Home Dental treatment What are dentures called? Modern types of dental prosthetics

What are dentures called? Modern types of dental prosthetics

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in our time, but prostheses with complete absence teeth will help solve this problem.

Today, there are several methods of prosthetics, which depend on the patient’s budget and individual characteristics.

What kind of dentures can be installed if there is not a single tooth left in the mouth?

There are practically no people in the world who have not been affected by tooth decay.

At first, a person tries to solve it, goes to the dentist for sessions, looks for the best solutions, but over time, one gets used to this situation, and most often the problem remains unresolved until complications arise.

Everyone knows that our body is perfect, and the loss of any of its organs will sooner or later lead to undesirable consequences.

Over time, the body’s work is restructured, the absence of one organ is compensated for by another.

The same thing happens in oral cavity: load extracted tooth is distributed between the last teeth, and their work becomes more complicated.

Different groups of teeth perform their functions. So, the front ones help to bite off food, and the side ones crush the food and form it into a food bolus of the required consistency.

The absence of at least one tooth in the dentition significantly affects a person’s appearance. The skin at the site of the missing tooth becomes not as elastic as before, and wrinkles appear. The lower third of the face is distorted.

After a tooth has been removed, the bone atrophies and becomes thinner, which disrupts nutrition in the tissue.

This process is manifested by a decrease in the number of blood vessels in the place where the tooth was removed and a weakening of the bone structure. As a result of such processes, teeth can shift and the bite is disrupted.

Due to a lack of teeth, muscle tone is disrupted, wrinkles form, the cheeks can fall inward, and the oval of the face changes.

If the teeth were removed from the front, the lips fall inward, the nasolabial fold deepens, and the corners of the mouth droop. All this leads to facial asymmetry, muscle tone weakens, and signs of aging appear.

The main function of teeth is to grind food. If food is not chewed enough, it can cause digestive difficulties and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently chewed and undigested food is poorly absorbed by the body, resulting in a lack of nutrients, vitamins, and microelements. All this affects general condition the body and its protective abilities.

In addition, the absence of teeth also affects a person’s speech. Due to the lack of teeth, articulation is impaired, sometimes a person cannot pronounce individual sounds.

Types of removable prosthetics

Today medicine offers people with edentia. There are removable and non-removable dentures.

The simplest method of prosthetics is a complete removable denture, which is available to almost every patient. Doctors offer acrylic and nylon dentures in the complete absence of all teeth.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is its low price. The product will be affordable for almost every patient. However, the prosthesis also has many disadvantages.

Firstly, the design does not adhere well to soft tissues. The product is fixed by vacuum, sticking to the gums.

When a person moves his jaw, the soft tissues also move, air gets under the suction cup, which is why the denture no longer holds so firmly on the gums.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is its rather large size. Because of this, the patient has to get used to this design for a long time, and diction and taste perception may be temporarily impaired.

Plastic jaws, and especially acrylic ones, can crack and even break under heavy chewing loads.

After such damage, the implant must be repaired in a special laboratory; repairs take not only money, but also time.

A complete removable denture with fixation on ball-shaped implants is a denture with special clamps on which it is securely fixed.

The retainers consist of a plastic matrix and a spherical abutment. The matrix is ​​attached to the jaw itself, and the spherical element is attached to the implant.

When the patient puts on the jaw, the matrix snaps onto the ball-shaped element and the structure is securely fixed in the mouth. To ensure that the prosthesis is well secured and does not move out of place, you need to use at least two implants.

This type of jaw rests well on the gums; it does not move or fall off. In addition, this type of implant-based prosthesis is one of the most affordable for patients.

However, the design also has disadvantages. The plastic parts that cover the gums and palate are quite large, so it takes some time for the patient to get used to the new sensations, and diction may be impaired.

The prosthesis does not have a rigid frame; it is made entirely of plastic, so it can become covered with cracks and breaks.

The implants on which the structure is attached can withstand the entire load. If you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations and use the prosthesis incorrectly, the implant can be overloaded, which causes pain. bone under him. Such careless attitude to the prosthesis can lead to jaw loss.

A removable denture with beam fixation on implants for edentulous patients is the most comfortable and reliable way prosthetic mouth without teeth.

Making such a jaw is quite difficult - both the doctor and the dental technician must have extensive knowledge and skills.

To make and mill a beam system, you need modern, high-precision equipment. The structure consists of the beam itself on implants and a plastic matrix, which is placed in the removable part of the prosthesis.

To ensure that the chewing load is distributed evenly, the patient has 4 implants installed in the front part of the jaw.

This prosthesis fits perfectly on the gums: thanks to the presence of the beam, the prosthesis does not move, which is especially important for the patient.

The loads are distributed optimally, so the implants are not loaded and the surrounding tissues remain in normal condition.

The jaws are made on the basis of a metal frame, so they are quite durable. In addition, the beam structure perfectly holds the prosthesis, so a minimal amount of plastic is used for its manufacture. The gums and palate remain open.

The main disadvantage of such prosthetics is its high price. This method is the most expensive among removable prosthetics, but the result of the work is worth it.

The jaw should be removed twice a day during hygiene procedures.

Fixed prosthetics

The title of which indicates main principle this method.

Such a jaw is quick to make, it is convenient for the patient, and it is also affordable. In this case, the prosthesis is non-removable and is fixed on 4 supporting implants.

Such prosthetics do not in any way affect the patient’s food tastes or diction, and does not cause any unpleasant phenomena.

With this technology, posterior implants are implanted at an angle, so vertical bone restoration is not required.

This suggests that such prosthetics are performed quickly enough and are not delayed.

This latest technology allows you to perform prosthetics on a completely empty mouth according to an exact plan that the doctor draws up in advance.

The installation process of such an implant takes place in 4 stages:

  • At the first visit, the doctor takes an X-ray of the jaw, consults the patient in detail and takes impressions, while the tone of the teeth is also selected;
  • at the second visit, the doctor will model the chewing planes and form the correct support for the lip;
  • during the third visit, the doctor will make the necessary correction and give recommendations for further treatment;
  • At the last session, the doctor will install a prosthesis, which will be made according to the patient’s individual parameters.

Another option is a fixed metal-ceramic prosthesis on implants in the absence of teeth.

To install such a jaw, the doctor places four or more implants in the patient’s mouth in a special way, which will serve as a support for a stationary prosthesis.

This design is much more convenient than plastic removable analogues, since it feels more like natural teeth.

There are no plastic additives in metal-ceramic structures, so they are comfortable and compact.

If the patient has a deficiency of gums in some places, then it is replenished with ceramics, which are painted to match the color of the soft tissues.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is ease of use. It does not need to be removed every day.

In addition, diction and taste sensations. Soft fabrics remain completely open in the mouth, which is very important.

Metal-ceramic prostheses are very durable, made on the basis of a chrome-cobalt frame, which is resistant to damage and deformation. In addition, the prosthesis will last for many years, remaining in its original form.

Metal ceramics perfectly imitate natural teeth, which looks very aesthetically pleasing.

A technician with extensive experience can make the difference between false gums and your own gums virtually invisible to strangers.

The main disadvantage of such prostheses is their high price. To produce such teeth, you need special equipment and highly qualified dental technicians and doctors.

Therefore, in the end, the work is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it. However, the natural appearance of the prosthesis and its quality are much superior to their plastic removable counterparts.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is the presence of metal, to which some patients may be allergic. However, such cases are very rare.

The newest method of prosthetics is a fixed jaw based on zirconium dioxide, which is attached to implants.

This is an innovative, biocompatible, comfortable and aesthetic type of prosthetics for a mouth without teeth. This material is very durable, while the entire structure is quite light, much smaller than metal.

The material allows you to create the most natural imitation of teeth and gums; the prosthesis will look “alive” and natural.

Such a prosthesis is attached according to the same principle as a metal-ceramic one, but in all other respects it is much superior to it.

Which prosthesis to choose?

If a patient is faced with the problem of complete absence of teeth, then the most important thing in this case is to choose the right type of prosthetics.

In recent years, patients have increasingly preferred implant-supported prosthetics.

This design is securely fixed in the mouth and will not fall out while talking or eating, while at the same time this happens quite often with removable dentures.

Doctors recommend securing removable dentures special gels, however, this solution is not suitable for everyone: gels can cause allergic reaction the patient, and they only help when the distance between the prosthesis and the gum is minimal.

It is important to note that there are methods that can improve the fixation and stabilization of a removable denture, but no matter how experienced the doctor is, the removable denture still significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.

In addition, when wearing dentures, the bone tissue atrophies over time, so future implantation may be difficult.

Another disadvantage of wearing complete removable dentures is the gag reflex, which is an individual reaction of the body to a foreign body.

Often the patient's gag reflex is so strong that even during the taking of impressions the patient feels severe discomfort. In this case, the doctor should raise the question of the reasonableness of installing a removable denture.

As for prosthetics with implants, the patient can grind food much better, which affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body, but owners of removable dentures often complain of discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

Modern dentistry allows you to restore the beauty and health of the oral cavity even if there are no teeth left. A denture in the case of complete absence of teeth is chosen depending on the financial capabilities of the patient and the capabilities of the clinic to which he applied.

Beautiful aesthetic smile - business card every person, so missing teeth often becomes a real problem. Every person who is missing at least one tooth will be interested to know what types of dental prosthetics exist, because today it is the most popular dental procedure.

Today, dentistry uses a wide variety of types of dentures, which are selected depending on the situation in each specific case. This takes into account their price, characteristics of the material and the period for which the product is planned to be used.

Many people are interested in what types of dentures are, because everyone has at least once encountered the problem of missing one or more teeth. There are several methods to quickly and efficiently restore your smile and chewing functions.

These types of dentures are complemented by designs on special convenient hooks that tightly fix the product in the oral cavity. The metal frame creates a strong support for artificial crowns.

This species has its positive and negative sides. One of the advantages is the fastening with locks, which can fix the product more firmly. But sometimes the aesthetics are spoiled by metal hooks that are visible when you smile.

Dental dentures are made from a variety of materials and are more expensive than all other options. They have the following advantages:

  • permanent fixation prevents displacement of the prosthesis;
  • artificial crowns do not stand out in any way in the oral cavity;
  • uniform distribution of load on all teeth;
  • biocompatibility of the material of insert prostheses, bridges and tissues.

Their disadvantages:

  • possibility of chipping due to improper use;
  • high price.

Modern dental prosthetics and existing species materials for it are very different depending on the budget and purpose of the structure. To restore chewing functions, metal-ceramics are often used, which are highly durable and can withstand significant loads. If such a crown is attached to an implant, the service life increases several times.

The doctor can advise which types of prosthetics to choose based on a general assessment of the condition of the oral cavity and the financial capabilities of the patient.

Removable dentures - main types and which ones are better? In the process of solving such a problem as restoration of the dentition, many consider the issue of prosthetics. Based on this, I am interested in the question of what removable dentures are and which ones are better. It is quite difficult to answer this question, since there are many points that need to be relied on, ranging from the individual tolerance of the body to the characteristics of the problem that is planned to be solved with the help of prosthetics. The modern dental field offers a huge selection of various dentures, so everyone will find suitable removable dentures for themselves, which can also be best recommended by a dentist.

Important! When choosing the type of removable denture, you need to approach it as carefully as possible, weighing all the pros and cons. To a greater extent, you need to rely on the recommendations of a specialist and to a lesser extent on personal preferences and comfort requirements.

Each modern dental structure is characterized by its positive and negative features. There are those that are designed to completely replace teeth, and there are those that require partial replacement. If there are no teeth at all in the oral cavity or there are very few of them, you cannot do without installing a removable process.

Which of the modern removable dentures are better?

One of the most important criteria in choosing quality prostheses is the need for full recovery functions of the dentition. All other characteristics and selection parameters, such as material, cost and appearance- This additional criteria, which can be different and are chosen depending on opportunity and preference.

Many people, when solving the problem of which prosthetics to choose, rely on the cost of the products and the prosthetics themselves. Preference is often given to inexpensive products, but this is not entirely the right approach. At a reduced cost, prostheses made from low-quality acrylic are installed. Such dental structures are not very firmly attached to the oral cavity. You should choose only mini-implants from acrylic, which, thanks to this material, become more accessible and, accordingly, more in demand.

Here are descriptions of several types of prostheses, their disadvantages and advantages. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can make an informed choice of design and get the most suitable one for your needs. external characteristics and the functionality of the prostheses.

Clasp removable dentures

These designs are characterized by a high-quality metal base. It is attached to gums made of high-quality plastic, as well as artificial crowns. The metal base is made in the shape of an arc; it effectively connects all the structural elements of the prosthesis. To carry out prosthetics with these devices, you will need to have native supporting teeth. It is on them that during the installation process the main structure will be attached using special fixing elements. If there are no supporting teeth, they are first implanted.

A distinctive feature of the structures is the peculiarity of their fastening. These prostheses are fixed in three different ways:

  1. Clasp fastening. This is a fastener based on metal hooks. They are attached to the supporting teeth, due to which the entire structure as a whole is held in place.
  2. Locking fixation. This is the attachment of a structure to the molar abutment teeth using devices such as attachments. One part of the lock is attached to the supporting tooth, the other is installed on the structure itself. Once they are connected, both parts of the lock snap into place. This technology involves preparing teeth; without this, it will not be possible to insert locks.
  3. Mounting on telescopic crowns. These elements are put on the supporting teeth, previously ground to the shape of a cone. This method of prosthetics is characterized by high reliability indicators and belongs to the category of the most expensive types of fastening.
  1. Affordable price;
  2. Comfortable wearing;
  3. Attractive appearance;
  4. Designs are constantly being improved;
  5. Their installation is allowed for diseases such as periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  6. You can easily fix the prosthesis on the front teeth, and not just on the side teeth;
  7. The service life of the prosthesis reaches 5 years.

Availability different types and methods of fastening prostheses makes it possible to choose the best option for yourself in terms of external characteristics and features during wearing.

There are also certain disadvantages to this system. With partial tooth replacement, such dentures may be visible, especially if the smile is very wide. There is also an increase in the overall adaptation period due to the metal arc.

Removable dentures made of nylon

A large number of modern prostheses are made from high-quality nylon. The material gives them comfortable softness, flexibility, and elasticity. The attachment is carried out to the gums using special suction devices. Among the main positive characteristics This type of prosthesis can be noted:

  1. No metal is used in the manufacturing process of the prosthesis, which is an advantage for many patients, especially for those who have metal intolerance;
  2. There is no need to prepare the teeth, since fixation is carried out through simple suction;
  3. In dentistry, there are structures equipped with hooks made of the same material as the prosthesis itself. Thanks to this, they do not cause physical or aesthetic defects;
  4. You can strengthen the fixation using a special cream, gel and medical glue;
  5. The prosthesis can be used both with partial and complete absence of teeth;
  6. These structures do not break. Nylon is an elastic and at the same time very strong material;
  7. High indicators of aesthetics of the material.

One more is enough important advantage prostheses is the possibility of their long-term wear. The use time can reach 7 years. At the same time, the designs are not without certain disadvantages. These include not very good load distribution during the chewing process, and wearing dentures often causes the development of atrophy of the jaw bone tissue. Very hard food is difficult to chew with these dentures. In addition, the cost of these prostheses is not low; it is an order of magnitude higher than clasp devices.

Lamellar dentures

Such dentures are made from high-quality acrylic plastic. Attached to the base artificial teeth, made of hard or, conversely, soft plastic. Characterizing these designs, the following can be noted: positive sides use of structures:

  1. The most affordable method of prosthetics.
  2. Prostheses are simple to manufacture and install.
  3. Possible for relatively a short time completely restore the aesthetics and overall functionality of the dentition.

The prosthesis is easy to maintain and does not require additional expenses when performing care procedures. TO negative aspects dentures may include the possibility of gums rubbing against relatively hard plastic. In the oral cavity, due to the prosthesis, taste and temperature sensitivity is reduced. There is a violation of diction. Also, some structures require professional cleaning from time to time.

Once installed, the prosthesis completely covers the palate. If the installation takes place on lower gum, then it is on it that they rely. The structures are attached to the supporting teeth using metal hooks.

Implant prostheses

This is a special type of prosthesis that is installed using implants pre-installed in the gums. It is already possible to install clasp and plastic structures on them. This type prosthetics, combined with plate prosthetics, makes it possible to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as rubbing gums or serious problems with diction.

If necessary, nylon prostheses can also be installed on the implants. But this technique is not cost-effective, since implantation titanium structures will put pressure on the structure of the prosthesis, which will automatically reduce total time their operation.

Complete and partial dentures

Modern removable dentures can differ not only in the material of manufacture and design features, but also as complete or partial dentures.

Complete dentures

Such designs are used in cases of complete absence of teeth. This type of prosthetics is very important, as it solves not only the issue of aesthetics, but also proper digestion, which is necessary for health. With the help of complete dentures, you can completely restore the function and shape of the oral cavity. In this way, the development of various pathologies gastrointestinal organs.

In the absence of teeth, when there is absolutely no support, such dentures are held in place due to a special suction effect. The prosthesis is simply attached to the gums and mucous membranes. Such dentures adhere well to the upper jaw. As for the lower jaw, to secure the prosthesis on it you will need to use glue or special silicone gaskets. Similar designs in modern dentistry are called suction cup dentures. IN wide range For complete removable dentures, acrylic products are very popular. They are easy to manufacture and therefore are sold at a relatively affordable cost.

Important! It is acrylic modern dentures that cope much better with the process of chewing food, as they have a relatively rigid structure.

Manufacturers produce prostheses made of high-quality nylon, that is, structures with special suction cups; there are silicone options that do not require rigidity, but are characterized by other, no less important advantages.

Partially removable dentures

This type of dentures is suitable when several teeth are missing at the same time. To replace them, modern dentistry uses removable silicone dentures. By their design, prostheses of this type are a base that copies the mucous membrane and the sides of the teeth and clasps, that is, devices that are designed to hold the prosthesis. Such prostheses are characterized by certain disadvantages:

  1. There is a possibility of developing caries in the place where the clasp fits tightly to the tooth surface;
  2. Risk appears complete atrophy tissues that are under the prosthesis.

The best option for partial tooth loss is the use of clasp dentures, that is, an arched version. Such prostheses have a minimal number of disadvantages. They have special arches, the main purpose of which is to optimally distribute the load between the teeth present, as well as the mucous membrane. Another important advantage of partially removable dentures of all types and categories is their more reliable fixation.

In this section it is worth describing special conditionally removable dentures. IN certain situations the use of fixed dentures is completely useless due to a disease such as periodontitis. In this case, teeth that are weak due to disease cannot be reliable support Therefore, a special conditionally removable type of modern prosthetics is used. It is optimally suited to all situations involving missing teeth, but such prosthetics are ideal for situations where one tooth is missing.

Features of insertion and removal of the prosthesis

If a removable denture is used, it is important to choose an option for the person that will be most comfortable for him to insert and remove. Usually, in order to choose the best option, the patient has to go through great amount options. After trying different types of structures, preference is given to an option that will evenly distribute the load on your teeth, and the prosthesis itself will be applied and removed without any problems. It is worth noting that only an experienced specialist can determine how the insertion and removal of the prosthesis will occur. This is determined after examining the patient undergoing dental treatment.

Adaptation to removable dentures

Almost every person who just starts wearing a prosthesis experiences a feeling of discomfort. The reason is that the general physiology of the masticatory apparatus changes significantly. As soon as the denture is inserted into the oral cavity, it contracts slightly, and this usually leads to certain disturbances in pronunciation, as well as changes in general chewing movements. Among the main unpleasant symptoms caused by dentures at the beginning of wear are:

  1. Increased work of the salivary glands.
  2. Constant vomiting.
  3. Temperature and taste changes are lost.
  4. There may be some difficulty biting and chewing food.

Similar unpleasant symptoms They usually go away within a month. As soon as the body completely gets used to the prostheses, both foreign bodies All discomfort leaving. Next, you just need to carefully observe hygiene. At night, dentures should be removed and washed in special solutions.

Summing up

Modern innovative prosthetics are carried out in every clinic. The cost of the procedure can vary and depends on parameters such as the number of missing teeth, the design features of the prosthesis, the material from which the structures are made, as well as the overall complexity of the work.

Before installation of the prosthesis, the patient undergoes a thorough examination. Only after this can you find out which type of prosthetics is more suitable in terms of such important parameters as aesthetics and comfort. Thus, the type of removable dentures is determined only simultaneously with the dentist, who takes into account not only the general problem, but also individual preferences and capabilities. The best prosthesis is a design that fits the patient perfectly.

Types of dental prosthetics - video

No one is immune from tooth loss. This can be the result of injury or serious dental disease. The loss of even one tooth spoils the aesthetics of a smile and changes the quality of life not only better side. Possibilities modern medicine allow you to qualitatively restore the integrity of your smile. What types of prosthetics does modern dentistry offer its patients?

Types of prosthetics

The possibilities of modern dentistry make it possible to restore the integrity of a smile in any situation.

Main types of dentures:

  1. Removable are used in the absence of all teeth, the structure is attached using special plates.
  2. Fixed are used to restore a damaged part of a tooth, as well as in case of loss of one or two elements. Such products are installed for a certain period of time and cannot be removed without the help of a specialist.
  3. Implantation– implantation of an implant (acting as a root) into the jaw bone, onto which a crown is placed. This type of prosthetics allows not only to restore the integrity of the smile, but also to return the functionality of the dentition.

Classification of removable dentures

Removable dentures- structures that, if necessary, can be removed from the oral cavity (to care for them, while sleeping at night, etc.), and then put back on. This type of prosthetics is popular among mature patients.

What types of removable dentures are there? We invite you to familiarize yourself with this information in the table:

Type of removable dentures Peculiarities
  • The design is based on a metal arc.
  • They are attached to the supporting teeth using clasps or special clasps.
  • They allow you to restore one or several lost teeth.
  • Evenly distributes the chewing load.
  • There are models that are used for periodontal diseases.
Clasp partial
  • Made of plastic.
  • Attached to the abutment tooth.
Nylon or silicone
  • Made from modern translucent materials.
  • Very thin and flexible.
  • Maximum ease of use.
  • Can not be repaired.
Complete removable denture with suction cups
  • It is used if the patient has no teeth at all.
  • Attached using special suction cups.
Conditionally removable
  • Used to restore single teeth.
  • Attached to the adjacent abutment tooth.
Immediate prosthesis
  • Used as a temporary prosthesis while a permanent one is being made.
  • If necessary, the product can be removed and replaced.

Thanks to innovative technologies and application computer equipment in the process of manufacturing dental structures, maximum accuracy and compliance of the prosthesis with individual characteristics structure of the patient's dentition.

To answer the question which dentures are the best and make right choice, it is important to take many factors into account.

Dental structures, first of all, must completely restore the functionality of lost teeth.

As a rule, the choice of prosthetic method is based on the goal pursued and the financial capabilities of the patient.

Prostheses can be:

  • metal (gold, steel);
  • combined (for example, plastic on the front side and metal on the back).

It can be:

  • artificial teeth;
  • single crowns.

They all differ in cost and aesthetic properties.

Dentures are divided into removable and non-removable. Their main difference is that non-removable ones are fixed to the teeth by the dentist for a long time.

The best removable dentures

Removable dentures are classified into several groups:

  1. Full removable
  2. Conditionally removable

Since the range of removable dental systems is quite diverse, many people will have a question: which removable dentures are best to insert? Their choice is determined by the number of teeth surviving in the oral cavity.

  • If teeth are completely lost, a complete removable denture will be required.
  • If the orthopedic design has something to “catch on to,” then for prosthetics you can use clasp ones, which this moment are considered the best of the partially removable ones.

Full removable

The only alternative to dental prosthetics for edentulous jaws (one or both) are completely removable dentures made of acrylic or nylon. Such designs in Lately were subject to a number of improvements, as a result of which their main disadvantages, such as unsatisfactory aesthetics and unreliable fixation in the oral cavity, became less significant.

Manufactured according to the latest technologies artificial teeth have excellent aesthetic qualities and very high wear resistance. With good hygiene and proper use, dentures can last a very long time, maintaining their appearance, density and color. In addition, complete removable structures can be manufactured taking into account the wishes of the patient and his individual characteristics.

In order for removable dentures to stand firmly in the oral cavity, it is better to place them on dental implants implanted into the jaw. A more expensive option is to install the structures on special suction cups, although they are not recommended for installation on the more mobile lower jaw. Modern removable dental structures made from the latest materials, they look no worse natural teeth, they are characterized by rapid adaptation.

Fully removable acrylic mandibular denture

Which removable dentures are better - nylon or acrylic? To answer this question, it is necessary to compare some of their criteria, namely:

  1. Lightness and flexibility. Thanks to the use of nylon, nylon removable dentures are flexible, lightweight and soft, but at the same time they are very durable. In this sense, acrylic ones are significantly inferior to them, having a greater likelihood of breakage. But on the other hand, the acrylic structure is lightweight and retains its shape for a long time.
  2. Hygiene. Nylon structures do not emit odors, do not absorb moisture, and are non-toxic. Acrylic, in contrast to nylon, has porosity, as a result of which bacteria accumulate on the surface of structures, which can cause inflammatory processes.
  3. Aesthetics. In color and shape, nylon dentures match natural teeth and retain their appearance throughout the entire period of wear. The disadvantage of removable nylon structures is that the artificial teeth at the junction are translucent. In the case of acrylic removable dentures, it is possible to choose the appropriate size, color and shape.
  4. Hypoallergenic. Nylon removable dentures have good biocompatibility, acrylic ones can cause general and local allergic reactions.
  5. Price. Due to the fact that nylon orthopedic structures are made abroad, their cost is more expensive than acrylic ones. In general, the cost of removable dentures, when compared with implantation, is quite affordable.

Partially removable dentures

Partial removable systems made with metal or plastic frames can help fill gaps with missing teeth. Most often they are shown:

  1. In case of loss chewing teeth.
  2. As a temporary measure (in the manufacture of a better prosthesis).
  3. With significant defects in the dentition (several teeth missing in a row).
  4. In cases where the use of adjacent teeth as a support for installing a bridge is impossible.
  • plastic plate prostheses;
  • removable sectors or segments;

Plastic plate

Plastic dental structures are inexpensive, but when chewing food they do not provide optimal distribution of mechanical load on the gums. On the other hand, thanks to simple fastenings, the patient can independently remove them from the oral cavity for hygienic treatment, and then put them back in place.

Sheet plastic partial dentures are used to replace missing teeth and are considered the simplest orthopedic design available. Such dentures rest their base on the surface of the gum and, using metal clasps (hooks), are held by the supporting teeth closest to the defect.


Clasp dentures are considered the most reliable and quite convenient to use. They are characterized by a more expensive and complex orthopedic design. Clasp systems evenly distribute the load between the teeth remaining in the mouth and the surface of the jaw.

They are based on a frame (a metal arch with all the functional, fixing and fastening elements) where the artificial teeth are located. The frame of the denture is made individually using high-precision casting from ultra-strong alloys (chromium-cobalt, gold-platinum or titanium). Clasp dentures are precisely adjusted to the tissues of the oral cavity: they are easy to use, durable, very light and quite durable.

Clasp systems are installed in case of partial absence of teeth, and are also used as therapeutic devices for periodontal disease and tooth mobility.

Designs on telescopic crowns are a type of clasp crowns. They are attached to the teeth using a two-part crown. Holding tightly, the crown fits into one another and resembles a folding telescope. Telescopic crowns are indicated when a prosthesis is needed big size, which cannot be fixed.

Removable sectors and segments of dentition

Cases of unilateral loss of chewing teeth are not uncommon in dental practice. In such situations, one-sided structures are shown, the so-called removable sectors, which are secured with attachments or clasps.

Removable immediate dentures are used in dentistry as temporary ones.

Conditionally removable prosthetics

In the absence of one tooth, usually a chewing one, ceramic or plastic conditionally removable dentures are indicated. These orthopedic structures are attached to the supporting teeth with special locks that are built into the dental crowns, and only a doctor can remove them from the mouth.

Fixed dentures

There are several types of dental systems designed to recreate missing teeth and restore chewing function, which are attached to a specific place and cannot be removed by the patient. Only a dentist can remove them using instruments.


  1. Dental crowns It is established when one or two adjacent teeth are lost. Crowns can be solid, metal-ceramic or ceramic. They are distinguished by aesthetics, convenience and durability (they last up to 20 years). Before installing the crown, the pulpless tooth is ground down, an impression is taken from it, according to which the crown is made and then put on.
  2. Dental bridge prosthetics indicated for the replacement of one or more lost teeth, if there are still natural teeth nearby. The bridge is placed only on 2 supports in the form of prepared prepared teeth (can be installed on an implant).
  3. Tabsthese are microprostheses, which are indicated for the correction of significant dental defects. Inlays can be metal (titanium, gold or silver), ceramic, composite or plastic. The last 2 options, despite their low cost, have good qualities, but they are less durable.
  4. Veneers They are thin plates that are attached to the teeth with special glue. They are often used to eliminate dental defects: darkening of teeth, malocclusion, and chipped teeth.
  5. Implantation- this is the introduction into jaw bone artificial root, where the crown is subsequently placed.

What to choose: removable or fixed dentures

To settle on a specific prosthetic option, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  • Number of teeth lost: if 1-2 teeth are missing, you can implant an implant, install a crown or a conditionally removable denture.
  • Expected Result: fixed dentures restore chewing function much better than removable dentures, but veneers and conditionally removable dentures will provide an attractive smile.
  • Convenience: It is important to remember that, unlike fixed (non-removable) dentures, removable structures must sometimes be removed, since they are located on the gingival surface, thereby creating areas that are poorly washed.
  • Vote with your wallet - choose by price. Many people, of course, dream of making high-quality dental prosthetics, but if you choose the best option financial situation does not allow it, you have to settle for what is cheaper (solid cast metal crowns, removable plastic structures).

The question of which prosthesis to install is not something you should decide on your own. In any case, you should contact a doctor who will offer you the most acceptable option in terms of cost and quality.

In addition, when choosing a denture, you should take into account contraindications to certain types of prosthetics. But at the current stage of development of dentistry and orthopedics, we can confidently say that absolute contraindications does not exist for this procedure. Thanks to the large number various techniques prosthetics, if it is impossible to use one, you can choose another one.

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