Home Gums Is it necessary to take a shower in the morning? When should you shower - in the morning or in the evening? Your hair and skin will look better

Is it necessary to take a shower in the morning? When should you shower - in the morning or in the evening? Your hair and skin will look better

The alarm clock rings again, but you can’t open your eyes and get out of bed? It's time for your morning shower!

How does a morning shower affect the body?

Morning shower - the right way quickly and easily get rid of sleep before the working day. Even a slight temperature difference and the mechanical impact of water jets activate metabolic processes in the cells, accelerate the blood and refresh the entire body as a whole.

In addition, a morning shower improves metabolism, helping the body get rid of accumulated fat.

A morning shower improves your mood, helping to fight depression. Thus, scientists from Virginia (USA) have proven that cool water activates the “blue spot” zone of the brain, as a result of which the body produces norepinephrine, a hormone that helps cope with depression.

Also, taking a morning shower helps get rid of puffiness that may have appeared overnight. After all, such stimulation with cool water stimulates muscle contraction and, together with the activation of cellular processes, helps remove excess fluid from the body.

And, of course, a morning shower improves the body’s thermoregulation, hardening it, helping to cope with profuse sweating or chronically cold extremities.

How to shower properly. Basic Rules

Water temperature and duration of morning shower

A cool, invigorating shower with a water temperature of no higher than 20 degrees will help you wake up in the morning. Excellent results regarding the beneficial effects of morning water procedures on the body cold and hot shower, during which it is necessary to alternately turn on hot and cold water. Experts recommend starting the procedure with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature. After this, you need to turn off the hot water and use cold water within 10-15 seconds. After this you should go back to hot water. This procedure must be repeated 3-4 times, ending with a morning contrast shower with water at body temperature for 3-5 minutes. In total, taking a morning shower takes about 10 minutes. Loneliness in the capital is seen as a weakness, especially when it comes to satisfying sexual desires - it’s very simple - you go to the website, select a candidate, find out the phone number and make an appointment.

Shower helpers

During the morning shower great importance It also depends on what means you use. After all, in addition to quickly waking up in the morning shower, it is also important to take care of your skin, which needs special care. Regular water procedures can lead to loss of moisture, especially sensitive and dry skin. Avoid such negative consequences Your morning shower will be helped by soft shower foams from the German manufacturer Spitzner, which not only prevent skin cells from losing moisture, but also additionally moisturize and deeply nourish the skin. Distinctive feature Spitzner foams are that they do not contain alkali and dyes like most products, and, therefore, do not dry out the skin, taking maximum care of its health and elasticity. In addition, thanks to their foamy consistency, Spitzner shower foams are very economical to use, replacing regular 300 ml shower gels with their 150 ml containers. An excellent solution for taking them with you on vacation or a business trip without weighing down your suitcase.

A morning shower is a great way to invigorate, Have a good mood, beauty and health! And ours simple rules will help you get the maximum benefit and pleasure from this procedure.

, JANUARY 27, 2018

Some might say that cold shower This is a great way to wake up quickly in the morning. Or that a cold shower after a workout is great way raise your tone. Let's look at the benefits of cold showers for both men and women. What are the benefits and harms of a cold shower?

It turns out that cold showers have several very valuable and beneficial properties. It helps improve overall health and promotes recovery of the body. However, if you are too sensitive to cold, then such a procedure may not always be justified. Whether a cold shower will be part of your daily or morning exercise will depend only on which of its beneficial properties you want to receive.

So what evidence is there for the benefits of cold showers? Will it be useful for you? If so, what is the correct way to take a cold shower? This is what we will talk about today.


Before we get into the benefits of cold showers, let me point out that simply taking a shower does more than just cleanse your body. You provide yourself with excellent relaxation, especially depending on the scents you use. But there are other benefits too.

Showering helps improve appearance your skin. Water will perfectly support your efforts in the fight against excess weight and saturate your hair and skin cells with moisture. In principle, a shower lifts your spirits and helps you get ready for the work day.

Both warm and cold showers have their benefits. Chances are you already take a warm shower, but what about a cold one? Well, it's time to talk about those nine beneficial properties cold showers you can get. Close the tap with hot water during your next shower and notice how your health improves 😉.


You probably know that cold water is great for waking up your body. The lower water temperature puts your body into a state of mild shock, which instantly increases your tone and gives you an extraordinary feeling of vitality.

When you initially fall under cold water, it feels like you can't breathe. It's scary to try, isn't it? 😃. However, in small doses it is very beneficial for the body (unless, of course, there are contraindications from a doctor).

Although you may initially only run the cold water for a very short period of time (to give you a chance to catch your breath), you will instinctively take deeper breaths. This way, you breathe in more oxygen, which means your organs get exactly what they need. This gives an immediate increase in tone throughout the body.

You will feel more fulfilled vitality, after getting a cold shower. Your body is prepared for any upcoming stress that may be thrown at it during the day, and your brain will work at its maximum speed. While all your colleagues need a boost from coffee, you're ready to go. Being more alert means you're more productive, which is great for business and great for your boss. 😉

You only need one cold shower a day to get it all. It’s better, of course, to do this in the morning to get toned faster. In principle, you don't even need to do this every day. You can do this trick after a bad night's sleep to quickly get yourself back to normal, or when you know you have a very hard day ahead.


If you find it difficult to control your emotions, you may also want to consider taking cold showers. Using a contrast shower will help you take control of your nervous system, making it much more resistant to many problems that arise during the day.

In fact, studies have shown that cold showers retain little oxidative stress in the human body. While excess amounts of oxidative stress have bad influence on the body (and you will have to use antioxidants to reduce this process). However, slight oxidative stress on on a regular basis, in general, is necessary. Therefore, taking a cold shower is your nervous system becomes accustomed to certain levels of such stress, meaning that she will be able to easily cope with such a small amount of it.

The next time you feel stressed, your body will naturally be able to cope with it. You won't feel as anxious about the meeting, and you'll have a much easier time managing the anger and frustration you feel when things don't go your way. It will be easier for you to think clearly and stay in control of the situation, rather than rushing straight into action or going into conflict mode.

For all this, you do not need to immediately switch to the coldest possible shower. Start with a warm, relaxing feeling and end with a short, icy blast. This will be a great way to get the most out of this shower in one sitting. It's similar to what James Bond does, so it must be really, really good, right?


Who wants to be constantly used, sat on the neck and dangling legs? Have strong will Many people want it, but they are not born with this quality. And a cold shower also helps in developing the will.

One of the biggest benefits of cold showers noted in research is the way your willpower begins to “gather into a fist”, in particular thanks to an ice-cold shower in the morning. However, this is somehow often overlooked as an advantage.

Willpower, among other things, helps make important decisions. It helps you stick to your diet, helps you continue training through “I can’t”. Need help getting into the habit of working out consistently at the gym? A cold shower will help with this.

It is especially difficult to get used to taking a cold shower in the morning. This is discipline. And if you can stick to what may at first seem like torture, then you can bend anything to your will. Add a cold shower to your daily morning exercise routine, and you will see that your willpower in other areas of your life will help more and more.


This statement may seem to contradict the previous one. After all, cold showers increase oxidative stress in your body. And, as it may seem, this leads to an increase in a certain level of overall stress. But it's not that simple.

In fact, due to the slight increase in oxidative stress, you will end up with decline general stress. The nervous system has the ability to get used to constant influences, which you put on it, like taking a light “stress” cold shower every morning. As a result of this “habit”, your nervous system will no longer react strongly to similar small irritations, so you will no longer feel nervous tension when something does not go according to plan.

At the same time, a cold shower will increase the level of glutathione in the blood, reducing the level uric acid. Glutathione is a hormone that controls the level of stress you feel. The level at which your body will experience stress increases over time. Subsequently, you will notice that you have stopped paying attention to what previously unbalanced you.

Meanwhile, cold showers will also help improve the level norepinephrine in organism. This is because the temperature of the water stimulates a part of the brain called the locus blue. By receiving more norepinephrine, your brain releases more “happy hormones” into the body.

The gentle electroshock therapy your body receives during a cold shower can also help keep depression at bay. Your nerve endings receive more electrical impulses, keeping them active and positive. You will also be able to develop a kind of injection against the cold, that is, low winter temperatures will have an effect on your physical and mental health much less impact.

Yes, it is the latest research in this area that confirms that a cold shower at the end of your regular shower really helps to achieve all of these positive effects described above.


Did you know that cold is great for weight loss? It promotes the loss of fat deposits, not the loss muscle mass, so this kind of weight loss will only make you healthier.

There are several scientifically proven reasons for taking cold showers when you are actively fighting excess weight. First, your body will be forced to burn more calories to get warm again. And secondly, your metabolism gets an extra boost, so it will be easier for you to create a calorie deficit.

By increasing your metabolism, your brown adipose tissue, or brown fat, is activated. This good fat, which promotes the release of heat in the body. Of course, by using it to warm your body, the body uses the calories stored in it. As a result, you lose more body fat throughout the day. You can lose an extra 10 to 10 pounds of fat over the course of a year simply by adding cold showers to your daily routine. Maybe “a whole year” doesn’t sound so promising, but it’s worth it because you don’t have to do anything special 😊.

By the way, shaking is also good for burning calories. Almost every muscle is used as your body tries to warm itself up. This helps the body spend your body fat to "heat" your body.


What is usually overlooked when it comes to your immune system is lymphatic system. The lymphatic system directly depends on how to properly take a cold shower. But why is this so important?

The first thing doctors talk about is that the lymphatic system helps remove cellular waste. Thus, it helps protect your body from infections. However, this system is regularly blocked by toxins, various chemicals and impact environment. And when your lymphatic system is blocked, dead cells and cellular waste accumulate in the body. The immune system, in turn, cannot work effectively, and you most often begin to suffer from colds.

During a cold shower The lymph nodes are directly exposed to cold water, and this helps to increase their activity level. Researchers have found that blood vessels will contract when cold, but then relax when warmed up. Constant movement Helps flush away cellular waste and improves general state human health.

Yours the immune system also receives good support. Research has shown that the body's immune system is activated when it tries to warm itself up. And he is ready to reflect more harmful effects on our body.

The reduction in stress levels that comes with taking a cold shower will also help your immune system. Stress hormones affect the body's ability to create white blood cells and fight disease. By simply reducing the amount of stress hormones in your body, you will find that your entire immune system is healthier and ready to fight.


Showers, of course, are primarily intended for personal hygiene. You use them to get rid of dead skin cells and remove excess oils from your skin and hair. Well, it's time to stop using only warm water! You can quickly improve the health of your skin and hair, without the need to use additional cosmetic products.

Cold water will help reduce the size of your pores as your skin tightens in cold temperatures. Your body will not produce any excess fat, so there will be no oily skin or oily hair. If you have dry skin, essential natural oils are also not lost, which helps maintain healthier skin.

Skin and hair follicles will also show increased activity. Your skin is strengthened at the base of the hair, which means you will lose less hair. Plus, you'll get stronger, more luscious curls.

If you've recently dyed your hair, you should definitely think about a cold shower. The warmth of the water affects the hair in such a way that the hair color quickly becomes faded. You'll end up needing more coloring treatments, especially if you like to keep the color consistent. Cold water helps lock hair color so it stays bright and shiny for much longer.


You will have a complete feeling that blood has begun to flow through the vessels faster and easier. Remember that cold water perfectly invigorates the body. Not only does your breathing speed up in cold water, but so does your heart rate. This is partly due to increased oxidative stress in your body. Your heart rate must increase to cope with the slight increase in stress hormones.

As you increase heart rate blood will spread throughout the body faster. Accordingly, you begin to take in more oxygen, so increased circulation helps distribute more oxygen to the cells of your body.

Not only do you get that amazing feeling of vitality, but you also get maximum benefits for your entire body. Each organ receives more oxygen, and this is very important. Now you can imagine how much benefit your health will have if you just take a cold shower correctly in the morning.


Cold showers help speed up the muscle recovery process. The muscles receive more oxygen and more blood so that the cells can repair themselves faster and more efficiently. You get rid of accumulated lactic acid in the body, helping your muscles relax and recover.

You may find that you need a mixture of hot and cold water. The benefits of a contrast shower are well known. In some cases, too much cold can be harmful. Warm water helps you relax more as your heart rate slows down and your brain releases happy hormones. Try alternating between different temperatures to get the best results.

It's time to add a cold shower to your morning routine.

Ready for an icy blast? You don't have to use cold water exclusively to get all the benefits listed above. Start with a regular, warm shower and then switch to cold water at the end. Give your body a chance to gradually acclimate to the cold and take deep breaths to increase the amount of oxygen circulating through your body's vessels.

Cold showers are very beneficial. It's easy enough to add to your morning routine (though following this routine is a little more difficult 😄). It's time to get to work to deal with all those hassles, stress, noisy kids, prickly colleagues, your boss or any other problems that life so often throws at us.

Personally, I often have the choice of whether to take a shower before bed, or to fall exhausted early and take a shower early in the morning for vigor. Of course, you can do it both in the morning and in the evening, but for this you have to sacrifice poor sleep. And then scientists argue that this issue is not so simple.

According to a study from Harvard University, you need to choose the time to go to the shower taking into account your characteristics and lifestyle.


  1. You know that a difficult work week is ahead.

  2. You will have to solve difficult problems during this week.

  3. You need peak creativity and work potential.


A morning shower stimulates brain activity at a time when it is still quite calm, but is already anticipating the upcoming tasks.
Shelley Carson, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, explains that when our perceptions are relaxed, pleasant sensations (including showering) stimulate associative connections and make it easier to come up with strong solutions to problems than when we are thinking hard about them. And “The morning is wiser than the evening” thus receives scientific justification.


  1. It is difficult for you to disconnect from the thoughts and experiences of the past day.

  2. You find it difficult to relax and fall asleep.


An evening shower helps regulate body temperature, reset nervous tension and gives a feeling of greater relaxation, since the rapid cooling of the body after a hot shower triggers natural drowsiness. A relaxing evening shower also reduces cortisol (the stress hormone) levels and helps you drift off into dreamland.

As you can see, you don't have to choose between morning and evening once and for all. Just the opposite. The lack of routine, alternating shower times, and focusing on your well-being give the maximum effect for the body. Whether it's relaxation or activity.

Some people prefer to wake up in the shower, while others prefer to go to bed clean. But is there any specific difference between swimming in the morning or in the evening? In fact, it all depends on the characteristics of your body, what you do and what you are going to do.

Take a shower in the morning if...

…you oily skin. Your skin can become very oily overnight, so a morning shower is a great way to clean out your pores.
You creative person and you have creative work. Then the morning shower acts like meditation, relaxes the body and brain and sets them up for productive work and the birth of new ideas.

“If you have a creative problem to solve and you've been working on it for a long time and can't find a solution, then you could give your brain a break, take a shower and literally refresh your body and head,” says Harvard psychologist Shelley Carson.

If you have a hard time getting up in the morning. For many people, a shower simply helps them wake up and cheer up. Doctors note that this even starts the metabolism. And even better, according to the advice of doctors, turn on cold or cool water in the last few seconds of taking a shower. Then an invigorating effect is guaranteed!

If you exercise in the morning. There is no point in taking a shower at night if, when you get out of bed in the morning, you immediately become treadmill and do 100 push-ups. Shower after your workouts.

If you are prone to cuts during your morning shave. According to doctors, in the morning there is an influx of platelets in the human body, so the blood on cuts stops faster.

Shower in the evening if...

... you have a hard time falling asleep. Yes, we just said that a morning shower is invigorating, but in the evening everything is completely different. Firstly, the water relaxes, and secondly, when you come out after a warm shower, you feel a little cool, and you immediately want to wrap yourself in a blanket and fall asleep.

If you have dry skin, then a morning shower is literally contraindicated. Do not dry out your skin further before it is exposed to outdoor irritating factors. Save your shower for the evening.

If you're worried about the cleanliness of your sheets and just dread the thought of sleeping in your bed unwashed.

If you have a “dusty” job. If you work outside all day in the sun, then you yourself will want to wash off all the sweat and dust from yourself in the evening. But even if you are sitting in an office, the pollutants around you will still reach you while traveling on the subway, bus, and when in contact with other people.
Let's expand the question and decide how often you need to wash. Several large-scale studies were conducted on this topic at the end of the last century (Schroeder, Germany; Albert, USA; Lucati, Israel; Duchmovsky, Poland), as a result, it turned out that ideally you need to wash no more than twice a WEEK, the rest of the time you wash only particularly sensitive areas.

The thing is that too frequent washing, especially with soap and shower gels, disrupts the acid-base balance of the skin, which leads to a weakening of the skin's protective layer. In addition, a connection has been identified between frequent washing and a lack of vitamin D in the body - it is believed that with frequent washing a person constantly rinses off upper layer epidermis, which interferes with the absorption of the vitamin by the body. And you need to be especially careful to ensure that after washing there are no soap or shower gel residues left on the skin.


September 19, 2018, 11:14 pm

Many people prefer to shower in the morning, many in the evening. Each case has its own advantages, but we will tell you about it with scientific point vision.

However, even expert opinions differ on this matter. Some say that water procedures in the evening contribute to good health. sleep soundly. Others claim that a morning shower will help you wake up and recharge your batteries. However, everyone agrees on the general opinion that it is necessary to go to bed clean - before going to bed, you need to cleanse your face, hands and feet of the dirt that has accumulated during the day. Therefore, there are still more supporters of evening water procedures.

There are several other arguments in favor of taking a shower. Firstly, a hot morning shower washes away all the lubricants and moisturizers that were developed on your skin during sleep. All of them are necessary to protect the skin from the irritants we encounter throughout the day and keep it moisturized. The process of producing these protective substances occurs only during sleep, so it is more rational to take a shower or bath in the evening to wash off the accumulated dirt. And at night, the body will replenish its reserves of lubricants and moisturizers. A warm bath also increases your temperature and causes drowsiness.

Secondly, our skin is restored at night. Both on the face and on the body. That's why it's so important to go to bed with cleansed skin. Otherwise, the process of getting rid of old cells and regenerating new ones will not go according to the correct scenario - the pores will be clogged, and instead the skin may become covered with acne.

The third aspect is not related to the time of taking a shower, but to its frequency. All experts say that washing more than 2 times a day makes no sense. And even cleansing twice during the day is no better than one trip to the shower. Yes, quenching with cold water in the morning will help you wake up and feel refreshed during the day, and a warm bath with foam and oils in the evening will prepare your body for sleep. But many experts still advise performing only one cleansing ritual in the evening, because this is the best option for the skin. Too frequent and strong temperature changes can lead to dry skin.

And the last piece of advice - it is not recommended to use aggressive detergents, unsuitable for your skin. This may lead to undesirable consequences, including non-refundable. Over thousands of years of evolution human body During the course of evolution, a natural mechanism for cleansing the skin has been developed even without all this cosmetics, so you should not abuse it.


The benefits of hardening have been proven for a long time: the procedure helps strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin and blood vessels. Experienced experts advise taking a cold shower even in winter, and doing it better in the morning, then the benefit will be maximum: the invigorating procedure activates metabolic processes and tones the entire body before the working day. However, it is worth knowing first about possible contraindications and hardening rules.

Benefits of a cold shower

This useful procedure is widely used in spa salons to activate blood circulation. At the same time, a cool shower helps saturate skin cells with water and oxygen, which improves the appearance of the skin. In addition, ice water helps fight cellulite, varicose veins, relaxes muscles, and stimulates skin renewal. In addition, cold showers are very beneficial for hair, as it strengthens it, makes it shinier, and prevents the formation of dandruff and the development of alopecia. Cool water reduces sebum production, making your hair less oily.

An invigorating ice shower provokes the production of red blood cells and increases the body's resistance to any infections/viruses. The procedure is ideal for the prevention of colds and flu, helps to tone the body and stimulate mental activity. Cold water - excellent remedy against depression, as it provokes the production of happiness hormones.

For men

Ice water treatments are especially beneficial for men as they increase physical strength and activate mental ability, which occurs due to a surge of adrenaline in the blood. As a result of regular procedures, in male body the following changes occur:

  • the energy charge increases;
  • the heart rate increases, blood flow activates;
  • testosterone production increases;
  • the quality of seminal fluid improves.

For women

An invigorating cool shower stimulates the removal of waste products from the body, which can slow down metabolism. In addition, for women, the procedure is especially useful because it helps fight fatty nodules under the skin (cellulite). Action ice water on the skin is invaluable, it provides a rejuvenating effect, tones the skin, smoothing out wrinkles, making stretch marks less noticeable. In addition, for women's health It is important to take contrast showers to avoid the development of gynecological diseases.

How to take a cold shower correctly

To prevent the procedure from causing harm, you should not immediately start doing long water procedures, standing under an icy stream for 10-15 minutes. It is very important to prepare your body for douches. To do this, use the following tips:

  • the bathroom should have a moderate temperature (it should not be cold);
  • the first procedures should be carried out not under ice, but cool water (32-34 degrees), gradually reducing temperature indicator;
  • the duration of the first procedures should be limited to 1-2 minutes;
  • You shouldn’t immediately stand under the cold stream, it’s better to gradually immerse your legs, arms, and then your body and face under it;
  • After the procedure, be sure to rub yourself with a towel and do a warming light massage.

In the morning

If it is better to take a warm shower before bed, then cool, invigorating water procedures are best done in the morning. How to take a cold shower in the morning? Immediately after sleep, it is ideal to do exercises to warm up the muscles, and only then do a douche. Total time The procedure should last 5-8 minutes, but it is better to start tempering from 1-2 minutes. You can put your head under cool water only when you get used to the procedure. After dousing, the skin should be rubbed until slightly red with a clean towel made of natural fabric.

For weight loss

When the skin comes into contact with cold water, small blood vessels contract. The body protects itself from freezing by activating blood flow, causing a slight increase in arterial pressure. This activates metabolism and the process of burning calories. It is optimal to use a contrast shower for weight loss, in which the water switches from hot to cold every 1-2 minutes. It is worth conducting such sessions 1-2 times a day, starting from an early age.

If you often get colds accompanied by a runny nose, then reduce temperature regime should be done slowly. Choose the optimal water temperature for yourself within 12-4 degrees. You need to pour the body from head to toe. If you shower after exercise, it is important to let your body cool down and dry off sweat. Long after physical activity It is impossible to be under a cold stream, as this can lead to hypothermia and a cold.

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