women who are small in stature and have a fragile physique, the size of the ileum is smaller than in men or larger representatives of the fair sex.

The parenchyma of the ileum is covered with small villous protuberances, which are involved in the absorption of various nutrients that a person receives with food.

In addition, on the parenchyma of this organ there are shallow concave crypts, the main purpose of which is the production of mucus.

The ileum performs the following functions in the human body:

  • synthesizes enzymes - enzymes involved in the digestive process;
  • develops regulators of eating behavior;
  • breaks down food;
  • absorbs nutrients.

In the area of ​​the ileum, through fermentation, complex substances obtained from food are separated into simple ones and the hydrolysis of already broken down components occurs.

Diseases that are characterized by complete or partial dysfunction of this organ can significantly affect a person’s well-being.

If we list specific diseases of the ileum, we should mention such pathologies as terminal type ileitis, cancer of the mucous membranes of this part of the digestive tract, hyperplasia of the mucous membranes of the lymphofollicular type.

It is worth noting that there are other pathologies that can affect the area of ​​this section of the intestine.

Learn more about possible diseases ileum can be done in consultation with a gastroenterologist.

If you feel unpleasant discomfort in the area of ​​the right ilium and note the presence of other unpleasant and previously unappearing symptoms, then mandatory make an appointment for a medical examination.

This examination will reveal or refute the presence of a disease localized within the declared area of ​​the digestive tract.

All the diseases mentioned above are quite severe, so their treatment must be quick and timely.

General symptoms of ileal pathologies and ileitis

It should be noted that all diseases of the ileum, such as cancer, ileitis or hyperplasia, have both similar and different symptoms.

But the symptoms of each disease characteristic of a given area are similar to each other.

Symptoms, the presence of which may directly indicate problems with the intestinal system and, in particular, diseases of the ileum:

  • liquid, frequent stool with inclusions of undigested food particles;
  • frequent attacks of flatulence, heaviness in the lower third of the abdomen;
  • pain localized in the area of ​​the right ilium and having an aching, sharp character.

Indirect symptoms that may indicate the presence of any disease localized in the rectal area:

  • decreased appetite and, as a result, sudden weight loss;
  • primary anemia;
  • inflammatory processes affecting the oral mucosa, resulting from an uncontrolled decrease in immunity;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • problems with sleep and falling asleep;
  • nervousness, etc.

The most common disease localized in the stated area is ileitis. This disease affects the terminal ileum.

The causes that provoke the occurrence of this disease are diseases such as typhus, ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis, etc.

In addition, ileitis localized in the terminal ileum may be a consequence of acute or chronic form Crohn's disease.

During a disease such as ileitis, the elasticity of the mucous membranes of the ileal segment of the intestinal tract is impaired.

With ileitis, the mucous membranes change their structure and become covered with various neoplasms of a polypous or ulcerative nature.

Inadequate or untimely treatment of ileitis can lead to intestinal cancer.

Symptoms characteristic of a disease such as terminal ileitis:

  • pain in the right side of the ilium, which begins to appear two to three hours after a meal;
  • nausea, less often vomiting;
  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • feces mixed with blood.

Treatment of a disease such as ileitis, in most cases, is conservative. It involves receiving specialized drugs with antibacterial and steroid effects.

In some cases, treatment of ileitis may be supplemented with procedures such as blood plasma transfusion.

If ileitis is accompanied by other diseases characterized by intestinal obstruction, suppuration and ulcerative formations on the mucous membranes of the ileum, then the patient suffering from a combined disease is prescribed surgery, aimed at complete or partial resection of all affected areas of the intestine.

Lymphofollicular hyperplasia and cancer

Another relatively common pathology that produces pain localized in the ileum is hyperplasia of its walls of the lymphofollicular type.

During this disease, the intestinal mucous membranes grow. As a rule, this problem is not independent, but a concomitant pathology.

Sometimes it may not manifest itself at all, and sometimes it may produce severe pain, informing a person about the presence of certain problems localized in the iliac region.

The main factors that provoke pain and influence the occurrence of this disease are problems caused by secretion disorders gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, serious disruptions in immune system etc.

Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in conjunction with Crohn's disease or intestinal cancer.

Symptoms that may indicate the presence of lymphofollicular dysplasia of the ileum:

  • pain localized at the location of the problem;
  • frequent urge to have bowel movements;
  • the presence of mucus and blood clots in the feces;
  • refusal to eat, causing a sharp loss of fat and muscle mass;
  • flatulence.

Before proceeding with treatment of this disease, the nature of the growths covering the mucous membranes of the ileum should be determined.

If during the biopsy it turns out that these growths are benign, the patient is prescribed special medications to relieve pain and is recommended to adhere to a certain and fairly strict diet.

In the presence of malignant growths, severe inflammation or ulcers producing sharp pains that do not go away even after taking “powerful” drugs, patients with lymphofollicular hyperplasia are prescribed surgical intervention aimed at resection of the affected area.

During this operation, the ileum can be completely removed.

The last pathology that will be discussed in this article is ileal cancer. This disease is characterized by a relatively slow course.

It is worth noting that this disease is quite rare and is more common in older men than in women.

The course of ileal cancer is accompanied by the development of a tumor that grows into the lumen of this organ, deforming its walls and causing inflammation.

Symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • inflammation of the ileum, accompanied by slight but constant hyperthermia and sometimes massive hemorrhages in the intestinal area;
  • nausea, vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • signs of dyspeptic disorders varying degrees heaviness;
  • pain localized in the lower abdomen and having an acute, spreading nature;
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • difficult evacuation of feces from the intestines.

Treatment of cancer localized in the declared area is carried out surgically. During abdominal surgery Both the ileum and metastases are removed.

After the operation, patients suffering from this type of pathology must attend radiation or chemotherapy sessions and take pain-relieving medications.

After reading this article, you were able to learn about where the ileum is located and what diseases are most characteristic of it.

It is possible to identify these pathologies at an early stage only by passing regular examination body and sensitively responding to any changes in its work.

If you have any of the symptoms described in this article, consult a gastroenterologist.

This cancer is more often diagnosed in men over the age of 60. The prognosis and life expectancy of the patient depends on the stage and type of tumor.


In gastroenterology, duodenal cancer occurs in 50% of cases, jejunal oncology occurs in 30% of patients, and ileal oncology occurs in 20%.

More often cancer caused by chronic enzymatic or inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example:

  • or duodenum;
  • duodenitis;
  • enteritis;
  • celiac disease;
  • diverticulitis.

Predisposing factors to the development of cancer cells are smoking, alcohol abuse or drug use, radiation exposure, and poor diet. Subject to emergence malignant formation small intestine - people who eat large quantities of fried and fatty foods, pickles and canned food.

Other causes of cancer:

  • irritation of the walls of the small intestine gastric juice or bile;
  • congenital developmental anomalies;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • benign intestinal tumor;
  • malignant tumors in other organs that can metastasize to the intestine;
  • diffuse polyposis.

There is an inextricable relationship between colon and small intestine cancer.

Symptoms and degrees

There are 4 stages of development of small intestine cancer:

  • At the initial stage, the tumor is located within the walls of the small intestine, there are no metastases.
  • The second stage is characterized by the penetration of cancer cells into other organs.
  • At the third stage, the process of metastasis begins. Metastases penetrate the nearest lymph nodes, the tumor grows into neighboring organs.
  • For last stage characterized by metastasis to distant organs.

Symptoms depend on the degree of cancer and its location. At the initial stage, small intestinal cancer similar to peptic ulcer. If the duodenum is affected, the patient loses appetite and develops an aversion to food. There is nausea and Blunt pain in the stomach area, which can radiate to the back area.

As the tumor grows, the patient's health condition worsens. He suffers from endless nausea and vomiting, bloating and jaundice.

With oncology of the jejunum or ileum, the first signs are slightly different. The patient is concerned about pain in the intestines, spasms in the navel, flatulence, loose stool mixed with mucus, nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of small intestine cancer in the last stages:

  • perforation of the intestinal wall;
  • ulcers and intestinal fistulas;
  • increasing symptoms of intoxication as a result of the breakdown of cancer cells;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • obvious or hidden intestinal bleeding, which results in weakness, fast fatiguability and anemia;
  • dizziness;
  • weight loss, anorexia;
  • neuroses, sudden mood swings;
  • private urge to defecate;
  • pain during defecation;
  • peritonitis.

Types of formations

There are 4 types of small intestinal cancer:

  • Adenocarcinoma. This type malignant tumor is rare. The neoplasm develops from glandular tissue in the upper part of the jejunum or duodenum. Most often caused by Crohn's disease.
  • Carcinoid. In most cases, the formations are multiple, their size is more than 2 cm. The tumor metastasizes to the liver and intestinal mesentery. Carcinoid neoplasms are found mainly in the duodenum, rarely in the ileum and rectum.
  • Lymphoma. This type of tumor is rare, occurring in 18% of small intestinal cancer cases. Most often caused by celiac disease. Lymphoma can be secondary or primary; lymphosarcoma and lymphogranulomatosis are distinguished. Characteristic signs formations - enlarged lymph nodes, impaired absorption of food.
  • Sarcoma. The tumor is often combined with other malignant neoplasms intestines and other organs. It reaches 5 cm in diameter and can be palpated through the peritoneal wall. Sarcoma leads to intestinal perforation.

Small intestinal cancer is also classified according to its growth pattern. It can be exophytic or endophytic. In the first case, the tumor grows inside the intestine, eventually causing intestinal obstruction. The tumor has clear contours and looks like a polyp.

Endophytic cancer is more dangerous than exophytic cancer. The neoplasm does not have clear boundaries and spreads along the walls. Cancer cells spread to other organs through lymphatic vessels. Endophytic cancer leads to perforation of the intestinal walls and intestinal bleeding.


Metastases are a complication of small intestinal cancer. They occur at stages III and IV. First, metastases appear in the nearest and then in organs distant from the intestine.

The prognosis for metastasis is unfavorable.

Metastases in stage IV small intestinal cancer appear in the liver, kidneys, stomach, omentum, adrenal glands, lungs and even bones. To identify them, ultrasound or MSCT of the abdominal organs, radiography are performed chest and bone scintigraphy.

Which doctor treats small intestinal cancer?

At the initial manifestations of cancer, you should consult an oncologist.


During diagnosis, cancer is differentiated from small intestinal tuberculosis, vagal kidney, Crohn's disease, tumors of the ovaries or small intestine, congenital stenosis.

The first step is a blood test. By indicators and tumor markers one can judge about oncology.

Instrumental diagnosis of small intestine cancer:

  • barium fluoroscopy;
  • fibrogastroscopy is an examination of the intestinal mucosa using a tube with a camera;
  • electrogastroenterography – study of gastrointestinal motility;
  • vascular angiography – x-ray method examination of blood vessels using a contrast agent;
  • colonoscopy - a method of examining the large and small intestines using a colonoscope;
  • laparoscopy – invasive technique examinations through a puncture in the abdominal cavity;
  • CT, ;
  • biopsy.

Puncture is very important to determine the type and stage of oncology.


Cancer treatment occurs through surgery and chemotherapy. The formation is removed along with the affected area of ​​the intestine, mesentery and lymph nodes. The type of surgery depends on the stage and location of the cancer. For example, if the duodenum is affected, a duodenectomy with distal ectomy of the stomach and pancreas is performed.

The removed area is artificially restored by enteroenteroanastomosis or enterocoloanastomosis.

Indications for chemotherapy:

  • late stage intestinal cancer;
  • sensitivity of the tumor to chemotherapy;
  • preoperative and postoperative period regarding the removal of oncology (in order to reduce the likelihood of metastases).

The drugs stop the growth and spread of cancer cells, reduce symptoms and increase life expectancy.

Chemotherapy is the only treatment for inoperable cancer. It helps reduce the suffering of a terminally ill person.

After surgical treatment and the course of chemotherapy, the patient feels relief. In the postoperative period, the patient must be examined to exclude metastasis and development dangerous consequences, for example, intestinal paresis.


The prognosis is favorable, it depends on the stage at which the patient began treatment. This type of cancer can be completely cured if treated in a timely manner. In this case, patients live full life without remembering the terrible disease.

On average, after tumor removal in the absence of metastases, in 35-40% of cases people live at least 5 years. The life expectancy of patients diagnosed with cancer III and IV depends on the dynamics of metastasis and in which organs the metastases appeared.


Preventive measures:

  • delete in time benign formations, including cysts and polyps;
  • undergo a preventive examination at least once a year, especially after the age of 40;
  • treat in a timely manner inflammatory diseases Gastrointestinal tract, with chronic diseases register with a specialist;
  • eat right, follow a diet, give preference to foods high in coarse fiber;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • If you suspect cancer, immediately visit a doctor.

After surgery to remove cancer, patients also need to adhere to preventive measures. In this case, there is less chance of relapse.

Small intestine cancer is a disease that threatens the patient's life, but due to the fact that the intestine is poorly supplied with blood, the patient has hope of recovery. The main thing is to detect the disease before the process of metastasis begins.

Useful video about early signs of bowel cancer

Pathology of the small intestine is an oncological disease that forms in the digestive tract. Most often, the tumor grows from epithelial particles. Gradually it fills the intestine.

The disease is rarely diagnosed. According to various sources, it occurs in 3-16% of oncology cases digestive system. The tumor metastasizes through the lymphatic system, affecting other organs.

More often, pathology is detected in men over 60 years of age. It is dangerous because it is asymptomatic in the early stages and has a poor survival prognosis in the latter stages.

The small intestine is part of the digestive tract. The section is located between the stomach and large intestine. The organ has a tubular shape, its length is 2-4 m.

The small intestine consists of sections:

  • duodenum – shaped like the letter “C”;
  • jejunum– consists of loops that are freely placed in the peritoneum;
  • ileum– has thick walls, a large number of blood vessels.

The food mass needs 4 hours to pass through the entire organ.

  • secretory– secretion of juice, which breaks down chyme (food mass) into amino acids, monosaccharides and other elements;
  • digestive– digests food, breaking it down and absorbing it in all parts;
  • endocrine– individual cells synthesize peptide hormones;
  • motor– the intestinal muscles move the chyme, mix it with gastric juice, and separate it into parts;
  • suction– the mucous membrane absorbs elements of chyme, medications and delivers vitamins, salts, etc. to other organs through blood vessels and lymph.

To better understand how it happens digestive process, we recommend watching the following video:


The exact causes of the appearance and development of small intestinal cancer have not been established. But most often the disease is diagnosed in patients with obvious chronic pathologies Gastrointestinal tract. In half of the cases, tumors originate in the duodenum. This is due to the fact that the small intestine is the first to encounter aggressive substances coming from the stomach.

  • Adenomatous polyps– are formed in the mucous membrane of the organ. May appear randomly or be hereditary disease. Polyps can degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
  • Chemical carcinogens– come with overly fried food, alcohol. They injure the intestines, as a result of which healthy cells begin to mutate.
  • Benign tumors– without timely treatment they can develop into cancer.
  • Long-term development of chronic gastrointestinal processes– ulcerative formations, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and other similar diseases. On the background inflammatory processes Multiple wounds and hernias form. If left untreated, they can become cancerous.


Depending on the growth of the malignant tumor, two types of cancer are distinguished:

  1. Exophytic– grows throughout the intestinal lumen, and then leads to obstruction. The tumor has clearly defined boundaries. By appearance it is similar to polyps.
  2. Endophytic- characterized by extreme malignancy. The tumor has no visible boundaries; it penetrates into other organs through lymphatic vessels and plexuses. The oncological process leads to perforation of the small intestine and subsequent bleeding.

In small intestinal cancer, various cells can be affected. The type of tumor depends on this:

  • Adenocarcinoma– develops from particles of glandular epithelium. Normally, cells produce mucus. Cancerous formations have different shape and sizes, fleecy surface.
  • Carcinoid- develops most often. Formed in any part of the intestine. It is characterized by the formation of multiple formations on the layer of squamous epithelium.
  • Lymphoma– the oncological process affects particles lymphatic system. Pathology quickly spreads throughout the body. It is extremely rare.
  • Leiomyosarcoma- is different large size tumor, its diameter is more than 5 cm. It can be felt through the abdominal wall. The neoplasm creates intestinal obstruction.


The tumor spreads its particles throughout the body using the lymphatic system. Neighboring lymph nodes are among the first to metastasize:

  • mesenteric;
  • retroperitoneal.

Both parts of the intestine and distant organs can be affected by it:

  • liver;
  • stuffing box;
  • bones of the whole body;
  • one or both lungs;
  • dura mater.

A malignant tumor can fuse with nearby organs, forming an impressively sized, inactive lump. It is quite difficult to extract such a conglomerate, since there is a high probability of fistula formation.


Depending on the condition of the tumor, There are 4 stages of the oncological process in the small intestine:

  1. The pathology is concentrated in the intestinal lumen and does not extend beyond its walls.
  2. It goes beyond the walls of the organ, the stage of its growth throughout the body begins, but there is no metastasis yet.
  3. Metastases form, but they only affect neighboring tissues, such as lymph nodes located near the intestines.
  4. Secondary tumors formed in distant organs and tissues.


The disease begins to appear gradually. In the first stages it does not have a pronounced clinical picture. Because of this, patients turn to a specialist in the later stages, when the pathology grows in the intestinal tissue and spreads metastases to neighboring organs.

Main symptoms:

  • dyspeptic disorders– manifested by pain in the intestines, vomiting, bloating of the peritoneum, nausea;
  • weight loss– associated with malnutrition, rapid progression of the oncological process;
  • intestinal bleeding– occur in endophidic form;
  • intestinal obstruction– occurs with the development of large tumors, is expressed by vomiting and dehydration, leading to death;
  • frequent loose stools with mucus– associated with intestinal obstruction;
  • jaundice, pancreatitis, ascites– can develop due to compression of neighboring organs by the tumor;
  • peritonitis– occurs when the wall of the small intestine ruptures due to an overgrown tumor.


Early diagnosis will reveal pathology on initial stages. This is of great importance for the treatment of small intestinal cancer.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • Tumor marker CA 242– the antigen is detected at the onset of the oncological process in the gastrointestinal tract. The development of the disease is indicated by a reading above 30 IU/ml.
  • Tumor marker CEA– in adults it occurs in very low concentrations (0-5 ng/ml). The test allows you to determine the size of the tumor in the small intestine.
  • Tumor marker CA 19-9– antigen can be found in cells various organs, saliva, secretions and other human fluids. Because of this, the test cannot determine the exact location of the tumor. A value above 40 IU/ml indicates a malignant process.
  • Stool analysis occult blood – helps to identify asymptomatic bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, including the small intestine.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy– allows you to examine the duodenum and the condition of its mucosa.
  • Contrast fluoroscopy– assesses the condition of the small intestine. The most commonly used contrast agent is barium sulfate, which the patient drinks during the procedure.
  • Irrigoscopy– the patient must thoroughly cleanse the intestines and drink a radiopaque substance. The specialist examines the organ and takes pictures.
  • Colonoscopy- carried out with a special device consisting of a tourniquet and optical system. Requires preliminary bowel cleansing.
  • Endoscopic examination– a transducer with ultrasound is inserted into the rectum. The method allows you to determine the nature of the formation. It is characterized by the absence of painful sensations.

Learn more about what a colonoscopy is:


Surgical intervention is the most effective method therapy for small intestine cancer.

Main methods of treatment:

  • Duodenectomysurgical procedure, as a result of which the duodenum is excised and continuous patency of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.
  • Gallbladder and pancreasectomy– removal is carried out surgically, it can be complete or partial. The removed tissues are sent for histology to determine further tactics treatment.
  • Distal gastrectomy– a surgical intervention in which the distal part of the organ is removed. The operation consists of several stages: assessing the degree of changes, determining the scope of work, removing the selected area, and forming an anastomosis.
  • Extomy of the right half of the large intestine– the method involves dissection of the abdominal cavity (laparotomy), mobilization of the right part of the organ, intersection of the large and small intestines, formation of anastomosis, layer-by-layer suturing of the peritoneum.
  • Chemotherapy– therapy consists of several cycles, each of which lasts 1-2 months. The patient does not stop his usual lifestyle during treatment.
  • Radiation therapy– the course lasts 1-2 months. The procedure is painless, but has side effects that disappear after cessation of therapy.


Malignant process in the small intestine with timely treatment can be stopped completely. The success of the prognosis depends on the stage of the disease:

  • in the first two stages 35-40% of patients live more than 5 years;
  • at the last stage recovery is impossible, the quality of life improves, in 5% of patients it is extended by 5 years.

If left untreated, death may occur due to intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, or failure of damaged organs.

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