Home Smell from the mouth IV All-Russian interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference with international participation “Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases. Socially significant and especially dangerous infections in the modern world Socially significant and especially dangerous infections

IV All-Russian interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference with international participation “Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases. Socially significant and especially dangerous infections in the modern world Socially significant and especially dangerous infections

The date of the: November 01-04, 2016
Location: Sochi, Russia

The role of infectious pathology in modern world extremely large. Over time, infectious diseases not only do not lose their positions, but attack humanity: the number of “new” and “returning” diseases, emerging infections, somatic pathologies, the trigger factor of which are infectious agents, is growing, the range of pathogenic microorganisms and strains resistant to medicines, etc.

In the current conditions, an inexhaustible stream new information and the modern focus on continuous education throughout the professional activity of a specialist dictate their own rules of cooperation and require the creation of a single unifying information space. Only as a result of systematic work can the problems facing the infectious disease service be solved Russian Federation tasks.

III All-Russian scientific-practical conference With international participation“Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases" - that rare case when, within four days, you will be able to attend scientific and practical symposiums and round tables with the participation of leading infectious disease doctors, epidemiologists, microbiologists, immunologists, pharmacologists, phthisiatricians, and specialists in the field of laboratory diagnostics, pathological anatomy, pharmacoeconomics, educational cycle on especially dangerous infections, scientific discussion of young scientists, take part in a meeting of the educational and methodological commission on infectious diseases Coordination Council for the field of education “Health and Medical Sciences” and the specialized commission for the specialty “infectious diseases” of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Such a variety of directions in one, at first glance, narrow professional event is not accidental. The process of integrating science, practice and education with the involvement of specialists from different fields of knowledge, different levels and organizational forms– an innovative work format, extremely in demand and promising in Russia. Therefore, this direction was taken as a basis in preparing III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases”.

The proposed format of work will allow us to unite people around a common cause, creating a field for the exchange of opinions, knowledge and mutual cooperation, and focus them on continuing education and professional development throughout life.

Recording of selected plenary sessions and symposiums of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases”:

Venue: Grand Hotel “Pearl”. Address: 354002, Sochi, st. Chernomorskaya, 3

Scientific program of the Conference:

Leading experts in the field of infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology, clinical immunology and pharmacology, disinfectology, phthisiology, dermatovenerology, laboratory diagnostics, Rospotrebnadzor specialists, as well as doctors of related specialties.

The conference will include:

  • Meeting of the specialized commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the specialty “infectious diseases”;
  • Part-time educational cycle for infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, pediatricians and health care managers on the topic “Especially dangerous infections» (36 hours) from 10/31/2017 to 11/05/2017 with the issuance of a standard certificate of advanced training. Educational program is carried out for listeners (cadets) free of charge. Registration for a cycle is carried out on the website http://www.ksma.ru/ (in the section advanced training of doctors, registration for cycles), registration will be open from 09/01/2017. A special tactical exercise will be organized for participants in the educational cycle. Number of listeners: 100 people;
  • Scientific and discussion platform for young scientists, scientific and educational poster session.
  • The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition with the participation of presenters manufacturing companies medicines, medical and laboratory equipment, consumables; acquaintance with the experience of medical institutions.

Applications for reports for inclusion in the Conference program should be sent to the Organizing Committee until August 15, 2017 only by e-mail.

On November 1, 2017 at 13:00 at the Grand Hotel “Pearl” in Sochi, a press briefing will be held as part of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases”.

Up to 40 million cases of infectious diseases are registered annually in the world. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in January-May 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, there was an increase in incidence in the Russian Federation mumps– by 15.1 times, measles – by 1.7 times, acute hepatitis A – by 2 times, acute hepatitis E – by 41.7%, meningococcal infection– by 12.4%, enteroviral infections- by 24.9%, acute intestinal infections(OKI) – by 4.8%.

According to official statistics, total There are 1.8 million people infected with hepatitis C in the Russian Federation. However, it must be taken into account that a large number of diseases remain undetected.

As of July 1, 2017, the number of HIV-infected people in Russia amounted to 1,167,581 people. The rate of HIV infection among the population of the Russian Federation in 2017 reached 795.3 people infected with HIV per 100 thousand of the population of Russia. Moreover, the majority of people affected by tuberculosis are among HIV-infected people.

The press briefing will be attended by:
1. Kraevoy Sergey Aleksandrovich – Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.

2. Lyalya Adegamovna Gabbasova – Assistant to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow).

3. Filippov Evgeniy Fedorovich – Minister of Health of the Krasnodar Territory.

4. Natalya Alekseevna Kostenko – Deputy Director of the Department of Health Protection and Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare of People of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

5. Shestakova Irina Viktorovna – chief freelance specialist in the field of infectious diseases of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow).

6. Vladimir Nikolaevich Gorodin – chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Southern Federal District, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Kuban State Medical University, chief physician GBUZ "SKIB", Doctor of Medical Sciences (Krasnodar Territory).

7. Elena Alekseevna Boyko – head of the department of expert support in the field of biological safety of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center strategic planning and management of medical and biological health risks” of the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow).

8. Dmitry Anatolyevich Lioznov – Deputy Director for scientific work Federal State Budgetary Institution "Influenza Research Institute" of the Russian Ministry of Health.

9. Vladimir Nikolaevich Borovoy – Deputy Director of the Veterinary Department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

10. Redko Andrey Nikolaevich – vice-rector for research work of Kuban State medical university(Krasnodar region).

11. Rumyantsev Sergey Aleksandrovich – vice-rector for strategic development Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Russian National Research University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow).

At the press briefing, government officials and leading Russian experts will broadly discuss the topic of HIV, talk about priority measures to combat and prevent the spread of infection that have been adopted in the Russian Federation until 2020, as well as the prospects for the implementation of these measures. What are the methods of treatment for HIV-infected people in Russia, how do drug treatment and infectious disease services interact? How acute is the problem of personnel shortage, in particular, infectious disease specialists, what are the ways to solve it?

Experts will also discuss the topic of ensuring drug therapy patients with viral hepatitis will talk about modern methods treatment and will pay special attention to preventive measures and mortality risks from the consequences of hepatitis.

In addition, the press briefing will present forecasts about possible outbreaks of zoonotic infections ( anthrax, brucellosis, African plague, etc.) in our country and the world. Will imported drugs and vaccines be replaced and domestic ones created? immunobiological preparations? What actions are the authorities taking to protect the population from infectious diseases during high migration growth, and is it necessary to carry out special measures? sanitary measures for the protection of the territory of the Russian Federation? What is known about the BioPro protection system, whose laboratories are located near the Russian borders? What path can Russia offer to the world in the field of biological safety?

During the press briefing, patients will have a unique opportunity to address current problems to the country's leading experts and government officials in the format of a video question.

“There are no past infections. If the incidence rate is falling today, this does not mean that this infection can be forgotten. Reportable infectious diseases are only small part true spread of infectious pathology. It’s worth relaxing the preventive measures a little – and the infection will immediately remind itself. Today there is the concept of “returning infections”, which quite recently seemed to be eliminated (as happened with syphilis, polio, tuberculosis). No matter how frightening we are about new infections, the flu kills most people in the world. In the zone special attention infectious disease specialists – HIV infection (the virus has left risk groups, and the incidence continues to grow) and viral hepatitis. Fortunately, we managed to get some of them under control,” notes the chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases of the Russian Ministry of Health, Professor I.V. Shestakova, organizer and initiator of the Conference.
Sponsors of the information campaign: pharmaceutical companies Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead.


V.N. Shevkoplyas, Director of the Veterinary Department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture

V.N. Borovoy, Deputy Director of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Yu.I. Barsukov, acting Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Veterinary Center"

S.A. Kolomytsev, head of department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Veterinary Center"

V.N. SHEVKOPLYAS, Chief of the Veterinary Department of the RF Ministry of Agriculture

V.N. BOROVOY, Deputy Chief of the Veterinary Department of the RF Ministry of Agriculture

Y.I. BARSUKOV Temp. Director of FGBA "Center of Veterinary"

S.A. KOLOMYTZEV, Head of the Department in FGBA "Center of Veterinary"

The prompt implementation of anti-epizootic measures in emerging foci of infection on the territory of the Russian Federation has made it possible to improve the situation with a number of major infectious animal diseases.
Compared to 2015, in 2016 the number of cases of major disease in the Russian Federation decreased. cattle tuberculosis, brucellosis, leukemia, leptospirosis, the number of small cattle infected with brucellosis has decreased, and the number of cases of animal rabies has decreased.
Sustainable well-being has been achieved in the territories of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of Aujeszky's disease, viral diarrhea, malignant catarrhal fever and other economic significant diseases animals.
At the same time, in 2016, the incidence of diseases in animals increased in certain special cases. dangerous diseases.
A case of anthrax was registered in the Belgorod region in cattle. In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, widespread anthrax has been established among deer. In the territories of 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foci of previously unknown contagious dermatitis nodosa were recorded in cattle. In the Yaroslavl region, outbreaks of sheeppox appeared.
African fever among domestic pigs was recorded in the territories of 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and in 17 regions, deaths from ASF were detected among wild boars. Foot and mouth disease has been registered in the Vladimir region and Transbaikal region. In the Republic of Kalmykia and Astrakhan region among poultry flu is diagnosed. Newcastle disease was identified in poultry in the Republic of Crimea.
African swine fever (ASF). As of
On December 26, 2016, on the territory of 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 215 unfavorable points for ASF (239 outbreaks) were registered among domestic pigs, 8339 pigs fell ill, 6638 died, 216.3 thousand heads were destroyed. ASF among wild boars has been registered in
17 subjects of the Russian Federation, 526 animals fell ill; in 19 regions, 51 infected objects were identified among pigs and
65 infected objects among wild boars.
It should be noted that in 2016, compared to 2015, the number of unfavorable points (outbreaks) and domestic pigs infected with ASF increased. The number of sick pigs increased from 307 to 8339 heads. The number of infected objects increased by 37.7%.
ASF among domestic pigs was registered in the Bryansk region this year - 2 unfavorable points
(2 outbreaks), Kursk region - 2 points (4 outbreaks), Moscow region - 29 points (29 outbreaks), Smolensk region -
2 points (2 outbreaks), Oryol region - 2 points (2 outbreaks), Volgograd region - 13 points (17 outbreaks), Voronezh region - 9 points (10 outbreaks), Saratov region -
42 points (44 outbreaks), Kaluga region - 2 points
(2 lesions), Krasnodar region- 4 points (6 outbreaks), Ryazan region - 28 points (28 outbreaks), Vladimir region - 6 points (6 outbreaks), Penza region -
5 points (5 outbreaks), Arkhangelsk region - 31 points (41 outbreaks), Novgorod region - 3 points (3 outbreaks), Lipetsk region- 9 points (9 outbreaks), Nizhny Novgorod region -
3 points (3 outbreaks), Tambov region - 5 points (6 outbreaks), Pskov region - 1 point (1 outbreak), Vologda region - 7 points (9 outbreaks), Rostov region -
1 point (1 outbreak), the Republic of Crimea - 4 points (4 outbreaks), the Republic of Tatarstan - 1 point (1 outbreak), the Republic of Adygea -
1 point (1 outbreak), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic - 1 point
(1 outbreak), Chuvash Republic - 1 point (1 outbreak).
ASF among wild boars has been registered in the Oryol, Kaluga, Vladimir, Ryazan, Novgorod, Moscow, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Tambov, Volgograd, Ivanovo, Pskov, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod regions, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Republic of Crimea and the Chuvash Republic.
As of December 26, 2016, ASF was eliminated in 202 troubled points (223 outbreaks) and 36 infected objects among domestic pigs, 7 problem points and 52 infected objects among wild boars.
The main reasons for the spread of ASF are:
non-compliance by animal owners with regimes biological protection personal subsidiary plots;
unauthorized movement of live pigs, pig products and their sale in unidentified places of trade in agricultural products and, accordingly, the activities of organizations involved in the purchase, procurement, transportation and sale of pig products without taking into account the danger of the spread of ASF.
The spread of African swine fever necessitates increased control by concerned federal authorities executive power, regional government bodies, as well as owners - owners of industrial pig breeding enterprises, farms and personal subsidiary plots for the strict implementation of a set of measures in accordance with the Action Plan for the prevention and elimination of ASF on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Classical swine fever (CSF). In 2016, 3 unfavorable points were registered in the Russian Federation. A total of 7 wild boars fell ill. The disease was detected in the Primorsky Territory and the Amur Region.
In areas unfavorable for CoES, they introduced restrictive measures(quarantine). As a result of anti-epizootic measures, quarantine in areas affected by classical swine fever has been lifted. For preventive purposes, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on farms of all forms of ownership, routine immunization of domestic pigs against CSF is carried out.
Foot and mouth disease. In 2016, 4 unfavorable points for foot-and-mouth disease were registered in 2 regions of the Russian Federation. A total of 480 heads of cattle and 82 heads of pigs fell ill.
Foot-and-mouth disease in animals occurred in October of this year in the Vladimir region at a livestock complex (Sobinsky district, Vyshmanovo village, VKV LLC): 1 unfavorable point was identified, 90 heads of cattle fell ill. The causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease type “Asia-1” has been identified. A foot-and-mouth disease quarantine was introduced in the specified locality. Sick animals are destroyed. In the region, preventive vaccination of animals against foot and mouth disease has been carried out, and quarantine has been lifted.
Foot and mouth disease type O was registered in November 16 in the Trans-Baikal Territory in personal subsidiary farms citizens (218 heads of cattle fell ill) and peasant farms. Molodezhninskoe Priargunsky district (fell ill
172 heads of cattle and 82 pigs). In the specified populated areas quarantine for foot and mouth disease was introduced. Health-improving measures are carried out in areas of the disease.
Since 2005, a buffer zone has been created in Russia, where annual scheduled vaccination of large and small cattle against foot-and-mouth disease types A, O, Asia-1 is carried out. In 2016, this zone includes territories (parts of territories) of 32 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where there remains a high risk of introducing the foot-and-mouth disease virus from the adjacent territories of states that are unfavorable for this disease. In the buffer zone, more than 5.0 million heads of cattle and about 9.0 million heads of small ruminants are vaccinated.
The risk of introduction of the foot-and-mouth disease virus and the emergence of foci of infection on the territory of the Russian Federation remains, since in neighboring countries (China, Mongolia) foci of foot-and-mouth disease caused by different types of viruses appear every year.
Animal anthrax. In 2016, 3 cases of anthrax disease in animals were registered in the Russian Federation. 5 unfavorable points were identified, 2575 animals fell ill. The first case of the disease was identified in May in the Belgorod region in the village of Novomaslovka, Chernyansky district; 1 head of cattle fell ill. The animal was not vaccinated against anthrax.
The second case of anthrax was registered in July in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug among deer. 3 unfavorable points (6 outbreaks) were identified, in which 2573 heads of reindeer became ill. The disease occurred near Lake Pisyoto in private reindeer herding farms Yamal region. The animals were not vaccinated against anthrax. By order of the governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, anthrax quarantine was introduced in disadvantaged areas.
The third case of the disease was detected in November in the Volgograd region in the private household plot of the village. Krasnopolye Nekhaevsky district, 1 head of cattle fell ill.
After anti-epizootic and preventive measures were carried out in the anthrax outbreaks, the quarantine was lifted from the affected areas.
In all subjects of the Russian Federation, preventive vaccination of animals against anthrax is carried out.
Animal rabies. In 2016 (11 months) compared to the same period in 2015 in the Russian Federation, the epizootic situation regarding animal rabies improved.
The number of cases of animal rabies in Russia as a whole has decreased by almost 2 times. In some regions of the Russian Federation, the number of vaccinated domestic and farm animals against rabies has increased.
During this period, 1,767 unfavorable points for animal rabies were registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, in which 1,973 animals of all types fell ill, including 156 heads of cattle, 26 small cattle, 4 pigs, 8 horses, 390 dogs, 351 cats, 2 deer and 1036 wild animals.
In animal rabies disease, the majority of 52.5% occurs in wild animals, among which the main source of disease spread is the fox, 37.5% in domestic carnivores and 10.0% in farm animals.
Foci of animal rabies occurred in the territories of 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The number of cases of animal rabies has decreased overall in all federal districts. A significant decrease in the number of cases of animal rabies occurred in the Lipetsk, Ryazan, Tambov, Tula, Orenburg, Penza, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Kurgan regions, the Republics of Mordovia, Tatarstan, the Chuvash Republic and other entities.
However, in some regions of the Russian Federation there has been an increase in the number of cases of animal rabies. The number of cases of rabies has increased in the Ivanovo, Kostroma, Tver, Vologda, Pskov, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen regions, the Republic of Crimea, Transbaikal and Perm territories.
A large number of rabies cases were registered in the Central Federal District - 1014 or 51.4% of all cases registered in Russia and the Volga Federal District. - 427 cases (21.6%).
Vaccination of farm and domestic animals (dogs and cats) against rabies in the constituent entities of Russia is carried out in accordance with plans of anti-epizootic measures and according to indications.
In the current situation, it is necessary to control the number of wild animal populations, reduce the number of ownerless animals, carry out full preventive vaccination of domestic animals, especially dogs and cats, and comply with the rules for keeping these types of animals. The vaccine against animal rabies is supplied by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture using funds allocated to the Ministry from the federal budget for these activities.
Sheep and goat pox. In 2016, on the territory of the Russian Federation, sheep and goat pox was registered in August in the Yaroslavl region, 10 disadvantaged points (15 outbreaks) were identified, in which 307 heads of sheep fell ill, 146 died. The disease was detected in 7 districts of the region in private household plots and peasant farms. Sheeppox was also detected on a sheep farm
Druzhba LLC, Uglich district (2 outbreaks). Anti-epizootic and preventive measures against sheeppox were carried out in the outbreaks, quarantine was lifted.
New outbreaks of sheeppox were identified in October 2016 in the Primorsky Territory - in private farms of citizens (4 disadvantaged points - 6 outbreaks), where 252 heads of small ruminant cattle fell ill, of which 56 heads died.
As a result of anti-epizootic and preventive measures against sheeppox, quarantine was lifted from unfavorable areas.
In constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a high risk of introduction of the pathogen and the occurrence of foci of sheeppox, preventive immunization of animals is carried out annually. The vaccine against sheep and goat pox is supplied to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget.
To zones high risk in 2016 were attributed
14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which routine vaccination of small livestock against smallpox was carried out.
Immunization of sheep and goats is carried out in the Southern Federal District: the Republic of Kalmykia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Volgograd Region; in the North Caucasus Federal District: the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Stavropol Territory, the Kabardino-Balkarian and Chechen Republics; in the Siberian Federal District: Trans-Baikal Territory; in the Far Eastern Federal District: Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories, Amur Region and Jewish Autonomous Region.
Bovine tuberculosis. Over the 11 months of 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, the number of cattle infected with tuberculosis in the Russian Federation decreased to 298 heads compared to 883 heads in 2015. The number of unfavorable points registered at the end of the year decreased.
This year, bovine tuberculosis was registered in 12 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 7 federal districts. There were no outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis in the subjects of the Northwestern Federal District.
The Belgorod, Tambov, Ulyanovsk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky territories have been recovered from cattle tuberculosis.
Those unfavorable for bovine tuberculosis at the end of the year are: Republic of Tatarstan -
5 unfavorable points, the Republic of Crimea - 2 points, the Republics of Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Omsk and Saratov regions - 1 point each.
The improvement of farms from tuberculosis in the constituent entities of Russia is carried out using the method of systematic allergic studies with the isolation of sick animals and their subsequent slaughter.
Animal brucellosis. The epizootic situation regarding brucellosis in cattle in the Russian Federation remained tense. Over the 11 months of the reporting year, compared to the same period in 2015, in Russia there was an increase in the number of newly identified problem areas by 11.7%.
As of January 1, 2016, there were 194 unfavorable points for brucellosis in cattle in the Russian Federation. Over the 11 months of 2016, 548 new disadvantaged points were identified, which is actually 64 points more than during the same period in 2015 (484 points).
However, the number of sick cattle decreased from 9,240 to 8,633 heads. This year, brucellosis in cattle was registered in 27 regions of Russia. There are 351 disadvantaged points in these regions.
The largest number of cattle sick with brucellosis is in the North Caucasus Federal District - 4150 heads (or 48.1% of the number of cases in Russia), the Volga Federal District - 2194 heads (25.4%) and the Southern Federal District - 1482 heads (17. 2%). In the subjects of the Northwestern federal district brucellosis in cattle was not detected. In other districts, the number of animals sick with brucellosis is insignificant.
A difficult epizootic situation regarding brucellosis in cattle is observed in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic - 213 unfavorable points, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania - 21 points, the Republic of Dagestan -
17 points, Stavropol Territory - 15 points, Astrakhan Region - 14 points, Saratov Region -
13 points, the Republic of Kalmykia - 11 points, etc.
The recovery of farms from brucellosis in cattle is carried out in general complex recreational activities with the culling of reacting animals and the simultaneous creation immune defense using anti-brucellosis vaccines from strains 82, 19 and 75/79.
Brucellosis of small ruminants
The epizootic situation regarding brucellosis in small cattle over 11 months in 2016 has improved compared to the same period in 2015.
As of January 1, 2016, 22 unfavorable points were registered in the Russian Federation; during 11 months of this year, 34 new unfavorable points were identified, and 34 were improved. The number of unfavorable points listed at the end of November decreased from 28 in 2015 to 22 points in 2016 . The number of sheep infected with brucellosis decreased from 2006 to 1012 heads.
Currently, 11 subjects of the Russian Federation are unfavorable for brucellosis of small ruminants: the Republic of Dagestan - 9 unfavorable points, Krasnodar Territory - 4 points, Astrakhan Region - 3 points, Moscow, Smolensk, Leningrad, Saratov regions, Republic of Mordovia, Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk Territories and Khanty-Mansiysk A.O. - 1 point each.
Preventive immunization of sheep was carried out in certain regions of the Russian Federation included in the Southern, North Caucasus, Volga and Siberian federal districts.
The main reasons for the occurrence and spread of brucellosis are violation of veterinary and sanitary requirements by animal owners and unauthorized transportation of animals without notifying veterinary services. Overexposure of sick animals, poor husbandry standards, and incomplete coverage of livestock with disease testing contribute to the involvement of new animals in the epizootic process.
The current epizootic situation regarding brucellosis of small ruminants requires coordinated actions of local government bodies, the state veterinary service, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, and animal owners aimed at solving organizational, economic and special veterinary, sanitary and restrictive measures.
Leukosis of cattle. Leukemia remains the most common disease among cattle in the Russian Federation.
The epizootic situation regarding bovine leukemia in 2016 in the Russian Federation improved.
According to the reporting data of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for 9 months of 2016, in comparison with the same period in 2015, the number of newly identified unfavorable points for bovine leukemia decreased from 240 to 104 points. The number of animals with leukemia decreased from 22.5 thousand animals in 2015 to 19.7 thousand animals in 2016. As of October 1, 2016, 1,876 unfavorable points for bovine leukemia were registered in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; as of the same date in 2015, there were 2,093 points. Bovine leukosis has been registered in 68 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
An improvement in the epizootic situation regarding bovine leukemia is noted in the Oryol, Yaroslavl, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk regions, and Stavropol Territory. In the above-mentioned constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the number of disadvantaged areas and animals with leukemia has decreased.
The epizootic situation regarding leukemia in cattle remains tense in the Novosibirsk region - 189 disadvantaged points, Chelyabinsk region - 159, Krasnodar region - 108, Kurgan region - 99, Tver - 96, Kaluga - 94, Moscow - 89, Samara - 72, Republic of Tatarstan - 72,
Penza region - 70, Tyumen - 70, Kemerovo - 66, Primorsky Territory - 63, Vladimir region - 60.
The high incidence of leukemia in cattle in these regions is due to the fact that work is not being carried out sufficiently to eliminate diseased livestock and improve the recovery of farms from this disease. Positively reacting animals remain in the herds, which leads to re-infection with the bovine leukemia virus.
Animal leptospirosis. Leptospirosis in cattle. Over the first 9 months of 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, the epizootic situation regarding leptospirosis in cattle improved in the Russian Federation. The number of newly identified unfavorable points decreased from 47 to 34. The number of animals sick with leptospirosis also decreased from 1,383 animals in 2015 to 816 in 2016.
Foci of leptospirosis in cattle were registered in 24 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and new troubled areas were identified in 18. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 70 dysfunctional points were registered, including 34 new ones, and 44 points were improved.
Leptospirosis in cattle this year was registered in the Perm, Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky territories, the Komi Republic, the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Khakassia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Chechen Republic, Samara, Ivanovo, Pskov, Oryol, Yaroslavl , Omsk, Kursk, Smolensk, Saratov, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Amur, Sakhalin regions and Jewish A.O.
IN reporting year leptospirosis of pigs was established in the Transbaikal and Krasnoyarsk territories, Kaluga region in the form of sporadic cases.
Equine leptospirosis has been registered in the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia), Buryatia, Khakassia, Primorsky, Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk territories, Astrakhan, Samara and Tyumen regions, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
Contagious nodular (nodular) dermatitis. In 2016, on the territory of the Russian Federation, contagious dermatitis nodosa among cattle was registered in 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in total 301 unfavorable points were identified (1837 outbreaks), where a total of 18217 animals fell ill, and 1573 heads died.
The disease occurred in Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory, Republics of Dagestan, Kalmykia, Adygea, Ingushetia, Chechen, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian Republics, Voronezh, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Tambov, Rostov, Samara and Ryazan regions.
Currently, in subjects unfavorable for nodular dermatitis, 281 unfavorable points (1810 foci) have been improved.
Bird flu. In 2016, in the Russian Federation, avian influenza among poultry was registered in the personal backyards of citizens in the Republic of Kalmykia (137 birds fell ill) and in poultry farms in the Astrakhan region (7,136 birds fell ill). Also, during monitoring studies in the Republic of Tyva (Ovyursky district, Lake Ubsu-Nur), 17 wild waterfowl influenza was detected.

Analysis of epizootic indicators indicates that the epizootic situation regarding transboundary and especially dangerous animal diseases remains tense. In 2016, the most widespread spread of African swine fever was observed. Among the diseases newly introduced into the territory of Russia, contagious nodular dermatitis of cattle has spread to certain territories of the Russian Federation.
There is a risk of introducing the pathogen of peste des petits ruminants from territories of neighboring countries that are unaffected by this disease (Mongolia).
At the same time supplies medicines The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to the executive authorities authorized in the field of veterinary medicine of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the required volumes allowed in 2016 to stabilize and subsequently eliminate the emerging foci of especially dangerous animal diseases (anthrax, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, etc.).

Epizootic situation by trans-border and especially dangerous animal diseases in 2016 was tense. There was wide expansion of African pig fever. We should also mention that among newly imported infections there was registered infectious nodular dermatitis of live stock.
There is a risk of importing activator of small ruminants plague from infected neighboring territories (Mongolia).
At the same time due to required volumes of supplies of medicines pursued by the RF Ministry of Agriculture to executive authorities responsible for veterinary situation in the RF regions it was possible to stabilize in 2016 and eliminate for the coming year focuses of especially dangerous animal diseases ( anthrax, leptospirosis, tuberculosis and etc.).

On November 1, 2017 at 13:00 at the Grand Hotel “Pearl” in Sochi, a press briefing will be held as part of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Socially significant and especially dangerous infectious diseases”.

Up to 40 million cases of infectious diseases are registered annually in the world. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in January-May 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, the Russian Federation experienced an increase in the incidence of mumps by 15.1 times, measles by 1.7 times, acute hepatitis A by 2 times, acute hepatitis E - by 41.7%, meningococcal infection - by 12.4%, enteroviral infections - by 24.9%, acute intestinal infections (AEI) - by 4.8%.

According to official statistics, the total number of people infected with hepatitis C in the Russian Federation is 1.8 million people. However, it must be taken into account that a large number of diseases remain undetected.

As of July 1, 2017, the number of HIV-infected people in Russia amounted to 1,167,581 people. The rate of HIV infection among the population of the Russian Federation in 2017 reached 795.3 people infected with HIV per 100 thousand of the population of Russia. Moreover, the majority of people affected by tuberculosis are among HIV-infected people.

Will take part in the press briefing :

  1. Kraevoy Sergey Alexandrovich– Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.
  2. GabbasovaLyalya Adegamovna– Assistant to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow).
  3. Filippov Evgeniy Fedorovich- Minister of Health of the Krasnodar Territory.
  4. Kostenko Natalya Alekseevna– Deputy Director of the Department of Health Protection and Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare of People of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
  5. Shestakova Irina Viktorovna– chief freelance specialist in the field of infectious diseases of the Russian Ministry of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow).
  6. GorodinVladimir Nikolayevich– chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Southern Federal District, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Kuban State Medical University, chief physician of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “SKIB”, Doctor of Medical Sciences (Krasnodar Territory).
  7. Boyko Elena Alekseevna– Head of the Department of Expert Support in the Field of Biological Safety of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks” of the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow).
  8. LioznovDmitry Anatolyevich– Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Influenza Research Institute” of the Russian Ministry of Health.
  9. Borovoy Vladimir Nikolaevich– Deputy Director of the Veterinary Department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.
  10. Redko Andrey Nikolaevich– Vice-Rector for Research, Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar Territory).
  11. Rumyantsev Sergey Alexandrovich– Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow).

At the press briefing, government officials and leading Russian experts will broadly discuss the topic of HIV, talk about priority measures to combat and prevent the spread of infection that have been adopted in the Russian Federation until 2020, as well as the prospects for the implementation of these measures. What are the methods of treatment for HIV-infected people in Russia, how do drug treatment and infectious disease services interact? How acute is the problem of personnel shortage, in particular, infectious disease specialists, what are the ways to solve it?

Experts will also discuss the topic of providing drug therapy to patients with viral hepatitis, talk about modern treatment methods and pay special attention to preventive measures and the risks of mortality from the consequences of hepatitis.

In addition, the press briefing will present forecasts about possible outbreaks of zoonotic infections (anthrax, brucellosis, African plague, etc.) in our country and the world. Will imported drugs and vaccines be replaced and domestic immunobiological drugs created? What actions are being taken by the authorities to protect the population from infectious diseases during high migration growth, and is it necessary to carry out special sanitary measures to protect the territory of the Russian Federation? What is known about the BioPro protection system, whose laboratories are located near the Russian borders? What path can Russia offer to the world in the field of biological safety?

During the press briefing, patients will have a unique opportunity to address current issues to the country's leading specialists and government officials in the format of a video question.

“There are no past infections. If the incidence rate is falling today, this does not mean that this infection can be forgotten. Recorded infectious diseases are only a small part of the true spread of infectious pathology. It’s worth relaxing the preventive measures a little – and the infection will immediately remind itself. Today there is the concept of “returning infections”, which quite recently seemed to be eliminated (as happened with syphilis, polio, tuberculosis). No matter how frightening we are about new infections, the flu kills most people in the world. The area of ​​special attention for infectious disease specialists is HIV infection (the virus has left risk groups, and the incidence continues to grow) and viral hepatitis. Fortunately, we managed to get some of them under control,” notes the chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases of the Russian Ministry of Health, Professor I.V. Shestakova, organizer and initiator of the Conference.

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