Home Tooth pain Why does my ear hurt after tooth extraction? What to do if after tooth extraction your ear hurts and shoots in your temple

Why does my ear hurt after tooth extraction? What to do if after tooth extraction your ear hurts and shoots in your temple

Pain signals the body about danger. It may trigger falsely, but sometimes it is the pain that helps prevent serious problems with health.

If some time after the operation your ear begins to hurt, this is not a reason to panic; before you do anything, you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon.

What is the cause of the pain syndrome?

When a tooth is removed, some soft and bone tissues are damaged. After the procedure, about four months. IN normal cases pain should not bother you all this time. The ear usually hurts for no more than 2 days, but sometimes it happens that the pain does not subside even several weeks after tooth extraction.

The reason for this is the preceding one (it is also called) or the structural feature of the roots.

Experts use it for dental treatment, and it has side effects. Painful sensations can be caused by the body's reaction to a specific medicine. Pain in the ear, temple, or head occurs due to damage to a nerve or gum.

But most often, the ear (as well as the throat, temples and gums) may hurt after, the reason for this lies in the specifics of it buildings. In addition, wisdom teeth are quite difficult to reach. This causes tissue and nerve damage, followed by sharp or shooting pain. There's no need to worry pain syndrome will subside as soon as the nerve endings are restored.

Another cause of acute and continuous pain is infection in the hole. Probable Cause– neglect of specialist advice. Absolutely no rinsing oral cavity per day after the procedure, otherwise there is nothing to be surprised at: after tooth extraction, a blood clot remains in the socket, protecting the nerves and participating in the formation bone tissue, it cannot be deleted.

Therefore, doctors do not advise consuming hot food or rinsing the mouth during the day after surgery. Otherwise, the blood clot dissolves and pain occurs, which radiates to the ear and temples.

Acute pain that cannot be dealt with is a reason to consult a dentist. The specialist will advise the means that should be used to rinse the mouth to relieve inflammation, and will also prescribe medications to eliminate pain.

Shooting sensations in the ear as a symptom of a serious problem

One of the most common causes of pain is. This is an inflammation that affects the socket. This happens if the blood clot never appears or is washed away by the patient.

The development of the disease is signaled by increasing pain, which begins to bother you a couple of days after the tooth extraction procedure; it does not subside and radiates to the head, ear, temples, jaw, eye, forehead. Experts explain this by the fact that the branches trigeminal nerve and pain fibers that are located in the membranes of the brain and on the walls of blood vessels are irritated. This leads to the emergence pain in the head and face.

Sometimes the patient's temperature rises and the mouth appears bad taste, and swallowing is accompanied by pain. It becomes difficult for a person to open his mouth. He feels nagging pain in muscles, joints, fatigue and drowsiness appear. The gums turn red and swell. A bluish tint is a sign that the disease has become serious.

How to minimize risks before, during and after the procedure

Use the services of professionals. Warn your doctor in advance about possible intolerance to a particular pain medication. A specialist can easily select an analogue of the product, and you can avoid unpleasant sensations. Be sure to tell your doctor what medicines you have taken in recent days.

After surgery is complete, apply a cool compress to your jaw. Keep it on as long as possible.

The cotton swab is removed half an hour after tooth extraction. If the blood continues to flow, you should leave it for at least an hour.

You are not allowed to eat solid food or rinse your mouth for 24 hours after surgery. You cannot drink alcohol or carbonated drinks for three days. Eat carefully, making sure that pieces of food do not fall into the hole. Consume only liquid and soft foods, avoid seeds, nuts, etc.

It is contraindicated to take a hot shower or exercise physical activity. It is important to monitor your blood pressure. The area where the tooth was removed should not be touched with the tongue or hands. You should also give up smoking. It is better to postpone brushing your teeth for the whole day.

What to do, how to be, how not to let yourself go?

If you notice symptoms of the disease, you should immediately visit a specialist. He will hold primary diagnosis may ask you to donate blood to clarify the diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe treatment, the main goal of which will be to quickly eliminate the infection and relieve acute pain. Therapy will be carried out using antibiotics, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The specialist will clean the hole, remove purulent deposits from it, and then treat special means. If the patient has a dry socket, the doctor will apply cotton swabs with ointment. The patient will change them every day until his health improves.
In addition to the dentist, you should contact an ENT specialist.

One of the most important conditions effective treatment- complete peace. Overexertion is highly discouraged. The best solution is bed rest.

You need to consume liquid in small quantities. It is better to refuse food. To calm down unbearable pain You can take an antispasmodic, but you should carefully read its instructions.

Treatment lasts several days. For a couple of weeks after recovery, patients experience residual pain and weakness.

If the figure eight had to be removed, discomfort in the oral cavity bothers the patient for several more days. If complications occur, inflammation and an acute attack of pain may last longer than a week. Some patients ask the main question whether a wisdom tooth can cause a sore throat, and receive an affirmative answer.

Where can pain go after wisdom tooth removal?

Removing a third molar is an operation even if there are no serious complications. During surgical procedures gum injuries occur, the integrity of soft and hard tissues is disrupted, and open wound. The existing inflammation is complemented acute attack pain that spreads to the ear, cheek, larynx. If you have to remove a figure eight that has begun to cut, the dentist will help after full examination oral cavity.

Numbness does not go away after removal surgery

The first time after the extraction of the eighth tooth, your throat hurts, and this is a completely understandable phenomenon. It is possible that during the operation the doctor slightly injured the mucous membrane with a medical instrument, and inflammation began. Such an unpleasant symptom remains imperceptible for the first hours after surgical procedures, since the hole released after resection remains under the influence of local anesthesia. The patient feels only numbness of the jaw and tongue, complains of impaired chewing function and diction defects. After 2-3 hours the condition returns to normal.

Can a tooth cause a sore throat?

Complications after surgery are not limited to pain, in some cases clinical pictures alveolitis progresses. This is an inflammatory process in the hole followed by suppuration of an open wound. It is painful for the patient to swallow, and he cannot do anything about this condition. Such symptoms must be treated, otherwise, among the dangerous consequences for the body, doctors highlight the need for repeated surgery with pumping out pus and suturing the gums.

If after surgery there is a sore throat, this is not a far-fetched condition, and one of the problems rehabilitation period. More often like this pathological process progresses with the removal of the lower eights, and this is explained by damage to the trigeminal nerve, which is located close to the source of pathology. You can additionally numb the pain, but this therapeutic effect it doesn't last long. The first step is to eliminate the main pathogenic factor.

Sore throat and fever

Such symptoms eloquently indicate that this was a complex operation with an unexpected clinical outcome. It is recommended to address any complaints to the dentist, jointly find out the cause and eliminate it from the patient’s life. If we talk about additional symptoms, this is not only pain when swallowing and palpation, doctors identify the following health problems:

  1. Paresthesia. This is an unpleasant condition when you feel numbness in the lips, cheeks, jaw, gums and even tongue. A temporary phenomenon that goes away without medication.
  2. After removing the figure eight, the body temperature rises. This normal phenomenon, if the mercury column does not exceed 37.5 degrees, and general state normalizes after 2-3 days. Otherwise, we are talking about a serious health problem.
  3. Swelling in the mouth. The symptom equally occurs when removing the top eight and lower jaw. The soft tissues should return to normal in a couple of days; if not, an unscheduled visit to a specialist is required.
  4. Pain. If your throat hurts when food gets into the empty hole, it is necessary to fill the root canals. Otherwise, the wound will begin to rot with the subsequent spread of pathogenic flora into the oral cavity.

Why does my throat hurt?

If you had to remove a figure eight that continued to cut painfully, the rehabilitation period is accompanied by an attack of sore throat. It is important to understand the reasons for this deviation from the norm:

  1. Proximity to the trigeminal nerve. If its integrity is violated, the hole begins to hurt, and increased salivation provokes an additional attack, a feeling of general discomfort.
  2. When cutting the gums, the throat also hurts, but in fact the source of discomfort is the open wound. The procedure is complex, so the rehabilitation period is delayed for an indefinite period of time.
  3. If the repaired molar has begun to cut, it is especially problematic to remove it without complications. The doctor first needs to cut the bone that is preventing the growth of the figure eight, and then remove it with special dental forceps.
  4. If the root is damaged, the lymph node may become inflamed. A dangerous condition that requires immediate correction. If the general condition is not stabilized, after resection of the third molar unpleasant feeling in the mouth will only increase.

Teeth wisdom teeth begin to grow after the entire dentition has been formed. Their roots have 4 irregular and curved holes. These teeth cause a certain kind of inconvenience when trying to remove them. The first negative point is that they are located quite close to the trigeminal nerve. If in progress wisdom tooth removal If you touch this nerve, you can become the owner of unpleasant and painful sensations in the area ear and throat. They and their roots are usually removed in several stages using various techniques.

Painful sensations in the ear, and sometimes even partial hearing loss, occur as a result of the symptom of a dry socket, which can occur due to the resorption and loss of a blood clot. He, in turn, performed the function of protection. This exposes part of the nerve or bone. This can lead to an inflammatory process, which causes pain.

Causes of pain after tooth extraction.

After tooth extraction wisdom ear and throat hurt because the nerve is exposed. And the cause of a dry socket in the mouth can be frequent drinking through a straw, rinsing the mouth, or excessive use of chewing gum. When visiting a dentist, the doctor will be able to thoroughly clean this hole and place a tampon with a special medicine in it, which must be changed every 2-3 days until complete healing.

The appearance of a blood clot at the site of tooth extraction

If in place extracted tooth If a blood clot appears, then under no circumstances should you get rid of it. This clot is part of the healing process. It helps protect nerve endings and bones from food debris or other objects that can trigger an inflammatory process.

When a wisdom tooth is removed, if a blood clot fails to form, a person may have the impression that his ear is starting to hurt. And an unpleasant taste forms in the mouth.

How a wisdom tooth is removed. Video

Wisdom teeth appear in adults, not children or teenagers. It is to this circumstance that they owe their name - it is believed that by the age of 18–25 a person gains certain life experience.

Wisdom teeth

Latest chewing teeth are not often flawless. Their functional failure, and sometimes uselessness, is due to several reasons:

  • erupting in an already formed dentition, they are located in a very limited space, hence their defects - atypical nature and direction of growth, too branched and curved roots;
  • the proximity of the jaw ligaments, lymph nodes, and nerves affects the development of roots and crowns even inside the gums;
  • in adulthood, the growth and formation of the skeleton ends, sometimes partial leaching of calcium from the bones begins, which primarily affects the condition of these particular teeth;
  • location in places that are inconvenient for treatment with hygiene products and dental instruments, lack of care provokes caries and other diseases;
  • The incomplete eruption characteristic of wisdom teeth and the presence of a hood of gum tissue do not add strength to the third molars.

These prerequisites explain why the last teeth that appear in a person often bring problems to their owner from the moment of their appearance (and sometimes even before it).

Important! In some cases, doctors recommend removing teeth in advance that will inevitably cause problems in the future. We need to seriously consider this issue - planned extraction is less traumatic.

Removal nuances

Wisdom teeth are removed more often than other molars. In this case, the process is felt by: lymph nodes, facial nerves, ear from the extraction side, throat, neck muscles. For the extraction of the last molars, special instruments have been created to facilitate access to the bone and a firm grip. But, despite the extreme ergonomics of the forceps, their use is sometimes not enough. To avoid extensive fractures of the jaw bone, some removal operations are performed using soft tissue incisions (with purulent inflammation) and their processing and further drainage. In cases of non-standard direction of growth of roots and/or crowns, it is necessary to resort to drilling and sawing out areas of the jaw to access problem areas. The tooth is removed from the jaw in whole or in parts.

These difficulties entail an increase in the wound area. Sutures are often required. Therefore healing surgical field In most cases, it passes more slowly, and rehabilitation is delayed.

Symptoms and complaints after removal

During the rehabilitation period, a person undergoes some typical or specific conditions:

  • pain in the extraction area – characteristic feature after any surgical intervention, reaches its greatest peak in the morning on the second day, with an uncomplicated course it is easily and permanently stopped (stopped) with painkillers, and gradually fades away;
  • inflammation of the tissues undergoing surgery - accompanied by swelling, redness, increased local and general temperature, lasts up to 7 days, gradually decreases and passes;
  • complications occur more often than with the removal of other teeth and in a greater variety.

Important! With a typical course postoperative period antipyretic drugs are used only at temperatures above 38.5°C. This allows you to “turn on” your immunity in time and not miss the dangerous signs of the spread of infection.

Possible diseases when removing all teeth: alveolitis, abscess, phlegmon.

Unusual complications

Some symptoms occur only during surgery on the last molars. The most typical situation is when the ear hurts after wisdom tooth removal. At the same time, other symptoms of trouble appear, the overall picture looks like this:

  • shooting or throbbing periodic pain in the ear;
  • pain, both at the operation site and in the entire half of the jaw;
  • a sore throat;
  • difficulty swallowing, chewing movements, limited mouth opening;
  • enlargement of the maxillary and parotid lymph nodes;
  • limited neck mobility;
  • extensive inflammation of the mucous membranes, sometimes with suppuration;
  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling of numbness in part of the face from the side of the extracted tooth.

At favorable course postoperative period, these phenomena, having acutely arisen, dynamically decrease under the influence of the inclusion of the body’s immune response and hygienic measures until complete disappearance.


The ear hurts longer after wisdom tooth removal if:

If neglected medical recommendations the outcome of this complication can be very sad: complications are not limited to exceeding the recovery time. A permanent defect in the facial muscles may develop due to paresis (limitation of functions) due to injury to the trigeminal nerve. If your ear hurts after wisdom tooth removal, the inflammation can become chronic, which means relapses are inevitable. This does not have the best effect on auditory perception.

First aid and treatment

After the removal of a wisdom tooth, in order to avoid an unfavorable development of the situation, you should adhere to the general rules:

  • in the first hours, apply cold to the cheek on the removal side (ice or a frozen product wrapped in a cloth), keep it constantly, with breaks for 10 - 15 minutes as necessary;
  • do not expose the hole at the site of removal - the blood clot must be preserved (do not touch, do not rinse), it reliably protects the lesion until the initial healing of the wound;
  • carefully care for the oral cavity - an open wound is an excellent breeding ground for many pathogenic microorganisms and a gateway for infection to enter the ear;
  • avoid exposure to heat - it is strictly not recommended to use a heating pad, visit a steam room, or sunbathe during rehabilitation days;
  • do not endure pain, if your ear hurts after wisdom tooth removal, this is a sign of a complication, like pain in other atypical places, so you should immediately consult a dentist;
  • carefully follow all medical instructions, do not skip medications, limit activity, and take physical therapy if necessary.

How to avoid inflammation

Situations where the ear, throat, neck and head hurt after wisdom tooth removal are easier to prevent than to cure. Any additional inflammation is fraught with relapses. Therefore, it is important to prevent a condition where tooth extraction is required.

The range of dental care products is quite large and affordable. Wisdom teeth must be monitored especially carefully from the moment they appear or feel their presence in the mouth, even if they have not fully erupted. The habit of brushing these inconveniently located teeth will bring noticeable benefits.

Thus, wisdom tooth removal is not an easy procedure. Will help you avoid complications proper care, timely treatment violations of the integrity of the enamel, and if it is impossible to avoid removal, proper management of the rehabilitation period. The human factor, as in any other case of disease, plays no less significant role than the manipulation of the tooth and the prescription of treatment.

Video: How to remove wisdom teeth correctly

Removing a wisdom tooth is a complex operation. The most common causes of pain are soft tissue injury, alveolitis, periostitis, and osteomyelitis.

Wisdom tooth removal is a complex dental operation. Pain after such manipulations is common symptom, because they are injured during the intervention soft fabrics. In some cases, after removal, the throat, ear or adjacent tooth. This is due to damage to the nerve endings adjacent to the injured gum.

However, there are situations when pain is a signal of impending danger. Such situations are associated with inflammation of the oral cavity as a result of bacteria or unscrupulous dental intervention.


How long will a tooth hurt after it has been surgically removed? If the wisdom tooth was removed correctly and the intervention went without complications, the pain should go away the next day. If complications arise, for example, tooth crumbling, the wound will hurt for 1-2 days. However, if the pain does not disappear after this time, you should seek treatment. medical care.

Soft tissue injury

Slight swelling and pain spreading to the throat and ear may occur due to soft tissue injury during surgery. In such a case, pain is natural. No other symptoms are observed. The toothache is mild and goes away in a day or two, after which the person can eat, drink and smile normally again.


If a wisdom tooth is not completely removed or an infection is introduced during the operation, an inflammatory process occurs in the socket, called alveolitis. Inflammation of the wound causes severe pain. The patient develops foul breath, an unpleasant taste, and sometimes may have a headache. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help. medical assistance. If alveolitis is not treated, complications may occur.

If the wisdom tooth is not completely removed or the doctor does not properly clean the medical instruments, periostitis may occur. This disease sometimes occurs as a complication of untreated alveolitis. Periostitis is an inflammatory process in the periosteum. The disease is characterized by:

  • severe pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • increase in body temperature.

In some cases, the patient has a severe headache and general weakness. Inflammatory process in the periosteum of the jaw can cause an abscess. The pain is pronounced sharp character. If the wisdom tooth that was removed was located on upper jaw, swelling can spread to the middle of the nose. Swelling after removal of the lower wisdom tooth is localized in the upper part of the neck, chin and cheeks.


A complication of periostitis is osteomyelitis. A similar disease is an inflammatory-necrotic process in the jaw bone itself, manifested by purulent melting. This dangerous condition threatening human health and life.

During osteomyelitis, not only the bone is affected, but also Bone marrow. The disease is characterized acute pain on the affected area, strong increase body temperature, nausea, vomiting. Some patients complain that their headaches are very bad. Often the patient experiences severe swelling of the soft tissues.

Osteomyelitis is dangerous complication after wisdom tooth removal. A patient who has advanced the disease to such a state requires immediate hospitalization.

Treatment methods


If pain after wisdom tooth removal is caused by alveolitis, the first thing to do is rinse the socket antiseptic solution. It would also be a good idea to take a pain reliever. The most effective painkillers:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Baralgin;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ketanov.

However, even after taking these measures, you should consult a doctor. The first thing the doctor will do is conduct local anesthesia. After this procedure, the doctor will treat the wound with a disinfectant and remove the blood clot covering the hole. A cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic solution will be placed in this place. After such manipulation, the affected area stops hurting.

However, the patient needs to rinse his mouth with warm water and potassium permanganate for several days. How many days to continue rinsing is determined by the attending physician.

In case of pain during periostitis, self-medication is strictly prohibited. You should immediately seek medical help. Purulent periostitis is opened under local anesthesia with a special ultra-fine needle. After this, the entire contents of the abscess are removed through a special hole.

After removing the pus, the wound is washed and treated with an antiseptic solution. Next, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Treatment continues as long as the doctor prescribes.


Osteomyelitis that occurs can only be treated by a doctor. Surgically after anesthesia and treatment powerful antiseptics suppuration opens. After the pus has been removed, the patient is also given antibiotics and immunostimulants. Treatment of osteomyelitis lasts much longer than, for example, treatment of periostitis. Therapy includes a whole range of means and methods, from antibiotics to physiotherapy.

Tissue injury

There are times when toothache occurs due to injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity after a wisdom tooth has been removed. Take off unpleasant symptoms A decoction of chamomile will help. This healing herb kills harmful microbes. In addition, chamomile will help relieve inflammation and swelling of soft tissues. It is better to check with your doctor for how many days to continue rinsing with this decoction.

If after the removal of a wisdom tooth you suddenly have a headache, severe swelling lower part of the face, heat or nausea, you should seek medical help immediately. Self-medication and use folk remedies in this case, it can only worsen the situation. Don't put your life and health at risk.

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