Home Hygiene Irrigation dermatitis. Dermatitis: types, clinical picture, treatment

Irrigation dermatitis. Dermatitis: types, clinical picture, treatment

Dermatitisinflammatory disease skin, which arises due to exposure to various internal or external unfavorable factors of physical, chemical or biological origin. Such factors are most often burns and pathogens.

The main signs of dermatitis are severe skin itching, redness, rash, watery blisters, and crusting.

Depending on the etiology of the disease, as well as the adopted correct measures To prevent the development of this disease, the damage caused to health depends - from a mild reaction in the form of a rash, which immediately stops after stopping contact with the pathogen, to serious complications that take more than one day to treat and can lead to disruption of the homeostasis of the body as a whole.

Dermatitis is part of a group of skin diseases called -.

Dermatitis. ICD

ICD-10: L30.9
ICD-9: 692.9

Causes of dermatitis

Among the causes of dermatitis are:

Physical factor

The disease develops against the background of:

- high or low temperature () environment;
— effects on the body of ultraviolet rays ();
- electric shock to the skin;
— skin contact with animals and plants;
- bites of some insects - bees, etc.;
- damage to the body by radiation.

Chemical factor

Skin reaction to contact with:

- household chemicals - powders, cleaning and detergents and etc.;
- cosmetics - varnishes, paints, mascara, lipsticks, eau de toilette, etc.;
- strong acids, alkalis;
— building materials – paint, glue, low-quality laminated wood, artificial fabrics, etc.;
- medications that cause an allergic reaction in the body.

Biological factor

- hereditary predisposition;
- weakened immune system;
— occurs after other diseases (especially chronic forms);
— pathogenic microorganisms entering the body;
- stress, emotional imbalance, ;
— unfavorable social and living conditions.

Symptoms of dermatitis

The main clinical signs of dermatitis are:

- itching;
- inflammatory redness (erythema). In the chronic course of the disease, this sign is not necessary;
- feeling of heat and elevated temperature at the site of the lesion;
- swelling;
- rashes, the nature and localization of which depends on the type of dermatitis;
- bubbles, blisters, which in the acute form are characterized by copious discharge;
- burning;
- coarsening of skin areas after crusting of exudate (bubbles with secretions);
- peeling of the skin;

Increased symptoms often depend on general condition the health of the body, the form of the disease (acute or chronic), contact with the pathogen, and also, in some cases, seasonality.

Complications of dermatitis

After dermatitis, a person may experience the following symptoms:

- skin pigmentation;
- scars;
- dyschromia;
- atrophy;
- secondary infections.

Classification of dermatitis

Forms of dermatitis

Acute form (Microvesicle or macrovesicle). Manifests itself in the form of an acute allergic reaction immediately after contact with the causative agent of the disease. Often stops after stopping with a given irritant. Characterized by the appearance of papules and vesicles.

Subacute form. It is characterized by the formation of crusts and scales in place of papules and vesicles.

Chronic form (Akontotic). It can manifest itself throughout the entire time until the disease is completely cured. Symptoms intensify and then stop.

Stages of dermatitis

The acute form includes 3 stages of development of dermatitis:

1. Erythematous stage. Blood flow to the inflamed area of ​​skin increases. The area turns red and swelling occurs.

2. Vesicular or vesicular stage. At the site of redness and swelling, bubbles (vesicles) form, which eventually open, release liquid, then dry out, and crusts form in their place. The crusts may also become wet. This stage is also called weeping dermatitis.

3. Necrotic stage. Tissues die at the site of crusting. The skin in the inflamed area becomes rough and scars appear.

Types of dermatitis

Main types of dermatitis:

Allergic dermatitis. Occurs as a result of contact with an allergen. As a rule, the manifestation of the reaction is not noticeable immediately, but only after a certain period of time. At the same time, at the beginning, a negative attitude of the body towards the allergen is formed, when it partially penetrates into the lymph, and upon secondary contact with it, allergic dermatitis actually manifests itself.

The main symptoms are – severe redness skin, swelling, blisters. Localization often extends beyond the contact area of ​​the skin with the allergen. Can be passed on hereditarily.

Atopic dermatitis (obsolete diffuse neurodermatitis)– a chronic form of allergic dermatitis. It is characterized by the complexity of treatment, often remains for life, and sometimes worsens, especially in winter, and sometimes weakens in summer. Develops mainly in childhood.

Synonyms for atopic dermatitis are neurodermatitis (in adults), diathesis (in children).

Clinical signs include papules, vesicles, crusting, scaling, severe itching, and hypersensitivity to certain irritants.

The causative agents can be not only external allergens - pollen, dust, vapors of various chemical compounds, but also those coming from food – pathogenic microorganisms, as well as some substances in food products to which the patient’s body reacts violently.

Contact dermatitis (obsolete simple dermatitis). The disease manifests itself through direct contact of the skin surface with the pathogen. Common causes of contact dermatitis are sun, cold, frost, plants, animals, aggressive chemicals and other pathogens.

Contact dermatitis is divided into 3 types:

- allergic contact dermatitis (cause - food, microbes, etc.);
- irritant contact dermatitis (cause - plants (nettle, etc.), chemicals, etc.);
- photocontact dermatitis (caused by solar ultraviolet rays):
a) phototoxic
b) photoallergic

Treatment of contact dermatitis usually involves removing contact with the irritant.

The localization of the lesion corresponds to the area of ​​contact with the pathogen.

Seborrheic dermatitis– inflammation of the hairy areas of the skin. Most often found in men, because... They have more sebaceous glands in adolescents and infants. Localization of seborrheic dermatitis predominates on the scalp, eyebrows, nasolabial fold, beard, eyelash area, behind the ears, but can also occur on the face and throughout the body.

The main causes are the lipophilic fungi Malassezia furfur, while the oval form of the fungus (Pityrosporum ovale) is responsible for the damage to the scalp of the skin, and the round form of Pityrosporum orbiculare is responsible for the damage to the rest of the skin. Under certain factors (weakened immune system, various diseases, metabolic disorders), these fungi actively multiply, feeding on the lipid secretion of the sebaceous glands. When the body is healthy, it controls the proliferation of these fungi.

– acute inflammatory lesion of the skin. The cause is allergic and toxic-allergic substances that have entered the body, which then penetrate the skin by hematogenous route. The allergens themselves in this case are - medical supplies, chemicals, food, etc.

Clinical signs of toxicoderma are a rash various forms(papules, vesicles, urticaria, erythematous-squamous, etc.), general malaise, itching.

Urticaria can act as an allergic reaction of the body to an allergen, or as a clinical manifestation of another disease.

Types of dermatitis, depending on the cause of the disease

- actinic dermatitis;
— keychain dermatitis;
— bullous dermatitis (artificial)
- Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;
— caterpillar dermatitis (Lepidopterism);
- perioral dermatitis;
— polymorphic dermatitis;
- dermatitis purpura;
- solar dermatitis;
- cercarial dermatitis (schistosomatid dermatitis);
- golden dermatitis;
— infectious dermatitis;
- radiation (X-ray) dermatitis;
diaper dermatitis
perianal dermatitis;
- oral dermatitis (rosacea-like dermatitis);
- symmetrical dysmenorrheic dermatitis;
- follicular dermatitis;
- exfoliative dermatitis of newborns.

Diagnosis of dermatitis

The effectiveness of treatment for this disease largely depends on the correct diagnosis, because There are quite a lot of reasons, forms and types.

Diagnosis of dermatitis includes:

- study of the medical history (anamnesis);
— study of the clinical picture of the disease;
- performing allergy tests with the suspected pathogen;
— scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin (bacteriological and histological studies);
— ;
- immunogram.

General principles of treatment + remedies for dermatitis:

1. Elimination of the irritant. In some cases, this is enough to prevent dermatitis from actively spreading to neighboring areas of the skin. In addition, the immune system in this case can itself cope with this inflammation within a few hours.

3. Local antiseptic treatment of damaged skin areas: “Chlorhexidine”

4. Local treatment of the skin with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs: "", "".

5. Large bubbles are punctured, releasing liquid from them. At the same time, the bladder shell is not removed.

6. For weeping dermatitis (with heavy discharge), bandages moistened with Burov’s liquid are applied every 2-3 hours.

7. In the absence of blisters, corticosteroid-based bandages are applied for a short period: Hydrocortisone (1%), Clobetasol, Prednisolone.

8. In case of a complex course of the disease, corticosteroids may be prescribed orally: “Prednisone” - a course of 2 weeks, on the first day take 70 mg/day, and every day the dose is reduced by 5 mg/day.

9. Taking absorbent agents orally, which remove possible pathogens of dermatitis from the body: “ Activated carbon", "Atoxil", "Polysorb".

10. To relieve itching, antihistamines are taken: "", "Fexofenadine", "Cetirizine".

11. Correction of nutrition, as well as exclusion of sucrose from the diet.

12. Special cosmetics are needed to care for dry and itchy skin.

13. If the disease is severe, hospitalization may be required.

Diet for dermatitis

Diet for dermatitis, as with most other diseases, especially allergic ones, is a necessary measure for not only a speedy recovery, but also general strengthening the body and its protective functions.

If you carefully study your diet and check it with the list of foods that can potentially cause allergies and other adverse reactions in a person, you can achieve a speedy recovery with just one exception. This is what experts often recommend doing before going to the doctor.

In the case where the clinical manifestations of dermatitis disappear after eliminating any product from your diet, it is still advisable to see a doctor. This can ultimately save you time wasted on guesswork and speculation.

So, what can and cannot be eaten if you have dermatitis?

Products with minimal risk of developing allergies:

- proteins: fish (cod, sea bass), lamb, lean veal, tongue, liver, butter, low-fat cottage cheese.
— plant products: pearl barley, rice, zucchini, cucumbers, green salad, cabbage, spinach, rutabaga, pear, gooseberry, white currant, cherry;
— drinks: compotes (from pears, apples), weakly brewed green tea, fermented milk (without food additives E***), mineral water (still), rhubarb infusions;
— desserts: prunes, dried fruits (pears, apples).

If no clinical manifestations of dermatitis are detected when consuming the above products, you can gradually, every 2 weeks, add one of the dishes from the next group of products - moderate allergy.

Products with an average risk of developing allergies:

- proteins: lamb, horse meat;
- plant products: buckwheat, rye, corn, potatoes, green fruits;
— drinks: green tea, herbal decoction, green apple juice;
- dessert: foods with a minimum amount of calories.

Products with a high risk of developing allergies:

- proteins: pork, fatty beef, fish, caviar, milk, eggs, smoked meats, canned meats;
— plant products: sauerkraut, legumes, red vegetables and berries, tropical fruits, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates), mushrooms, pickled vegetable preserves;
- drinks: coffee, coffee, sweet sodas (lemonade), yoghurts with dyes;
— dessert: chocolate, honey, marmalade, caramel;
— other products: mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces (canned), seasonings, preservatives, dyes.

There are contact dermatitis and toxicoderma. Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin is directly exposed to an irritant; with toxicerma, foreign substances penetrate into the skin. internal environment body, causing a number of changes, one of the manifestations of which will be dermatitis. For example, if an inflammatory reaction in the skin occurs when using a cream with some medicinal substance, then this is contact dermatitis, and if the same substance enters the body through the intestines (in tablets or with food) and a rash occurs, this is toxicerma.

In addition, dermatitis includes diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis(, blackheads, acne, pimples), atopic dermatitis(allergic), dermatitis herpetiformis, eczema, and others. In this article we will look at just a few of them.

Causes of dermatitis

Irritants that cause dermatitis can be of a physical, chemical or biological nature.

There are so-called obligate irritants that cause simple dermatitis in every person. These include friction, pressure, radiation and temperature effects, acids and alkalis, and some plants (nettle, ash, caustic buttercup, spurge). We all know what frostbite and calluses are; everyone has been “burnt” by nettles at least once in their life. The manifestations and severity of simple dermatitis are determined by the strength and duration of exposure to the factor. Symptoms of simple contact dermatitis appear immediately or shortly after the first contact with the irritant, and the area of ​​​​the lesion corresponds to the area of ​​​​contact. Sometimes a chronic course of dermatitis is possible with prolonged exposure to the irritant.

Facultative irritants cause inflammation of the skin only in individuals who are hypersensitive to them. We are talking about diseases such as allergic contact dermatitis and atopic (allergic) dermatitis. The number of optional irritants (sensitizers) is enormous and continuously increasing.

Allergic contact dermatitis, unlike simple allergic contact dermatitis, does not develop immediately after contact with the irritant, and not on the first contact. For an allergic reaction (sensitization) to form, it takes up to several weeks from the first contact. Then, upon repeated contact, dermatitis develops. Inflammatory reaction skin clearly does not correspond to the intensity of the stimulus, which will not cause any changes in people without. The area of ​​change on the skin may extend beyond the contact area.

Atopic dermatitis is a very complex disease, a chronic inflammatory lesion of the skin of an allergic nature. It can be caused by several or even many factors, and not only by contact, but also by inhalation (pollen, dust) or with food (food allergies). Atopic diseases also include allergic rhinitis etc. Predisposition to atopy is transmitted genetically.

Atopic dermatitis usually develops in early childhood. Often, with age, the manifestations of this disease subside or disappear completely.

Symptoms of dermatitis

Simple dermatitis occurs acutely or chronically. Acute dermatitis is characterized by severe inflammation, accompanied by itching, burning, pain, and sometimes the formation of blisters and areas of necrosis that leave scars.

Chronic dermatitis is manifested by congestive edema, cyanosis, thickening of the skin, lichenification (peeling), cracks, increased keratinization, and sometimes skin atrophy.

For acute manifestations Allergic contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are also characterized by bright redness of the skin with pronounced swelling. Next, bubbles and even bubbles may appear, opening and leaving weeping erosions (wetting). The subsiding inflammation leaves crusts and scales.

What can you do

If dermatitis appears, it is better to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate. In the treatment of simple contact dermatitis, the main thing is to stop the action of the irritant. Often patients, understanding the cause of the disease, cope with it themselves.

However, there are cases (for example, severe chemical and thermal burns, frostbite) when medical intervention is simply necessary.

What can a doctor do?

A dermatologist and allergist can help you treat dermatitis. If necessary, you may be referred to a gastroenterologist and other specialists.

Treatment of allergic contact dermatitis is prescribed by a dermatologist and comes down primarily to identifying the allergen. You will be asked in detail about your lifestyle, occupational hazards, cosmetics you use, etc. When the allergen is eliminated, the symptoms of contact dermatitis usually go away.

Much more difficult treatment atopic dermatitis. This disease should be treated by a qualified allergist. Apply antihistamines(both for oral administration and in the form of ointments), glucocorticoid drugs, allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT).

Preventive measures

Follow safety precautions at work and at home. If you have already had allergic dermatitis and the cause is known, try to avoid contact with the relevant allergen.

Basically every adult knows what dermatitis is. But not everyone knows the reasons for its origin and methods of treatment.

Dermatitis is a disease that can be independent, or it can be a signal of various disorders in the body, since the skin reacts quite sensitively to changes occurring in it. This reaction occurs due to the fact that human skin is directly connected to the endocrine and immune systems.

Classification of dermatitis

Treatment depends on their type, so there is a certain classification of dermatitis.

By prevalence:

Local (local). An example of this type of disease is contact dermatitis, since it is usually limited to the manifestation of a local reaction that occurs directly in the area of ​​the irritant.

Diffuse (general). The diffuse nature of the disease, characteristic, for example, of neuro-allergic and toxic-allergic forms.

According to the nature of the flow:

Spicy. This form of the disease is characterized by a sudden onset, rapid course, and vivid manifestations of the disease. Most often, acute dermatitis responds well to treatment, but if left untreated, it can become chronic.

Chronic. This form involves a long course of the disease, and the disease often returns, especially seasonally. In this case, curing the disease becomes much more difficult.

So, if you already know what dermatitis is, you can consider its causes.

Causes of dermatitis

Only by knowing the cause of the skin reaction can you determine how to cure dermatitis. You may just need to eliminate this cause. The causes of dermatitis are many different factors:

Conditioned stimuli;

Unconditioned stimuli;

Physical irritants;

Chemical irritants.

Conditioned irritants include all kinds of allergens. The skin's reaction to an irritant occurs under certain conditions. Irritants of a conventional group can cause skin reactions only in people who are prone to allergies and are sensitive to any object.

Unconditioned stimuli, also called obligate stimuli, tend to cause an allergic skin reaction under any conditions. These include acids, alkalis, water high temperature etc.

Physical stimuli include mechanical and thermal agents. The mechanical group includes simple friction and pressure. And the temperature group includes electric current, solar energy, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, as well as ionizing radiation, which includes radioactive and x-ray radiation.

Chemical irritants include alkalis, salts of certain types of acids, acids, as well as concentrated disinfectants.

Types of dermatitis

To thoroughly learn what dermatitis is, you should consider its types. The disease is divided into 4 main types, but there are also some minor skin reactions that are also considered types of dermatitis.

Contact dermatitis

This type is also called simple. This is an inflammation of the skin that occurs upon direct contact with an irritant. In this situation, any substances can be irritants if the patient has individual sensitivity to them. There are also substances that can cause a skin reaction in any person, for example, acids, caustic alkalis, high and low temperatures, plants such as milkweed or nettle.

Symptoms of simple dermatitis

Symptoms of simple dermatitis vary widely. This may be a short-term slight redness, or there may be the appearance of blisters and severe swelling. Most of the itching is caused by tiny blisters. Initially, the rash is localized only at the contact site, but after some time it can spread to neighboring areas of the skin. The area of ​​the rash can be either a small or large area of ​​the body, such as irritation from earrings or all over the body from shower gel.

If you quickly identify and eliminate the irritant, the redness will disappear in a couple of days; crusts may form on the weeping blisters, which will also dry out over time.


Toxicoderma is a skin disease - a manifestation of a toxic-allergic reaction after the ingestion of any allergen into the body. The most famous manifestation of this type of dermatitis is the well-known urticaria.

The causes of toxicoderma can be various reasons:



Household chemicals;

Manufacturing substances.

Any of these substances enters the human body through the respiratory or digestive tract. But at the same time, drugs can enter the body through subcutaneous, intramuscular, urethral or vaginal administration.

Symptoms of toxicoderma

The disease begins to manifest itself 2 or 3 days after exposure to the stimulus. The symptoms of this type of dermatitis differ significantly from others. Multiple rashes are located symmetrically and consist of papular, macular, urticarial, vesicular, nodular, pustular and bullous elements. The rash is accompanied by constant itching. With toxicoderma, a simultaneous combination can be observed different types rash. At pathological process mucous membranes may also be affected. Depending on the severity, a general disturbance in the patient’s condition may also be observed.

Atopic dermatitis

Its second name is neurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis is a neuro-allergic form of dermatitis. This form tends to recur, becoming chronic.

Itching is the main symptom that characterizes Eczema and is also a symptom of the disease. Itching may worsen at night and remain severe throughout long period. Eczema occurs as a result of scratching the affected skin. The rash has a heterogeneous appearance and is red in color. A recurrent rash periodically disappears and then appears again, while a chronic rash may remain on the body for quite some time. for a long time.

If an infection gets into the scratched skin, the blisters may crust over or release fluid, and a dermatologist will diagnose an “acute (temporary) rash.”

Also, the rash may have a scaly or dry appearance, in which case it is called subacute (long-term).

If the rash becomes rough due to constant scratching, a dermatologist will diagnose lichenification.

Atopic dermatitis. Treatment

Ointments are very often used to treat this type of dermatitis, but the main way to eliminate the disease is diet.

Sometimes, to cure dermatitis, you just need to eliminate foods that contribute to the development of the disease from your diet. But this must be done quite carefully, and only after confirmation by a specialist accurate diagnosis so as not to harm your body.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, a diet for atopic dermatitis implies a fully composed diet that will allow you to maintain the working capacity of an adult. The patient can create his own dietary menu. In this case, you just need to avoid foods that contain histamine-releasing substances. These are different types of finished products, such as sausages, smoked meat, lard and fish, hard cheeses, as well as products that are prepared by salting, pickling and fermentation.

If you try to eliminate all such foods from your diet, you can easily eliminate atopic dermatitis from your life. Feedback from patients showed that compared to external treatment ointments, the diet brings much better results.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Most common location of this disease is the face. Seborrheic dermatitis is observed in the upper part of the forehead, next to the hair, on the eyebrows, on the wings of the nose, and on the back of them. This type of disease is mainly chronic.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis

This disease is mainly a consequence of disorders nervous system. Internal reasons diseases are:

Diseases of the central nervous system;


Parkinson's disease;


Immune diseases;

Hormonal disorders.

TO external reasons Seborrheic dermatitis includes factors such as:

Influence of the external environment;

Alkaline detergents.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis

The disease manifests itself gradually. In this case, spots of a yellowish-red color, greasy, or less often dry, appear on the body. Their size reaches 20 mm, the boundaries of the spots are visible relatively clearly. Peeling of the wound is the main symptom of seborrheic dermatitis. Reviews from people who have suffered from this disease report that treatment should begin with the nervous system, worry less, and avoid any stress and changing places. But don’t forget about external medications.

Treatment of skin diseases such as pimples, acne and the like is also carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. These diseases are usually considered as separate, but are directly related to dermatitis.

Dermatitis. Treatment

Ointments are preparations for external use. They are applied to the affected area and can suppress the inflammatory process. The ointment is considered one of the main methods of treating dermatitis, because when mild form diseases, only an external remedy is used.

If dermatitis has allergic nature, separation from the allergen should be ensured. Wherein medications may not be needed at all.

Also, treatment of some types of dermatitis is carried out using traditional medicine, since it contains only natural products.

Diet often helps to cope with long-term dermatitis.

What is dermatitis and how to deal with it, you can find out by visiting a dermatologist, he is the one who can explain everything in more detail. In any case, if the skin appears strange rash, a trip to a specialist is required!

There are quite a few inflammatory skin diseases. Those of them that are caused by delayed or immediate are classified as allergic dermatoses. Dermatitis also belongs to this group skin ailments.

What is dermatitis

Dermatitis is a heterogeneous skin disease caused by many different factors:

  • physical– dermatitis can be caused by frostbite, electric shock, insect bites – very common reason allergies;
  • chemical– the most “popular” representative of this category is household chemicals. However, cosmetics, dyes, and building materials can also cause this effect. Quite often, medications can be the cause;
  • biological– weakened immune system, stress, poor living conditions. Hereditary predisposition to allergies also falls into this category.

Dermatitis refers to a whole group of different skin ailments. As a rule, they manifest themselves as local reactions - actually, dermatitis. General reactions have systemic ailments - dermatoses, taxidermy.

Symptoms of dermatitis coincide with many inflammatory allergic reactions. In essence, these are the skin's reactions to an irritant. The severity of symptoms is determined by the severity of the disease:

  • acute form– appears immediately after contact with the irritant and disappears as soon as the contact is interrupted;
  • subacute– symptoms persist after the contact disappears;
  • chronic– is formed due to periodic contact with the irritant for quite a long time. In this case, the disappearance of the provoking factor is no longer sufficient for healing.

What is dermatitis, see the video below:

Types of dermatitis

Ailments are most often classified in relation to the nature of the pathogen. There are many types of disease.

Types of dermatitis (photos with names)


The spread and localization of dermatitis is directly related to the damaging factor. If we are talking about external factor, as it happens when contact dermatitis, then the area in contact with the irritant is affected first. That is, if you are allergic to household chemicals, it will most likely be your hands; if you are allergic to pollen, the rash will appear in the nasolabial folds, near the nose and eyes; if you react to an insect bite, dermatitis will be observed at the site of the bite.

If left untreated or inadequately treated, the rash will spread throughout the body without limitation.

  • If the irritating factor is a weakening of the immune system, disruption in the work endocrine system, and rashes appear on those areas of the skin that are associated with the root cause of the disease. So, with dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis, inflammation and papules appear on the face, neck and shoulders, where skin receptors are sensitive to estrogen levels.
  • With seborrheic dermatitis, rashes and plaques form in areas with a large number of sebaceous glands: hairy part heads, nasolabial folds, back.
  • Also found.

This video will tell you about the types of dermatitis on the hands:

General signs

Differences different types dermatitis, of course, exists. However, general Clinical signs in most cases the same:

  • an area of ​​inflamed, reddened skin - erythema. If we are talking about a chronic illness, then there may not be any redness;
  • the itching is usually quite severe. However, in some forms it is absent. Its intensity depends on the degree of irritation of the nerve fibers;
  • – sometimes not only the affected skin swells, but also areas of the body prone to fluid accumulation - the face, for example, hands;
  • rash - the shape, size and color of the rash depend on the type of illness;
  • bubbles, blisters - form in most cases. Their size and pain depend not so much on the type as on the severity of the disease;
  • burning – not observed in all cases, typical for photodermatitis;
  • coarsening of the top layer of skin - after the crust peels off, the skin underneath loses its elasticity;
  • peeling - especially abundant in the seborrheic form.

In some cases, dermatitis is accompanied by fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease and individual sensitivity to the allergen that caused the irritation.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of any disease begins with examination of the patient and assessment of complaints. Localization provides additional information, but in this case the affected area indicates the cause of irritation rather than the condition of the body. Diagnosis of dermatitis itself does not cause difficulties, since its symptoms are quite specific.

Laboratory tests are needed to accurately determine irritant and examine the patient’s sensitivity to certain allergens. Without this, it is impossible to build the correct treatment tactics.

Drugs for treatment

Treatment for dermatitis is selected on an individual basis. Depending on the severity of the disease, the stage of development, the nature of the allergen and the severity of the reaction, medications are selected, varying their dose to obtain the minimum therapeutic value. Treatment includes both drugs for internal use, and external.

  • A mandatory element is the elimination of the irritant, for which it must be installed. In some cases, this is enough for the symptoms of dermatitis to disappear after a few hours or days.
  • For infectious or fungal dermatitis primary treatment aimed at destroying viruses, fungi, bacteria. Only after the pathogen is removed do they begin to treat the skin disease.
  • Damaged areas are treated with antiseptic treatment - chlorhexidine, for example.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are also prescribed - chloramphenicol.
  • If there are bubbles, they must be punctured, but the membrane must not be removed until it peels off. naturally. If there are no blisters, then a bandage with corticosteroid-based ointments is applied to the foci of dermatitis -,. The bandage is held in place a short time, the duration is determined by the doctor.
  • For weeping dermatitis, apply bandages impregnated to the affected areas.
  • In acute or severe stages of the disease, oral corticosteroids are prescribed. Prednisolone is most often used: 2 weeks, first 70 mg/day, and then reducing the dose by 5 mg every day.
  • Taking absorbents helps remove pathogens and decay products. Even simple activated carbon is suitable.
  • To relieve itching, antihistamines are prescribed: cetirizine.

A mandatory component of therapeutic treatment is, from which all products that are potential allergens are excluded. These include smoked meats, pickles, eggs and milk, many dried fruits, tropical fruits, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, all desserts, complex sauces like mayonnaise. Daily diet at the beginning of treatment may include only low-allergenic foods: low-fat boiled fish, pearl barley, zucchini, cucumbers, dried fruits from pears and apples. If none of these products causes increased dermatitis, gradually include foods from the middle category into the diet: lamb, buckwheat, potatoes, green fruits.

Dermatitis is diverse and is caused by many different factors. To protect yourself from the disease, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle: maintain good hygiene, eat foods rich in vitamins and not carbohydrates, and move more.

Dermatitis in a child, its types and symptoms - the topic of the video below:

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