Home Prevention The most evil dogs. The most dangerous dogs - list of aggressive breeds The most brutal dogs

The most evil dogs. The most dangerous dogs - list of aggressive breeds The most brutal dogs

The aggressiveness and viciousness of a dog most often does not depend on belonging to a particular breed, but on the owner’s attitude towards raising the pet. However, statistics claim that some dog breeds are more likely than others to attack people; some cases even resulted in the death of a person. In the ranking of the most dangerous first The place belongs to the American Pit Bull Terrier. His behavior is often unpredictable and not associated with human provocations.

Throughout their existence, people trained them in faithful service, which alternated between hunting and killing. Today, this trend continues, and this is confirmed by the fact that the most dangerous dogs in the world live in our homes.

As an example, we can cite the general statistics of dog attacks on humans for the period from 1982 to 2015.

5th place. Siberian Husky

A breed that became very popular after the release of the feature film “Hachiko”. Historically, the breed was developed by the Siberian Chukchi for sledding purposes. Currently, this breed of dog is widely used not only in the north, but also as a companion and show animal.

In principle, a dog is not considered evil and dangerous to its owner. Wikipedia characterizes it as not subject to use for security purposes due to the lack of aggression towards humans. However, judging by the number of officially recorded cases of attack, the husky is in fifth place in our ranking.

4th place. Dogo Canario

A guard herding dog whose origins are connected with the islands of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. Characterized by menacing appearance and distrust of strangers. Due to its athletic build, it is often used for driving herds of bulls.

The Dogo Canary was most popular at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. Increasing cases of dog aggression led to restrictions on the use of this breed, and after some time it was completely banned. IN early XIX V. The Dogo Canario was actively used as a fighting dog.

The dog's appearance shows his self-confidence. The dog is distinguished by good obedience, is easy to train, and is almost always devoted to its owner. In relation to strangers, he always demonstrates the above-mentioned suspicion.

The import of the Dogo Canario into some countries is restricted due to its increased aggression.

3rd place. German Shepherd

The bite of a dog of this breed has a great force, exceeding 1,050 newtons. Its history does not have centuries-old roots and begins in the 19th century, when the German Shepherd was obtained as a result of crossing several herd dogs.

The high intelligence and strong aggressiveness of the animal of this breed makes it excellent option for use in guard and police institutions. Perhaps the sad statistics are a direct necessity associated with the performance of official duties.

2nd place. Rottweiler

Another dangerous representative German breed dogs takes the second position in our top. The name comes from the city of Rottweil, where the first representatives took part in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763.

Not without reason, it is one of the 10 most powerful breeds; it has well-developed protective instincts. An adult is almost the same size as a shepherd, but is heavier, reaching 50 kg.

Dangerous behavior in dogs is most often observed due to irresponsible actions of the owner and deficiencies in social communication and training skills. The Rottweiler breed is known for its strong bite, which can make it difficult to open its jaw.

“If you trained a German Shepherd, you did nothing, but if you trained a Rottweiler, then you did a lot,” as the saying goes about this breed.

1 place. American Pit Bull Terrier

The short name for the most dangerous dog in the world, the American Pit Bull Terrier, is pit bull. Representatives of this breed are divided into 2 types:

  • Terriers.
  • Bulldogs.

Body mass adult varies in the range from 12 to 36 kg, the average is 25-28 kg.

Pit bulls are distinguished by their strong-willed character, increased excitement and strong fighting spirit. They are distinguished by their tendency to aggression towards other representatives of the animal world. They get along well in a city apartment, but require obligatory walking and communication with their relatives.

The often manifested aggressive nature and unpredictable behavior of a dog can cause an unreasonable attack on a child or other dogs.

Official statistics show that 94% of attacks on children occurred without prior provocation. Compared to other breeds, the indicator exceeds by more than 50 units.

On December 19, 2018, the State Duma adopted the long-awaited law on the responsible treatment of animals, which had been under consideration for 8 years. According to it, the most dangerous breeds of dogs must be kept in certain conditions, the violation of which will entail administrative liability for the owner. Maybe this will help reduce the sad statistics recent years.


Confirmation of the unpredictable nature of the most dangerous dog on the planet, filmed on a stationary camera:

Dog handlers in many countries around the world are unanimous in the opinion that most often the reason for dog aggressiveness lies in humans, namely in the improper upbringing of four-legged pets. Common mistakes include insufficient socialization, frequent and unreasonable punishment of the pet, short and inactive walks, and attacks from ill-mannered children. But not only these factors explain the behavior of the most angry dogs. Many breeds made it onto this list because genetic predisposition.

Dominance aggression – the desire to become the leader of the “pack” – occupies a leading place among various types dangerous behavior. Owners of representatives of large breeds make active attempts to control such manifestations, but owners of medium-sized dogs do not. Although most bites and attacks on people involve small dogs. Therefore, the list of the most evil breeds Dogs in the world include four-legged pets of various sizes.

South African Boerboels are powerful, large and dominant dogs. They are formidable and loyal guards who will always bark when a stranger approaches. Making excellent use of their enormous size and strength, they selflessly protect the owner and the entrusted territory.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other animals in the family and get along quite well with children. But as soon as they leave their home, they expand the boundaries of the territory they protect. They are aggressive towards other four-legged animals, and given the fact that the weight of an adult can reach up to 90 kg, their attack can result in serious injury and even death of the animal. Aggression can be either territorial, possessive, or dominant. If the owner cannot take a leading place in the hierarchy, then his pet will very quickly get out of control and turn into a monster.

In some countries these fighting dogs prohibited for breeding.

The pit bull is a representative of the fighting breed, whose aggressiveness over the past many years they have tried to reduce at the genetic level. Pitbulls are tireless fighters with a steely fight. Outwardly, they are often compared to the American Staffordshire Terrier, but representatives of this breed have a so-called fighting spirit, excitement, which makes them especially dangerous to other dogs and people.

Excitement during a fight allows them to act on the brink physical capabilities. Courage and extreme courage best characterize these dogs. Pit bulls belong to the dominant type: if they are mishandled or gently raised, situations of aggressive behavior of the pet may arise.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a common and very popular service dog, which is actively involved in the protection of various objects. Caucasians are enterprising, vigilant and distrustful of others. A well-trained dog can emerge victorious in a fight even with a group of attackers. He is able to sneak up unnoticed from behind and attack with lightning speed if he has identified a person as a trespasser on his territory. Shepherds react especially negatively to unbalanced people who are prone to scandals or are in drunkenness. It is not recommended to have a Caucasian for people who will not be able to dominate her and devote enough time and money to raising her.

Rottweilers are reliable and powerful in their constitution service dogs. They have a calm character and a balanced psyche. And yet, they also made it to the top of the most aggressive breeds. This is explained by their intolerance and anger towards other dogs. Rottweilers also do not tolerate scandals in the family well; a tense emotional situation can become a catalyst for aggressive behavior.

The dog is quite wary of all strangers, so puppies must not only be socialized in a timely manner so that aggression does not increase with age. And as an adult, it is recommended to gradually accustom your pet to friends and family acquaintances.

Fila Brasileiros are excellent bodyguards and very dangerous dogs. They are usually characterized by a severe character and increased aggression. The breed is characterized by natural distrust and protective instincts. They are capable of rushing to defend their owner and territory with particular fury if they feel threatened. Phil quickly assesses the degree of danger, and then reacts harshly and mercilessly to the current situation. They make their own decisions even before the owner’s order. Such independence is very dangerous for others.

Fila may react by growling or barking even when someone tries to speak or touch them. They instinctively attack vital points of the body. Among photos of other evil breeds, they occupy an honorable place due to their powerful bones and proportional physique.

The Chow Chow rightfully ranks among the most evil dogs in the world. They are one of the oldest breeds in the world and are genetically very close to wolves, which explains their behavior. Many are misled by their original plush appearance. In fact, they are quite aggressive creatures. Especially if the owner, when training, emphasizes the development of security skills, the chow begins to fiercely protect everyone he loves. Chow chows warn approaching strangers with a throaty growl that they should not do this. A determined dog will attack the enemy at the slightest provocation.

An outburst of rage towards other animals on the street can occur suddenly, so the owner must constantly closely monitor his pet. If a Chow Chow gets into a fight, he will selflessly fight to the end.

Bull Terriers are dangerous fighting dogs with a very extravagant character. Their mood changes at lightning speed depending on their lively temperament. It is important to socialize dogs as early as possible, since the fear of the street inherent in many puppies of this breed gives rise to aggression and activation of natural instincts.

Representatives of this breed are quite loyal to people, but they are not always friendly towards other four-legged brothers. They are characterized by a high degree of conflict towards their own kind. Moreover, they attack without any warning signs. Bull Terriers were bred exclusively as a fighting dog with low sensitivity to pain, steel jaws, a compact powerful body, fearlessness and ferocity when participating in specialized fights.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that was bred to produce an aggressive and courageous dog. Severe and tough amstafs rarely leave anyone indifferent with their impressive appearance and physical strength. A low pain threshold and absolute fearlessness make them the most dangerous opponents in combat. These true fighters were created for battles and bloodshed. Nowadays they are used mainly to guard private houses, however, the fighting past due to genetics is still evident in the breed. Amstafs have a contradictory character; they are brave, selfless, distinguished by lightning-fast reactions and ruthlessness. They are rightfully included in the top of the most evil dogs in the world.

The Dogo Canario is a powerful fighting breed with a high degree of aggressiveness. Great Danes belong to the average phenotype, they are proportionally built and have a strong strong bone structure. The dog has a huge physical strength, therefore, it poses a threat to both other four-legged animals and people, especially if the Great Dane has not been trained correctly.

Great Danes clearly define the boundaries of a protected area or environment. They love calm and strive for total control. Therefore, the invasion of strangers is perceived negatively by Canarian dogs and does not bode well for the trespasser.

The Hungarian Kuvasz is a good guard and shepherd with a very interesting and impressive appearance. But this breed did not become widespread due to the difficult nature of its representatives. In terms of the complexity of its temperament, it can be compared with Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and Rottweilers. To reduce the degree of aggressiveness when raising Kuvasz dogs, socialization before the age of 3 years is very important.

This ancient herding breed is characterized by fearlessness and a high degree of devotion to its owner. Proud and moderately distrustful, Kuvasz become rude and harsh when mistreated. In addition to a hypertrophied sense of ownership, they are distinguished by a strong independence, therefore it is especially important to systematically work with a dog handler to correct their freedom-loving disposition, which quickly turns into aggression.

Not included in the top 10, but worthy of mention

Below we describe breeds whose evil disposition is not as pronounced as that of dogs that took an honorable 10 places in our ranking, but it is worth talking about them.


Despite their compact size, these burrowing dogs pose a serious danger to others. Statistics collected around the world say that every 5 dachshunds have tried to attack other four-legged animals or strangers at least once in their life. Cases of attacks on owners, although less common, are also present.

This breed of dog cannot be called very dangerous for humans. As with other participants in this rating, we are talking about a pet’s tendency to show aggression due to genetic factors. As a rule, undesirable behavior in dachshunds is associated with human harshness and wrong methods raising puppies.


Papillons are the living embodiment of the statement about appearance being deceptive. These charming decorative dogs give the impression of being kind and calm creatures. In fact, the degree of aggressiveness of Papillons is very high. When contacting this breed, you should especially be wary of children. These small dogs quickly become irritated, do not tolerate disrespectful treatment and bite painfully.

The increased viciousness is also explained by the strong jealousy of pets towards their owner. They always sensitively guard their owners and attack strangers or other dogs if they think their owner is in danger.

The Jagdterrier is a German hunting terrier, a breed bred in the 30s of the twentieth century specifically for hunting. The small size of jags should not mislead others about their friendliness and easy-going nature. Jagdterriers can rightfully lead the top of the most evil small dogs.

They are absolutely fearless and resilient, and treat any stranger with extreme caution. Representatives of this breed will protect their owner even at the cost of their own lives. You can try to reduce their aggressiveness through early socialization and persistent and firm training.

These tireless hunters can chase and attack animals many times their own size; once they smell game, they will never let it go. Strong teeth and steel muscles turn Jagdterriers into living weapons. Lack of education and a dominant owner are the main mistakes of yagd owners, which can cost them dearly. If the family already has a small dog or other small pet, it is not recommended to get a Jagd Terrier. Their acute hunting instinct can lead to tragedy even during play.


Spaniels are bright representatives aggressive dogs small size. In the case of this breed, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to uncontrolled aggression. This is especially true for male Cocker Spaniels and Springer Spaniels. Males of uniform color are prone to attack not only other animals, strangers, but even on their own owners. It is almost impossible to correct this rage, if it is clinical in nature rather than behavioral.

However, most often the viciousness of spaniels is associated with improper upbringing, unbalanced diet, stress and fear. By adjusting these points and with the help of an experienced dog handler, the increased aggressiveness of spaniels can be eliminated.

Jack Russell is a high-speed dog whose main purpose is to chase and drive animals. She is ready to chase literally anything that moves. Small size is often compensated by a difficult character and increased aggression. For a terrier, the reason for an attack can be a sidelong glance from a stranger, a loud voice, or simply a person’s leg hanging from the sofa.

Dogs of this breed need a lot motor activity per day, ideally several hours-long walks. Not all owners have this opportunity; as a result, the unspent energy of the four-legged animal is transformed into open anger towards others.

In the video you can often see how angry dogs Jack Russell breeds chase various animals. It is important to wean terriers from chasing cats and other living creatures, since as a result of such a chase the pet itself may suffer.

There are many factors that influence the “danger” of a dog breed, and experts often disagree on the topic. Simply calling a dog dangerous is not fair. However, in the case of some breeds, you can say for sure that a dog of this breed will cause more harm to its victim - if it decides to attack. It is on this principle that these 25 breeds were selected.

It is important to note, however, that almost all breeds are bred to obey their owners. So most incidents are due to improper training and unreasonable behavior of the owner.

(Total 25 photos)

1. Tosa Inu. Tosa Inu is a massive dog. Originally bred as a fighting breed, it is considered dangerous and banned in some countries.

2. American Bandog. This is incredible strong dog- a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neopolitan Mastiff. Despite its formidable appearance, it was not bred for fighting. Some, however, use dogs of this breed as fighting dogs.

3. Cane Corso. A very muscular dog. Believed to be a descendant of ancient Roman fighting dogs that were used as gladiator baiting dogs.

4. Bull Terrier. The dog is famous for its large egg-shaped head and incredible strength. The breed is not particularly aggressive, but it has a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why it is dangerous for animals smaller than it.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback. South African breed. It is believed that it knows how to drive lions away from prey while the owner is hunting. Dogs of this breed are loyal and intelligent, but are not very kind to strangers. They require sensible positive training and a lack of harsh handling to avoid developing the aggressive side of the breed.

6. Dogo Argentino A large, white, muscular dog bred in Argentina for hunting, particularly wild boar and puma. When breeding, aggression towards people was not the goal. However, for example, in the UK it is prohibited to keep dogs of this breed.

7. Boerboel. A large mastiff bred in South Africa to guard a home or farm. Dogs of this breed are very loyal and are considered good guards.

8. Gul-dong, or Pakistani bulldog. A very strong dog, the breed was bred as a fighting dog. Aggressive and difficult to control.

9. Basenji, or African non-barking dog. A hound breed from Central Africa. It ranks second on the list of breeds that are difficult to train.

10. St. Bernard. The breed is native to the Swiss and Italian Alps. Originally a rescue dog. However, like dogs of any other large breed, they must be taught from childhood to be sociable with strangers and other dogs in order to prevent possible aggressive behavior.

11. American Bulldog. Heavy muscular dog. Known for their friendly demeanor, they can be incredibly stubborn. It was bred as a farm guard breed.

12. German dog. Known for its incredible size. A dog of this breed holds a height record of 1.1 meters. It was bred in Germany to hunt wild boar and deer.

13. Fila Brasil, also known as the Brazilian Mastiff. Aggressive and impulsive dog. Due to its size, temperament and potential aggressiveness, the breed is banned in many countries.

14. Dogo Canario. Large herding dog. Needs good training. In some situations, dogs of this breed can be aggressive towards other dogs and suspicious towards strangers.

15. Akita Inu. Large Spitz bred in mountainous areas Japan. A strong and independent dog. Loyal to owners, but suspicious of strangers.

16. Boxer. By nature, dogs of this breed are not very aggressive, but they are included in the list of the most dangerous breeds due to the number of unpleasant incidents involving them from 1982 to 2012. The breed was bred in Germany. They are considered very energetic and willful.

17. Wolfdog, wolf hybrid. Crossing result gray wolf and dogs, which explains the unpredictable behavior.

18. Chow-chow. The breed was bred in China. Despite their apparent friendliness, dogs of this breed require very good training. They can be very aggressive, protecting their owner. From 1979 to 1998, 238 deaths were reported. Need daily physical activity.

19. Doberman. This breed is famous for its loyalty and intelligence. It is considered the best guard dog - it attacks only if it is provoked or the owner and his property are in danger. The breed was developed in Germany by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. They can show aggression towards strangers and other dogs, but cases of aggression towards owners are extremely rare. Aggression coupled with size and strength make Dobermans potentially dangerous.

20. Husky. A northern breed bred for sledding. Due to their strong hunting instinct, they can be dangerous to smaller animals. Known for their destructive habits - when they are bored.

21. Alaskan Malamute. A breed related to the Siberian Husky. Such a dog needs daily exercise, otherwise it begins to languish, as well as show signs of aggression and disobedience. Difficult to train at times and poor quality guard dogs.

22. Rottweiler. Strong breed with well-developed herding and guarding instincts. As with dogs of other breeds, the danger of the Rottweiler is often explained by the irresponsibility of the owner, cruel treatment, lack of training and socialization. The power of the Rottweiler should not be underestimated.

24. Pitbull. The term "pit bull" can include the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier, and American Bulldog. The breed was originally bred for baiting bulls and bears, but was also used in dog fighting. In America it is considered the most dangerous dog.

25. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Bred to guard the herd. The typical Caucasian Shepherd is assertive, stubborn and fearless. In the case of bad upbringing and poor training, dogs of this breed may show uncontrollability and will not accept people who are not familiar to them.

The most faithful four-legged friend human, can sometimes show aggression. But dog experts around the world are unanimous in their conclusion that the aggressiveness of dogs depends on the person. Miseducation and attitude towards your four-legged pet become the reason that the dog is poorly socialized, and angry dogs are not uncommon in our everyday life.

But there is also a natural basis for aggression, when the factor of dominance comes to the fore, that is, the desire to become the leader of the pack. Considering these two factors, let's present the 10 most evil dog breeds.

Our top 10 most evil dogs in the world with photos and descriptions opens with a native of South Africa, with a very strong and massive physique.

A very strong and resilient dog will always bark when a stranger approaches, making them excellent guards. In Russia, there have been cases of attacks by this breed on people, some of which led to the death of a person.

Due to their aggressive nature, in some countries of the world it is prohibited to breed and keep Boerboels at home.

The American Pit Bull Terrier, or as dog breeders are accustomed to calling it pit bull for short, was bred in the USA, but to this day is not recognized by the International Canine Federation.

The fighting dog has a wayward character and is very aggressive. For many decades, dog handlers have been trying to reduce the level of aggressiveness of this breed at the genetic level.

This breed has a fighting spirit and excitement that makes it dangerous to people, animals and other dogs. If you make a rating, which will include the most ferocious dogs, then pit bulls will probably top this list.

The working breed was bred in Germany and is an excellent guard, and according to dog handlers, Rottweilers love to work.

They are hardy and always full of strength. Of all the breeds presented, Rottweilers have a calm disposition and balanced behavior, but they can also show aggression and sometimes cruelty.

Mostly aggression is shown towards other dogs. Dog handlers note that, despite the calmness, the dog is very emotional, and discord in the family where the Rottweiler is kept can also cause aggressive behavior.

Beautiful and one of the most ancient dog breeds always performs faithful assistant person. Her unique abilities are used to save people in the mountains, and she is also an excellent guard.

Loyal to their owner, they are very distrustful of strangers. They have the ability to silently sneak up and attack with lightning speed, leaving the victim not a single chance to escape by running.

Fila Brasileiro

Looks pretty, but large breed The dog was developed in Brazil in 1946. The best security guard today country house just can't be found.

Dogs of this breed cannot hide their hostility towards strangers, and even at shows they show aggression towards other dogs and even judges. Everyone understands the willfulness of the breed, and this is not a reason for disqualification.

In the early 90s, Fila brasileiros appeared in Russia, and, for example, in England or Norway, you can only have a Fila with the permission of the court.

It would seem that such a pretty breed cannot be evil. But one of the most ancient dog breeds on our planet is genetically very close to wolves. This is what causes their aggressiveness.

Greets a stranger with a menacing roar, and when provoked, instantly attacks. If a chow chow gets into a fight with another dog, it is almost impossible to stop it.

Note that with proper upbringing and training, Chow Chows may not show aggression throughout their lives. But on walks and trips, constant monitoring of your four-legged pet is necessary.

A dangerous and very wayward breed of dog was bred in Great Britain. The relatively small dog is well built, has well-developed muscles and is very mobile.

Requires balanced training, otherwise it will be difficult to restrain aggression towards humans and other pets.

Representatives of this breed are sociable and do not like to be left alone for a long time. A person uses their abilities in different areas activities, including as excellent bodyguards.

Dog handlers purposefully bred an aggressive and courageous breed capable of protecting its owner. These pets amaze with their menacing and massive appearance, but correct content and training they become true friends.

It is noteworthy that the character of a dog of this breed combines bright opposites. She can show affection, and after a couple of minutes bark menacingly at a stranger, or attack other dogs.

They have absolute fearlessness and a low pain threshold, which makes it almost impossible to stop an attack.

The guard breed was bred in Spain, and has been used for many years to guard houses and government facilities.

Dogs of this breed have a balanced character, are loyal to their owner and tolerant of strangers. A very strong dog, therefore it can pose a danger to both people and other four-legged animals. But aggression is always the result of improper training and education.

Today it is one of the most popular family dogs in Europe, also performing the functions of a security guard for a country house or city apartment.

This beautiful and amazing breed was developed in Hungary, and was originally intended to guard livestock.

Dog handlers note that it is precisely because of its wayward nature that the dog is not very popular among dog breeders, and is mainly used for official purposes. To prevent the Kuvasz from showing natural aggression, it must be purposefully trained and, most importantly, socialized until the age of 3.

Despite their aggressiveness and fearlessness, Hungarian dogs are very loyal to their owner.

Cases of dog attacks on people...

In conclusion, some statistics that are kept in some countries reflect cases of dog attacks different breeds on people. It is difficult to imagine that among the faithful four-legged animals there are those that can rightfully be classified as killer dogs.

  • In the United States, the American Pit Bull Terrier firmly holds the lead in attacks on people. Over the past 10 years, more than 3 thousand attacks have been recorded, and between 1982 and 2014, 295 attacks resulted in death.
  • In Germany, German Shepherds commit the most attacks on people, followed by Rottweilers.
  • In Russia, cases of aggression from dogs, including attacks on children, are recorded annually. Sad statistics state that more than 300 people are attacked by dogs every year, and every 10th case ends in disability or death.

So we found out which dog breed is the most evil, and most importantly, what are the main reasons for the aggressiveness of some dogs. Terrible dogs sometimes necessary in some areas of human activity, but a person must always control the level of aggression, like breeds large sizes, and in small dogs.

Man has taught many breeds of dogs to live next to him. Small and funny they delight children and adults. But strong, large, bred for hunting, guarding, and fighting are the most dangerous dogs for people.

Some breeds of dogs were selected for their aggressiveness and courage; they were raised to be hardy, fast, and especially for attacks. Because of these qualities, they became formidable and dangerous animals.

For decades, dog handlers have been collecting statistics on accidents involving dogs, including those fatal to humans. The analysis of these data is reflected in the lists of the most dangerous breeds from among fighting dogs, guard dogs, and hunting dogs. The rating is as follows:

  1. The undisputed leader is the American pit bull. Over 20 years, more than 60 people died from his aggression in the United States.

The breed was bred as a fighting breed, taking into account the strength and fearlessness characteristic of these dogs. And their grip is such that some could only open their jaws after death.

IN different countries breeding of angry pit bulls is prohibited, including temporarily stopping in America - after the ban on dog fighting.

  1. The Rottweiler is a service dog. Differs in size (weighs up to 60 kg) and powerful jaws. According to statistics, they kill two people a year in America. Rottweilers serve in the police at the border.
  1. German Shepherd too service breed. Smart, devoted to her owners. But its danger lies in the fact that it was bred specifically to attack people.

Her reaction is lightning fast, she won’t be able to dodge. If a shepherd has not undergone special training, it is dangerous to others.

  1. The Siberian Husky and the Eskimo Laika have a common ancestor - the wolf.

These are small but hardy dogs bred to transport people and heavy loads. long distances. Without active loads, they become aggressive and dangerous.

  1. Wolfdog is a cross between a wolf and a dog. The breed is not recognized internationally.

He has more developed sense of smell and endurance than ordinary hunting dogs. A dog's remaining wolfish nature is dangerous.

  1. Malamute is one of the oldest breeds bred by man from a cross between a wolf and sled dogs. Very strong - pulls up to two tons of cargo.

It becomes dangerous without physical activity. She is distinguished by her intelligence, and she must feel the superiority of the owner, otherwise she does not follow his commands.

  1. The Doberman is a service dog, bred specifically to guard prisoners.

It is distinguished by its extreme devotion to its owner, which is where its danger lies for other people - it fearlessly attacks even a stronger enemy if it suspects a threat to its owner.

  1. Chow-chow - oldest breed, genetically close to wolves. Bred for protection, hunting and as a sled dog.

The outwardly charming fluffy dog ​​poses a threat if it is not physically stressed, even going beyond the control of the owner.

  1. Great Dane - the tallest hunting dog- about two meters, if standing on its hind legs.

Durable and strong - moves weights of up to three tons. Its power lies in its hidden danger.

  1. Boxers are angry, stubborn and stubborn dogs. This is noted by experienced instructors who are faced with problems in their education.

Boxers have to be trained in special protective equipment; it is better for the owner not to do this.

  1. Saint Bernard - gigantic size and a very strong dog. Developed in the Alps as a rescue breed.

It poses a danger if it is ineptly raised and handled.

  1. The Angry Bull Terrier is distinguished by its egg-shaped head and wide body, especially at the shoulders. A dog of incredible strength.

Not very aggressive, but the hunting instinct can prevail, and then it is dangerous.

Fighting dogs pose a particular threat to people. They do not attack without reason, but if they see a situation that looks like a fight, they will definitely get involved in it.

They always attack silently, so their grip can be unexpected. Experts say that only ill-mannered or improperly trained dogs are dangerous.

Animal lovers need to be careful when choosing pet. Keeping strong and beautiful purebred dogs is a big responsibility.

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