Home Dental treatment The “we are together” project is aimed at social support for families with disabled children Svetlana Viktorovna Epishina, director of a budgetary social institution. Social project 'Support for people with disabilities' Social project with the participation of people with disabilities

The “we are together” project is aimed at social support for families with disabled children Svetlana Viktorovna Epishina, director of a budgetary social institution. Social project 'Support for people with disabilities' Social project with the participation of people with disabilities

Personal growth

Implement: Social project Creative club for people with disabilities"Without Borders!"



Social project Creative club for people

with disabilities “No Borders!”

People with disabilities, people with disabilities, are everywhere. According to United Nations (UN) estimates, almost every tenth person on the planet is disabled.

It is not a person’s fault that he was born or became this way. It is not his fault that he cannot always work and provide for himself. The way of life of disabled people is to take daily medications that help maintain the body’s vital functions, but do not cure diseases.

Disabled people are the same as all people, although with their own characteristics. Who doesn't have them?! It is necessary that people with disabilities study and work together with ordinary people. They need understanding and equality.

We must help people with disabilities!

The state, as best it can, helps disabled people by providing medical care. All regions of the country are trying to provide education for disabled children who need home schooling.

According to official statistics, lives in Russia

about 10 million people with disabilities.

For a long time it was believed that a disabled person was only his defects and could not bring anything useful to society, and the optimal solution in his situation was isolation. Fortunately, today the situation has changed in better side. But for now, these changes are not enough for every disabled person in our country to live full life: communicated, worked, had a full-fledged family, traveled.

Today not every professional educational institution is able to accept a wheelchair user or a person suffering from blindness for study; not every employer is interested in employing a disabled person, therefore he has only one option: sit at home and watch TV.

In this regard, there is a need to seek integration of people with disabilities into society. And a club for creativity and communication in in this case is the best option for solving the problems of people with disabilities. So, this project gives a person the opportunity not only to “go out into the world”, but also to acquire new knowledge, skills, communication skills with others, build a family, and, as a result, overcome their fears and complexes.

Project " Creative club for disabled people “Without Borders!” brought together people who know first-hand about all the problems of people with disabilities. The club team consists of families whose members are disabled people.

They will inspire, support and teach you to live life to the fullest!

Natalya Ulchenkova takes care of her daughter Marta, who has been disabled since childhood. Disappointing statistics show that in the last five years the number of disabled children has increased by almost 10%. Many fathers of such families cannot withstand the load and leave, leaving their wives and children to cope with all the difficulties alone. Natalia, with her example, is able to inspire the mothers of such children.

Also taking part in the project are professional psychologists, teachers, lawyers and simply caring people.

What do we offer:

  • Regular meetings for disabled people and members of their families 1-2 times a month, at which various thematic circles, communication, and tea drinking will be held.
  • Subjects of the circles:
  • DIY creativity: making crafts, gifts and other Handmade products
  • Conversations and communication on topics about family, healthy way life, character, formation successful personality, work.
  • Conducting seminars, meetings, consultations with psychologists, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, artists, etc.
  • Organization of outdoor events: picnics, trips to museums, trips to Russian cities.
  • Conducting a job fair for people with disabilities, etc.

What do we need for this:

  • Premises for holding the listed events. The premises should be easily accessible and equipped with a ramp.
  • Furniture: tables, chairs, wardrobe.
  • Bus for transporting people.
  • Supplies for creative meetings, food for tea parties.
  • Any assistance in the development of the project.
  • And also your attention and any interesting ideas!

Our details:

Charitable Foundation "City of Mercy":

TIN 5638032637 / KPP 563801001, OGRN 1105600002793

JSCB "Forstadt" (CJSC), Orenburg, account number 40703810201000006183,

BIC 045354860, code 30101810700000000860

In the purpose of payment write: Voluntary donation. Without VAT.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Completion Criteria

Launch the project, hold the first introductory meeting. Photo or video report.

Personal resources

I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. (Bible: Phil.4:13): I have time. Friends, like-minded people, and this is strength, together we can do a lot. Well, I have a desire to do this.

Environmentally friendly goal

I want to realize myself and be useful to society. As a child, I dreamed that I would motivate other people to live by the example of my life, and this project is a step towards realizing my childhood dream.

Natalia Mukhamatchina
Social project “Childhood without borders”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution


Social project

The project was compiled:

Mukhamatchina Natalia


1. Information card

Name project« Childhood without borders»

Justification of relevance and social significance of the project Child Problem having limited opportunities, is not that he cannot walk, see, hear or speak, but that he is deprived childhood, is deprived of communication with peers and other children, separated from ordinary children's affairs, games, worries and interests. Such children need help and understanding not only from their parents, but also from society as a whole; this is the only way they can understand that they are really needed, that they are truly loved and understood. The integration of children with developmental problems into the environment of ordinary peers is a quite common phenomenon in all highly developed countries of the world. That's how it is today social order of society and the state. TO MADOU kindergarten"Star" A compensatory group has been opened for children with disabilities, which is attended by 10 people. The project will help children realize their creative abilities outside the educational program.

Goals and objectives project GOAL: Creation optimal conditions for implementation

individually – personal characteristics children with

limited health opportunities.


1. Inclusion of children with limited opportunities in

different kinds individual and collective activities, expanding their range of interests and creative opportunities.

2. Introducing them to an active, creative lifestyle.

3. Help your child with limited opportunities to realize their importance in a group of peers and society.

Brief content summary project Children with disabilities need to realize the child’s potential and create conditions for their comprehensive development, not only within the framework of an adapted program. Subject design activity is the organization of leisure activities for children with disabilities in MAOU kindergarten"Star" in group No. 1 "Sun".

In the proposed design activities used personal experience teacher

Project Designed for children of all ages.

Deadlines project 2015

Materially – technical base and estimated cost project Purpose of expenses Amount

1 Purchasing materials for making crafts

3 Purchasing prizes for events

5 Transport costs (trips) 500 rub.

Total 2000 rub.

2. Relevance and importance of this problem.

"We are worried about

what kind of person our child will grow up to be;

but we forget that he is already a man"

Stashia Tauscher

One of the current socially-economic and demographic problems of modern Russian society is the inclusion of children with limited opportunities into society.

The main problem of children with limited opportunities lies in disrupting his connection with the world, in limited mobility, poverty of contacts with peers and adults, in limited communication with nature, inaccessibility of a number of cultural values, and sometimes even basic education. This problem is the result of the prevailing social consciousness, which sanctions the existence of a developmental environment inaccessible to a child with disabilities. A child with a disability may be as capable and talented as his peer who does not have health problems, but inequality of opportunities prevents him from discovering his talents, developing them, and using them to benefit society.

A child is not a passive object, but a developing person who has the right to satisfy diverse needs for cognition, communication, and creativity. A child with a disability needs not only certain benefits and privileges, but conditions and environment for comprehensive individual development.

Working with "special" children, I cannot help but note how important and interesting it is for them to live and enjoy with their peers, participate in various events, and delight others with their creativity. From the first days I observed how my students strive to prove themselves. How important it is for parents to receive attention from the teacher and MADO specialists. With what pleasure children participate in various activities, trips, holidays. This is how the idea for this was born project, in which I presented my personal experience.

3. Collection and analysis of information on the selected problem.

Inclusive education enables all children to fully participate in the life of the community kindergarten , has resources aimed at stimulating the equality of students and their participation in all aspects of the life of the team.

L. S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create a learning system in which a child with limited opportunities would not be excluded from the society of children with normal development.

TO MADOU kindergarten"Star" A group has been organized for children with disabilities, which is attended by 10 children. The emphasis is on the fact that every child needs to create favorable conditions for his development, upbringing and learning, to meet his educational needs.

Most parents of children with special educational needs need professional, systematic assistance to their child. Studying the educational needs of parents of group No. 1 "Sun" I learned that not everyone has the opportunity to take their children to different clubs, an art school, where a child with disabilities could show his talent, his creativity, so the need arose to create project« Childhood without borders» .

4. Implementation of the action plan project.

To achieve goals project We divided all activities into stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (March 2015):

Diagnosis of children and survey of parents;

Study of literature;

Coordination of a joint action plan;

Preparation of event scenarios, selection different levels competitions;

Introducing children and parents to the implementation plan project.

Stage 2 – practical (April – November 2015)

Implementation plan project

No. Name of event Dates Interaction

with parents Interaction with specialists

1 Participation in the MADOU painting competition "World - childhood June 2015

2. Participation in an international Internet craft competition "Step forward" May 2015

3. Calendar and thematic holidays of MADOU and groups:

"Friends Day"

"Health Day"

"Mothers Day"

"Autumn Holiday"

"Christmas story" During a year

Participation of parents in all activities together with children

4. Travel:

*to the monument to military glory

*to the local history museum

*to the library Throughout the year

5. Theater club "Magic chest"

During the year, additional education teacher

6. Ecological circle

"World of Wonders" During a year

Stage 3 – final (December 2015):

Summing up the implementation work project;

Coordination of further plans.

5. Expected results project.

1. As a result of this project every child can self-realize,

spend your leisure time qualitatively.

2. Child with limited opportunities will be included in various types of individual and collective activities, not only in the group, but also in the MADO, which will contribute to the expansion of his living space, the restoration of his individual and social value.

3. The positive dynamics of the general emotional mood of a disabled child will increase - from wariness and apathy to a joyful desire to create, communicate, share their achievements with peers and parents, expand social contacts , will be overcome socio- cultural and psychological isolation, self-esteem will increase, and the possibilities of mutual understanding between children and parents will expand.

4. A disabled child will have the opportunity to be creative, to creatively comprehend the world, to perceive the creativity of others and their own.

5. Parents and theirs "special" The child gains invaluable experience of joint communication and mutual understanding.

Creating conditions for effective rehabilitation disabled children in a group day stay, organized on the basis of BU SO KMR "Center social assistance family and children" PROJECT GOAL Duration of the project is 10 months, from August 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015.

Project objectives: Monitoring the needs of families raising children with disabilities Carrying out diagnostic examination families with disabled children Formation of a day care group for disabled children, project participants Development and implementation of group and individual programs social rehabilitation disabled children in a day care group Social support for families raising disabled children

The targeted focus of the project is disabled children aged from 3 to 7 years living in the city of Kirillov, who will attend the group of disabled children aged from 7 to 18 years living in the city of Kirillov and the region (individual rehabilitation work) parents raising disabled children in Kirillov and the region; adults participating in project activities (specialists, volunteers, immediate circle of families raising disabled children)

Rehabilitation classes: individual and group correctional and developmental classes using sensory equipment, sand therapy methods, art therapy; fairytale therapy individual and group classes for the development of creativity, for the formation of social skills

Lack of motivation among family members to resolve their own problems. Change of specialists - the main executors of the project. Insufficient funding for project implementation. Negative public opinion of the region's population. Optimization of the Institution. Risks in project work Project sustainability to possible risks Motivating parents through various shapes working with family. Stimulation innovation activity specialists. Attracting extrabudgetary funds. Informing the population about the goals of the project and its social significance for the area. Monitor changes in the legislative framework.

Financial and economic justification for project activities Subject Name of Project activity/type of expenses Cost calculation Amount (in rubles) 1Purchase of a developmental and correctional complex with video biofeedback for children with special needs“Take it and do it” rub.*1 piece Stationery (paper, pens, folders, etc.) 5000 rub.*1 set Payment for the provision of specialist services for organizing a day care group for disabled children (specialist in social work, psychologist, speech therapist) 2000 rub. *10 months *3 people Insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds (27.1%) TOTAL: 115960

Management, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Project implementation Project Manager: - Director of the BU SO KMR "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children" S.V. Epishina Working group: - Deputy Director of the BU SO KMR "Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children" O.N. Chugunova, director working group- general management and coordination of work on the implementation of calendar activities for the project; - specialists of the BU SO KMR “Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children”: social work specialist, psychologist, speech therapist - implementation of project tasks, development and conduct of classes with children, diagnostics and analysis of work results, preparation of documentation.

Expected results of the project: a day care group for children is organized; accessibility and quality of services are ensured for families raising children with disabilities; social isolation overcome disabled child and his family, social contacts of disabled children are expanded, emotional stress, anxiety, fears, and aggressiveness in children are relieved, the general background of mood is improved, the pedagogical competence of parents is increased, the psychological climate in the family is normalized. the material and technical base of the Center has been ensured, the qualifications of specialists have been improved; creating a positive image of the institution and local governments.

PROJECT “WE ARE TOGETHER” The project is aimed at social support families with disabled children Svetlana Viktorovna Epishina, director budgetary institution social services Kirillovsky municipal district "Center for social assistance to families and children" Kirillov 2014

To solve some social problems social projects are created within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what they are. What features do those aimed at young people have? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or senior-oriented projects? Let's say, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation?


A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a specific or aimed at improving some aspect social life. But besides the idea, he must also propose ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be in charge target group project. An example of a social project that will be published below will help you understand what it is. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to resolve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually there are 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the system social security, social protection, healthcare, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are outlined immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they are not very different in general, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What features do projects aimed at youth have?

The most main feature- that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation that needs to be improved should be described in detail, as well as all specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

What should the project comply with?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the ideas put forward and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement it under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say something about social projects for schoolchildren; examples of them should be able to interest these restless children.
  4. It must provide a response to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, can interest young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. The area of ​​work may be health, creativity, demographic issues, health improvement, scientific or cultural awareness, popularization of sports or better attitude to other people. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the specific goal could be the popularization of radio electronics, engineering, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a logical thought club or an astronomical circle.

After determining your goals, you need to think about tasks - the most concentrated goals. An example of tasks could be the following: instilling qualities that will allow difficult teenagers at risk to settle in life as a normal citizen, or helping in determining a place of study/work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are determined, then the action plan and implementation deadlines should be discussed, as well as the place where all the developments will be put to life. The action plan should contain as detailed a list of actions as possible, which will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, here are four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects at school. The examples, although not very large-scale, will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is advisable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who divorce after being married by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what responsibilities and rights each spouse will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no friction later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine whether they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan that describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth No. 2

Direction: support of motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Goal: providing assistance to refuseniks and minor orphans who are being treated in the hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, material assistance, toys and medicines, for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health to refuseniks and minor orphans.
  3. from the state budget or from charitable foundations for the improvement of refuseniks or orphans who are staying in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to convince people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of finding funds and transferring them.

Location: Children's regional Hospital city ​​of Samara.

Example for youth No. 3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth group.

Direction: youth with congenital defects and disabilities in universities.

Goal: achieving socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the full socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that carry out social protection for such people.
  3. Help in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards youth with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Implementation of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new rehabilitation methods.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place: university in such and such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.

The state institution "Committee for Social Support of the Population of Saratov" in 2010 for the first time took part in the All-Russian competition of social projects of the Fund for Support of Children in Difficulty life situation in the direction of the competition "Social support for families with disabled children to ensure the maximum possible development of such children in the conditions of family education, their socialization, preparation for independent life and integration into society." In total, 13 projects were submitted to the competition from the Saratov region in 2010. Based on the results of the competitive selection, the project “Let's not stand aside” became the only project from the Saratov region supported by the Foundation.

Objective of the project

Development of volunteer, charitable and material assistance to families raising disabled children through the development of recreation and health programs for disabled children, including with the participation of healthy peers and the introduction of modern technologies for finding sponsors and philanthropists for needy disabled children and families raising disabled children .

Project objectives

1) Training of managers of the State Institution of the Public Works of Social Sciences and public organizations in modern methods of charitable and volunteer activities related to the introduction of innovative social technologies and (or) best work practices.

2) Training of involved volunteers (volunteers) in innovative social technologies and models of working with disabled children, their healthy peers and their families.

3) Development and implementation of models of integration forms of recreation for disabled children, healthy children and their families.

4) Development and implementation of social technology “Map of Social Needs”.

Activities to attract volunteers for the institution are an innovative area that the institution plans to develop. One of the planned tasks that the GU KSPN currently sets for itself is to attract volunteers and volunteers and organize activities related to the dissemination of volunteer technologies throughout the regional center.

1. In order to develop this work, at the first stage of the project, training will be organized for the heads of the State Institution of the KSPN and public organizations participating in the project.

At the initial stage, students of the Department of Social Anthropology and Social Work of the Faculty of Social Systems Management of Saratov State Technical University and students of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy of the Pedagogical Institute of Saratov State Technical University named after N.G. will be involved in the work on implementing the project at the initial stage. Chernyshevsky, who have experience in volunteering and voluntary work and have taken an active part in the actions and projects of public organizations in Saratov to develop volunteer assistance to disabled children and their families and who wish to take part in the activities of the project submitted to the competition. Agreements on joint work will be concluded between the GU KSPN and public organizations in Saratov that actively work with volunteers. Currently, this initiative of the GU KSPN has already been supported by two public organizations working with volunteers (letters of support are attached). At the first stage of work, volunteers will get acquainted with the activities of the GU KSPN, share their experience of participating in organizing and conducting events, promotions, holidays with the participation of disabled children and their families, propose possible forms of work with disabled children and their families who contact the GU KSPN daily ". Since the implementation of project activities involves:

Participation of volunteers in the development and implementation of innovative social technology aimed at carrying out donor search activities, conditions for access to donations, tools for establishing and developing partnerships with sponsors and socially responsible businesses;

Participation of volunteers in the creation of models of integrated forms of recreation for disabled children, healthy children and their families; it is necessary to train volunteers (leaders of volunteer teams) in innovative forms of work and practices of successful experience in volunteer assistance to disabled children and families with disabled children, within the framework of the project Volunteers are expected to be trained in specially organized courses.

2. As part of the implementation of task 2 of the Project, training of volunteers will be organized in specific methods, techniques and tactics of work, based on innovative social technologies used in the project. 3 volunteers, leaders of volunteer teams, will undergo training. The selection of volunteers to participate in training courses will be carried out according to several criteria: active leadership position, experience of volunteering, desire to continue volunteering and based on feedback about the volunteer from the heads of public organizations

The second stage of the project involves the beginning of activities to develop and implement innovative forms of work with families raising children with disabilities and children with disabilities in the activities of the State Institution KSPN, with the involvement of volunteer volunteers.

Today in Saratov, one of the unresolved problems of disabled children living in families is the isolation of these families. This is especially true for families in which a disabled child is educated at home and does not attend general education kindergartens and schools. In such families, parents, usually the mother, are forced to constantly be with the child. In an even worse situation are single non-working mothers raising disabled children at home. The income of such families most often consists only of pensions and child benefits. As shown by the data of a survey of parents raising disabled children, conducted in 2009 (the survey was conducted by employees of the Saratov regional public organization "Center for Rehabilitation and Assistance for Children with Visual Impairments", parents of disabled children living in the city of Engels, Saratov region, were surveyed, the survey was conducted as part of the implementation of a project to ensure the employment of parents raising disabled children), over 60% of parents are forced to constantly be with their child, about 30% of them tried to find a job and worked, but after some time they left work due to constant concern for the child. Only 10% of the parents surveyed answered positively to the question about attending leisure and public events with their children; as a rule, during a detailed conversation it became clear that this is due to the location of the relevant institutions (cinema, theater, arts center) near the residence of these families.

Joint recreation for disabled children and healthy children is organized in the form of separate events, integration festivals, sporting events and creative festivals. In the summer and during school holidays, children of the city of Saratov studying in general education institutions attend day camps at schools (the so-called “summer playgrounds”), and relax in countryside health camps. Disabled children also have the right to rest and improve their health in a country health camp, but most parents of disabled children do not use this service, but prefer to combine rest and treatment of their children in sanatoriums and children's rehabilitation centers, which is due both to the lack of an accessible environment and the inadequacy of country health camps for “special” children, as well as the unwillingness of parents to send their child to a camp together with healthy children (which is associated with the overprotectiveness of most parents of disabled children towards their child, wary and sometimes hostile attitude on the part of parents of healthy children to the fact that a disabled child will be with their healthy child).

3.As part of the implementation of task 3 of the Project, work will be organized in several areas:

firstly, - attracting disabled children and families raising disabled children to attend mass cultural and leisure events: going to the movies, the circus, where disabled children will communicate with their healthy peers;

secondly, organizing and conducting mass events with the participation of disabled children, their healthy peers and their families (integration festivals, boat trips), with the involvement of volunteers in organizing and conducting these events. These activities are aimed at reducing the level of isolation of families raising disabled children, creating a positive attitude in society towards disabled children and their families, reducing the overprotectiveness of parents raising disabled children in relation to their children;

thirdly, on the basis of the GU KSPN, a children's playroom will be organized for disabled children and their healthy peers, which will be visited by children when their parents apply for various social support measures at the GU KSPN, as well as parents who want to leave their child for a while (until 4 hours) to resolve their personal issues, they will be able to leave the child in the playroom with specialists. Volunteers will be recruited to work in the playroom and organize play and developmental activities for children. Currently, there is no such playroom for children in the KSPN State Institution, and children are forced to wait for their parents during their visit to the committee. The children's playroom is universal for children of preschool and primary school age. It is applicable for organizing independent games for children and sports entertainment. The main advantage of soft construction modules is their versatility. Children play, construct, and use modules as physical education equipment. In the process of playing with large building materials, children develop a creative imagination. Educational and exciting games consisting of gymnastic sticks, flat hoops, bricks. These sets are great for kids of all ages. All elements can be modeled in various shapes and can be adjusted in height. Inflatable balls are very popular among children. Beautiful appearance and extraordinary strength, variability of methods of use for various games and activities make balls one of the favorite types of sports and gaming equipment. Universal children's furniture is designed to create comfortable conditions in the room. Special manufacturing technology, brightness, lightness and attractiveness help create conditions for relaxation on armchairs and sofas. Children love this kind of furniture because it is easy to carry and rearrange, simulating the environment of the playroom as they wish. "Dry pools" are an excellent physical education and gaming complex. While “swimming” in such a pool, the child receives a kind of body massage, learns to coordinate movements, fourthly, disabled children, together with healthy children, will relax in country health camps during school holidays.

One of the existing problems in the city of Saratov, the solution to which the next task of the project is aimed at, is the existence of a lack of coordination between business structures (socially responsible business), institutions and organizations working with disabled children and families raising disabled children, charities foundations and volunteers (volunteers).

Firstly, the practice of “patronage” has developed on the part of business structures and charitable foundations of certain institutions and organizations working with disabled children and their families, who have been receiving assistance for several years, without considering the issue of providing assistance to another institution or organization. At the same time, on the market social services new institutions are appearing in Saratov and public organizations, working with disabled children and their families who need support in the initial stages of development. Secondly, the provision of assistance to families raising disabled children or disabled children living in boarding schools by sponsors and philanthropists occurs mainly on an application basis - for those who applied directly, came on their own, thus, more For some families who do not have information about existing opportunities for sponsorship and charitable assistance, such assistance is not provided. Thirdly, in Saratov there are many areas of work with volunteers, youth organizations working with volunteers, social services working with volunteers, who, as a rule, also work with certain institutions for several years, and work with families raising disabled children who are served in institutions, i.e. kind of - having declared themselves and expressed a desire to help volunteers, most families do not have information about volunteering and support opportunities. Thus, there is no targeting and priority of volunteer assistance and material support for disabled children and their families, institutions and organizations working with families raising disabled children who need volunteer assistance and material support in the first place.

4. As part of the implementation of Objective 4 of the Project, coordination and interaction will be organized to attract sponsors, philanthropists and volunteers to projects and programs to assist disabled children, families raising disabled children, institutions and organizations working with disabled children and families raising disabled children) at the level of the municipal formation "City of Saratov". The administration of the municipal formation "City of Saratov" supported the idea of ​​creating a "Map of Social Needs." The "Map of Social Needs" will be a map of the city of Saratov, on which "objects of concern" will be highlighted:

1) state, municipal institutions and public organizations working with disabled children and families raising disabled children, in need of volunteer and (or) sponsorship assistance (contact information about institutions and organizations will be indicated in the note to the “Map of Social Needs” urgency, volume and justification of the required volunteer and (or) sponsorship assistance);

2) place of residence (region of the city of Saratov, house number) of families raising disabled children in need of volunteer and (or) sponsorship assistance (the note to the “Map of Social Needs” will indicate information about the family (full/incomplete, number of children, of which - disabled children, diagnosis of a disabled child), urgency, volume and justification of the required volunteer and (or) sponsorship assistance.

As part of the implementation of this task, information will be collected on the need for volunteer and (or) sponsorship assistance of disabled children, families raising disabled children, institutions and organizations of the city of Saratov working with disabled children and their families. Information will be collected through, firstly, sending written requests to institutions and organizations working with disabled children and families raising disabled children, indicating information about the implementation of the project. In responses to requests, organizations and institutions will indicate the urgency, volume and justification of the required volunteer and (or) sponsorship assistance, secondly, through a written questionnaire of parents (official representatives) of children with disabilities applying to the State Committee for Social Support on various issues of providing social support measures and state social services, thirdly, the banner “Map of Social Needs” will be posted on the website of the Ministry of Social Development of the Saratov Region, indicating the email address of the ministry specialist responsible for interaction with the media (press secretary), through which Suggestions from interested individuals and organizations will also be collected (through “feedback”, daily visits to the site - about two thousand visits).

The Social Needs Map will be updated quarterly and will be sent to:

1. Business structures (organizations and enterprises of the city of Saratov in the industrial sphere, transport sector, oil complex, information technology and communications, which have established themselves as a socially responsible business of the city), in order to attract potential sponsorship funds to provide financial assistance to disabled children and families , raising disabled children, organizations and institutions working with disabled children and families raising disabled children.

2. Charitable foundations located in the city of Saratov, with the aim of attracting potential charitable assistance and involving needy institutions and organizations, families and children in the implementation of existing and planned charitable programs of material assistance and volunteer support.

3. To universities and secondary educational institutions in order to attract volunteer teams to provide assistance to organizations and institutions working with disabled children, and potential volunteer visits to individual families raising disabled children.

Throughout the entire period of project implementation, specialists of the State Institution "KSPN" will be provided with information, consulting and methodological support from attracted specialists - qualified experts on social innovation, models and practices of working with volunteers, disabled children and families raising disabled children.

Models of integrative forms of recreation for disabled children, healthy children and their families involve the development of inclusive forms of recreation and health improvement for disabled children, the inclusion of disabled children among healthy peers through the organization of mass events with the participation of volunteers for disabled children, their healthy peers and their parents and organizing visits by disabled children and families raising disabled children to cultural and leisure institutions, organizing and conducting developmental activities in a specialized children's playroom.

Project management and control

Management and coordination of the activities of project implementers and co-executors will occur at three levels.

The first level is federal, general coordination of projects by experts from the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations.

The second level is regional, control over the implementation of the project by the Ministry of Social Development of the Saratov Region.

The third level is municipal, a working group will be created for the implementation of the project, including specialists from the State Institution KSPN, representatives of public organizations taking part in the implementation of project activities, the administration of the municipal formation "City of Saratov", interested individuals and organizations working with disabled children and their families (by agreement), activists of volunteer groups, representatives of the project target group - parents of disabled children. A joint work plan will be developed, and cooperation agreements will be concluded with public organizations.

Monitoring the progress of the project and the targeted and effective use of financial resources and resources will be carried out by the director of the KSPN State Administration.

Possible risks in the implementation of project activities:

1. The reluctance of potential sponsors, philanthropists and volunteers to participate in projects and programs to assist disabled children, families raising disabled children, institutions and organizations working with disabled children and families raising disabled children within the framework of the “Social Cards” work needs."

A way to overcome this risk is to conduct a broad information campaign to promote the “Map of Social Needs”. Information about the Map will be published monthly (at least once a month) on the most frequently visited Internet sites of the region (the official website of the Government of the Saratov Region, the official website of the Ministry of Social Development of the region, the websites of information agencies "IA Sar-inform", "IA "Vzglyad" -info", "News of the Saratov Province", IA "Fourth Power", IA "Saratov Business Consulting", the Internet site of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta"), at least once a quarter information about the assistance provided under the "Map of Social Needs" will be published in print publications of the city of Saratov and the Saratov region ("Saratov Regional Newspaper", newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets in Saratov", "Region Week", " Hometown", etc.), indicating the specific events carried out and the specific structures involved, for the purpose of PR promotion of socially responsible business, charitable foundations and the activities of volunteer teams (individual volunteers). In order to disseminate the experience of the "Social Needs Map" among the subjects of the Russian Federation Federation, information about the Card will be posted on the most frequently visited Internet resources: the official website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Internet portal "Life without Borders", the website of the Social Information Agency.

2. Human factor risks associated with resistance to or failure to accept changes in society, the unwillingness of healthy children and adults to accept a child with disabilities into their environment.

Opportunities for overcoming the influence of these negative factors are the implementation of an extensive information campaign provided for in the project activities, aimed at creating a positive image of disabled children and people with disabilities in society; holding joint events (cultural, leisure) with the participation of healthy children, disabled children and their parents. These activities are aimed at children of all ages and various groups disability.

3. Risks of an organizational and managerial nature associated with the unwillingness to coordinate, manage and implement project activities. The ability to overcome this risk is the willingness of public organizations working with volunteers to provide the necessary support.

6) www.microsoft.com/Rus/SocialProjects/Default.mspx - examples of Microsoft social projects.

Program "My Perspective"

As part of the “My Prospect” program, we help graduates of orphanages prepare for an informed choice of education and profession in accordance with personal interests, skills and, at the same time, the needs of the labor market for various specialists and different skill levels.

Purpose of the program- to help children in difficult life situations find their professional calling and permanent work, taking into account their physical and psychological characteristics. The program is aimed at improving the educational level and initial mastery of professions by pupils of orphanages through master classes, additional education programs and short-term courses.

“My Perspective” has been implemented since 2010 and became a continuation of the “Gifted Children” program, but with an expanded number of areas, geography of work and target groups.

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