Home Smell from the mouth Description of the Japanese Akita Inu breed. Akita Inu: description and characteristics of the breed

Description of the Japanese Akita Inu breed. Akita Inu: description and characteristics of the breed

  • Height at withers: Male 64-70 cm, female – 58-64 cm
  • Weight: Male - 30-40 kg, female - 20-30 kg
  • Color: red-red, fawn or sesame, white and brindle (smoky, black or white tiger). Light spots on the sides of the muzzle, on the cheekbones, tip of the tail, chest and belly are required. inside hips, under the jaw.
  • Lifespan: 9-13 years
  • Other names: large Japanese dog, Akita

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Uncompromising Security Guard
  • Wool is easy to care for and odorless
  • Little barks
  • Unobtrusive and independent
  • Requires a special approach to nutrition
  • Proper puppy training is required
  • Does not tolerate heat well
  • Difficult to get along in a pack

Description of the breed

The Akita Inu is a balanced, self-sufficient dog whose respect must be earned. Their independent disposition and high level of intelligence allow these dogs not only to be excellent hunters - brave, active and enterprising, but also to effectively guard the territory and housing entrusted to them. Until recently, it was considered a medium-sized dog, but the modern standard has once again increased its height.

A hard textured coat with a soft and dense undercoat, the amount of which varies depending on the season, allows the dog to live in the yard of a private house. Thanks to this feature, they tolerate snow and rain well and rarely get sick. Living in the city, these dogs are also convenient because they very rarely bark.

The character of the Akita is characterized by a strong tendency towards dominance. This is especially true for males. From the first minutes spent in a new home, an Akita puppy demonstrates its own view of things. Considering the fact that food eaters are rare among the breed, establishing contact will require patience and special skills from the owner. Therefore, Akita cannot be recommended as a first dog.

There are no varieties in the Akita Inu breed, but there are 4 colors that are similar in type. For families with children, bitches are better suited because they have a more flexible character and a highly developed maternal instinct. At first, the child and puppy should be under the constant supervision of adults until they learn to behave correctly with each other.

Akita Inu breed standard

The main characteristics of the Akita Inu that determine their breed are:

    type of head structure

  • pronounced gender differences between males and females.

The main idea of ​​the exterior Japanese breeders see simplicity, functionality, majesty, strength and nobility in the appearance of their dogs. Characteristic slanted ears, close-fitting lips, moderate stop, lack of frontal folds, a triangular or round muzzle (the Hakoguchi type with a square muzzle found in the breed is undesirable) - this is what the breed's Akita head looks like. Looking at it, there is no doubt about which of the breeds of group 5 the dog belongs to.

The height at the withers is related to the length of the body as 10 to 11. This means that the ideal Akita has an almost square format. Some stretching may occur in bitches. The priority in evaluating dogs is their balance and the absence of exaggerated features.

The thick tail has a high output and is wrapped in an energetic donut. Its length should be sufficient so that when unfolded it reaches the hock joints. Leading breed experts prefer that the tail be elliptical in shape and located parallel to the line of the back and neck. The standard presupposes good muscularity of dogs, and such a structure of the front and rear girdles of the limbs that would ensure harmonious and energetic movements.

The dog's double, hard coat is ideally adapted to the harsh conditions of its habitat, retains heat well and repels dirt.

The standard lists serious deficiencies as having a bite other than a scissor bite, missing teeth, a short tail, light eyes, and the presence of black or blue spots on the tongue. Faults include a short erect tail and ears, long hair, spots on a white background, and a black mask on the face. All of them indicate the decency of purebred Akitas of other breeds.

Character and characteristics of the Akita Inu

Akita wool is their decoration and one of the breed characteristics. There are strictly regulated rules for breeding Akitas depending on their color. However, the Japanese consider balance to be more important than color, when all parts of the Akita’s body work harmoniously, forming beautiful smooth movements and promoting efficient work dogs.

Another feature of the breed is its diet. These dogs do best on fish and rice. Excess fatty foods harms them. Being from a cold climate, Akitas do not tolerate heat well, reacting to it with the appearance of various eczemas. In general, skin problems are typical for these dogs, cut off from their usual habitats. Dietary disorders, reaction to exposure to external allergens, psychological stress during exhibitions or training, influence high temperatures, incorrectly selected vaccines cause skin irritations in dogs, which are best treated by eliminating the cause of their occurrence.

According to Japanese breeders, female dogs are capable of mating every three to four months. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose the correct mating days, since sometimes during estrus the eggs do not come out and the bitch is empty. Stress, some past illnesses, the presence of cysts, as well as antibiotic therapy have a negative impact on fertility.

Akita Inu are dogs whose character has more unusual features than qualities familiar to European dog breeders. Their training must take place in an atmosphere of complete trust between man and dog. High intelligence does not allow dogs to obey humans unquestioningly. Communication with an Akita is more of a partnership than submission on the part of the Akita.

The Japanese Akita is a dog that can live in the yard of a private house or in a city apartment. True, in both cases the dog must have regular exercise and socialization. Raised without the opportunity to communicate with other dogs and cats, in an environment depleted of communication, this dog becomes excessively aggressive and nervous, which most often leads to a lack of proper contact between the dog and the owner and the development of allergies and eczema.

Despite their short fur, Akitas shed twice a year and for quite a long time. The exception is dogs living in cold regions - they shed faster there. Brushing is a weekly ritual for your Akita, to which it is accustomed from the first days of life in its new home. During grooming, contact with the puppy is established and a trusting relationship is formed.

The athletic build of these dogs is a signal for their potential owners. They need long walks and exercise, both physical and intellectual. Smart and cunning Akitas are a constant source of work for the mind of their owner. It is impossible to force them to do anything by force; raising and managing a dog will require an understanding of its habits and the ability to outwit or out-stubborn your pet.

When kept in a group, Akitas can become aggressive towards their own kind. Therefore, early socialization is important for them. You should not take into a house where other dogs live an Akita that was raised in an enclosure and does not have the skills to communicate with adult dogs.

Dogs' hunting abilities also cause a lot of trouble for their owners. Many of them recklessly chase cats and birds, hunt chickens and other livestock. Such a dog cannot do without an enclosure - this will protect potential prey from death in the dog’s teeth, and the dog from the unjustified anger of its owner.

If you plan to get offspring from your bitch, then before pregnancy and childbirth occur, you need to equip her with an enclosure in a puppy pen. Akita puppies are well adapted to cold weather; their dense thick fur allows them to feel great even in frosty conditions. But the heat brings a lot of inconvenience to these dogs, so when keeping them in the summer, you need to provide shade or air conditioning in the apartment.

Feeding the Akita Inu

Despite its small size, the Akita Inu is a rather expensive dog to keep. This is due to the fact that feeding fish and rice is optimal for her. Low in calories, high in B vitamins, fatty acidsdistinguishing feature diets of these dogs.

For residents of coastal areas this will not be a problem. However, in cities where fish are brought from afar, proper feeding Akita ownership will cost its owners a lot of money.

Proper selection of diet is the key to the health of these dogs. Excessive amounts of vegetable and animal fats, cereals other than rice, lead to diseases, disorders of the liver, pancreas, problems with joints and ligaments, eczema and allergies. Chicken is especially allergic to Akitas. This is due not so much to the special properties of chicken meat, but to the fact a huge amount antibiotics and hormones that are used in industrial chicken farming today.

Often the solution to a nutrition problem is ready-made dry and wet food, the composition of which is suitable for these dogs. We are talking about formulas based on rice, tuna or salmon. Some dogs of this breed do well on foods containing lamb, duck, rabbit and rice. When choosing food, be sure to read its composition on the label. Often brands that say “salmon and rice” actually contain other grains, offal, and chicken. These foods may not be suitable for your dog. The most sensitive to food are those dogs that were exported from Japan.

Akita Inu puppies

Adults beyond their years, Japanese Akita Inu puppies from a young age are distinguished by independence, self-confidence and high level intelligence. Before you decide to buy this special dog, make sure you can give it everything it needs - from an optimal diet to... proper training that you are not looking for a servant in a dog, ready to do anything for a piece of tasty food or a toy, and are ready to take your dog’s own view of things into account.

To choose the right puppy, it is important to consider the following points.

    Be sure to read the breed standard before you go to choose a puppy.

    Try to pick up the puppy yourself so that it doesn’t turn out that you paid for one dog and received another.

    Akita without pedigrees this moment does not exist in nature. If the puppy is not given documents by the breeder, make sure that they exist in nature and you did not receive them only because you paid less for the puppy.

    A responsible breeder will ask you many questions before selling and may refuse to purchase a dog from them if they feel the breed is not suitable for you.

    When choosing a puppy, make sure that the mother of the litter has a balanced temperament. Cowardly bitches most often give birth and raise puppies with an unstable psyche.

    Don’t neglect your puppy’s training – after a year it will turn into a difficult task.

    Do not neglect preventive vaccinations. Discuss their choice with the breeder to avoid an allergic reaction.

  • Optimal age Purchasing a puppy is 2-4 months. An older dog should be well socialized and raised freely in close contact with people and other dogs. This is a guarantee that you will not get a “cage Mowgli” who is uninterested in human contact and aggressive towards other dogs.

Akita Inu training

Training an Akita begins with building a trusting relationship with it. The first 10 days will be spent studying your dog, its habits, skills and determining the rules of its behavior in your home, which should not change in the future.

The four-legged samurai will require patience and perseverance from you. He will choose a place in the house that would allow him to completely control the entrusted territory and people.

The vigilance of Akitas and their innate distrust of strangers allow owners to be confident in the reliable protection of themselves and their property.

If there are children in the house, getting to know them should not be delayed. Most Akita Inus are very gentle with children and are patient and level-headed caregivers. They enjoy playing with children and very rarely show impatience or aggression. However, this applies to properly raised dogs that have had the opportunity to communicate with people since childhood.

Owners of male dogs should be aware of their fighting inclinations and start taking them out for walks with other dogs as early as possible, controlling the situation and avoiding fights. Given the nature of the Akita, its training should be largely completed by 9 months. At the same time, your dog will be fully formed by 2-3 years. Further education consists of honing self-control, contact and clarity of interaction.

The lack of craving for food rewards will create additional difficulties with the traditional approach to training. The optimal combination is soft mechanics and close contact with the dog.

History of the breed

Akita Inu is one of the oldest breeds that appeared on the Japanese islands. Its name comes from the name of one of the northern Japanese provinces.

Archaeologists have found images of dogs that closely resemble modern Akitas in cave paintings that are more than 8 thousand years old.

Matagi Inu, the ancestors of Akitas, were universal companions of ordinary Japanese. They guarded the house and yard, hunted bears and were small in size. In the 17th century, when the Japanese nobility became concerned about issues of personal safety, Japanese Akitas began to appear in the rich houses of the country, where they were trained as watchmen and bodyguards. Over time, these dogs became very fashionable and graced the best Japanese palaces and residences with their presence. Each dog had a personal servant, and their feeding and training was highly ritualized. Most likely, it was then that Akitas developed their dislike of shouting and violence.

Over time, the number of dogs increased and they found use in a new form - as participants in battles. At this time, they began to receive the blood of imported mastiffs to increase the size of the dogs and the entertainment of the fights. The first signs of crossbreeding were the loss of the characteristic strength of the build and the shape of the head. Akitas with droopy jowls and rectangular muzzles began to appear, as well as unusual colors with extensive white spots. Over time, Akitas gave up their place in the fighting rings to Tosa Inu - Molossians of Japanese blood, fairly diluted with European breeds - bull terriers, mastiffs, Great Danes, St. Bernards.

People first started talking about returning the breed to its original appearance in Japan in 1927. It was then that the mayor of Odate, one of the Japanese cities, made these dogs a city symbol and created the Akita Inu Preservation Society. Before the war, the number of dogs was significantly improved, the type of dogs was closer to the original one (and even to the modern one).

Active, loyal and courageous, Japanese Akitas participated in battles along with their owners during the war. Almost all dogs of pre-war breeding died during the war. Only a few specimens, kept secret by the owners from the authorities, survived and became the founders of the post-war population.

During the war, to preserve the lives of their dogs, Japanese breeders crossed them with German shepherds. This was due to the fact that all other dogs were caught and used to make soldiers' warm clothing. After the war, when Japan was overrun by Americans, some dogs were taken to the USA, where a new breed arose from crossing them with various large Molossians.

Two breeds long time existed within the same 1938 standard. However, later the two breeds were separated. Currently, there are two Akita standards - FCI and AKIHO. The second, developed by Japanese breeders, is tougher and is designed to return the dogs to their original, Japanese appearance.

Prices for Akita Inu puppies

The Akita Inu breed is expensive in every way. The minimum cost for a purebred puppy is $500. For this money you can buy a sofa version of a dog, which, although it is a purebred, has disadvantages that do not give it the opportunity to take part in breeding work.

Breeding animals of average quality will cost you $800-1000, and dogs with aspirations for future championships will cost you $1500-2000.

Young and mature titled sires, which are usually purchased by nurseries for breeding, are the most expensive and can cost up to 5,000 euros.

When purchasing an Akita Inu, you need to be prepared for the high cost of owning this dog. Expenses for her proper nutrition, training and exhibitions will already exceed the cost of the animal by three years. Therefore, Akitas should be purchased by those owners who are confident in their abilities and can adequately support and raise this exotic dog.

Having a dog in the house is always a great happiness for both children and adults. The Akita Inu breed is considered one of the calmest and most loyal dogs. It combines all the harmony and tranquility of Japanese culture.

Breed characteristics

Origin story

This breed of dog originates from ancient times and has existed for more than eight thousand years. It was bred in the Akita province on the Japanese island of Honshu. The ancestors of the Akita Inu are considered to be the Chinese Spitz breed, which was crossed with mastiffs. The Akita Inu's original calling was hunting.
The breed standard was approved on July 17, 1982 in America.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

The Akita Inu is far from a miniature breed of dog; it is quite powerful, but at the same time very
beautiful, you just can’t take your eyes off her. The coat is thick and dense, the tail is often thrown behind the back. The Akita Inu has an Asian-type muzzle, large with a long forehead and small erect ears.

Breed standards:

  1. Weight adult females from 32 to 45 kg, males from 40 to 45 kg.
  2. Height at the withers of a female 58-64 cm, a male 64-70 cm.
  3. Six double with thick undercoat, top hair longer and rougher. The undercoat is very soft, like down. The fur is 5 cm long, but it can be longer on the belly and tail.
  4. Forehead wide and has a hollow in the middle. Muzzle medium length with a thick base. Lips black, very dense.
  5. Eyes Akita Inu have small ones, triangular shape, with a brown outline.
  6. Ears not very large, triangular in shape, erect, slightly inclined forward.
  7. Neck huge and muscular, the fur on it forms a kind of collar.
  8. Back straight, strong, wide chest.
  9. Tail twisted to the top.
  10. Lifespan Akita Inu from 10 to 12 years old.


The color of Akita Inu can be very different, ranging from red to brindle. The color of the coat should be clear and bright. Stains are possible, but they must also stand out clearly.
The most popular coloring is:

  1. Brindle – available red, black and white colors.
  2. Red - the dog is completely red, only there are white spots on the paws, belly, and face.
  3. White - except for the tip of the nose.

Akita Inu character

Akita Inu have the most beautiful character. Dogs of this breed will easily become your best friends. After all, they are quiet, calm, affectionate, and bark only when necessary. This breed is very clean, always clean and without an unpleasant odor. Such dogs are very patient and get along well with children, and have a tendency to protect their owner.

Since the Akita Inu has long been used for hunting and has possessive instincts, it must be accustomed to other animals at an early age. Without this, dogs may behave aggressively towards others, especially dogs of the same sex. But if they grow up, for example, with a cat, they will get along wonderfully with it.
They are also excellent guard dogs and very strong protectors. An extremely intelligent, balanced dog, but at the same time independent, stubborn and assertive, but this is only if it does not receive enough stress.

Training or how to raise an Akita Inu

This is not a mini dog that you can put clothes on and just play, but the process of training an Akita Inu requires a lot of patience and endurance. The upbringing of this large dog is slow; each representative of this breed requires a certain approach and attention. It is not recommended to raise her as a guard dog. The dog develops very slowly and finally matures only at two years of age.
Her laziness can easily give way to a playful attitude. The character of each individual of this breed must be carefully studied and then it will bear fruit. Breeders begin training from an early age.

  1. Akita Inu is not a picky dog; keeping it at home is not difficult. But if she lives in an apartment, she definitely needs to be walked twice a day, because they are quite active. Every week you need to brush several times, and when shedding occurs every other day.
  2. Oral care is also very important. At four months, teeth change begins. During this period, you need to make sure that dairy products do not linger for a long time in the dog’s mouth. This leads to an incorrect bite. You should also brush your teeth at least once a week.
  3. This is not the dog that will be happy with water procedures. 2-3 baths a year are absolutely enough for him. In this case, you need to use detergents for dogs. After bathing, the coat should be combed and dried with a hairdryer.


Akita Inu dogs generally have excellent health. However they don't
exception and have a tendency to certain diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • bloating;
  • diseases von ville brand;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • allergies.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget that after purchasing a dog you need to contact veterinary clinic to receive a passport and complete inspection. The doctor will create a vaccination schedule for you against all infectious diseases. After all, every vaccination is very important so that your puppy always feels good.

What to feed

The Akita Inu's diet should be healthy and balanced. To the questions “what to feed the puppy?”, “what food is best to use?” This can be answered easily, because they are unpretentious to food, but you should not neglect vitamins for the coat and constantly monitor your weight. Akita Inus have a tendency to become obese. This breed also gets along well in an outdoor enclosure, but all vaccinations must be completed.


Akita Inu photo

Akita Inu is a Japanese dog breed that is considered national treasure of his homeland. The Japanese even call the Akita Inu a dog with a “tender heart and unbreakable strength.” This is the largest breed in all of Japan. Powerful And beautiful dog, impressive with his charisma. Akita Inu - excellent watchdogs who are very attached to their owners.

History of the Akita Inu dog breed

Japanese Akita - one of the fourteen oldest breeds in the world. And this is indeed a real fact, since scientists carefully studied the pedigree of the Akita Inu and confirmed that it is very ancient breed. Remains of a breed were found that date back to the second millennium BC. Antique drawings were also found depicting dogs that are extremely reminiscent of the modern Japanese Akita.

Akita Inu is translated as a dog (inu) from an area in the north of the island of Honshu (akita). This breed appeared in this place in the 17th century and since then their appearance has not changed.

This breed is purebred without any impurities. Initially, these dogs were guards in peasant houses and were also excellent hunters. After the 17th century, the status of the breed changed, they moved into the elite. There was even a law issued by the Japanese emperor, according to which a person who hurt or killed such a dog had to be severely punished. Soon Akita Inus were available for maintenance only to members of the imperial family and the supreme aristocracy.

Since 1927, Japan has had Akita Preservation Society. During the Great Patriotic War Most of the breed went to the front and then dog breeding decreased due to lack of funds for maintaining dogs. At that time, only a few purebred dogs survived in Japan, but, fortunately, the breed was preserved.

Akita Inu - description of the breed

Dogs of this breed are very calm and reserved, with great dignity. At the same time, these dogs are very temperamental at heart. Among close people and those whom the dog trusts, it becomes very active and sociable. Animals become attached to their owners for the rest of their lives if they value their pet at its true worth.

Japanese Akitas have wise and expressive eyes. The body is powerful and graceful, very harmoniously built. The animal is strong and muscular, the head is flat with a short muzzle, somewhat reminiscent of a bear. Akitas are one of the largest Spitz-type dogs in the breed. The height of dogs varies from 67 to 74 centimeters.

Any color according to the standards is allowed. Akita can be:

  1. Redheads.
  2. Fawn.
  3. White.
  4. Piebald.
  5. Tiger.

And other shades. The main thing is that the color should be clean and without streaks. The undercoat may be lighter than the coat. Their coat is long and rather coarse, and the undercoat is thick and soft. The average length of fur in dogs is five centimeters.

There are several varieties of the breed derived from crossing an Akita with a German Shepherd. These species were bred in the middle of the last century. At that time, there were three varieties of Japanese dogs:

  1. hunting;
  2. fighting;
  3. shepherd's

At that time, scientists just decided to recreate the original appearance of the Akita Inu, as it was in the images and descriptions, and began to work in this direction. The result was the modern Japanese Akita, now popular throughout the world. The rarest varieties of Akita are red and brindle. The white breed, according to its standard, has a completely white color and only its nose is black.

After World War II, many Akitas came to America, where they became very popular. Since the fifties, a club of Akita Inu fans has arisen in America. Nowadays, American Akitas are different from Japanese ones. They are harmoniously built, have a deep muzzle, medium-sized eyes and erect ears. Height from 66 to 71 centimeters at the withers, weight from 55 to 65 kilograms. Females are smaller than males.

These dogs have practically no negative character traits. Akita Inu puppies are very cheerful and playful. They are not characterized by aggression or sudden mood swings. Dogs have a balanced character; they always calmly assess the situation before taking action. This is very smart dogs, at the same time, they are extremely inquisitive and like to keep abreast of all events.

They are perfect for families and single owners, for whom they can become irreplaceable companions and friends.

These dogs have great personality and spontaneity. To develop puppy intelligence, you need to start working with it from the first months after birth. An Akita remains a puppy until it is two and a half years old. If you treat your puppy correctly, satisfy his curiosity, educate him and surround him with attention, he will grow up to be an intelligent and loyal friend.

This breed is wary of strangers, but does not show it too much. But Akitas see other dogs as enemies who encroach on their territory. In the event of a collision with another dog, aggression and fighting can be expected. Therefore, the puppy should be trained in advance to normal coexistence with other dogs.

Akita is an extremely picky breed; you don’t have to spend too many resources on it. Thanks to their dense coat, these dogs can withstand harsh winter conditions. If the dog lives in an apartment, then it must be walked twice a day for at least two hours. On walks, these dogs behave very calmly. But this does not mean that they do not like to run and play if possible. To prevent your dog from gaining excess weight, it needs to be given certain physical activities.

To care for the coat, it needs to be brushed twice a week, and during periods of heavy shedding, a special brush and more frequent brushing will be required. You don't need to bathe your dog often; two or three baths per year are enough. It is worth using special shampoos for dogs, and not some improvised means. After water procedures you need to properly dry the wool with a hairdryer or towel.

Feeding must be approached responsibly. Under no circumstances should you give your dog the same things that people eat, or any leftovers from your table. It is best to choose high-quality suitable dry food. You can also use a combination diet. A couple of times a week you should give your dog low-fat cottage cheese and lean meat. Water should always be clean, fresh and in abundance. When your dog is shedding, it should be added to his food. special additives for hair growth and health.

Nuances of training

Raising a puppy is similar to raising a child, as it requires no less responsibility and attention. The most important thing is to exercise a lot of patience and tact while training your puppy. Since Akitas mature very slowly, training takes a lot of time. It should be a very smooth and step-by-step process. At first, difficulties may arise; the dog may be disobedient and wayward. Perhaps, in the first stages, if you do not have much experience in training dogs, you should turn to professional dog handlers.

Under no circumstances should you be rude or put pressure on the animal during the process. You need to be tolerant, affectionate, but firm in your intention.

The puppy must immediately understand that this is not only a friend, but also an owner. He will need to explain and show how to treat family, loved ones and strangers. In the house, the dog should feel equal to the rest of the family, but at the same time he should not be allowed to indulge in excess. The reward method works great in education. These can be treats and affectionate words and gestures.

Akitas make excellent guards and are often used as bodyguards.

To purchase a puppy, you should contact a club of this breed. It is best if this club is recognized by the International Canine Organization. When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is better to take a puppy from a small litter, where the puppies are of the same average size.
  2. Be sure to request the puppy's pedigree.
  3. Find out what credentials and achievements your parents have.
  4. Make sure there are no genetic diseases.
  5. It is better not to take puppies whose parents were close relatives.
  6. It is always worth meeting the puppy's parents in person if possible.
  7. A healthy puppy should be active, have a good appetite, look healthy, be curious and playful.

The cost of Akita puppies is quite high and can vary from two to ten thousand dollars, depending on their pedigree and class.

Akita Inu or Japanese Akita (English Akita-inu) is one of the oldest Japanese breeds that plays a special role in the culture of the country. Character and external type These dogs have been formed over thousands of years. They were hunters large animal, guards of luxurious palaces and bodyguards, in some provinces of the country they were used as cattle drivers and fighting dogs. Today, Akitas are more often adopted as a friend and companion, but it is worth saying that these dogs have not lost the skills acquired over centuries. Another name for the breed is Japanese Akita.

The Akita Inu dog breed dates back to ancient times. Archaeological excavations suggest that they have been living in Japan for at least 4,000 years. The name of the breed is consonant with the area of ​​their origin - Akita Prefecture, which is located in the north-west of the island of Honshu.

By the beginning of our era, the Japanese archipelago was inhabited by the Ainu people, whom newcomers from Asia ( North Korea and eastern China) were pushed first to the north of the island of Honshu, and then further to the island of Hokkaido (Sakhalin). Hunting remained the main occupation of the local residents and, of course, they were helped by domesticated dogs, so when they moved, they took them with them. This theory of origin explains the relationship that can be traced between the Akita Inu, Ainu and Sakhalin Husky breeds. In addition, there was a constant natural mixing of the blood of dogs from different areas.

From the 9th to the 17th centuries, there were continuous territorial and class disputes in the north of the country, so practically no records were kept about dogs and their breeding. You can find only a few mentions in folklore, for example, about the dog Shiro (1604), a magnificent hunter and devoted friend. Experts believe that the formation of Akita as a breed was completed by the 18th century, it was recognized as a national treasure, and numerous breed clubs were organized. Further development went in three directions, which was associated with the unequal use of Akita in different cities of the prefecture.

  • Matagi Inu are dogs with more pronounced hunting instincts;
  • – sentry;
  • Adate Inu are fighting.

Subsequently, all these lines mixed and merged into one breed - Akita Inu.

In the 19th century, the life of Japanese Akitas was influenced by the active import of dogs from Europe and the fashion for dog fighting. The blood of many breeds was infused into them, including the English Mastiff, Great Dane, St. Bernard, and Bulldog. The already large Akitas acquired a more massive physique, and some external features changed.

The first half of the 20th century was also a difficult period. The introduction of a tax on dogs and the extermination of animals due to the rabies epidemic catastrophically reduced the population. During the Second World War, four-legged beauties were confiscated for the sake of fur, from which soldiers' clothing was made. The law did not apply only to German Shepherds, so many owners crossed Akitas with them, wanting to save their pets. By the end of the war, only a few purebred representatives remained. Only the government's adoption of measures to preserve national breeds helped improve the situation a little. Several dogs were exported to America, which contributed to the emergence of a new breed - the American Akita (a large Japanese dog), by the way, it has not yet been accepted by the Japanese.

Today the breed is in demand again and is becoming more popular every day. A significant role It starred the American remake of the Japanese film The Story of Hachiko, a drama about true loyalty. True, in life Hachiko was pure white; his stuffed animal is on display in the Tokyo Science Museum.

Appearance and standards

The Akito Inu is a large, well-built Spitz-type dog. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed. Height of males – 64-70 cm, females – 55-64 cm. Weight – 35-40 kg.


The head is proportional to the body. An important breed feature is the longitudinal hollow on the forehead, as well as the presence of clearly visible full cheeks. The lips are strong and tightly fitting. The nose can be black, pink or sandy. The eyes are medium in size with raised outer corners, which give them an almost triangular shape and an oriental note. The eyes are set moderately wide, always dark brown in color. The ears are medium-sized, erect, triangular in shape with rounded ends, tilted slightly forward.


The neck is muscular, thick without dewlap. The back is strong and straight. The loin is wide. The chest is deep. The stomach is well tucked. The tail is set high, thick and carried over the back in the shape of an oval. The Akita's limbs are strong with strong bones and straight. The movements are powerful and elastic, very confident.


The coat forms three layers: long and medium-length hard, straight guard hair and thick soft undercoat. Slightly longer hair on pants and tail. The color can be pure white, brindle (red hair with black tips) and the most common - red. An important detail in the Akita's color is the presence of urajiro, white hair on the chest, limbs and muzzle. Urajiro should be clear and symmetrical. A white blaze on the forehead is allowed.

Training and education

Only an experienced owner can train an Akita on his own, and a dog breeder without experience will most likely lose to the cunning and independent creature. Akitas are very smart, but they have their own opinion on everything, and they are also very stubborn.

It is necessary to raise and train an Akita from an early age, but do it carefully, showing patience and confidence. The pet is punished only with a menacing look or a reprimand, in no case by shouting and especially not physically. These dogs remember an insult all their lives, and the person who ever hit them may remain an enemy forever. Akitas do not like monotonous training and frequent repetition of the same commands. A general training course is mandatory for this breed, which begins from the age of 3. one month old. After this, it is advisable to take courses that reinforce obedience and teach the dog protection.

The Akita Inu is distinguished by its athletic physique and to maintain good shape it needs appropriate physical activity, regular and long walks. At least once a week, your pet should be given the opportunity to run freely without a leash. An Akita can quickly get bored with the same type of games, so the owner will have to be creative, change the equipment, intensity and locations.

Character and psychological portrait

One of the characteristics of the breed is its complex, self-sufficient character. When raising a puppy, they try to preserve its individuality as much as possible and help develop useful innate traits. Particularly valuable qualities of the Akita are the combination of poise and strength with obedience and utmost devotion. Dogs of this breed are always wary of strangers, but not aggressive. Not prone to excessive barking. Able to independently assess the situation and make decisions. They have the innate inclinations of a security guard, but first of all they are human-oriented. Akita Inu is prone to dominance, and some representatives of the breed can be vengeful and touchy.

Japanese Akita is not the best option for apartment maintenance. These dogs need a spacious enclosure or a whole yard.

Akitas rarely get along with other dogs and cats, unless they were raised with them. Problems arise due to the Akita’s irrepressible desire to dominate in a motley “pack”. For the same reason, they show aggression towards other dogs on the street, and they are especially irritated by small and vocal ones. A born hunter may consider miniature rodents or birds prey. It is not recommended to leave an Akita with a very small child, but for an older child it will become the best friend, an excellent playmate and a reliable protector.

Caring for a Japanese Akita is not difficult; it involves timely combing and caring for the soft undercoat. These dogs shed twice a year for several weeks. During this period, you will have to comb your pet every day, using different combs and combs. They bathe no more than 1-2 times a year.

Diet and health

We have a unique culture of food for dogs: it is recommended to feed pets at the same time, with one type of food with a high meat content in the diet. But the Japanese don’t have this; their dogs’ diet is dominated by seafood. Therefore, it can be difficult for Akitas to choose dry food; the soy contained in them is poorly absorbed by the body, and other uncharacteristic foods often cause allergies (chicken, beef, dairy products, cereals). Feeding with natural food is considered optimal, sometimes alternated with dry food and be sure to include vitamin and mineral supplements in the diet.

In case of insufficient physical activity An Akita may refuse to eat at all and fast for 1-2 days, but this happens rarely and in most cases is the norm.

Japanese Akitas are strong healthy dogs, but they also have a number of diseases characteristic of the breed. Like many large breeds they are prone to dysplasia hip joints and gastric volvulus. Eye diseases also occur (entropion and eversion of the eyelids, glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, etc.). In old age there are endocrine diseases related to the functioning of the thyroid or adrenal glands. Life expectancy is on average 12-14 years.

Choosing a puppy and price of Akita Inu

Purebred Japanese Akita Inu is enough rare breed, in contrast to the American Akita, which differ both in appearance and in character, but it will not be difficult for an inexperienced person to confuse them in puppyhood. Therefore, it is better to buy a puppy from a specialized nursery. It wouldn't hurt to get help from an independent breed expert.

A two-month-old Akita Inu puppy should be cheerful and playful with an excellent appetite, not cowardly or angry, weighing about 6-10 kg. At this time, some puppies may have a dark mask on their face; by 5-6 months it will turn white. This happens because the puppy is wearing a dark gray or light gray undercoat. The ears may be raised or already standing on top of the head. The tail is carried over the back in a ring or in the shape of a sickle, and when unfolded it should reach the hock joints.

The cost of an Akita Inu puppy depends on breeding value and prospects. Dogs with excellent characteristics, which may be expected to win at exhibitions and actively participate in breeding, cost from 1,500 USD. And pet-class puppies are undoubtedly purebred, but with obvious or invisible defects (flaws in color, malocclusion, cryptorchidism, etc.) can be purchased from 600 USD.


Photos of Japanese Akita (Akita Inu):

If you are choosing a dog for yourself, then this article will be very useful for you. A pet on long years will become your family member, will share all your joys and misfortunes. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose a breed that would suit all your relatives. Then your puppy will grow up the happiest in the world and will do everything in his power for you. Today we want to tell you about a dog that is not so often found on the streets of the city. This is why owner reviews will be so valuable. Akita Inu is an incredibly impressive dog, whose image captivates at first sight. Everything about her is perfect, her gait and every movement, her posture and her gaze. Despite the fact that the Akita has a dense physique, its proportions remain ideal and its overall appearance is refined.

Popularity of the breed

Today we cannot say that this is a very fashionable dog. Its representatives are quite rarely seen at venues, which is understandable. A large animal with thick and dense fur is not particularly suitable for apartment keeping. However, cottage owners and residents of the private sector pay close attention to them. Dogs owe this not only to their charming appearance, but also by the strength of their character. There is no creature in the world that is more restrained and reasonable, and at the same time courageous and very obedient, so say the reviews of the owners. Akita Inu were chosen at one time. They believed that representatives of this breed could be a worthy reflection of them.

History of the breed

Since we touched on the times of the Japanese emperors, we’ll tell you about the history of these dogs. From reliable sources it becomes clear that Akitas were used as guards for the emperor. This is the result of an excellent hunting instinct and qualities that nature has endowed the dog with. They are self-possessed and fearless, smart and obedient. The breed is very interesting, its history goes back centuries. Moreover, this is not speculation, but real facts, based on a genetic study of the remains that were found on the territory of the modern Land of the Rising Sun. The origin of the breed dates back to the second millennium BC. This is confirmed by drawings made around the same time. The image of the dog was finally formed in the 17th century and has remained unchanged to this day.

Description of the breed

A cheerful, sunny creature, this is how reviews from owners characterize these dogs. Akita Inu is a true friend for a person who values ​​the strength of spirit in an animal, his own point of view and absolute devotion and affection only for a close circle of people. An excellent guard, she will never allow a stranger to approach her master if she notices bad intentions. And this applies to both people and animals.

This amazing dog, personifying harmony in everything. A true child of the east, it exhibits such traits as restraint and calmness, as well as dignity. However, this is only a mask under which a fiery temperament is hidden. Owner reviews often mention this. Akita Inu literally transforms when surrounded by its loved ones, becoming sociable and active.

Even if you have never had a pet, this creature can captivate you at first sight. His expressive, a little bit just glows with wisdom. At first glance, she looks very much like a Russian Laika, but this is not the case, they have nothing in common. This is a very active and sociable, cheerful dog that easily becomes attached to its owner. The most important thing is that he sincerely loves his pet. This required condition for those who have an Akita Inu. Reviews from owners emphasize that, despite their endurance and appearance, they are very sensitive and gentle creatures. Remember the story of the legendary Hachiko. He lived with a professor who suddenly died of a heart attack. For another 11 years, the dog went to the station every day to meet his owner from work.

Appearance and breed standards

In fact, if you are looking pet, then this is not a very important factor. The most important thing is that the dog is healthy, eats well and plays. It's a different matter if you want to breed puppies. Then you will need a purebred Akita Inu. A dog for mating today is offered for an average of 20,000 rubles, which means it may well justify the cost of exhibitions.

The Akita is a large dog that is very well built. It is very strong, muscular and robust, and is characterized by a heavy head with a short muzzle, slightly bear-like. The dog is distinguished by a wide and flat chest, as well as a straight back. It seems to have an ordinary appearance, but at the same time the dog looks very original. The slanted eyes and upright triangular ears, as well as the wide forehead, are reminiscent of a fox, a bear and a wolf at the same time. The height at the withers for a male is from 66 to 71 cm, and for a female it is 61-66 cm.


What kind of dog would you like your dog to be? Everyone will have their own set of qualities. Some will note devotion, others - endurance and obedience, others - wonderful security qualities, and the fourth - boundless love for its owner. All of them are harmoniously combined in a fluffy creature called Akita Inu. Reviews from owners indicate that these dogs combine all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. They dont have negative aspects character. From puppyhood to old age, Akitas are distinguished by their mischievous and cheerful character. Aggression and sharp changes moods are not at all characteristic of these representatives of the dog world. They are so balanced that one gets the impression that they are calculating any situation in advance. It is difficult to provoke them; before rushing into battle, they will study the circumstances and situation, and evaluate the possible consequences of their actions.

However, enough about the positives. Like everyone else, this dog is not ideal, as reviews from owners sometimes mention. Akita Inu (male dogs often manifest themselves in this way) are endlessly curious. He needs to be aware of everything that happens in your home. Any noise or rustle will instantly attract his attention, he will poke his nose into any crack or box. However, this quality disappears with age, so over time your pet will become more imposing.

Akita and small children

Since this is a fairly large dog, many people are concerned about how careful the Akita Inu can be when playing with children. A male dog, whose character is somewhat stricter, will become for them not only a friend, but also, in some way, a mentor. You will have the opportunity to delegate some of the responsibilities for entertaining the kids to him. You can be sure that your child is supervised and protected if you need to leave him alone in the room for a while.

In fact, if you become the happy owner of a dog of this breed, then you don’t have to worry much about the costs of care and maintenance. These are real Spartans, completely picky. Moreover, the dog can live both on the street and in the apartment. A thick and warm coat will allow her to survive the harshest frosts. However, if you decide to leave her outside for the winter, then you need to take care of a warm booth or enclosure. Life in an apartment is not very familiar for the Akita, who is strong and large dog there is not enough movement within four walls. Therefore, immediately think about who will take her for daily walks, at least 2 hours each. If you are wondering why, visit any exhibition and look at Inu. The male dog, whose photo is posted below, shines with health, all his muscles are perfectly developed, which is only possible with regular exercise. It is enough to comb the coat several times a week, and during shedding every day. You can bathe your dog no more than twice a year, using special dog shampoos.


How larger breed, the higher its growth rate, which means the more attention you need to pay to the nutrition of your pet during puppyhood. You cannot accustom him to eating from your table. The best option would be properly selected dry food. But while the puppy is growing, it is recommended to combine dry food with traditional food. You won't notice how your Akita Inu grows. A male dog, who has just turned 4 months old, gains 70% of the height of an adult dog. Of course, the school will still spread out, but the dog already looks impressive. However, for development to proceed correctly, you need to include cottage cheese and lean meat, kefir and broth in your diet every day.


The most difficult question that concerns most dog breeders, and especially those who have a male Akita Inu. How to train, what commands to teach, should you go to classes with a dog trainer, or can you achieve everything on your own? Remember that the sooner you start, the better. What is allowed to a tiny puppy cannot be prohibited adult dog, so immediately distinguish between what is possible and what is not. Be prepared for disobedience and have great patience. This is a proud creature, wayward and independent, who will not forgive you for undeserved insults. Parenting should be consistent and affectionate. The owner will have to find a middle ground, be demanding, but gentle. It is then that you will be able to raise a true friend and reliable comrade.

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