Home Removal The whole side hurts because of the wisdom tooth. After wisdom tooth removal, ear hurts and shoots

The whole side hurts because of the wisdom tooth. After wisdom tooth removal, ear hurts and shoots

All parents are familiar with problems with teething children. Tears, whims and sleepless nights accompany the child throughout this difficult period. But sometimes cutting teeth cause inconvenience for adults too. These are the so-called “wisdom teeth,” which appear between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. They most often end up on a small area of ​​the gum, which is insufficient for their full eruption, which causes a number of complications. Therefore, most often you have to resort to removing them, but this does not always solve the problem. After the procedure, pain may occur, not only in the tooth, but also in the ear area.

Since the wisdom tooth is located at the very edge of the gum, its removal becomes a difficult task for the dentist. Most often, such teeth erupt at an irregular angle and have twisted roots. They have to be grabbed with a special tool or removed in parts. In some cases, they resort to a full-fledged surgical operation, making an incision in the gum, and then stitching.

Pain after such manipulation is a normal reaction of the body. The doctor prescribes analgesics and within two days the patient’s condition returns to normal. But what should you do if your ear hurts after tooth extraction? What is the reason?

A fragment of a tooth remains

Wisdom teeth have a small crown, but they can have a completely unpredictable number of roots. That is why, sometimes, without noticing, the dentist leaves in the hole extracted tooth small fragment. This is accompanied by shooting pain not only in the tooth, but also in the ear. I must say that discomfort after removal they will be in any case, this is still a surgical intervention, but they should disappear within a few days. If this does not happen, the gums continue to bleed and hurt, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

In some cases, pain occurs in the adjacent healthy tooth. And the patient turns to a dentist for treatment. Most often, the problem can be recognized at this stage. Conducting an X-ray examination lower jaw and remove the interfering fragment.

Inflammation of the socket

After the doctor removes the tooth, he will warn you not to rinse your mouth for 24 hours. This is necessary for the formation of a blood clot, which will then form a new piece of bone. If this recommendation is neglected, the hole may become inflamed even without any splinter. This condition is called alveolitis. The symptoms will be the same: severe pain radiating to neighboring areas, elevated temperature. A yellowish-white coating appears on the surface of the hole. This is a good reason to consult a doctor, since inflammation can spread to deeper areas and cause periostitis.

Prolonged bleeding

In addition to dental problems, a person may suffer from other somatic diseases. This is especially true for older people. They often take drugs that improve the rheological properties of the blood. In this regard, the bleeding time is prolonged. Tooth extraction is a complete surgery, so before it it is necessary to carefully collect an anamnesis. The patient should tell the doctor about all the medications he is taking. Some of them may have to be canceled for a few days.

Attention! Don't forget to tell your doctor about your chronic diseases, drug intolerances and medications you are taking. This will help avoid most unpleasant complications!

Wound suppuration

With any operation, the main complication that the doctor fears is suppuration. Moreover, most often the culprit of this problem is the patient himself. For some reason, many people become extremely interested in what exactly is going on in the socket of the extracted tooth and they begin to actively check its condition with their tongue at best, and with toothpicks and hands at worst.

No less common cause the purulent process is caused by improper oral hygiene. After tooth extraction, it is necessary to continue cleaning them, excluding the affected area. If the doctor prescribes treatment antiseptic solutions, which means you need to put them in your mouth, keep them there for a while, and then spit them out. Rinsing in the first days is prohibited.

If inflammation could not be avoided, then it manifests itself the following symptoms. Body temperature rises, intense, twitching pain appears, radiating to the ear and lower jaw. Swelling and redness appear. The angle of the lower jaw is smoothed if the causative tooth is located there. If the wisdom tooth was located on upper jaw, swelling can affect the entire upper half of the face.

Trigeminal neuralgia

If your ear hurts after wisdom tooth removal, damage may be the cause. trigeminal nerve. It provides sensory and motor innervation to the face and head. This nerve has three branches, which is why it got its name. In case of injury or inflammation, very severe pain occurs. People who experience it can rarely name an analogue of such sensations. Sometimes, in order to calm it down, you even have to resort to narcotic analgesics. Nerve endings can be injured during surgery if they are abnormally located or are close to the site of intervention. Along with the pain, there is a burning sensation and a feeling of numbness in the gums, oral mucosa and cheek skin. In this case, you need to consult a neurologist.

Dry socket treatment

We have already said that after extraction, a blood clot forms in the tooth socket. It is necessary to protect damaged tissues. Sometimes, if the doctor’s instructions are not followed, the clot is washed out and a so-called “dry socket” is formed. This occurs with excessive rinsing of the mouth, eating hot and mechanically traumatic food.

If this happens, you need to visit your dentist again. He will recommend special compresses made from a cotton swab lubricated with ointments with an antiseptic and regenerating effect. After some time, the wound should heal.

First aid and treatment

If ear pain after wisdom tooth removal appears on the first day, then do not worry. It should subside over the next two to three days. All recommendations of the dentist should be followed. Do not rinse your mouth, do not touch the socket when brushing your teeth, do not eat hard, hot or spicy foods for at least the first two days after surgical intervention. If everything is done correctly, complications rarely occur. The exception is people with immunodeficiency of any kind. These are patients with diabetes mellitus, people suffering from liver cirrhosis, infectious chronic hepatitis and HIV infection. They need prophylactic antibiotic therapy before tooth extraction and for several days after it. Without this, bacterial complications develop in most cases.

In the first few days, you can use any usual analgesics. It is better to sleep on the affected side, this helps reduce painful sensations. If the pain and bleeding does not go away after two or three days, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to avoid inflammation

It is better to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with its consequences. Therefore, you need to take care of your oral cavity. Dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth before they begin to cause discomfort. This may not be justified in all situations, but you should still listen to your feelings. If a cutting tooth hurts, bothers you for a long time and does not come to the surface, this is a reason to seek help from a doctor.

Proper hygiene and timely brushing of teeth are also the key to oral health. Don't forget about mouthwash and dental floss.

A dentist is a doctor whose visit scares many of us. Memories from distant childhood about the lack of anesthesia and old instruments can drive anyone to a state of panic. But we should not forget that medicine is moving forward and modern painkillers make it possible to carry out even complex surgical interventions without causing severe discomfort. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid; timely preventive visits to the dentist will reduce the risk of developing serious pathology to a minimum. Then not only the teeth, but also other ENT organs will be fine.

Are you worried about a wisdom tooth growing at the wrong angle? Or maybe the erupting wisdom tooth is causing severe pain? Read on to learn more about the symptoms of impacted (sunk) wisdom teeth and simple methods combat these symptoms.

Third molars are known as "wisdom teeth", since they are the last to erupt in the late adolescence or even at the beginning of the third decade of life, i.e. at a time when one is supposed to become wiser. An adult may have a total of four wisdom teeth, but the number usually varies from person to person. Some have more of them, while others have less or even none. Often, wisdom teeth become impacted (sunk), and their development leads to an excess number of teeth in the oral cavity. This causes certain dental problems, such as gum disease, caries, etc.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Sensitivity: Due to lack of space in the jaw, wisdom teeth sometimes become trapped, leading to sensitivity. This sensitivity can cause discomfort.

Pain: Local infection around the teeth, known as pericoronitis, can cause pain in the affected area. Toothache is the most common symptom among wisdom teeth infection symptoms.

Facial swelling: Impacted wisdom teeth that have grown at an incorrect angle and position may cause facial swelling. However, the cause of edema may also be worsening pericoronitis. Swelling may also appear in the ear or throat area. This is the most common symptom among the symptoms of sunken wisdom teeth.

Sore throat and nausea: When pericoronitis spreads to the deep tissues of the face and jaw, the main symptoms are usually a sore throat and nausea.

Heat: In most cases, pericoronitis may cause fever and fatigue.

Difficulty swallowing: If teeth become infected and cause severe pain, you may have difficulty opening your mouth and swallowing.

Pus: Sometimes the infection causes pus to form in the gums.

Increase lymph nodes: Due to worsening infection or sinking of wisdom teeth, enlargement of the lymph nodes under the jaw may occur, leading to a sore throat.

Redness and inflammation of the gums: When wisdom teeth erupt, the gums around them usually become red or inflamed.

Difficulty brushing teeth: Growing wisdom teeth make it difficult to brush and floss.

Difficulty chewing: Impacted teeth can scratch the cheek if they grow to the side. This can lead to the formation of ulcers on the cheek, making chewing difficult.

Cysts or tumors: Very rarely, cysts or tumors are observed around impacted wisdom teeth. An unerupted tooth embedded in the jaw can lead to the formation of cysts.

Headache: Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause headache And constant pain in the jaw.

Bad breath: An infected wisdom tooth can cause unpleasant odor from mouth.


What will relieve toothache

  • Home Remedies to Relieve Pain Associated with Wisdom Teeth.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers can help.
  • Rinsing with warm salt water helps soothe your gums.
  • Antibiotics, taken under the supervision of a dentist, are effective in relieving pain associated with infection and controlling the infection.

Taking care of your teeth will help prevent the infection from getting worse. If an infection is detected on early stage, it can be easily cured. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, as this allows you to identify problems in their initial stages.

Because wisdom teeth are located in the back of the mouth, they are more prone to tooth decay.

Maintaining oral hygiene, i.e. Proper brushing and flossing helps limit the spread of infection. If infection and pain persist, wisdom teeth may need to be removed. If an impacted wisdom tooth is interfering with jaw movement or causing problems when chewing, your dentist may remove it. In very rare cases, the dentist recommends surgical removal. Removing a wisdom tooth can be as simple as removing any other tooth.

Oral hygiene is very important for healthy gums and teeth. The information provided by dental health services can always help you learn how to cope with wisdom teeth pain or any other dental-related symptoms.

“Your ear and throat hurt on one side: your wisdom tooth is coming out,” you thought. But in fact, there may be several reasons why a sore throat occurs and radiates to the ear, and this is far from a wisdom tooth.

Causes of pain

People often complain that their throat hurts, and on top of that there is a sore throat in the ear. right side or in the ear on the left side, and also fluid appeared in the ear. One version may be ordinary otitis media. But there are other diseases that occur with such symptoms.

It can be:

  1. measles;
  2. chicken pox;
  3. diphtheria;
  4. scarlet fever;
  5. Infectious mononucleosis.

To find out what kind of disease you have, you need to visit a doctor. He will be able to find out what kind of disease it is, where it “came” from and will tell you in detail how to treat it.

If you have a dry cough, headache, fever, runny nose, then this may be acute pharyngitis. But such symptoms also occur when wisdom teeth appear.

As a rule, in this case, in addition to the above symptoms, there is also a swollen gum, a stuffy nose, and a stuffy ear inside.

Sometimes this condition is observed in a child whose first teeth are coming out.

Reducing pain

So, what to do when a wisdom tooth comes out, and the feeling of pain intensifies every minute.

Under no circumstances should you heat the tooth or sore gum. Heat will only provoke inflammatory process and its further development.

That's why warm heating pad or warm rinse solutions are strictly prohibited. If the pain is simply unbearable, you can take an analgin tablet or another painkiller. But during pregnancy, taking any medications is undesirable.

If you do not accept medicine and want to relieve pain at home yourself, you can rinse your mouth with a cold solution of soda or salt.


It happens that a kind of “hood” has formed over a growing tooth. In this case folk remedies can't get by here. You should definitely visit a dentist who will remove it and thereby relieve the pain.

Remember the main thing: if you have a stuffy ear, a sore throat, a sore cheek, etc., but you don’t know for sure what it is, don’t self-medicate, but go to a specialist.

And don’t repeat my mistake: if a tooth is pulled out, do not allow an open hole to form, i.e., a blood clot should form in the hole from the tooth. To do this, you need to avoid any load. It's better to lie down and do nothing. And half an hour later I grabbed the younger one and rushed with the older one to the doctor. As a result, blood flowed from the mouth for a long time due to the load. I've been on children's Nurofen for a week (because I'm still breastfeeding) - it doesn't help much. All the teeth on the side where they were torn hurt and it radiates into the ear. The only +, I can’t eat - a little...


I think it all depends on the doctor and the body. Of course, you need to immediately follow the recommendations, and under no circumstances lift something heavy, especially if the tooth was sick. But professionalism also plays a role. They pulled it out for me at the Moscow clinic “Smile”, on Alekseevskaya. There were no problems at all. The doctors there know their stuff; by the way, on their website they describe the nuances of removal:
Maybe you should go to another clinic for a consultation if you’ve been suffering for so long?

Don’t rinse your teeth, I drank cold coffee through a straw for three days. And sleep on the opposite side so that there is no swelling.

They came out a long time ago and are standing still, but today my gums are swollen and some kind of garbage... Does this happen?

Stop enduring pain! Start restoring...

Every third resident of Russia has encountered a problem at least once hypersensitivity teeth, and every tenth person lives with it permanently. Acute short-term pain that occurs upon contact with cold air, from hot and cold drinks, sweet, sour or spicy foods interferes with enjoying life. Anyone who has once experienced such sensations tries to avoid situations that could provoke pain. There is no need to endure, because getting rid of dental hypersensitivity is so easy...

Good afternoon! Today I went to the doctor and scheduled wisdom tooth removal and said... that this is like a mini operation and you will have to take 2 weeks of sick leave. Because it will require stitches and will also hurt the cheek, since it grows perpendicular to all the teeth. And this must be done urgently. But it doesn't bother me. Is this necessary? please advise. Afraid. Thank you


Everyone has their own story. Mine happened not long ago. The wisdom tooth grew perpendicularly, and as it turned out, it grew well and rested on the neighboring 7th one. There was not an ounce of anxiety. But due to the planned move, I decided to fix the problem on the spot. And literally the next day my mouth began to open worse.. In general, I saw a doctor (by appointment) on the 2-3rd day. The mouth opened less and less. The doctor joyfully declared that for a couple more days it would be impossible to open her mouth, she would have to cut it from the outside.

For me the operation did not go very smoothly. To extract the tooth, the jaw was drilled. The procedure is unpleasant. The effects lasted for more than a week. If I hadn’t quit by that time, I wouldn’t have gone to work. Fortunately, they let us on the plane with this disgrace.

My husband had a similar situation, they did everything the same, but he did not have such consequences.

It seems to me better to play it safe and do it on Thursday, take Friday day-off. And at work, be sure to warn about the upcoming procedure. Just choose a doctor more carefully, better than one who has definitely already performed such operations on acquaintances or friends. And if something appears later, a wonderful ointment is Arnica. It's a pity that I remembered about her too late..

Why delete it, it is destroyed? I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed, I had to suffer with only one, where the roots grew out of control. And still, no sick leave or stitches were needed. I think you are being intimidated :))

Girls! Has anyone treated a wisdom tooth? The tooth has severe caries, 2 doctors at the consultation told me to remove it (I think it’s easier for them to remove it than to treat it) - they don’t seem to be needed... it’s a pity for the tooth :) Does anyone have examples and contacts of a good doctor ? thank you *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


If anyone has contact information for a good doctor, please let me know...
I won't delete it yet

I succumbed in the same way - I removed it... then they removed a complex one with a cyst nearby, then another one, which broke off at the root during the restoration - I had to remove it and in the end I was left without teeth on one side... and if there was a wisdom tooth, it would have been possible to bridge do...

Hello everyone. I was a passive reader, I want to actively participate in the conference. We have problems. We decided on the second one, it didn’t work out for four months. Along the way, we improved our health, didn’t drink, all sorts of necessary ultrasound I did it, they swallowed folic acid, etc. In short, everything was fine and suddenly: severe headaches, wisdom teeth came out, sore throat, cough and a couple of other problems. The therapist doesn’t know what it is. She ordered an x-ray, a blood test and prescribed antibiotics. And ,climax,positive test. My husband is upset, I’m in shock, we’re looking for a good doctor. HOW...


first of all, congratulations! And secondly, don’t worry: if all the children on the Planet were conceived only on vitamins, we would have died out long ago :) My friends, after drinking heavily, conceived a child, they didn’t plan at all - a wonderful pregnancy, my son is 2.5 years old :) And My husband and I planned and planned, drank and drank vitamins before conception, and as a result - a non-developing pregnancy :(
Everything will be fine!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Get well soon and take care of the baby :-))) It’s better to postpone the X-ray. First, blood test, and then act according to the situation. Good luck!!!

I went to the dentist today after 2 weeks of constant toothache... I thought it was the tooth that was being treated that hurt... But it turned out that it was my half-decayed wisdom tooth that hurt, damn it. Tomorrow they will urgently remove it for me:((((((I am shaking all over, despite the fact that I found a good doctor, and for me this process has ceased to be so painful... But I have heard terrible stories about the removal of these teeth wisdom, and I myself feel that it won’t be so easy, there’s almost no tooth there, what’s his name...


Katya, I recently had it removed (as the Samurai’s Daughter rightly noted). It seems to me that it’s really better to take time off from work - when the frost goes away, it hurts significantly :(.

But there is no need to be too afraid. If the freezing is good, then you will almost not feel the removal itself - only unpleasant SOUNDS - crackling, crunching :)). About an hour later - no big deal either. Then you drink Ketanov (by the way, it’s not at all expensive) and do everything as the doctor said.
And then be sure to see a doctor until the hole heals.

I recently had my lower half-decayed tooth removed. It’s better to take time off from work... then my throat still hurt for about 4 days. (by the way, if my throat hurts the best remedy keratol - verified) And a week ago a friend had her upper one removed, so at least she needs some henna. the frost lifted and she went to wash her pulled out tooth.

I apologize if my question seems very stupid and even funny to someone :)) The question is: how difficult and how painful is it to remove wisdom teeth? The fact is that by nature my teeth are very good (TTCHNS!), since childhood I have been terrified of dentists, so I take good care of my teeth to the point of fanaticism and go to the dentist every 6 months :) In connection with this, I haven’t had any drilling done for many years teeth, and they never pulled them out, and therefore I was hopelessly behind reality. Recently at the dental center...

Temperature stays at 37

Question from a group member: “The child is 7 years old. A week and a half ago, I had a sore throat, a fever and, as a result, a cough and runny nose. Now the throat has gone away, there is almost no runny nose and the cough has become much better, but the temperature still remains at 37.3-37.5 in the evenings. Question 1: what causes the temperature and how to help him? Question 2: can you get infected from it now? infant ps: the doctor looked and said that there was no wheezing in the lungs and the throat was normal and that supposedly this was all a residual effect.” Questions...


A prolonged increase in temperature (more than 6 days) may indicate complications; perhaps the virus has become bacterial infection. It wouldn't hurt to donate blood.
And until the causes of the temperature are determined, it is better to avoid contact with the baby so as not to get sick.

Chronic tonsillitis or tonsil removal.

I’ll save it here for history)))) In case it comes in handy for someone. At first I was worried purulent plugs, which were periodically squeezed out of the tonsils and bad breath. With this I went to the ENT specialist at the clinic. Diagnosis made: chronic tonsillitis. Treatment is removal of the tonsils, because nothing else helps. I am receiving a referral to City Hospital No. 12 in the ENT department for a consultation. There the diagnosis was confirmed. I am collecting tests for hospitalization. Important! For women: the operation is performed after menstruation to reduce...


Today is my sixth day after the operation, everything was a little different, but overall it seems like this))

I'm still in the hospital (I hope they'll be discharged tomorrow before the holidays)
Thanks for the advice about the ears. It’s really easier to swallow, otherwise I move food around in my mouth, not daring to swallow))

Tell me, how long did you keep the temperature? I still have 37.2-37.3 in the afternoon

about urine is also true, I was unprepared and a little tense, besides, I got to the ENT through a nephrologist (they suspected plugs and harmful bacteria)

Thanks for the advice. My daughters will have their tonsils removed on March 5th. We decided to operate not with a barbaric loop, but with a plasma coagulator under anesthesia. But for money. She remembers the adenotomy with horror, they decided not to torture her anymore.

Three days of pain and sleepless nights, I made an appointment with one doctor, but refused to see me because I was pregnant, I had to go to another place... then double anesthesia + anesthesia into the nerve (otherwise it wouldn’t work), incision of the hood, removal, suturing. The anesthesia has not yet worn off, but they said that it will still hurt for a couple of days.

Please, help!!! Apparently I got cold in the car about 3 days ago. Hurts left side faces, or rather lower gum in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth and the left side of the throat. My mouth doesn’t really open, I eat in small pieces, I have difficulty swallowing: (At night I smeared my neck with MOM (children’s ointment) and wrapped it with a scarf. I gargle, but it doesn’t get any easier: (((What else can I do? And what are the dangers of this?? ?


And in my opinion it looks like a tonsil. If they are not removed from you... I suffered like this a couple of times - it radiated into the teeth, and into the ear, and into the eyes on the same side - I thought the trigeminal nerve had caught a cold - it turned out that only the tonsil was inflamed. Rinses, aspirin, analgin helped - everything was as usual, all sorts of Fervexes, everything went away in a couple of days.

Drink ketorol (for tooth/bone pain with a slight anti-inflammatory effect), you could add Biseptol for adults 2 t/2 times a day (anti-inflammatory, but not an antibiotic), + diazolin (this is actually an antihistamine, but in combination with the above tablets it helps relieve swelling). Gargle and also for the gums: take hot infusions of herbs into your mouth (chamomile, sage, or if you don’t have anything at home, then just soda - 1 tsp per glass hot water) and keep it in your mouth until it cools (but not boiling water, but so that you feel warm in your mouth, and so on several times in a row), as my dentist once advised me. Although if there is no positive effect within a day or two, you will have to see a doctor (maybe this is already severe unilateral sinusitis, which radiates pain to the eyes and teeth).

I got sick last night, I don’t understand what it is: (my throat hurts, on the one hand, it hurts to swallow, and on the same side the lymph nodes are swollen, I don’t remember this happening with a sore throat, is it even possible? Maybe it should already Should I run to the doctor urgently? There’s no pace... and how can I be treated, given that we have a guard? I’m completely confused at the right moment!


Thank you all so much for your responsiveness! bioparox turned out to be expired already
Since I won’t be able to go to the pharmacy on my own, especially with my child, I’ll wait for the evening and in the meantime I’ll rinse! and started drinking the fruit drink hot :)

Is there a wisdom tooth coming out by chance?

My husband got sick... Suddenly in half a day. So, in addition to coughing and pain in the sternum, he increased salivation? Why could this be?


Try giving him Tinctal and licorice. At night, spread melted, still hot lard and wrap him up. I advise you to keep your head higher. For the throat - Doctor MOM lozenges.

Maybe feed him? :)))

03/24/2001 12:21:09, Marina P.

Maybe someone could help me with something... I’ve already lost all my presence of mind:((what happened: I took an antibiotic for a month for rashes on my face. Then on Monday the temp was 38. Since Tuesday my gums have become swollen. + wisdom teeth total cut: temperature 37-38 weeks, gums all swollen with white spots. Sore throat. I went to the doctor, she said sore throat + type of dysbacteriosis but on the gums. They prescribed 2 new antibiotics - for sore throats and for gum inflammation, rinses, baths.. but it doesn't get better. I rinse...


Listen, I have similar crap, the only difference is that I had a sore throat, took an antibiotic, it got better, then the tooth healed (just a piece of the filling fell off), my throat started hurting again, but it happens to me that I can’t get by with one antibiotic) I took another, a day after finishing, the throat hurts again and radiates into the ears, now the wisdom tooth has started to move again, the gums on top hurt. And during this period I began to wheeze, and now if I talk a lot, as the night gets closer, my throat gets worse. Damn, it’s been three weeks already, I’m sick of it.

Did you tell the doctor that you took an antibiotic a month before? It is quite possible that you have poisoned your flora and your fungus has grown, so there is no cure. You should consult with your doctor again, maybe you need to drink or apply something antifungal.
If this is still a consequence of a sore throat (my eldest son had this last year), he was prescribed Metrogil-dent gel for inflammation of the gums:

Climbing for 4 days. It hurts, dog. Yesterday, at an appointment with a paid dentist, after taking a picture, it became clear that there was inflammation, there was nowhere for it to go, and the verdict was to remove it. Moreover, the doctor, looking at the picture, did not promise easy removal. In general, the appointment is only for Monday (they won’t have a surgeon before), and before Monday he suggested taking the antibiotic Tseprolet with the words “in any case, you must first wait until the inflammation goes away, and only then remove it.” I started taking antibiotics...


The decision about what to do with the tooth is made by the dentist during an in-person examination. I can recommend the doctor Elena Alekseevna Novik, to whom I have been going for medical examinations and treatment for several years now at the DentaVita clinic, at St. Chistye Prudy metro station. She is a great specialist with extensive experience.

09.01.2013 14:21:11

Wean off the pacifier - seize the moment!

A pacifier for your child - best friend? Don’t worry, the time will come and the baby will part with her forever. You can help the baby and push him to such an important decision for him. Should you give a pacifier to your child? If your baby is one of those who has become friends with a pacifier quickly and for a long time, you, as a competent mother, having read books and articles by psychologists on the Internet, are thinking about how to wean your child off a pacifier. Should I do this? How to implement your plan as gently as possible for the child? Yes and...

But miracles still happen. Freken's blog on 7ya.ru

Actually, I'm a skeptic. I haven’t believed in Santa Claus for a long time, but tooth Fairy He demands money from me for every tooth. But today.....just some kind of holiday :). The bottom line is this spring, returning from an excursion while on vacation, I forgot my tablet in the back seat. I realized this already at the hotel, there was nowhere to call. In addition, the bus seemed to be branded (from Pegasus), but small and without identification marks, there was no guide, and the driver spoke only the local dialect. Calls to the hotel guide - nothing...

I apologize in advance, it is so unpleasant, hygienic: (but as a girl, it is extremely important for me to solve it... in general, I have problems with my throat and now, with horror, I realized that my husband does not like to kiss me, most likely because bad breath:(((damn damn damn, I’m in shock and horror, in winter I’ll remove my tonsils and hope that the situation will improve, but what should I do now??? it’s impossible to walk around with thermonuclear mint chewing gum in your mouth all the time? or some terrible elixirs, I know some...


if everything is fine with your teeth and you are sure that it is tonsils? they themselves do not smell only if you have chronic tansilitis with caseous plugs.
It’s these plugs that smell (terribly simply) when it’s not deep in the gaps, but is already coming out, that’s where the smell is.
but there is no need to remove the tonsils at all, if you are not at an advanced stage, then it is enough to wash them.
But these tips like rinse it yourself or squeeze it out with your finger... it’s not worth it.
rinse with course.
I take my little one for rinsing, it’s very effective. washed manually, because The hardware cannot get into such a small throat.
There is a tonsilor device, of course not for the faint of heart, but it will suck out the entire threshing floor like a vacuum cleaner.

Well, rinsing almost every day.
for every day we have miramistin or water with sea salt
sometimes furatsilin, in the acute stage also hexoral.

Yes, there are many different rinses.

The smell is most likely not due to the tonsils, but due to gastric tract or teeth.

Or they just remove (? The pancake hurt (, they drilled it out, put medicine in it, closed it with a temporary filling. It hurts to drill it, even under anesthesia (. And then it will be even more difficult (. Share your experience of who treated (and removed it), did it hurt? Successfully? Or that’s all I had to delete it anyway? And deletion... How is that? complex roots? Though general anesthesia ask ((((*** Topic moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


In my youth I treated. I remember the treatment because I couldn’t close my mouth - while they were doing it, my lower jaw dislocated. The doctor was so scared!! They even called the surgeon to fix it. After some years it was removed.

I deleted it without hesitation. The roots were long, but the doctor managed it, the anesthesia was good, I didn’t feel anything, there were no stitches. The pain was only on the first day, I rinsed for a week with something like chlorhexidine.

I’ll also ask you to calm me down, it’s been hurting somewhere since Wednesday, how do I understand the lymph node or how to put it? I saw a doctor, but my doctor went on vacation, and a young intern replaced him... he didn’t give anything to relieve the pain, but he told me to do a blood test... if you look at the neck, then we have two lymph nodes, that’s right, and it hurts on the left side, not a sore throat, although, probably, I would prefer a sore throat and I’m afraid the test result will be in 8-10 days... where can I read something so as not to worry? Thank you! one of you.


Now my throat has been healed a little, the lymph nodes don’t seem to hurt anymore, but they are still big, my cough is really dry now - it doesn’t stop - I don’t know what to treat anymore - but the doctor is against anibiotics. And my daughter is a baby - 5 soon - she was sick all year and this year until October, there is always an infection in the garden, now it’s really an innovation - patients are completely sent to the doctor and she goes at least for the second week, otherwise right away if not for the first day, then on the second I definitely got sick - now she goes to kindergarten, but the lymph nodes are still large (in the summer - until we went to kindergarten - everything was ok).

Yes, don’t be so afraid, the lymph nodes become inflamed when there is an infection in the body, I have been treating my throat for two months soon, all this time they have been inflamed.

It is forbidden to get sick! Blog of user yanost on 7ya.ru

I see everyone is posting a list of illnesses, the recovery period, etc. 1. In our house, getting sick is not allowed at all and they don’t talk about it) if someone starts to have something, it’s him who recovers or is healed 2. It’s his problem, get rid of it get out of here! Mom won’t jump around like a bunny, won’t bring you a warm drink, and won’t turn on anything to watch. My husband used to get sick often, because... I didn’t want to go to school. Yes, I remember it myself - being sick was such a pleasure, you don’t have to go to school, you just lie there and watch TV...


good luck to you! health! I agree that thoughts are material, but unfortunately there are diseases that cannot be driven away..... and God forbid you find out about such diseases....

even we had the most banal scarlet fever, and even if I screamed and waved it off, scarlet fever would not go away in one evening
and this is not the worst thing a child can get,
You can’t ignore leukemia either.....

Well, I wasn’t too lazy to find it, they sent something like this to me social networks... I want to say in advance that on the one hand, of course, the attitude is important, but believe me, not everything can be cured with words!!! That’s what family is for, to support not only with words but also with warmth and care (during illnesses too) I am for classical medicine, let good doctors there are few in our country, but still listening to them is better than hating the disease and perhaps not knowing about it due to your confidence that there is nothing :(



Famous child psychiatrist Professor Boris Zinovievich Drapkin
and in fact believed that a mother could help her child overcome even the most serious illness: after all, there is such a close relationship between them!

Finally, a mother can give her child a mindset of happiness - and he will become a happy and successful person.

Mom's voice becomes like inner voice child. If the mother is always angry, irritated, and insists that the baby is not what she would like, the growing little man is given a program of failures and illnesses. And vice versa: if this voice constantly approves, supports, gives instructions for happiness and health, then all psycho-emotional processes return to normal.


The phrases that need to be pronounced are not random. Every word is thought out and tested; they cannot be changed. The basic part of suggestion, consisting of 4 blocks, is useful for any child, even the healthiest and happiest one :)

Vitamin of mother's love.

With these words, a mother pours out her love on her child:
“I love you very, very much. You are the dearest and dearest thing I have. You are my dear piece, my dear blood. I cannot live without you. Dad and I love you very much.”

Installation on physical health.

For minor ailments, this “mother therapy” alone can cure without any medications:
"You are strong, healthy, beautiful child, my boy (girl). You eat well and therefore grow and develop quickly. You have a strong, healthy heart, chest, and tummy. You move easily and beautifully. You are seasoned, you rarely get sick."

Focus on neuropsychic health, normal mental development.

"You calm boy(girl). You have good strong nerves. You are patient, you are kind, you are sociable. You are clever. Your head is developing well. You understand and remember everything well. You always have good mood, and you love to smile. You sleep well. You fall asleep easily and quickly, you see only good things good dreams. You rest well when you sleep. Your speech develops well and quickly."

4TH BLOCK - reflects folk wisdom.

Since ancient times, a mother would take a sick child and hold her close to her. inner strength cleared him of his illness:
"Give me your disease!"
“I take and throw away your illness and your difficulties. (Next, the mother names the child’s specific problems.)
I take and throw away yours bad dream(if the child does not sleep well).
I take and throw away your nightmares.
I take your whininess and throw it away.
I take away and throw away your dislike for food.
(And the final phrase...) I love you very, very much."

If the baby is seriously ill, the doctor must develop a special program, and individual treatment will be added to the four basic blocks.

Say these words to your sweetly sleeping children - and they will definitely grow up healthy, smart and happy.


It's best to practice new technique when the baby is sleeping. He will remember very well what mom said at night.
So, 20 - 30 minutes after the baby has fallen asleep, sit down by his bed with the text in your hands and read each phrase three times: first mentally for yourself, then mentally - addressing the child, then out loud.
Do this every day: a month, two - depends on the child’s condition. Neither high fever nor other manifestations of the disease are contraindications.
But if the mother herself is not in shape - she is sick, she is nervous - it is better to cancel the session.


"I love you very much. You are the dearest and dearest thing I have. You are strong, healthy, beautiful. You eat well and develop well. You have a healthy heart, chest, and tummy. You move easily and beautifully. You don't catch a cold. You have strong, healthy nerves. Your intellect is developing well. You are always in a good mood, you smile often. You fall asleep easily and quickly, all you see is good dreams. You have a great rest in your sleep. I love you so much!"

When starting treatment, it would be good, according to Boris Zinovievich, to get yourself a special notebook with two columns. On the right, describe all the manifestations of your child’s illness, and in the column on the left, regularly write down all the good things. For example, he began to eat better, smiles more often, made new friends...

That's all, actually :)

It seems like nothing new. But the benefits are obvious. Many psychotherapists believe that adult problems (for example, a tendency to depression, neuroses) “grow” from childhood and are explained by lack of attention and love at that time. Mothers are advised to hold the baby in their arms as much as possible, touch him affectionately, and breastfeed as long as possible. Then the baby (and then the adult) will feel protected."

Girls, who knows - if I have a residual cold, my throat still hurts and I have a cough, I probably won’t be able to treat my teeth? Do I need to transfer? There’s an appointment for tomorrow, but I’m sick and won’t be able to recover at all until tomorrow :-(*** Topic moved from the conference “SP: get-togethers”


Better to re-register. You should not treat your teeth if you have a sore throat. I definitely wouldn't go. It's somehow even inconvenient. You open your mouth, but the doctor sees that your throat hurts. And what could be the result of treatment if an infection gets into a drilled tooth?

09/06/2012 23:17:11, Kortikova

In my experience - no. I was also pregnant. True, I’m not a tooth, I cut off a pocket from a wisdom tooth, everything in my mouth became inflamed. I was sick for a month after that, I thought I wouldn’t survive:((((. And not the teeth and mouth, namely general state, pace, cough, how settled in.. Good luck and health to you, may everything be great!

Sashka got sick (((. Blog of user Ivolga on 7ya.ru

Such a small sore ((((so sorry for him (((for two days the temperature reaches 39, paracetamol does not knock him down for long, he’s so nice, capricious, but my sun still smiles. At a high rate he vomits. And so only snot, we have and Kostya has snot, and Arishka, but without tempo. It would be better if I got sick too, then maybe I could protect Sasha... I really hope that it’s ARVI, I tested my urine today, according to appearance normal (Kostya had pyelonephritis, I’m afraid of them). I didn’t feed you any food yesterday, it’s probably better not...


Oh, so many things! Hold on! Get well! Do not be ill! And happy birthday to Kostya!

How much do you have, Olya, in total!!! First of all, let's start with the good, Happy Valentine's Day to Kostya, and wishes not only to him, but to everyone... Get well soon and away with lice!! I feel sorry for Sashka: - (little one... I don’t know about complementary feeding, I wouldn’t give it, but not at all water? Even for an adult from a cup? (we just really like to do everything like adults), try pouring it from a syringe (although I think, knowing you and your experience, that I have already tried)

Dentistry without secrets: when toothache kills, why you can’t brush your teeth after cola and proper whitening

Cold relieves pain and reduces swelling. If this doesn't help, you can use it to lubricate your gums. dental gel or ointment containing anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If necessary, you can give your child a pain reliever. Apply any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor. Have you cut your teeth? It's time to clean Our daughter is 2 years old. Her teeth erupted white and healthy, but Lately began to darken and collapse. Tell me, what's the matter? Immediately after teething, the baby’s teeth are exposed to aggressive influences. external environment. Microbes settle on the teeth, forming a film of plaque. Acids are actively produced in dental plaque...

Before swallowing hot liquid, hold it in your mouth around the tooth]. In addition, many rinses are perceived as a loud gurgling in the throat over the sink or bathtub with frightened relatives shying away as they spit and splash the contents throughout the bathroom. In fact, we are not treating the throat, but the teeth, and it is not necessary to wet the throat, but to give the tooth hot baths. Therefore, I offer a pleasant (as far as dental treatment can be pleasant) alternative. We take the jar in one hand, the basin in the other, sit down in front of our favorite TV [or with our favorite notes], put our hands on our cheeks and stare at the TV. When you feel that it has cooled down, spit it into a basin, take a new portion, and so on until the jar is completely destroyed [take the jar...

Already erupted but incorrectly positioned wisdom teeth can also lead to the development of inflammation, since in some cases it is difficult to daily hygiene oral cavity and the resulting plaque is often a source of infection. In such cases, the wisdom tooth is also removed. Sometimes, when a wisdom tooth erupts, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve may begin, then severe pain occurs along the branches of this nerve. Diagnosis of improper eruption of wisdom teeth Diagnosis is based on a thorough examination of the patient and data x-ray examination, which allow you to fully clarify the location of the tooth, its roots, hard tissues (jaw bones) surrounding the tooth and the degree of its immersion in the cell (a place in the jaw intended specifically for...


I had one crooked wisdom tooth out of four. The gums around him were constantly swollen. My dentist (a Russian doctor who works here in America, where I live), immediately said that the tooth needed to be removed. And at the same time all the other wisdom teeth too (!). The first removal was very problematic, as described in the article - a dry socket that did not want to heal. For two weeks I lived on painkillers, and then on antibiotics. The pain was so bad that I couldn't sleep at night. When everything had healed, the doctor began to insist on removing the remaining three teeth, arguing that these teeth are not needed at all - this is one, they create inflammation around themselves due to their irregularity - that's two, and you can't get to them with any brush - that's three. I resisted for several years, because... I remembered my first removal experience. But when the gums around another wisdom tooth began to swell regularly, I went to the doctor and agreed to have it removed. And what’s interesting is that all the next three removals went absolutely smoothly and without complications. I have been living without wisdom teeth for 6 or 7 years now. And really, why are they needed? :)

Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed. The procedure turned out to be not an easy one, since, as the doctor said, the roots of the tooth were curved and had an irregular shape. The tooth had to be removed in stages, the gums were cut. By the evening, when the effect of the anesthetic injection had worn off, I felt that not only my wound hurt, but also my gums and throat. I don’t know what to do now. Tell us, if your throat hurts after wisdom tooth removal, what can you do in this case?

According to dentists, if your throat hurts after wisdom tooth removal, then this is not a reason to worry. This is how the body reacts to trauma. But if the pain does not go away within 24 hours, it is also accompanied by high temperature, then in this case it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care. It is quite possible that an infection was introduced during removal, which means that antibiotics cannot be avoided.

To prevent a sore throat from bothering you, you must follow some rules:

  1. For 2-3 hours after tooth extraction, do not eat or smoke.
  2. For several days, try not to chew on the side where the removal was performed. In this case, the food should be soft and easily digestible.
  3. At severe pain You can take pain medication to relieve pain.
  4. It is not prohibited to gargle with a decoction of medicinal plants, such as chamomile, sage or calendula. But you should not rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions and juices immediately after the operation. It is best to do this after 4-5 days. For example, to accelerate tissue regeneration at the site of an extracted tooth, you can use aloe juice mixed with warm water in a 1:2 ratio.
  5. If swelling of the cheek or gums occurs, you can apply ice.

If your throat hurts after tooth extraction, you can resort to antiseptic baths prepared using special solutions that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It must be remembered that under no circumstances should the solution be swallowed or rinse the mouth with it. You need to put it in your mouth, hold it for a couple of minutes and spit it out.

One of the most common ways to relieve swelling is rinsing. saline solution. It is easy to prepare - you will need ½ teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. You can rinse only one day after the surgical procedure to remove the tooth.

If after all the procedures the condition does not improve, you should seek help from your dentist.

The healing process of a wound from an extracted wisdom tooth is usually painful, with minor complications. And only proper care behind oral cavity, timely treatment will have a healing effect on the entire oral cavity.

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