Home Oral cavity Vestibo course of treatment. Vestibo

Vestibo course of treatment. Vestibo

Many people encounter such neurological problems like dizziness. This symptom causes a lot of discomfort and requires immediate attention to a neurologist. He will conduct an examination, as well as an examination of the brain and spine. A specialist will be able to identify the nature of dizziness and prescribe the right medicine. Vestibo tablets are considered one of the popular remedies for dizziness. Everyone tries to leave a review about the medication after completing a course of treatment.

Composition of the medical product "Vestibo"

The tablets have a flat and slightly rounded shape. The edges are slightly beveled. The color of this drug is white, on one side there is a titer with the designation B8, B16 or B 24. This is the dosage of the main substance. Engraving is a guarantee of the quality of the drug.

The active ingredient is betahistine hydrochloride. There are also auxiliary components: povidone, microcrystalline cellulose. The product is available in cardboard packaging. The blister contains 10 tablets.

Pharmacological information

The medication is an analogue of histamine and is obtained synthetically. It is considered a slight agonist of histamine H1 receptors and a fairly strong antagonist of histamine H3 receptors. It has a great effect on blood flow in the middle ear. The medicine has a vasodilating and histamine-like effect. The main component improves blood flow several times inner ear.

The drug "Vestibo" eliminates disturbances in work vestibular apparatus. The medicine improves hearing, relieves dizziness and reduces tinnitus. The active ingredient does not have a sedative effect and does not cause drowsiness. Vestibo has such a wide range of applications. Reviews about the drug can be heard more often than not.

Once in the stomach, the medicine is quickly broken down and within 3 hours the required effect is achieved. It is excreted from the body in urine within 24 hours.


The course of treatment is quite long. Maximum daily dose should not exceed 48 mg. If the drug contains betahistine 8 mg, then it should be taken 3 times a day. If the medicine contains 16 mg of the main substance, then the dose should be divided into 2-3 times a day. If the dosage of the drug is 24 mg, you need to drink it 2 times a day, one tablet.

The tablet should be swallowed whole and not chewed. It is advisable to drink large amounts clean water. Preferably taken with food. The dosage can be adjusted by the attending physician. The specialist will tell you how to take Vestibo tablets correctly. The physician will leave a review of the drug before starting therapy. Most often, doctors praise this remedy.


Symptoms of an overdose with Vestibo tablets resemble the picture of poisoning. Patients appear severe dizziness, headache, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea. This condition requires immediate attention medical care. The patient's stomach is washed and cleansing enemas are given. Then connect

If you are worried about pain in the heart, bronchospasms and tachycardia, then heart medications are immediately introduced into the body. While taking allergy medications, the effect of the drug slows down. The instructions must be read before using Vestibo. Reviews from experts show that side effects most often develop when the medication is used incorrectly.

Possible side effects

Most often, Vestibo tablets are well tolerated by patients. In very rare cases, angioedema may occur and skin rashes. Gastrointestinal symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Do not take the product in the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the likelihood of developing side effects increases significantly.

Tablets should be stored in a dry place, and the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Is it worth saying once again that medications should be kept away from children? Improper storage leads to an increase in the number of side effects from taking Vestibo. Reviews from experts show that any medication has a positive effect if you strictly follow the instructions.

Indications for use

Vestibular pathologies and labyrinthine disorders, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cerebral atherosclerosis, previous encephalopathy, Maniere's disease, vertebrobasilar insufficiency - for all these diseases the drug "Vestibo" can be prescribed. Instructions for use, reviews, indications - all this information should be studied before starting treatment.

Despite the fact that Vestibo tablets are available without a prescription, they should not be used without a doctor's prescription. We must not forget about side effects and contraindications.


The drug is not prescribed for bronchial asthma. A woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, as we have already said, should also not use the drug. Tablets are contraindicated for acute stage ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Under the supervision of a doctor, you need to take the medicine in the last trimester of pregnancy.

If the patient has previously had an ulcer or other stomach problems, treatment should begin after a thorough examination. IN childhood Vestibo is not prescribed. The analogues also have good reviews. The pediatrician will be able to recommend a high-quality substitute to parents.

What to replace it with?

What if the right medicine wasn't in the pharmacy? Eat excellent analogues Vestibo medicines, which have a reasonable price. They are accepted according to the same scheme and indications. The most popular tablets are “Betagistin”, “Betaserc”, “Tagista”. All of them contain the main substance betahistine. Under its influence, the patient's symptomatic dizziness goes away and hearing is restored.

Analogues of Vestibo were also found wide application when motion sickness occurs. You can drink them during sea cruises or during long car trips. Thanks to the remedies in this series, you can quickly cope with nausea.

Vestibo tablets. Reviews

Experts most often recommend this drug to patients suffering from frequent dizziness. Patients note that unpleasant symptoms go away quickly enough. However, treatment should not be stopped immediately after improvement occurs. The course can be long.

The drug has an acceptable cost. For one package you will have to pay about 150 rubles. Vestibo tablets can be found in almost any pharmacy.

In tablets Vestibo contained active substance be tagistin dihydrochloride . Depending on the dosage, one tablet contains 8.16 or 24 mg of active substance. The tablets also contain additional ingredients: MCC, povidone K90, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, crospovidone, water.

Release form

Vestibo 8 mg - these are flat tablets that have beveled edges, round shape, whitish color, on one side the tablet is marked “B 8”.

Vestibo 16 mg - flat tablets that have beveled edges, round shape, whitish color, on one side the tablet is marked “B 16” and on the other side there is a line mark.

Vestibo 24 mg - biconvex tablets, whitish in color, round in shape, with a score line on one side.

pharmachologic effect

Betahistine, the active substance of the drug, is a synthetic analogue of a natural mediator. The drug exhibits pronounced histamine activity in relation to H1 and H3 receptors. The active substance also has a vasodilating effect. The drug has a direct effect on cochlear blood flow and the condition of the vestibular apparatus. Betahistine affects the histaminergic system, which determines normal functions vestibular systems.

Histaminergic neurons are responsible for the process of conducting impulses from receptors and vestibular nuclei.

Under the influence of betahistine, evoked and spontaneous impulses from vestibular structures are suppressed. Betahistine helps improve microcirculation, increases the level of permeability of capillary walls, and stabilizes endolymphatic pressure in the inner ear.

When treating Vestibo, the condition of patients who have problems with the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, the intensity and frequency of manifestations decreases, and manifestations of tinnitus are eliminated. People who suffer from hearing loss notice its improvement. There is also an indirect effect of the drug on the vessels of the inner ear, an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, which ultimately leads to improved blood flow. Vesti helps to activate cerebral blood flow.

The drug does not impair concentration and does not affect the body as a sleeping pill or sedative. The drug does not affect the secretion of gastrointestinal glands and does not interact with H2-histamine receptors. Anti-edematous, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effect is weakly expressed and clinical significance does not have.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

In the body, the active substance is quickly absorbed, the level of binding to plasma proteins is low, the maximum concentration is observed 3 hours after taking the medicine.

It is excreted as a metabolite through the kidneys within 24 hours. The half-life is from 2 to 4 hours.

Indications for use of Vestibo tablets

The following indications for the use of Vestibo are determined:

  • vestibular and labyrinthine disorders ( painful sensations and tinnitus, , hearing loss, fainting, vomiting and nausea, impaired spatial orientation and balance);
  • dropsy of the labyrinth of the inner ear;
  • vestibular dysfunction having an infectious etiology;
  • manifestations of post-traumatic vestibular dysfunction;
  • benign dizziness that occurs after surgery;

The drug is also used for complex therapy cerebral vessels, post-traumatic, vertebrobasilar insufficiency. The doctor will tell you in detail what Vestibo tablets can be used for and in what cases it is advisable.


The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

  • high sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • , manifestation of bronchospasms;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • exacerbation and duodenum ;
  • first trimester;
  • The medicine is prescribed with caution to children and people suffering peptic ulcer, hypotension, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated by the patient, but rarely side effects may occur, which, as a rule, are mild. In particular, dyspeptic symptoms and headaches may occur.

Instructions for use Vestibo (Method and dosage)

Before the patient starts taking Vestibo tablets, the instructions for use of the drug must be carefully studied. The medicine should be drunk without chewing and washed down with plenty of liquid. For adult patients, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 8 or 16 mg 2 to 4 times a day. The dosage is determined depending on how the patient tolerates the drug, how severe the disease is, as well as his body weight, age and general health. The maximum dose allowed per day is 48 mg of the drug, that is, tablets at a dosage of 24 mg can be taken no more than 2 times daily.

Instructions for use of Vestibo provide for a long course of treatment with the drug. However final decision The duration of therapy is decided by the treating specialist. Tangible therapeutic effect will be observed several months after the start of Vestibo therapy.


When taking too large doses of the drug, the following symptoms may develop: feeling of heat, headache, redness of the face and body in the upper part, feeling of heat, dizziness, fainting, hypotension, development of bronchospasm. In this case, you should immediately discontinue the drug, perform gastric lavage, and use enterosorbents. If there is such a need, symptomatic treatment is carried out.


When taken simultaneously antihistamines the effect of taking the drug decreases.

Terms of sale

The product is sold in pharmacies by prescription.

Storage conditions

Vestibo should be stored at room temperature, in a dark and dry place.

Best before date

Vestibo 8 mg and 16 mg tablets can be stored for 3 years, Vestibo 24 mg tablets can be stored for 2 years.

special instructions

It should be taken into account that a pronounced effect during therapy appears only several months after the start of treatment with this drug.


, Asniton , Microzer .

Analogues of Vestibo

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues of Vestibo are drugs with a similar effect on the patient’s body. This medicines , Asniton , Betaver , Betacentrin , Microzer , Vazoserk , Denoise , Betagistine , . The price of analogues in some cases is lower than the cost of Vestibo; however, there are a number of more expensive drugs.

For children

In the process of studying the safety of the use of this drug in children, experts came to the conclusion that Vestibo is not recommended for the treatment of children.

During pregnancy and lactation

To date, there is no reliable information about how the drug affects the developing fetus. Vestibo should absolutely not be used for treatment in the first weeks of pregnancy, as well as during organogenesis. During the second and third stages of pregnancy, the medicine can only be used as prescribed by a doctor after he has carefully assessed the potential benefits and harms of such therapy. During treatment, it is important to carefully monitor blood pressure readings. During breastfeeding, you should take the drug only after a temporary cessation of lactation. After completion of such treatment, the feeding process can be restored 3-5 days after the last dose of Vestibo.

Vestibo reviews

Going to a thematic forum and leaving reviews about Vestibo, people in most cases note that after prolonged treatment with the drug, there is a disappearance of severe symptoms, improving overall health. However, there are a number of reviews that indicate that after treatment the desired effect was not observed or it disappeared some time after the end of therapy. Therefore, judging by the reviews, this drug can effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms, but in general the main problem still remains unresolved. Also, the advantages of the medicine include its reasonable cost and ease of dosage (available in 8, 16 and 24 mg tablets).

Vestibo price, where to buy

The cost of tablets in a dosage of 8 mg is approximately 140 rubles per pack of 30 pieces. 16 mg tablets can be purchased at a price of 200 to 220 rubles for 30 pieces. The price of Vestibo 24 mg is on average 300 rubles per pack of 30 pcs.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Vestibo tab. 24mg n30Catalent Germany Schorndorf GmbH

    Vestibo tab. 16mg n30Catalent Germany Schorndorf GmbH/Balkanfarma-Dupnitsa AD

Pharmacy Dialog

    Vestibo (16 mg tablet No. 30)

    Vestibo (24 mg tablet No. 30)

    Vestibo (8 mg tablet No. 30)

Vestibo is a drug that taken for disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Such deviations from the norm entail dizziness, nausea and the development of hearing problems, and, as a result, a decrease in hearing indicators. This drug is produced in Germany and Bulgaria in the form of tablets that have a round shape and the inscription “B8”.

The active ingredient in this drug is betahistine dihydrochloride. It is produced in tablets, each of which contains 8 mg, 16 mg or 24 mg active substance.

Pharmacological action

Vestibo is a drug that has similar properties to histamine.

The main active ingredient betahistine dihydrochloride has an effect mainly on the H1 and H3 receptors located in the inner ear, as well as on the vestibular nuclei of the central nervous system.

This substance also improves the flow of blood into the basilar arteries. And, acting as a substance that slows down the functioning of H3 receptors, betahistine dihydrochloride has a direct effect on the brain stem.

Has a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus, normalizing its functioning and bringing it to a normal state. With its help, microcirculation of the capillaries of the inner ear improves, the frequency of dizziness and the degree of their intensity decreases.

Also Headaches and tinnitus go away.

The drug Vestibo does not have sedative properties, which means that it does not cause drowsiness and does not cause problems with concentration.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

This drug is quite well and almost completely integrated into the gastrointestinal tract.

As a result of this, new substances are formed. The concentration of the active substance in the blood is very low, as a result of which all studies are carried out on the substance that is synthesized after using the drug Vestibo.

The maximum concentration of such a drug is achieved only an hour after it is taken orally. If you use this drug in an amount of 8-48 milligrams, then about 85% of the initial dose is registered in the urine. The drug is excreted in minute quantities through the kidneys or through feces.

Indications for use

Instructions for use of Vestibo indicate the following indications for use: medications:


Experts point to the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding (the effect in this case has not yet been thoroughly studied);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • it is recommended to pay Special attention for use of the drug by children under 18 years of age.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the drug Vestibo cannot be called fully studied.

He improves blood circulation in the vessels of the inner ear. The active substance of this drug has a certain effect on the occurrence of peak potentials in the neurons of the nuclei of the vestibular apparatus, which depend on the dose.

He promotes acceleration regeneration vestibular function. Summarizing all these functions, we can say that they have a positive effect on the vestibular apparatus in cases of treatment of Meniere's syndrome and dizziness in cases of incorrect functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Thus, Betahistine enhances the metabolism and elimination of histamine.

At the same time, it has the ability to block H3 receptors and this entails a decrease in their sensitivity.

Instructions for use

Let's study the instructions for use, which are the same for Vestibo 24, 16 and 8 mg.

Mode of application

For adults, the drug is prescribed in accordance with the degree of the disease, the body’s ability to perceive it normally, age, weight, and diseases that accompany it.

Average, required dose amounts to 8-16 mg 2 to 4 times a day. The treatment process itself takes quite a lot a long period and already noticeable results can be observed only after a few months from the moment you start taking Vestibo. The maximum dose a person can take per day is 48 mg.

The doses in which the patient will need to take this drug are prescribed by the attending physician for each individual.

Release form of the drug

Vestibo is launched in the following forms:

  • tablets containing 8 mg of the active substance betahistine dihydrochloride, are round, flat, colored White color and have a mark on one side “B8”;
  • tablets containing 16 mg of the active substance betahistine dihydrochloride are round, flat, painted white and marked “B16” on one side and a line on the other;
  • tablets containing 24 mg of the active substance betahistine dihydrochloride are biconvex in shape, white in color and have a line on one side.


Necessary and acceptable doses:

  • tablets containing 8 mg of active substance must be taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • tablets containing 16 mg of active substance must be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • tablets containing 24 mg of active substance must be taken 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The maximum permissible dose that can be taken per day is 24-48 mg.

Overdose and additional instructions

Side effect

The drug Vestibo has quite a lot side effects, which are reflected in the work of individual bodies and systems:

  • the immune system is affected by hypersensitivity reactions;
  • it affects the digestive system in this way - nausea and depression are quite common;
  • Sometimes there were complaints from patients about stomach upset, which disappeared when correct technique the drug with food or in cases of dose reduction;
  • on general condition skin and subcutaneous layers in very rare cases, a rash has been observed;
  • central nervous system in very rare cases, headaches and tendency to sleep were affected;
  • The effect of this drug was also reflected on cardiovascular system in several cases where palpitations were observed;
  • concerning respiratory system, then exacerbations were noticed bronchial asthma;
  • and general deterioration well-being in the form of fever.

special instructions

The effectiveness of treatment can be observed only a couple of months after starting treatment and taking medications.

Excessive addiction to alcohol may end up manifesting itself. Our experts studied why this condition is dangerous.

Convulsions, complete indifference and foaming at the mouth - this is what epilepsy is known for, first aid for an attack of which can save a person’s life. that everyone should know.

Drug interaction with alcohol

In parallel with taking Vestibo, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, so as not to cause undesirable consequences, do not interfere with the mechanism of action of the drug and do not interfere with the healing process.

Interaction with other drugs

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The effect of Vestibo has not yet been thoroughly studied, so in these cases it is generally not recommended to take it. But if there is a strong necessary, then only under the close supervision of the attending physician.

Concerning breastfeeding period, then there is no reliable information on this matter. Thus, we can say that the release of the substance betahistine into milk can lead to an unexpected threat to the life of the child.

Due to the fact that the drug has not yet been fully studied, we come to the conclusion that it is not recommended for children to take it.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Reviews from doctors and patients about the drug Vestibo are positive.

Reviews from doctors

Here are doctors' reviews about:

  1. Vestibo has proven itself quite well due to its small list of contraindications and its accessibility to patients ( Slepakov P.R.).
  2. In general, it normalizes the functioning of the vestibular apparatus well. The only drawback is its lack of knowledge. Because of this, it should not be prescribed to children or during pregnancy. (Romanova V.S.).

Vestibo belongs to the so-called microcirculation-improving drugs that work in the labyrinth area ( inner ear). Manufactured by Actavis. Widely used for various diseases of the vestibular apparatus, and also as a symptomatic remedy for pathological conditions from the central nervous system.

Externally, the drug is a tablet with beveled edges and markings that vary depending on the dosage. Thus, for tablets containing 8 mg of active substance, the marking “B 8” is used, for tablets of 16 mg – “B 16”, there is a line on the other side of the tablet, the tablets of these dosages themselves are flat. The 24 mg tablets are biconvex and scored.

Various substances serve as auxiliary substances. There is a dependence: the amount of additional components also varies depending on the dose of the active substance. Data are presented in brackets for doses corresponding to tablets of 8, 16, 24 mg:

Povidone K 90 (2, 4, 6 mg), microcrystalline cellulose (33, 66, 99 mg), lactose monohydrate (70, 140, 210 mg), silicon in the form of colloidal dioxide salt (2.5, 5, 7.5 mg), stearic acid (4.5, 9, 13.5 mg) and crospovidone substance (6, 12, 18 mg).

It is important to focus the attention of specialists on the fact that, unlike most betahistine products, Vestibo does not contain such auxiliary components as lemon acid, as well as mannitol, which plays some role in the pharmacological action.

Pharmacological properties

Vestibo is a synthetically produced histamine analogue. The substance is a weak activator of H-1 receptors, and a fairly strong antagonist of H-3 receptors. Due to its biochemical effects, it develops vasodilating and histamine-like effects on the cochlear blood supply system and the central parts of the vestibular system.

Vestibo works due to vasodilating effects in the inner ear (substrate - agonism of H1 receptors with subsequent expansion of precapillary sphincters), inhibition of the vestibular nuclei (substrate is antagonism of H3 receptors), and also due to its effect on the impulses of the ampullary receptors of the cochlea. Improves microcirculation in the area of ​​the inner ear, and also enhances the permeability of capillaries in this area through actions in the vascular stria. Thanks to the effects of the drug, endolymph pressure is normalized, blood flow through a. basilaris.

Vestibo also has central effects on the nuclei of the vestibular nerve. Thanks to the use of the drug, it is possible to normalize conductivity in the neurons of the vestibular nuclei of the brain stem. Also, through histamine receptors of the third type, the content of serotonin in the trunk increases, which itself reduces the activity of the nuclei of the vestibular system.

Eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the cochlear and vestibular apparatus in the form of reducing the severity and frequency of dizziness, improving hearing (if it decreases).

Vestibo has a stimulating effect on type 1 histamine receptors, and therefore does not lead to sedation and drowsiness.

Pharmacokinetically, Vestibo is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract with good extent and speed. Maximum concentrations are achieved in plasma after 3 hours. There is virtually no binding to plasma proteins. The half-life elimination period is 4 hours. Excreted through the kidneys in the urine as pyridyl salt acetic acid. There are virtually no detectable concentrations after 24 hours.


Vestibo is widely used in the practice of neurologists and ENT doctors. Vestibo can be used in the following situations:

  • Hydrops (dropsy) of the labyrinth.
  • Dizziness and noise in the head and/or ears of various origins.
  • Vestibular and labyrinthitis.
  • (even after neurosurgical interventions).
  • s, as well as the consequences of TBI, cerebral atherosclerosis when prescribing complex therapy.


Vestibo may be contraindicated in some situations:

  • Pheochromytoma of the adrenal glands.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • First trimester of pregnancy.
  • Gastrointestinal ulcer exacerbation (both stomach and duodenum).
  • Allergy and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Use with caution if there is a history of an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach; in the second and third trimester, the benefits for the mother should outweigh the risks for the child. Also undesirable for use in children.

Mode of application

The dosage of Vestibo is determined by the attending physician. The recommended standard daily dose is 48 mg (it is also the maximum therapeutic dose). However, there are other dosage regimens. So, 8 mg tablets are used 3 times a day (daily dose 24 mg), 16 mg tablets - 3 times a day, reaching a dose of 48 mg, 24 mg tablets are used in half or a whole 2 times a day, reaching doses of 24-48 mg per day. The medicine is taken during meals, without chewing, with some water. The course of treatment should be at least 1 month. The effect of the drug comes slowly. For Meniere's disease, the course of treatment may exceed 5-6 months.

Side effects

Vestibo is a fairly safe and well-studied drug. When using it side effects rarely develop. The most common undesirable manifestations are:

  • Dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, rarely to the point of vomiting.
  • Allergy in the form of a rash, rarely up to Quincke's edema.


It is extremely difficult to achieve an overdose of the drug. Betahistine has been taken in extremely high doses (over 300 mg), in which overdose symptoms were not expressed. Tachycardia, facial skin flushing, headache, decreased blood pressure levels develop, and broncho-obstruction may appear. There are no specific antidotes; symptomatic therapy is carried out in accordance with the presence of certain manifestations.

special instructions

When using Vestibo tablets, you should follow some rules and be aware of drug interactions.

Antihistamines reduce the effects of taking Vestibo.

Therapeutic manifestations from taking Vestibo can develop only after several months of therapy, especially for chronic conditions.

Storage conditions

Vestibo is stored in a dry, dark place, do not give access to the drug to children. Storage temperature is not higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life, if all conditions are met, is three years.



Dispensed by prescription. Despite the fact that it is included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs, prices vary greatly depending on the region and markups of pharmacy chains. Prices are current as of June 2017:

  • Tablets 8 mg, package No. 30 145-186 rubles.
  • Tablets 16 mg, package No. 30 220-299 rubles.
  • Tablets 24 mg, package No. 30 302-405 rubles.

Price archive as of January 2017: tablets dosage 8 mg, package No. 30 102-176 rubles, dosage 16 mg, package No. 30 210-287 rubles, dosage 24 mg, package No. 30 305-389 rubles. As you can see, unlike some other betahistine drugs, over the past six months prices for Vestibo have increased, albeit slightly.

Don't self-assign medicines self-medication. Before taking Vestibo, consult a healthcare professional!

Vestibo is used for complex treatment diseases of the vestibular apparatus. The medicine relieves unpleasant symptoms and improves the patient’s overall well-being. We will describe in detail the action of the medicine and introduce its side effects.

Vestibo affects receptors in nerve tissues. The composition increases histamine metabolism and relieves unpleasant symptoms. Patients experience improved blood circulation in the inner ear, and dizziness goes away. Doctors have noted an increase in blood flow to the brain when long-term treatment.

The drug affects the restoration process of vestibular work in the body. At the time of the study, Vestibo was proven to be excellent for the treatment of Meniere's disease. The drug copes with frequent dizziness and relieves all negative symptoms. Moreover, the safe composition does not cause complications or adverse reactions. Therefore, the medicine is used for almost all patients.

Doctors most often use Vestibo for the full treatment of Minière's disease. The drug perfectly relieves the main symptoms of this disease:

  • Attacks of dizziness;
  • The occurrence of nausea and vomiting;
  • The patient's hearing loss;
  • The occurrence of ringing in the ears.

Vestibo is also suitable for the symptomatic treatment of vestibular vertigo at various stages.

The drug does not have many contraindications; doctors allow all patients to use it. The only exception can be allergic reaction on the composition of the medicine. In this case, Vestibo is contraindicated.

During long-term treatment with Vestibo, it is necessary to monitor patients with attacks of bronchial asthma. You should also use caution when prescribing medicine for stomach ulcers and problems with duodenum. Remember that the drug contains lactose. Therefore, it may be dangerous for patients intolerant to this substance. Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions for use and consult a doctor.

Use of the drug for pregnant women

Doctors advise not to use Vestibo during pregnancy. Studies have not been conducted on this category of patients, so the effect of the drug has not been fully studied. And in order not to risk the health of the mother and baby, you need to stop taking pills. Exceptions may occur in cases of extreme necessity, when Vestibo is prescribed by the attending physician.

In the moment breastfeeding It is forbidden to take medicine. The drug can penetrate into milk and cause serious poisoning in the baby's body.

Ability to manage transport

Vestibo is used to relieve dizziness and severe tinnitus. All these symptoms are early stage illnesses can cause loss of concentration and reaction. Therefore, doctors urge you to refrain from driving a car or using other machinery. You also need to temporarily postpone work that requires a quick psychomotor reaction from a person.

In the instructions for use you can read in detail about the dosage for each separate disease. However, it is best that the course of therapy is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

Vestibo 8 mg tablets should be taken 2 pieces three times a day. The drug in a volume of 16 mg should be used 1 tablet three times a day.

Remember that all symptoms of the disease will disappear only 2-3 weeks after taking the pills. Full recovery may occur within 2 months. Therefore, it is necessary not to interrupt the therapy determined by the attending physician. If treatment is started on time, then Meniere's disease will not lead to hearing loss even at an advanced stage.

For elderly patients, there is no need to adjust the dosage of Vestibo. The drug is well tolerated by this group of people. In cases of kidney and liver disease, in rare cases, a dosage reduction is required.

The drug should not be prescribed to children under 18 years of age. Even a minimal amount of tablets can cause adverse reactions and complications.

Adoption large dose Vestibo can lead to the following symptoms:

  1. Attacks of nausea;
  2. Constant feeling of sleepiness;
  3. Stomach ache.

Typically, such manifestations occur when taking the drug up to 650 mg. However, if you intentionally take too high a dose, then Vestibo can cause dangerous seizures and heart problems.

In case of severe poisoning, the patient must be taken to the hospital and supportive therapy prescribed. At this point, it is necessary to completely stop taking the medication. You can leave the hospital only if all symptoms have passed.

In some situations, Vestibo may cause adverse reactions. This often occurs due to an overdose or when taking pills incorrectly. The instructions for use describe the following side effects:

  • Severe allergic reaction that leads to anaphylaxis;
  • Stomach disorders;
  • Attacks of nausea;
  • Bloating in the abdominal area;
  • Severe flatulence;
  • The occurrence of angioedema;
  • Frequent skin rash;
  • Severe itching;
  • Manifestation of urticaria.

Doctors noted that if you take the tablets with food, then the risk of developing adverse reactions will decrease. Also, if the dosage is reduced, the unpleasant symptoms will go away immediately.

Rules for storing medicine

Be sure to store Vestibo in its original packaging at a temperature of no more than + 25 degrees. It is important that children have limited access to tablets to avoid poisoning. Keep medicine away from direct sun rays. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years. If the medicine is expired, it is prohibited to use it for therapeutic purposes.

Drug analogues

The doctor may prescribe another drug to the patient if an allergy or individual intolerance is detected. The following analogues can be used for therapy:

  1. Avertid solution;
  2. Be-Steady tablets;
  3. Medicine;
  4. Medicine Verisin-8;
  5. Westinorm tablets.

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