Home Prevention Steam inhalation for human colds. What to breathe when coughing: therapeutic inhalations Breathe with water vapor

Steam inhalation for human colds. What to breathe when coughing: therapeutic inhalations Breathe with water vapor

Faced with cold symptoms, many are in no hurry to take medications, turning first to methods traditional medicine. One of the proven methods, which has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, is potato inhalation.

Breathing over boiled potatoes is like steam inhalation. The effect of such therapy has been known for a long time and is as follows:

  • Warming the airways.
  • Moisturizing the mucous membrane.
  • Reduce irritation and spasms.
  • Elimination of swelling and congestion.
  • Thinning sputum and improving its discharge.

Steam treatment for cough and runny nose

Due to its beneficial properties, steam inhalations over potatoes have gained wide popularity in the treatment of colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough. Preparing a decoction and carrying out the procedure at home is not difficult.

Potato inhalation recipes

You can make a decoction for inhalation using several recipes. To do this, potatoes are prepared in different ways:

  • In uniform.
  • Purified.
  • One peel.

The first recipe involves thoroughly washing small tubers. Without cutting off the peel, they are placed in a saucepan and filled with water so that it just covers the tops. Boil the potatoes in their jackets over low heat until tender (a characteristic smell appears). For greater efficiency, oat husks or soda and salt are added to it during the cooking process (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water). Next, the broth is drained and the potatoes are mashed.

You can also breathe over peeled potatoes. The peel is cut off from 3-4 medium-sized tubers and boiled in the usual way. The resulting liquid is poured into another container and allowed to cool slightly. Inhalation over potato broth best done by adding a few drops essential oil(eucalyptus, fir, mint, lavender, lemon).

Another way to use potatoes for colds is to boil the peelings alone. The peel can be used either fresh or already dried. It is prepared in the same way as jacket potatoes, and inhalation is carried out directly over the decoction with peelings.

There are several ways to boil potatoes for inhalation. Everyone can choose the right one for themselves.


You can breathe both over the pan with potatoes and over the bowl of broth. And for the procedure to be effective, a number of simple rules should be followed when performing it:

  • Allow the broth to cool slightly, do not inhale too hot steam.
  • Lean over the container in a sitting position and cover yourself with a blanket.
  • Keep your head at a safe distance to avoid getting burned.
  • Inhale the steam through your nose and mouth alternately (2 times).

How long does the procedure take?

Inhalations over potatoes are simple and do not require much time. For the full effect, it is enough to breathe for 5–15 minutes. The duration of the procedure can be adjusted taking into account individual reaction - if your health worsens, inhalation should be stopped immediately.

The effect of correctly performed procedures should be noticeable after a few days: cough decreases, nasal breathing and sputum discharge improve. If the condition does not change or an increase in symptoms is noted, then it is necessary to consult a doctor to adjust the therapy.

Side effects

Steam inhalations with potatoes are well tolerated, and negative effects are likely only if the rules for their implementation are violated. For example, too hot steam can burn Airways, leading to increased coughing and even the development of an attack of suffocation. At the very beginning of the procedure, swelling of the nasal cavity may increase due to vasodilation, but this effect quickly passes.

In order for inhalations over potatoes to be not only effective, but also safe, you should adhere to simple rules and follow the doctor's recommendations.

When should you be careful?

There are a number of conditions when folk way treatment of colds is not suitable. The list of contraindications includes:

  • Purulent inflammation in the nasopharynx and sinuses.
  • Nose bleed.
  • Pneumonia.

Breathing over potatoes is contraindicated in case of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, violations cerebral blood flow. Steam inhalations are not recommended for children under 7 years of age, and during pregnancy they are prescribed with extreme caution.

Can it be done at a temperature?

Inhalations over potato steam have a warming effect, so they should not be done during feverish conditions. Otherwise, the condition may only worsen and the risk increases negative consequences. Therefore, any temperature above 37 degrees should be a contraindication for inhalation over potatoes.

Steam inhalation is becoming a widespread method of treating runny nose and cough in folk medicine. Breathing over potatoes is very simple and at the same time effective. But it is still better to decide on the advisability of the procedure after consulting a doctor.

Autumn is the time for colds and viral attacks on the body. You can fight them different ways, and these do not have to be expensive drugs. Medicines can be easily replaced with folk remedies that are at hand in everyone’s home. One of the most useful and effective procedures for a runny nose and weakened immunity - inhalation. Let's talk on this page www.site about how to properly breathe hot steam from potatoes, soda, eucalyptus,? Is it possible to do this at all, is it harmful to breathe the steam?

How to breathe in potato vapors correctly?

In order not to spend money on expensive devices from pharmacies, you can use simple old-fashioned methods. Namely: warm up the airways using steam from boiled potatoes. Thanks to the inhalation of warm and moist steam, mucus leaves the bronchi, which, in fact, is the first step towards recovery. Potatoes need to be boiled in their skins, because it is their peel that contains the largest amount of beneficial phytoncides. They penetrate the respiratory tract with steam, relieve allergic reactions and inflammation, and moisturize the mucous membrane. The patient feels relief, breathes and coughs better, does not feel soreness in the bronchi and throat.

The procedure is not as simple as it seems. Children need to do it very carefully, as you can simply burn the respiratory tract and get a burn of the mucous membranes. It is better to use special devices. Adults need to do the following: as soon as the potatoes are boiled until tender, drain the water and wrap the pan in a towel to keep it warm. To avoid getting burned by the steam, the temperature in the pan should be within 60 degrees. Bend over it, cover your head with a warm towel, inhale gently and evenly through your mouth, and exhale through your nose. After a few minutes, change the sequence: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. This way you can warm up the bronchi, oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Is it possible to breathe above the steam?

Steam inhalations, if carried out incorrectly, without taking into account the person’s condition, can be harmful. At first glance, covering yourself with a towel and breathing is not at all dangerous. But in fact, if the cold is in the acute phase, there is a high temperature, and the mucous membrane of the nose and throat swells, then steam inhalation will only increase the existing swelling. It's another matter when the infection has passed. If all that remains is a sore throat and a dry cough, then you can breathe in the steam.

So this procedure is harmless only if the patient does not have a fever.

More tips

Before steam inhalation, it is better not to eat for an hour. After the procedure, refrain from smoking and inhaling cold air. The best option is to do the procedure before bed, then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sweat well.

How to breathe soda vapor?

Soda inhalations have long been successfully used for colds and ailments. Correct implementation of the procedure eliminates many symptoms of the disease, in particular nasal congestion, sore throat, and coughing attacks. The particles and substances contained in soda have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, relieving inflammation and without causing harmful influence to other organ systems. She is wonderful disinfectant and actively removes phlegm when coughing.

In order not to waste money on a modern nebulizer, we will use the old method. To prepare the solution we need a liter of water and a tablespoon of soda. The temperature of the water in which the alkali needs to be dissolved should not be more than 60 degrees. Otherwise, the soda will lose its useful qualities. Children should not be allowed to breathe steam if the temperature of the composition is more than 30 degrees.

Unlike potatoes, breathing procedures with soda solutions should not last more than 10 minutes for an adult and more than 3 minutes for a child under 13 years of age. The procedure is the same as with potatoes: cover your head with a towel or warm cloth, bending over the container. Before and after inhalations, you should not eat, smoke or go out into the cold air.

The rules of inhalation are simple: when you have a runny nose, it is better to inhale through your nose, and when you have a cough or sore throat, it is better to inhale through your mouth. To strengthen healing effect, it is recommended to drop 1-2 drops of iodine into the prepared solution.

As for procedures during pregnancy, they are considered the most harmless for expectant mothers. They do not cause allergies and have a gentle healing effect.

How to breathe eucalyptus vapor?

As soon as viruses begin to attack the body, begin a response fight against them. The centuries-tested properties of inhalations will help you recover faster. As an option, you can use eucalyptus, which has bactericidal and antiviral properties. You can use the essential oil of this plant or prepare a decoction of the leaves.

Pour a tablespoon of dry raw material into a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil. Let it cool to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. We carry out the procedure according to the standard procedure, covering ourselves with a towel over the pan. Inhalations are very good for relieving prolonged cough, runny nose, and pain in the bronchi and trachea. The duration of breathing is 10-15 minutes, for children - 5-7 minutes.

This is an absolutely harmless method of treatment. By the way, for kids infancy and children under 3 years old can use the following method: fill the bathtub hot water, pour in the eucalyptus decoction, cool the water to a comfortable temperature, closing the door tightly. This creates a lot of steam in the bathroom, which will have a beneficial effect while the child is bathing. Children endure such procedures much more fun than inhalations with devices.

How to breathe chamomile vapor?

This plant is one of those that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It does not cause allergies in adults and children, perfectly cleanses the bronchi of mucus, eliminates runny nose and other cold symptoms. This method is also recommended for pregnant women for whom potent medications are contraindicated. And yet, before steam inhalations, it is better to consult with a supervising doctor to eliminate any risk.

To prepare the decoction, you will need two tablespoons of dried flowers. Fill them with a liter of water, let them boil, cook for another ten minutes. Remove from heat, cool slightly. To avoid getting burned by the steam, the solution temperature should be within 60 degrees. You need to breathe over the chamomile for 10-15 minutes, taking deep breaths and exhalations. After the procedure, you should not go outside; it is better to wrap yourself up and sweat well.

Any folk remedies, which can be used at home, are much safer than strong medications. However, if there is an individual intolerance to any components, it is better not to risk it and use another remedy.

Cough, runny nose and a “cloudy” state of the body can happen at any time of the year. Many methods have been tried to treat colds. Some of them provide a quick cure, but the consequences of taking loading doses medications can be deplorable and may not appear immediately. But the methods that have long been offered by traditional medicine, and now traditional medicine, solve the problem gradually, but at the same time do not harm health and strengthen the immune system.

Indications for use of inhalations

Inhalations at home for a runny nose, cough or colds seem to be the most in an accessible way get the desired result. The method works if the patient does not suffer from another disease that causes similar symptoms. For example, to people new to allergies and experiencing a reaction to an irritant for the first time, the symptoms may seem like the onset of a cold. Not in front of everyone allergic diseases Inhalation may be used. Before starting the procedure, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, otherwise the situation may worsen as a result of treatment.

Inhalations at home are used for the following indications:

  • Exacerbation of chronic upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • ARVI with complications (laryngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.).
  • Fungal diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma,
  • Cystic fibrosis, pneumonia in the 3rd stage (sputum production).
  • Respiratory disorders in HIV.
  • Prevention stagnation in the postoperative period.

Cough and runny nose are manifestations of the symptoms of the disease. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that inhalations will contribute to a speedy recovery.


The use of any type of therapy has its contraindications. Neglecting them can lead to complications, the emergence of new diseases, and often irreparable consequences. You should not use inhalations at home if you have a runny nose, cough or other symptoms of the following conditions or diseases:

  • Body temperature is higher than normal (more than 37.5°C).
  • Any nosebleeds.
  • Arrhythmia, cardiovascular failure.
  • Hypertension (grade 2 and higher).
  • Pulmonary failure.
  • Pulmonary hemorrhages, pulmonary emphysema.
  • Allergy to medicinal agents (medicines, herbal medicines, essential oils, etc.).
  • Age (not recommended for children under 2 years old).

What is inhalation

Inhalation is a treatment method in which crushed medications are delivered using heated steam and inhaled aerosols. The word “inhalation” is an analogue of the Latin “inhalo” (I inhale). Steam inhalations for a runny nose at home help fine particles medicines get directly into the source of infection - the bronchi, nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The treatment is local in nature, but inhaling vapors saturated with beneficial natural ingredients not only has a positive effect on focal diseases, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of the immune and nervous systems. For women, you can add another positive aspect - moisturizing and cleansing the skin, which occurs while breathing beneficial steam.


Inhalations at home for a runny nose have the following advantages:

  • When breathing is blocked without inhalation, it saturates the mucous membrane and provokes mucus rejection.
  • In case of copious but difficult mucus separation, it helps to painlessly speed up its evacuation.
  • For a runny nose caused by an allergy, they help remove the allergen from the nasopharynx faster.
  • For ARVI diseases, it is relieved general state the patient, saturate the tissues of the nasopharyngeal mucosa with moisture, strengthen the immune system.

Inhalations for cough are no less effective:

  • Moisturizes the mucous membrane with steam, which alleviates the condition of a debilitating dry cough.
  • Reduces the excitability of irritated receptors, enveloping the mucous membrane.
  • The formation of sputum is stimulated and coughing is less painful.
  • Liquefaction of sputum, rapid evacuation.
  • Eliminates bronchospasm in case of allergic cough.
  • Gradual destruction of infectious agents, strengthening the immune system.

Types of inhalations

In the arsenal of traditional and folk medicine, inhalations for a runny nose at home are carried out in several ways:

  • Steam inhalations, or heat-moist inhalations. The solution temperature ranges from +42 °C to +50 °C. Safe and effective exposure time is 5 to 10 minutes. To create a medicinal solution use medicinal herbs and essential oils (to which there is no allergic reaction), medications, prescribed by a doctor, soda, antibacterial drugs. This type of treatment brings the greatest benefit at the primary stage of the disease.
  • Oil inhalations. The oil is heated to a temperature of about 38°C, exposure time is about 10 minutes. If desired, oil can be added to hot water and breathe over the container with the solution. This type of inhalation helps with dry cough and lack of mucus from the nose. They use eucalyptus, olive oil, peach, coniferous and many others have a positive effect. Before use, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction.
  • Dry inhalations. Plants with active antiviral phytocides are used: onions, garlic, horseradish root. Natural raw materials are crushed and placed in the room where the patient is. The action is antibacterial.
  • Hardware inhalations. The devices developed for home use allow for both steam and non-steam inhalations. The inhaler device sprays the drug into an aerosol.

Inhalations are divided into types according to temperature conditions:

  • Cold. The temperature of the solution for the procedure does not exceed 30 °C.
  • Heat-moist. The solution is heated to 45 °C.
  • Steam. The temperature does not exceed 50 °C.

Rules for the procedure

Success healing process directly depends on the correctness of its implementation. Inhalations at home for a runny nose, cough, or acute respiratory viral infection have their own characteristics and should not be neglected:

  • The procedure should be carried out an hour after eating. The patient should not be hungry.
  • After the procedure, you should not eat or drink for 30-40 minutes.
  • You should not talk after treatment for 30-60 minutes.
  • It is contraindicated to go outside for two hours after the procedure.
  • If used for inhalation medications, then you need to know the recipe and follow it to the nearest 1 gram.
  • During the inhalation process, it is necessary to take deep, smooth inhalations and exhalations.
  • For children aged 2 to 5 years, the inhalation time is 3 minutes, from 5 to 12 years the procedure is carried out for 5-10 minutes.
  • The inhalation agent solution is prepared before use.
  • When you have a runny nose, breathing should be done through your nose; when you have a cough or respiratory illness, you should breathe through your mouth.
  • When prescribing several types of inhalations for the treatment of ARVI and runny nose, inhalations with bronchodilators will be used first, followed by expectorants.
  • When using industrially manufactured inhalers, it is necessary to rinse the device before and after the inhalation session.

Medicinal agents

For inhalation, plant materials, medications, and oils are used. There are many recipes, but some of them are time-tested and show effectiveness in application:

  • Inhalation for a runny nose at home with soda. Basic solution recipe: add 1 teaspoon to one glass of hot water (up to 50°C) baking soda. Breathe over the vapors of the solution for 5-10 minutes.
  • Alkaline ones work well mineral water- “Essentuki-17”, “Narzan”, “Borjomi”, etc. The water is heated to 50°C and a therapy session is performed.
  • Inhalation for a runny nose at home with chamomile. First you need to prepare a chamomile decoction; to do this, just pour one tablespoon of dry herbs into one glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes - the solution for inhalation is ready. If the infusion has cooled, just add hot water and carry out the procedure.
  • Inhalations using pine needles. To prepare the solution, pine needles must be soaked for several hours in water at room temperature, then heated until steam appears. If you don’t have pine needles on hand, you can get by with essential oil (2 drops per glass of warm water) of pine, spruce, cedar, etc. A few drops are added to hot water. For small children, you can leave a bucket or pan of hot solution in the room while they sleep. Cover the container with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape. In order for the solution to release healing steam longer, the container must be thermally insulated (wrapped in a blanket, thick towel, etc.).
  • Inhalation for a runny nose at home with potatoes. One of the most common and effective ways to carry out the procedure. The potatoes are boiled in their skins, the water is drained, you need to breathe while bending over the tubers. If desired and necessary, you can add eucalyptus essential oil.

How to perform inhalation at home

There are three ways to create an inhaler at home. The simplest one is to use a saucepan for this purpose. A warm or hot medicinal solution is poured into the container, so as not to lose steam, you need to cover your head with a towel, while closing the borders of the pan. In general, it is necessary to create a closed space in which steam will circulate. So as not to burn skin, on the lip area and skin around the eyes, apply a protective cream to exposed areas. After 5-10 minutes the procedure is completed.

The next method uses a kettle. A hot mixture with medicinal ingredients is poured into it, a funnel is inserted into the spout of the kettle, through which steam is supplied. The method is good for those who do not tolerate the influence of hot steam, as in the previous method described. The funnel can be made from thick cardboard.

To carry out inhalation procedures at home for a runny nose or cough, there are devices - household inhalers. Today there are many techniques of this kind, with different ways of carrying out the procedure. The only question is the choice; before use, you should read the instructions.

Features of the procedure for children

Inhalation at home for children with a runny nose should be done with caution. The procedure is not recommended for children under two years of age. It is difficult to persuade a child to breathe steam over a saucepan, potatoes or kettle. Using the device simplifies the task, since the process can take place in a game form. But there are ways to help the child and arrange the inhalation in a slightly expanded form.

One way is to place the child in a small room and fill it with healing steam. An important condition is ventilation. If there is a bathhouse, then the issue is easily resolved. You can persuade the child to breathe over the potatoes, and use a large umbrella to cover the container with potatoes as an entertainment element. In this case, it is worth making sure that the child does not get burned. The time frame for inhalation using home methods is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Features of the procedure for pregnant women

Inhalation at home for pregnant women with a runny nose is carried out with some peculiarities. Waiting for a baby future mom He tries to follow a daily routine and avoid illnesses, but a runny nose catches up with almost everyone. It is dangerous because it causes a lack of oxygen, which can harm the baby. Inhalations are the most safe way treatment that has limitations:

  • Do not use drugs to which you have an allergic reaction or a predisposition to it.
  • During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use rosemary, cedar, dill, nightshade, and marjoram.
  • When carrying out the procedure, iodine should be excluded from the list of ingredients used.
  • General contraindications also apply to pregnant women; inhalation should be avoided if you feel unwell.


Inhalation at home for cough and runny nose - simple and effective way get rid of nasal and throat congestion. It stimulates the internal reserves of the body, does not violate human nature, but helps to quickly and easily regain lost health.

At the first signs of a cold, people increasingly began to use old grandmother’s methods of treatment, since many medicines do not give desired result. One of my grandmother’s effective methods is inhalation of hot potato steam.

When inhaling potato steam, a person increases blood flow to the nasopharynx, thins sputum, and eliminates congestion in the respiratory tract. Potato inhalations help with many diseases in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to breathe correctly and this procedure brings not so much benefit as harm. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully consider this issue and then begin to practice.

Beneficial properties of hot potato steam

Inhalations over potatoes help with a runny nose, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarse voice, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, cough and other diseases. In the absence of fever, this procedure easily replaces medications and speeds up the healing process. When you have a cold, only the mucus that appears is removed without medication.

Potato steam contains dipropylene glycol, tetradecane, ethyl alcohol, which allows you to warm up even remote areas of the respiratory tract.

These substances also enhance metabolic processes, remove inflammation, stagnation, normalize blood flow, remove swelling from the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Potato steam covers a large surface and has an enveloping effect. At the same time, the sputum thins out, and blood flows to the mucous membranes.

Vapor particles have a larger structure than particles when breathing with stationary inhalers (nebulizers) and this guarantees protection against penetration of moisture into the bronchi and bronchioles.

The moisture that forms in droplets settles on the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx, and this softens the cough.
With this heating, microbes and accumulated dirt particles from the nasopharynx and bronchi come out with sputum.

  • For bronchial asthma such inhalation helps to stop attacks and prevent their manifestation.
  • For runny nose and sinusitis(beyond the acute stage) steam inhalation helps draw out mucus from the nasal passages and sinuses.
  • For laryngitis, bronchitis, cough, sore throat you need to breathe through your mouth.
  • For a cold with cough and runny nose without fever You need to breathe through both your mouth and nose, alternating them.

When inhaled, the respiratory tract warms up, the cough softens and moisturizes, hoarseness and tickling disappear.

How to do the procedure correctly

Inhalation can be done:

  • from boiled potatoes “in their jackets” followed by kneading;
  • inhaling steam from peeled potatoes with the addition of salt, soda, essential oils;
  • inhalation of vapors from boiled peelings or small potatoes.

For inhalation you will need 5 - 10 medium (equal in size) potatoes, water, a 3 - 4 liter saucepan, a towel, a blanket, a chair.

The potatoes are washed and placed in a pan. Fill with water and cook for 20 minutes.

When ready (the potatoes should not fall apart or be half-cooked), cover the pan with a lid, turn on high heat for 10 seconds and turn off. The water is drained. The pan is wrapped in a towel.

To carry out the procedure:

  • The pan with potatoes should be placed on a chair.
  • If you have long hair, you need to pull it back into a ponytail.
  • Then you need to sit in a chair.
  • Cover your head with a blanket.
  • You need to breathe the steam for 5 - 10 minutes.

If there is excess steam, you can raise the blanket. During cooking, the steam will cool slightly and will not be scalding hot.

To maintain safety, your head should be kept a short distance from the pan. In case of strong proximity, there is a possibility of burns to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

You need to breathe measuredly, calmly, without sudden sighs. Inhalation should be done through the nose, and exhalation must be done through the mouth. After 10 repetitions, inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose, this alternation will warm up the throat, nose and sinuses.

For sinusitis or severe runny nose You can inhale through each nostril in turn 5 times in a row. After inhalation, potatoes can be used as a warm compress. The water is drained from the pan, the potatoes are kneaded, mixed with a spoonful of alcohol and transferred to a thick cloth. The resulting pouch is placed in the bronchi area. The compress lasts about ten minutes.

For greater inhalation effect, you can add two pinches of soda and mash the potatoes with a fork.

For a dry cough, in addition to soda, add two pinches of coarse salt. Soda and salt are added at the beginning of cooking.

To enhance the effect, you can add eucalyptus, pine, menthol, juniper, and peppermint essential oils to the water.. 2 - 3 drops are enough. In addition to essential oils, you can use ready-made anti-cold oil mixtures.

Potatoes cooked together with unpeeled oats speed up the healing process. This mixture helps soften coughs and relieve sore throats.

How long should you breathe?

Inhalation of potato vapor is done an hour and a half before meals. If possible, this procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

For an adult, the procedure can take up to 10 minutes. At feeling good and regularly lifting the blanket to inhale fresh air, the procedure can be extended to 15 minutes.

A longer procedure may place stress on the heart.

For children up to school age The procedure should last no more than 4 minutes; if necessary, the time can be reduced.

For school-age children, the procedure can be performed for no more than 7 minutes.

Inhalation is carried out only under adult supervision and if a complaint occurs, inhalation is stopped.

After inhalation, you need to lie down in bed under a blanket and lie down for at least half an hour, this will consolidate the result and speed up the healing process.

At what age can children be given inhalation?

Kids up to three years Potato steam is contraindicated. In young children, steam can enter the bronchioles and cause obstruction and serious harm, including suffocation. When sputum swells, it fills the bronchi, enters the bronchioles and blocks the airways.

For children of kindergarten age, this procedure can be used only after consultation with a doctor.

From the age of seven, the procedure can be performed under adult supervision. In any case, when carrying out such a procedure for children, the time should be reduced to 4 minutes, and the temperature of the potato steam should be less than 45 degrees.

Children, even at an older age, even with low temperature You can’t breathe over potato fumes!

For pregnant

For pregnant women, such inhalation is completely safe if there are no other health contraindications. This inhalation allows you to cure a cold practically without the use of drugs, which is quite important when carrying a child.

You can breathe over a saucepan or use a simple inhaler or a paper cone placed in the spout of a kettle for these purposes.

Potato vapor has a soothing, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antiallergic property.

During pregnancy, inhalation of potato steam has no contraindications, but the addition of other impurities should be monitored by a doctor. Some supplements may cause a negative reaction.

The steam temperature for pregnant women should be no more than 45 degrees. The duration of warming up the respiratory tract for pregnant women lasts no more than ten minutes.


  • You cannot breathe hot steam, as this can lead to burns to the mucous membranes.
  • The temperature of the potato steam should not be more than 50 degrees.
  • At elevated temperature potato inhalations are contraindicated.
  • If a person has heart disease, vascular problems, circulatory system, frequent nosebleeds occur, high pressure, pneumonia is diagnosed, there are any purulent processes, such a procedure is under no circumstances carried out.
  • If there is pus in the nasopharynx or maxillary sinuses such a procedure is not carried out.

Video about the benefits of potatoes

Inhalation of potato steam helps with many diseases and allows you to reduce the use of medications and avoid possible allergic reactions on drug components.

Potato steam inhalation is one of the simplest, cheapest and time-tested methods for treating colds. The advantage of the product is its availability and harmlessness, which is especially important for people with hypersensitivity To chemicals included in medicines. Potato inhalation is absolutely hypoallergenic and is recommended even for pregnant women and children.

Operating principle. The hot steam emitted by boiled potatoes, in addition to water molecules, contains phytoncides and a certain number of molecules ethyl alcohol. Ethanol is a good solvent, thanks to which the beneficial substances contained in the vapor penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. Phytoncides have an antibacterial effect, and warm steam gently envelops, warms the mucous membrane and cleanses the “cilia” hairs located on the surface, which push mucus out.

When inhaling potatoes:

  • the vessels of the mucous membrane dilate, blood flow normalizes;
  • are suspended inflammatory processes and swelling of the throat decreases;
  • hot steam dilutes mucus and facilitates its release, which helps cleanse the respiratory tract.

Potato inhalation helps with the following diseases:

  • runny nose;
  • cough (especially dry);
  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx (pharyngitis);
  • the initial stages of sinusitis, if there is no pus in the maxillary sinuses;
  • tonsillitis.

Contraindications to treatment with potato inhalations

Despite its versatility, inhalation with potatoes is contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients and people with diseases of cardio-vascular system(due to the fact that steam dilates blood vessels);
  • with pneumonia;
  • with nosebleeds;
  • with purulent processes in the nasopharynx;
  • children under 3 years old. Children's airways are much narrower than adults'. Therefore, in case of edema, very serious consequences are possible. It is better to consult a pediatrician about the possibility of inhalation treatment for children under 7 years of age.

How to breathe properly over potatoes

Inhalations should never be done immediately after eating. At least 1.5–2 hours should pass from the moment you eat before the procedure. Treatment is best done in the evening, just before bedtime. If possible, it makes sense to do two procedures: in the morning and in the evening. Morning inhalation should be performed on an empty stomach, so that the patient does not talk or eat for an hour after the procedure. It is not recommended to read, watch TV or work at the computer right away: this can have a detrimental effect on your vision. After treatment, you should not go outside or breathe cold air for 3–4 hours.

The duration of inhalation for an adult is 10–15 minutes, for a child (from 3 years old) – 5–7 minutes. However, if the patient becomes dizzy or feels unwell, the procedure should be interrupted immediately.


1. Select 10 medium-sized potatoes and wash thoroughly with a brush. There should be no soil, no rot, no rhizoctonia lumps or other traces left on the surface of the tubers. infectious diseases. Also, green potatoes should not be used for inhalation. It is permissible to boil a large amount of well-washed peelings instead of whole tubers (the peel contains the most useful substances).

2. Boil the selected tubers in their uniforms in a small amount of water until tender (about 25–30 minutes after boiling). For cooking, it is better to take a wide pan with low sides: such dishes are more stable and it is more convenient to breathe steam over it.

3. While the potatoes are boiling, prepare a place where the patient can sit comfortably. The pan with hot potatoes should be positioned so that a person does not accidentally turn it over on themselves.

It is safer to inhale potatoes at the table rather than in bed. It is better for the patient to sit on a chair than on a stool: during the procedure, dilation of blood vessels may cause dizziness.

4. Prepare a piece of wool or a towel to wrap the pan. Another terry bath towel or terry sheet will be needed to cover the head of a person bending over a pot of potatoes. If the patient is not allergic to wool, then instead of a towel you can take a wool blanket.

5. Do not strain cooked potatoes. If the peelings were cooked, mash them a little with a fork.

6. While the potatoes are still hot, place the pan on the table, wrap it in a towel or thick fabric.

7. Sit the patient in front of the pan and cover with a woolen blanket or cotton terry cloth folded several times.

To prevent a person from getting burned, the steam temperature should be approximately +50–55°C.

If the patient is weak or does not tolerate stuffiness, you need to cover him with a thick cloth so that there is a small hole for fresh air to enter.

Potato inhalation can be done over an open pan, however, not all people tolerate the feeling of hot steam on the skin of the face. It is better to cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small gap from which steam will escape. In addition, in this case the contents of the pan will cool much more slowly.

If potato inhalation is given to an elderly person or a child, then a relative must stand next to the patient, periodically check his condition, and make sure that he does not accidentally overturn the pan or fall from his chair.

8. After inhalation, the patient should be warmly wrapped and put to bed.

Potato inhalation for various diseases

There are two ways to inhale potato steam during the procedure:

If the patient complains only of a runny nose, then before inhalation you need to blow your nose thoroughly. It is very important to breathe steadily: not too fast, just a little slower than usual. You should close one nostril, inhale deeply with the free nostril and exhale slowly. Repeat this again. Then exactly the same two breaths must be taken with the second nostril. Throughout the procedure, inhale the steam alternately through different nostrils. When intense mucus discharge from the nose begins, the discharge should not be sucked in. You should regularly blow your nose into clean tissues.

In case of bronchitis, cough or any throat disease, hot steam should be inhaled through the mouth and then slowly exhaled through the nose. Take another breath and exhale. Then inhale twice through your nose and exhale through your mouth. If the illness is accompanied by a runny nose, you can, as in the first case, alternately pinch your nostrils when inhaling and exhaling.

Potato inhalation options

Due to the fact that potato steam contains a small amount of ethanol molecules, it penetrates quite deeply. This can be used to further enrich the hot vapors with beneficial substances.

It is permissible to slightly change the basic recipe for preparing the composition for inhalation:

  • boil potatoes with oat husks (recommended for severe colds);
  • remove the potatoes (leave the peelings on), and add a tablespoon of soda to the broth;
  • add a tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of salt. Salt kills pathogenic bacteria. Inhaling its molecules is especially useful for diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • add 3-4 drops of essential oil. Its phytoncides are fatal to pathogens, and inhaling steam with some kind of plant or woody aroma is much more pleasant. Preference should be given to oils of eucalyptus, pine, cedar, spruce, cloves, ginger, sea buckthorn;
  • add a few fresh or dried sprigs of mint, sage or thyme. This inhalation is good for soothing the throat with a dry cough.

What to do with potato mass

The potato mass (even peeling) should not be thrown away after inhalation: it will make an excellent warming compress, which will further speed up recovery.

The potatoes should be drained and mashed with a tablespoon of alcohol and a tablespoon vegetable oil. Then cover the patient’s back or chest (not in the area of ​​the heart) with two layers of gauze or just a cotton cloth, on which place the potato mixture, on top - plastic bag, then secure the compress with a warm scarf. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Attention! Self-medication can be harmful to health. Consult your doctor.

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