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Traction therapy is common name for several types of spine treatment. Such assistance is positioned as part of complex treatment, which allows you to neutralize many of the discomfort associated with spinal discs.

Non-standard treatment

The basics of the technique were laid down in the time of Hippocrates. Today, to implement the plan, special types of equipment are used that provide increased efficiency. Non-violent spinal traction was initially positioned as a excellent remedy, capable of resisting degenerative-dystrophic changes. This is the name for osteochondrosis, which usually accompanies older people. It’s not for nothing that when people reach a certain age threshold, they become shorter. Explained similar to those, What intervertebral discs, which act as gaskets between the vertebrae, lose their elasticity.

As they come closer, they compress the nerve endings, which trigger the inflammatory process, begin to swell, and cause pain in different spinal regions.

If on early stage If the disease develops, if you do not seek qualified help, the discs will begin to bulge, which in the future contributes to the formation of an intervertebral hernia. In addition to pain in the lesion itself, the victim will complain of identical symptoms in neighboring areas. He will also be plagued by numbness in his arms and legs, atrophy, and weight loss. lower limbs, if we are talking about the location of the hernia closer to the lower vertebral regions.

A sharp loss of weight in the legs is explained by the fact that the muscles there no longer receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Auxiliary characteristics indicating instability of the main “pillar” of the body are: sudden changes blood pressure, muscle tension, memory problems, urinary problems and constipation.

Moreover, only 15% of all problems associated with the vertebrae can be solved with the help of pharmacological drugs. To achieve increased productivity of therapy, specialists often combine drug programs with something else. The traction route is best suited for most of these conditions.

In medical terminology, the method goes under long name– muscle relaxation traction therapy.

The presented format of assistance can be carried out:

  • only under the influence of the patient’s weight;
  • with the addition of auxiliary weights.

The main goal of the event is to separate the intervertebral discs from each other. To implement the plan, special medical couches, which facilitate the immobile position of the patient.

The exact number of sessions should be announced only by the doctor after studying the results of related tests, medical history, and latent contraindications. It is the attending physician who makes the verdict regarding what specific type of treatment service will be appropriate for a particular victim. There are two types of such therapy, which are sorted according to the type of implementation:

  • dry;
  • underwater

The second version is considered more gentle, as it is absolutely painless for the patient. Under the influence, which is maintained at room temperature, the muscles relax faster, which helps relieve spasms.

But the dry analogue also has its own trump card, which is based on the involvement of computer control. It is he who is able to provide ideal load selection.

In terms of prevalence, the dry version is more common. To follow her instructions, the victim only needs to lie down correctly on a special couch, maintaining Fowler’s position. This means you need to bend your knees and place your feet on the footrest.

Thanks to the well-thought-out structure of the medical table, tension and relaxation will be carried out cyclically, affecting different departments spinal column. The couch will be pleased with the presence of a vibration mode designed to relax stiff muscles.

There is a separate classification according to a person’s position:

The easiest way to deal with the horizontal position, since it is implemented precisely on those very medical beds. For the vertical alternative, a larger number of instruments are used, the exact list of which will be announced by the doctor before starting the procedure. The choice of devices directly depends on which department needs to be influenced more. So, if you want to correct ailments of the cervical area, experts recommend using the Glisson loop as a basis. For the patient’s convenience, he is pre-seated on a special chair.

Medical indications

In order for the manipulation to produce the expected results, you will need to undergo a preliminary examination. Typically it includes not only X-ray, but also visualization obtained using MRI and computed tomography. Sometimes consultation with related specialists is required to precise definition the appropriate type of traction assistance.

The main indications for traction, which is also equipped with weights, are:

  • acute and subacute syndromes of the vertebral type, subject to exposure to a compressive-mechanical factor;
  • reflex neurovascular lesions due to compressive-mechanical pressure;
  • muscular-tonic cervicocranialgia;
  • lumboischialgia;
  • cervicobrachialgia.

If the victim was diagnosed with a fissure of the fibrous ring, or protrusion, then this is also direct reading to the procedure. Found in medical practice people with neutrophic or neurovascular disorders of non-radicular origin, who are prescribed such an intervention even at a fairly young age.

Often the basis for issuing a referral is destabilization of the cervicothoracic spine, which occurs due to compression, dyshemic radicular syndrome. They are cautious in prescribing it to those who have radiculomyeloischemic syndrome, so only those who have a mild, smoothly developing disease can receive permission. Moreover, it must be caused by the influence of a compressive-mechanical factor, and the spinal canal must remain wide enough.

It is allowed to register for a cycle of procedures for those who have become victims of pseudospondylolisthesis. This is the name for a specific slippage of the overlying vertebra of no more than 1/3 of the body size. In the cervical region, a value of 1/5 of the displacement is allowed. In case of complications of pathogenic myofixation of the spinal erectors, healing traction can also be used as an auxiliary aid.

The final indication from the main list was the initial stage of development of ankylosing spondylitis. We are talking about the lateral or Scandinavian form, when mobility is still sufficiently preserved.

  • neurodystrophic osteochondrosis syndrome;
  • syndromes associated with spondyloperiatrosis, provided that neutrosteofibrosis is localized in capsular, muscle structures, where fixing devices can fit;
  • vertebral syndromes characterized by sedentary pseudospondylolisteresis and the initial phase of the manifestation of organic fixation.

In the latter case, we are talking about third degree osteochondrosis, ligamentosis, spodylosis. With such diagnoses, traction will carry the function of eliminating painful muscle hypertonicity. If this happens, then the standard therapeutic program in terms of the number of visits is reduced by approximately half.

Often, manual doctors use the presented technique, be it hardware or conventional, to prepare the body of their patient for a future course of treatment. The rule applies to alternating scoliosis, which is combined with widespread generalized myofixation, or intervertebral interarticular blocks.

Expected effect

In addition to the traction therapy room, patients from the department of the orthopedic and traumatology wing are also sent there for patients from neurological centers. The technique fits perfectly into many complex treatment formats, helping to overcome osteochondrosis, disc displacements, curvatures, arthrosis of large joints, and contractures.

If you strictly follow the medical instructions, completing the full number of prescribed visits, you can count on:

  • unloading of the spine by increasing the distance between the vertebral bodies;
  • reduction of pathological muscle tension;
  • reducing pressure inside the discs, which guarantees a reduction in protrusion;
  • an increase in the vertical indicator of the intervertebral foramen, which has a beneficial effect on neutralizing swelling and decompression of the nerve root;
  • elimination of subluxation in intervertebral joints.

After successful completion of each approach, the patient will be prescribed unloading, which will last about an hour and a half. To do this, you will need to wear special unloading orthopedic corsets. Wearing such equipment is prescribed when pain stops during traction in a vertical position.

The main objective of medical corsets is to reduce the overall axial load, which is achieved by transferring part of the body weight to iliac bones. This is typical for pathologies of the lumbosacral region. If the load is transferred to the forearms, then this indicates wearing a corset with pathology of the cervical spine.

Risks and contraindications

One of the most important contraindications is the age limit. The procedure is strictly prohibited for children under 15 years of age, as well as for patients over 60 years of age.

Among other relative and absolute contraindications note:

  • pain syndrome in the acute stage of its course;
  • neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature;
  • destabilization of blood circulation in the spinal cord;
  • diseases associated with the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • general serious condition.

Situations when the victim is sick with infectious diseases are considered separately. First, you need to get rid of the causative agent of the infectious lesion, and then sign up for traction. It is not for nothing that this item is usually included in the list of relative prohibitions.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing to people with mental illness. It all depends on the specific diagnosis, as well as the preponderance possible benefits from the expected harm.

Therapeutic principles

One of the most important precautions regarding achieving maximum results is that patients must maintain a limited range of motion after the procedure is completed. The reminder will seem especially relevant to those who have been prescribed the use of maximum loads.

You should not ignore the instructions of a specialist who directs your ward to physical therapy. This is a necessary measure that allows you to significantly strengthen the weakened muscle corset.

Sometimes patients note that during active traction, their pain disappears, but the functional block of the SMS develops. In such situations, there is a high probability of hernia dislocation. To reduce risks, doctors insist on the need to wear an unloading corset. You need to stay on the couch for half an hour to an hour.

The same support instrument is worn during the entire course, as well as the next couple of months after its successful completion, if health conditions require it. Just don’t assume that the supportive attitude will remain with the victim forever.

To maintain tone, he will need to develop his own muscular skeleton. If you use such an auxiliary item for too long, then instead of improving your condition, you may end up with partial atrophy.

To avoid the worst-case scenario, doctors insist on limiting wearing a corset for only 4 weeks.

Moreover, from the second week you will need to gradually reduce the time you wear it by about an hour from your sleep time. In the third week, the restriction will generally cover permission to use the tool for only a couple of hours when required:

  • to go somewhere;
  • perform short-term physical activity;
  • is in an inclined position for a long time;
  • perform physical work that is associated with vibration feedback.

At the end of the fourth week it is allowed to be used only for emergency cases. In pursuit of cheaper corsets, some people buy a classic weightlifter's belt. Despite some similarities with the medical original, the tasks assigned to it are completely different. Its use is inappropriate due to the fact that the functionality is designed to prevent hyperextension of the spine.

Treatment works best if the patient has been diagnosed with a mobile hernia. It is manifested by a polymorphism of syndromes such as the transition of pain from one limb to another.

For the comfort of the victim, the medical staff uses the principle of gradually increasing and then decreasing the load. Experts also often ask the patient to help himself, which is especially pronounced during post-isometric relaxation of the paravertebral muscles.

In practice, this means that the victim will have to make movements that are designed to contract muscles. The algorithm for this is as follows: inhale; holding your breath for five seconds while simultaneously tensing the paravertebral muscles and abdominal muscles; exhale while holding your breath, during which it is necessary to relax all skeletal muscles.

Despite the fact that in a few seconds the load will not be able to significantly stretch the structure, but in total it will be possible to achieve a good result using only microextensions. Usually about five approaches are enough, depending on the person’s current well-being. Between each approach there should be at least a minute of relaxation, which will help mitigate the risks of hyperventilation.

The exact number of visits to the diagnostic room must be announced by the doctor. But usually the program stops after the patient ceases to feel spontaneous pain in the spinal region in a state of complete rest. Another sign of positive dynamics is the absence of pain on palpation of the paravertebral structure in the area of ​​the problematic SMS.

If the patient has been prescribed several procedures of a similar range of activities, then traction should be performed last. This is necessary to maintain a protective motor mode, as well as the need to devote a lot of time to subsequent rest.

Mentions of traction treatment of spinal diseases are found among the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean, India and Europe. Calling this effect rickets therapy, one of the founders of medicine, Hippocrates, already in the 5th century BC. successfully treated diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The techniques he recommended have survived to this day - for example, stretching the patient’s spine in a prone position with four doctor’s assistants using the upper and lower limbs, the so-called. "Hippocratic pose"

Detail of a painting by Robert A. Thom

Traction (stretching) of the spine allows you to:

  • increase the distance between the vertebral bodies;
  • treat vertebral hernias. A reduced pressure is created in the intervertebral space, a suction force arises, and the substance of the disc (hernia) squeezed out moves (returns) back to “its place”;
  • strengthen and develop hard-to-reach small muscles and ligaments of the spine, which helps normalize tone and strengthen the spinal muscles in general;
  • improve blood circulation in the vessels of the spine;
  • straighten a crooked spine.

Purpose of traction therapy- impact on the spinal motion segment, paravertebral tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons and joint capsules), removal of functional blocks, relaxation of the deep muscles of the spine and normalization of the mechanophysiology of the above spinal structures.

Traction therapy is one of the non-surgical methods rehabilitation treatment injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and their consequences (deformations and contractures of large joints, degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine, etc.) With the help of short-term or long-term traction, muscle retraction (resistance) is overcome and a gradual stretching effect is exerted on one or another area of ​​the body to eliminate contracture or deformity. Traction therapy improves blood circulation and trophism of affected tissues, has a relaxing effect on muscles, and normalizes the motor pattern of the spine.

Traction treatment for spinal diseases:

  • relieves the spine by increasing the distance between the vertebral bodies;
  • reduces pathological muscle tension;
  • reduces intradiscal pressure, resulting in reduced protrusion;
  • increases the vertical size of the intervertebral foramen, which leads to decompression of the nerve root, reduction of its injury and swelling, and as a result – reduction and disappearance of pain;
  • eliminates subluxation in intervertebral joints, which further enhances the decompressive effect.

Numerous x-ray studies have proven that at the moment of traction, the distance between the vertebral bodies can increase by 1 - 2.5 mm, and the vertical size of the intervertebral foramina - by 0.2 - 0.65 mm, respectively.

For special studies with introduction under the membranes spinal cord X-ray contrast agent has been proven to reduce the protrusion of the intervertebral disc (HERNIA) beyond the boundaries of the vertebrae with traction.

“Reduction” occurs due to the resulting pressure gradient between the prolapsed and non-prolapsed parts of the intervertebral disc. With a gradual increase in the weight of the pulling load, the intradiscal pressure also decreases proportionally, if fibrosis of the disc or spinal muscles has not yet occurred. A proportional decrease in the value of intradiscal pressure occurs until the weight of the load exceeds 17-20 kg. With a greater load, a reflex generalized muscle tension of the spinal muscles occurs. The very possibility of stretching the spinal segment, i.e. increasing the intervertebral capacity for the disc is beyond doubt (Stoddart A., 1951; de Seze S., Levemieux I., 1952; BrunnerK., 1958; Likhovin I.O., 1890; Lisunov V.A., 1970). Computed tomographic control showed that in half of those subjected to traction (and electrical neurostimulation), the hernial protrusion decreased by 2-2.5 times, and the swelling of the root decreased (Akimov G.A., Kovalenko P.A., 1985). When stretched, the level of remaining irritation becomes less than the pain threshold, and the procedure maintains the stimulus for regeneration processes.

One way or another, stretching of the spinal segment, according to all logic, can lead not only to its immobilization, to rest, but, in connection with a decrease or complete reduction of the protrusion, and to decompression of the root, albeit temporary. One way or another, radicular pain disappears in many patients immediately with the start of traction. If radiculoischemia lasts less than 7-10 days, then complete restoration of function is possible. For motor fibers this period is even longer. Under the influence of traction, lumbar and cervical pain often disappears, which is apparently associated with a decrease in the pressure of the hernia on the posterior longitudinal ligament.

The importance of the mechanical factor follows from the very practice of traction treatment. Thus, in cases of protrusion, when the hernia is mobile, the treatment effect is better than in cases of a fixed or sequestered hernia (Dubnov B.L., 1967; Shvets B.D. et al., 1970; Tsivyan Ya.L., 1975)

Almost all authors who have studied the effect of traction emphasize that lumbar and cervical pain decreases or disappears, and then scoliosis, fixed kyphosis caused by contracture of the spinal muscles (Bobrovnikova T.N., 1967; Potyagailo S.L., 1969; Lisunov V.A., 1970; Usmanova A.I., 1971, etc.)

Stretching the spine is not only a mechanical effect on it in order to reduce the pathological effect of a disc herniation, but also a certain effect on the receptors of the spinal segment, its muscles and ligaments. This is reflected in the receptors and central apparatus, inevitably changing reflex relationships with relaxed muscles.

There are many types of traction therapy. Each type and technique of performing traction therapy has its own positive sides and disadvantages that should always be taken into account when prescribing it. Another necessary party the right choice this method is a strict determination of indications, as well as individual selection of the optimal value of the impact load. Especially when prescribing traction, the mechanisms of injury should be taken into account. recurrent nerve in the affected SMS (spinal motion segment) with the development of pain syndromes of osteochondrosis and the anatomical and biomechanical features of the structure of both individual vertebrae and all relevant parts of the spine. Traction therapy is indicated mainly for the compression-mechanical variant of the development of vertebrogenic syndromes (i.e., in 25-30% of cases). With a disfixation mechanism, the doctor must remember that the paravertebral muscles are myographically neutral for 2 hours after traction, i.e., they are unprotected and there is a high risk of complications; in the dysgemic version, traction can cause kinking and ischemia of the intervertebral arteries (excluding the cervical spine, since in different parts of the spine they enter the intervertebral canal at different angles), and with aseptic-inflammatory, the risk of injury to the recurrent nerve by the resulting adhesions and moorings increases.

The causes of complications during traction can be divided into several main groups:

  • performing traction in patients with contraindications to this type of treatment;
  • performing traction in the absence of indications for it;
  • incorrect conduct of the traction session itself, selection of loads, exposure, etc.;
  • violation by the patient of the procedure;
  • violation by the patient of the protective motor mode after completion of the procedure and the entire course of treatment.

There are several methods of spinal traction:

  • depending on the environment in which the traction is carried out - the so-called “dry” traction (outside the influence of the aquatic environment) and underwater (in aquatic environment);
  • depending on the position of the patient’s body and the direction of traction - horizontal and vertical traction, as well as traction on an inclined plane;
  • depending on the part of the spine to which the traction force is directed - cervical, thoracic and lumbar traction;
  • depending on who performs the traction - autotraction and heterotraction;
  • depending on the rhythm of the impact - continuous (constant) and intermittent, intermittent traction.

General principles for all methods of traction:

  • It is especially important when carrying out any types of traction using maximum loads (usually used for incarceration of paramedian disc herniations) that the patient strictly adheres to a limited motor mode after traction;
  • subsequent use physical therapy to strengthen muscle corset;
  • For patients in whom pain disappears during traction, but a functional block of the SDS develops, in order to prevent dislocation of the hernia, it is recommended to end traction sessions by putting on unloading corsets, followed by a stay on the couch, which can be limited to 30-60 minutes. This corset is used throughout the course of treatment and, if necessary, up to 1.5-2 months after its completion. It should be explained to the patient that it is necessary to combine this type of treatment with constant training of one’s own muscle corset, since the orthopedic belt is a “double-edged sword” - on the one hand, we need to fix the SDS in a new, optimal position after traction, and on the other, turning it off working paravertebral muscles and taking on the load of maintaining the posture, it contributes to muscle atrophy and, consequently, the weakening of our natural muscle corset. Therefore, it is advisable to limit wearing a corset to 4 weeks, gradually, starting from the second week, reducing the time of wearing it by 1 hour from sleep time, in the third week, limit wearing it to 2-3 hours, wearing it only during trips, when performing short-term heavy lifting. physical activity, prolonged stay in an inclined position and performing physical work associated with vibration, and removing during rest and sleep. By the end of the 4th week, wearing a corset is resorted to only in extreme cases. The patient should know that using a “weightlifter’s belt” instead of a fixing corset is inappropriate, since it is intended for completely different purposes (prevents hyperextension of the spine, creates increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, necessary when lifting super-weights, etc.) and has a pronounced therapeutic effect does not provide;
  • traction is more effective in the treatment of a mobile hernia (manifested by a polymorphism of syndromes, for example, the transition of pain from one limb to another, etc.);
  • comfort during traction is ensured by a smooth increase and decrease in load;
  • combine traction therapy with post-isometric relaxation of the paravertebral muscles, i.e. from the beginning of traction, throughout the session, the patient must make movements accompanied by contraction of the paravertebral muscles. This is done as follows: the patient takes a breath of normal depth, after which he holds his breath for 5-7 seconds, while simultaneously straining the paravertebral muscles and abdominal muscles, since post-isometric relaxation of this muscle group increases their ability to stretch, then exhalation follows, also with a delay breathing, but in combination with the greatest possible relaxation of all skeletal muscles. Although in a few seconds of relaxation the working load stretches the spinal structures slightly, such microextensions during the entire period of traction give a very significant effect in total. 3-5 of these cycles are carried out depending on the patient’s well-being, followed by a period of complete relaxation lasting from 1 to 2 minutes in order to prevent the development of hyperventilation. With this technique, it is not advisable to use large weights and you can limit yourself to a load of 10-12 kg;
  • The number of traction therapy sessions is not regulated and is strictly individual for each patient. The guideline for stopping the procedures is the disappearance of spontaneous pain in the spine at rest and pain on palpation of paravertebral structures in the area of ​​the affected SMS;
  • according to the order of procedures, traction therapy is always placed in last place to allow for a protective motor regime and maximum rest after it;

Indications for traction (using a load) are:

  • acute and subacute painful manifestations vertebral syndromes under the influence of a compression-mechanical factor - a fissure of the fibrous ring, protrusion of the intervertebral discs, accompanied by compression of the roots (especially in the first days of the onset of the disease, when the disc herniation proliferates laterally and posteriorly, if it is not sequestered), entrapment of the capsule of the intervertebral joint;
  • reflex neurovascular, muscular-tonic cervicocranialgia, cervicobrachialgia and lumboischialgia, caused by the action of a mechanical compression factor;
  • neurotrophic and neurovascular disorders of non-radicular origin;
  • compression and dyshemic (cervicothoracic spine) radicular syndromes;
  • mild, slowly developing radiculomyeloischemic syndromes caused by the action of mechanical compression factors in patients with an unchanged or sufficiently wide spinal canal;
  • pseudospondylolisthesis (when the overlying vertebra “slips” no more than 1/3 of the body size, and in the cervical spine - 1/5);
  • initial stages Ankylosing spondylitis (and its lateral, “Scandinavian” form), when mobility is preserved and there is no evidence of ankylosing of the vertebrae;
  • complicated pathogenic myofixation of the erectors of the back.

Relative indications for traction:

  • neurodystrophic syndromes of spinal osteochondrosis and spondyloperiarthrosis with localization of foci of neuroosteofibrosis of both capsular and muscular structures, in places where fixing devices are applied (corset, bodice, Glisson loop, etc.);
  • vertebral syndromes with sedentary pseudospondylolisthesis and initial manifestations of organic fixation (grade III osteochondrosis, spondylosis, ligamentosis) - where traction is aimed at eliminating painful hypertonicity of the vertebral and paravertebral muscles, in this case the duration of the course is halved;
  • for alternating scoliosis, combined with widespread (generalized) myofixation and intervertebral joint blockades, where traction is used as preparation for manual therapy.

Contraindications to traction:

  • mental illness during the period of exacerbation;
  • skin and venereal diseases;
  • stage IIA-III hypertension (during the period of decompensation), pronounced atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • IHD with attacks of angina pectoris and respiratory failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • pronounced vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases and exacerbation of chronic processes (especially the abdominal cavity: cholecystitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, kidney and cholelithiasis, severe nephroptosis, painful scar processes after operations on the abdominal organs);
  • unclosed wounds, ulcers;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation gastrointestinal diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors and their metastases;
  • general serious condition of the patient;
  • old age;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • pregnancy;
  • general contraindications to hydrotherapy;


  • the most acute stage vertebrogenic disease;
  • cicatricial adhesive epiduritis;
  • spinal cord circulatory disorders;
  • phenomenon of spinal cord irritation (arachnoiditis);
  • infectious diseases spine;
  • true spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine (congenital defects in the development of the spine, spondylolysis: x-ray changes in the shape of the intervertebral canal - sliding of the articular surfaces relative to each other, subluxation according to “Kovach”, etc.) - any degree (in lumbar region traction therapy is possible in a state of kyphosis no more than grade I);
  • instability of the spine (clinical and radiological data on the presence of stage III-IV pseudospondylolisthesis, in the cervical region - stage I);
  • severe deforming spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis;
  • diseases accompanied systemic damage bone tissue (myeloma, hyperparathyroid osteodystrophy, senile osteoporosis);
  • disc herniation with prolapse of fragments of the fibrous ring or nucleus pulposus into the spinal canal;
  • scoliosis in childhood, as it can lead to overstretching of the incompletely formed ligamentous apparatus and disruption of compensation pathological process- progression of curvature;
  • pronounced organic scoliosis of the III degree, some authors believe that traction is contraindicated for any degree of scoliosis (the exception is pronounced scoliosis of the IV degree in adult patients with pain arising from the mutual pressure of the chest and pelvis, with compression of soft tissues, where traction with small loads is acceptable , combined with constant wearing of a fixing corset);
  • cauda equina or spinal cord compression syndrome;
  • individual intolerance to traction;
  • the appearance of clear negative symptoms of test traction;

Indications and contraindications, as well as the size of the loads used, as well as the time of traction itself, vary significantly among different authors (A.F. Kaptelin believes that they almost completely coincide with the indications for manual therapy), therefore the main thing in carrying out this procedure is individual and careful approach to the patient, high professional knowledge and practical experience. A guarantee of the correctness of this method is an optimal assessment of indications and contraindications, taking into account the mechanisms of damage to the PDS.

Spinal pathologies can appear in a person of any age. You can overcome them different ways. One of them is spinal traction, which has repeatedly shown its effectiveness in practice. Today, spinal traction allows for therapy various diseases and its articular part.

The need for traction

Great amount people who have are interested in what a hood is. This technique was invented for the purpose of therapy and prevention of spinal diseases (from radiculitis to herniated intervertebral discs).

The essence of the procedure is to use traction for a short or long period of time, which eliminates muscle spasm, vertebral misalignment and postural problems. Spinal traction at home, as well as in specialized institutions, allows you to lengthen it in a certain place while maintaining the achieved result.

Types of traction

There are two types of traction treatment of the spine:
  • underwater;
  • dry.

Traction is also divided into horizontal and vertical. The essence of each method is to eliminate muscle spasm and vertebral displacement. The course of treatment is one and a half to two weeks. During the therapy period, the person wears a specially designed corset. The doctor chooses which method is best to use to treat the pathology, taking into account the condition of the body, so as not to harm it.

Underwater spinal traction

Underwater traction of the spine is a combination of stretching it and the physical impact of water on the human body. It is carried out in a bathtub with fresh or mineral water, heated to a temperature of thirty-seven degrees. Stretching the spine in water is the most gentle procedure. Thanks to the patient's body being in the water, he is able to perform exercises that are beyond his ability on land. For those who are overweight, the underwater traction method is ideal.

While in water, the patient's muscles relax, muscle tone decreases, due to which the holes between the vertebrae become larger, and the distance between them also increases. After the first procedure, painful sensations go away, vascular spasm is relieved, and proper blood flow is established.

If surgery was previously performed to remove an intervertebral hernia, which led to spinal deformity and cicatricial adhesions, it is prohibited to perform underwater traction.

It is also contraindicated for:
  • existing kidney and liver diseases;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dry spine traction

Dry traction of the spine is carried out under the influence of own weight. The patient lies down at an angle, using weights for additional load. The technique should be carried out under the supervision of specialists so that the stretching of the back muscles, joints and spine does not occur too much. The procedure is carried out on vertical and horizontal tables with convex ribs, which, distributed throughout the entire spine, begin to perform traction. In this case, the patient practically does not feel the traction force.

Dry traction is capable of traction of the spine by a centimeter in half an hour, and if a person suffers from scoliosis, then by four. The technique is simple but effective. For the effect to last, you need to do exercises and massage after the procedure. The technique is considered safe and effective, so doctors often use it for the treatment of spinal pathologies, as well as their prevention.

Vertical traction of the spine

Spine traction can be done in a vertical position. It can be both underwater and dry. Underwater vertical extraction is carried out in pools with a depth of two to two and a half meters. The person is secured with straps to the stand and then submerged in water up to the neck. Sometimes weights are attached to the legs to add additional stress to the vertebrae.

During dry vertical loading, muscle spasms are reduced, pain is relieved, pressure in the discs between the vertebrae is normalized, and hernias disappear. The distance between the articular part and the vertebrae is evenly stretched. Therapy is carried out using a Gleason loop.

Rules for performing the procedure

The rules for performing the procedure are previously discussed with the doctor, after which you can proceed to preliminary preparation. When performing spinal traction, you need to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles in the back area. This will be facilitated by taking a warm bath, after which the person does a self-massage of the back, or uses a massager with a roller track for this.

Exercises for stretching the spine are performed on a hard surface equipped with special belts.

To know how to stretch the spine correctly, you need to follow these rules:
  • All exercises are performed slowly, without sudden movements, jumps, or jerks.
  • You cannot start a lesson if the back muscles have not been previously warmed up.
  • Classes are held every day, starting with short training sessions, gradually increasing their duration.
  • If you miss a workout, don't try to do double the next day. This will only worsen the overall picture.
  • If discomfort or pain occurs, you should immediately cancel the lesson. During the week, the muscles should rest and relax, so try to protect yourself from any physical activity.

Spinal traction at home

Traction treatment of the spine can also be performed at home. With specially designed exercises that a person performs regularly, you can stretch the spine and achieve desired results.

For training, you can use special simulators, or do gymnastic exercises aimed at the part of the spine where the pathology is directly localized. All planned classes should be discussed with a specialist in advance so as not to complicate the situation even more.

Horizontal bar

Each person can hang a horizontal bar, which will help stretch the spinal column. It will be enough to do two approaches per day so that the result will soon become noticeable and last for a long time.

  • hanging is the simplest, yet most effective exercise to stretch the spine. For beginners, you can simply hang on the horizontal bar and slowly swing. Over time, these movements should imitate steps and be supplemented by turns of the body. It is forbidden to jump sharply from the crossbar, especially if it is attached too high. If a person suffers from osteochondrosis, there is no need to swing. It will be enough to simply cross your legs and hang for the maximum amount of time.
  • Corner. Hanging on a horizontal bar, a person needs to raise his straight legs at an angle of ninety degrees, and then slowly lower them. Beginners are allowed to first perform the exercise with their legs bent. Gradually the number of approaches is increased.
  • Pull-ups. Beginners need a chair and a pull-up bar that doesn't hang too high. While exercising, you should not make sudden, jerky movements. It is imperative to control your breathing. When performing pull-ups, it is important that your elbows are parallel to each other.

Evminov simulator

This exercise machine is a board with a crossbar attached at the top, which helps to stretch the spine at home. They fasten it top part to the wall hook. The patient, grasping the crossbar, performs gymnastic exercises. The set of classes is selected by a specialist, taking into account the location of the pathology. The method is considered traumatic, so initial training is best done under the supervision of a doctor.

Gleason loop

This exercise machine at home stretches cervical vertebrae. A person sits on a chair and fastens his chin and back of his head with fabric fasteners. The loop itself is attached to the block, and a weighting agent is hung at its end. An improved exercise machine - rubber, with an elastic cord, and the absence of a block.

Spinal traction exercises

A set of exercises designed to be performed at home helps make the ligaments and muscles of the back more elastic and strong. You can exercise not only to achieve therapeutic goals, but also to eliminate the symptoms of osteochondrosis. Many people prefer to prevent diseases by doing exercises.

Exercise machines are often used during training. It is very important that the first time the training takes place under the supervision of a specialist in order to protect yourself from possible complications and risks.

There are such effective exercises for stretching the spine at home:
  • Immediately after waking up, you need to lie on your stomach and lower your arms at sternum level. Leaning on the hands, the person rises and stretches back as much as possible so that no painful sensations arise. There will be a feeling that each vertebra is falling into place, thereby straightening the spinal column. This exercise is repeated ten times.
  • To relieve tension in the spine and stretch it, you need to bend your knees and try to touch them with your head.
  • Starting position - lying on your back, straight legs connected together. It is necessary to turn your body left and right alternately so that one hand touches the other. Five approaches are performed on each side.
  • The initial position is unchanged, the legs bent at the knees are alternately lowered to the left and to the right. The main thing is to do this as slowly as possible, slightly rotating the pelvic area. Five approaches are performed for each side.

There are also classes specifically designed to target a specific area of ​​the spine. Depending on which department is affected by the pathology, the specialist selects the most effective exercises. If pain or severe discomfort appears during a lesson, you need to stop it and go for a consultation and examination with a doctor.

Cervical region

Traction of the cervical spine must be carried out after warming up the muscles and ligaments. This will contribute to maximum effectiveness of the lesson.

There are such exercises for stretching the cervical spine:

  • starting position – sitting on a chair, arms down along the body. It is necessary to make slow turns of the head to the limit, alternately left and right. There is an easier option for beginners, which reduces the amplitude of turns. By regularly performing this exercise, your cervical spine will become more mobile.
  • The starting position is unchanged. It is necessary to lower your head, trying to press it as tightly as possible to the sternum. If possible, try to touch the dimple on your chest with your chin. The exercise helps to stretch the vertebrae of the neck, stretch tight muscles and improve.
  • Sitting on a chair, lowering your arms along your body, you need to tilt your head back, retracting your chin. In this way, it is possible to achieve traction of the spine, as well as eliminate pain that bothers the cervical spine.

Thoracic region

Traction therapy of the thoracic spine can also be performed by a person at home. It is very important that the set of classes is selected together with the doctor, taking into account all the features of the disease.

Existing traction exercises in the thoracic spine:

  • Sitting on a chair, you need to press your pelvic area firmly against it. A person alternates bending to the right and left, placing his arms on the sides parallel to the floor and making sure that they do not move during the lesson.
  • It is necessary to join your hands in a lock near the occipital region. While maintaining the position, you need to turn your body left and right, fixating on each perfect turn for about fifteen seconds. The turn should be as strong as possible, feeling how the muscles of the thoracic spine are stretched.


The lower back is the part of the spine that bears the maximum load, so stretching it is extremely important:

  • on an inclined board with shoulder straps, this exercise is performed for the back. Traction and strengthening of the lumbar region using such simulators is often performed in orthopedic offices, under the close attention of specialists. However, you can conduct classes at home. You need to lie down on the board, put your hands in the straps until armpits, relax as much as possible and stay that way for fifteen minutes.
  • Starting position - lying on your stomach, shoulders and lower torso hanging from the surface (its height should be about half a meter). Body weight should be equally distributed in the knees, elbows and lower back. It is recommended to hold this position for ten minutes.

  • The starting position is lying on your side. How high the support board should be is determined individually by each person. A pillow is placed under the side in the lumbar region, the upper part of the body is tilted slightly back, and the lower part is tilted forward towards the stomach. You need to stay like this for five to ten minutes, as long as this position is comfortable.
  • Lying on your back, you need to slowly pull your toes towards you and your chin towards you. chest. This promotes traction of the spine in the lumbar region.
  • Swimming helps a lot. To ensure that the vertebrae are in the correct position, it is recommended to swim crawl. For those who prefer to swim breaststroke, it is better to change the style to reduce tension from the neck as well as the lumbar region.

Indications for hood

Spinal traction at home may have certain indications and contraindications.

  • osteochondrosis – pathological changes in tissue in joints and cartilage that affect intervertebral discs.
  • Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine in the upper part, as a result of which a person develops a hump.
  • Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spinal column, in which the vertebral bodies are displaced.
  • Lordosis is incorrect, in which its convexity is directed forward.
  • Radiculitis is a pathology of the spinal roots.
  • Radicular syndrome is a disease that occurs due to compression of the spinal nerves. It often accompanies other spinal pathologies.
  • Hernia.
  • Spinal injury or resulting pain.


Video - self-traction of the spine


Dry and underwater spinal traction have contraindications and are therefore not suitable for every patient.

In order not to risk your health, it is forbidden to carry out traction:

  • with increased bone fragility caused by structural disorders and impaired bone density.
  • If adequate blood flow in the spinal cord is impaired.
  • With vertebral instability - a pathology that provokes the inability of the vertebrae to remain in their physiological position.
  • If the patient has diseases of an oncological nature, as well as tumors of the spinal cord or spine.
  • When does it pass in the body? inflammatory process.
  • In case of a fracture of the spine, or exacerbation of its pathologies, tuberculosis.
  • If a person has kidney stones.
  • For pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • After a recent laminectomy, a surgical intervention in which the spinal canal is opened.
  • Patients over sixty years of age and heavier than one hundred kilograms.

In the process of spinal traction, pressure is removed from the intervertebral discs, so they are completely relaxed and restored. In advanced cases of the disease, it is not recommended to exercise at home in order to minimize the risk of harm to your health. All exercises must be performed under the strict supervision of a specialist in order for their effect to be as effective as possible.

To maintain the results obtained, it is necessary to wear a special corset that fixes the spine, and also regularly perform a supporting set of exercises. It is better to prevent pathologies than to fight them painful symptoms, consequences.

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Spinal traction- a method of treating spinal diseases by increasing the distance between the vertebrae, which eliminates compression of the spinal nerves, reduces the load on the intervertebral discs and relieves the pressure of a herniated disc on surrounding tissues. As a result of spinal traction, the intervertebral gap increases by several millimeters, the muscles are stretched, subluxations of the intervertebral joints are eliminated, swelling of the paravertebral tissues is reduced, blood circulation is normalized, and pain disappears. Traction therapy is usually used for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column and is carried out outside the period of exacerbation.

Indications for traction

The technique is indicated for radicular syndromes, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, protrusion of the intervertebral disc, blocking the mobility of the spinal segment, discogenic pain syndromes (thoracalgia, cervicalgia, lumbodynia), scoliosis without gross deformities, secondary vertebrogenic syndromes (vertebral artery syndrome, vertebrogenic headaches, Men's syndrome yerra, vertebrocardialgia, etc.). Traction therapy is prescribed in the subacute period or in a state of incomplete remission, when acute inflammatory phenomena have already been removed.


The main contraindications are severe pain, sequestered intervertebral hernias, instability of the spinal segment, impaired spinal circulation, myelitis, spinal arachnoiditis, spinal cord compression, tumors, severe scoliotic deformities, congenital spinal anomalies, osteoporosis, spinal fractures and surgical interventions with laminectomy, pregnancy, elderly age, infectious skin diseases, cardiovascular pathology, bad feeling the patient and the presence of severe somatic diseases. If it worsens pain syndrome After a trial session, further traction therapy is not indicated.

Spinal traction technique

To increase the effectiveness of the manipulation, it is recommended to relax the muscles before performing it using massage or physiotherapy. Traction therapy can be performed in a horizontal, vertical and semi-vertical position of the patient, with or without the use of weights. Dry traction of the spine is carried out using special tables that allow traction in the required direction. Underwater spinal traction has all the benefits of a water procedure. Warm water eliminates muscle tension, and using mineral waters(sodium chloride, hydrogen sulfide, turpentine) provides stimulation of blood supply and metabolic processes in the tissues of the spine.

After completing the session, the patient should lie on his back for an hour. During the course of therapy and for two months after its completion, the patient must avoid physical activity, wear a corset and perform special complex exercises to keep the spinal column in a state achieved by traction. Massage and reflexology courses are recommended to improve the tone of the trunk muscles.

Complications of spinal traction

Most often, complications such as increased pain, dizziness, palpitations, tinnitus, and numbness of the extremities are detected. The cause of these symptoms is irritation of the spinal nerves by osteophytes or compression of the vertebral artery in the cervical region. As a rule, these complications are identified during a trial traction, after which further treatment is stopped. Heavier Negative consequences are caused by incorrect manipulation technique, inadequately selected type and strength of traction, and the patient’s failure to comply with a special regimen in the period between procedures.

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Spinal traction - procedure known to mankind for many centuries. Even in the time of Hippocrates, doctors from many countries were interested in this type of treatment, and the father of medicine himself successfully practiced the so-called rickets therapy.

Nowadays, traction (which means “stretching” in Latin) is a well-known technique, it is performed using special equipment and gives good results.

Enormous credit goes to the well-known professor of medicine K. Kienlein, who developed and presented to the world his miracle mattress Detensor.

His motto was comfortable, non-forceful traction of the spine.

Have you noticed how people get shorter as they age? This is due to the fact that the intervertebral discs, which serve as spacers between the vertebrae, lose their elasticity. This process causes degenerative-dystrophic changes ().

As they come closer, they compress the nerve roots, which become inflamed, swollen, and pain occurs in different parts of the spinal column.

If at this stage a person does not seek help from a qualified specialist, the intervertebral discs may begin to bulge, which is how it appears.

The patient feels pain, sometimes radiating to other organs, numbness of the upper or lower extremities (depending on the type of hernia), atrophy and weight loss of the legs.

The last symptom is associated with poor supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. There may also be other signs that are not always associated with the presence of a hernia: surges in blood pressure, muscle tension, memory disorders, attention problems, and even constipation and urination problems.

Only 14% of spinal problems can be cured with medicines, so it’s worth paying attention to other non-surgical healing methods.

Therapeutic spine traction

Myorelaxation traction therapy is a type of treatment of spinal diseases using traction - stretching under the influence of the patient’s body weight or additional weights.

Used to distance intervertebral discs from each other. This type has many advantages and disadvantages over other types.

For traction, special couches or traction tables are used. The patient must undergo a full course of treatment, the number of sessions is selected individually for each patient.

The main types of therapy are dry and. At the same time, underwater is more gentle and completely painless, since under the influence of water at room temperature, muscles relax and spasms are relieved.

Dry – often carried out using computer control, which ensures ideal load selection.

During traction on a traction table, the patient is in the Fowler's position, that is, with his knees bent and his feet on the footrest.

The table is divided into segments, which allows you to alternate tension and relaxation cyclically in different parts of the spinal column. Often has a special mode - vibration, which provides a relaxing massage.

Depending on the patient's body position a distinction is made between vertical and horizontal traction, as well as traction on an inclined plane.

The horizontal one takes place on the above-mentioned couches, and a number of other devices are used to implement the vertical one.

For example, in case of problems with the cervical spine, traction is performed using a Gleason loop, and the patient sits on a special chair.

Before the procedure, the doctor prescribes an examination by various specialists and an x-ray examination.

You should not self-medicate by doing spinal traction at home. Traction can be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an experienced specialist who, having studied your condition, will select the required load, time, number of sessions.

In what cases is therapy used?

Indications for use:

  1. Intervertebrates and.
  2. Degenerative - dystrophic processes in the spine. These include: which is characterized by a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs. – advanced stage of osteochondrosis.
  3. Muscle spasm
  4. (only initial stages).
  5. Pain after a back injury.

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When traction is unacceptable


  • the patient’s age should not exceed 60 years, but not be less than 15;
  • pain syndrome in the acute period;
  • tumors or metastases in the spine;
  • circulatory disorders in the spinal cord;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • mental illness in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • general serious condition;
  • pregnancy.

The essence of treatment

It is well known that the lion's share of all back pain is compression of the spinal cord roots by the vertebrae.

With traction, the back muscles are stretched, relaxed, pressure inside the intervertebral discs is reduced, and the vertebrae are unloaded.

As a result of this, the roots have the opportunity to occupy the original or more comfortable place. Blood circulation also improves, which means nutrition of the entire spinal system.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Let's start with the disadvantages: the most important disadvantage of the procedure is the risk of injury.

During traction, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions; under no circumstances bend your neck or lower back.

To avoid injury, the specialist adds and decreases loads gradually.

The procedure has many advantages, but the most significant advantage is the ability to cure spinal diseases without resorting to surgical interventions.

It is also worth noting that the procedure is completely painless. If pain occurs, it means that the load was not chosen correctly.

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